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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors 29 Results & Report! (5/25/22)

BOSJ, both blocks, round 5!




The blocks stick together again!

A Block and B Block keep at it side by side as Best of the Super Juniors 29 continues! Taiji Ishimori stands alone at 4-0, but will that change tonight?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Ace Austin VS Alex Zayne; Austin wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: BUSHI VS DOUKI; Douki wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Clark Connors VS Francesco Akira; Connors wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS Wheeler Yuta; Yuta wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: EL LINDAMAN VS El Phantasmo; ELP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Taiji Ishimori; Kanemaru wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS TJP; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS El Desperado; Desperado wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: YOH VS Hiromu Takahashi; Yoh wins.


Here are the current standings in A Block!

Taiji Ishimori: 4-0, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 3-1, 6 points
Ace Austin: 3-1, 6 points
Alex Zayne: 3-1, 6 points
YOH: 2-2, 4 points
Francesco Akira: 1-3, 2 points
SHO: 1-3, 2 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 1-3, 2 points
Clark Connors: 1-3, 2 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 1-3, 2 points


Here are the current standings for B Block!

El Lindaman: 3-1, 6 points
El Desperado: 3-1, 6 points
El Phantasmo: 3-1, 6 points
Robbie Eagles: 2-2, 4 points
Wheeler Yuta: 2-2, 4 points
Bushi: 2-2, 4 points
Douki: 2-2, 4 points
Master Wato: 1-3, 2 points
Titan: 1-3, 2 points
TJP: 1-3, 2 points


Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Ace Austin VS Alex Zayne!

The Inevitable and the Sauce are both fingertips away from being the top of the block, and are both coming off wins from last round. Who gets even closer to leading the pack after this red hot opener?

The bell rings and fans rally up already. The two shake hands and fans applaud the sportsmanship. Zayne and Austin tie up, go around, and end up on ropes, then in a corner. Austin powers his way out and they’re deadlock in the center. They break, and fans applaud the exchange. Zayne blocks a kick, spins Austin around and waistlocks, but Austin bucks him away. Zayne rolls, dodges the clothesline, then runs. Austin hurdles, but Zayne springboards to drop knees on the drop down! RUNNING MARIPOSA, but Austin makes it a ghost pin! TWO, and Austin arm-drags to a DISARMER! Fans fire up and Austin brings out the ace up his sleeve!

But Zayne rolls Austin! TWO! Fans fire up as the two stand off, and surprise! Zayne has Austin’s ace! Zayne takes a taste, then throws it to the fans. But Austin drop toeholds and EDDY GORDO KICKS! Then the DISARMER! And Austin brings out his second ace! PAPER CUT! Austin says no one saw anything. Zayne bails out to check his hand, but Austin builds speed! Zayne shoulders in but Austin catches him! DRAPING BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Austin builds speed again, to FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit with the #FallToGlory and fans fire up more! Austin gets Zayne up, the ring count starts, and Austin CHOPS Zayne.

Austin throws forearms, then whips, but Zayne sends Austin into the ring instead. Austin skins the cat to go back out, then he avoids Zayne’s punch to dropkick him! Austin kips up on the apron and fans fire up. Austin handsprings over the sweeps, but Zayne blocks the kick! Austin handsprings through the flip, but Zayne avoids the mule kick to trip Austin up! Austin crashes down on the apron, and Zayne lines up a shot. SOMERSAULT AX KICK! Austin flounders into the ring, Zayne slingshot sentons onto him! Fans fire up for the RUNNING MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Zayne brings Austin up.

Zayne puts Austin against ropes, wrenches and whips, but Austin holds ropes to block. Zayne tries again, gets Austin loose, but holds these ropes to stop himself. Zayne rushes in but Austin goes to the apron and Zayne hotshots himself off ropes! Austin then gets up, shoulders in, and steps in to FLYING CHUCK! Cover, TWO! Austin is annoyed but the fans rally up. Austin gets to his feet and fans rally, “ACE AU-STIN!” “AL-EX ZAYNE!” Austin KICKS Zayne in his back, then knees him in the head! Austin says only one can win, and he gut wrench suplexes Zayne down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally more while Austin shakes his head.

Austin drags Zayne back up, but Zayne throws body shots! Austin blocks, knees, but Zayne avoids the boot to counter punch! He eggs Austin on, ROCKS him again, then spins him for a LARIAT! Fans fire up as Austin scrambles away. Austin gets to a corner, Zayne runs in corner to corner to back elbow! Zayne hoists Austin up, CHOPS him, then runs corner to corner as fans rally, for the DRAGON RANA! But Austin sunset flips and stacks! TWO, and Zayne run sin. Austin dodges, comes back, A-LIST LARIAT! And then point-blank lariats over and over! Fans rally up and Austin shoves Zayne down. Austin goes up the corner, and leaps, but Zayne dodges!

Austin crashes ‘n’ burns but Zayne hurries to get him up. Scoop and BAJA- NO! Austin slips out, but Zayne ducks the Penalty Kick! But Austin blocks the roll-up! Austin has the arm but Zayne kips up to arm-drag! EDDY GORDO KICK! Fans fire up and Zayne has Austin in the drop zone! Zayne goes up top, but Austin rolls way, wanting mercy from his friend. Fans rally, and Zayne jumps down! Zayne is frustrated that he has to do this to his friend. But then Austin drags him into a cradle! TWO, Zayne ROCKS Austin! Austin ROCKS Zayne! Zayne ROCKS Austin! Fans rally as the forearms go back and forth, faster and faster!

Zayne CHOPS, then he ducks the roundhouse! Pump handle, cobra clutch, TACO- NO! Austin slips out and ROUNDHOUSES Zayne! Austin whips, Zayne reverses and BOOTS Austin! Zayne runs, but Austin SUPERKICKS! Austin runs, but Zayne pops him up for the KNEE! AUSTIN HEEL KICKS!! Both men are down and fans are fired up again! Austin and Zayne stir, they both stand, and they stare down. Austin kicks low, goes for the gut wrench but Zayne wrenches out. Zayne scoops but Austin slips out, HEEL KICK! Austin calls for The Fold, but he runs into the BAJA BLAST! Both men are down again and fans fire up more!

Zayne kips up and roars! Fans fire up behind him and he gets back to the corner. Zayne fires himself up and goes up top, determined to hit it this time! But Austin trips Zayne up! Zayne lands hard on the soft shell, and fans rally as Austin drags himself up. Austin climbs up but Zayne elbows him away! Austin ENZIGURIS, then gets some space. Austin runs and jumps up, SUPER HEADSCISSORS! THE FOLD!!! Cover, Austin wins!!

