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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/14/20)

What is next for NXT?



NEW NXT Coverage

Who rises up in NXT to challenge the champions?

Io Shirai knows Rhea Ripley, Ember Moon and even Toni Storm want her NXT Women’s Championship, but how will a contender be determined? Plus, the Archer of Infamy will be a fighting champion as he takes on the Tortured Artist with the title on the line!


  • NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Match: The Undisputed Era VS Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch; The Undisputed Era wins and will challenge Breezango for the titles next week.
  • Ashante “Thee” Adonis VS Jake Atlas; Atlas wins.
  • Johnny Gargano VS Austin Theory; Gargano wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contenders match: Candice LeRae VS Shotzi Blackheart; LeRae wins and will challenge Io Shirai for the title at Halloween Havoc.
  • Toni Storm VS Aliyah w/ Robert Stone; Storm wins.
  • Killian Dain & Drake Maverick VS Imperium; Imperium wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Damian Priest VS Dexter Lumis; Priest wins and retains the NXT North American Championship.


NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Match: The Undisputed Era VS Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch!

Roderick Strong & Bobby Fish have Kyle O’Reilly by their side, but not Adam Cole after what Ridge Holland did to him. But in a weird way, they should thank the BritAm Bruisers for what Lorcan did to Holland last week. Will the Savior of the Backbreaker and the Infamous One “thank” the One Two Combo by taking the tag title opportunity away?

Before the match, Kyle has the mic to say, “There’s a lot of people around here who look at the Undisputed Era and think we’re done for.” Kyle will be cleared next week, but Cole still has broken ribs. Kyle and the boys never got to go after Holland, but if they had, they would’ve put him in the same hospital bed he’s in right now! And whoever paid Holland to attack Cole, the Era boys will find you! “And we will hurt them.” Kyle tells the boys that the Second Coming begins tonight! Bobby and Roddy are literally going to become contenders, and then next week they will become champions again! The UE is going to run the business for a long time! And if you know that line, sing along at home: That is Undisputed! But Oney and Burch head out so that this fight can begin!

The teams sort out, Oney starts with Strong. They tie up, go around, and Strong headlocks to a takeover. Oney moves around, gets up, and wrenches free to get a wristlock and takedown to headscissors hold! Strong moves around, gets out and then gets a headlock. Oney powers out, Strong runs him over, then things speed up for Strong to run Oney over. Oney ducks, Strong hurdles but Oney gets another takedown to headscissors! Strong bridges up, moves around, headstands to pop out, but Oney gets the arm. Oney wrenches, tags Burch, and the One Two double wrench and CHOP! Burch wrenches to an elbow breaker then cranks on the arm! Strong endures, Burch keeps twisting but Strong gets up.

Burch shifts to a hammerlock but Fish tags in. The UE wrench back but Burch throws forearms! Fish knees low, throws heavy hands then snapmares Burch for a slingshot senton, but Burch moves! Burch enziguris back then hurries in for European Uppercuts! Burch wrenches and throws more EuroUppers! Burch wrenches, hits an elbow breaker then drags Fish to the corner. Burch stomps the arm then brings him back to slam the arm down! Burch has a keylock, stands Fish up to wrench and tags in Oney. Oney and Burch get an arm each, for a double Russian Leg Sweep! Strong runs in but the One Two stop him, to suplex him onto Fish! Cover, ONE, but Oney keeps on Fish with a high wristlock.

Oney drags Fish down but Fish throws palm strikes. Oney cranks on the arm, Fish moves around but Oney shifts to a different armlock. Fish throws body shots, Oney wrenches to an elbow breaker! Fish fights up, throws forearms but Oney throws EuroUppers! Oney drags Fish up for more, then wrenches the arm for an uppercut to the arm! Oney wrenches again, snapmares Fish down and clamps back on with the high wristlock. Fish fights up, fights back and is free, but Oney throws more EuroUppers! Oney powers Fish back but Strong tags in! Fish reverses the whip, but Oney breaks free and CHOPS back! Strong gets in but Oney CHOPS him, too! Oney CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, then runs, DOUBLE BACK DROP from the UE! Fans are fired up and Breezango is watching from a spot by the LED screens as NXT goes picture in picture.

Strong stomps Oney, drags him up and around to put in the corner. Strong CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS in return, then stomps a mudhole into him! The ref backs Strong of but Strong comes back to throw in knees! Tag to Fish. the UE CHOPS and KICK Oney in the corner but Strong backs off. Fish throws forearms, drags Oney up for more strikes and he KICKS a leg out! Fish drags Oney back up, throws more forearms, then rams a knee in! Tag to Strong, Strong stomps Oney again. Strong brings Oney up but Oney fights back with big haymakers! Strong shoves and dropkicks Oney down! Strong rains down angry rights and even some stomps! Strong shouts at Breezango while Oney bails out. Strong goes out after Oney and puts him back in the ring.

