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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/10/24)

This tournament is phenomenal!



SmackDown’s brackets are set!

The King & Queen of the Ring tournaments began on Monday Night Raw, and they continue here on SmackDown! But will AJ Styles use the crown to redeem himself from Backlash? Or will there soon be a King Viper?


  • Queen of the Ring: Naomi VS Nia Jax; Nia wins and advances.
  • King of the Ring: Carmelo Hayes VS Baron Corbin; Melo wins and advances.
  • Queen of the Ring: Jade Cargill VS Piper Niven; Jade wins and advances.
  • Queen of the Ring: Bianca Belair VS Candice LeRae; Bianca wins and advances.
  • King of the Ring: Tama Tonga VS Angelo Dawkins; Tama wins and advances.
  • King of the Ring: Randy Orton VS AJ Styles; Orton wins and advances.


Nick Aldis is in the ring.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SmackDown live from a sold out Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilks-Barre, Pennsylvania!” The fans fire up for that! Aldis continues to say there are huge King & Queen of the Ring matches here tonight, but before that, please welcome the Undisputed WWE Champion, the American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes! The fans fire up and sing along with the song, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody gets his pyro then gets the fans even more fired up before going down the ramp and to the ring. Cody shakes hands with Aldis, gets himself a mic, and hears the fans chant his name.

Aldis tells Cody congratulations on the successful defense against AJ Styles at Backlash. Never a small feat getting your hand raised against the best of a generation. But now, we turn our attention to the KQOTR event in Saudi Arabia. And Aldis knows Cody well, has heard him say it, and knows it already: Cody is a fighting champion. Cody wants to defend against the very best as often as he can. That said, Aldis brought Cody out here tonight to let him know his next challenger has already been determined. And Aldis thought there was no better time to introduce him than right here and now.

We all turn to the ramp to see… LOGAN PAUL!? The Mohegan Sun Arena rains down boos on The Maverick United States Champion as he makes his way out here. Logan shakes Aldis’ hand, then steps into the ring with Cody. United States Champion circles with Undisputed Champion before getting himself a mic. The fans continue to boo Logan but Logan doesn’t let that bother him. Cody speaks first, “So… Logan Paul.” Logan wants to hear that again. “So… Logan Paul…” The fans boo harder each time, and Cody says he already knows what Logan wants to talk about.

Logan says yes he does, brother! Main eventing the KQOTR PLE, Champion VS Champion with THE Cody Rhodes. It will truly kick off the Logan Paul Levesque Era! The fans boo and chant “LOGAN SUCKS! LOGAN SUCKS!” Cody tells Logan that Champion VS Champion is a challenge he certainly likes. Because the fact is, holding not one but two- Oh, see, that’s the thing, Cody. Facts don’t care about feelings, and neither does Logan. And here’s some facts: Logan Paul, not Cody, is the longest reigning champion in the WWE. He is the greatest attraction in this company. He had the greatest rookie year of all time. And Logan is a superstar.

Logan saw that there’s a fan with a birthday today. Congrats, Isaiah, you met a superstar, and his name is Logan Paul. Happy Birthday! But hey, Cody’s great! He’s a superstar, too! Yeah, Cody won the 2023 Royal Rumble. But what does everyone remember from that night? Logan Paul’s viral midair collision with Ricochet, The Crash Seen ‘Round the World! And yes, Cody won at WrestleMania 40, but what was everyone talking about that night? Logan, IShowSpeed, and Prime. Logan’s brand, Logan’s ideas, Logan’s moment. And look who’s taking all the credit. See, three years ago, another fact: Cody and Logan both debuted at Mania.

The fans chant “PRIME SUCKS! PRIME SUCKS!” and that annoys Logan. Logan says Prime has 20 calories and two grams of sugar, so shut up, Pennsylvania! The fans boo more but Logan has more facts for the “virgin inbreds.” These two men came to WWE on the same night. And since then, Logan’s been the fuel for the rocket ship that is the WWE. So his question for Cody is: how can Cody #FinishTheStory when it isn’t even his story? So what’s Logan gonna talk about? Him knocking Cody out on top of his logo, walking out as THE WWE Champion! The fans still chant “LOGAN SUCKS!” but Cody takes a moment.

Cody bets a lot of people standing across from Logan just assume, “What a dumbass.” The fans cheer that! As fun as that would be, he won’t call Logan a podcaster, YouTuber, outsider, influencer, any of that. It isn’t just a fad for Logan, Cody’s gotten a sense for who Logan really is, and so have the fans. Logan went toe-to-toe with Floyd Mayweather. Made Forbes’ 40 Under 40. And Logan won the United States Championship. But since we’re all going over facts, the fact is, if Cody were to win that US Championship, that’d make him a Grand Slam Champion! The fans like the sound of that!

Logan lifts his mic but Cody stops him! Cody says he is not done. In addition to all the positives that Logan is, Logan is also disrespectful, self-centered, delusional, and cannot go a single match without using brass knucks! And Logan is out here taking credit for something that doesn’t belong to him, or to Cody. This right here is a team! And at the KQOTR event, Logan will find out where he stands on that team. Cody lifts his title high, but so does Logan. Who will be the one man that holds them both at the end of this?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Kayla Braxton is with the Phenomenal One and brings up his first round match with The Viper, Randy Orton. How prepared is he feeling? Before that, Styles wants to talk Backlash. How Styles had Cody on the ropes, had him beat, and Cody knows it. Lyon, France knows it. That’s why they were doing the chants and the singalongs, all to distract Styles. Mission accomplished. It should be Styles facing Logan and defending that title. But just know this: Cody, the next time you and Styles meet, Styles WILL beat you. And Styles will earn another title match, and that starts tonight. Winning King of the Ring is a Phenomenal Step in the right direction.

Styles heads out, he didn’t even mention Randy by name. But will that only earn him an RKO outta nowhere and right outta the tournament?


Queen of the Ring: Naomi VS Nia Jax!

Speaking of falling short for a title, The Glow felt some of that at Backlash in that Triple Threat. But likewise, The Irresistible Force has been just out of reach of a title herself. Who will step over the other to step closer to the throne?

SmackDown returns and Nia makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two stare down. The fans rally up, Nia pie faces Naomi, so Naomi SLAPS back! Naomi fires forearms, Nia shoves her away then CLOBBERS her! Nia dribbles Naomi off the mat, then she drags Naomi up to whip to a corner. Naomi hits buckles hard, Nia soaks up heat, and Nia runs up to SPLASH! Nia TOSSES Naomi away, then soaks up more heat. Nia runs in again to SPLASH, and then she shoves Naomi down. Nia runs to drop an elbow! The fans rally for Naomi but Nia kicks her around. Nia stands Naomi up, puts her in another corner, then runs in again, but Naomi dodges!

Nia is caught in ropes, Naomi KICKS the leg, a QR code pops in, and then Naomi CHOP BLOCKS Nia! Naomi headlocks to BUCKLE BULLDOG! Nia staggers away, comes back, but Naomi dodges to POST her! Naomi sees Nia tumble out, then she builds speed! Naomi DIVES and sends Nia into barriers! Naomi then fires hands, but Nia shoves her into the apron! Nia fireman’s carries, SAMOAN DROP to the floor! The fans boo while Naomi is down, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Nia grinds Naomi with a cobra clutch! Naomi fights up and JAWBREAKERS free! Naomi KNEES Nia, ROCKS her, then ROCKS her again! But Nia HEADBUTTS Naomi down! The fans boo but Nia motions wearing a crown. Nia brings Naomi up, hangs her out to dry, then HEADBUTTS her down again! Naomi tumbles to the floor, but Nia soaks up the heat. Nia wants the ring count and it begins. Nia counts along with a lot of sass, but Naomi sits up at 4 of 10. Nia tells the fans to kiss this while we pass 5, but Naomi is on the apron. Nia storms over, Naomi HOTSHOTS her!

Naomi slingshots up and over, but Nia stays up! Only for Naomi to avoid the hip drop! The fans fire up while both women are down! Naomi rises again, the fans rally up, and Naomi fires forearms! Naomi whips, Nia blocks! Nia whips, but Naomi slides under! Naomi LARIATS but Nia stays up! Naomi runs to UPPERCUT but still Nia stays up! Naomi springboards, FLYING CHUCK! Nia drops to her knees and the fans fire up! Naomi feeds off that energy and springboards again, but Nia catches her! But Naomi slips out to the apron, ROUNDHOUSE, and then she reels Nia in through the ropes! HEATSEEKER!

Naomi hurries up to the corner, SPLIT-LEG MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Nia survives and Naomi is frustrated. The fans rally up as Naomi and Nia rise, and Naomi headlocks again. Nia shoves her to a corner, but then Naomi dodges the splash! Naomi forearms Nia, then hoists her up the corner! The fans fire up this feat of strength! Naomi goes up after Nia, but Nia HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS! And then clinches, brings Naomi up, and SUPER- STEINER!! Naomi turns things around and hurries to cover, TWO!! Nia survives and the fans are thunderous! Naomi and Nia both catch their breath, and Naomi rises first.

The fans rally, Naomi waits on Nia, then SUPERKICKS! Nia wobbles, into another SUPERKICK! Naomi runs up, but buzzsaw becomes POWERBOMB! Nia flips Naomi over to run and LEG DROP! Nia then puts Naomi in a drop zone, steps on her to go up the corner, A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia wins!

Winner: Nia Jax, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Naomi’s Queen of the Ring hopes were just literally crushed! Nia says she will be queen, will no one be able to stop her?


Baron Corbin shows off his shave.

Of his head, that is. Byron Saxton steps over to interview The Lone Wolf, welcoming him back to the blue brand. How has Corbin changed things up since he was last on SmackDown? Corbin says so much has changed. Things weren’t going his way back then. He was lost and confused. Was he a king? A constable? Happy or sad? He went back to NXT, found himself again, and is going to wreck shop as himself. IT will be a grind, but… Then in steps Carmelo Hayes! Melo sarcastically congratulates Corbin on getting called up. When did he get Drafted? Melo must’ve missed it. Oh, Melo’s got jokes, huh? Well, with a head that big, it’ll be an easy target.

Corbin says here’s some advice, but Melo tells him to save it. The last guy that tried that isn’t even in the tournament anymore, all at the thought of Melo running circles around him. So here’s some advice for Corbin: do what Bobby did, and pull out now. Because tonight, Melo is running circles around Corbin. Corbin can’t believe Melo’s attitude. Will Corbin find a way to humble… HIM?


King of the Ring: Carmelo Hayes VS Baron Corbin!

The former NXT Champion took his shot at Cody Rhodes, and yeah, he missed. But now he’s taking aim at the throne, and taking on a former King of the Ring to start off! Will Melo hit the game winner and move on to the next round? Or will the Lone Wolf take a big bite out of… HIM?

