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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (11/18/22)

Ole~, ole ole ole ole~!



SmackDown 2022

The SmackDown World Cup kicks it up a notch!

While Survivor Series approaches, the SmackDown World Cup continues at high speed! Sami Zayn VS Pete Dunne and Ricochet VS Mustafa Ali close out the opening round!


  • SmackDown World Cup, Opening Round: Ricochet VS Mustafa Ali; Ricochet wins and advances.
  • Mad Cap Moss VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross wins.
  • Shotzi Blackheart VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey; Shotzi wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Imperium VS The New Day & ???; The New Day & Braun Strowman win.
  • SmackDown World Cup, Opening Round: Pete Dunne VS Sami Zayn; Dunne wins and advances.


Sheamus & The Brawling Brutes head to the ring!

The Fella is back and Hartford fires up for Fight Night! But they’re not alone, because DREW MCINTYRE is joining them! Fans fire up even more now that the Scottish Warrior goes with the Celtic Warrior, the Yorkshire Grit & the Bruiserweight to the ring. They’re reunited because of their common enemies in the Bloodline, and they’ll be taking them on at Survivor Series: WarGames! The Brutes and Drew get the mics, and Sheamus says, “Is this on this time? Yeah? You can all hear me, yeah? Hartford, how’re ya bleedin’ doing?

“Now I’m gonna start off with this. I know there’s a lot of people that’re happy that Drew McIntyre is standing by my side as the Brawling Brutes prepare to go to war with The Bloodline, considering the fact that you and me, man, we’ve had a 20 year storied feud, a rivalry. How many times have we gone to war, fella? How many people have questioned if we can actually trust each other? The truth is, though, man, the 20 year rivalry has created mutual respect.” Fans cheer that! Sheamus says it has created a bond so strong that Sheamus asked McIntyre to be his best man when he got married in New York three weeks ago.

Sheamus says the truth is… Fans start chanting “UCEY! UCEY!” Well, they may have an Ucey, but the Brutes want the “Brutey.” Brutey? Yeah. Well, okay. McIntyre’s feeling Brutey! Because when it comes down to it, there is no one Sheamus would rather be in the trenches with than Drew McIntyre. So what’s he say? Will he be their Honorary Brute? McIntyre grins and notices the fans chanting “BRUTEY! BRUTEY!” McIntyre says no one knows what it’s like to be outnumbered by the Bloodline more than him. Just when you think you’ve got them beat, another one appears! They multiply like friggin’ rabbits!

But when the odds are even, the story is different. If McIntyre’s going to war, he’s going to war with his brother. McIntyre offers a handshake, and Sheamus takes it! Fans fire up and Ridge says this is nice and all, but let’s get serious> Hartford, it’s FIGHT NIGHT! Fans fire up for that! And “Butch” says it’ll be WARGAMES!! And lads, McIntyre sees four. But who could be their fifth man, brother? Well Sheamus says he’s gonna tell ya! But then Sami Zayn comes out saying, “My dawgs.” And the “UCEY! UCEY!” chants start again.

Sami says he speaks on behalf of the Bloodline when he says they don’t care! The Bloodline is feeling good, feeling great, and yes, they’re feeling… Gassy? No, UCEY! But you think you’re getting in the Bloodline’s heads? Sami is the Master Strategist, AKA the Honorary Uce, AKA Sami Uso, AKA Ucey in the Sky with Diamonds! And you all think the Bloodline is worried? Sami doesn’t make a lot of guarantees, but he is putting his name on this one. As the Honorary Uce, Sami personally promises the Bloodline WILL win WarGames! And the Brutes look wound up. But Dunne doesn’t need to wait, he and Sami have a match in the SmackDown Cup!

So Sami is going to run through Dunne and give him a taste of what they can all expect next Saturday at Survivor Series! Wow, Sami, Sheamus is delighted to see he’s so confident. But when Sami finds out who the fifth man is, well… He’ll probably crap his bleedin’ pants. Because… It’s the last thing Sami’s gonna expect. Sami isn’t sure what to make of that, but will we all be in for a shock come Survivor Series?


SmackDown World Cup, Opening Round: Ricochet VS Mustafa Ali!

Speaking of that World Cup, the One and Only takes on The Beacon in what will surely be a fast and furious first round match! But who will be the one moving on to the next round?