Winner: Ace Austin, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Zayne earns 0)

And like the ace up his sleeve, Austin pulled that one outta nowhere! Even he’s shocked he just won! Does this mean Austin is the Inevitable Best of the Super Juniors? Or can Zayne still fire back up and take the block? But at the very least, these two are still friends as they hug it out.


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: BUSHI VS DOUKI!

The Black Mask could not crack the Decoder, but Japones Del Mal got the last laugh on the Headbanga. Both men stand at 2-2, so who leaves the other behind with a win tonight?

The bell rings and fans rally up. Douki and Bushi circle, tie up, and Douki headlocks. Bushi powers up and out, things speed up as Bushi hurdles. Douki turns around, Bushi rolls off his back, ducks and spins to arm-drag! Douki bails out, Bushi builds speed, but Douki gets back in to elbow Bushi down! Bushi bails out, Douki builds speed, and DIVES! They crash into the timekeeper’s area! Fans fire up for “DO-U-KI!” as he gets Bushi up and POSTS him! The ring count starts, Douki drags Bushi up and brings him around to RAM into the post, groin first! Douki gets in the ring at 10 of 20 while Bushi is down on the floor.

Bushi sits up at 15 as fans rally up. Bushi staggers at 18, but gets in at 19! Fans applaud but Douki stomps Bushi down. Douki drags Bushi up, SLAMS him, then runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Double knuckle lock cover, TWO! ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Fans rally and Bushi endures, and Bushi gets a ROPEBREAK! Douki lets off and mockingly asks what’s wrong. Douki slaps Bushi around, but Bushi fires off forearms! Douki rakes eyes! Douki whips, Bushi reverses and dropkicks the legs out! Douki gets to a corner and fans rally up. Bushi runs in at the corner but Douki dodges! Douki runs in, but into a BOOT!

Bushi hops up, FLYING RANA! Douki tumbles out of the ring, Bushi builds speed, and Bushi DIVES! Direct hit and Young Lions block Douki from hitting fans! Fans fire up and Bushi fires up! The ring count starts again but Bushi drags Douki up and into the ring. Bushi drags Douki up, whips him to the corner, and runs in to back elbow. Douki swings but Bushi blocks and spins him to a DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Bushi stomps Douki. Bushi drags Douki up, reels him in, but no Fisherman Screw! HELL STAB, and Douki runs, into a DROPKICK! Bushi drags Douki up through the ropes, APRON DRAPING DDT!

Fans fire up and Bushi gets back in. Bushi drags Douki up, reels him in, but Douki back drops! Then he tucks Bushi for the sunset, TWO! Bushi goes to stack but gets caught in ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Fans rally and Bushi endures, but Douki pulls harder on the hold! Bushi fades, but he reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Douki holds until the ref counts 4, and fans rally up again. Douki aims at Bushi from the apron, slingshots in, but into a CODE BREAKER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Bushi gets up and he drags Douki into the FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally again as Douki’s still in this.

Bushi fires up and fans fire up with him! Bushi goes to the corner, climbs up, and he takes aim as Douki rises. M- NO! ITALIAN STRETCH #32!! Douki has Bushi caught this time, and fans rally as Bushi endures! Bushi wriggles and moves, but Douki rolls him away, ITALIAN STRETCH! Bushi still endures, but Douki brings him down! Bushi kicks and flails, but he gives up! DOUKI WINS!

Winner: Douki, by submission (gains 2 points; Bushi earns 0)

And just like that, Douki’s back up! Will he be able to keep this momentum going into round six? Can Bushi recover and turn it back around?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Clark Connors VS Francesco Akira!

The Wild Rhino finally got on the board beating the Funky Weapon, while the Nova Fireball was smoked by The Sauce! Will Connors and his buns of steel run through the fire and the flames? Or will Akira burn Connors and light back up?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, and Connors powers Akira to ropes. Akira puts Connors in a corner, but the ref calls for the break. Akira says okay but he keeps pushing. Akira then lets off, and gets fans to clap, “A! KI-RA!” Connors circles with Akira again, and they knuckle lock. Akira shoots in for a leg but Connors blocks, to deadlift suplex Akira fast! Connors then waistlcoks and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Akira flounders while fans fire up, and Connors taunts “little buddy” Akira, before giving him another GERMAN SUPLEX! Connors does his best Brock Lesnar jump steps and he gets Akira again. DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX! Connors covers, TWO!

Fans rally up for “A! KI-RA!” “WILD! RHI-NO!” as Connors whips. Akira tilt-o-whirls, but Connors blocks and has Akira up, but Akira turns it to DDT! Akira flounders away to a corner, he goes up top, BLINDSIDE MISSILE DROPKICK! Connors flounders out of the ring, Akira follows and POSTS him! Then he RAMS Connors into the metal barriers! Akira stomps Connors down then wants the count out! The count begins, the fans rally, and Connors gets up. Akira rushes in but Connors blocks the rana to get Akira up! But Akira turns that into a RANA Into the POST! Connors is down again at 15!

Connors sits up at 16 and fans fire up! Connors is going the wrong way! Then he realizes it, and scrambles in at 19! Akira dropkicks Connors down, covers, TWO! Fans fire up and Akira wraps on a chinlock. Akira squeezes tight but fans rally up and Connors fights to his feet. Connors throws body shots, but Akira knees low. Akira runs, but Connors drops down then goes the other way to POUNCE Akira! Fans fire up as Akira is in the corner, Connors runs in to back elbow! Connors whips corner to corner, RAMS into Akira, then back drops him away! Connors drops an elbow, covers, TWO! Fans rally while Connors drags Akira back up.

Connors drags Akira up, scoops him and SLAMS him. Connors goes to the corner and fans rally. Connors climbs, but Akira CLUBS him! Akira CLUBS Connors again, then climbs up to join Connors. Fans fire up but Connors elbows Akira down! Connors adjusts, but Akira gets back up to kick a leg! Akira tucks Connors in, shouts out Ospreay, CHEEKY NANDOS! Fans fire up with Akira and he hurries to reel Connors in! Chicken wing lift, HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO! Connors survives and Akira is beside himself! Fans rally up and Akira throws forearm after forearm, to the “A! KI-RA!” rhythm!

