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Andrew’s TNA Impact! Results & Match Ratings: 1.18.2024

TNA is back, jack! So let’s check out how the return of the classic brand kicks off after so much time to reset.



The first official TNA Impact! episode since 2017; and it just feels right. A new stable debuted at Hard to Kill (The System: Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Alisha Edwards & Moose), Nic Nemeth popped up as the biggest surprise acquisition and…we don’t talk about Ash by Elegance. Maybe fka Dana Brooke will come out of nowhere and impress people, but I have no faith in that.

Tonight we’re supposed to hear some things from Ziggles and we get Josh Alexander versus Will Ospreay 2. So this is a damn good way to kick off the resurrection.


  • Kushida vs Trey Miguel vs Laredo Kid vs Speedball Mike Bailey vs El Hijo del Vikingo vs Jake Something: Jake wins via Into the Void – ***
  • Tasha Steelz vs Xia Brookside: Xia wins via Brooksie Bomb w/Prawn Hold – **
  • Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zach Gibson) vs Frankie Kazarian & Eric Young: GYV wins via Grit Your Teeth – *** 1/4
  • Jai Vidal vs PCO – PCO wins via PCO-Sault – Squash
  • Josh Alexander vs Will Ospreay – Josh wins via C4 Spike – *****



Kushida vs Trey Miguel vs Laredo Kid vs Speedball Mike Bailey vs El Hijo del Vikingo vs Jake Something

So let’s see if Jake’s return and 2024 actually mean…well…something. 

Things start off with all the smaller guys understanding the size discrepancy, so they team up to knock Jake out of the ring and then we get some quick Headscissors, into a Satellite DDT from Kushida into a Dive for an early pop. Laredo, Vikingo and Bailey hit a spot that’s a touch too coordinated, but it looked fun. Trey has Laredo in a standing Indian Deathlock, Kushida goes to do something, and its a few back and forths with Trey resulting into a Neckbreaker from Trey to break the submission.

Jake comes in, Chokeslams Trey into Laredo and now Vikingo is trying to chop down the tree…and fails. Jake stops others from interfering, tries to shoot off Vikingo but he hits the Shoulder Rebound to duck the big man, Twisting Headscissors sends Jake to the corner, Vikingo jumps off Jake and hits the Dragon Rana, but Jake blocks the Rana portion and throws Vikingo out of the ring. Now we get a faster paced signature spam moment, highlighted by Laredo hitting a Spanish Fly on Bailey and then Jake catches Laredo mid momentum with Into the Void, and Laredo can only hear black. Jake wins!

Well now…they might actually be doing something with Jake. Color me intrigued. 

Tasha Steelz vs Xia Brookside

Basic British wrestling kind of start, a few rolls and tie ups. She strings together a few moves as a Headscissors, into a Monkey Flip out of the corner, but Tasha slows things down with a poke to the eyes and kick to the face. A Headbutt, into the Three Amigos spot…and some twerking. With Tasha getting cocky, Xia has big openings, even sneaking in another Small Package while Tasha tried to twerk again.

Xia making good use of the Headscisoors, into Broken Wings and a sloppy cover, so the ref doesn’t count right away and its only a 2. Codebreaker from Tasha because of the weird stall, yet, only a 2. Okurr attempt, pushed off, go to the corner, Enzuigiri to stun Tasha, Inconoclasm (Brooksie Bomb) into a Prawn Hold for the win!

Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zach Gibson) vs Frankie Kazarian & Eric Young

One of those funny moments when Grizzled Young Vets describes both of these team. Depending on how much time this is given, it could be pretty damn good. Gotta assume GYV go over since the TNA Originals don’t really suffer anything if they lose here. 

EY comes out with the angry tie up, into the Shoulder clash spot, stopped short into some chain wrestling that the  GYV take the advantage in. EY equalizes things by biting Drake’s hand and using his teeth to move Drake to his corner and tag in Kaz. Some vintage Kaz with the Russian Leg Sweep, but a blind tag from the Gibson pays off for GYV in side swiping Kaz. Kaz gets lit up, tries a Slingshot Sunset Flip to shift momentum, but Gibson refuses to go over, reaches and tags Drake, so Drake comes in and continues to beat on Kaz.

After a quick distraction from EY, an Up and Over into a Crucifix Cover, is 2, a few more locomotion cradles, but no pinfall, and Drake finally manages to regain his base and rock Kaz into his corner, tags in Gibson and they keep the hits coming. Kaz keeps trying to fight out of the situation, but he’s constantly put back down. Assisted Splash as Gibson sends Drake into Kaz for 2 (after a tag). Kaz tries to fire, but is pushed into the GYV corner. Kaz keeps fighting both men, inching closer to EY, Kaz ALMOST gets there, but not quite. Double Whipe, Kaz holds, kicks one, throws Drake out of the ring and snaps off a Vertical Suplex to finally find a tag.

Drake with the clever heel thing of picking EY off the apron before the tag, so Kaz is still eating offense. An Assisted Shiranui almost gives the GYV the win, but not quite. EY tries to charge in, but the ref stops him and GYV mock him. Slingshot Assisted Forearm Drop to the outside, and Kaz can’t catch a break. Gibson talks a bit much, Kaz clocks him, but he can’t stop both guys. GYV are rolling until Kaz literally rolls under the Spinning Heel Kick from Drake and hot tag to EY! Ey is laying out both, GYV stop things, Kaz tries to equalize, but accidentally clocks EY. Gibson throws Kaz out of the ring, Grit Your Teeth, and GYV win.

