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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Road Results & Report! (7/3/22)

Kushida is back!



New Japan Road 2022

The Time Splitter has returned home!

Kushida returns to NJPW and he wants the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship back! But will he get back on track on this New Japan Road?


  • Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe VS Ryohei Oiwa & Tiger Mask; Honma & Makabe win.
  • Six Man Tag: Master Wato, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Kosei Fujita VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan VS Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI; Henare & Khan win.
  • Six Man Tag: Clack Connors, Yuji Nagata & The DKC VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Chaos VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii VS Taichi & TAKA Michinoku; Okada & Ishii win.
  • Six Man Tag: KUSHIDA, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Alex Zayne VS Bullet Club; Kushida, Tanahashi & Zayne win.


Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The House of Torture!

#BISHAMON, Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, may not be IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, but they could go after the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team titles again. Will they and Toru Yano tear down the house? Or will Evil, Yujiro & Dick Togo deny Chaos their chance at the championships?

As Chaos enters, Yano brings out the dog cage! He takes The Spoiler on 1v1 later down the New Japan Road, this is just a nice reminder of that. Yano gets impatient during the check, but the House of Torture Too Sweets, then attacks! Dick goes after Yano, Yujiro goes after Hashi, and Evil is after Goto! The House of Torture throws Chaos out of the ring and Dick DECKS Yano! The bell rings to get this on record as the House of Torture beats down Chaos. Evil puts Goto in and has him in a corner to stomp away. Evil drags Goto up, wrenches and whips him corner to corner, but Goto rebounds to ram shoulders!

Neither man falls but Goto eggs Evil on. Evil fakes the run to rake Goto’s eyes! The ref reprimands, but Evil runs, only for Bishamon to run him over! And then SAMADHI, the hip toss senton! Yujiro runs in but Hashi throws him down on Evil! Dick runs in but Goto CLUBS him and adds him to the pile! Hashi jumps on top! Yano gets in and he jumps on top! Goto then jumps on the very top! Fans cheer, but the ref says this doesn’t count as a cover. Goto is upset and Chaos lets off the pile, to DRUM away! BIG finish! Fans fire up and the House of Torture flops out of the ring. Goto goes out after Evil, but Evil RAMS him right into the timekeeper’s area!

Dick goes after Yano and Yujiro after Hashi again! Dick whips Yano hard into railing! Evil CHOKES Goto with a chair! Yujiro mule kicks Hashi and Evil drags Goto up to put him in. Dick dribbles Goto off the CHAIR, then scurries away. The ref returns to count Evil’s cover, TWO! Evil tags Yujiro while fans rally up. Yujiro drags Goto up, bumps him off buckles then stomps and throws forearms. Yujiro CHOPS, and CHOPS, then brings Goto around to snapmare. Yujiro CLOBBERS Goto, then rains down fists! Yujiro chokes Goto, trying to hide it as a cover, but the ref reprimands. Fans rally up while Yujiro drags Goto up.

Yujiro brings Goto over and he bumps Goto off Dick’s knee. Tag to Dick and Dick CLUBS Goto down. Evil points out Yano and the ref stops him. Dick rakes Goto’s eyes then DECKS Hashi! But Goto kicks Dick back! Evil rakes eyes now! The House mugs Goto but the ref reprimands. Dick snapmares and fist drops! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Yano rallies them for Goto. Dick tells Yano to shut up, then he DECKS Goto! Goto growls and rises, Dick throws more haymakers! Goto just fires up! Dick kicks and whips but Goto comes back to run Dick over! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Goto crawls to hot tag Yano!

Yano unties a corner buckle pad! Yano dodges Dick, then throws the pad at him! Now Yano says Dick is the one bending the rules. The ref reprimands but Dick tosses the pad back to Yano! Now Yano is in trouble! Dick shoves Yano into the ref! The ref goes down, Dick runs the ropes, but Yano SMACKS him with the pad! Fans fire up and Yano drags Dick up to toss outside. Yano drags Dick over to the dog cage! A preview of their match as Yano RAMS Dick into the side! Yano opens the door and he drags Dick up. Yujiro goes after Goto while Dick LOW BLOWS Yano! And rakes eyes! Dick punches Yano back to the ring.