Connors stands, even as Akira throws those forearms. Connors ROCKS Akira with one shot! But Akira’s back up! Connors ducks the roundhouse and back suplexes, but Akira slips around to make it a sunset flip! TWO, and Akira BUZZSAWS Connors down! Fans fire up again and Akira hurries to aim from a corner! FIRE- NO! Connors ducks, runs in, but Akira jumps the spear to sunset flip! TWO!! Akira can’t believe it, but the fans are rallying as both men reset. Akira vows to hit this one, and he runs in, but into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Connors roars and fans fire up with him! Connors hoists Akira up, TROPHY KILLER!! Cover, Connors wins!!

Winner: Clark Connors, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Akira earns 0)

This Wild Rhino is building up momentum, will he become a juggernaut in the block? And will Will Ospreay have to give Akira a talking to?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS Wheeler Yuta!

The CMLL World Welterweight Champion collides with the ROH Pure Champion! The Immortal finally got on the board while the Decoder broke even, but whose luck runs out right away in round five?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, tie up, and fight for control. Yuta slips through, goes from one arm to the other and wrenches to a wristlock. Yuta cranks the hold but Titan rolls and handsprings to arm-drag Yuta down! Yuta kips up to arm-drag back! Yuta sweeps and covers, ONE! Titan sweeps and rolls Yuta but Yuta ducks the buzzsaw. Titan runs but into an arm-drag! Titan arm-drags back, and dropkicks cancel out! Both men handspring up and fans fire up! Yuta says that’s good lucha libre. Fans rally and the two get forehead to forehead. Yuta CHOPS, but Titan CHOPS back!

Yuta CHOPS, Titan CHOPS back again! They CHOP and CHOP, fans rally up for the CHOP fight! Titan SOBATS, then he wrenches and whips Yuta to a corner. Yuta reverses, runs in but into a BOOT! Titan goes up but Yuta CHOPS! Titan just growls! Titan SLAPS, Yuta CHOPS, they go back and forth, but Yuta CHOPS! Titan roars, but then he tumbles off the top! Yuta hurries to build speed and DIVE! Direct hit and fans fire up with Yuta! Yuta gets Titan up and fans rally as Yuta puts Titan in. Cover, TWO! Yuta pushes Titan around, hammerlocks an arm and SNAP LOCKS it! Then Yuta gets the legs and ties those up, BOW ‘N’ ARROW!

Fans rally and Titan endures the stretch. Titan pops out to a cover, TWO! Yuta stomps Titan down, then goes to a corner. Fans rally, Titan crawls but Yuta brings him up. Yuta fireman’s carries but Titan fights free! Titan waistlocks, Yuta throws an elbow to switch and shove. Yuta follows but Titan dodges to RANA! Yuta bails out, Titan builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Young Lions are the barriers again! Fans fire up as Titan resets and goes again, to DIVE! An even harder tope! Fans fire up and Titan brings Yuta up and in. Titan aims from a corner, SUPERKICK! Yuta wobbles, Titan brings him up and in to a AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Titan gets back up. Titan waits on Yuta, but Yuta ducks the buzzsaw! Yuta shoves, BOOTS, then runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Titan roars, runs, but Yuta back drops him away! But Titan kips up to PELE! Titan gets to a corner, runs in, but into an atomic drop and ENZIGURI! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Fans rally and Yuta pushes himself up. Yuta drags Titan into a waistlock, brings him up, but Titan fights the lift! Titan throws elbows, then victory rolls, TWO! Yuta has it, TWO! Fans rally, Yuta spins but into Titan’s flurry of kicks! But Yuta still ROLLING ELBOWS!

Yuta runs corner to corner to back elbow! Yuta keeps moving but Titan follows, DRIVE-BY LARIAT! Titan is outside and he throws off the armbands! Titan aims from the apron, springboards, but into a BIG dropkick! And then HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Roll into the DRAGON’S LAIR! Yuta wins!!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titan earns 0)

What a fast and furious battle of champions! The Decoder gets the better of Titan, but he applauds and offers a handshake in respect. Titan accepts, and fans applaud the sportsmanship. Will Yuta keep climbing to put the Blackpool Combat Club at the top of the block? Or will Titan recover and prove he is immortal?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: EL LINDAMAN VS El Phantasmo!

The G-Rex Champion just had a GLEAT main event victory yesterday, while the Headbanga has a rather shocking defeat. Will Lindaman keep his momentum going? Or will ELP be the one to get a shocker here tonight?

The bell rings and fans rally already, “LIN-DA-MAN!” “E L P!” The two circle, tie up, ELP waistlocks and SLAMS Lindaman, then floats all over him before slapping him around. ELP handsprings and strikes his pose, but Lindaman is just annoyed. Lindaman throws a forearm, so ELP gives it back. Lindaman throws another, ELP hits him back, and fans rally as they go faster and faster. ELP gets the edge, CHOPS Lindaman against ropes, then runs, but into a drop toehold! ELP ends up on ropes and Lindaman slaps him around now! Fans fire up and ELP protests, but Lindaman wrenches ELP’s hair, to then TOSS him to a corner!

Fans rally and the ref reprimands. Lindaman dusts off his hands of ELP’s hair while ELP complains about the hair pulling. Lindaman goes over to ELP but ELP throws a forearm. ELP headlocks, Lindaman powers out, but ELP runs Lindaman over with a shoulder. ELP flexes, runs, but then he steps on Lindaman’s drop down. Fans rally as ELP struts around, but Lindaman GERMAN SUPLEXES him! ELP bails out and Lindaman builds speed as the fans fire up! Lindaman FLIES! Direct hit with the tope conjilo, and the Young Lions are there to stop Lindaman from crashing into fans. Lindaman raises the Young Lions’ hands and fans fire up!

Lindaman stalks ELP while the ring count climbs. ELP flounders but Lindaman brings him up. Lindaman ROCKS ELP with a forearm, then another. ELP rakes eyes! And he POSTS Lindaman! The count is 15 of 20 but ELP whips Lindaman into steel barriers! ELP gets in at 17, Lindaman flounders up and in at 19! Fans rally and ELP is frustrated. ELP drags Lindaman up to suplex, and stall before the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but ELP drags Lindaman up and fireman’s carries. GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Lindaman is still in this but ELP drags him back up. ELP reels him in, gets Lindaman up, SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up more as Lindaman survives again! ELP is frustrated but he kicks at Lindaman. ELP CLAWS Lindaman’s back! The ref reprimands and Lindaman writhes, but ELP gives him toying kicks. ELP talks trash, Lindaman tries to chop, but ELP rakes the eyes! ELP throws a forearm, whips, but Lindaman holds ropes to block. ELP CHOPS, wrenches and whips, but Lindaman reverses, only for ELP to hold ropes and avoid the dropkick. ELP goes to ropes but Lindaman shoves him through! Lindaman goes up and out to climb the ropes, DRAPING BLOCKBUSTER! Fans fire up and cheer the innovation while both men are down.

