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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 11.10.2022

Two Championship matches and a potential career ending Mickie James match for the Last Rodeo! IMPACT has an intriguing card tonight!



Two championship matches tonight! Digital Media and Knockouts! Plus we have a Mickie James Last Rodeo with some personal history and actually chance to lose!

Other things are bound to happen as well with Over Drive 8 days away, but you know I like to lead with the more important things. So let’s see if IMPACT believes in Joe Hendry like so many of us do.

The video package for the new VBD is kinda nice (as you can see next), but like I said last week…a flunky of the Dork Order and an Big Man who’s been treated like a joke and jobber during the point where the most people knew about him; these are not people to care about. 


  • Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry vs Brian Myers (c) w/Matt Cardona: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – ** 3/4 – TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • X Division Tournament: Trey Miguel vs Mike Bailey: Trey wins via DQ – **
  • Bhupinder Gujjar vs G Sharpe: Gujjar wins via Gargoyle Spear – ** 1/4
  • Last Rodeo: Chelsea Green w/Deonna Purrazzo vs Mickie James: Mickie wins via Jacknife Pinfall – ***
  • Zicky Dice w/Johnny Swinger vs Bully Ray: Bully Ray wins via Bully Bomb – N/A
  • Knockouts Championship: Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal vs Jordynne Grace (c): Grace retains via Grace Driver – *** 1/2



Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry vs Brian Myers (c) w/Matt Cardona

I appreciate how the crowd waves their hands from side to side and does the claps when needed for Joe Hendry. Myers also recently became the longest reigning Digital Media Champion. 

Myers tries a few bullying tactics early, but Hendry quickly applies his power advantage to work over Myers. Myers tries to powder, Hendry sends him back in, Cardona talks a little which takes Hendry’s attention briefly, allowing Myers a chance to hit an Enzuigiri and take over the momentum.

Everything’s coming up Brian until Hendry counters with a Vertical Suplex and kips up. A few quick runs, some Shoulder Tackles into the deadlift and then Trust Fall. Standing Ovation attempt, but Myers counters with a Flatliner. Myers tries a DDT, Hendry sends him into the ropes, Pop-Up Powerbomb for 2. Match heads to the outside.

Cardona starts lurking while they’re outside, then Heath and Rhino walk down as Cardona is begging off, and the tag champs remove Cardona. Hendry is slow to take advantage, Implant DDT from Myers for 2. Roster- NOPE into the Standing Ovation and WE BELIEVE IN JOE HENDRY!

It’s so self absorbed and cringe, but that’s the beauty and the point of it. Nicely done.

X Division Tournament: Trey Miguel vs Mike Bailey

Typical fast paced stick and move counters and dodging most of the offense before Trey is the first to start connecting. Trey tries to work over the arm, but Bailey eventually hits the Arm Drag to create space, hits the ropes, Trey tries to trip but is to slow and eats a Round Kick to the chest. Kenny King walks down as we go to commercial. We come back with Kenny eating popcorn at ringside, Bailey connects with a few kicks and his Corkscrew Shooting Star before Trey starts to lay in a few shots, and then the normal Fighting Spirit spot; but way too early with no tension.

Fighting Spirit ends with Bailey hitting a Spin Kick, sending Trey reeling and hitting the Back Elbow for everybody being down. Trey tries Meteora, misses, Tornado Kicks to the corner, but Trey dodges and eats a kick. Ultima Weapon attempt miss, Lighting Spiral counter, Flamingo Driver countered with a Poison Rana to the outside.

More fast and furious trades, Golden Triangle moonsault from Bailey gives him a small advantage. Trey tries to counter getting tossed back in, into a Sliding Sunset Bomb, but Bailey blocks it and hits the Backflip Knees. Kenny starts opening taunting Bailey, the referee tries to stop him, and Kenny throws Trey into the steps right in front of the referee.

So Kenny screwed Mike Bailey and Trey moves on to the finals. Ugh.

ImpactPlus Flashback: 2.11.2020, Knockouts Championship, Jordynne Grace vs Taya Valkyrie

Bhupinder Gujjar vs G Sharpe

Well Gujjar comes out to some new music, and its not super racist Indian music. It’s this kinda heavy Dubstep thing, pretty cool though.

Gujjar gets to debut the persona quirks that have changed since Myers taught him some hard veteran lessons. Gujjar starts a little aggressive, but does get caught by G Sharpe and starts eating some offense. Gujjar getting worked over a little by enhancement talent is weird, but this is essentially a “Get Right” game, so a little struggle makes sense.

He hits the Slingblade, Ripcord Knee, Samoan Drop, but only for 2. Indian Seth Rollins doesn’t end the match and Gujjar gets caught by a few strikes before catching him with a Pop-Up Powerslam. Then he does that dumb Gargoyle Spear again.

Decent enough for the story it is telling, but that finish is still completely awful. He needs a new finisher. 