Strong stomps Oney, goes after a leg, tags in Fish and they bring Oney up. Double back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fish is annoyed but he keeps on Oney. Oney throws body shots, Fish throws forearms and backs Oney down with kicks! Fish stomps Oney over and over, digs a foot in, but lets off at the ref’s count. Strong taunts Oney while Fish drags Oney back up. Fish back kicks Oney to the corner, then snapmares him down. Fish hits the slingshot senton this time, then covers, ROPEBREAK! Oney clings to the rope but Fish drags him back up. Fish snapmares Oney into a high wristlock and leans on Oney as NXT returns to single picture. Fish keeps Oney from his corner with a throw and some knees. Fish throws more fast hands, tags in Strong, but Oney fights back!

Oney sends Fish out, throws forearms on Strong but Strong shoves him back. Oney BOOTS Strong and hurries, but Strong trips him up to a BOSTON CRAB! Oney rolls, kicks Strong away, but Fish is up top! Fish LEAPS but the headbutt FLOPS! Hot tag to Burch! The Gov’nah DECKS Fish, clothesline and enziguris Strong then throws Strong into Fish! Strong comes back into EuroUppers! Burch whips, pops Strong up for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up for Burch but Kyle coaches Strong. Burch brings Strong up but Fish anchors Strong’s feet. Burch kicks at Fish but Strong CLOBBERS Burch! Tag to Fish, but Burch throws EuroUppers! Fish gets around to fireman’s carry and SAMOAN DROP Burch! Cover, TWO!

Fish tags Strong and they go after Burch again. Strong fireman’s carries and Fish runs but Burch fights out! Burch clubs Strong, boots Fish, then hops up top. Burch leaps, double missile dropkick! Fans fire up, hot tag to Oney! Oney BLASTS Strong with the EuroUpper! And then back elbows in the corner! Oney runs again, another back elbow! Oney dodges Fish, comes back, DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTER for the UE! The Fury fires up and he tags in Burch! They drag Strong up but Fish saves him! The UE swing on the One Two but get tripped up, HALF CRAB and CROSSFACE in stereo! Fish turns over, kicks Oney away and Strong turns the crossface into a cover, TOW! Oney TACKLES Fish out of the ring! Strong and Burch brawl! Strong throws elbows from all sides but Burch BLINDSIDE HEADBUTTS! Burch runs and LARIATS Strong!!

Oney returns, tags in, and they have Strong! They get him up, LONDON TOWER! Cover, but Fish drags Oney off! Burch goes after Fish but gets dumped out! Fish gets Oney, shoves him into Burch, then Strong KNEES Oney down! Cover, the Undisputed Era wins!!

Winners: The Undisputed Era, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championships)

Strong and Fish win, and they warn Breezango that they’re coming for the gold! Will Prince Pretty and the Lord of the Dance be able to thwart the Second Coming?


NXT has a medical update on Finn Balor!

The NXT Champion has a broken jaw in two places, and it turned out he did need surgery. NXT wishes Balor the best in his recovery, but what does that mean for the NXT Championship? William Regal is going to wait and see how Balor’s recovery goes over the next few weeks. Will the Prince be able to return and defend his title?


NXT hears from Ember Moon.

“It’s no secret that 2019 was a terrible year for Ember Moon.” A ruptured and torn Achilles forced her to spend that year away, and all that time made her realize that she can’t let others define who she is. She also figured out who she needed Ember Moon to be. When the doctors said, “You are cleared,” she heard, “You are NXT.” Ember Moon knew she was going to be drafted to either Raw or SmackDown, but took herself out of the equation to “come home.” Home is where Ember feels alive! The passion, drive and desire are all back, in her body and her heart. She wanted to be in the BEST women’s division in all of wrestling! And on her first night back, “damn right I stared down Io.”

When Ember left NXT, she was on top. But that was then, and this is now. She doesn’t get a title shot off her accolades or who she knows, and she knows that. It’s what you’ve done lately. So to get back to the title, Ember will go through the who’s who of great athletes. Shotzi Blackheart and Candice LeRae have their own shot tonight, but there’s also Toni Storm, Rhea Ripley, Dakota Kai, and Raquel Gonzalez. It doesn’t matter who she has to beat down or who she has to prove herself against, “all roads led me back to NXT.” Ember’s Law will lead her back to the title. Who will Moon Eclipse next to once again shine with the gold?


Ashante “Thee” Adonis VS Jake Atlas!

The superstar formerly known as Tehuti Miles finally got a big win on 205 Live against THE Brian Kendrick, and is looking to take everything he’s learned to the top of the Cruiserweight Division. But everyone is aiming for Santos Escobar and the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Can Adonis get past Atlas on the road to the top?