ELP rolls away to a corner, Lindaman goes to the opposite. Lindaman runs in corner to corner, hits a back elbow, and he rallies the fans again. Lindaman whips but ELP blocks, only for Lindaman to sayanagi and DDT! Lindaman drags ELP to a cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Lindaman gets ELP to center. Fans fire up and Lindaman goes to a corner, Lindaman runs, STMOPS, then goes up the other corner! Fans rally with “HAI HAI HAI!” Lindaman leaps but ELP gets under! ELP goes to springboard, but he slips and falls! ELP clutches his leg, but is he just pulling what Douki did to him? Lindaman goes over, and yes, ELP tries to cradle!

But Lindaman blocks and deadlift suplexes ELP! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and fans fire up again! Lindaman waistlocks and deadlifts ELP again, but ELP blocks with his longer limbs! ELP stomps the foot, back elbows, then runs. Lindaman elbows, ROLLING ELBOWS, then runs, but into DOUBLE CHOPS! Lindaman shouts, “C’MON!” ELP runs but he stumbles and falls at the ropes? Another trick, is it? Lindaman isn’t sure what to make of it as ELP keeps flopping around! The ref wants to check ELP and ELP wants a timeout? Lindaman has the ref move, ELP SUDDEN DEATH!! It was a fakeout!

ELP hurries to hook Lindaman up, C R II!! Cover, ELP wins!!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lindaman earns 0)

The Headbanga tricks Lindaman and takes down the G-Rex! He even does jumping jacks just to rub it in! ELP is the top of the block for now, how long will he maintain pole position? As for Lindaman, can he redeem himself in round six?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS SHO!

The Funky Weapon lost to Connors’ buns of steel, while the Murder Machine got beat at his own game by Taiji Ishimori. Only one can rebound, so who gets out of the 1-3 traffic jam?

Taguchi brings a headlamp to the lamp because he doesn’t trust the House of Torture to keep the lights on. He lets one of the Young Lions wear it, but then Sho attacks at the corner! Sho stomps Taguchi, digs his boot into Taguchi’s neck, and the bell rings. The ref takes the title belts away, Sho drags Taguchi up and throws him out of the ring. Sho goes out to stomp Taguchi more, then drag him up with a sleeper! Sho drags Taguchi to the entryway and to the back! They fight backstage, the ref wonders what to do! Sho peeks his head out and says it’s all good. The ring count starts, and then Sho beats up Taguchi more.

The count is 10 of 20, Sho returns but what about Taguchi? Sho slides into the ring at 13, Taguchi crawls out at 15! Taguchi manages to return at 19! Just what did Sho do to him? He looks pale. Fans rally up for “TA-GU-CHI!” but Sho stomps him down. Sho drags Taguchi up, rakes the eyes, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Sho whips, but Taguchi HIP ATTACKS! Fans fire up and Taguchi drags Sho up. Taguchi throws Sho out, takes off his shirt, and uses it to CHOKE Sho! Taguchi drags Sho away to the entryway now! And to the back, just like Sho did! Sho kicks and flails through the curtain, and Taguchi peeks his head out! Taguchi is clearly T-BAGGING Sho over and over!!

Sho flails and kicks as he’s smothered by the Funky Weapon! The ring count starts, Taguchi walks back out through the curtain, and Taguchi’s tights are down! He’s wearing a teal thong!! The count is 10 of 20 and Sho hasn’t moved! Taguchi gets in the ring and he reveals his second trick: he swaps Sho’s shirt (and wrench) with another! The count is 15, Sho revives and gasps as he staggers over. Sho gets in at 19 and dry heaves again. Taguchi grins, and he digs his knee into Sho’s head. The ref counts, Taguchi lets off, to then SIT on Sho’s face! Sho freaks out, the ref counts and Taguchi lets off at 4.

Taguchi drags Sho up, gives him a point blank hip attack, then brings him around to whip. Sho reverses, then dodges the Hip Attack! Taguchi crashes ‘n’ burns and Sho grumbles at Taguchi. Sho digs at Taguchi’s eyes then stomps the butt that traumatized him! Sho digs his heel into Taguchi’s rear but Taguchi gets to the ropes! The ref counts, Sho lets off at 4. Sho drags Taguchi up but Taguchi CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Sho kicks low, wrenches the arm and brings Taguchi down to kick, KICK and SUPERKICK! Fans rally up and Sho drags Taguchi back up. Sho reels Taguchi in, crosses the arms, but Taguchi blocks the lift!

Taguchi back drops Sho away! Fans fire up and Taguchi runs, but Sho counters hip attack with atomic drop! Sho runs, Taguchi follows, but again Sho counters hip attack with atomic drop! Sho runs, but Taguchi somersaults to HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up as Sho bails out, and Taguchi hurries to triangle jump PLANCHA! Direct hit and fans fire up! Taguchi gets up, he brings Sho up and puts him in the ring. Taguchi springboards but Sho dodges the missile hip. Taguchi comes back but Sho catches him to a waistlock! Taguchi elbows free, then fakes Sho out on running! Sho realizes it too late, HIP ATTACK!

Taguchi runs to HIP ATTACK Sho at the ropes! And again! And then baseball slide, APRON HIP! Taguchi springboards, MISSILE HIP! High stack cover, TWO! Fans rally up for “TA-GU-CHI!” as he calls upon the powers of Strong Style! “ORYA~!” But Sho uses the ref as a shield! But then Taguchi shoves the ref back! Sho shoves the ref, Taguchi shoves the ref, the ref is a pinball! Sho shoves the ref again, then runs, but Taguchi shoves the ref away to avoid the spear! Taguchi grabs the leg, OH MY GARFUNKLE! Sho endures, fans fire up, and Sho hops up, but Taguchi reels him in! Sho grabs at the ref, shoves him away, then elbows Taguchi away!