The bell rings and the two circle. Melo avoids Corbin, circles with him again, then jukes again! Melo waistlocks, Corbin bucks the O’Conner, but Melo ducks ‘n’ dodges the big shots to dropkick the legs out! Melo then Eddy Gordo Kicks! And he SLAPS Corbin’s bald head! Melo talks trash, but Corbin DECKS him! Corbin DECKS Melo again, puts him on ropes and body shots! Corbin follows Melo to a corner, then reels him in for an ELBOW! Corbin ELBOWS Melo again, hauls him up to back suplex, but Melo lands out! Only for Corbin to FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Corbin has control while Melo bails out, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Corbin throws down ELBOWS on Melo in a corner! Fans count all the way to TEN, but then Melo fights the superplex! Melo slips out the bottom, YANKS Corbin down, then springboards for the FLYING LARIAT! Melo runs up and tilt-o-whirls, LA MYSTICA! Cover, TWO! Corbin is still in this but Melo dares him to get up. Melo aims from the corner, runs up, but into a fireman’s carry! Melo fights with elbows, slips free, and shoves Corbin away. Corbin swings, Melo dodges, but runs into DEEP- NO, Melo slips fere of that one! Only to run back into the fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Corbin isn’t done, he suplexes for the SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Corbin maybe got a little lax in the pin, but the fans are all fired up! Corbin storms over to Melo in a corner, then puts him back up top. The fans rally for Corbin as he throws hands. Melo kicks Corbin away, to hit the FIRST 48! Melo then resets, runs up, V-TRIGGER! Melo goes up top, Corbin rises, NOTHING BUT- NO! Corbin avoids the three pointer to then clinch and CORNER URENAGE! Then a LARIAT! Corbin hauls Melo right up, suplexes, ANARCHY CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives but Corbin reels him right in! Only for Melo to slip free again! Cradle, MELO WINS!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Corbin was about to dunk on Melo, but Melo steals the ball to score instead! And if Melo can do that to a former King of the Ring, is it inevitable that WWE will crown… HIM?


Backstage interview with Bayley.

Kayla is now with the WWE Women’s Champion and says tonight is SmackDown’s start in the Queen of the Ring Tournament. Does The Role Model have a particular favorite to win? Bayley says there is a lot of talent in this tournament, but she is interested to see how far Jade Cargill can go. Before Bayley can say more, Chelsea Green & Piper Niven walk over. The Hot Mess says, “Ooh la la~! Clearly, the stench of France has made you lose your mind, because you forgot about Miss Piper here. But we have to go, Piper’s about to kick Jade out of the first round of the tournament. Au revoir!”

Chelsea blows mocking kisses, Piper eyes Bayley up and down, then they both leave. Will the Scottish Viper, a former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion, be able to weather the storm that the current WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion is bringing?


Backstage interview with Randy Orton.

Byron is now with The Viper, and says many are looking at Orton as the favorite to win the KOTR. However, some are also saying the same about his opponent in this opening round, AJ Styles. What’re Orton’s thoughts? Orton says that there is a lot he has accomplished in his tenure in the WWE. But one thing he hasn’t done is become King of the Ring. Now, he like everyone else, all the guys in the back, all the fans out there, know how great AJ Styles truly is. But, man oh man, it feels phenomenal when he hits Styles with an RKO. So stay tuned. Orton then thinks of one more thing. He’s reminded of something. This is for Tama Tonga.

Last week, Tama took out Orton’s friend and teammate, Kevin Owens, at Backlash! The Bloodline took Kevin out! And has Orton forgotten about that? Oh no he has not! Orton sees the bracket, that Tama is safe on the other side of SmackDown’s bracket, but something tells him that they will path cross. And when they do, it won’t just be an RKO for Tama. No, no, no. Orton will do everything in his power to make sure Tama sees it coming! The Good Bad Guy has been warned, but will Orton get through Styles to make good on it?


Queen of the Ring: Jade Cargill VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green!

The storm that hit the WWE Women’s Division brought about NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions at Backlash, but now, forces of nature are colliding here in the opening round of the tournament! Who will still be standing at the end of this to head for the throne?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and break. They circle again, tie up, and are in another deadlock. They break again, talk some smack, and the fans fire up. Jade runs, RAMS Piper, but Piper stays up. Piper smiles but Jade dares her to try. Piper runs, RAMS Jade, and the fans fire up again! Jade and Piper talk some more smack, Jade runs, but ducks the lariat to run Piper over! Piper gets up, Jade whips, but PIper reverses and ELBOWS Jade! Jade stays up so Piper reels her in to scopo! Jade slips free, and SUPERKICKS! Jade roars, runs in at Piper, but PIper catches her to SPINEBUSTER!

Piper scowls, and SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Jade withstands that damage but Chelsea coaches Piper up. Piper kicks Jade around, stomps her, then hauls her up. Piper SLAPS Jade right down, then stalks her to ropes. Piper CHOKES Jade, Chelsea laughs at her, but the ref counts. Piper lets off, so Chelsea SLAPS Jade! The fans boo but Piper hauls Jade up. Piper scoops and SLAMS Jade, then dusts herself off. Chelsea taunts the fans for cheering Jade, but Piper hauls Jade up again. Short arm LARIAT! Jade falls over, but Piper drags her back up. Short arm LARIAT! Jade falls again, Piper flexes, but the fans boo.

Piper stands Jade back up, but Jade blocks the lariat! The fans fire up as Jade fires forearms, but Piper HEADBUTTS! Both women wobble, Piper runs, but Jade gets around to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Piper survives and Chelsea is panicked! Jade scowls, the fans rally up, and Jade runs in at the corner. SPLASH! Jade keeps going, to SPLASH again! Jade wants a third but Chelsea stands in the way! So Jade DECKS her! The fans are thunderous, but then Piper swings on Jade! Jade gets around, chicken wings, but Piper powers out to HEADBUTT! Piper runs in at Jade to SPLASH in return!

Piper sits Jade down, goes corner to corner herself, CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Jade survives that hit, too, and Piper isn’t sure what to do now! Chelsea stands back up, she tells Piper to finish this! Piper puts Jade in a drop zone, goes up and up, but Jade gets up to YANK her down! Piper staggers, into a BOOT! Jade hurries to chicken wing! JADED!! Cover, Jade wins!

Winner: Jade Cargill, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Chelsea is losing her mind over Piper losing in the first round, but now Jade steps forward… to take on the Irresistible Force! Talk about forces of nature! Will Jade bring that storm right to Nia’s front door and then head for the throne?

But then here comes Jade’s teammate! The EST is also in this tournament, will the strongEST duo dominate? Or will the Poison Pixie make her way to the throne?


Shinsuke Nakamura speaks.

“My art is not just to compete. It is to conquer, to captivate. And to destroy ALL who dare stand against me in the ring. Because I am here to claim what is rightfully mine: The pinnacle of SmackDown. And now that I am here, no one is safe. The Master of Strong Style does not just plan to rise, I plan to reign supreme. So watch closely, because everything on SmackDown is about to change. And it will never be the same again.” Is that a not so subtle hint that Nakamura is looking to write a sequel with The American Nightmare?


Queen of the Ring: Bianca Belair VS Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell!

SmackDown returns as Candice makes her entrance, Indi Hartwell with her. The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally, but Indi already takes as swipe! Bianca avoids being tripped up, and she still runs Candice over! The fans fire up as Bianca runs, then handsprings over Candice’s dropdown! Bianca eggs Candice on, bypasses her, but Candice BOOTS back! Only to swing into chicken wings! Candice victory rolls free to send Bianca out! Candice goes to the apron, FLYING- NO, Bianca stops the rana to SWING Candice into barriers! Indi is stunned but Bianca puts Candice in the ring. Candice distracts the ref, Indi CHOP BLCOKS Bianca!

Candice drags Bianca up but Bianca stops the cradle! Bianca suplexes Candice up to hold, then SLAM! The fans fire up and Bianca RAMS into Candice at the corner! Bianca goes up, rains down fists, and the fans count along, only for Candice to slip out at 7! Candice grab a leg but Bianca kicks her away! Bianca then backflips up and over, only for the leg to jam! Candice dropkicks that leg out, then BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO! Bianca is still the toughEST, but clearly Indi’s influence is being felt. Candice HAMMERS away on that leg, then SMASHES the knee! Indi smiles and nods while Candice stalks Bianca.

Candice grabs the legs, but Bianca kicks. Candice CLUBS the leg, Bianca still kicks, and Bianca kicks free! Candice runs up, but into a scoop! FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans fire up again and Bianca stands. Bianca gets Candice up, suplexes again, but Candice slips free! CHOP BLOCK! Candice uses Bianca as a step for the SENTON! Candice goes to ropes, but Bianca brings her off the ropes! Torture rack, KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

It was basically a Handicap Match, but Bianca still wins out! Bianca will have to wait for Mia Yim and Tiffany Stratton to fight it out on this weekend’s “Supershow,” but will she be ready for whoever comes her way?


The Bloodline is backstage.

Tama Tonga fires himself up for his match tonight, with Tonga Loa and Solo Sikoa both stoically standing by. Paul Heyman walks in, they all look at him. The Wise Man just wants a moment alone with Solo, so Solo excuses The Guerillas. Fans can be heard chanting “WE WANT ROMAN!” while Heyman says he knows his place in life. Heyman is Roman’s Wise Man. But Solo, you are making decisions- Oh, so Heyman decided to lie about pulling Roman from the WWE Draft? Yeah, that one backfired on them all. Because of that mistake, The Bloodline was drafted late in the third, when they should’ve been number one overall.

Solo says it’s like Heyman is trying to take money out of Solo’s pocket. Is Heyman trying to do that? No, not at all! IS he trying to take food from his kids? He wants Solo’s kids to starve? No! Then what about last week? Heyman walked past Jey, did he try to give some kind of signal? Some kind of look that he needed help? No…! Solo understands Heyman is the Wise Man, just trying to protect Roman and The Bloodline. But he hasn’t spoken to Roman since he lost their title at WrestleMania, right? R-Right. Well, Solo has. What?! And Solo says until Roman comes back, Solo is in charge, he calls the shots. That makes Heyman Solo’s Wise Man, “by orders of the Tribal Chief.”

Solo asks for a hug. Heyman brings it in, and Solo says he loves Heyman. Solo glances at The Guerillas, is this the new hierarchy here in The Bloodline?


Andrade speaks.

“I am a third-generation luchador. My destiny is here in the WWE. The Era of Andrade El Idolo has begun.”


King of the Ring: Tama Tonga w/ The Bloodline VS Angelo Dawkins w/ The Pride!

The Good Bad Guy was more than ready to fight The All Mighty, but an unfortunate injury during training has changed things. But The Curse of Greatness is ready to be that next man up! Will Dawkins look to go from a Profit to a king? Or will nothing stop The Bloodline from taking another throne for their own?

SmackDown returns as The MFT makes his entrance, The Bloodline backing him. The bell rings and Tama fires off hands! The ref counts as Tama stomps a mudhole, but lets off at 4. Tama then comes back to SPLASH! Dawkins staggers around, Solo applauds, and Tama fires haymakers and knees! Tama keeps on Dawkins in another corner, fires body shots, but the ref counts. Tama lets off at 4, the ref reprimands, but Solo smiles. Tama goes corner to corner, but Dawkins avoids the splash! Dawkins JABS, JABS, JABS, then LARIATS! And LARIATS again! Dawkins whips, Tama reverses but Dawkins hurdles! And UPPERCUTS!

