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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (11/25/20)

Who represents for the Undisputed Era?



NEW NXT Coverage

Who gains a WarGames advantage?

Before stepping back inside the dangerous double-ring, double-cage at NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020, the Undisputed Era will choose one of their own to fight against one of the Kings of NXT!


  • Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell VS Ember Moon; LeRae wins.
  • Timothy Thatcher VS KUSHIDA; KUSHIDA wins.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Jake Atlas; Grimes wins.
  • Ever-Rise VS ???; No Contest.
  • WarGames Advantage Ladder Match: The Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly VS The King of NXT’s Pete Dunne; Dunne wins and their team will have advantage in the WarGames match.


Eight fighters. Two teams of four.

We all know how this goes now! Adam Cole practically begged William Regal to say it. WARGAMES!! The Undisputed Era and the Kings of NXT are going inside that sadistic structure, who will be able to walk out of it?


Kevin Owens returns to NXT for commentary!

While Wade Barrett is away, the Prizefighter joins Vic Joseph at the desk and he is glad to be back.


Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell VS Ember Moon!

The Poison Pixie and her Impressive sidekick will surely both be going to war against Team Shotzi at WarGames, but they still need to find others to join them. They didn’t endear themselves to the evolved Ember with a sneak attack last week. Will Captain Candice be banged up even before the battle with Blackheart?

Ember wants after Candice already but the ref keeps the peace. Indi gets out of the ring, the bell sounds and Candice avoids Ember by staying in ropes. The ref backs Ember off but Ember dares Candice to do something. Candice stays back as fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ember!” Candice runs away from Ember again to go into ropes at a corner. Ember grows annoyed but that seems to be the point. Candice and Indi talk strategy but Ember dropkicks them both down! Candice bails out, Ember pursues and they get back in the ring. Candice swings but Ember ducks to hit a SIDE EFFECT! Candice bails out again but Ember still pursues.

Indi stands in Ember’s way, then dodges her clothesline. Candice slides but Ember catches her to wheelbarrow and throw her into the announce desk! Kevin says hi to Candice while Ember puts her in the ring. Ember then DECKS Indi to teach her to stay back! Ember goes back after Candice but Candice boots her from a corner. Candice climbs but Ember glares, and catches the crossbody! Ember carries Candice around before hitting a FALL AWAY SLAM! Ember fires up and so do the fans! Candice flounders up the ramp and to the stage, but Ember keeps her from leaving! Ember throws forearms to send Candice back to ringside, but the ring count is climbing.

Ember puts Candice in at 5, Candice steps up to senton! Cover, ONE! Candice clubs away on Ember but fans rally up. Candice shoves Ember, drags her up but Ember throws body shots. Candice CLUBS Ember, brings her around for a neck wrench but Ember endures. Fans rally, Ember fights up and fireman’s carries! Candice scrambles around to a sunset, ONE! Ember sits, ONE! Candice sunsets, ONE! ONE, ONE, and Ember PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Candice flounders to ropes and Indi is concerned but Ember is right after Candice. Ember brings Candice around, suplexes, but Candice blocks. Candice blocks again then cradles, TWO!!

Ember gets up but Candice CLOBBERS her! Cover, TWO! Candice grows frustrated but she clubs away on Ember. Another cover, ONE! Ember crawls to ropes but Candice seethes. Candice drags Ember up by her hair but Ember elbows back hard. Ember scoops but Candice slips out this time to throw Ember down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Ember crawls to a corner. Candice stalks over and rams into her! Candice lets off at the ref’s reprimand, but she comes back, only to be sent into buckles! Ember blocks the kick, Candice asks for mercy but Ember slips inside for a T-BONE SUPLEX! Candice goes to ropes, Ember runs and slides out, “Eat it, hussy!” ENZIGURI! Cover, TWO!!

On stage, Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez have appeared! #CobraKai and Big Mami Cool head down to reinforce Indi and Candice as NXT goes picture in picture.

Candice wants a timeout, and Ember waits in the ring. It seems Candice has found her full team right there and they all flank the ring. Candice talks some smack as she gets in the ring, but Ember gets around her to get a facelock! Ember cranks on the hold, shifts around and scoops to slam Candice! Cover, TWO! Ember tires again, ONE! Ember stays on Candice with another facelock and cranks harder on the hold. Candice endures while her team coaches her up. Candice stomps Ember’s foot and gets free to then DECK Ember with a right! Candice runs, but Ember trips her up! Ember swipes at Indi, but Indi yanks her down! The ref didn’t see because Dakota and Raquel were distracting him! Candice then WRECKS Ember with a dropkick!

Candice waits for Ember to get up now as a ring count climbs. The count is 5 before Ember stands, and Ember gets in at 7. Candice stomps Ember around then throws haymakers. Cover, TWO! Candice keeps on Ember with another neck wrench. Ember endures, fights up, but Candice CLUBS her down! Candice kicks Ember around and then drags her back into a chinlock. Ember still endures as Candice digs a knee in. Ember fights up but Candice wrangles her back down and thrashes her about. Fans build to a rally as Ember starts to fade.