SmackDown returns and Ali makes his entrance. Ali is worse for wear after a brutal match with the All Mighty, Bobby Lashley. But even with ribs taped, Ali wants to prove that if he can breathe and move, then he can fight! The bell rings and fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Ricochet waistlocks, then rolls Ali, ONE! Ali gets up but Ricochet trips him to a jackknife! ONE, Ali sunsets, ONE! Ricochet spins things around to a backslide, ONE! Ali waistlocks, Ricochet switches, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Ali runs in but into a leg sweep! Cover, ONE! Ali scrambles to a corner and fans fire up as Ricochet waits on Ali.

Ricochet says they didn’t have to do this, and asks why Ali is doing this at all. Think of your future! Ali says he is, and he ties up with Ricochet. They break, tie up again, and Ricochet puts Ali in the corner. Ali turns it around, Ricochet turns it back, Ali switches again but Ricochet backs him into the corner. The ref counts, Ali hooks the leg but Ricochet throws an elbow. Ali CLOBBERS Ricochet from behind! Ali throws haymakers, he bumps Ricochet off buckles, then whips corner to corner. Ricochet staggers forward into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Ali is annoyed but he keeps on Ricochet in the corner with a CHOP!

Ali whips corner to corner, Ricochet puts Ali out on the apron and ROCKS him with a right! Ricochet climbs up, drags Ali up, but Ali throws haymakers! Fans rally and Ali climbs, but Ricochet throws body shots. They brawl up there, Ali CLUBS Ricochet, and then Ali adjusts to SUPER BACKSTABBER! Ricochet writhes and falls out of the ring but Ali writhes inside as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Ali sits up for Ricochet to KICK down! Ricochet again asks Ali what’s the point of this, but Ali sits up so Ricochet KICKS him again! Ali sits up again, Ricochet KICKS him again. Ricochet drags Ali up to KICK and run, but Ali dodges and returns to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Ricochet flounders out of the ring but hurries back up, into a SHOTGUN! Ricochet hurries up again, Ali KICKS him back out! Ali grits his teeth as he takes aim, to PLANCHA! Direct hit but Ricochet rolls through to MICHINOKU DRIVER to the floor! Fans fire up while both men writhe at ringside at the ramp!

Ali crawls away, drags himself up with the barriers, but Ricochet goes to the ring. Ricochet doesn’t go in, he drags Ali up and puts him in first. Ricochet then climbs up the corner and takes aim, PHOENIX SPLASH FLOPS as Ali moves! KOJI KLUTCH!!! Ricochet flails, endures, moves around, reaches out with a leg, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Ali lets go in frustration, almost snatching that one away! Fans fire up, Ali drags Ricochet up and fireman’s carries, but the ribs hurt! Ricochet shoves Ali to a corner but Ali elbows him away! Ali goes up but Ricochet drags him off with a waistlock! Ali throws elbow after elbow but Ricochet SNAP DRAGON SUPLEXES!

Ali stands, into the DISCUS LARIAT!! Ricochet keeps moving, LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives and shocks Ricochet! Ricochet wants the ref to check on Ali but Ali refuses to let this end that way. Ali stands up again, Ricochet runs in, but Ali dodges the knee! Wheelbarrow, VICTORY ROLL! TWO!!! Ricochet SOBATS hard, then he whips Ali to a corner. Ali reverses, Ricochet goes up and over but Ali goes up to TORNADO DDT! Ali hurries to the corner! Ali climbs but those ribs slow him down. Ricochet is still down, Ali 450 FLOPS!! Ricochet hurries to stand back up, and fans rally as Ricochet climbs again.

Ali slowly stands, Ricochet aims and SHOOTING STAR ATTTACKS!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall (advances to the second round)

Another hard fought fight from Ali, but the damage done by Lashley was too much! But in the end, there is still respect between these two. Now, Ricochet goes up against the Monster of All Monsters, BRAUN STROWMAN! Will Ricochet survive his run in with the Strowman Express?


The Bloodline talks backstage.