Taguchi runs back in, but Sho dodges and the HIP ATTACK hits the ref! Taguchi checks on the ref and says this is bad! Taguchi tells his Young Lion to have that head lamp ready! Taguchi watches for House of Torture members at the entryway, but Sho hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Sho says Taguchi’s so stupid! Sho then laughs as he goes to his corner and grabs the shirt. But surprise, it’s a Taguchi shirt and a BANANA! Sho can’t believe it! Taguchi grins, dodges and HIP- NO, waistlock! But Taguchi drop toeholds to OH MY GARFUNKLE! The ref is back, Sho grabs at him again, but then Sho drags Taguchi into an ARMBAR!

Taguchi fights, stacks Sho, TWO!! OH MY GARFUNKLE!! Sho reaches for the ref again but the ref won’t let Sho get a hold of him! Taguchi drops an elbow on the leg, then OH MY GARFUNKLE!! Sho endures, but NOW the lights go out! The headlamp shines on the match, Sho is grabbing the ref again! Sho endures the hold, but wait, Yujiro Takahashi CLOBBERS the Young Lion! And someone gets in the ring! They’re choking Taguchi! But wait, something happens, and Taguchi turns it around! The lights come back, and Taguchi is T-BAGGING Dick Togo!! Yujiro gets in to CANE SHOT Taguchi!!

Fans rally as Dick and Yujiro get out of the ring. Sho hobbles over to cover Taguchi and his bare butt! Sho wins!!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taguchi earns 0)

Sho still complains about the banana being switched with his wrench, but the House of Torture is just happy to see he won. Will the Murder Machine continue to build back up towards the top of the block? Will Taguchi be able to recover and try again in the sixth?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Taiji Ishimori!

The Heel Master defused the Ticking Timebomb, and the Bone Soldier outplayed the Murder Machine! Will Kanemaru toast a victory over THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion? Or will Taiji stay spotless in the block?

Taiji keeps looking back at Kanemaru to make sure he stays put. Taiji takes off his mask and finishes his introduction, but then he turns around and Kanemaru dropkicks the legs out! The bell rings and Kanemaru gets Taiji’s leg! Taiji kicks Kanemaru away, then bails out so he can take his jacket and title belt off. Fans rally up, Taiji rushes back in, but then Kanemaru slides right out! Taiji and Kanemaru argue and egg each other on, but Taiji goes out to chase Kanemaru. They get back in the ring, Kanemaru ducks and dodges to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Then scoop for BRITISH FALL! Cover, TWO!

Kanemaru hurries to go up the corner! Fans fire up and Taiji stands, DEEP- NO! Taiji holds off the DDT and pops Kanemaru around to CIPHER UTAKI! Both men are down, fans rally back up, and Taiji crawls away to his corner. Taiji grabs his title belt but the ref sees that. The ref stops Taiji, but Kanemaru gets his whiskey! Kanemaru tags a swig, he gets the ref aside then dodges the belt shot to WHISKEY MIST! Shove and victory roll, TWO!! But Kanemaru has the legs in a figure four clutch! KANEMARU WINS!!!

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Ishimori earns 0)

What in the world?! Taiji’s first loss in this tournament is the fastest loss in the whole thing! Maybe fastest ever! Is the Heel Master going to snatch away the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship just as fast? Can the Bone Soldier still keep the lead in the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS TJP!

The Sniper of the Skies lost to a IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion while Public Enemy Number One lost to the CMLL World Welterweight Champion. Will Eagles take flight again? Or will the Fil-Am Flash get back up from the bottom of the block?

The bell rings and fans rally up, “EA-GL-SU!” “T J P!” as the two circle. They tie up, TJP wrenches to a wristlock. Eagles spins, wrenches but TJP rolls, spins and cartwheels. TJP brings Eagles into the TWISTING HEADSCISSOR, but Eagles then headscissors back! TJP moves around to headstand and fans applaud. Eagles isn’t sure what to do with TJP, and then TJP lets himself down, to pop free and pat Eagles on the knee. Fans applaud, and TJP even pats Eagles on the head! Fans rally up again, “T J P!” “EA-GL-SU!” They tie up with knuckle locks and have a test of strength. Eagles pushes but TJP bridges, then kips up and rolls to wrench a wrist.

TJP trips Eagles and rolls him back but Eagles arm-drags TJP away. Eagles sweeps, covers, ONE! TJP sweeps but Eagles backflips over it! Fans fire up and Eagles pats TJP on the head. Eagles then dabs on TJP! TJP swipes at him but Eagles dodges and he dropkicks TJP down! Eagles gets TJP up, headlocks, and uses the corner for a tornado takedown! TJP keeps his shoulders up but Eagles traps an arm. TJP gets that arm free and tries to fight up but Eagles pushes him down. Fans rally, TJP works to get back up, and they bridge! TJP spins Eagles around to go for a cobra twist! Eagles resists so TJP tries an octopus!

Eagles still wrists so TJP wrangles him down with double knuckle locks. TJP makes it a cover, ONE as Eagles gets an arm up. TJP pushes that down but Eagles gets the other arm up. TJP gets them both down, but Eagles bridges up! Fans rally, TJP jumps on but Eagles stays up! But not for long, it’s a cover again, TWO as Eagles an arm up! TJP jumps up again but Eagles monkey flips and arm-drags TJP away! TJP comes back but Eagles dodges and RANAS! TJP comes back again, into a WHEEL KICK! TJP bails out, Eagles kips up and fans rally, Eagles fakes TJP out! Eagles does finger guns and TJP sighs.

Fans rally, TJP gets on the apron and Eagles rushes in. TJP throws a forearm, avoids the tiger feint, and the shoulder! DRAPING GUILLOTINE! The ref counts, TJP lets off at 4 and he drags Eagles to the apron. APRON NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and TJP gets in the ring while the ref checks on Eagles. Eagles is okay to continue but TJP lounges in the corner while the count starts. Eagles gets up at 8 of 20, in at 10, but TJP has his leg. TJP steps through, turns Eagles over, INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Fans rally and TJP SNAP LOCKS! And then SNAP LOCKS! And then MUTA LOCK! Eagles endures and fans rally up more!

Eagles pries free of the crossface and he gets the ROPEBREAK! TJP lets off, bumps Eagles off buckles, and then EuroUppers Eagles down. TJP drags Eagles back up, wrenches and whips corner to corner, then runs in, but into a BOOT! Eagles dodges TJP, but TJP goes up and over, only for Eagles to stop the DDT. Eagles blocks the kick, slips through, but TJP rakes eyes! TJP gives the slip through back, but Eagles lands out of the back suplex to ROLLING CHOP BLOCK! Eagles keeps moving, BLINDSIDE ELBOW! Fans fire up while both men are down! Eagles KICKS TJP, KICKS again, and again! Eagles runs, LEG LARIAT!