NXT returns to single picture as Ember gets up again but Candice grinds her down. Ember pries at the hold, but Candice cranks down on her harder! Fans rally more and Ember gets  to arm-drag Candice away! Ember reaches up to huricanrana! Candice flounders into a roll up, TWO! Ember scoops Candice but Candice slips out to tilt-o-whirl and takedown! To the GargaNO Escape! Ember endures as Candice cranks and thrashes about, and she rolls Candice to a cover, TWO! Ember powers up, scoops but Candice shifts to a sleeper backpack! Candice squeezes tight and Ember is fading again!

Fans rally up and Ember gets a second wind! Ember hits a BACKPACK SENTON! Dakota is concerned for Candice while Ember goes to ropes. Candice runs in but Ember spins her around to sobat, front kick and enziguri! Candice goes to a corner, Ember runs in for a back body block! And whips the other way for a BIG forearm! Ember snap suplexes, uno amigo! Another suplex, for the GOURD BUSTER! Ember goes to a corner while fans fire up! Ember climbs up, Dakota and Raquel distracts and Indi gets in! INDI gets ECLIPSED! Candice BOOTS Ember down, then gets the arms for WICKED STEP SISTER! Cover, Candice wins!!

Winner: Candice LeRae, by pinfall

It seems #TheJohnnyGarganoWay needs a lot of help to make it work! But if these four are a team for WarGames, they’re already a well-oiled machine. They go after Ember but Ember gets away before getting too beat up! And to reinforce Ember, it’s TONI STORM! The Lightning From Down Under was also sucker punched last week, so she’s not going to let Ember fight this fight alone! They rush the ring, but then Toni SUCKER PUNCHES Ember?! And throws her into steel steps?! Toni feeds Ember to the others! Ember does her best to fight everyone off but Dakota BOOTS her down! Raquel stomps Ember, Candice and Dakota join in! Raquel gives Ember the DESPERADO BOMB!

What is going on with Toni Storm?! She helped Ember last time but leaves her high and dry this time? Is Indi NOT on the WarGames Team, in place of this new Toni?


The Undisputed Era arrives!

They already plan to go right from parking lot to the ring! Will we learn who their representative in the advantage match is after the break?


NXT hears from El Legado del Fantasma.

Santos Escobar says this started because they were going to rewrite the history of Lucha Libre in his image. Joaquin Wilde quotes Escobar’s own words, “We’re going to take the division from the side show to the main show.” Raul Mendoza says the NXT Cruiserweight Championship was finally on a TakeOver! This has been their year. Their careers have all taken off together, as they’ve taken out everyone. Jake Atlas, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott. Swerve hasn’t been around, he might’ve retired. Heck, he’s just a podcast host now. They are literally the talk of the wrestling world.

But then who is next? Something about this “Chris Stallion” or something. He’ll be a “huge” challenge. But the difference between then and everyone else is that when they say they’re going to do something, it gets done. But are they overlooking Curt Stallion a little too much?


The Undisputed Era heads to the ring!

Adam Cole leads the way as he, Roderick Strong, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly are back again. McAfee said on his podcast today that he wouldn’t be here tonight, but claims it’s because of Thanksgiving tomorrow, and because he’s more than confident Pete Dunne will “beat the hell” out of whoever is against him tonight. McAfee knows the Kings of NXT will get advantage so that McAfee’s team can beat down on UE each and every round.

But here at the Capitol Wrestling Center, and Cole asks, “Boy sand girls, do we look dead to you?” For weeks, McAfee bragged how he and his crew “killed” the UE and took over. How many times have they heard that? People claiming they’d take out the UE and then fail. Now don’t get Cole wrong, he respects that McAfee gave them a dose of their own medicine. But McAfee has no idea what he’s dealing with> Cole wishes McAfee wasn’t a “giant coward” so he could say this to his face. But the only thing more fun than kicking McAfee square in the jaw will be in two weeks. They will be face to face, locked inside the cage, and McAfee will realize he is in the match the UE made FAMOUS in NXT! “I can’t freakin’ wait until you are trapped inside the WarGames.”

Kyle wants us to remember something. How fun was “kicking the ever loving crap” out of them all? Most fun in a long time. Nothing is more fun than beating up Oney. But hey, it’s WarGames in just two weeks. The UE will focus on tonight. Tonight is the advantage match, with btw, UE is undefeated in! So McAfee and his “goons” put up Pete Dunne to fight for them. Sadly for Dunne, he doesn’t know who he’s facing tonight. Kyle tells the guys that we all saw Halloween Havoc. Kyle NEEDS to fight Dunne tonight. Fans like that idea, and Cole says he’s good with that. So are Fish and Strong.