The bell rings, they tie up right away and go around. Adonis puts Atlas on the ropes but lets up at the ref’s count. Adonis then whips Atlas but Atlas reverses but Adonis sunset flips! Atlas stays up, goes around but Adonis ducks the kick and dodges the moonsault! Atlas cartwheels over the sweep and the fans fire up! Adonis smooths his hair but Atlas dropkicks him down! Atlas CHOPS Adonis then whips him corner to corner but Adonis reverses hard! Adonis blocks the boot but Atlas dodges the clothesline! Atlas runs in but Adonis dodges and goes up! Adonis leaps but Atlas gets under! Adonis rolls and comes back with a dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Adonis talks some smack on Atlas as he says his swagger’s better. Atlas pushes Adonis, Adonis pushes back. Adonis counter punches Atlas, they throw haymakers back and forth, but Atlas gets around to a waistlock. Atlas brings Adonis to the ropes but El Legado del Fantasma’s Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza are storming down the ramp! They have business with Adonis after he helped Swerve during TakeOver. Adonis elbows Atlas away, he spots Legado and talks some smack. Adonis grabs Atlas but Atlas cradle counters, Atlas wins!!

Winner: Jake Atlas, by pinfall

Legado attacks Adonis! Atlas DIVES out to take them down! Atlas and Adonis fight Legado off together! So here comes the boss! Santos Escobar stands with his men, and they all go to the ring together! But here comes SWERVE, with some chairs! The numbers are even and Legado doesn’t like that. They leave, and this new Cruiserweight war looks ready to explode! Will Swerve’s House finally get even with Escobar and his crew?


Backstage interview with Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano.

Mrs. Wrestling has a big night as she faces Shotzi for a title opportunity at Shirai at Halloween Havoc. Opportunity? That’s what you just said, right? Candice is the UNCROWNED NXT Women’s Champion! She won that match at TakeOver! And for that matter, Johnny technically won his match at TakeOver, too! Thank you for saying that, Candice. What has Lumis down to earn a title match? Draw pictures and stare at people! And kidnap people, too! Lumis should be locked up, not rewarded! But Mr. Regal wants to stack the odds? Fine! It is DESTINY for Mr. & Mrs. Wrestling to become champions together! And destiny overcomes all else.

But isn’t Gargano looking past his opponent tonight in Austin Theory? Theory is young and immature, and his BIG MOUTH is about to get him the wrestling lesson of a lifetime! Husband and wife head out as Gargano VS Theory is after the break.


Johnny Gargano VS Austin Theory!

The Wednesday Knight and his Poison Pixie aren’t living their happily ever after, and Gargano blames #TheRealSuperstar for that. Theory didn’t soften Damian Priest up enough for Gargano to win at TakeOver, but Theory won’t let Gargano dump all of that on him. Will Theory prove he can go #AllDay against NXT’s original Triple Crown?

The bell rings and Theory talks trash as he circles with Gargano. Gargano rolls, gets a leg, and drags Theory down to a standing toehold. Theory turns over but Gargano goes right after a facelock. Gargano holds on as Theory rolls around and Gargano grinds Theory down. Theory fights up, Gargano wrenches to a hammerlock, but Theory reaches back to get a headlock. Theory grinds and talks more trash, but Gargano powers out. Theory runs Gargano over, and takes a moment to ask, “Where’d you go? Oh there you are.” Theory goes to run but Gargano trips Theory up and then arm-drags him! Theory comes back into a dropkick and then a CHOP! Gargano tells Theory to stop being stupid, and he CHOPS Theory again!

Gargano digs forearms into Theory’s face in the corner, then whips him corner to corner. Theory goes up but Gargano avoids him going over to CHOP and arm-drag Theory again! Gargano has the arm, Theory endures as Gargano digs a knee into his face. Theory fights up, Gargano wrenches through but Theory breaks free. Theory waistlocks, Gargano switches but Theory bucks him off. Gargano comes back to trip Theory up, but Theory resists the crossface to get the ropebreak! Gargano lets go at the ref’s count of 4, but he comes back to bring Theory up. Gargano ducks the haymaker but that ELBOW rocks him! Theory suplexes, Gargano slips out but Theory blocks the chop and then the clothesline to CLOBBER Gargano! Standing moonsault! Cover, TWO!

Theory keeps his cool while fans rally up. He stalks Gargano to ropes but Gargano throws forearms. Theory kicks low and clubs Gargano, then talks smack as he stalks Gargano. Theory bumps Gargano off buckles, digs him in but Gargano pushes him away. Gargano ducks the punch, rams shoulders into Theory over and over, then lets up as the ref counts. Gargano stalks Theory, Theory kicks back but Gargano dodges the chop, only for Theory to drop toehold Gargano into buckles! Theory goes out, slingshots in for the somersault shotgun dropkick! Gargano is down and Theory stands on him. Gargano pushes Theory away but Theory comes back to bring Gargano up. Theory throws forearms but Gargano gives them back! Theory hits Gargano more and brings him up to a fireman’s carry.