Dick drags Yano up, whips him to ropes, but Yano holds ropes to taunt Dick. Dick rushes in but Yano dodges to SLAP him! Fans fire up as Yano dodges again. Dick pokes Yano in the eye! Dick headlock punches Yano, then tags in Yujiro. Yujiro throws knees then puts Yano on the ropes. Evil holds Yano in place for Yujiro’s BOOT! Yujiro whips but Yano reverses to throw Yujiro down! Fans rally up, both men crawl, hot tag to Hashi! The Head Hunter CLOBBERS Yujiro, DECKS Evil, but Yujiro kicks low. Yujiro runs, Hashi dodges, BLOCKBUSTER! Hashi runs in at Yujiro to CHOP him on the ropes!

Hashi suplexes to hang Yujiro out to dry. Hashi runs to dropkick Yujiro down! And then basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Hashi now and he drags Yujiro up. Yujiro fights the fisherman suplex and BITES Hashi’s hand! But Hashi CLUBS Yujiro’s nose! Yujiro blocks Hashi’s kick to TWIST Hashi’s nose! Yuijro throws Hashi down, runs and SLIDING BOOTS! Evil and Dick DECK Goto and Yano! The House double whips Hashi into the bare buckles! Yano’s special becomes a substitute for the Bullet Club Special! Dick runs in to back elbow! Yujiro runs in to BOOT! And Evil tops it off with a clothesline! Evil then reels Hashi in, FISHERMAN BUSTER!

Yujiro basement BOOTS! Cover, but Yano breaks it! The House throw Yano and Goto back out, and Yujiro powers up. Yujiro drags Hashi up, but Hashi blocks the Incolle Slam. Yujiro kicks but Hashi blocks to spin and CHOP him! Yujiro kicks low and whips, but Hsahi reverses to wrangle Yujiro into the BUTTERFLY STRETCH! Fans rally while Yujiro endures. Evil gets in with a chair! this is just to distract the ref while Dick gets his Spoiler Choker! But Goto CLOBBERS Dick! Evil shoves the ref down but Goto clotheslines Evil into the bare buckles! Goto calls to Hashi and Hashi drags Yujiro up, feed to the fireman’s carry, FIERCE FLASH!

Fans fire up after the Superkick Ushigoroshi combo, and now Bishamon prepares Yujiro  for the finish, but SHO shows up! He isn’t in the match with Yoh away, but he has his wrench! The ref tells Sho to back away, but then Yujiro and Evil DOUBLE LOW BLOW Goto and Hashi! They dump Goto out and Yujiro hits BIG JUICE!! Cover, the House wins!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall

The Murder Machine is the ace in the hole for his team! The NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions stand tall, but Direct Drive will be back for their title match! Will Yoh make all the difference against these dark and dastardly deviants?

As for Dick, he drags Yano to the dog cage! Dick throws Yano in and slams the door closed! Will the Spoiler treat Yano like an animal and lock him up on July 5th?


Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii VS Taichi & TAKA Michinoku!

The Rainmaker could not take back the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, and the Stone Pitbull was in no shape to fight for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship. Will Okada & Ishii get going again before the G1 Climax begins? Or will the Holy Emperor & The Blue Playmaker only add to their woes?

The teams sort out and Taichi shows off the dancing pecs. Red Shoes applauds, they are impressive. Ishii steps up and eggs on Taichi. Taichi decides to step out, so Taka starts. Taka fires off on Ishii at the bell, runs and rams Ishii, but Ishii doesn’t budge! Taka runs again, rams Ishii again, but again Ishii doesn’t budge. Taka fakes Ishii out to poke him in the eye! Taka then runs, rams Ishii, and he finally staggers! Taka shin kicks Ishii then runs, but Ishii runs him over! Fans fire up, Ishii puts Taka in the corner and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And then tags Okada. Okada brings Taka up and fans fire up as he CLUBS Taka down.