Last Rodeo: Chelsea Green w/Deonna Purrazzo vs Mickie James

A little chain wrestling and tie ups keep the action in general slow, but Mickie is entertaining with adding the personal level to the match. She has Chelsea in a cravat, which Chelsea tries to walk up the corner to get out of, but gets stopped horizontally, and then Mickie just drops her and laughs at her.

Deonna tries to get involved a few times, she puts Chelsea’s foot on the ropes right in front of the referee and gets thrown out. Chelsea takes advantage of the general distraction and starts working over Mickie a little before she powers up with the crowd support, a few kicks and a Snapmare get things working for Chelsea. But as soon as I say that, Chelsea picks the leg and puts Mickie in a Half Crab, but Mickie gets to the ropes.

Fighting on the outside, they hit the apron, both connect on kicks and fall to the apron and then to the floor. Double Countout is teased, which is also confusing on if that ends Mickie’s career…but they both slide in at 8. Fighting Spirit spot that makes sense because they’ve been going a little and it’s personal. Mickie rocks Chelsea, Neckbreaker for 2. Mick-DT attempt, counter, Pump Kick from Chelsea which connects with the referee.

Flapjack, Kip Up and Mickie looks to end things but Deonna comes back down since the referee is out. Taylor Wilde intercepts even though Mickie told her not to last week, Avalanche Thesz Press, Mick-DT, but official is still down. Green connects with a big right hand, I’m Prettier…for 2! Chelsea is pissed, goes to the top rope for a Missile Dropkick, but Mickie is far enough away, she catches the feet, Jacknife Pinfall for the win!

Zicky Dice w/Johnny Swinger vs Bully Ray

So we all know how this is going to go. But it should be funny with Swinger. Swinger and Zicky immediately do a “Get the Tables” moment and Bully just lets it happen while giving him a hell of a look.

Zicky sets up the table, yells to the crowd about putting him through the table and then a Bully Bomb ends the match immediately.

Moose hits the ring, nut shot on Bully, readjusts the table, Lights Out through the table!

Knockouts Championship: Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal vs Jordynne Grace (c)

A little early avoidance is quickly ended with a Spinebuster from Grace. Gisele powders, Jai consoles her and Grace botches a Wrecking Ball Dropkick on Jai, so it looks dumb but it still leads to Gisele getting in some offense…so purpose is served.

Gisele keeps the momentum, throws Grace into the corner, Flying European Uppercuts, Grace stumbles to the center and Gisele hits another Uppercut for a near fall. She tries to suplex Grace which is a bad idea. So the counter suplex gives the champion a moment, but Gisele jumps back into the aggressive role.

Jordynne finally puts the brakes on the assault, kicks Gisele in the shoulder blades and then a clubbing blow across the chest to drop the challenger. Commercial happens as we enter into an intense Fighting Spirit spot. Gisele is a great striker, so when she’s allowed to actually get aggressive, her offense looks so good. Jordynne gets the best of things, corner Sliding D into a Vader Bomb, only for 2. Jordynne works over Gisele with some Vader Hammers, but a Side Kick followed by a Step Over Kick gives Gisele and opening. Jordynne tries the ropes, but a kick to the back stops her, Green Killer gives Gisele a 2.

Top turnbuckle for Gisele, she taunts too long and Grace climbs the corner and stops Gisele. SUPER PLEX, with the hold on into a Jackhammer for 2! Grace stuns Gisele with a knee and pulls out a new move for her, the Kudo Driver! Only for 2, but being a bit of a Megumi Kudo fan myself, I always enjoy seeing the move. Grace Driver attempt, but Gisele counters into SHock & AWe. Running Knee Strike missed, Cradle kick out, Jacknife, kick out, Powerbomb from Grace into a Grace Driver to retain.

Aside from the flubbed Wrecking Ball Dropkick early, this was a pretty damn good match. 

Masha Slamovich attacks Jordynne with a chair as she walks up the ramp. So we finally see Masha for the first time since her Bound of Glory loss and it definitely sends a message. 

Overall Score: 7.5/10

So PCO’s hand sticks out of the dirt, so he’s not dead yet! Joe Hendry is the Digital Media Champion! Masha Slamovich returned! Bhupinder Gujjar has new music but he really needs a new finish…yeah I guess that’s not a positive.

But in all seriousness, it wasn’t a bad show. A few spots dragged a little, Tommy Dreamer involving himself in matches he has no business in; and I have no interest in – doesn’t really help the quality. The Kazarian video package was pretty nice, it’s really gonna suck when he probably loses at Over Drive.

Also since we all know I have no respect for Trey, I’m not mad at how he won, I’m just mad he seems like the only real choice to put the belt on unless IMPACT wants to finally pull the trigger on Black Taurus (assuming he beats PJ Black next week). Kenny screwing Bailey out of the tournament is a solid reason that gives the feud teeth and doesn’t hurt Bailey.

Again, not a bad episode.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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