Jey Uso asks Sami what he was doing out there, talking on behalf of the Bloodline. Jey knows Sami ain’t dumb enough to actually go and guarantee a W at WarGames! They don’t even know who the fifth member of Sheamus’ team is! Sami asks Jey back what he possibly did wrong this time! All Sami did was say they’re going to win! What’s wrong with that? Does Jey not believe they’ll win? No, Jey KNOWS they’re gonna win. Okay, then why is he upset? Because Sami is running his mouth! Sami says, “My dawg,” but then Jimmy speaks up. They need to be on the same page. Roman Reigns is on his way, they all need to calm down before he gets here. Take a chill pill.

Jey tells Sami to chill. Sami say she is chill! Jimmy suggests he just take a breath. Sami accepts that. Sami heads out, and Jimmy tells Jey not to worry about Sami. This is Bloodline business! They need to figure out who the fifth man is! Jey agrees. They’ll handle business. Sami returns and gives Jimmy the secret handshake, and says that thing they talked about earlier is handled. Sami will let Jimmy know more later. Sami heads out again, but just what is he talking about? And will Sami be able to handle Pete Dunne with Jey on his case?


Backstage interview with The New Day.

Kayla Braxton tells Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston that she understands how much the longest tag team title reign record meant to them. How are they feeling? Woods says it’s not the best day. They know that when you want to become tag team champions, you have to win just one match. But in order to set such a record, you have to become champs and successfully defend those championships night after night for more than a year. So of course, they’re not in the best mood right now. Kofi says that losing the record was incredibly disappointing, more so because of how hard they worked.

But then Imperium walks in! Giovanni Vinci tells the New Day not to be so disappointed. They still have a record: the record of being the biggest bunch of clowns in WWE history. Ludwig Kaiser says the New Day is “exactly what is wrong with our beloved sport today. For the past eight years, you were making a mockery of it with your trombones and your dancing in the ring and all that nonsense. And of course now, it’s up to us to pick up the pieces of your work in order to restore the honor of that mat that is so sacred to us!” “Oh, he vants to westore ze honor~! He vants to shake ze hands!” “And grahb ze buttocks! UGH! YAH~!”

Gunther has Ludwig calm down and Kofi tells Woods, “You know who this dude looks like?” Who who who? That goofy guy from the Addams Family! LURCH! Yes, Gunther is Lurch! That has to be his uncle. But listen here, young bloods. Y’all don’t wanna settle this like gentlemen, so the New Day can find someone, and y’all can meet them in the ring. Gunther says, “Thank you for proving our point. We accept.” Imperium heads out, but will the New Day restore their honor by knocking down the naysayers?


Emma finds Mad Cap Moss at gorilla.

She says hey, and asks how Riddick’s doing. It’s been three weeks and he can still barely talk because of that damn Kross Jacket. Three weeks… But tonight is about revenge. It was humiliating! Emma stops him there. Tonight is a fresh start. She knows how good he is, and he’s way more athletic, so he should use his speed as his weapon. Then he can take the fight to him. Moss nods and heads out. Will the pep talk help Moss get even with Kross?

Mad Cap Moss VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

SmackDown returns and Kross makes his entrance. The bell rings and Moss KNEES Kross into the corner! Moss fires off fast hands and fans fire up! The ref backs Moss off but Moss jukes him to get after Kross again! The ref counts, Moss stomps but lets off, all fired up! Kross stands but Moss runs in, and Moss blocks a boot to throw a hand! Kross hits Moss back, facelocks, but Moss wrenches out to kick low! Moss suplexes Kross up and over! Moss hurries after Kross but Kross knees low! Kross whips Moss to ropes but Moss reverses and hurdles! And drops, to then CLOBBER Kross with an elbow!

Kross wobbles, Moss runs and clotheslines Kross out of the ring! Moss hurries out after Kross to RAM him into barriers! The fans rally as Moss puts Kross back in the ring. Moss swings but into the chicken wings! TIGER SUPLEX! Moss flounders but Kross stalks him to the corner. Kross stomps a mudhole into Moss, the ref counts, and Kross stops at 4. Kross snarls and puts Moss on the ropes, to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Moss sputters, and Kross argues with the ref so that Scarlett can SLAP Moss! The fans boo but Moss is pissed now! Moss stands up and he fires off forearms! Kross knees low again and whips.