TJP goes to a corner, fans rally up and Eagles runs corner to corner. DOUBLE KNEES, but TJP stays up. TJP elbows Eagles away, but Eagles tiger feints the legs out! Eagles comes back again, METEORA! Eagles drags TJP to a cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Eagles drags TJP to get a leg, but TJP kicks him with the other. Eagles hits a spinning toehold! Fans rally again and Eagles goes to the corner. Eagles goes out and up, 450 but he has to roll through as TJP moves! Eagles kicks TJP’s leg, SHIRANUI, but TJP slips free for a rolling takedown! STF! But Eagles scrambles around, ROPEBREAK!

Fans rally again as TJP lets go. TJP gets a leg and drags Eagles from ropes. Eagles throws a forearm but TJP hits him back. Eagles ROCKS TJP, but TJP CHOPS Eagles. Eagles brings TJP up to CHOP! TJP throws forearm after forearm, but Eagles KICKS the leg out! Eagles aims, but TJP blocks the superkick to SOBAT! Eagles comes back but swings into a dragon sleeper! Eagles fights free, runs, but TJP goes to springboard, FLYING FOREARM! TJP gets Eagles up in the dragon sleeper, SUDDEN IMPACT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while both men are down again. TJP drags Eagles to a drop zone and he goes up the corner. SWANTON, but TJP has to roll through as Eagles moves!

Eagles runs in, CHOP BLOCK! Eagles goes to the apron, then the corner. Eagles springboards, but TJP catches the dropkick to DDT the leg! TJP hooks the leg but Eagles fights the crossface! TJP grabs at the arms, but Eagles turns over to get a cradle! TWO, but Eagles has the legs! RON MILLER SPECIAL!! TJP endures and fans rally up as Eagles puts on the pressure! TJP claws his way forward and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go and he drags TJP away. Eagles gets TJP up into the TURBO BACKPACK! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives, Eagles goes up the corner! 450 but TJP gets his knees out of the way!

Eagles flounders in the drop zone while TJP climbs up! NBA JAM!! And then PINOY STRETCH!! Eagles endures but he is caught! Eagles taps, TJP wins!!

Winner: TJP, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

Another big win and Public Enemy Number One is no longer last place! But will he be able to keep this going towards the top? Will Eagles reload and take aim at a win in the next round?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS El Desperado!

The Way of the Grandmaster finally scored last round, while the Rogue Luchador was brought down by El Lindaman! Will Wato make Desperado feel worse than he did before? Or will Desperado snatch a golden ticket for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships as he fights back up?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. They slowly circle, then approach and tie up. Wato powers Desperado to ropes but lets off with pats on the shoulder. Fans applaud and rally again as Desperado and Wato circle again. They tie up, Wato again puts Desperado on ropes but Desperado turns it around. Desperado feints a chop, but then actually CHOPS! Desperado taunts Wato for not seeing that coming, and the two circle again. Wato rushes in to waistlock, but Desperado spins around to facelock. Wato wrenches out to a wristloick, Desperado rolls to wrench him back. Desperado twists the wrist but Wato slips through to wrench and hammerlock.

Desperado moves around, drops and rolls, but Wato pushes him down to a headlock takeover. Desperado keeps his shoulders up but Wato traps an arm. Desperado rolls it to a cover, ONE and Wato holds on. Desperado powers up and out, and pulls Wato’s hair! The ref reprimands but Desperado headlocks. Wato powers up and out, but Desperado pulls hair again! The ref reprimands, Desperado lets go and headlocks again. Wato throws body shots and puts Desperado on ropes. Desperado holds onto the ropes, the ref counts and they get off the ropes, only for Desperado to rake Wato’s eyes! Desperado stops at 4, runs, but ducks the roundhouse!

Wato back elbows, uppercuts, but Desperado blocks the sobat! Wato avoids the lariat to SOBAT after all! Fans fire up and Desperado goes to a corner. Wato brings Desperado up, whips him corner to corner, and runs in to back elbow! Wato fires off forearms but the ref backs him off. Wato rushes back in but is put on the apron. Wato GAMANGIRIS back, but Desperado rushes back in. Wato jumps over the baseball slide, only for Desperado to trip him up! Wato hits the apron, Desperado brings Wato around and POSTS him! Desperado catches his breath, drags Wato back up and POSTS Wato again!

Fans rally, the ring count climbs, and Desperado leaves Wato behind. Wato sits up at 11, drags himself up at 14, and gets in at 15! Fans applaud but Desperado looms over Wato. Desperado drags Wato up, CHOPS him to a corner, and then comes back. Wato throws forearms, but Desperado CHOPS him down! Fans fire up and Desperado drags Wato to center, for a KNEE JAMMER! And then a SPLASH on the leg! Desperado digs his knee into Wato’s leg for a deep toehold! Wato tries to kick Desperado but Desperado pulls on the hold more! Desperado ties up the legs in a BUTTERFLY DEATHLOCK! Desperado eggs Wato on and Wato CHOPS!

Desperado eggs Wato more, and Wato CHOPS again! Desperado “falls” back and puts on more pressure! Wato endures and fans rally up! Desperado rests on his side while keeping on the leglock. Desperado taunts Wato to go for the ropes, and Wato reaches out. Wato drags Desperado with him, to the ROPEBREAK! The ref helps Desperado undo the hold, but “Oops!” Desperado drops knees on the knee. Desperado drags Wato up, but Wato CHOPS! Desperado felt that one! Wato CHOPS again, but Desperado rakes the eyes! Then Desperado gut wrenches but Wato fights Guitarra. Desperado kicks low then tries again, GUITARRA-

No, Wato slips free! But his bad leg jams! Desperado gives toying kicks while fans rally up. Wato gets up, Desperado runs, but Wato RANAS Desperado out! Fans fire up and Wato builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit and fans fire up while both men are down! Fans rally and Wato gets up to bring Desperado up and into the ring. Wato climbs up a corner and leaps, BIG missile dropkick! Desperado ends up back outside, and Wato builds speed! TORNILLO! Direct hit on Desperado, and then the Young Lions keep Wato from ending up in the front row! Even then, a fan ends up part of the action! Wato makes sure fan is okay, and he goes back to Desperado.