After the match, Kaz does the “what happened” moment with EY. EY looks like he’s gonna sweep it under the rug, starts to get up and Kaz lays him out with a lariat! Heavy Metal Heel turn?! Kaz screams “It was supposed to be my year” and hits a Fade to Black on EY. I didn’t know Frankie was a Cowboys fan.

Nemeth comes out to his Wanted Man, Motley Crue style theme song, and the crowd loves him. The promo is a little chalk for a guy coming over to from the WWE and playing babyface. Not bad, just nothing of crazy note, he really just punctuates getting used to a new world and blazing a trail as Nic Nemeth.

Jai Vidal vs PCO

Jai comes out to try and play the coming home angle since he start in Vegas, but turns it into the typical heel “thankfully I got out of this place”. They boo, he says no man in the building can beat him up, so PCO gets resurrected and comes out. Squash match, but Vidal sells the fear and the bumps well. Chokeslam, Final Cut, into PCO-Sault and its over.

Josh Alexander vs Will Ospreay

A little back and forth, Shoulder Tackles, Headscissors, Powerbomb counters, Irish Whip counters, but the Billy Goat manages a few quick moves punctuated with a Standing Shooting Star for 2. Now Will is focusing Josh’s back, but Josh manages to cut off a Springboard with Will seated on the apron facing the ring and Josh does his Low Crossbody that way. Some strikes, Josh wants the triple Germans, but Will grabs the ropes, Josh releases but slaps Will’s back, which annoys him so he pops Josh, Back Handspring Kick sends Josh flying to the outside and now we fight on the outside.

Josh blocks the PK, Ankle Lock and drags Will down, Will crawls under the ring looking for anything to grab, kicks off the Lock sending Josh into the steps, Tornado DDT gives Will the momentum. Ospreay sets up the table he found when he was grabbing under the ring, looks to put Josh through, but Josh blocks and Will Lariats him back INTO the ring. Phenomenal Forearm from the top turnbuckle for 2. Kawada Kicks from Ospreay as he’s trying to figure out what to do next, and a Knife Edge chop drops Josh on his back. Dueling Brainbuster stops, but Josh hooks the leg and hits the Fisherman’s Suplex!

Josh heads to the ropes, TIGER WALL KICK! Lethal Injection attempt from Ospreay but Josh stops him, POWER BREAKER from Josh for 2! Ospreay crawls to the apron, but Josh plucks him from the second rope. Will fights back, looks for a Fire Thunder Driver through the table, but no! Josh tries C4 Spike through the table, no! Will hits the Marufuji Hook Kick to rock Josh, Tiger Driver through the table! The referee definitively says he’ll allow the table usage to get a legit finish. 10 count starts, Will is back in at 6, Josh barely beats the count.

Ospreay attacks with the Coast to Coast Dropkick, into OsCutter, for only 2! Hidden Blade attempt, but Josh just falls on his face out of exhaustion. Ospreay tries to whip Josh to the corner, and Josh falls again. Now Will is just kicking him, cleaning his boots in his face, disrespectful Face Wash, and Ospreay just continues to patronize Josh. John Woo Dropkick from Will, wakes up Josh, they swing on each other, rope run, Standing Spanish Fly for 2! Strombreak – NOPE – Tombstone Counter, but Will turns it into Stun Dog Millionaire! Oscutter attempt, and Josh just rocks him with a Forearm and they’re both slowly getting back to their feet.

Big boot from Josh misses, Hook Kick sends Josh to the ramp. Will wants a Springboard, Josh catches him, Hook Kick again after wiggling out! Hidden Blade attempt on the ramp, Josh ducks, Forearm, Roundhouse Kick from Will, Oscutter is caught! Tombstone Piledriver on the ramp! Josh throws Will into the ring, he wants a legit finish. Walks him up the turnbuckles with Will on his shoulders, Avalanche Forward Senton, into the Ankle Lock. Will tries to crawl, Josh pulls him back, Will manages to get up and fling Josh into the corner with the momentum. Will catches Josh with quick feet, Forearm response, Will slips, Cheeky Nandos kick into the Avalanche Poison Rana. Hidden Blade for 2! Storm-no, Josh slips, rope run, Hidden Blade again, Storm Driver ’93, only 2! Ospreay removes the elbow pad ala Satoshi Kojima, Hidden…LARIAT from Josh. Slap fight, into a Super Kick from Will, rope run, Double Lariats but Will spins out and Josh fires! C4, no, Styles Clash on the logo – but Josh slips it into the Ankle Lock. Will fights, and Josh picks him up for the Style Clash on the logo. Will flips him off after the kick out, C4 Spike, and Alexander wins!

Overall Score: 9/10

That was…brilliant. The main event was a sight to behold, the promos didn’t really go too long, the vignettes did what they were supposed to; and we even got a heel turn out of Frankie Kazarian! Also, the Ash by Elegance thing felt like a weird Dior commercial, but I suppose that’s something (still a little too early to judge it completely). I really loved Gail getting in Gisele’s head about not needing the SHAWntourage, new signees got their shine in decent enough matches; and we even get Trinity’s rematch next week. So even if she’s on her way out the door, she at least stuck around for these tapings!

Scott’s promo at the end was amazing. It had that same kind of passion and love for the business and company that many of the TNA hopeful also relate with. I’ve admitted, around 2014 I figured things were done. I slowly stopped watching and thought it was dead, until the Hardy’s Final Deletion peaked my interest and dipped a toe back in and then eventually returned to the company that I loved was back in 2005. Some things have changed, but the name at least returned, and if we get more quality shows like this…TNA will be seriously cooking with fire.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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