Moss CLOBBERS Kross! And again! Moss ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds up speed to run Kross right over! Fans fire up with Moss as he runs corner to corner, and he RAMS into Kross! Moss keeps moving, he RAMS into Kross again! Scarlett is worried as Moss RMAS Kross a third time! Moss then scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Kross flounders out of the ring but Moss goes out the side! Scarlett stands in his way and Kross gets back in the ring. Moss goes around her, but into a BOOT from Kross! Kross then POSTS Moss, and Moss flops back into the ring. Kross shrugs, and he wraps on the SLEEPER!

Moss flails, he fights the jacket being locked on, and he RAMS Kross backwards into buckles! Kross holds on, Moss picks him up as a backpack! BACKPACK SENTON!! But Kross rises up! KROSSJACKET!!! “You remember this?! You remember this!?” Moss TAPS, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by submission

But Kross won’t let go! He’s repeating what he did just last month! Kross lets go, fans boo, but in the end, Moss lost just like before. Emma hurries out to check on Moss as Kross & Scarlett laugh on their way out. Will no one stop Kross from taking control of SmackDown?


Bray Wyatt is here!

Hartford fires up and the fireflies come out as Bray makes his way through the mysterious door. Bray then goes to the ring, and he blows his lantern out. “My name is Bray Wyatt.” Fans cheer and Bray chuckles. “Lately, I’ve started to realize that I have been conditioned my entire life to be a certain way. And when you’re conditioned to be a certain way for that long, you start to feel like changing is impossible. I was conditioned to be strong, I was conditioned to take. I was taught that fear is respect. Lately, I’ve started to look at the path I’ve left behind me. And when I look at it, it is covered in ashes and blood.

“And I start to think, ‘Why do I do the things that I do? And can I actually change?’ If I was LA Knight, I know exactly how I would handle this situation, and that makes me sad, man. But I wanted to come out here to do this, and I feel real strongly about it. I wanted to apologize to LA Knight for what I did to him.” Fans boo, they don’t think he has to. But Bray “had a moment of weakness. And I strayed from my path.” But wait! Here comes LA Knight! “Lemme talk to ya! For seven days, I’ve run it over and over again, the cheap shot heard ’round the world, your head connecting with my chin. And each time, it gets me a little bit hotter than the last.”

But now Bray’s out here, talking about apologizing. To be honest, LA Knight’s a little conflicted. Because Bray talked about fear and respect. LA Knight is looking at Bray now and… Fans start to boo as Knight says that there’s something that tells him that last week, the fact that Knight didn’t fear Bray garnered him some of Bray’s respect. Because thinking about it, the rarest commodity around here is respect. It’s more valuable than money and it’s something Knight’s always wanted. Bray says he “gets” Knight, and no one’s every really understood Knight. Knight isn’t sure, but as he steps in the ring with Bray, Knight isn’t sure what to make of the apology.

But looking at Bray here, maybe Bray does respect him. So for that, Knight SLAPS Bray, and then walks away! Now they’re even, apology accepted! Knight says he and Bray can go their separate ways. Fans boo even harder as Bray tries to contain his anger. “Alright. We’re even, right? Even. Look, man. There’s a lot I wanna do to you right now, but I’m not going to, okay? There are a lot of urges, my brother. But listen. The decision you’re about to make right now is going to change the rest of your life, you understand me? We’re even.” Bray offers a handshake. Knight asks if Bray means it and Bray nods. Knight hesitates, but he SLAPS Bray again!

Knight says that was a two-for-one special, because that’s how Knight does it! Knight has wanted to do that all week. But then UNCLE HOWDY appears on the tron!! Bray’s face also says it all. Will the Mega Star regret playing games with the Eater of Worlds?


The Usos find Kross and Scarlett backstage.

Jey asks Kross straight up if he’s the fifth man. Jimmy says, “Nah, that ain’t him, Uce.” Kross wants to explain something to them: he is not a follower. Well, then we won’t see him around when Sami takes on Dunne, right? And he won’t try and make a name for himself off The Bloodline, right? Right? Kross says when he comes for Roman’s titles, which he will, he’ll do it on his own time. And when he does, it won’t be part of a pack. It’ll be all on his own. Kross & Scarlett leave, and the Usos let him be. That’s one name off the list, but who else will the Usos ask?


Shotzi Blackheart VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey!

The Wild Child is the #1 contender and ready for war at Survivor Series, but it was the Queen of Spades who fired the first shot. Will Shayna soften Shotzi up for Ronda? Or will the Baddest Women in the WWE learn not to piss off a girl with a tank?