The ring count climbs, Wato gets Desperado in and then goes to the corner. Wato springboards, FLYING CROSBODY! Cover, TWO! Desperado clutches his arm and fans rally up. Wato fires up, he drags Desperado up, but Desperado fights the waistlock. Desperado reaches out but Wato keeps him from ropes! Desperado mule kicks but Wato kicks, KICKS and SUPER- NO! Desperado deflects the superkick to hit a BIG back suplex! Desperado roars, gets a leg, GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Then a knee drop on the knees! STRETCH MUFFLER! Wato flails and reaches out but Desperado thrashes the leg!

Wato fights and keeps reaching, ROPEBREAK! Desperado puts the leg on the ropes, HIP DROP! Wato clutches his knee and fans rally up. Desperado drags Wato up, gets the leg, but Wato fights the lift! Desperado ROCKS Wato with an elbow! Wato flops down and Desperado demands he get back up! Fans rally, Desperado brings Wato up again, but Wato KNEES free of the shinbreaker! Fans fire up while both men are down again, and Wato gets his bad leg moving. Wato wants Desperado to sit up, and he BUZZSAWS Desperado back down! Wato brings Desperado up, HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! Bridging cover, ONE!! The bad leg couldn’t hold on!

Wato hurries to get Desperado up again, hooks him up, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! But into the BUTTERFLY LOCK!! Wato has Desperado caught, but Desperado flails and moves around! Desperado keeps fighting, rocking the hold back and forth, closer and closer, ROPEBREAK! Wato lets go and fans fire up again. Wato hurries to drag Desperado to a drop zone. Fans rally as Wato climbs, R P P FLOPS! Fans fire up again as Desperado gets to the corner. Desperado gets up and aims at Wato, CHOP BLOCK! STRETCH MUFFLER! But Wato rolls it to a cradle! TWO!! Wato dodges the boot to ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO!!

Wato is furious but the fans are thunderous! Wato roars and he drags Desperado up! But Desperado slips out of the scoop, ripcord and SPINEBUSTER! To the gut wrench, GUITARRA DEL ANGEL!! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up again as Wato survives! Desperado gets up and he roars! Desperado drags Wato back up, reels him in and underhooks the arms, PINCHE- NO! Wato fights out, tilt-o-whirls and rolls Desperado! Desperado rolls through, PINCHE LOCO!! Cover, Desperado wins!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Wato earns 0)

The Rogue Luchador has his rebound, and a golden ticket to the tag titles! Is the comeback still on track? As for Wato, will he be stuck at the bottom of the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 A Block: YOH VS Hiromu Takahashi!

It’s a rematch from last year’s Best of the Super Juniors finals, as well as this year’s Wrestling Dontaku! And the twist is, both men are coming off losses from last round! Will it be Mr. Direct Drive or the Ticking Timebomb who gets back on track towards a return to the top?

The bell rings and fans rally as these two circle. They tie up, are in a bit of a deadlock, and Yoh powers Hiromu back towards ropes. Yoh lets off cleanly, but then he rushes Hiromu to whip him to ropes. Hiromu jumps over the drop down, whips, but Yoh reverses to dropkick the legs out! Yoh chases after Hiromu as he bails out to put Hiromu right back in! Yoh gets the leg, steps through, KNEEBAR! Hiromu scrambles, ROPEBREAK! Hiromu gets away again but Yoh pursues. Yoh stomps Hiromu’s bad leg, fans rally up, and Yoh gets Hiromu’s leg to YANK it! Yoh stomps the bad leg, then brings Hiromu up to put him in.

Hiromu hobbles, Yoh stalks up to CHOP BLOCK! Fans applaud the savagery and Yoh gets the leg to SMASH it on the mat! Hiromu writhes, Yoh SMASHES the knee again! Hiromu grumbles but Yoh hits a spinning toehold! Yoh tells Hiromu it’s time to get serious! Yoh steps through but Hiromu kicks him away. Hiromu CHOPS Yoh, fans rally up, and Hiromu CHOPS again! Hiromu whips, Yoh reverses to dropkick the bad leg! Fans rally up and Hiromu clutches his leg. Yoh drags Hiromu up, hauls him up, and throws him to land on the bad knee! Then FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Hiromu endures as Yoh trashes around!

Fans rally, Hiromu works to drag himself and Yoh towards ropes, but Yoh puts as much pressure as he can on the hold! Hiromu still gets the ROPEBREAK! Yoh lets go in frustration but the fans rally up. Yoh stomps the bad leg and Hiromu shouts in pain. Hiromu still eggs Yoh on so Yoh stomps the leg again! And again! Fans rally, “HI-RO-MU!” while Yoh scuffs and toys with him. Hiromu gets up but Yoh brings him in to suplex. Hiromu slips out but the leg jams! Yoh kicks the leg, runs, Hiromu follows and RANAS Yoh down! Fans fire up as both men are down, and Hiromu gets himself to a corner. Fans rally again as Hiromu takes aim.

Yoh runs in first, Hiromu dodges, and he clotheslines! Hiromu throws Yoh down, and basement dropkicks! Yoh bails out and Hiromu hurries to the apron. FLYING JOHN WOO! Direct hit and Yoh ends up folded! Hiromu fires up and fights through the pain in his leg while fans rally up. Hiromu hobbles over to drag Yoh up. Hiromu puts Yoh in, drags him up, and suplexes for the FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Hiromu gets up and he drags Yoh up. Hiromu fireman’s carries, but Yoh slips off! Hiromu mule kicks, front kicks, then fireman’s carries again. But Yoh slips off and Hriomu ends up in the corner.

Hiromu BOOTS Yoh from the corner, but Yoh blocks the superkick and dropkicks the other leg out! Fans rally again while Hiromu gets to ropes. Yoh rushes over to get the bad leg, DRAGON SCREW! Then GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Yoh then clamps on the KNEEBAR!! Hiromu endures, reaches out for ropes, and fans rally as Yoh pulls on the leg as hard as he can! Hiromu still crawls over, ROPEBREAK! Yoh lets go in frustration again, but fans rally up. Yoh watches Hiromu slowly rise, and Yoh runs in to dropkick the leg out! Yoh gets Hiromu up, waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX! Yoh holds on and brings Hiromu up again, GERMAN SUPLEX!

Yoh still holds the waistlock and he brings Hiromu up again, but Hiromu reaches for ropes! ROPEBREAK! Hiromu elbows Yoh away, then dodges Yoh to SNAP GERMAN! But Yoh is right back up!? Only for HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Hiromu grits his teeth as he gets up. Hiromu hobbles over, drags Yoh up, and he fireman’s carries. But the leg won’t let Hiromu run with it! Yoh kicks the leg, reels Hiromu in, but Hiromu wrenches out and dodges to wheelbarrow, COMPLETE SHOT! Fans fire up again and Hiromu gets back up. Fans fire up more as Hiromu roars!

