Two Championship matches and a potential career ending Mickie James match for the Last Rodeo! IMPACT has an intriguing card tonight!
While he hasn't been Filthy Frank in years, Joji has a knack to stay relatable. How does Smithereens stack up?
With a potentially iconic banger of a main event, how else does this episode of IMPACT! shake out?
The album has been at the top of my personally AOTY list, so now it's time to review it officially! Jorn - Over the Horizon Radar...
New Tag Champs, Option C invoked and Honor...No More? Things are looking interesting for IMPACT!
New Queensryche is up to bat! Does the JAR still consider it a sad Geoff Tate cover band, or have they found their footing with La...
With Bound For Glory behind us; where are all the title pictures headed now? Tune in to IMPACT!
So it's gotten some hype, now it's time to see how the new Slipknot fairs in the JAR!
Bound for Glory is supposed to be IMPACT's biggest show, and it feels a little like an after thought this year. Does the wrestling make up...
The GO HOME to Bound for Glory! What kind of last minute changes (if any) happen tonight?
Spring was good, Summer was better; can Weezer keep the ball rolling with Autumn? The JAR will judge their unique venture!
Bound for Glory is 8 days away, but Victory Road just happened. What kind of show do we get with some fallout and penultimate hype?
Gothic Hair Metal crawls into the JAR this week! Sonja's full-length debut! How does it fair?
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has made some solid numbers in North America. Do Ethan and Mat wish for more or was this a waste of...
Victory Road is the last speed bump before Bound for Glory! Main Event promises to be a bloody mess with Barbed Wire Massacre!
The last IMPACT before Victory Road tomorrow! How does this GO Home wrap things up?