Finally, a New Beginning in Nagoya!
We have officially reach the beginning of the Road to WrestleMania! The Royal Rumble is this weekend…and that means that the WrestleMania card is about to...
Talking Smack is COMIIIIN~!
New Beginning in Nagoya could make good on it's name today! United Empire look to rebound from a bad Wrestle Kingdom and Tanahashi looks to dethrone...
Sinn Bodhi sits down w/ PC as they discuss Snake Pit Pro, the Undertaker's comments and the quickest way to get on Gangrel's bad side.
Can the Persian Lion put his money where his mouth is?
Re-releasing for the Royal Rumble picks! Grab a listen to Rey, Karl, Doc and Kyle if you missed out the first time!
Who will have the last word before the Rumble?
Steve Cook explores the current betting odds for the Royal Rumble! Cash out of Dogecoin and GME, and lock in with Cook! (no don't we don't...
The first month of 2021 is already coming to a close. We discuss what we’ve been playing lately, and also talk about what’s to come for...
Welcome to this week’s Nerd Review! Every week the Nerds give you their take on a different classic. This week Dave & Greg review 2001's classic...
Sinn Bodhi sits down w/ PC as they discuss Snake Pit Pro, the Undertaker's comments and the quickest way to get on Gangrel's bad side.
This week the truculent trio discuss WWE Network moving to Peacock, Super Bowl LV, Undertaker's comments and the Royal Rumble.
Who will be left to challenge Gallus?
Don't know who Bad Bunny is? Well Miranda is about to educate you, kid! Plus talk around talent leaving and coming back to WWE on The...