Cook explores some of the major players that have him looking forward to November!
Halloween is over but the havoc continues!
NXT Halloween Havoc was a hit, thanks in no small part to host Shotzi Blackheart. Steve Cook has a pitch for more Shotzi in charge of...
Greg DeMarco, like all of you, tuned in to Halloween Havoc. But did you love it as much as he did? Find out why he did,...
Spin the wheel, make the deal!
Bradley Jay is back for his NXT Minus 6, and he's not exactly thrilled about Halloween Havoc. Not to worry, he likes other stuff....
What is next for NXT?
Bradley Jay anoints the next great tag team in WWE NXT, and it's an obvious choice.
Look who's back to take over!
One last stop before the TakeOver!
Who survives the Gauntlet Eliminator?
Okay, there were a lot of good matches this week, so it's 10 instead of 5. But it's not only Japanese tournaments! The list is fairly...
Brad has his qualms with commentary; but it seems like the show was fine. How do you feel about spoon fed story telling?
It's Super Tuesday 2!
Who took over at TakeOver?