SmackDown returns and Shotzi makes her entrance. The tank fires its pyro and Shotzi hops into the ring. The bell rings and Shotzi is wary of Ronda on the apron. Shayna sucker punches Shotzi and sweeps the legs! Shayna rains down forearms, then smirks as she stalks Shotzi. She taunts Shotzi, brings her up, and clinches to throw a KNEE! Shayna CLUBS Shotzi down, talks trash, but Shotzi SLAPS Shayna and cradles! TWO! Shayna rushes in but Shotzi LARIATS first! Shotzi runs at the ropes but Ronda takes a swipe! The ref reprimands but Shayna CLUBS Shotzi! Shayna puts Shotzi in a corner to stomp a mudhole in!

The ref counts, Shayna lets off at 4, then she drags Shotzi up to snapmare and KICK! Cover, TWO! Shayna clamps on a top wristlock and Shotzi endures. Fans boo Shayna then rally up for Shotzi. Shotzi fights up, throws body shots and haymakers, but Shayna CLUBS her back down! Shayna stalks Shotzi, runs in, but Shotzi deflect the knee to KICK, KICK and ROLLING ELBOW! Shayna wobbles, the QUESTION MARK KICK hits its mark! Shayna bails out and Ronda is there! Fans boo but Shotzi hurries out. Shotzi gest in Ronda’s face, puts Shayna in the ring, but Ronda dares Shotzi to do something.

Shotzi gets on the apron, Shayna calls to the ref, but Ronda gets up on the apron. Ronda messes with Shotzi’s hair but Shotzi tells her to stay outta this. Shayna runs in but Shotzi dodges! Shotzi ENZIGURIS Shayna down! Cover, TWO! Ronda is annoyed now but Shotzi goes out to tell her, “Is this what you want?” But Shayna YANKS Shotzi back in! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES her! Shotzi flops and Shayna covers, TWO! Fans rally but Shayna sends Shotzi back out. Shayna tells Shotzi to go after Ronda. The ref reprimands Shayna and Ronda, Shayna goes out to stomp Shotzi and put her in the ring.

Shayna and Ronda high-five, but then Shotzi SHOTGUNS Shayna! And SPLASHES in the corner! Shotzi snapmares, runs, and SLING-DOGS! Fans fire up and Shayna is on the ropes, Shotzi hits the BALLPIT! Shotzi cravats, but Ronda gets on the apron again! Shayna POSTS Shotzi! Ronda talks trash while Shayna has Shotzi in a SLEEPER in the ropes! But wait! RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ appears! That startles Ronda as now Big Mami Cool is here to back up Shotzi! Shayna is upset that Raquel’s here, and she hurries to pick Shotzi up. Shayna isolates an arm, taunts Raquel, but Shotzi avoids the stomp! ROLL-UP, SHOTZI WINS!!

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall

And that’s what the bullies get! Shotzi & Raquel have the last laugh tonight, but what about the title match? Will Ronda need her sidekick to have a chance of surviving Survivor Series?


Backstage interview with LA Knight.

Megan Morant catches him on his way out of the arena to ask if he’s leaving because he’s afraid of Bray. Knight says, “Who’s afraid? Who just apologized to who out there?” Does Megan hang around work when she’s done working? No, probably not. So Knight’s done with these trash interviews. And that’s not an insult. That’s just a fact of life, YEAH! But when he opens the door, UNCLE HOWDY’S THERE!! Is this going to be Knight’s last night on SmackDown?


SmackDown returns and Knight’s been buried!

Referees and officials hurry to clear off chairs, tables, kegs, trash cans, and whatever else was backstage off of Knight! Did Bray give into those urges of violence and anger?


Six Man Tag: Imperium VS The New Day & ???

The Pride of Italy and the Impeccable German belittled the legacy of the ELEVEN-TIME W, W, E, World, Tag, Team, Champions~, and now Kofi & Woods vow to show them who the real jokes are around here! But who (who who who) is going to be the third man? BRAAAUN~! The Monster of All Monsters once again reinforces the New Day, will Imperium all #GetTheseHands?