Cole loves the idea, actually. He loves “Angry Kyle.” Dunne, this is who you are facing! ANGRY Kyle O’Reilly! This is the Kyle who took out the NXT Champion! The Kyle that Dunne hit with a chair! A different Kyle O’Reilly! And in two weeks, the “Kings” face a different UE! It has been too long. They’ve fought for titles, bragging rights, but this time, “we are fighting to drag the four of you through absolute hell!!” The UE will prove who the hell they are!! And at WarGames, the UE will take the Kings through a war and make sure that they are never, ever the same. “And that is Undisputed!” Will Kyle get just a semblance of revenge before going to war?


Backstage interview with Candice LeRae.

Can Candice speak to what happened with Toni Storm out there/ Candice wants a second alone with Dakota and Raquel first. Ahem, leave. Candice talks with them and asks if they’re in. Yes, they’re in. Sweet! And now to McKenzie’s question. First, here is her WarGames team. Raquel, Dakota, and yes, Toni Storm. Toni said she was going to be a “whole new Toni Storm.” So are they cool? Candice says they are. But have they only just lit a fire inside Ember?


The Thatch As Thatch Can “students” are eagerly watching.

After everything the Professor of Pain has put them through, August Grey and his “classmates” are ready to watch Thatcher learn something from the Time Splitter! Will Thatcher be able to bully someone on the same level as him? Or is Kushida actually a level above?


Timothy Thatcher VS KUSHIDA!

NXT returns as Thatcher paces in the ring. Kushida makes his entrance and then Tommaso Ciampa quietly makes his way down the ramp with a chair. Ciampa just wants a front row seat. The bell rings and Thatcher keeps his eyes on Kushida as they circle. Kushida goes for a leg, Thatcher keeps him away and facelocks. Kushida gets around but Thatcher gets the arm to a double wristlock. Kushida blocks that, gest around but Thatcher throws him down. Thatcher is still after that hold but shifts to chicken wings. Kushida hooks a leg and drags Thatcher down to a toehold. Thatcher moves around to get a wrist then the facelock. Cover, ONE, and Kushida gets away.

Fans cheer as things reset, and Kushida kicks a leg while also dropping down. Thatcher kicks at the leg guard but Kushida kicks back. Kushida gets up to throw hands but Thatcher uppercuts! Kushida fast ball but Thatcher dodges to clinch and BELLY2BELLY! Cover, ONE! Thatcher has a foot and gets a heel hook, but Kushida kicks him again. Thatcher drops down to grapevine the heel hook but fans rally as Kushida endures. Kushida counters to figure four the legs to a deathlock! Kushida bends back to a MUDA LOCK! Thatcher endures, pries at Kushida’s chin, and now Thatcher has a cravat!

Kushida moves around and throws hands but Thatcher EuroUppers! Thatcher throws more EuroUppers, Kushida KICKS the leg! Thatcher whips but Kushida blocks the hip toss to give a hip toss! Cartwheel and basement dropkick! Thatcher goes to the apron, and catches the handspring kick to a HANGING HEEL HOOK! The ref counts, Thatcher lets go at 4! Kushida clutches his ankle while Thatcher smirks, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Kushida kicks Thatcher off another heel hook! Fans rally for “N X T!” as Kushida throws body shots! Thatcher throws forearms but Kushida fires off palm strikes and kicks! Kushida backs Thatcher down, KICKS the leg but Thatcher blocks, so Kushida SLAPS! Thatcher ROCKS Kushida with a EuroUpper, then hooks him up! Kushida fights off the butterfly and wrenches out to get the HOVERBOARD! Thatcher gets out of the body scissors but Kushida still has the arm! Kushida tries to get leverage on the Kimura but Thatcher arm triangles! Kushida flails, kicks, rolls back and slips out to get the arm! Thatcher throws forearms, Kushida FAST BALLS!

Thatcher wobbles but swings a EuroUpper, into the BACKSLIDE! TWO! Kushida standing Danielson Stomps! And then gets Thatcher down for more! Fans are thunderous as Kushida gets the Kimura again! Thatcher clasps hands as he resists but Kushida keeps cranking! Kushida wrenches the arm around but Thatcher blocks again! Kushida stomps but Thatcher rolls Kushida to get his own double wristlock! Kushida endures now, Thatcher pushes as much as he can but Kushida sits up! The two struggle for top control and Kushida gets around to an ARMBAR! Thatcher clasps hands again as fans are thunderous!

Thatcher tries to roll but Kushida rolls him back! And back the other way, and Thatcher has the ANKLE LOCK! Kushida drops to ANKLE LOCK back! Kushida drags Thatcher from ropes but Thatcher rolls to victory roll but Kushida rolls up, to BRIDGE! TWO, and into a sleeper! They roll around, Thatcher has body scissors but Kushida moves around! Kushida throws Thatcher off to go for his own sleeper, but Thatcher slips out! Thatcher catches Kushida again but Kushida ELBOW BREAKERS! Thatcher still holds on but Kushida runs to throw him out! Thatcher hits the floor, Kushida goes out after him. Thatcher body shots, glares at Ciampa, but runs at Kushida. Kushida dodges and Thatcher POSTS himself! Kushida hits an ARMBAR BULLDOG!