The fans fire up with Dawkins, he runs corner to corner, CYCLONE SPLASH! Then ENZIGIRI! Dawkins keeps moving, blows past Tama, then POUNCES! Tama flops out of the ring and the fans fire up again! But then Solo stands in the way! So Dawkins DECKS him! The fans fire up and Ford FLIES onto Solo & Loa! The fans are thunderous, but Tama returns! Only to run into a SKY HIGH!! Cover, TWO!! Tama survives and Dawkins is stunned! Loa gets up to POST Ford! Loa & Solo drag Ford up, SAMOAN SPIKE!! Dawkins is worried for Ford , but Tama uses that to COMPLETE SHOT!! Cover, Tama wins!

Winner: Tama Tonga, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The fans boo as The Bloodline screws over Dawkins. Heyman reluctantly holds up the one with them, but Solo isn’t done! He drags Dawkins up, and gives him a SAMOAN SPIKE!! The fans boo more and even Heyman is in shock! Solo and his enforcers head out, will they stop at nothing until they stand atop the WWE?


King of the Ring: Randy Orton VS AJ Styles!

We’ve heard from The Viper and The Phenomenal One tonight, and both men are looking for redemption after taking losses at Backlash. They’ve picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and refocused on what’s next, but who is the one taking that next step forward while the other gets left behind?

SmackDown returns and Orton makes his entrance. He signs a fan’s magazine cover before he gets in the ring with Styles. The bell rings and the fans rally for “RANDY! RANDY!” as he circles with Styles. They tie up, Styles waistlocks, but Orton elbows free. Styles kicks low, headlocks, but Orton pulls hair to power up and out. Styles RAMS shoulders with Orton, runs, but Orton UPPERCUTS at the ropes! Orton then runs up to clothesline Styles up and out! The fans fire up and Orton get son the corner to do his pose! The fans are even more fired up, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Orton has Styles in a corner to rain down fists! The fans count along as Orton makes sure each one hurts! Orton goes all the way to nine, then brings Styles out to UPPERCUT for TEN! The fans are all fired up and Orton looms over Styles. Orton drags Styles up, scoops, btu Styles slips free to DROPKICK! Styles then runs, SLIDING FOREARM! Orton bails out fast, but Styles talks trash on the fans before going to the apron. SLIDING KNEE! Orton staggers, bumps into the post, and then all the way to the Prime hydration station. Styles storms out after Orton, but Orton kicks low!

Orton lured Styles in, and now he hits a BARRIER BACK SUPLEX! Orton shoves Styles down, then brings him back up. The fans fire up as Orton drags Styles along the barrier, but Styles fights free! Styles ROCKS Orton, then goes up to use the barriers, to jump to the desk! And from desk, to PHENOMENAL- APRON BACK SUPLEX! Then DESK BACK SUPLEX! Orton makes Styles pay for getting cute, and fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Orton refreshes the ring count, then he brings Styles up again, for a DESK BACK SUPLEX! Styles sputters, Orton takes a bow, and the fans are thunderous!

Orton puts Styles in the ring, storms in after him, and goes to a corner. But Styles FLAPJACKS Orton off the buckles! Orton staggers back, Styles DROPKICKS the leg! Styles runs to CHOP BLOCK! Orton flounders and goes to ropes. Orton bails out, hobbles around, leans on barriers, but Styles goes out the other side. Styles runs in around the way, and he CHOP BLOCKS at full speed! The fans boo and the ref reprimands but Styles says this is a match, isn’t it? Styles watches Orton writhe while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again and Styles has Orton down in the ring. Styles puts the bad leg on ropes, to HIP DROP on it! And then HIP DROP again! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Styles ELBOW DROPS the leg! Orton still grabs at Styles but Styles pushes him down. Styles grabs that bad leg, brings it around to another side of the ring, and he soaks up the heat while standing on the foot. But then Orton BOOTS Styles up and out of the ring! The fans fire up as the ring count starts on Styles. Orton shakes out the bad leg, rolls away to center, and stands up. Styles steps in, Orton KICKS the ropes to jam him up!

Orton has Styles and the fans are thunderous again! But Styles slips free, roll and CALF- NO, Orton slips free to STOMP Styles! Orton hobbles, but he still watches Styles. Styles stands into a LARIAT! And another LARIAT! Orton ducks, but Styles avoids the powerslam and Orton just falls! OKLAHOMA ROLL! TWO, and Orton UPPERCUTS! Styles flops to the apron, the fans rally up, and Orton grits his teeth. Orton forces himself to stand, but Styles also stands on the apron. Orton storms his way over to get Styles back in the ropes! But Styles gets the bad leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Orton falls back, Styles drags himself back up!

The fans rally for Orton as he stands, but Styles takes aim! Springboard and- NO, Orton trips him up! Styles falls to the mat and goes to a corner. Orton storms over, he drags Styles up, but Styles again wants the leg! Orton holds ropes but Styles powers through! Orton sits up to fight off the Calf Crusher, but Styles still pulls! Orton endures, the fans rally as hard as they can, and he reaches back to hook Styles! Orton can’t push Styles down as Styles pulls on that bad leg! Orton grits his teeth, tries again, and he gets Styles into a headlock! Styles lets go of the leg, slips free of the headlock, but runs into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!

Styles survives and Orton is frustrated, but Orton won’t stop now. Orton stalks Styles to a corner, drags him up and puts him up top. Orton ROCKS Styles with a right hand, then ROCKS him again! Orton climbs, the fans fire up, but Styles slips out! Styles YANKS Orton down, runs up, but Orton puts Styles in the ropes! DRAPING DDT!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Orton rises again, and with the Mohegan Sun red hot for him, Orton hears those voices! Styles rises, RK- NO! Styles shoves Orton away, runs up, but is put on the apron! Styles ROCKS Orton, springboards, PHENOMENAL FOREARM!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!!

Orton survives by his fingertips and Styles cannot believe it! Styles argues with the ref but the ref says ropebreak is ropebreak! Styles drags Orton back up and “This is Awesome!” But the fans also boo as Styles calls his shot! But Orton RKOS!!! Cover, Orton wins!!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Truly outta nowhere, The Viper strikes and turns things right around! Styles loses again, what must he do to get back on track? As for Orton, he promised to go after Tama Tonga, will he be like Kevin Owens and #JustKeepFighting until he can?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here to start there part of the King & Queen of the Ring tournaments, but it seems even they have to put a couple matches on the “Supershow” live event this weekend to go with the two from Raw. Santos VS Knight is gonna be a really good one, and I’m a little surprised it’s Mia Yim VS Tiffany Stratton in the other. Not that those two aren’t great choices, but just that I figured Tiffany for a shot at Bayley’s title on the side, same as Becky VS Liv. That said, Tiff is definitely winning because Mia is part of the NXT Women’s North American Championship story. Mia will more than likely win her qualifying match over there to be part of NXT Battleground’s ladder match.

Speaking of Bayley, good promo segment from her with Chelsea & Piper, quick as it was. Chelsea talking smack on Jade of course meant Jade was winning, and natural segue from Jade exiting to Bianca entering. Bianca winning out makes sense, too, but it was a much quicker match than expected. Naomi VS Nia was a great match, and Nia winning makes sense. However, Nia running up into Jade next, I would think Jade wins. And if it’s Bianca VS Tiff, I’m thinking Tiff wins only because I don’t think they’d make Jade and Bianca face each other while they’re still tag champions. Jade VS Tiff will make for a very good SmackDown finals.

Great stuff on the men’s side, too. Great promo with The Bloodline backstage, Solo really coming into his own with this almost usurper role. And assuming Lashley’s injury is legit, Dawkins stepping in actually works out for the better, as The Bloodline can screw Dawkins over and get Tama into the next round. Lashley needs to stay strong kayfabe wise for when he faces Melo. Good promo from Corbin and Melo, great match from them, and Melo with the quick pin win was a good way to have him advance while keeping Corbin strong. Melo keeps mouthing off to veterans, but he’ll have to be careful not to do that to Randy next time.

Great promos from Styles and Orton ahead of their great main event, and great win for Orton. Orton wants Tama in the SmackDown finals, and there’s a good chance we get that with Orton facing Melo and Tama facing the winner of LA Knight VS Santos Escobar. You can bet Knight comes out the winner, only to again get screwed over by The Bloodline. We also got some good “Look who’s on SmackDown now/again!” videos, which I think I missed a few. But Nakamura and Andrade had good promos, and the videos were really just for fans who haven’t been paying attention that closely even though we just got the WWE Draft a couple weeks ago.

And of course, big stuff going on for Cody Rhodes’ next title defense. A little surprised Logan was chosen given he’s still US Champion, but then it seems like they want to at least tease Winner Takes All. Nothing was officially said, but that’d be pretty wild stuff. Grand Slam American Nightmare would be cool, Two Belt Logan would not, I’m just not sure WWE would go through with either. There could be shenanigans that keep either man from losing their title, because otherwise, two title scenes will be overlapping and I’m not even sure Cody would be able to handle a doubleheader of defending both Undisputed and United States Championships.

My Score: 8.9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (6/28/24)

Shingo Takagi is on a Rampage!



One step closer to the Forbidden Door!

Before facing Bryan Danielson 1v1 in Long Island, Shingo Takagi battles Dalton Castle! Will The Peacock survive the Rampaging Dragon’s first Rampage?


  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Orange Cassidy VS The Outrunners; Cassidy wins.
  • Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom VS The Infantry; Gabe & Roddy win.
  • AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: AR Fox VS El Phantasmo; ELP wins and advances to Forbidden Door.
  • Shingo Takagi VS Dalton Castle; Takagi wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Skye Blue; Aminata wins.


2v1 Handicap Match: Orange Cassidy VS The Outrunners!

Freshly Squeezed knows he has quite the challenge ahead of him with Zack Sabre Jr. at Forbidden Door, so he’s looking to really test himself tonight. Will Cassidy be able to take down both Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd in one go? Or is he overdoing it this close to facing The Submission Master?

The Outrunners sort out and Truth starts. The bell rings and the fans rally behind “Freshly Squeezed! Freshly Squeezed!” Cassidy and Truth circle, tie up, and Truth wrenches to a wristlock. Cassidy endures, spins, wrenches, spins some more and then WRINGS Truth’s arm! Truth staggers up and asks what the heck! Tag to Turbo and he flexes. The fans boo but Cassidy flexes back. The fans cheer Cassidy, but then Turbo really pumps up the biceps. Cassidy returns the favor and Turbo is frustrated. Turbo calls for a test of strength, Cassidy obliges by putting his hands up, but then reaches for his pockets!

Turbo stops the hands, but Cassidy turns that around into a hammerlock, ripcord, wrench and wristlock to headlock. Turbo pulls hair, headlocks back, but Cassidy powers up and out. Turbo runs Cassidy over then flexes again. Turbo soaks up the heat from Allentown, then he runs the ropes. Cassidy stays low, slow rolls, then just relaxes! Turbo stops himself, runs up, but Cassidy avoids the elbow drop! Turbo hurries to tag Truth and Truth runs up, but Cassidy avoids another elbow drop! Turbo gets the legs to anchor Cassidy and Truth tries again, but Cassidy sits up to avoid the elbow! Cassidy BOOTS Turbo away, then avoids Turbo’s elbow!

