Round 6, FIGHT!
Round five, FIGHT!
Round four, fight!
Round three, fight!
Round two, fight!
Trinity makes her debut and Dirty Dango starts making a list of suspects for who attacked Santino Marella!
Late start times, card changes and special opponents! WrestleMania weekend blesses wrestling with some weird stuff. Multiverse United NJPWxIMPACT!
Well damn, 24 hours changes everything! Josh is injured and has to vacate the World title! Mickie is also injured but she's making her announcement during...
Mickie is the new champ and Josh Alexander retained! Do new challengers appear?
We get a Knockouts Tag Team match, a potential retirement match, and who knows what else
Josh Alexander finally addresses what happened at Over Drive! MCMG gets a title match! Eric Young was written out, how does Deaner change Violent by Design?
Two titles matches and a first time ever tag team made in...erhm...Texas? Check it out!
With Emergence a little more than a month away and Against All Odds in the rear view, where does IMPACT go? Are there any new/fun debuts?
Hard to Kill was well received and caused a bit of buzz from Mickie retaining to ROH invading. Where does this episode of IMPACT take us...
A historic Hard to Kill! ROH World Title is defended! Knockouts first ever Ultimate X Match! Triple Threat for the Heavyweight title and a Texas Death...