Fans are thunderous as Kushida drags Thatcher away. Kushida gets in at 7 and PENALTY KICKS the arm! Thatcher EuroUppers with the other arm! Kushida KICKS, Thatcher KNEES! Thatcher BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES! Now Ciampa gets up, and that spooks Thatcher! Kushida drags Thatcher down to the wristlock! Kushida gets the HOVERBOARD, and Thatcher TAPS!! Kushida wins!!

Winner: KUSHIDA, by submission

Thatcher tapped out!? He glares at Ciampa, perhaps blaming his presence. Ciampa goes to the camera and says, “Maybe he has a problem with me now?” Ciampa wants tough guys to put up and shut up, but actions speak louder than words. Will Thatcher have actions to speak for him against Ciampa?


Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley reflect on their title match.

The Mosh Pit Kid says, “Rhea Ripley, Io Shirai, it doesn’t get any bigger than that.” Neither one wanted to wait for TakeOver, so it happened. Shirai says Rhea was her biggest challenge, and hit her so hard she could barely stand. Rhea gives credit to Shirai for taking an ass kicking. The doctor wanted to stop the match but Shirai wasn’t going to let it end like that. Shirai doesn’t quit, she wins. And the battle raged on, and got rather bloody for Rhea’s one ear. Rhea still can’t feel that right arm, either. Dr. Jeffrey Westerfield knows the NXT Women’s Division is hard hitting, but that match took it to another level.

The table was destroyed, but almost destroyed Rhea. Rhea refused to be counted out, but then she couldn’t get up before the moonsault hit. And then that was that, Shirai retained. Westerfield says it is amazing either woman got back up at all. They are warriors. They might not like each other, but they respect each other. Rhea wonders where she goes from here, and doesn’t have an answer yet. But she will be live later tonight! Will she have that answer by then?


Backstage interview with Dunne, Lorcan and Burch.

Now that they know Kyle O’Reilly is stepping up for the Undisputed Era, how do they feel about the match? “I saw what Kyle O’Reilly did to Finn Balor. He broke his jaw, he put him out for two months.” That was impressive. But if it were Dunne, Balor would’ve been out for two years. Oney says that’s right! They don’t know if McKenzie knows, but the UE have never lost at WarGames. Dunne will change that. The bottom line to Burch is that they can do anything better than UE. They broke the UE once, and Dunne will break their spirits tonight, to finish the job at WarGames. But will they find Kyle is the unbreakable cornerstone of the Undisputed Era?


NXT presents the Kevin Owens Show!

Kevin wasn’t just back for commentary tonight! He might even be a referee or bell keeper, but the point is, Kevin will always accept an invitation back. Tonight’s guest probably, no definitely had the biggest night of his career a couple weeks ago. And that man is the new North American Champion, LEON RUFF! The underdog champion makes his way out and feels amazing already! He even has a nice new suit to wear to his first KO Show! Kevin hands him a mic and then shakes his hand. Kevin thanks Leon for being here and Leon says it is a pleasure. They take a seat in the armchairs, and Kevin says he was already coming back to be on commentary. But after seeing what Leon’s done, he thought he should have a KO Show so we can all hear Leon’s story and his message.

Leon smiles as the fans cheer, and he says he’s wanted to be a superstar his entire life. He signed to NXT just seven weeks ago, and then boom, he’s winning the North American Championship. Kevin has the footage replay when Leon shocked the world. The belt didn’t quite fit but Leon has done his best since to adjust. “That moment is so embarrassing.” No, that’s fine. The title belt slipped on Kevin once, too. Leon cracks up, he loves Kevin. But KO remembers what his first NXT title was like. Can Leon express what it feels for him? To have this title is a “Yes” for every “No” he’d gotten. From being told no one would take him serious or that he should give up now, he feels like he’s finally overcome that to inspire those just like him.

Kevin hears all that, but he can’t help but notice… Leon should be very proud. It wasn’t easy for Kevin to get to WWE and be a superstar, either. Leon should be proud of his accomplishments. Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” Leon says he wants to inspire others that you can accomplish something if you put your mind to it. Kevin agrees, but he isn’t sure Leon has the right conviction. Because people back there who don’t have the title, if they see vulnerability, they will exploit it. You need to believe in yourself! You’re North American Champion! YEAH! He did become champion! HE DID! HYAH, he kicks the chair! Leon beat Johnny Gargano once, he can do it again!

