The semifinals are here!
Last week’s episode set up a lot. We get a Tag Team Titles match, with lumberjacks around the ring; we get a Knockouts Philly Street fight...
The quarterfinals wrap up!
The quarterfinals begin!
Round three, part four!
Round three, part three!
Round three, part two!
Let the third round begin!
Round 2 wraps up!
Round two, part three!
Round two, part two!
Badlands is back with a new episode that asks the question, What If The Major Promotions held a Supercard? Each week, Mags, Paul, and Rey...
The second round begins!
Will Darkness Fall on the Cup?
The New Japan Cup continues!
Badlands is back with a new episode that asks the question, What If We Could Turn Back Time, Pt.1? Each week, Mags, Paul, and Rey...