And the brawl is on! Gunther is in shock seeing Braun while Kofi has Ludwig and Woods has Vinci! Those four go into the ring and Gunther backs up as Braun approaches. Kofi shoves Ludwig to then duck and clothesline Ludwig out! Vinci whips, Woods reverses, and Kofi clotheslines him out, too! Fans fire up as Kofi climbs, and Kofi SUPER TRUST FALLS, into the arms of Imperium! FACEBUSTER on the apron! But Woods builds speed, but Gunther CHOPS him down! Braun gets in now, and he turns Gunther around! The bell rings and the giants start this one! Fans fire up as the two circle, but Gunther bails out!

Gunther regroups with Imperium as fans boo and Braun shouts at them to come get some! Imperium talks strategy while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Vinci has Woods down with a chinlock. Fans rally up, Woods fights up and he JAWBREAKERS free! Vinci keeps Woods from his corner but Woods throws forearms! Woods reaches, throws forearms, but Vinci whips him and throws him down! Vinci taunts Kofi while fans boo, and Vinci tags Ludwig. They whip and SPINEBUSTER to PENALTY KICK! Ludwig then sucker punches Kofi! Ludwig stays clear of Braun while fans boo. Ludwig grins as he looms over Woods, then he whips Woods to the corner. Woods ROCKS Gunther! And ROCKS Vinci! And he ROCKS and CHOPS Ludwig on repeat!

Fans fire up as Woods DECKS Ludwig! Ludwig anchors a foot to keep Woods from Braun! Ludwig reels Woods in, but Woods lands out of the back suplex! Woods slides under, reaches, but Ludwig gets his foot again! Woods BOOTS Ludwig away, hot tags to the Monster and Vinci! Braun rallies on Vinci, DECKS Ludwig, scares off Gunther, then whips Vinci to ropes. Vinci kicks Braun, tags Gunther, then dodges Braun to springboard, only for Braun to CLOBBER him out of the air! But Gunther gets in to CHOP! Braun just snarls! Fans fire up and Gunther wants Braun to hold on. Braun chases Gunther around the ring!

Braun CLOBBERS Vinci, and he CLOBBERS Ludwig, still chasing Gunther! They get in the ring, Gunther runs but into a scoop! Gunther slips off, CHOPS, but Braun just winces! Gunther runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Braun is surprised, but he fires up and Hartford is with him! Braun reels Gunther in, but Gunther slips away to KICK the leg! Gunther tags Ludwig, but Kofi tags in! Kofi CROSSBODIES Ludwig! And KNEES Vinci away! Kofi spins, Ludwig ducks but Kofi BOOTS back! Woods tags in, Kofi scoops Ludwig! MIDNIGHT HOUR!! Cover, Braun scares Gunther, and Braun’s team wins!

Winners: The New Day & Braun Strowman, by pinfall

Hartford is fired up as Braun stands tall with Kofi & Woods! Will ya bois find their way back to the top of the tag team mountain? And will this mountainous monster manhandle everyone in the SmackDown World Cup to have an Intercontinental Championship opportunity?

Braun returns backstage and Kayla is there to interview him.

She congratulates Braun on that win in the tag match, he certainly sent a strong message to Gunther. Braun says that’s right! “You never take your eyes off the Monster of All Monsters, and I’m looking forward to winning this World Cup tournament and taking that Intercontinental Championship off Gunther’s hands.” But Ricochet walks in to say, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Listen, Braun, I know you’re not one for big thinking, you’re looking way too far into the future. Because if you keep looking past these, uh, ‘flippy flippers,’ your words, not mine… It might come back to bite you.”

Ricochet leaves Braun to think that one over. Will the monster double down on what he said? Or will speed beat strength to move on to the finals?


BIG matches for next week!

On the eve of Survivor Series, we will see some rather high stakes tag team matches! After Raquel backed Shotzi up against Shayna & Ronda, we see The Ballsy & The Badass team up against the Baddest Women! Will Ricky Desperado help Shotzi #TakeCareofBidness before going after Ronda? Or will Shayna & Ronda both make someone #TapNapOrSnap?

And while the fifth man has yet to be revealed, the advantage in the Men’s WarGames will be on the line! It will be McIntyre & Sheamus VS The Usos!! Can the Celtic Connection conquer the Undisputed Tag Team Champions to go man-up in the sinister steel? Or will the Usos be the ones to get it #OneAndDone for the Bloodline?


