The Elites descend onto the Queen City, Charlotte, North Carolina! Will Flair Country welcome the havoc of the Elites?
The 5 Star Grand Prix winner, Hana Kimura, gets her shot at the red belt! Does she beat Bea Priestley? Mathew gives us the complete run...
Does Konami hold her Blue Stars lead and move to the Finals, or does Jamie take the title of Top Gaijin?
Stardom's Blue Stars seems a little more cut and dry. Does Konami make a run, or has Jamie locked up the block?
It feels good to be mostly caught up now! Stardom Blue Stars Day 6 & 7!
Blue Stars combining a few days to try and catch up. Does the Zombie Hot British Chancellor of Oedo Tai stay in the lead?
Blue Stars Day and Night show in Osaka! Stardom 5 Star Grand Prix coverage continues!
Blue Stars Day 2! Does anyone start to separate themselves from the pack?
Stardom 5 Star Grand Prix is here! Blue Stars block action gets started!
Mathew brings us more Stardom coverage! Let's see who the mystery Oedo Tai member is!
Stardom, the leader in Joshi wrestling, celebrates another year! Mathew brings us a breakdown of their anniversary show! Welcome back as we adventure to Stardom for...
Mathew dives back into Stardom to catch us up with some of the early new year action! Welcome to the second day of Stardom’s New Years...
New Year, New Years Stars Stardom event! Do things start off hot, or are we looking for more of a simmer to the start of the...
And we’re back as we continue the Stardom Grand Champion Carnival with the night show now. The afternoon show was pretty successful with a great main...
Now that the Five Star Grand Prix is over, it’s time to go back to covering the full shows once again. I wanna thank Andrew for...
Well, everyone, this is the final day of the Five Star Grand Prix. I hope you all enjoyed both me and Andrew’s readings and since our...