The fans fire up and Cassidy raises his hands, to put them in his pockets! The Outrunners regroup, run up, but Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges their double lariats, to then leap over! DOUBLE SHOTGUN DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Cassidy kips up, but Turbo gets the arms! Truth winds up, but Cassidy slips free, the CHOP hits Turbo! Cassidy runs up, Truth dodges, the CHOP hits Turbo again! Truth runs up, Cassidy dodges, another CHOP hits Turbo! Truth apologizes to his friend, but Cassidy eggs them both on. The Outrunners run up but Cassidy dodges, and they almost run into the ref! The Outrunners apologize, but then Cassidy runs in!

The Outrunners dodge the double Orange Punch, and Cassidy stops from running into the ref. Cassidy HUGS the ref! The fans cheer, but the Outrunners reel Cassidy in! DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Cassidy is still in this but Truth drags him up. Tag to Turbo, the Outrunners mug Cassidy, and then Turbo DECKS him! Tag back to Truth, and he goes up the corner. Turbo holds Cassidy down for the FLYING STOMP! Truth stalks Cassidy, snapmares him, and runs to KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Cassidy stays tough but Truth tags Turbo. The Outrunners haul Cassidy up to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Turbo tags Truth back in, and he stalks Cassidy. Truth eggs Cassidy on, flexes, but Cassidy huffs and puffs and rises up. Truth ROCKS Cassidy, but Cassidy shakes his head. The fans rally, Truth ROCKS Cassidy again! Cassidy gets mad now! Truth swings, Cassidy counter punches again and again! Turbo runs up as Cassidy DECKS Truth! Turbo KNEES low, whips Cassidy to a corner, but Cassidy dodges the splash! Truth ROCKS Cassidy, and then Turbo scoops! But Cassidy slips free to shove Turbo into Truth! Truth falls, Cassidy runs, ducks Turbo and DIVES onto Truth! Cassidy is right up, he ROCKS Turbo!

Turbo flounders away, Cassidy goes up! CROSSBODY! Truth returns, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl DDT! And a kip up! ORANGE PUNCH for Turbo! The elbow pad comes off, ORANGE PUNCH for Truth! Cover, Cassidy wins!

Winner: Orange Cassidy, by pinfall

Cassidy outran the Outrunners, and yet BREAKING NEWS, he still has another match before Forbidden Door! It’ll be a Collision of Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii VS TMDK’s Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles! The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but will they end up Freshly Squeezed?


Backstage interview with Chris Jericho, “Big Bill” & Bryan Keith.

Renee Paquette is with The Learning Tree, The Redwood & The Bad Apple, and she says they need to talk. After Collision last week and Dynamite just last Wednesday, Bryan Keith is out with an arm injury. Then Minoru Suzuki rejected their offer to team up again, Forbidden Door is days away, what’re they going to do? Bill says, if he may, as “The Sensei of the Sickos,” Chris Jericho would often say, “When all the cards are down, you just get a new deck. Ain’t that right, Chris?” Well, Chris is on the phone with someone, so all he gives is, “Uh-huh.” Keith says if you wanna play poker or pinochle, you better respect Chris Jericho!

Jericho is done with his phone call, says, “Hi, guys~! We got him! He said yes! We have a partner for Forbidden Door!” Renee asks who they got, and Jericho says she’s not a Branch just yet, so she’ll have to find out on Collision like everyone else. But trust Jericho when he says you won’t be disappointed. This guy’s a real “ring-a-ding-dong dandy!” Thanks, guys~! Then who will this new third man be, brother?


Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora!

The #WarReady NJPW Strong Openweight Champion is an absolute Mad Man, and yet the Savior of the Backbreaker is willing to work with him if it means they dominate AEW, ROH and NJPW all at once. But will this War Dog prove even too much for The Kingdom? Or will Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo just take them all to Boot Camp?

The teams sort out and Gabe starts against “Bad News & Tattoos.” The bell rings and Gabe runs up to BOOT Bravo! Gabe headlocks but Bravo powers up and out. Gabe runs Bravo over, talks trash, then keeps moving. Bravo stays low, but Gabe just BLASTS Dean off the corner! Gabe UPPERCUTS Bravo, bumps him off buckles, then he UPPERCUTS! Gabe HEADBUTTS Bravo again and again, then tags in Roddy. Roddy stands Bravo up to CHOP! Gabe says hold on, and he CHOPS! Roddy CHOPS again, then he and Gable decide to “get ‘im.” They DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX, but Bravo lands out! Bravo gives dirty birds then dodges them both!

Dean gets in, The Infantry DOUBLE DROPKICK Gabe & Roddy! The fans fire up and Bravo brings Strong around. Tag to Dean, they whip Roddy to BODY SHOT, BOOT and DDT! Dean covers, ONE!! Roddy is tough but Dean drags him up. Dean scoops to SLAM, then he signals. “OORAH!” Dean runs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, ONE!! Roddy is still in this but Dean brings him up. Roddy shoves Dean away, and Gabe KNEES Dean in the back! Roddy KNEES Dean in the gut, then IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKERS! Gabe runs up to BLAST Bravo off the corner, and he talks trash on Allentown while Rampage goes picture in picture.

Roddy soaks up the heat, tags Gabe in, and they bring Dean around into the corner. Gabe CHOPS, Roddy CHOPS, repeat! Gabe HEADBUTTS Dean, snarls and talks more trash, but Dean CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Gabe just DECKS Dean! Cover, TWO! Gabe is annoyed but then talks more trash. Gabe BOOTS Dean back down, tags Roddy in, and they bring Dean around to whip. Dean holds ropes, then KICKS Gabe! Dean DECKS Roddy, but Gabe CHOPS Dean back! Gabe suplexes, Dean slips free and ENZIGIRIS! Gabe falls, Dean hurries for his corner, but Roddy YANKS Bravo down! Gab CLUBS Dean and Rampage returns to single picture.

Gable bumps Dean off buckles and The Kingdom likes what they’re seeing. Roddy KICKS Bravo down just because, and then Gabe tags him in. Roddy scoops Dean for a GUT BUSTER! Dean sputters and writhes, Roddy shouts, “Who’s the man?!” Roddy stands Dean up to CHOP! Tag to Gabe, he and Roddy suplex Dean, but Bravo makes the save! Roddy DECKS Bravo, Gabe BOOTS Dean, then Gabe & Roddy double whip Dean. Dean ducks the lariats, hot tag to Bravo! Bravo rallies on Gabe and Roddy with forearm after forearm! Bravo wrenches Gabe to ROLLING ELBOW! Bravo blocks Roddy’s boot to slip around and NECKBREAKER!

The fans fire up and Bravo fires up, too! “OORAH!” Bravo runs to juke and CARLIE CROSSOVER on Roddy! Bravo goes after Gabe but Gabe tosses him to the apron! Bravo ROCKS Gabe first! Bravo slingshots to CUTTER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up again, and Bravo watches Gabe rise. Dean tags in, Bravo SCISSOR KICKS! Bravo then PLANCHAS onto Roddy! Dean FLYING SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Gabe survives, that’s why he’s NJPW Strong Champion! The fans rally, Dean calls for it! Tag to Bravo and they get Gabe up. Bravo runs, but Roddy trips him! The ref missed that, and Gabe hits a SAIDO on Dean!

Dean flops out of the ring, Gabe hauls Bravo up. Bravo fires forearms and JABS, but Roddy gets in! Bravo DECKS Roddy! Gabe ROCKS Bravo! Roddy STRONG KNEES, and Gabe hits a PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Gabe & Roddy win!

Winners: Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong, by pinfall

The NJPW Strong Champion and Roddy Strong make for a strong team, but will they both stay strong through the Summer? Or will the heat start to get to them soon enough?


AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: AR Fox VS El Phantasmo!

The final spot in Forbidden Door’s Six Pack Challenge is finally about to be filled! Will that sixth man be the Whole Fox’n Show? Or is the Headbanga about to finally get himself some singles gold?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two fist bump to show there is respect here, then they tie up. ELP wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Fox rolls and kips up. Fox wrenches, hammerlocks, headlocks, but ELP powers out. Fox runs ELP over, things keep moving, and ELP hurdles. Fox leaps over, ELP runs up but Fox sidesteps. ELP RANAS Fox, DROPKICKS him, and the fans fire up! Fox goes to a corner, shakes out that arm, but ELP runs up to CHOP! The fans “WOO~” but Fox goes to chop! ELP blocks, CHOPS again, and then goes up, up and jumps around the ropes to FLYING RANA! The fans fire up as ELP kips up!

Fox goes back to a corner, ELP runs corner to corner, but Fox puts him on the apron. ELP RAMS into Fox, slingshots, but Fox gets away! ELP’s senton misses, but Fox’s slingshot senton hits! ELP bails out, Fox builds speed, and Fox FLIES! Direct hit and Fox almost crashes into the barriers! Fox gets ELP up, puts him in the ring, and then goes up the corner. The fans fire up and Fox SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, TWO! ELP stays in this and Fox grows frustrated, but the fans rally up. Fox eggs ELP on, kicks him around, but ELP eggs Fox on in return. ELP stands, he and Fox trade forearms, then Fox kicks low.

Fox fires more forearms, then whips ELP. ELP ducks ‘n’ dodges to then CLOBBER Fox! Both men are down but the fans rally up. ELP kips up, the fans fire up, but Fox also stands. ELP atomic drops, then mocks the pain. Fox swings, ELP gets around and atomic drops again! RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! ELP hurries to a corner, goes up and FALLING AX HANDLES! The fans fire up again and ELP aims from a corner. ELP tunes up, going from Hitman to Heartbreak Kid. Fox ducks a superkick to BOOT! Fox whips ELP but ELP goes up and over and handsprings away! ELP dodges Fox, springboards, CROSSBODY! Somersault and LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally and duel between ELP and Fox, and ELP hauls Fox up. Fox trips ELP, jackknife bridge, TWO! ELP sunset flips, TWO! Fox goes Matrix to avoid a lariat, then PELES! Fox suplexes, for ANARCHY! Fox hurries right up top, and he 450 SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and shocks Fox! The fans fire up, though, and they rally up again. Fox drags ELP up, puts him on the top rope, and then fires forearms. Fox then gets space, comes back, but ELP FLYING DESTROYERS!! ELP tunes up, Fox rises in a daze, into SUDDEN DEATH!! ELP roars, he’s not done there! ELP reels Fox in, tucks those arms, C R 2!! Cover, ELP WINS!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (advances to Forbidden Door)

And with that, The Headbanga is rockin’ ‘n’ rollin’ into Long Island! Will ELP step through the Forbidden Door and become the new Face of TNT?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

On top of Cassidy & Ishii taking on Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles, we’ll see Hechicero in action. Will the Alchemist of Lucha Libre build momentum going into his match with MJF? Plus, Stephanie Vaquer is looking to tune up before facing Mercedes Mone. Will she get the warm-up she needs against Lady Frost? Or will even La Primera freeze up before Forbidden Door? Then, in a “Battle of Buffalo,” it is Daniel Garcia VS The Butcher! Will Red Death take down a big behemoth before battling Will Ospreay at Beach Break? And now, with all six spots filled, there will be a Face of TNT All Star Trios Match! Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin & Lio Rush VS Jack Perry, Konosuke Takeshita & ELP! Which side gains some last minute momentum before Sunday?