Kevin face palms. Oh sorry, is it the chair? No, it’s not the chair. Leon, you haven’t done the KO Show before, but y’see, when you say someone’s name on here, there’s a good chance they’ll come out now. Almost always. In fact, surely he’s getting to gorilla right about… Now? Yep. Here comes Gargano! And Gargano is definitely upset. “Did you just say you beat Johnny Gargano? Are you kidding me?! Is this a prank show?” Is Kutcher gonna pop out of a pod. Timely reference, Johnny. Thanks! But Leon probably won’t get it because he’s a CHILD! Gargano says if Leon wants to be an inspiration then fine. Kevin gets a third chair for Gargano so he can sit. That’s what being a good host is. Thanks, but he doesn’t want it!! Gargano chucks the chair!

Wait, another chair? Well this one isn’t for him. This is just a hunch. Gargano doesn’t care about chairs! He tells Leon to “inspire” people to tell the truth! Tell the world that Gargano is the REAL champion, and that the only reason Ruff has the title is because of that “fake arrow shooting idiot, Damian Priest!” Kevin says he just explained the KO Show jinx! Great, here we go. Three, two, one… Oh wow maybe NXT is- DARN IT. Here comes the Archer of Infamy! “Surprise, surprise!” Priest knew Johnny Wheel o’ Fortune would complain. There has to come a day, even for a moment, when Gargano comes to terms with reality. The reality is that Leon is better than him. No he’s not!

Kevin has everyone wait a moment. Does Priest want a chair? No he’s fine. Then why did Kevin bother…? Priest says that “little homie” Leon beat Gargano twice. Because of Priest! As a matter of fact, if Ruff goes 1v1 with Gargano, Gargano will be champion again! Gargano will show Leon is both a fluke and a joke! Then he shoves him into a chair! Ruff gets up in Gargano’s face but Priest says that before Ruff beats up “Johnny Chokes-a-lot,” maybe Priest should get his rematch for the title. Wasn’t it Ruff in his “tough guy moment” that said he’d fight both Priest and Gargano? Kevin can’t believe it! It just hit him. Just a shame we don’t have like Teddy Long here to make a Triple Threat. But if only we had our version of that! Right? No? Oh here he comes! William Regal is here!

The NXT General Manager is on stage and he says that in two weeks, at TakeOver: WarGames, it will be Ruff VS Gargano VS Priest for the North American Championship! “Playa.” Holla holla, Regal made it official! But has Ruff just gone from underdog champion to someone without a snowball’s chance in hell?


NXT hears from Finn Balor.

“Last week, I laid the groundwork for war. So go ahead, prepare for war. Fight the war. And whoever wins the war, some advice: Don’t put checkers on my chessboard. The cat is back, so stop playing in my kitty litter. Anyone with a problem, I’m not hard to find. The champion works Wednesdays.” Who has the mettle to survive the steel structure, to then head for the Prince’s gold?


NXT hears from Shotzi Blackheart.

“As you enter battle, you have to ask yourself, ‘What’s the best part of war?’ Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentation of the crowd.” Shotzi is still working on rebuilding her weapon. Will it be ready in time for WARGAMES?!


Cameron Grimes VS Jake Atlas!

The Carolina Caveman tried to cheat his way through the Blindfold Match with Dexter Lumis, but the Tortured Artist saw through that. But now Grimes is trying to move past the trauma. Will he do so at the expense of the former Cruiserweight contender?

The bell rings and Grimes ties up with Atlas. Grimes headlocks, Atlas powers out, but Grimes runs him over. Grimes fires up, runs but Atlas hurdles and drops down to then get around and springboard arm-drag! Grimes flounders to a corner, Atlas runs in but Grimes boot shim away! Grimes puts Atlas in the corner but blocks boots only for Atlas to springboard arm-drag again! Atlas runs in but into a fireman’s carry attempt. Atlas fights that off but Grimes switches to a waistlock and GERMAN! Cover, TWO! Atlas flounders, Grimes knees him down at the ropes and in the corner. Grimes stomps and kicks Atlas then kicks more! The ref counts and Grimes lets off.

Grimes drags Atlas up but the ref reprimands. Grimes whips, Atlas kicks then swings, but into a scoop. Atlas slips off to throw forearms. Grimes gives them back and the two brawl. Atlas whips, Grimes holds ropes and kicks the back drop away. Atlas gets a takedown to jackknife, TWO! Grimes swings, Atlas dodges to GERMAN Grimes back! Grimes gets up, Atlas DECKS him! Cover, TWO!! Atlas works to keep calm, he brings Grimes up but Grimes breaks free to SUPER FOREARM! Atlas BOOTS back, then runs, but Grimes dodges. They keep going, COLLISION COURSE! Grimes shouts he’s going “TO THE MOON~,” then whips Atlas, and hits the CAVE-IN! Cover, Grimes wins!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Grimes fetches his hat and says just like that, he gets a win and is heading to… the… moon~! But then DEXTER LUMIS appears! Grimes freaks out and runs for it! Lumis has one of those blindfold bags. And he points to the screens. A doodle pops up. “This is Cameron Grimes. See Grimes run. And run. And run.” It’s highlights from the Haunted House match! Grimes wants to leave but the video is playing everywhere. And out of the blindfold bag… IS A STRAP!! Lumis wants a strap match with Grimes so that Grimes can’t run away! Grimes says no no, but he’s not the one who makes the decisions around here. Will Grimes have no choice but to face his fears?


