September gave us this lesser known Canadian band’s debut album, and it seemed to impress many 2021 lists. So the JAR decides to take a spin...
December is usually a good catch up month for many, and the JAR isn’t very different. This album came out in October, but let’s see which...
Do you love Paul Campbell? The girls do, and they're talking about it! Plus more Countdown to Christmas, and one movie sends Liz ranting!
The Nerds continue their review of the Marvel mini-series Hawkeye! Episode 3 is usually when these tend to pick up. Does the trend continue?
Another year, another Ghirahim gripe!
The JAR has spent a lot of time with classic bands who decided to take the time awarded by 2020 and retool an approach and try...
Amber and Liz continue the Countdown to Christmas, and they provide you with their Top 10 Hallmark Actors!
The Nerds are of course right on top of all things Marvel. Is Hawkeye starting strong or will it be a mixed bag like most of...
Gold Lynel's challengers are named!
Now now, the title isn’t a hot take in the JAR, it’s actually what they called the album. Limp Bizkit hasn’t really been the most serious...
Talk the Kēki puts some big focus on the My Hero Academia movie World Heroes' Mission.
Only the hungriest will survive!
The JAR ventured across an avant-garde metal band from Sweden. Join me down the rabbit hole as we see where this album takes us!
Cook's better record looks as bad as the Jets record this year. Our main man may have just had his hopes for a positive record dashed,...
A movie with a few beloved stars, a simple enough premise and it was trending number 1 on Netflix for a while. We have three nerds...
It's Episode 10 of Home Is Where Hallmark Is and it's chock full of Christmas! See what's coming up!