Serena Deeb issued the Open Challenge last week, time to see if anyone answers the call! And in a Women’s Owen Hart Cup opening round match, Hikaru Shida returns to AEW to take on Deonna Purrazzo! Will the Shining Samurai be sharp enough to take down The Virtuosa? Or will Deonna get it done and head to the semifinals? Finally, before they battle over THE AEW World Championship, Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay have one last face to face in a title match weigh-in. But will the tale of the tape simply be pretense for them to get in some final words, and final shots?


Backstage interview with Deonna Purrazzo.

Lexy Nair is with The Virtuosa and brings up her opening round match in the Owen Hart Cup. It is against Shida, and Deonna stops her there. Deonna was hoping Lexy would ask how it made her feel to make Thunder Rosa pass out in their No Disqualification match. But Deonna gets it. They don’t rely on past accomplishments here, right? Some people are so far behind in the race, they actually think they’re leading. Deonna tells Shida that she has done a lot in AEW already, but what has she done lately? Has she beaten Rosa twice in a row? Has she won 12 outta 14 matches? Or was she sitting at home, (kendo) stick in hand, watching Deonna do all that?

Deonna then says The Owen Hart Foundation Tournament is NOT for “part timers,” Lexy. It was made for THE Virtuosa. And Shida, you can’t hold that cup up with a broken arm anyway. Deonna says Vafanapoli, but will she be the one embarrassingly kicked out in the first round instead?


Shingo Takagi VS Dalton Castle!

At Forbidden Door, The Rampaging Dragon will take on The American Dragon, Bryan Danielson, in not just a dream match but in a Men’s Owen Hart Cup match. However, standing in his way is one fired up Peacock! Will Castle slay this dragon to ruin his momentum? Or will Takagi prove that his time has truly come?

The bell rings and the two feel things out. They tie up, go around, and Castle puts Takagi on the ropes. Castle lets off, but Takagi storms up. They tie up again, and now Takagi puts Castle on ropes. The ref counts the break, Takagi lets off, but Castle avoids the chop! Castle headlocks, Takagi powers out, but Castle RAMS Takagi. Takagi rebounds to run Castle over! The fans are torn, but Takagi pumps up to ELBOW DROP! And ELBOW DROP! And then SENTON FLOP as Castle moves! Takagi bails out fast as Rampage goes picture in picture.

Castle goes out the side and storms in around the way, to CLUB Takagi! Takagi RAMS Castle into the apron! Takagi RAMS Castle in again, then stalks him him. Takagi sends Castle into the ring, but Castle tiger feints to RANA! The fans fire up with Castle and he puts Takagi in. Castle SPLASHES down, covers, TWO! Castle keeps Takagi down with elbows to the neck and shoulder, then brings Takagi up for haymakers. Castle runs, into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! Takagi huffs and puffs, then wags his finger at the camera. Not time yet. Takagi TOSSES Castle out, goes out after him, and stomps Castle around.

Takagi brings Castle up to SMACK off the apron, then follows him to the steps. Takagi fireman’s carries Castle, to SNAKE EYES off the apron! Castle falls over, the fans applaud and Takagi stalks Castle again. Takagi snap suplexes Castle to the floor! Castle writhes, staggers away, and he grabs the chair to HCUCK it! It hits the steps, but Takagi storms up to clamp on a chinlock. Castle elbows free but Takagi KICKS Castle in the back. Takagi puts Castle in the ring, stands on his back, but the ref counts as Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Castle ROCKS Takagi! And CHOPS! And ROCKS him again! Castle headlocks, but Takagi hits a BIG back suplex! The fans rally, Takagi steps on Castle then SENTONS! The fans continue to rally, and Takagi sits Castle up. Takagi talks a bit of smack before he rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! The fans cheer as he taunts the BCC and Bryan Danielson with each one! Takagi then runs, but Castle flops over! Takagi shrugs, the fans boo, and Castle flounders away. Takagi gives scuffing kicks, then brings Castle up. Castle shoots in to get a leg, for an EXPLODER! The fans fire up as Castle seethes and rises!

Castle flexes and the fans fire up more! Castle stands Takagi up but Takagi fires elbows. Takagi winds up, Castle dodges, but then Takagi dodges! Castle blocks a lariat to ELBOW! But then Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON- NO, Castle LARIATS first! The fans fire up again as Castle goes to a corner. Takagi goes to the other, and Castle runs in to JUMP KNEE! And clothesline! And BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Takagi is tougher than that, but Castle CLUBS Takagi in the side. Castle waistlocks, Takagi fights the lift with elbows, but Castle ducks! Alabama Lift, BANGA- NO, Takagi fights through the spin to Gory Especial! NOSHIGAMI!

Both men are down and the fans rally up! Castle goes to the ropes, Takagi rises, and he gets going with “OI! OI! OI!” The fans join in, and Takagi runs in at the corner! Takagi blocks a kick to LARIAT through! Takagi whips to ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint and DDT! Castle flounders, the fans fire back up, and Takagi rises. Takagi drags Castle up, but Castle trips him to a jackknife bridge! TWO!! Takagi escapes, Castle BOOTS him, but Takagi rebounds to PUMPING BOMBER!! Castle staggers to his feet, Takagi roars, and he reels Castle in. Pump handle, torture rack, LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall

The former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion conquers the former ROH World Champion, and now has a clear path to The Forbidden Door! But will Takagi rampage through the former WWE World Champion on his way to the Owen Hart Cup? Or will the American Dragon make sure he’s not the one slain on Sunday?


The Outcasts speak.

As Harley Cameron gives her a calming shoulder massage, Saraya claims that the only reason she lost on Wednesday is because she wasn’t by herself. And she is sorry to Harley and Anna, but it is true! Mariah May can’t beat Saraya. Toni Storm can’t beat Saraya. And if Mina Shirakawa ever had the privilege of being in a 1v1 match with Saraya, she would lose, too! Because they’re all a bunch of losers! Harley says the opening round of the Owen Hart Cup is going to be part of Zero Hour, and the “real” Forbidden Door is when Mariah gets to face “this unproblematic icon!” Saraya says if Mariah wants to be the “Brit It Girl,” too bad! That seat is taken!

Saraya has a Cup, a championship, and an entire country waiting for her to come home. Champagne! Someone hands them glasses from off camera, and Harley says they will toast to the Woman of Wembley, the Allstar of All In, and the smitten of Britain. Saraya thanks Harley, and then tells Mariah, “See you Sunday, slag.” Then Harley just full mouth downs the glass… Saraya is a bit speechless, but then she smiles. Will she and Harley be toasting again after taking out Toni Storm’s protege? Or will Mariah be unstoppable on her mission to face her mentor in Wembley?


Queen Aminata VS Skye Blue!

The One and Only African Woman is chasing The Fallen Goddess and her ROH Women’s World Championship, but has yet to be given that golden opportunity. Will Aminata stay sharp and pivot back to Billie Starkz and the ROH Women’s Television Championship? Or will the darkening Skye rain on that parade?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, Aminata dodges Skye’s dropkick and covers, ONE as Skye goes Matrix! Aminata rolls Skye up, ONE! Aminata runs up, Skye ducks the boot to roll Aminata, TWO! Skye kicks, Aminata ducks, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Aminata smiles and the fans fire up as she storms up on Skye. Aminata drags Skye up, waistlocks but Skye fights the suplex this time. Skye goes to run, Aminata reels her in, but Skye wheelbarrows to victory roll through! TWO! Aminata has the roll up now, TWO! Skye runs up, Aminata wrenches and reels her in, to snap suplex!

The fans fire up and Aminata just smiles again. Aminata asks if the fans want another, and they say yes! So Aminata snap suplexes again! Aminata says hold on, she’ll get another one. But Skye cradle counters! TWO!! Aminata escapes, but Skye SLAPS her! Aminata swings back, Skye ROCKS Aminata! And mule kicks! And SUPERKICKS! Aminata falls, Skye covers, ONE!! Aminata is tough but Skye is mean, so she brings Aminata back up. Skye runs, but into a SLAP! Aminata says that’s what Skye gets. Aminata runs, but Skye runs up to SHINING WIZARD at the ropes! Skye gets moving again and she BOOT WASHES Aminata outta the ring!

Aminata crawls on the outside but Skye stalks her. Skye goes up a corner, and she SUPER CROSSBODIES! Down goes Aminata hard and Skye roars as she rises up! The fans rally up, Skye sneers and leaves Aminata behind to refresh the count. Skye then comes back for Aminata, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Skye fires forearms, brings Aminata up, and whips her hard into barriers! Skye smirks and swaggers while Aminata writhes. Skye drags Aminata up, SMACKS her off the apron, then stalks her, Aminata shoves Skye, but Skye ROCKS Aminata! Aminata ROCKS Skye back! Aminata then puts Skye against barriers, to CHOP! Aminata refreshes the ring count, then she stalks Skye around the corner. Aminata follows Skye to railing, and CHOPS! Skye sputters as she falls over, and Aminata smiles as she poses for pictures. Aminata stalks Skye, but Skye turns around to body shot! Skye throws Aminata down by her hair!

Skye stalks Aminata, grabs a chair and makes Aminata take a seat. Skye CHOPS Aminata, then tells the ref to cool it. Skye runs in, to SHINING WIZARD Aminata against barriers! Skye puts Aminata in the ring now, covers, TWO!! Aminata is toughing it out, but Skye kicks her around. Skye pie faces Aminata onto ropes, then CHOKES her! The ref counts, Skye lets off, but she CHOPS Aminata down. Skye goes corner to corner and back again, but Aminata BOOTS her away! Skye comes back, but Aminata goes up and over! Aminata scoops to BACKBREAKER! Aminata KICKS Skye in the back, covers, TWO!

Skye shows her own toughness, but Aminata hauls her up. Skye CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands, but Skye BOOTS Aminata down! Skye storms up on Aminata, ROCKS her against ropes, then snapmares for a full nelson. Aminata endures, fights up, but Skye wrangles her back down. Aminata fights up again and Rampage returns to single picture. The fans rally, Aminata throws body shots, but Skye fires a forearm! Aminata ROCKS Skye right back! Then Aminata DOUBLE CHOPS Skye down! Skye flounders back up, into a spin and cravat, snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Deep stack, TWO!!

Aminata is frustrated but she fires herself back up. The fans rally with her, and Aminata sits up at the ropes. Aminata runs in to BOOT WASH!! Skye flops out to the apron and Aminata goes out after her. Aminata gets the fans fired up again as she hauls Skye up. APRON GERMAN SUPLEX! Skye flounders and flops to the floor, and Aminata also staggers a bit. Skye sits up against the steps, and Aminata runs in! HIP ATTACK hits the steps!! Skye avoids disaster and Aminata clutches her lower back! Skye hurries to get Aminata up, brings her up the steps, and she has a sinister look in her eyes…! SUPERPLEX OFF THE STEPS AND TO THE FLOOR!!