NXT Media catches up with Grimes.

Given what we saw before the break, is Grimes still afraid of Lumis? Afraid?! He ain’t afraid! He just has places he has to be. But Regal is here and he saw what just happened. Fans want to see Grimes face Lumis one more time, and Lumis’ idea sounds great. It will be a strap match at TakeOver! Grimes asks why Regal hates him so much. Regal says it’s probably his personality.


Rhea Ripley is in the ring!

“Man, I just want to say that Io Shirai is one of the toughest women I’ve stepped into this ring with. But y’know, after last Wednesday, there’s been a bit of speculation going around.” Friends, family, fans and fellow superstars all wonder what is next for her. Yes, they have a reason to wonder. But she’ll explain something about that hug. That was about respect for Shirai. They really do respect each other. But it wasn’t a send-off party or whatever. Rhea is here to stay, focused on one thing: getting back to the NXT Women’s Championship.

But then Candice comes out with Toni to interrupt. How cute is Rhea? She’s talking about the title like it’s hers. Tell them how much harder she’ll try next time. Rhea tells Candice to shut up and get in the ring then. But the difference between Rhea and Shirai is that Shirai stole things from Candice, but she beat Rhea all alone. Aside from that, the biggest difference here is that Rhea talks, talks, talks, but she can’t seem to back it up. Candice, however, can talk the talk, and walk the walk. Raquel is carrying Shirai out like a sack o’ potatoes! They set Shirai down on the ramp and taunt Rhea. But then they flank the ring, too! Rhea is ready, but she then slides out to BOOT Raquel! And DECK Dakota! Now it’s just 2v1 with Toni and Candice!

But Dakota and Raquel get up! Raquel RAMS Rhea to a corner! Rhea HEADBUTTS back! Dakota runs in but Rhea throws her away! Candice and Toni get Rhea and anchor her! Raquel CLOBBERS Rhea from behind! Fans boo and jeer as the four beat Rhea down! Raquel drags Rhea up and POSTS her! Then POSTS her on the other side! Team Candice decides to leave it at that. But have they just helped Shotzi find two members for the team?


Someone puts Boa and Xia Li in a car!

And a very tired looking Boa and Xia at that. She asks “Where is he taking us?” but the car takes off before an answer is given. They arrive at the Performance Center, where “Shifu” is waiting. He taps the garage door and it slowly opens. Inside, with dim candles and tapestries, is someone they are both very afraid of. They said they tried their best but they will win! They can win! Just give them a chance! ENOUGH! Shifu writes on their hands. “It is time.” The writing compels them. And “she” is coming. But what does all of this mean for NXT?


Ever-Rise VS ???

Chase Parker and Matt Marthel have been on the downswing lately between both NXT and 205 Live, but- Wait, they’re being attacked! It’s the GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS, Zack Gibson and James Drake! And Gibson CLOBBERS Marthel while Drake stomps Parker Gibson gets a mike while Drake throws Marthel out, then hits Parker with headlock punches over and over! Gibson says, “In case you have forgotten who we are, I am Liverpool’s Number One, Zack Gibson! This man is James Drake! Together we are Grizzled Young Veterans!” And they are back in NXT, SSSSOOOON to be recognized as NXT’s number one!

And then Drake drags Parker up, and with Gibson, they hit TICKET TO MAYHEM! The fans boo as GYV cools off and puts their suit jackets back on. Will Gibson and Drake make good on their shocking return to the States?


McKenzie finds Candice help Indi to her car.

Can Candice explain her actions tonight? Well okay, for those who missed the memo. “Anybody who is stupid enough to join Shotzi’s team, you’re getting run over.” Team Candice will destroy you, and it starts when Raquel beats Shotzi in their advantage match. Gargano has the car, Candice helps Indi in. See that? General Candice will win, Gargano will win and have his title back. And then WarGames will belong the Gargano Way. Wait, Ghost Face is in the back seat?! There were two of them all along?! If Indi was only one, then who is this?!


WarGames Advantage Ladder Match: The Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly VS The King of NXT’s Pete Dunne!

The angry Kyle has been unleashed, all because of the Bruiserweight’s brutal betrayal! But Dunne claims he’s on McAfee’s team because of his longstanding grudge against the Era. Will Dunne help the Kings take the lead going into the war? Or will he just feel a sampling of what’s coming?

Speaking of sampling, the rest of the teams are in special perches far from ringside. Is this a hint at how WarGames will go down in the CWC? That aside, Kyle makes his entrance, then Dunne, and this pivotal match-up for tactical advantage begins!