Okada brings Taka up to CLUB him again. Okada scoops Taka, SLAMS him, then goes to the apron to slingshot senton! Fans fire up while Okada stays between Taka and Taichi. Cover, TWO! Fans rally for “O-KA-DA!” but he tags in Ishii. They double whip Taka to double elbow him down! Ishii glares at Taichi then talks trash on Taka. Taka gets up to throw body shots but Ishii doesn’t flinch. Taka keeps trying but Ishii leans into the punches. Ishii backs Taka down into the corner but Taka rakes eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but then Okada rakes Taka’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands Okada, and Ishii CHOPS Taka again!

Ishii CHOPS Taka off his feet, but stands him up to CHOP again! And again! And again! The Stone Pitbull isn’t letting up, but then Taichi talks trash. Ishii tells him to shut up, then tags Okada. Okada drags Taka up to CLUB him again, then ROCK him with a forearm! Okada ROCKS Taka again, fires off against the ropes, then runs. Taka goes the other direction, then redirects again, to BOOT Okada down! Fans fire up and Taka tags Taichi! Taichi brings Okada up to CHOKE him! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi lets off at 4, then he stands Okada up, to CHOKE him again! Red Shoes counts again, Taichi lets off and taunts Ishii.

Red Shoes keeps Ishii back , and Taichi CHOKES Okada while Red Shoes is distracted! Taichi lets off as Red Shoes returns, and he bumps Okada off the buckles. Taka tags in, kicks and snapmares Okada, then digs knuckles into Okada’s forehead! Red Shoes reprimands, Taka pushes Okada down to scrape soles off his face! And again! Taka clamps on a chinlock while fans rally for “O-KA-DA!” Okada endures, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Taka stands Okada up to ROCK him to the corner! Taichi holds Okada so Taka can HELL STAB! Tag to Taichi and he gives toying kicks. Fans rally up again as Taichi stands Okada up.

Okada throws a forearm but Taichi CHOKES him to the corner. Taichi whips and follows Okada corner to corner to clothesline! Taichi pushes Okada down, covers, but Red Shoes sees the choke inside it! Red Shoes reprimands and Taichi complains. Taichi covers again, but it’s still a choke! Red Shoes reprimands but Taichi says that’s not a choke, THIS is a choke! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Taichi lets off at 4, then he CHOKES Ishii! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi lets go, but Okada fires off forearms! Taichi CHOKES Okada, whips but Okada reverses. Taichi avoids the back drop to choke and shove Okada down!

Taichi runs but Okada gets up to BOOT him down! Fans fire up and Okada sputters as he crawls, hot tag to Ishii! Ishii runs, blocks a boot and ROCKS Taichi! Taka gets in, Ishii blocks this boot, then he throws the kick into Taichi! Ishii swings but Taka dodges so Ishii ROCKS Taichi! Taka runs back in but Ishii sends him into Taichi! Ishii whips to to ROCK Taka, then he dodges Taichi and Taichi BOOTS Taka! Ishii then runs to run Taichi over, and fans fire up again! Ishii shakes out his bad leg but comes back after Taichi. Ishii drags Taichi up, but Taichi kicks low. Taichi KICKS the bad leg but Ishii ROCKS Taichi.

Ishii whips, Taichi reverses and HOOK KICKS Ishii down! Fans rally up while both men are down, and Taichi rises first. Taichi drags Ishii up, fires off Kowata Kicks, but Ishii is just annoyed. So Taichi kicks, snapmares and KICKS! Ishii gets up and glares at Taichi. Ishii CHOPS Taichi, but Taichi doesn’t flinch! Ishii CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS but Taichi eggs him on. Taichi KICKS, Ishii CHOPS, Taichi SOBATS, then Taichi dodges Ishii’s clothesline! DANGEROUS- NO, Ishii fights the saido! Ishii dodges Taichi to GERMAN- NO, Taichi resists the suplex to PELE! Both men are down and fans fire up again!