Gargano gets out to the apron but Theory blocks the enziguri. Theory talks trash again, Gargano ducks the punch to enziguri! Slingshot SPEAR! Fans fire up as Gargano catches his breath and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Gargano has Theory in a cobra twist. Theory endures, fans rally and Gargano cranks on the twist. Theory powers out but Gargano throws an elbow and puts Theory on the ropes! Gargano runs to KNEE Theory in the back! Theory flounders, Gargano keeps moving, but Theory scoops, for a tilt-o-whirl TOSS! Gargano crawls to a corner, Theory runs in to hit a forearm! Theory shoves Gargano down to slingshot STOMP him! And dead lift suplex! Theory seethes as he stalks Gargano. Theory drags Gargano up, Gargano blocks the suplex so Theory clubs him. Theory laces up the legs in the fisherman but Gargano fights out! Gargano puts Theory on the apron, Theory slingshots in and blocks Gargano’s superkick!

Theory spins Gargano, waistlocks but Gargano switches. Theory bucks Gargano off to SUPERKICK! Theory gets the legs, fisherman USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives but Theory keeps his cool. Theory reminds Gargano #AllDay, but Gargano throws body shots! Theory throws haymakers and the two brawl. Theory clubs Gargano down, but Gargano punches from below! Theory SUPERKICKS again! Then he drags Gargano up, fireman’s carries, but Gargano fights out! Gargano is in a corner, he boots Theory away then hops up top. Gargano leaps, crossbodies, but Theory rolls through! Theory powers Gargano up to the fireman’s carry but Gargano sunset flips! Theory sits on it, TWO!! Gargano escapes and shocks Theory! Theory grows frustrated as Gargano crawls to a corner.

Theory brings Gargano up, CHOPS him, and then follows Gargano as he goes to another corner. Fans rally as Theory CHOPS again! Theory says hi to “Mrs. Gargano,” but Gargano ROCKS Theory! And again! Gargano ROCKS Theory a third time but Theory ROCKS Gargano back! Gargano ROCKS Theory again but Theory keeps throwing forearm sin return! Theory superkicks but it’s blocked! Gargano spins Theory to SUPERKICK him! Theory flounders but Gargano keeps him standing up. Gargano brings Theory up, scoops him, and LAWN DARTS him! Gargano wants Theory to get up, and he gives him a BLINDSIDE FOREARM! Gargano is toying with Theory now as he drags Theory to a corner. Gargano waits for Theory to rise, then slingshots, ONE FINAL BEAT!! Cover, Gargano wins!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

Gargano is All Heart, No Soul, but can’t help but admit Theory had a lot of fight in him. Did Theory at least win the respect of Johnny Wrestling?


Raquel Gonzalez speaks.

“Rhea Ripley walks around here like she owns the place. Rhea, you’re looking at the biggest and the baddest woman in this industry!” Halloween Havoc is coming, so maybe Rhea shows up and they see how bad Rhea really is. Wait, Rhea storms over! They can go right now! Security and officials stop this from happening now, but it’s definitely coming! Will these alpha females be able to wait until Halloween Havoc?


Tommaso Ciampa studies film.

It’s his match with Kushida last week, that was interrupted by The Velveteen Dream. Dream kept it from being settled, even if the record book says Ciampa won. “Well he’s dead.” Dream was in retreat from Kushida, but now he must fear the Psycho Killer! Who gets their hands on The Experience first?


NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contenders match: Candice LeRae VS Shotzi Blackheart!

Speaking of Halloween Havoc, the Evil Genius has a match scheduled, now we see who gets their shot! Will the Poison Pixie get a second chance after failing to take over at TakeOver? Or is the wild child not only going to host the party, but have a shiny new accessory to add to her tank?

As she makes her entrance, Candice disrespects Shotzi’s helmet by slapping it off the post! The bell rings and Shotzi circles with Candice. They tie up, go around, Candice gets the arm but Shotzi steps in to get Candice’s arm for an elbow breaker and arm-drag! Shotzi holts on, rolls and throws Candice again. Shotzi dodges Candice’s clothesline to come back with an enziguri! Candice ends up on ropes but avoids the ball pit cannonball! Shotzi holds onto ropes to deny the neckbreaker, then she goes to the apron. Candice shoulders into a kick but comes back with another shoulder! Candice runs and slides but Shotzi slides in! Shotzi runs to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Candice! Fans fire up as Shotzi puts Candice in and covers, ONE!

Shotzi drags Candice up, Candice jawbreakers! Candice whips, Shotzi reverses to reel Candice in for a snapmare knee smash! Shotzi fireman’s carries Candice for a swinging knee smash! Candice is down, Shotzi covers, ONE! Candice gets to a corner, Shotzi runs in but is sent into buckles! Candice runs in to stomp a mudhole in but she lets off at the ref’s count. Candice runs to back body block, snapmare and NECK SNAP! Jackknife cover, TWO! Candice is already annoyed as she drags Shotzi away from ropes to cover again. ONE, but Candice gets an arm for the high wristlock. Shotzi endures, fans rally up but Candice leans on the hold. Shotzi gets up, Candice knees her down, then has her on the ropes for another snapmare. Candice wrenches the neck but Shotzi still endures.