Kyle BOOTS, he and Dunne trade haymakers and forearms, then Kyle pops Dunne up for a KICK! Dunne flounders out, throws off the jacket and gets back up, only for Kyle to sweep the legs! Dunne gets up fast but Kyle is watching him closely, and NXT goes to break!

NXT returns again and Kyle has Dunne in a corner. He whips Dunne at a ladder, Dunne reverses but Kyle stops himself. Kyle sees Dunne coming and dodges, to then kitchen sink knee! Dunne bails out again, Kyle pursues, and leaps off the apron, into a BIG KICK! Dunne runs back in but is sent into boards! Kyle returns to the apron and leaps to KNEE Dunne into barriers! Fans fire up as Kyle crawls to the ring, and brings out another ladder! Kyle fumbles with the ladder but Dunne stomps Kyle’s hands on the ladder! Then BUZZSAWS him down!

Dunne drags the ladder up and makes it a bridge between ring and barrier. Dunne then suplexes, but Kyle gets away! Dunne chases Kyle but Kyle tackles him! And catapults him into boards! Fans are thunderous as Kyle has another ladder and puts it in the ring. Kyle stands the ladder up quickly, starts his climb, but Dunne hurries in! Dunne tips the ladder over, and Kyle holds on, so it causes him and the ladder to spiral down! The ladder falls on Kyle, and Dunne just shrugs. Dunne brings the ladder around, stands it back up, and has Kyle inside it! Dunne pulls an arm through the rungs and pulls the other way, way back! Kyle can only endure as Dunne STOMPS the arm into the rung!

Dunne has the ladder STAND on Kyle’s hand while he climbs!! Kyle gets free, and drags a leg of Dunne’s through for a DRAGON SCREW! And then a HANGING LEG LOCK! Dunne fights but Kyle lets go and both men fall over. Kyle gets up, tips the ladder over and storms after Dunne. Kyle whip’s, Dunne walks the ladder to back flip! But the leg jams! Kyle is after the leg but Dunne ENZIGURIS! AND LADDER BOMBS KYLE!! Fans are thunderous for “N X T!” Dunne stalks Kyle to the ropes and to that ladder bridge. Dunne gives Kyle DANIELSON STOMPS into the ladder! Fans boo and jeer but Dunne just soaks up the heat.

Dunne follows Kyle back into the ring but Kyle has the leg again! DRAGON SCREW through the ropes! Dunne holds onto the ropes to stand up but Kyle ROCKS him with a right! Dunne tries to hit back but Kyle ROCKS him again! And KICKS the leg! Kyle throws forearms, Dunne hits back! They’re brawling with the ropes in the way, but Kyle KNEES Dunne back! Dunne holds on, Kyle runs in but Dunne BOOTS! Dunne drags Kyle up, to suplex Kyle and himself through the ladder!! “This is Awesome!” as NXT goes picture in picture!

Both men are down and referees check on them. They’re somehow okay to continue, and Dunne sits up first. Dunne uses what’s left of the ladder to stand up, but Kyle is still down. Dunne gets in the ring, grabs at one of the ladders in there, and stands it up. Dunne begins the climb, and is almost to the top when Kyle returns! Kyle anchors Dunne, Dunne pulls on Kyle’s nose! Dunne DECKS Kyle with a hard forearm, then decides to set the ladder down again. Dunne drags Kyle over by an arm, hammerlocks it so fingers are in the rung, and then STOMPS! Kyle clutches his arm and writhes, but Dunne isn’t done with him.

Dunne puts the arm inside the ladder, but Kyle fights back! Dunne STOMPS away on Kyle to get him to stop fighting back. Dunne brings the ladder open to SLAM it shut on Kyle’s hand!! NXT returns to single picture as Kyle writhes in pain and fans boo Dunne. Dunne ignores all that to get a chair from the timekeeper’s area. Dunne aims but Kyle knees low first! Kyle Ax and- CHAIR! The chair and bad hand meet and chair wins! Dunne pump handles but Kyle slips out to GUILLOTINE! Dunne is fading and Kyle lets him go. Kyle KNEES Dunne down, then drags him up to suplex, for a BRAIN BUSTER ONTO THE LADDER!!

Fans are at a fever pitch as Kyle goes to a corner. Kyle climbs up, leaps, but the KNEE DROP only gets ladder! Kyle may have just crippled himself there! Dunne stands the ladder back up, climbs up again, but Kyle drags himself back into the ring! Kyle can walk and he has a HEEL HOOK! Dunne hops down but Kyle cranks harder. Dunne kicks Kyle into the rungs! Dunne enziguris but Kyle ducks, Dunne kicks the ladder! Kyle and Dunne both clutch legs but Kyle grits his teeth. Kyle sees Dunne on the other side of the ladder, and they brawl underneath!