Taichi tags in Taka and he stomps Ishii. Taka whips Ishii to a corner, runs in and SHINING WIZARDS! Taka wrenches, whips and runs, but Ishii runs him over! Fans fire up again as Ishii crawls for his corner, hot tag to Okada! Okada fires up and he fires off on Taka. Okada whips, Taka reverses but Okada CLOBBERS him! Taka flounders but Okada is after him. Okada whips corner to corner, runs in and back elbows! Kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for “O-KA-DA!” and he waits on Taka. Taka rises, Okada Alabama Lifts but Taka CLUBS Okada down. Okada fires forearms back, then ROCKS Taka! Taka CALF KICKS! Taka SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!

Taka SHINING WIZARDS! Cover, TWO! But into the JUST FACELOCK! Taichi BOOTS Ishii and BUZZSAWS Okada! Taka pulls way back on the hold! But Ishii barrels in to break it! Okada is free but Taichi choke grips Ishii. Ishii fights the choke slam, but Taichi dodges the haymaker. Ishii deflects the boot and gets around Taichi to GERMAN SUPLEX! Taka runs in to BOOT Ishii but Ishii rebounds to run Taka over! Fans fire up and Ishii leaves it to Okada. Okada fires up and he drags Taka up. But Taka pokes him in the eye! Taka runs, into the DROPKICK! And then MONEY CLIP!! Taka flails, but he taps, Chaos wins!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii, by submission

The Rainmaker puts this one away, and now he and the Stone Pitbull can roll into the G1! Will Okada and Ishii each take their blocks in the biggest Climax ever? Or will Taichi ruin Ishii’s run right out the gate?


Six Man Tag: KUSHIDA, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Alex Zayne VS Bullet Club!

Just when it seemed there was no one left to challenge the Bone Soldier, the Time Splitter returned! And now, the Ace of the Juniors, the Ace of the Universe, and The Sauce go up against Taiji Ishimori, Kenta and Gedo to really heat things up! Will Kushida, Tanahashi & Zayne blaze a trail on this New Japan Road? Or will the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, the Fang Revived and the Blacksmith keep things just Too Sweet?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles and fans applaud. The teams sort out and fans rally for “KU-SHI-DA!” Bullet Club Too Sweets, and Taiji starts against Kushida in a title match preview. Fans fire up with the bell and the two circle. Fans rally up more and Taiji gets distracted, but he avoids Kushida as he gets in close. They feel out a grapple, go around, switch around, Taiji facelocks but Kushida slips out and floats around. Cover, ONE, and Taiji gets away. Fans applaud but the exchange keeps going as Kushida shoots in with his legs. Taiji holds off the toehold and gets a leg, but Kushida fights off a lateral press.

Taiji wants an arm, Kushida rolls with it but Taiji headscissors! Taiji puts on the pressure and Gedo thinks Kushida is done already. But Kushida rolls and ties up Taiji’s legs! Kushida has the deathlock but he also wants an arm. Kushida brings Taiji into the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Taiji pops out to a cover, ONE! Kushida sweeps legs and covers, ONE! Fans applaud as the exchange stops with a standoff. Fans rally for “KU-SHI-DA!” as he and Taiji circle again, but Taiji backs off to tag Gedo. Kushida tags in Zayne and fans rally for The Sauce. Zayne says he’s hungry as he circles with Gedo. They tie up, and Zayne powers Gedo to ropes.

Red Shoes counts, but then Gedo pulls hair! Zayne pulls Gedo’s beard! Fans fire up as Zayne headlocks but Gedo powers out. Zayne handsprings over and twirls his hair. Things speed up more, Zayne duck sand dodges to IMPLODER STOMP Gedo! Then RUNNING MARIPOSA! Fans fire up and Gedo bails out. Zayne builds speed but Kenta and Taiji intercept with kicks! They throw hands, double whip, but Zayne dodges and DOUBLE RANAS! Fans fire up while Taiji and Kenta bail out. Kushida and Tanahashi get in, TRIPLE- Well, no, Bullet Club all move aside to deny the Planchas, then they all trip up Tanahashi, Kushida and Zayne!

