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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 11.17.2022

Black Taurus vs PJ Black for the last X Division Finals spot! Death Machine’s Double Jeopardy between Eric Young and Sami Callihan! IMPACT gets bloody before Over Drive!



Over Drive go home show! Who will be the one to meet Trey Miguel in the X Divison Tournament Finals? Which psycho reigns supreme between Eric Young and Sami Callihan? Also Tommy Dreamer has a hardcore match that will probably be the same as every match he’s done for the last like 5 or 6 years (decent but generally forgettable).

Let’s see if there’s any last second shake ups before the ImpactPlus event!


  • X Division Tournament: Black Taurus vs PJ Black: Taurus wins via Destination Hellhole – ***
  • Motor City Machine Guns vs  Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs Aussie Open vs Shera & Raj Singh: Bullet Club wins via Finesse’d & Folded – *** 1/4
  • Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Taya Valkyrie w/Rosemary: Taya wins via Counter Pinfall – **
  • Old School Rulz Match: Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Maclin: Maclin wins via KIA on Chair – ** 3/4
  • Laredo Kid vs Rich Swann: Swann wins via 450 – ***
  • Death Machine’s Double Jeopardy Match: Eric Young vs Sami Callihan: Sami wins via Cactus Driver ’97 – *** 1/2


Crazzy Steve opens the show with a different look and announcing in Black Taurus for his X Division tournament match. 

X Division Tournament: Black Taurus vs PJ Black

A few decent counter attacks from both before Darewolf manages the delayed Monkey Flip to give him a small advantage. Taurus fights back, tries to connect with Tope con Hilo, but PJ dodges and lands his own Tornillo. PJ then walks up the ramp, runs down, rolls through the Powerbomb position into a Double Stomp. Count Out is started but Taurus is back in by 6.

Darewolf attempts to keep on the offense, but Taurus hits a Back Elbow combo and back to back Slingblades for a near fall. Pop-Up Samoan Drop…but PJ kicks out. Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt, but a counter of a Meteora. PJ hits a Double Stomp from the sky, but Taurus kicks out. They fight in the corner, Taurus thinks he has the advantage, heads to the top but PJ counters with a Spanish Fly. Quick trade and Double Lariat rest spot.

Combination kicks from PJ, hits a Jumping Sole Butt, goes to the ropes and Taurus counters with a Headbutt. Destination Hellhole and Taurus pulls a win out of nowhere.

Taurus needs to win the damn title. No more Trey Miguel. Stop trying to make him a thing…he’s not a thing. 

Motor City Machine Guns vs  Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs Aussie Open vs Shera & Raj Singh

Wow the garbage job section of the Desi Hit Squad is all they’ve got left as a fourth? At least the other three teams are worth the attention.

Fletcher and Ace Austin start and it’s a slower yet very Junior style early tie ups, Arm Drags and control spots. Nothing crazy until Ace tags in Bey and we get some fluid tandem attacks. Raj tags himself in and I guess this is how we’re supposed to care about their legitimacy when they try to take a few shortcuts and make quick tags between Shera to try and keep control.

After the commercial, Ace counters as Raj wipes out Bey so Ace dives over to Sabin to tag out of the match and get a breather. MCMG tandem offense takes out Ace, Bey tries to fly in but they catch him and lay him out. Ray eats some High Speed Dirt, but Davis tags himself in for Aussie Open to take out Shera and we get some MCMG vs Aussie action.

Sabin gets shoved into the corner, Ace tags himself in and the Bullet Club boys try to take out Aussie Open but Davis powers through attempted offense and Aussies keep momentum. Assisted Diving Cutter from Fletcher onto Bey gets a 2, but Aussies are in clear control. Corealis attempt, but Bey counters with a Headscissors, Ace helps out, dive spot set and Bey dives into the pile of humans as they count a Two Sweet over the top rope as a tag. Finesse’d & Folded for the Bullet Club win.

Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Taya Valkyrie w/Rosemary

Well early on Tasha is getting…woman-handled, and it makes so much sense. Taya is bigger than Tasha, and a much better wrestler, so I’m fully in the corner of La Wera Loca. A miss into the corner, leads to Tasha hitting a Codebreaker and starting to string some things together, but it’s short lived thankfully.

O-kurrr attempt, blocked, Blackout blocked, Road to Valhalla is attempted to get countered into a roll-up, but Taya just sits down and leans back into the pinfall as Taya wins. Brawl happens, JesSICKa’s music hits, she comes out with a beer helmet and a Shot Queen sash, as she cleans house.

Old School Rulz Match: Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Maclin

Maclin starts hot with a Scoop Slam, some early offense, but misses on the Rope Run Elbow Drop and then Dreamer starts rocking Maclin. Lariat to the outside, some shenanigans, Tommy hits him with a drink from the fans, tries to expose the floor for a Piledriver; but Maclin counters. Beats on Tommy a little, Elbow Drop from the apron and everything is coming up Maclin for now.

Taking too much time grabbing weapons, Maclin gets cut off by a Dreamer boot, eats a Flip Flop and Fly seating Maclin into a chair and then hitting a Crossbody on the seated Maclin. Maclin is on the chair, Tommy goes for the Elbow drop and it looks like he slipped a little and also eats all chair. Maclin lights him up with a Kendo Stick, Tommy taunts, dodges and grabs a hold hitting the White Russian Leg Sweep. A few traded shots but Dreamer hits another Kendo shot, goes to get a trash can and throws it in and bounces it off Maclin’s face.