Hiromu drags Yoh up, fireman’s carries, DYNAMITE PLUNGER! Cover, TWO! Hiromu is frustrated now but fans fire up and he gets up again. Hiromu brings Yoh up, fireman’s carry, but Yoh slips off and waistlocks! O’Conner, FIVE STAR- NO! Hiromu slips out to full nelson! Yoh breaks free, Hiromu ducks the back elbow, but then Yoh blocks the superkick! DRAGON SCREW! Hiromu falls over, clutching his bad leg! Hiromu goes to a corner and fans are thunderous as they rally up. Yoh gets up at center while Hiromu drags himself up the ropes. Yoh grits his teeth and runs in at the corner to back elbow!

Yoh hoists Hiromu up top, CHOPS him, then climbs up to join him. Fans rally again as Yoh brings Hiromu up, SUPERPLEX! And roll through to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! But into the KNEEBAR!! Hiromu endures again, fans rally, and Yoh thrashes the leg around! Hiromu grabs at Red Shoes, reaches for the ropes, claws his way over, but Yoh drags Hiromu away! Hiromu flails and writhes, he fights his way forward again, ROPEBREAK!! Yoh lets go in frustration but the fans are thunderous again! Yoh gets up and shakes his head. He KICKS Hiromu’s arm away from the ropes, then brings Hiromu in.

Yoh suplexes, Hiromu fights it but his leg jams! Yoh KICKS the leg, reels Hiromu in, but Hiromu suplexes! Yoh fights that off and wrenches out, but Hiromu HEADBUTTS! Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Yoh staggers, Hiromu runs, but Yoh dodges the lariat, only for Hiromu to LARIAT on the return! Cover, TWO!! Yoh survives but Hiromu shakes his head! Fans rally, Hiromu gets Yoh back up and reels him in, VICTORY ROYAL! Hiromu drags Yoh into the dragon suplex, but Yoh slips out! O’Conner Roll, FIVE STAR CLUTCH!! TWO!?!? Yoh can’t believe it, and even Hiromu has to double check! Yes, that was just two! But Yoh SUPERKICKS!!

Yoh flounders against ropes and fans are thunderous again! Yoh gets Hiromu up, reels him in, suplexes, GHOSTBUSTER! Fans fire up with Yoh and he gets Hiromu in for DIRECT- NO! Hiromu slips out, but the leg again! Hiromu still gets a cradle, TWO!!! Yoh runs in, Hiromu scoops and dragon sleeper, but Yoh slips through to dragon sleeper back! SAVING GRACE BACKBREAKER! Yoh roars and fans are thunderous again! Underhooks and DIRECT DRIVE!! Cover, Yoh wins!!

Winner: Yoh, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Hiromu earns 0)

Yoh avenges himself from BOSJ 28!! Hiromu tumbles away from the top of the block, is his threepeat doomed? As for Yoh, he gets to mic to say, “Everyone, I have just one thing to say. Are you happy that I won?” The fans applaud because yes, they are! Good, because he’s damn happy. Because that wasn’t just going through the motions, that was his love for pro-wrestling. It is difficult for Yoh to express himself, and it is difficult for him to show his emotions, his true self. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel.” When you tell Yoh he doesn’t feel anything, that you think he’s not cut out for this… Isn’t pro-wrestling about showing who you are?

Fans applaud because they agree. Yoh continues to say that instead of doing what someone tells you to do or how to be, pro-wrestling gives you the freedom to project who you truly are. Yoh apologizes for taking so long to say that, but the just wanted everyone to know he’s happy. And as for Hiromu, Yoh thanks him. The Direct Drive is fueled by a hidden passion, but will it bring him all the way back to the finals?


Here are the new standings in A Block!

Taiji Ishimori: 4-1, 8 points
Ace Austin: 4-1, 8 points
Alex Zayne: 3-2, 6 points
YOH: 3-2, 6 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 3-2, 6 points
SHO: 2-3, 4 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-3, 4 points
Clark Connors: 2-3, 4 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 1-4, 2 points
Francesco Akira: 1-4, 2 points


Here are the new standings for B Block!

El Phantasmo: 4-1, 8 points
El Desperado: 4-1, 8 points
El Lindaman: 3-2, 6 points
Wheeler Yuta: 3-2, 6 points
Douki: 3-2, 6 points
Bushii: 2-3, 4 points
TJP: 2-3, 4 points
Robbie Eagles: 2-3, 4 points
Master Wato: 1-4, 2 points
Titan: 1-4, 2 points

My Thoughts:

Another great round for NJPW BOSJ, a lot of great matches and results. Austin VS Zayne was an awesome opener, with really good story of them being friends and tag partners, and it was pretty big that Austin won. He’s right back in the hunt for the top of the block with this, especially after that great surprise loss for Taiji. No one thought Kanemaru would get Taiji so quick but that was what they were going for, and now there’s some drama in Taiji’s run, trying to be champion and tournament winner at the same time. Douki also gets a great surprising win, and honestly the same with Connors getting a win on Akira. The way Akira came in, I thought he was going to be red hot, but this was quite the surprise.

Good win for Yuta, though I’m surprised Titan is also near the bottom. ELP tricking Lindaman the way Douki tricked him was a fairly clever finish, so ELP and Desperado are keeping pace at the top of B Block. Desperado beating Wato makes a lot of sense, between the feud they’ve had on and off, as well as Desperado’s comeback story. Kanemaru getting that win over Taiji, Desperado getting this win over Wato, if Kanemaru beats Taguchi down the line, Suzuki-Gun’s top Junior Heavyweights could get all the gold again like they had a year or so ago. Taguchi VS Sho was hilarious for the entryway gags, and the comedy elements actually made the House of Torture interference less annoying. But Sho wins, he’ll surely build momentum towards his match with Yoh in the final round.

Great match from Eagles VS TJP and TJP gets a great win here to recover from last round. And of course, an awesome main event from Yoh VS Hiromu. Great story in Yoh adding on to what Kanemaru did last round with the leg damage, and naturally even Hiromu has a limit to what he can take. Yoh wins big, and his promo to end was a great moment for him to help fans understand him. He could still make a run to the top and return to the finals, but that match with Sho in the last round, May 31st, will be very telling.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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