SmackDown World Cup, Opening Round: Pete Dunne VS Sami Zayn!

Butch has the Brutes backing him up as we close out this first round of the Cup! And surely, the Honorary Uce will have the Bloodline watching his back. Who fires the first shot towards WarGames with this golden opportunity on the line?

SmackDown returns and Sami makes his entrance, and yes, he has Solo Sikoa & The Usos with him. The bell rings and the two tie up. Dunne powers Sami to a corner but Sami turns Dunne around. Dunne dodgse the sucker punch to wrangle Sami with an arm! Dunen bends the fingers and Sami endures! Dunne isolates the arm, to STOMP the arm! Dunne then steps over, and hits the La Magistrol! TWO, but Dunne is right after Sami with another wrench. Dunen whips and CLOBBERS Sami, then he covers, TWO! Sami gets up and kicks Dunne low. Sami headlocks but Dunne powers out. Things speed up, Dunne hurdles, but into a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!

The Usos say that was pretty good, and Sami rains down fists on Dunne. Sami glares at Ridge and then drags Dunne back up. Sami throws Dunne out, and the ref tells the Bloodline to back off. The Bloodline eggs on the Brutes, and so does Sami. Sami goes out to fetch Dunne and puts him in the ring. Sami hurries in but Dunne goes up to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Sami is still in this and the Usos coach him up. Dunne runs in to GAMANGIRI! Sami goes down, Dunne goes up, but Sami anchors Dunne! Dunne pulls Sami’s fingers! So Sami SHOVES Dunne down! Dunne his LED barriers and the Bloodline fires up as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Dunne has Sami up top. Sami resists so Dunne bends the fingers! Sami throws body shots, then a HEADBUTT! Dunne falls from the corner, Sami stands up top, and Sami leaps, into a BIG forearm! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives and Sheamus can’t believe it! Sheamus and his team rally up and so do the fans. Dunne shouts out Sheamus by beating his chest while aiming from the corner. Jey gets up but Dunne DECKS him! But Sami rolls Dunne up! TWO!! Dunne ENZIGURIS Sami back down! But Jimmy distracts now and Jey ENZIGURIS Dunne!! The Brutes protest but Sami hits BLUE THUNDER! Cover, TWO!!

Fans are torn, the Brutes rush the Bloodline and the brawl is on! McIntyre is after Solo, payback from Clash at the Castle! Ridge has Jimmy, Sheamus has Jey, and Sami is shocked! McIntyre and Solo spill over the desk! The Usos mug Sheamus and SMACK him off the desk! Dunne goes to the apron, but Sami grabs at him! But Dunne bends Sami’s fingers! And SNAPS them! Sami falls back, the Usos SUPERKICK Ridge, but then Dunne ASAI MOONSAULTS the Usos down! Dunne hurries back into the ring, he runs corner to corner, but Sami catches him! EXPLODER into buckles! Sami goes to the far side while Sheamus brawls with Jey!

Jey scurries into the ring, and he’s in Sami’s way! Sheamus drags Jey back out to TOSS into barriers! Dunne pump handles Sami! BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall (advances to the second round)

But before Dunne can celebrate, Solo CLOBBERS him! Solo scoops Dunne for the SPINNING SOLO! But Solo turns around into haymakers from Drew! Fans fire up as the brawl continues in the ring! Ridge TOSSES Jimmy, Solo fires hands on Drew, but Drew turns it around! Ridge and Jimmy brawl, but here comes ROMAN! The Tribal Chief has arrived, but McIntyre still beats down Solo! Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES Ridge! And SPEARS Dunne! McIntyre stares Roman down and fans are thunderous! Roman gets in the ring, but Solo whips Drew! Drew reverses to toss Solo, but Roman SPEARS McIntyre!

Roman looks at the downed Honorary Uce, but then he looks at Sheamus as he steps in! The Fella brings the straps down and circles with Roman. Fans fire up and the brawl is on! They throw big haymakers back and forth, then Sheamus gets the edge! But Sami CLOBBERS Sheamus! Sheamus knocks Sami back down, but the SUPERMAN PUNCH hits Sheamus! Roman is all fired up, and fans are torn as Roman aims from the corner. But wait!! KEVIN OWENS is here?!? The Prizefighter knows WarGames, he knows Roman, and he knows Sami! This is just what Sheamus meant by the shocking fifth man!