Dreamer goes into the can, finds a water bottle, takes a swig and also finds a styrofoam food container and hits Maclin with some fried rice. A few more shots, Cutter from Dreamer and its only a 2. Tommy gets the tables and asks for help from Mr. Impact (a fan in the crowd) to get the table in. Spicolli Driver attempt through the table, Maclin countered, KIA into the chair and Maclin wins!

Bully Ray makes the save for Tommy when Maclin tries to add more offense. Moose comes in for some cheap shots on Bully and we get Moose and Maclin together again. They try to double team Bully through a table, but Josh Alexander makes the save for Bully, German Suplexes Maclin and Moose for a staredown spot with Bully…who has the title in his hands. Bully points at Maclin, Double Chokeslam through the table on Maclin. 

Josh grabs the trophy, Bully grabs the title…and then exchange items with a small questionable moment from Bully. 

Laredo Kid vs Rich Swann

Bell rings and Laredo dives for a Lariat but Swann dodges. Thankfully this is more of a Lucha opening with strikes and big spots instead of everyone doing the slow burn chain wrestling Japanese Junior start.

Back to Back Corkscrew Moonsaults from Laredo onto Rich, he goes for a top rope Moonsault but Rich counters with his feet. Rich hits the Neckbreaker into his Jump Over Step Back Kick. Middle Rope 450 misses from Rich, German Suplex from Laredo, a little Eddie Guerrero to signal the Frog Splash…for 2.

Laredo flips, Swann rolls through the corner attack, Laredo tries to keep on the attack, eats a Spin Kick for his trouble. Swann rocks him, Middle Rope 450 and Swann wins!

Death Machine’s Double Jeopardy Match: Eric Young vs Sami Callihan

Sami’s music hits and Kon, Angels and Deaner attack Sami right away. They bust him open before the bell even rings, so as per his own rules, Sami is already in Jeopardy to lose the match.

Commercial break hits, they charge at each other since Sami won’t let the ambush stop him. EY hits a modified Death Valley Buster, Sami rolls to the outside to avoid a pinfall loss, and EY continues his attack on the outside. A Sami chant seems to distract EY a little and allow Sami to hit a few heavy strikes to try and start making some space for himself.

EY tries the Suplex on the outside, fights and reverses it. Sami grabs an 8×10 from his trash can of goodies and gives EY a papercut on the tongue. EY tries to slow Sami down again with a Back Body Drop onto the apron. Now he’s laying in a few strikes to a prone Sami, and Sami will have to absorb the offense and fire back up. Sami slowly pulls himself up as EY keeps hitting him, taunting EY, and the punishment continues. Dueling Eye Gouges, but Sami adds a bite to the top of the head and lands a Death Valley Driver onto Eric Young.

Blood is flowing from EY as soon as we see him post DVD. Now both men are in jeopardy of losing. Commercial again, EY is eating Vader Hammers against the ropes, another face bite, and EY powders. Sami grabs him and pulls his face against a ring post. EY fights back and then pulls Sami back into the post, Sami replies in kind. So they’re just trading pulling one another into the post.

Piledriver attempt on the floor from EY, but Sami counters it with the Back Body Drop. Sami throws a Snow Shovel from out of the trash can, and then tosses the can in. EY hits Sami with a trash can lid, and Sami’s weapons are being used against him. Spinning Toe Hold by EY. Sami fights through and turns it into a Figure Four for himself. So that’s good references to classic hardcore wrestlers and classic moves.

They both charge at each other on all fours and trade headbutts. Then slowly stand and just throw haymakers, then more stereo headbutts, followed by a charging Double Coconut. That gets the crowd to start chanting “This is Awesome”, and its definitely been something to see. Sami send EY into the ropes, EY hits the brake, Piledriver onto Callihan, and Sami kicks out at 2. EY mocks Sami with the Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Sami counters with a Ding Dong Claw. Cactus Driver ’97, but EY kicks out. Furious lid shots, Cactus Driver ’97 number 2…and Sami wins!

Overall Score: 7.5/10

The show ends with the other 3 VBD members just standing over EY’s bloody and beaten body, staring. They didn’t pull the trigger on taking EY out, but it seems like a foreboding message. Which isn’t something VBD needs. They just added 2 mooks, and if Deaner is the brains of a stable, you might as well just throw in the towel or assume its a J.O.B. Squad. I’ll also say I usual dislike when there are multiple similar gimmick matches on a card, but the Old School match was more bingo hall ECW; while the Double Jeopardy match felt more like a Death Match. So even though both were hardcore matches, they did feel significantly different.

All that being said, it wasn’t a bad Go Home, but the fact that Shera and Raj get any screen time trying to be portrayed a legit team is sad. Someone offer Rohit a contract again, cause Raj ain’t it. And it goes without really saying, but I’ll say it anyway, Black Taurus better win tomorrow! I am beyond sick of Trey, his promos are awful, hits matches are flashy garbage, and he’s about as enjoyable as a Root Canal and Colonoscopy 2 for 1 coupon. If Hunter doesn’t get Wentz back in WWE…IMPACT should really get him back. Bring back a Rascal with talent, please.

Anyway, I’m gonna be watching Over Drive tomorrow if for no other reason than Josh Alexander vs Frankie Kazarian. Even though I’m pretty sure The Coolness will lose…it should be a hell of a match.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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