Fans rally up, Shotzi fights up but Candice knees low and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Candice grows frustrated with Shotzi as she has her on the ropes. Candice scrapes Shotzi’s face on the ropes, but lets off at the ref’s count. Shotzi gets to a corner, and she throws forearms back! Candice clubs Shotzi, throws her across the way, they stalks her to the corner. Candice digs her heel into Shotzi but lets off at the ref’s count. Shotzi sputters but Candice drags her out to cover, TWO! Shotzi gets up but Candice is on her right away. Candice goes to suplex but Shotzi blocks! Shotzi suplexes back! Candice gets to a corner, Shotzi runs corner to corner but into a BOOT! Shotzi stays up, Candice goes out to the apron but Shotzi follows!

Shotzi runs and ROUNDHOUSES Candice down! Shotzi brings Candice back up but Sliced Bread is denied as Candice POSTS Shotzi! Candice runs in to APRON COMPLETE SHOT!! Shotzi is down and out as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns as Candice has an arm. Shotzi throws haymakers to free herself but Candice knees low and shoves Shotzi to a corner. Candice runs in but Shotzi BOOTS her! Candice wobbles, runs back in but Shotzi goes up and over to dropkick Candice down! Shotzi corner splashes then rolls Candice for the SLING DOG! Fans fire up as Shotzi KNEES Candice, then ROLLING ELBOWS and QUESTION MARK KICKS! Candice wobbles, ends up on the ropes and Shotzi runs to CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Shotzi grows frustrated but she drags Candice to a drop zone. Shotzi goes up top, leaps, but onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Shotzi survives and Candice is furious! Candice gets up and goes to the top rope now. Shotzi trips her up and climbs up to join her. Candice slips under and trips Shotzi up in return! Candice SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES! Then SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!?!

The fans are thunderous as Candice drags Shotzi around by the legs. Candice stomps Shotzi in the stomach over an dover, then steps through to lace up the legs. Shotzi kicks Candice away and blocks a kick to spin Candice, to a TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Candice survives and the fans keep rallying! Shotzi drags Candice back up, fireman’s carries, but Candice fights out to BACKSTABBER! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Shotzi survives and Candice is losing her mind! The fans are rallying as Shotzi stirs. Candice drags Shotzi up, but Shotzi rolls Candice, TWO! MODIFIED CATTLE MUTILATION!! Candice is stuck underneath Shotzi but she moves around, ROPEBREAK!

Shotzi lets go and is frustrated, but she drags Candice up. Candice puts her on the apron but Shotzi ROUNDHOUSES back! Shotzi goes to the ropes, Candice is up and throws haymakers! Candice climbs up, she and Shotzi brawl, and Shotzi headbutts Candice down! Shotzi adjusts, leaps, FLYING SEATED SENTON! Candice is down, Shotzi goes back up top, but Candice rolls far, far away! Shotzi hops down, builds speed but has to stop as Candice runs out of the way. Wait, is that Indi Hartwell!? And she just slipped Candice brass knuckles!! Candice hides that, Shotzi hurries over, BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH!! Cover, Candice wins!!

Winner: Candice LeRae, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship)

The assist goes to Indi, she’s learned how to do things #TJGW rather quickly! But now it’ll be a rematch from TakeOver as Candice again goes for gold! Will Indi help Candice with more tricks to get that golden treat away from Shirai?


Drake Maverick and Killian Dain meet backstage.

Maverick wants Dain to know just how serious Maverick is about making them a real tag team! He has some rough ideas for what their team name can be, as well as the merchandise! Branding is everything! They will wear these tank tops to the ring. That doodle is supposed to be him? Yes! Now, do you want red or gold? How about fishnets? Fishnets are in for Halloween. Maybe not. But the name! “The Furry and the Fury!” Maverick’s the fury and Dain’s the… Uh… Well, Maverick will find a way to make it fit with their music, in time for their match with Imperium. They have another match tonight!? Yes! With Imperium! Dain grumbles and storms off. Maverick defends he never said these were the best ideas… Will Dain and Maverick be able to work together to stand a chance against former NXT Tag Team Champions?


Toni Storm VS Aliyah w/ Robert Stone!

NXT returns with the Robert Stone Brand and his one remaining client already in the ring. Stone has the mic to say, “There is a lot of top talent in NXT, and none of ’em seem to want to connect with Suit Man Stone, or the Robert Stone Brand.” But it’s all good. Moving forward, their loss is going to be someone else’s gain. But now the Lightning From Down Under makes her entrance! Will Storm strike and make Aliyah’s loss her gain?