Kevin Owens says this is bad luck but the fists just fly faster! They stand up, Dunne pulls Kyle’s hand into the crossbar but Kyle KICKS Dunne back! Kyle grabs Dunne’s arm now and YANKS Dunne into the ladder! Dunne returns the favor, and both men keep yanking each other into the ladder! Both men stop and stagger about, Dunne shoves the ladder into Kyle but Kyle shoves it right back! Both men go down and fans are thunderous! Dunne and Kyle slowly stir while their teams and the fans are getting louder! Kyle brings the ladder up, stands it up, and starts to climb up. Dunne climbs the other side and the two meet at the top. They start brawling again! The fists fly fast and furious!

Kyle flounders, Dunne stomps him down then reaches for the briefcase! Kyle gets up to get an arm, and he hits an elbow breaker! Dunne backs away and Kyle reaches, but Dunne grabs his hand! Dunne has the fingers and SNAPS them! Kyle falls to the floor, but he comes around to the other side. Dunne boots, Kyle rebounds and shoves the ladder over! Dunne ENZIGURIS, Kyle rebounds again to CLOBBER Dunne! The fans are electric as the two men slowly rise. The CWC is shaking from this action! Kyle gets up, stands the ladder and climbs again! Dunne gets the chair to SMASH Kyle’s leg! And then SMACK him on the back!

Kyle flounders out, Dunne follows and pump handles, BITTER END to the barriers! Kyle flops out, Dunne gets back in and climbs back up! But Kyle returns?! Kyle tips the ladder and Dunne falls onto the corner ladder! Dunne forgot about that ladder and now Kyle is all alone in the ring! Kyle climbs, even with his bad leg. But wait, who is this in the shiny mask? Well who do you think?! They tip the ladder over and Kyle takes a horrifying tumble! And the “masked man” gets away! Dunne stands the ladder up, climbs it again, and grabs the briefcase! The Kings of NXT have advantage!!

Winner: Pete Dunne (The Kings of NXT have the advantage)

Fans are furious but it’s clear who we have to blame for that! Will Pat McAfee be celebrating with the Bruiserweight and the NXT Tag Team Champions even before TakeOver? Can the Undisputed Era win fighting from underneath?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode, and naturally with quite a lot of set-up for WarGames. In fact, the women’s side had quite the shocker, I would not have thought Toni Storm would be Team Candice. But at the same time, Indi Hartwell is too new, she isn’t really ready for being in the WarGames match itself. Now, with the talk of Rhea staying in NXT and still wanting after the title, I think both Rhea and Shirai are going to be Team Shotzi. I do think it’s very smart for them not to have Shotzi worrying about recruiting and focusing on “rebuilding” her tank. Candice is doing all the work for her turning Ember, Rhea and Shirai against her, so all Shotzi has to do is show up and those three will sign up. Also I hope Tank Mk II is big enough so that they can all ride it to the ring.

The Triple Threat for the North American Championship was obviously going to happen, but I like that the Kevin Owens Show was used to bring it about. Kevin was hysterical during that segment, from advising Leon Ruff to be more assertive to being meta about how it always turns out. As I said before, the Triple Threat is going to be great, with Leon mostly working not to lose. I’m also happy to see I was right about the strap match for Grimes and Lumis. They could’ve done better with playing that video package of “See Grimes Run” but I suppose then we wouldn’t have seen Grimes’ great character work during that same time.

The story Boa and Xia Li are in had a good segment tonight. We don’t see who “she” is under the hood but clearly we’re going to see a faction form between them. Rumors have it, Karen Q is making her return and has been repackaged as this character. Chances are this turns out as more a force in the Women’s Division with Boa as manager, much in the way the Robert Stone Brand was. For that matter, sure seems like NXT gave up on that idea. However, I think #TJGW just got its fourth member, as there was still a Ghost Face in the car! I really hope it’s Austin Theory as the second one, there was just something about Gargano’s smirk when he beat Theory over a month ago.

Grizzled Young Veterans showing up tonight and wrecking Ever-Rise was a nice surprise. Well, for us, not for Ever-Rise. But GYV not going back to NXT UK, obviously they want to be the first team to have held both pairs of belts, and I could see there being a Triple Threat or even Fatal 4 Way situation where Oney & Burch, GYV, UE and maybe even Breezango fight for those titles at whatever TakeOver coincides with Mania time. Kushida VS Thatcher was an incredible match, even with Ciampa being ringside to play mind games on Thatcher. That match is definitely happening now, and I feel like Ciampa is going to win that to then be a contender again.

Speaking of which, Finn had a really good promo, general enough that anyone could “answer” the challenge. Dunne also talked some smack about how he would’ve injured Finn worse, and we’ve yet to get that match-up. Dunne VS Kyle was incredible, and obviously that was McAfee in disguise again to screw Kyle over. UE is behind the 8 ball, they might still pull off a victory, but it’d be rather shocking for them to lose. Then Dunne steps up as the next contender to really put Finn’s reign to the test.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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