Gedo POSTS Zayne while Taiji rakes Kushida’s eyes and Kenta CLAWS Tanahashi’s face! Taiji keeps after Kushida in front of the fans while Kenta stomps Tanahashi. Red Shoes reprimands Bullet Club but Gedo puts Zayne back in. Kenta sends Tanahashi into railing while Gedo BITES Zayne! Seems Gedo is trying to eat Zayne first! Gedo says Zayne tastes bad but then stalks him to a corner. Gedo drags Zayne up while Zayne defends that he is delicious. Gedo says that’s BS, and then he bumps Zayne off the boots of Taiji and Kenta! Zayne staggers, Gedo tags Taiji, and Taiji looms over Zayne. Zayne sits up but Taiji ROCKS him with a right!

Taiji puts Zayne on ropes, and BITES him! Kenta digs his boots in, Taiji claws at Zayne’s face, but Red Shoes reprimands. Bullet Club lets off and fans rally for “AL-EX ZAYNE!” Taiji drags Zayne up, cravats and neck wrenches, then whips him into the exposed buckles! The Bullet Club Special comes into play! Gedo taunts Zayne while Red Shoes reprimands. Taiji tags Kenta and Kenta stomps Zayne. Zayne sits up and Kenta KICKS him! Kenta digs his boots in at the corner, but lets off as Red Shoes reprimands. Fans rally, Kenta bumps Zayne off bare buckles! Taiji tags back in, he drags Zayne around to wrangle into a chinlock. Red Shoes fixes the buckle pad but Taiji is clawing Zayne’s face! Red Shoes counts and Taiji lets off.

Taiji holds Zayne’s arm to keep it from reaching out to Tanahashi and Kushida. Taiji stomps Zayne, wrenches an arm, CLUBS an arm, and Gedo exposes the buckle again. Zayne throws body shots but Taiji throws body shots back. Taiji whips and Zayne hits bare steel! Tag to Kenta and Kenta drags Zayne up to whip him in again! Fans rally while Bullet Club taunts Zayne’s pain. Kenta kicks Zayne and taunts him. Zayne snarls and gets up as Kenta gives toying kicks. Kenta swings but Zayne ROCKS him with counter punches! Zayne then blocks to DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up for The Sauce while he and Kenta are down!

Zayne and Kenta crawl, but Kenta grabs Zayne’s leg! Zayne EDDY GORDO KICKS! Hot tag to Tanahashi! The Ace fires off on Kenta, whips him to ropes, but Kenta reverses. Tanahashi CLOBBERS Kenta with forearms! Tanahashi BLASTS the Bullet Club corner, then he fires off on Kenta! Fans fire up, Tanahashi scoops and SLAMS! Kenta is in the drop zone, Tanahashi goes up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, “LET’S GO, ACE!” and Tanahashi runs, but into a BOOT! Tanahashi tries again, Kenta BOOTS again! Kenta runs but into an elbow! Tanahashi runs, into a POWERSLAM! Kenta says it’s bed time!

Kenta fireman’s carries, but Tanahashi fights free! Tanahashi runs in but into another fireman’s carry! GO TO- TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Fans fire up while both men are down! They crawl to their corners, hot tags to Taiji and Kushida! Kushida hits a FLYING AX HANDLE! Kushida KICKS and KICKS and KICKS, then whips. Taiji reverses but Kushida CROSSBODIES! Then PELE! Gedo gets on the apron but Kushida handspring kicks him down! Kushida brings Taiji up, wrenches the arm and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Kushida then takes aim, but Taiji avoids the Penalty Kick! The forearms start flying and the fans rally as they go back and forth!

The forearms are fast and furious but Taiji gets the edge! Taiji whips, Kushida reverses but Taiji handsprings, NEURALIZER! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Hot tag to Gedo, he and Kenta both take out Zayne and Tanahashi! They mug Kushida in a corner, whip corner to corner, then Gedo runs in to back elbow. Kenta clotheslines, then Taiji runs in, but Kushida TOSSES him! Kenta and Gedo mug Kushida, double whip, but get DOUBLE HANDSPRING BACK ELBOWS! Tanahashi and Zayne get in, they coordinate, Tanahashi PLANCHAS Kenta while Zayne MOONSAULTS onto Taiji!