The bell rings, Storm and Aliyah circle but Aliyah gets around to SLAP Storm! Storm CHOPS and BOOTS Aliyah down! Storm whips Aliyah, Aliyah reverses but Storm redirects and basement dropkicks! Cover, ONE, but Storm keeps her cool as she runs corner to corner at Aliyah. Aliyah dodges, runs in and BOOTS back! Aliyah ends up on the apron and tells Storm to “Kiss this” before she snapmares to a cover! ONE, and Aliyah is upset. Storm gets to a corner, Aliyah runs in and throws a forearm! Aliyah throws more forearms then an uppercut! Aliyah is fired up as she whips, but Storm reverses. Aliyah slides to a stop, comes back and spins Storm for a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO!

Aliyah keeps on Storm with chicken wings. Fans rally as Storm fights up, breaks free and arm-drags Aliyah away. Aliyah comes back into a roll up with bridge, TWO! Aliyah mule kicks then runs, but Storm pops her up for an atomic drop and CHOP! And repeat! Storm whips, Aliyah reverses but Storm dodges and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Aliyah flounders to a corner, Storm runs in to HIP ATTACK! Storm drags Aliyah out to BASEMENT LARIAT! And then, STORM ZERO! Cover, Storm wins!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

It’s #ToniTime once again! Will the lightning strike and bring Toni a new #ShinyShiny?


Backstage interview with William Regal.

What are his thoughts on the ending to Candice LeRae VS Shotzi Blackheart? Well, he’s not very happy with it. But the referee’s decision is final, so in two weeks, Halloween Havoc will have Shirai VS LeRae for the title. But he’ll up the stakes, just not sure how yet. Additionally, it seems Raquel and Rhea are ready for a fight, so yes! Halloween Havoc will have those two 1v1! Will Rhea and Raquel wreak a little havoc of their own?

Xia Li and Boa walk over and ask to speak to Regal. Xia wants a match. She really needs a match for next week. Boa says something in Chinese, and Xia adds that she HAS to compete to turn things around. Regal will take that into consideration. No, he doesn’t understand. This is very important for her. Please give her a match. He again says he will take it into consideration, and it seems satisfactory for Boa and Xia. Regal excuses himself to get back to business. Who will Xia face next week in what seems to be a very desperate situation?


Killian Dain & Drake Maverick VS Imperium!

The Belfast Beast is NOT furry, but he is furious with Rockstar Spud for dragging him along into a match with the Pride of Italy and the Impeccable German. Will Dain be able to take out that frustration against Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel?

Dain cuts the music short, makes Maverick stop skipping, and then insists he starts the match. Aichner starts against him at the bell and fans rally up. Aichner waistlocks and lifts but Dain elbows free. Dain scoops Aichner and SLAMS him down! Dain tags Maverick, then hip toss SENTONS Maverick onto Aichner! Maverick wants to double whip but Dain takes care of that himself, and the same for the shoulder tackle! Maverick wants a high five but nope. Cover, ONE and with force! Maverick brings Aichner up but Aichner CLOBBERS him! Aichner drags Maverick up, scoops and slams him down! Tag to Barthel and Imperium drags Maverick up to mug him! Barthel wrenches Maverick’s neck and drives elbows into his head!

Barthel drags Maverick up and clubs away with haymakers! Maverick sits up in a daze, Barthel stomps him and grinds him down in the corner! The ref counts, Barthel lets up and tags in Aichner. Aichner taunts Dain then runs in, but Maverick boots him down! Maverick hurries, but Barthel tags in! Maverick dumps Barthel out! Aichner goes after Maverick, misses, and Maverick hot tags Dain! Dain rallies on Imperium with big body check sand clotheslines! Dain reels them both in but they fight back. Barthel shoves Dain but Dain barrels through the clothesline! Aichner still gets Dain up for a SPINE BUSTER! Barthel PENALTY KICKS! Aichner talks trash, drags Dain up and reels him in, but Dain suplexes Aichner!

Fans fire up, Maverick wants in, and Dain reluctantly tags in him! Maverick dodges Barthel to calf kick him! Maverick fires off kicks and fast hands! Maverick whips, Aichner reverses but Maverick drop toeholds Aichner into buckles! Maverick runs in to KICK Aichner! Maverick climbs up, but Barthel trips Dain and throws him into steel steps! Aichner goes after Maverick but Maverick boots him away. Maverick leaps, into Aichner’s arms! Aichner pops Maverick up to BRAIN BUSTER! Tag to Barthel, for the EUROBOMB!! Cover, Imperium wins!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall

The #ImperialImplosion destroys Rockstar Spud, but Dain is seething! But then Ever-Rise comes in to pick on the “little twerp!” Matt Martel and Chase Parker ask where the big guy is, but here he comes! Dain CLOBBERS Ever-Rise with double clotheslines! Maverick wants Dain to spare him, but Dain says, “Nobody hits you but me!” Is Dain starting to be a friend? Well, an odd friend, that’s for sure. But seriously, do something about the song.


