With Spring already judged, SZNZ: Summer is next up! Do Weezer continue to rate highly in the JAR?
Bollywood meets heavy metal! How does Bloodywood fair against Judgment?!
Kreator brings some hatred to the JAR! Do they follow their Thrash brethren in creating gold after the pandemic?
Welp we’re gonna be in for another interesting June when it comes to flavors in the JAR. The album I wanted to cover got pushed back...
So again, May had a lot of interesting releases and I like to try and mix things up so it’s not always one genre, be it...
Remember last week when I said there were a few albums I was interested in this month, and instead I picked the hot garbage from Three Days...
Not gonna lie, Fozzy was the layup last week on what to cover since it works with the theme of the website, but there’s been a few albums...
Okay so in trying to find out why this album missed the late April release date, I learned that it was supposed to come out in...
You know, I kinda forgot they made new music and judging from their discography…so did they. I was gonna start this by saying the last album...
So as we know by now, the JAR just flows based off of what gets thrown at me or little bread crumbs that just work out...
Well I’m not gonna lie, I had no clue what I was going to cover this week. Nothing really caught my attention, so I went digging...
The old JAR has been a little lighter the last few weeks, so let’s tighten things up a bit. Dropping on April 1st the Djent polyrhythmic Progressive...
So the last few years have been good for bands to have time to work on material and get thoughts on paper. Red Hot Chili Peppers...
As we have learned with some of these reviews…it’s YouTube’s fault; this is no different. Once again I’m minding my own business and I get a...
Well Weezer left an impression on my list last year, with an album that I don’t think many expected to just strike true for where I...
Now YouTube done struck again! Here I am minding my own business and then it’s like HEY! Look at this new music video! And it was...