Kushida aims at Gedo but Gedo dodges to poke Kushida in the eye! Gedo mule kicks then hooks Kushida, but Kushida trips Gedo to PENALTY KICK the arm! Whip and hip toss, then handspring basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Kushida drags Gedo up and has the arm, HAMMERLOCK SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Kushida and team win!

Winners: Kushida, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Alex Zayne, by pinfall

The Blacksmith couldn’t escape, and the Time Splitter has his first win back home! Is this a sign that Taiji’s future isn’t so bright? As for Kushida, he gets the mic to say, “I am so happy to be back wrestling in a NJPW ring. Thank you.” Fans and teammates applaud, because they love having him back. Kushida says that three years ago, he left here to go to the WWE. “I left with a dream, and maybe, unfortunately, I have dreams left unfulfilled. But now I have another chance to make dreams come true. For that, I am grateful.” Fans applaud again, because again, they are just as grateful.

Kushida tells Zayne that for them to wrestle together like this, “and for it all to come full circle, it’s almost poetic. Thank you.” Zayne thanks Kushida back with a bow. And of course, to Hiroshi Tanahashi, “I know it’s tough around here. I know people will be talking. You brought me in from SMASH, then I left, and now I’m back. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused. Let’s move on together.” Fans applaud while Kushida bows in an apology. Tanahashi shakes his hand, and the Aces are on good terms. Fans applaud for “KU-SHI-DA!” “LET’S GO, ACE!”

Tanahashi raises Kushida’s hand in victory, but wait! Zayne wants to say something. “Thanks for the meal.” Fans applaud and Kushida smiles as he thumbs up and fist bumps with Zayne. The winners hug and celebrate, will there be plenty to feast on as NJPW hits the prime of summertime?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good event to add a little bit more to New Japan Road and the time before G1 Climax 32. I skipped a lot again but it seems a lot had to be changed because of some positive COVID tests. Tiger Mask stepped in after just winning the AJPW Junior Heavyweight Championship. This move was last minute, but maybe Tiger Mask could be a bridge for a NJPW VS AJPW show like we saw in NJPW VS Noah earlier this year at WrestleKingdom. A shame Taguchi & Jado couldn’t make the show but this was a great moment for United Empire to win just for the hell of it. Maybe Henare gets going in some title scene in the wake of Khan & Cobb losing the tag titles to FTR.

LIJ’s heavyweights get another good win as a trio before the G1, I hope each of them gets a great showing. Yoh had to sit out of the 8 Man because of his own COVID concerns, but we still got a decent Six Man out of Goto, Hashi, Yano and the House. The House of Torture standing tall thanks to, no surprise, a distraction could mean they lose those NEVER Openweight Six Man titles. And I would love if losing those belts, and Dick being put in a dog cage, points them out as a weak branch of the Bullet Club, and we finally get some Bullet Club Civil War where Jay White finally purges House of Torture from the group.

We got a good match out of Okada & Ishii VS Taichi & Taka. Taka had to sub in for Douki but he pretty much filled the same role in taking the loss to Okada in the tag match. The Rainmaker of course has momentum going into the G1, Taichi VS Ishii is going to be really good for the B Block, and the possibilities are still endless for how the four blocks fill out. The main event Six Man was a lot of fun, and it was great to see Kushida back in NJPW. Of course Kushida’s team wins, and it is good to see he didn’t insult WWE in his promo. He was more apologetic for leaving, but it isn’t really his fault for thinking WWE would actually know what to do with him. HHH did, but Vince took over NXT and screwed everything up like always.

But Kushida is back, and there’s a good chance he’ll get that Junior Heavyweight Championship back and really freshen up some things in the division since it has changed just a bit in the three years he was away.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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