NXT North American Championship: Damian Priest VS Dexter Lumis!

The Archer of Infamy wants to fight, win, party and #LiveForever. But the Tortured Artist is not one for boasting, posturing, saying catchphrases, or much of anything, really. Pictures are worth a thousand words, but will silence truly be golden after tonight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this clash of polar opposite personalities begins!

Priest and Lumis slowly circle as fans rally up already. They tie up, Priest and Lumis power each other around, but Priest puts Lumis in a corner. Lumis powers out, they go around more, and Priest again puts Lumis on ropes. Lumis again turns things around and the ref counts. The two end up in the ropes before they break at 4. Priest backs off first but eggs Lumis on. The two circle again, tie up and Lumis headlocks. Priest pushes and powers out but Lumis bumps shoulders. Priest stays up to rebound and run Lumis over! But Lumis kips right up! The bad ankle isn’t bad anymore! Priest is a bit impressed, but he headlocks right away. Lumis throws body shots, pulls hair and powers out. Things speed up, Lumis leaps over but Priest arm-drags!

Priest is after the arm, Lumis kicks and gets up. Fans rally as Lumis puts Priest in a corner. The ref counts, Lumis lets off to whip, but Priest reverses. Priest runs in but Lumis puts him on the apron! Priest goes after the arm and wrenches before climbing up! Priest goes Old School for a crossbody! Lumis gets up but Priest arm-drags him down again! Priest has the armlock again but Lumis again gets up. Lumis pushes Priest but Priest knees low. Priest whips, Lumis goes up and over but Priest elbows him back! Lumis stays up and Priest eggs him on. Lumis swings, Priest dodges and runs but Lumis THESZ PRESS! Lumis rains down fast hands but Priest gets away. Lumis goes after Priest with more fists, but Priest stomps the bad leg! Lumis just throws uppercuts!

Priest again kicks the bad leg, then fires off more kicks, and a rolling elbow! Lumis returns into the LEAPING ROUNDHOUSE! Down goes Lumis! Lumis gets up fast and Priest runs corner to corner, LEAPING ELBOW! Priest brings Lumis up, BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Lumis survives but Priest keeps his cool as NXT goes picture in picture.

Lumis bails out and Priest pursues. Priest drags Lumis up, brings him around and goes to bump off steel steps, but Lumis blocks! Lumis elbows and bumps Priest off the steps, then stalks him around the way. Lumis bump Priest off more steel steps, then kicks him into barriers. Lumis slides in to stop the ring count, and fans rally up as Lumis goes back out. Priest ROCKS Lumis with a right hand! Priest stalks Lumis now and scoops him. Snake eyes on the apron! Lumis flounders, Priest drags him up and puts him in the ring. Priest climbs the ropes to springboard and PUNCH! Cover, TWO! Priest keeps his cool as he stomps the bad leg!

Priest has a standing toehold and he twists the ankle! Lumis endures, but Priest twists harder with a heel hook. Lumis kicks with his free leg but Priest rains down fists! Priest drags Lumis around, steps through, but Lumis kicks Priest out of the ring! Priest comes back but Lumis meets him at the ropes. Priest dodges the ax handle to ROUNDHOUSE Lumis away! Priest goes up the ropes, but leaps into Lumis’ uppercut! NXT returns to single picture as Lumis throws haymakers on Priest! Lumis uppercuts then runs, corner clothesline to BULLDOG! Priest flounders to a corner, Lumis somersaults and leaps, into a choke grip! Priest lifts, Lumis slips out to shove, duck and SPINE BUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Priest survives but Lumis adjusts his gloves. Fans rally up as Priest rises. Lumis stalks behind Priest, Priest urns around into the clinch! Priest elbows free but not for long! Priest hurries to RAM Lumis into a corner and fires off elbow after elbow after elbow! Priest arm-drags Lumis, CYLCONE KICK! LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Lumis lives but Priest gets the ANKLE LOCK!! Lumis endures, powers up but Priest twists as hard as he can! Lumis is red in the face but reaches! Priest drags him from the ropes and leans on the hold! Lumis curses but refuses to give in! Lumis turns over and kicks Priest away! Priest comes back, avoids the haymaker and BELL CLAPS Lusmi! ROUNDHOUSE and reel in, powerbomb lift but Lumis slips out! Lumis BACK SUPLEXES Priest down! And drops the leg!! Cover, TWO!!