Kevin SUPERKICKS Jimmy! He SUPERKICKS Jey! And now he has Roman all to himself! Fans fire up again as Kevin gets in the ring with Roman! Hartford is losing their minds over this one! And then the brawl is on!! Kevin gets the edge with haymaker after haymaker, and then he stomps a mudhole into the Head of the Table! Sami gets in, and now he has to choose: Tribal Chief, or best frenemy. Fans are losing their minds all over again, and they chant, “UCEY! UCEY!” But a SUPERMAN PUNCH takes Kevin down! Kevin flounders, but Ridge drags Sami out! Sami RAMS Ridge into barriers!

Roman lets out the battle cry, he runs at Kevin, but into a kick! AND STUNNER!! The Prizefighter just took the fight to the Bloodline, and his side is the one standing in the ring! Will the Bloodline survive Survivor Series with these five coming for them?

My Thoughts:

This was an awesome episode of SmackDown, and it really got things going for Survivor Series! For one, great promo from The Brawling Brutes and McIntyre to basically let bygones be bygones and give us the Celtic Connection once again. Sami also steps in it responding to them, and I just had this great feeling that Kevin Owens would be the fifth man because of all the continuity between him, Sami and Roman. This is going to be a great way to segue things back to Kevin & Sami reuniting to then take the Undisputed Tag Titles off the Usos.

And we got a great main event out of Dunne VS Sami, with everyone else around, of course. I’m a little surprised Dunne is advancing over Sami, but it still works in story that Sami can pivot to the tag titles with Kevin while we have the potential for Dunne VS Gunther for another title. I don’t know if that match is happening, but it’s great that they’re at least teasing it. The brawl to end the show and bring Kevin out was great stuff, felt almost go-home-esque, but we’ve got next week and the WarGames Advantage match to get to. That match can go either way, but it’ll be a lot of fun, and a great sampler of what we’ll see in the WarGames match itself.

Kross VS Moss II was a good rematch, but I figured Kross was going to win. Emma getting involved right away with Moss’ story is a nice way to get them both going again, but it’s really surprising that we could get Kross & Scarlett VS Moss & Emma before we get Miz & Maryse VS Dexter Lumis & Indi Hartwell. The Usos questioning Kross didn’t make much sense when we all know Kross hates McIntyre. But it was a good chance for Kross to make it clear he still wants the top titles. Maybe Kross will be more direct with Roman after or even during Survivor Series, unless we’re getting Sheamus VS Roman. We did get a nice tease of that during the brawl.

Great stuff out of the rest of the SmackDown World Cup. Ricochet VS Ali was a great match that did a great job tying in Ali’s story from Raw, but it also gave Ricochet some edge that he’s needed. Ricochet also does a great job using Braun’s Crown Jewel tweet to get at him. Big hoss VS high-flyer, tale as old as time in pro-wrestling, but after Braun got involved with the Six Man Tag, I feel like Braun is winning his way to the finals. Braun put the fear of God into Gunther, and that would be a great fight on par with Gunther VS Sheamus from Clash at the Castle. At the same time, I’m thinking Gunther finds a way to win, since he has Imperium watching his back to cheat for him.

But did you know that the SmackDown World Cup on Fox is on Fox? I would’ve never known what channel I was watching if they didn’t say it as part of the introductions AND on commentary! C’MON, WWE. I know this is Fox corporate pushing for a tie-in with actual sports, but we don’t need to be told like we’re four years old. That is something that WWE needs to stop, especially now that we’re in the HHH Era.

But what was great was seeing Bray and Knight interact tonight. Bray’s story has a bit in common when Kevin was on that “And that’s no lie” angle where he was a Heel trying to go Face. But with Bray, there’s this compulsion represented by Uncle Howdy, and Knight is the one pushing his buttons because he couldn’t just accept a handshake and an apology and instead escalated things with two cheap shot slaps. Of course, he was literally buried in the backstage area, and I’m very intrigued in where we go from here. Knight might accuse Bray of doing it, but it’ll likely be Bray’s newest alter ego(s) who did it, and that’ll push things ever closer to Bray literally fighting Uncle Howdy in a new cinematic match. After all, this year WrestleMania Goes Hollywood.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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