The fans lose their minds while the ref checks both women. Skye snarls as she rises up and brings Aminata around. Skye puts Aminata in the ring, covers, TWO!! Aminata survives and Skye is furious! Skye drags Aminata up by her hair, full nelsons, and SKYE FALL!! Cover, TWO?!? Aminata survives and Skye is losing her cool! Skye drags Aminata up again, runs and hops on, CODE- NO, Aminata pops free to QUEEN’S CROWN HEADBUTT!! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

Skye falls and Aminata stands tall! The Queen still shows respect by helping Skye to her feet and hugging it out with her. But then Skye SUPERKICKS! There’s no respect from Skye and she beats Aminata down! The fans boo but Skye clamps on the DRAGON SLEEPER! Wait, here comes Red Velvet! The Chef is Aminata’s ally and she runs Skye off! Velvet is also itching for a fight, will she satisfy her appetite by taking a bite out of Skye?

My Thoughts:

A very good Rampage here, though I still don’t know why they’re trying to shove five matches onto this show. I do appreciate the women’s match was the main event, but it seemed rather outta nowhere that it was Aminata VS Skye. It was a really good match, and a really good win for Aminata, but I was hoping for some brand integration with ROH. Billie Starkz could’ve showed up to go after Aminata and that would still bring Red Velvet out, but I guess AEW is AEW and ROH is ROH, even though this is Forbidden Door season. But whatever, Red Velvet VS Skye Blue is a natural rivalry here, might as well do something with it.

We got a good promo from Saraya & Harley to announce that Forbidden Door Zero Hour is going to have matches that matter. Despite Saraya’s confidence, I’m pretty sure Mariah finds a way to win because the story of Mariah VS Storm has been building practically since Mariah showed up in AEW. Really good promo from Jericho and friends, and I am curious to see who this new partner will be. While someone from NJPW would be an obvious choice, maybe it’ll be someone from CMLL since CMLL’s moving up to replace AAA as an AEW partner. Though at the same time, it feels like this third man will take the loss, Joe, Hook & Shibata are all too strong to take a pin, even on PPV.

Good Handicap match for Cassidy but of course he was winning. However, with the news that Cassidy & Ishii are taking on Shane & Robbie, this match seems unnecessary for a tune-up. Gabe & Roddy beating Infantry was also an interesting match since it also didn’t set anything up for anything. I honestly feel like we should be getting Roddy VS Gabe for the NJPW Strong Championship, but maybe something more happens on Collision to add to the Zero Hour. Speaking of Collision, Vaquer’s obviously winning, Hechicero’s obviously winning, and Garcia’s obviously winning. Deonna VS Shida will be really good, though, and could probably go either way.

AR Fox VS ELP was a great TNT Championship qualifier, and I think Riccaboni just loosely confirmed Hikuleo is leaving NJPW. He noted ELP is the “last Guerilla of Destiny standing,” so he’ll definitely have to find himself as a singles wrestler in NJPW. He’ll be a great part of tomorrow night’s Six Man Tag, and a great part of the ladder match, but again, pretty sure Jack Perry is winning the whole thing. And then a great match of Takagi VS Castle. Both guys are great even without being champions, and Takagi of course wins to have momentum going into his PPV match. Takagi VS Bryan is going to be great, but again, I’m thinking Bryan wins, faces Pac, and possibly even makes it to the finals of the cup.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/28/24)

Acknowledge THIS Bloodline!



SmackDown returns to Madison Square Garden!

As Solo Sikoa makes HIS Bloodline more and more dangerous, he demands SmackDown and the WWE acknowledge him in the greatest sports arena in the world, Madison Square Garden!


  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Jade Cargill VS Tiffany Stratton VS Candice LeRae; Tiffany wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: LA Knight VS Logan Paul VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Naomi VS Blair Davenport VS Indi Hartwell; Naomi wins and advances to MITB Toronto.


Paul Heyman greets The Bloodline backstage.

Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa exit the car, and walk up to The Wise Man. Heyman says, “Not that you answer to me, but may I respectfully ask… Where’s Jacob Fatu?” Solo pats Heyman on the shoulder and leads the group on. You can hear the fans chanting “WE WANT ROMAN!” as The Bloodline steps through gorilla and right on stage. The Samoan Werewolf is unaccounted for, but the NEW Head of the Table and his men- WAIT! Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens arrive backstage! And they’re storming their way out to the stage! They aren’t waiting for Money in the Bank and the Six Man Tag! The brawl is on NOW!

The fans are thunderous as Cody is after Solo, Orton fights with Tama and Kevin has Loa! This goes all around the stage, down the ramp, and then to ringside! The fans cheer Cody’s side on as he SMACKS Solo off steps! Kevin and Loa have actually ended up around the backside of the crowd, and are fighting near the tech area! Kevin SMACKS Loa with a briefcase, then into a road case! Orton throws hands and stomps Tama! Kevin puts Loa on a table! Orton SMACKS Tama off the apron! Kevin goes up into the crowd, Orton hits a BARRIER BACK SUPLEX on Tama! Kevin goes onto the ledge, to SUPER SWANTON BOMB through the table!!

Madison Square Garden is losing its mind as Cody TOSSES Solo! Cody and Orton stand tall in the ring, but here comes Nick Aldis and a troop of security guards! Cody’s side holds the ring, even as Kevin holds his side, but The Bloodline is in retreat! So much for their “acknowledgement ceremony!” What will Aldis have to say about all this chaos to open his show?


SmackDown returns and…

Cody, Randy & Kevin still have the ring but Aldis tries to reason with them. Randy says he can’t hear Aldis because of all these people! Aldis and Cody argue about preserving the MITB match but Cody says this has been the best part of the night already! Aldis tells security to escort these three, and the first guard to step in pleads with them. Orton says what’s that over there? RKO!! Then all hell breaks loose again! Cody, Kevin & Randy fight off over a dozen guards, despite Aldis’ protests! This may be a huge fine for all three men, but Kevin gets a STUNNER in, then Orton hits another RKO! Cody tops it off with a CROSS RHODES!

Aldis storms off, frustrated with his top stars, but Cody gets mics for the three of ’em. The fans are all fired up, and Kevin tells Bloodline, if they thought this group was waiting until MITB, then they’re dumber than they look! And Randy says, “Check it out, The Bloodline has been crawling up my ass for over two years. They put me on the shelf for 18 FREAKIN’ months! So at Money in the Bank, we put The Bloodline down, for good!” Cody adds that The Bloodline looks at this ring, and they see three victims. Cody doesn’t see three victims. He sees one of the baddest men on the planet, someone that has headlined WrestleMania, and a good friend in Kevin Owens!

Cody also sees a FOURTEEN TIME World Champion, an first ballot Hall of Famer, and someone responsible for Cody standing here today in Randy Orton! And here’s what else Cody sees. Cody sees a sold out, world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden! The fans cheer that! Cody says magic like this, he should be defending his WWE Championship here tonight against a worthy, credible opponent. But instead, he’s fighting a war with The Bloodline he thought he already finished at WrestleMania! But wait, here comes Aldis with POLICE! The fans boo but Cody tells Solo to look at him.

At MITB, we don’t know why they’re The Bloodline. Cody doesn’t see the Final Boss, the Tribal Chief, or the Head of the Table. He just sees a seat filler! The fans love that, but the NYPD ask Cody and team to stand down. The fans sing along with Cody’s song as he, Orton and Kevin exit peacefully. But will there be no stopping the American Nightmare, the Viper & The Prizefighter when they’re taking on Solo’s squad in Toronto?


Backstage interview with Nick Aldis.

Kayla Braxton walks over to the SmackDown General Manager as he and the police accompany Cody, Randy & Kevin out of the building. She knows it has already been a wild night, but she asks if he cares to comment. Aldis says sorry, there’s just too much going on. Cody, Randy & Kevin hop back into the car that brought them and it drives off. Will they just have to wait until next Saturday to get their hands on The Bloodline?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Jade Cargill VS Tiffany Stratton VS Candice LeRae!

While The EST could not get through her qualifier, her tag partner is looking to win this one for the both of them. Will a storm be heading for Toronto? Will it be #TiffyTime instead? Or will The Poison Pixie find a way through to her own golden opportunity?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Candice makes a truce with Tiff, they rush up but Jade ROCKS Tiff then ROCKS Candice, repeat! Tiff dropkicks a leg, SMACKS Jade off the mat, then Candice STEP-UP SENTONS! Tiff gets Jade up and Candice helps out, they DOUBLE SUPLEX! They mug Jade with forearms and stomps, then they rain down fists. Tiff stomps a bit more, then brings Jade back up. Tiff & Candice reel Jade back in, DOUBLE SUPLEX, but Jade lands out! Jade then DOUBLE LARIATS them down! The fans fire up and Jade scoops Candice to SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Tiff runs up, Jade wrenches and reels her in, to GOURD BUSTER!

Jade aims to SUPERKICK! Tiff falls out of the ring, Jade dusts her boots off, then storms up on Candice. Jade scoops Candice into a military press! Jade smiles, then TOSSES Candice out onto Tiff! The fans are thunderous behind the storm, but here comes Nia Jax! The Irresistible Queen of the Ring storms out here to back up “Princess Tiffy,” but here comes Bianca now! Bianca gets in Nia’s face and now Jade has back-up, too! Bianca and Nia argue while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Tiff CHOKES Jade on ropes! Candice runs in to DROPKICK Jade, then Tiff CHOKES her more! Tiff  and Candice switch places, Tiff runs, but Candice CLOBBERS Tiff! Candice says it’s her time, then drags Tiff up. Candice reels Tiff in, kicks off Jade and hits a TORNADO DDT! Cover on Tiff, but Jade breaks it up! Candice ENZIGIRIS Jade, Jade SUPERKICKS back! Tiff staggers up, Jade whips her to a corner, Jade runs in, Tiff goes up and over then cartwheels to Alabama Lift Candice! ALABAMA SLAM in the corner! Tiff then handsprings corenr to corner to BACK ELBOW! Tiff handsprings back the other way, but Candice dodges!

Tiff staggers, Candice pushes her into the corner, BULLDOG- SPINEBUSTER! Jade turns Candice’s combo against her, but Tiff SHOTGUNS Jade down! Cover, Candice breaks it! Nia is frustrated but Bianca coaches Jade. The fans rally, all three women stir, and Candice CLUBS away on Tiff! Candice then rains down fists on Jade! The fans boo but Jade rises up. Jade is mad, and she grabs Candice with both hands! Jade TOSSES Candice to a corner, then RAMS Tiff into the other! Jade RAMS into Tiff again and again, then runs corner to corner to STINGER SPLASH! Jade goes back for Tiff, but Tiff dodges! Jade tumbles up and out!

The fans rally up and Nia grins as Jade is prime for the picking. But Bianca storms over to turn Nia around! The ref gets between these two as they argue, but Jade sees Nia. But then Indi shows up to POST Jade! Bianca chases Indi off but Tiff has Candice! Only for Candice to cradle! TWO, Candice SUPERKICKS! Tiff is down, Candice LIONSAULTS, but onto knees! PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Tiff wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

The deciding factor wasn’t Bianca or Nia, it was #IndiWrestling! But while the Queen of the Ring is happy, will she have to be careful the Princess doesn’t try to usurp the throne with a cash-in?


Bayley talks with Naomi backstage.