Fans are fired up as Lumis hobbles to a corner. Lumis manages to climb with the bad ankle, leaps, but the Swanton FLOPS! Priest gets up, Lumis hobbles into the LARIAT! Priest fires up, fans rally as Lumis rises. Priest takes aim, spins, but Lumis ducks! Lumis gets Priest in the clinch, for the URENAGE! THE SILENCE!! Priest flails in the clutch and gets a ropebreak with a foot! Lumis holds on until 4 and he almost had Priest out just from that! Priest rolls out of the ring but Lumis slithers after him. Lumis RAMS Priest into the steel fencing! And then back into the ring! Lumis hurries, the ref checks on Priest, CAMERON GRIMES hits a CAVE-IN on the apron to Lumis!! The Technical Savage gets away, top hat included! Lumis flounders up into Priest’s choke grip! SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

The Carolina Caveman just screwed over Lumis! Will Lumis find a way to get revenge? But Priest spots Grimes getting into the ring and talking trash on Lumis. Grimes spots Priest is still in the ring and takes a swing, but Priest gets him for a dragon sleeper and THE RECKONING! One way or another, Priest’s reign lives on! And he invites cameras to watch him take aim at the titantron. But SMACK!! Johnny Gargano hits Priest with a chair!! Johnny Wrestling then tosses the chair to Priest to SUPERKICK it into his face! Candice joins Johnny on stage as Gargano points to the belt.

But here comes William Regal! “You two must be very proud of yourselves. At Halloween Havoc, Candice LeRae, you will face Io Shirai for the NXT Women’s Championship. And you, Johnny Gargano, will face Damian Priest for the North American Championship. But the stakes are going to be higher.” Don’t just take it from Regal, take it from the host of Halloween Havoc. Shotzi Blackheart rises from the extra stage on the far side of the Capitol Wrestling Center! Shotzi tells Johnny and Candice that BOTH title matches will be determined by… SPIN THE WHEEL, MAKE A DEAL! Shotzi laughs as the wheel of stipulations starts spinning! Shotzi howls to the moon and laughs at the cruel fate the Garganos have brought upon themselves! What horrors will Johnny and Candice have to endure if they want to make destiny a reality?

My Thoughts:

A great episode with a lot of great set-up for Halloween Havoc, and even next week. As expected, the Undisputed Era managed to use promo to keep the story with Ridge Holland going, even though Holland is out of action. The match with Oney and Burch was great stuff, almost a title match in itself. And while Oney and Burch are still a great team, the UE wins because surely this can feed into the story of “Who Hired Holland?” Breezango can get some of the ol’ Fashion Force going again as they investigate things. Adonis VS Atlas being a way to propel the story with El Legado was an interesting move. I suppose with Kushida and Maverick having moved on to other things, it makes sense the other Cruiserweight Round Robin A Block finalist stepping up to help Swerve and Adonis works out. Still wish it was THE Brian Kendrick, though. It’d at least give people a reason to watch 205 Live again.

Speaking of Kushida, Ciampa gets things rolling in that story by simply watching footage and making sure it was Velveteen Dream that hit him. Ciampa, Dream and Kushida in a triple threat feud would be great stuff to propel Kushida or Ciampa to the NXT Championship. And I like that both in kayfabe and reality, they’re waiting to see how bad Finn Balor’s jaw injury really is before vacating the title again. NXT behind the scenes may need to reconsider how they do matches if high profile stars are getting hurt. And speaking of Maverick, he and Dain had great progress tonight as now Dain has gone from being reluctant partners to being reluctant friends with Maverick. And the would-be name of “Furry and Fury” is hilarious for how bad it is. I’m hoping for Big Damo & Lil’ Spud, myself, as references to past ring names.

Toni Storm got a good win over Aliyah, and Ember had a really good promo that helps us understand why she wasn’t in the contender’s match tonight. Ember isn’t going to be spoiled and insist on a title match, she’s going to fight for it. And that way, she can go on a string of great match-ups with the current roster, which includes Storm. Rhea VS Raquel is going to be great, too, and is probably going to have Raquel go over to establish herself as a threat to the title. Candice VS Shotzi was really good, and it was clever for Indi to be there to help Candice out. I’m surprised Regal didn’t briefly hit on the brass knuckles being his thing. Xia Li adamantly asking for a match is an interesting detail to her story. Was the letter Boa gave her some kind of warning that if she doesn’t start winning, something bad happens? Hopefully HHH isn’t getting a bit of the Vince weirdness and tries to make this like a Chinese triad angle or something.

Gargano VS Theory was also a great match, and Theory again looked great even in losing. Gargano’s look at the end there makes me think that with Indi helping Candice, Gargano might try to recruit Theory to the TJGW. Leading faction would be a great next phase in Gargano’s and Candice’s NXT careers. Priest VS Lumis was great, but I should’ve known Grimes would interfere. Priest VS Gargano and Shirai VS LeRae being TakeOver rematches is an interesting move, normally something Raw/SmackDown would do, but I suppose if the stipulation roulette is added in, that does make things a lot more fun. Especially with possibilities like the Blindfold match, Casket Match, Chamber of Horrors, Buried Alive match, something called the Devil’s Playground, and even “Shotzi’s Choice,” which will probably be Devil’s Playground or Chamber of Horrors.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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