The Role Model asks if The Glow just saw that. Tiff is so annoying, and she’ll only get worse if she wins the contract. But no worries so long as Naomi gets in! Naomi will take care of business. But if that happens, then she might have to cash in on Bayley at some point. Yeah, okay, but we’ll worry about that at some point later. And Blair Davenport walks over to say this is so cute, them talking about fictional scenarios. Because we all know Naomi is not winning tonight. And Bayley should really hold on tight to the title, because her days as champion are numbered. Naomi tells Bayley to stay cool, Naomi will handle that.

There’s one more Triple Threat to go for the ladies tonight, will Blair have to beware The Glow? Or are they both overlooking #IndiWrestling like everyone else just did?


Mia Yim talks with Aldis in his office.

Michin knows he saw what happened last week. Nia jumped her from behind, and now she needs to get that lick back. Please give her a match! Aldis says he’ll see what he can do. She appreciates that, then heads out. Now B-Fab & The Street Profits walk in. And B-Fab knows Aldis sent Cody, Kevin & Randy home for the night, but The Profits are here and they need to get hands on The Bloodline. No, not happening. What? Aldis says it has already been chaotic tonight, and he promised them time for their ceremony. Just save it for next week. But then in step Pretty Deadly, cheering their own return to SmackDown.

Kit Wilson & Elton Price are inspired by being here in New York. If Aldis is willing to receive, they are willing to give the perfect pitch. Think about this: Pretty Deadly, the Musical! Dawkins says hold up. Nobody cares about their musical! B-Fab knows the Backstreet Boys wannabes didn’t just come up and interrupt business. Ford says they’d need artificial crowd noises like this is the ThunderDome Era. Aldis, Ford has a new idea: The Profits VS Pretty Deadly, the beatdown! That sounds great to Aldis! Dawkins & Ford mock the wiggly fingers while Pretty Deadly is upset, but will The Profits be up in the Big Apple?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Solo checks his jaw while Heyman informs him that Cody, Randy and Kevin have all been removed from MSG by the NYPD. All this leaves now is one Solo. Heyman wishes to serve him as The Wise Man. He asks what they hell they’re doing tonight, and where the hell is Jacob Fatu. Solo says he hears Heyman. Heyman is his Wise Man. What’s the point of having a Wise Man if he doesn’t take the advice? Right! So Solo will listen to Heyman. Jacob is too dangerous, so he ain’t here. And he won’t be here. And that is why Heyman is Solo’s Wise Man. They make that official tonight. Solo again pats Heyman on the shoulder, but now Heyman is more confused than before!


Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: LA Knight VS Logan Paul VS Santos Escobar!

The Mega Star has been trying to get The Maverick to show up to work, and finally, here he is! But at the same time, The Emperor of Lucha Libre is part of the mix, and he could take advantage of some divided attention. Will Santos be heading to Toronto to become the NEW Senor Money in the Bank? Will Logan’s #OneLuckyRight be all he needs to punch his ticket? Or will LA Knight say YEAH to taking out two birdbrains with one stone?

SmackDown returns as the United States Champion makes his entrance. Sadly, he has a mic to say, “Madison Square Garden, the Mecca of Sports and Entertainment. Where heroes are made and legends are born. And tonight, Logan Paul gets to perform in this historic arena.” The fans boo that but Logan says to truly understand what it takes, he got a mentor. That is why he has in his corner someone who knows what it means to actually win in MSG! So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Indiana Pacers’ star, Tyrese Hailburton! As if the fans weren’t pissed seeing just Logan! One of their mortal enemies now accompanies Logan to the ring.

The bell rings and Knight fires off on Logan! The fans cheer, Santos storms up, but Knight ELBOWS him away, then DECKS him with a right! Logan storms up but Knight RAMS him back into the corner! Knight RAMS into Logan again and again, then he LARIATS Santos! Knight storms back up but Logan kicks low! Logan fires hands but Knight fights back! Santos TACKLES Knight! The fans boo but Santos and Logan stomp away on Knight! The fans boo more but then Santos and Logan stare down. Knight flounders away but Logan and Santos still stomp him! Santos ROCKS Knight, has him on ropes, but Logan steps in to UPPERCUT!

Santos steps in to ROCK Knight! Santos then runs to RANA Knight! Logan likes what he sees but the fans boo. Then Logan sucker punches Santos! Logan TOSSES Santos, goes back to Knight, and wrenches to gut wrench and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Knight’s tougher than that but Logan just smirks. Haliburton cheers but he’s the only one. Logan gets Knight up but Knight fires body shots! Logan knees low, whips Knight to ropes, but Knight ducks ‘n ‘dodges then WRECKS Santos with a dropkick! The fans fire up, but Logan runs up, only for Knight to RAM into him! Knight SLINGSHOT SHOULDER TACKLES, too!

The fans fire up more as Knight stomps Logan now! Knight rains down fists on Logan, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight says “YEAH~!” and the fans rally up again. Knight gets Logan up, whips him to ropes, but Logan KICKS back! Logan reels Knight in, taunts the fans, ALLEY-OOPS! Knight flounders out, Logan gets the “assist” from Haliburton before he shoots a three. Logan then aims to PLANCHA Knight down! Logan is all fire dup, but Santos DIVES onto Logan! The Arrow From Hell takes down the Maverick and the fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again as Knight dribbles Logan off the desk! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” But then Santos LEAPS onto Knight from the apron! Logan gets away, Santos brings Knight around and puts him in the ring. Santos steps in, stalks Knight to a corner, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Knight fireman’s carries, goes up a corner, and the fans fire up. It gets a bit scary up there but Knight stands, only for Santos to throw elbows! Santos adjusts and SUPER STEINERS! Cover, Logan breaks it! The fans are torn but Logan gets Santos up. Logan reels Santos in, to ALLEY-OOP him onto Knight! But that’s a  cover! Logan breaks that, then covers Knight, TWO!

Logan covers Santos, TWO! Tyrese is just as frustrated as Logan, and Logan gets Knight up. Logan UPPERCUTS Knight, eggs the fans on, but Knight ROCKS Logan! Logan UPPERCUTS, but Knight gets around to kick, JAB! JAB! JAB! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight ROCKS Logan, whips him to ropes, but Logan reverse. Knight ducks under, gets around, and hits a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Santos runs up, but into a DDT! Knight covers Santos, but he moves as Logan leaps! SPLASH onto Santos, but that’s a cover! Knight drags Logan right up, to back suplex and SLAM! The fans fire up with Knight and he paces around.

Knight spells it out, but Santos KNEES him down! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carries, but Knight pops free! Knight shoves, pop-up POWERSLAM! Then the MEGA ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up while all three men are down! Knight sees Logan in a corner so he storms over to stomp away! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight then goes corner to corner to KNEE Logan! Santos DOUBLE KENES Knight! Fireman’s carry, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, Logan breaks it!! The fans boo but this one continues as Santos goes to a corner. Logan stands up, runs in, and he forearm smashes Santos! Then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again!

Santos turns things around to CHOP back! Santos CHOPS and LARIATS in one go! Santos puts Logan up top, but Logan ROCKS Santos! Logan adjusts, but Santos GAMANGIRIS! Santos goes up the corner, but Knight grabs Santos! Santos kicks Knight away, goes up, but Knight is right back! SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Both men are down, and Logan has targets acquired! SWANTON BOMB on Knight!! Cover, TWO!!! Knight survives and shocks everyone! MSG is thunderous as all three men are down! But Tyrese fetches Logan his brass knuckles! Not this again! But in steps Jalen Brunson! MSG goes nuts for the Knicks star as he stares down the Pacer!

The refs rush out to stop this from turning into a fight on the court! The fans chant “MVP! MVP!” for their guy, and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Logan! Santos then runs at Knight, but Knight dodges knees! B F T!!! But Logan rolls Knight up!! With tights! TWO!! Knight gets Logan!! KNIGHT WINS!!!!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

Logan is beside himself, but that’s what he gets! Knight not only gets one over on the United States Champion, but he’s heading to Toronto! Will Knight turn this into the Mega Star in the Bank? Wait, Tyrese gets in the ring, and HE has the brass knuckles on! Knight is between Logan and Tyrese, but here comes Brunson, WITH A CHAIR! The fans fire up as Brunson stands with Knight! Logan has Tyrese stand down, they don’t need this heat. Will Logan just wait to settle things with Knight down the road?


Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews are watching backstage.

They both really enjoyed that. Props to Knight getting the win over two opponents, but Knight doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. That MITB match is no joke. Crews says, didn’t Corbin win one? Oh, gotta bring that up, huh? But yeah, he did win. Crews puts his money on Main Event Jey Uso. But hey, the best part is that Santos has NO chance of becoming Mr. MITB now! He’ll be at home with karma. But is that enough? Crews got some payback of his own on Angel & Humberto in NXT, but- In steps Carmelo Hayes. Melo in the Garden! Oh, is Carmelo Anthony here? Maybe he’ll take a pick with Hayes.

Ha ha, no. Hayes meant the Melo that actually won a championship. But he wants to run something by them real quick. When Melo wins MITB, he wants to get a new T-shirt. He’s thinking “Melo in the Bank.” That’ll sell out first week, topping Cody, topping Jey- Whoa, bro, c’mon. It’s good to be confident, but Melo is naive, in way over his head. Oh, then they must be living under a rock because just last week, Melo pinned the FOURTEEN TIME WWE Champion, Randy Orton. Let’s talk about it. Lot of people have their money on YEET, a lot have their money on YEAH, but they should be betting on HIM. Take that to the bank.

Melo heads out, Corbin says he’s a betting man, and Melo has no shot. Crews agrees, but will they both be proven right? Or will Melo prove that when the stakes are at their highest, never bet against HIM?


WWE mourns the loss of Leati “Sika” Anoa’i.

“Prestigious. Ferocious. Influential. Iconic.” There are countless ways to describe the Anoa’i Family, it is clear they stand as one of the most powerful dynasties in pro-wrestling. WWE is saddened to learn of the passing of the great Sika, a patriarch of this legendary bloodline, “who established a legacy of dominance with one of the most imposing tag teams of all time,” The Wild Samoans. Sika was born and raised in Samoa then moved to San Francisco. Trained by his brother, Afa, the two would then become one of the most world renowned tag teams. Even legends like Hulk Hogan had to admit they had intimidating presences.

In their 30 YEAR career, The Wild Samoans would hold 21 total tag team championships, becoming one of the most acclaimed teams of all time, and were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2007. Mick Foley says those two were pillars of the Samoan Dynasty that leads to today. Sika instilled a relentless work ethic into the rest of the family, especially his own son, Joe Anoa’i, aka Roman Reigns. Roman is much like his father, a strong presence but a gentle soul, and has truly made his father proud.

The Anoa’i Family has created so many great Samoan superstars, and Sika will be remembered as a caring brother, loving father, and proud grandfather. Sika’s influence has ensured that the Anoa’i Family name will never be forgotten.


Andrade speaks.

“Money in the Bank. This is not just any match. It’s where careers are made, and dreams are destroyed. For most, it’s a chance for glory. For me, it’s a destiny. Because I don’t fight to win. I fight to destroy. Remember, Andrade is here to take over. And trust me, I am not just taking the briefcase. I am taking everything!” El Idolo has spoken, but will he make his destiny into a reality?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Naomi VS Blair Davenport VS Indi Hartwell!

Speaking of MITB, The Glow has been meaning to “welcome” Dangerous Davenport to SmackDown, and now they finally meet in the ring. But again, Indi is in the mix, will she make sure things down go well for either of them? Or will someone #FeelTheGlow in the Garden?

The bell rings and Blair tries to team up with Indi, only for Naomi to SHOTGUN them both down! Naomi fires off on Blair, CLUBS and kicks Indi, but Blair goes after Naomi. Indi and Blair mug Naomi, double whip, but then Naomi slides under the double lariat! Naomi double mule kicks, runs, and DOUBLE- NO, the crossbody is caught and the two SLAM Naomi down! Indi storms up to Naomi but Blair rolls her up! TWO, and Blair apologizes for trying something. Indi calms down, then she and Blair double whip Naomi to a corner. Blair runs up but Naoi BOOTS her away! Indi runs in but Naomi RANAS, only Indi to block!

Indi SWINGS Naomi into Blair, then BOMBS Naomi! High stack, TWO! Naomi is still in this but Indi drags her out. Indi wheelbarrows but Naomi grabs ropes. Blair DOUBLE STOMPS Naomi down! Indi then goes after Blair, but Blair whips her away, into steps! Blair then goes up and up to DOUBLE STOMP Indi down! Blair says SHE is gonna be Miss MITB, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Indi has Blair in a chinlock but Blair has Naomi in a chinlock! Blair lets go of Naomi so she can JAWBREAKER free! Naomi mule kicks Blair, brings her around to then send into Indi, then NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! The fans fire up while all three women are down! Indi and Naomi sit up first while the fans rally. Naomi stands, goes up a corner, and she aims to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Down go Indi and Blair! Naomi runs to LARIAT Blair! Then she dodges Indi to go up and up and FLYING CHUCK! Indi flounders against ropes, falls over, then Naomi runs to DOUBLE SPLIT LEG DROP!! Cover, TWO!!

Blair and Indi survive but Naomi stays fired up. The fans rally with Naomi and she runs in to SMASH Blair! Naomi runs to SMASH Indi! Naomi SMASHES Blair, dodges Indi, then runs in again. Indi dodges so Naomi SPLASHES Blair! Indi clinches to SPINEBUSTER Naomi! And then Indi SPINEBUSTERS Blair onto Naomi! Double stack cover, TWO!! Indi is frustrated but she focuses on Naomi. Indi drags Naomi up to full nelson, but Naomi fights free. Naomi headlocks Indi, and runs to BULLDOG LARIAT COMBO in the corner! Naomi pushes Indi down, Blair falls down next to her. SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT but Blair moves!

Naomi still gets Indi with the moonsault, but Blair BUZZSAWS her off the cover! Blair drags Naomi up, suplexes, and hits a FALCON ARROW! Cover, Indi breaks it! The fans fire up as this continues! All three women rise up, and Naomi ROCKS Blair! Then she ROCKS Indi! Blair and Indi each hit Naomi, but then Blair hits Indi! The forearms keep going, Blair SUPERKICKS Naomi! Indi BOOTS Blair! Indi storms over to Naomi but Naomi DUMPS her out! Indi gets in but Naomi KICKS her in the ropes! HEATSEEKER! But Blair whips Naomi away to a corner! Blair runs up, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI!

Naomi resets up top, SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT FLOPS! Blair sits Naomi up, but Indi drags her out of the ring! Wheelbarrow and SWING into steel steps! Indi shows no mercy, and she dodges Naomi’s dropkick! Indi sends Naomi into barriers! Indi hauls Naomi up, pushes her into the ring, but here comes Jade! Jade wants payback for earlier tonight! Indi swings on Jade but Jade ROCKS Indi! And POSTS her! Jade feeds Indi to Naomi in the ring, and the fans fire up as Naomi ROUNDHOUSES, into the FULL NELSON BOMB! GEDO CLUTCH, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

Jade applauds, because at least one of the #Big3 gets to go on to Toronto! Will Naomi soon turn this into The Glow in the Bank? And what will that mean for her friendship with Bayley?


Backstage interview with #DIY.

Byron Saxton is with Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, and notes that next week, they have their opportunity to become WWE Tag Team Champions. What is their strategy heading into SmackDown in Toronto? Ciampa says they have a lot of history in Toronto. That is where they became NXT Tag Tag Team Champions. And now, eight YEARS later, they return there, to the same exact building. And they know what- Wait, Austin Theory walks over. Theory tells them that he has had two weeks to think about what they said to him. And what they did to him.

Gargano explains, they weren’t aiming for Theory, they were aiming for Waller. The problem is that Waller pulled Theory into the way, just like always. Is that what they think? That’s what DIY knows. Theory says what’ll happen in Toronto is that A-Town Down Under, the greatest tag team today, will show up. Then, Theory and his best friend, Waller, will- Gargano tells Theory to stop it. Waller is not Theory’s friend! Everyone but Theory sees it! Gargano isn’t saying this to hurt Theory, but he has to say it. Waller is just using Theory to keep the titles. That’s all. But then Waller attacks Gargano! And he throws Ciampa away!

Waller rains down fists, Theory pulls Waller away and the tag champs get outta there. Waller again makes sure Gargano can’t finish his talk with Theory, but will they all just talk with their fists next Friday?


Solo Sikoa’s Bloodline heads to the ring.

As they intended to do to start the night, Solo, Tama, Loa and Heyman walk down the ramp and to the ring to have their “Acknowledgement Ceremony.” And since they don’t have to worry about Cody, Randy or Kevin, will the NEW Head of the Table, his Right Hand Man and the Infamous Loa be able to conduct their business? Heyman gets the mic first, even as fans are being censored by Fox. Heyman tells these “Ladies and gentlemen,” that tonight, here in the world’s most famous arena… Solo wants the mic already. The fans boo but Heyman must obey. The fans chant “WE WANT ROMAN!” but Heyman gives his mic to Solo.

Solo says, “Before we get to that, Paul… Let me introduce to you… the newest member of The Bloodline, the Samoan Werewolf, MY Enforcer, Jacob Fatu!” The fans boo and Heyman is disappointed that Solo lied to him, but here comes Jacob! Jacob joins Solo and the rest in the ring, and the ceremony continues, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Solo says, “Madison Square Garden… ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” The fans boo and Heyman is stunned that Solo would dare use that phrase. The fans again have to be censored a bit but Solo’s Bloodline raises the ones. Solo tells the Right Hand Man to step up. Tama steps forward. “Acknowledge me.” Tama says, “Solo, my poka uah, oh Fatu, and I acknowledge you!” Solo tells Infamous Loa to step up and “acknowledge me.” Loa says, “Solo, I love always, I acknowledge you.” The fans boo more and more, and Heyman is beside himself. Solo tells Enforcer Jacob to step up and acknowledge him.

Jacob tells Solo, “I love you! My loa lava, Solo. I acknowledge you!” Solo smiles, and then turns to Heyman. Heyman, a tired look in his eyes, watches Solo step forward. Solo says this is the Wise Man’s one chance. “Paul, acknowledge me.” The fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” and Heyman looks pale. But then Loa brings out a brand new red lei! Where’d he get one of those!? Heyman is in complete shot, but Solo tells him to look at him when he’s talking. Acknowledge Solo as Your Tribal Chief! Heyman takes the lei in hand, and is given the mic. Solo awaits his anointing, but Heyman is distraught. The fans continue to say don’t, and Heyman pleads with God to stop this.

Solo still waits, and Heyman says, “Solo… I love you. And I acknowledge… that you are NOT My Tribal Chief!!” The fans go wild as Heyman, tears in his eyes, throws down the lei and the mic. SAMOAN SPIKE!!! The fans boo as Solo loses his cool! Solo tells Heyman he has tried and tried and tried! Solo tells Jacob to go up top! Jacob does as told and he climbs while Solo has Loa position Heyman just right. Jacob is up top, and he DIVING HEADBUTTS Heyman!!! Solo says this didn’t have to happen, but now Heyman must pay! The Tongans drag Heyman out while Jacob clears the desk! The fans are losing their minds, as Heyman takes a TRIPLE BOMB through the desk!!!

The fans lose their minds, refs rush out and Solo shouts at Heyman that it didn’t need to be like this! But then Jacob takes the lei, and he anoints Solo with it. Solo and his soulless soldiers stand together, fingers raised to the sky. Nothing will ever be the same again, but how much worse will they get from here?

My Thoughts:

What an excellent episode for SmackDown! For one, some surprising results in those MITB qualifiers, but still with great story motivations behind them. Indi tried to help Candice but she mostly just screwed Jade out of things, and then Jade returned the favor, so we’ll surely be getting Jade & Bianca VS Indi & Candice as a way to build the StrongEST Duo back up to the women’s tag titles. Tiffany of course got in on her match, but Naomi being in over Blair is cool. Bayley and Naomi had a good promo together with Blair, and there’s some fun to be had in the story if the friends are made enemies because of MITB.

At the same time, that story could also work with Tiff and Nia. Nia will get her shot at SummerSlam, and Tiff could be waiting with the briefcase. If Nia beats Bayley, she probably scares Tiff into not cashing in. But if Bayley “somehow survives” Nia, then Tiff could easily jump in there and go after a tired Bayley to win. LA Knight winning his match was a great surprise, and they had fun bringing in NBA stars who clearly must be fans of WWE. They played up to being in New York, so Brunson was of course the Face with Tyrese as the Heel. Knight has his part in MITB, probably won’t win it, but hey, he also has his win on Logan in his back pocket, Logan VS Knight at SummerSlam in Cleveland, Logan’s hometown, that’ll be great stuff.

Good promo from Corbin, Crews and Melo, though I was hoping Angel and Humberto were going to confront Crews over NXT and how both Crews and Corbin were talking smack on Santos. Maybe that’ll still happen next week or something, but I still expect there to be some sort of Six Man of Legado VS Crews, Corbin & Andrade at some point. Also, good promo from Andrade, though it didn’t exactly add that much. However, if anyone on the SmackDown side is becoming Mr. MITB, it would be Andrade. Knight has his feud with Logan, and while Melo is good, it still feels too soon. Andrade needs something for his return to the WWE and being Mr. MITB could be just the thing.

Very good string of promos in Aldis’ office. Mia VS Nia the rematch will be good, but I almost expect Tiff to help Nia win again. Profits wanting after Bloodline is good stuff, and Pretty Deadly making their return is also good, and the tag match we not get of Profits VS Pretty Deadly will be some really good stuff. DIY had a good promo with Theory and Waller, Waller’s attack definitely added a bit of heat to the match. I don’t see a title change happening just yet, even with them in Toronto and having the go-home show, but I think there will be more cracks in the foundation of A-Town Down Under that leads to their split by SummerSlam.

And just when you think this Bloodline story can’t reach new levels, we get tonight. Great opening brawl to help hype up the coming Six Man Tag, and it was also a good way to remove Cody’s team from the equation. Solo lies to Heyman, offends Heyman with how his Bloodline is usurping all the elements of Roman’s Bloodline, and then they put Heyman through a table. If this doesn’t motivate Roman to return soon, I don’t know what will.

My Score: 9/10

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