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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (1/18/24)

Ring of Honor’s full of GOLD~!



ROH Wrestling 2023

ROH has its own Battle of the Belts!

Tonight, ROH has THREE title matches: Kyle Fletcher’s World TV title, The Undisputed Kingdom’s World Tag titles, and even the AAA Mega Championship!


  • Nyla Rose VS Erica Leigh; Nyla wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Iron Savages; The Undisputed Kingdom wins and retains the titles.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS Bryan Keith; Claudio wins.
  • 8 Woman Tag: Billie Starkz, Kiera Hogan, Lady Frost & Queen Aminata VS Leyla Hirsch, Rachael Ellering, Taya Valkyrie & Robyn Renegade; Billie, Kiera, Frost & Aminata win.
  • Top Flight VS The Butcher & The Blade; Top Flight wins.
  • Mark Briscoe VS Serpentico; Mark wins.
  • Diamante VS Dream Girl Ellie; Diamante wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Christopher Daniels; Kyle wins and retains the title.
  • AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo Del Vikingo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Action Andretti; Vikingo wins and retains the title.


Billie Starkz speaks.

“I just don’t get it. I don’t! The one time we had time off, there’s a hit on the boss.” Billie is of course referring to Nyla Rose finding Athena at Athena’s own wrestling school, beating her down, and even choke slamming her through a door like you would through a table! Billie’s ready to take Nyla out at the knees! She wants to swing first, and break Nyla’s neck! Lexi Nair calms Billie down. She knows they’re all about the baddest swinging first, but in this instance, the idiot is the one who swings first, so they need to be smart about this. They take a deep breath but Billie lets it out in growls. Lexi says they should watch some Friends.

No, Billie doesn’t want to! But Lexi points out Billie has her 8 Woman Tag tonight and how many of those ladies are in the running for the ROH Women’s Television Championship. Billie sees what Lexi means. Billie just has to refocus. Boss Athena wants Billie to go after that title, so that title is gonna be Billie’s. No one gets in her way. Lexi says she can even take notes. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. Billie  thanks Lexi for calming her down. She feels good, she feels great. BUT SHE’S STILL ANGRY! She wants to beat Nyla’s face in!! Lexi keeps Billie back and tells her to breath. Just breath. Billie calms down again, will she settle for taking that anger out on her opponents tonight?


ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Iron Savages!

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett have these belts back after the devilish plot cooked up by Adam Cole, but they’re back in ROH to defend their kingdom. Will they still be undisputed after tonight? Or will Dirty Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder break through to add some gold to the Savage Sanctuary?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we have our first of three title matches tonight!

The teams sort out and Bennett starts against Bronson. They shake hands for the Code of Honor, then the bell rings. Bennett and Bronson circle, Bennett kicks low, forearms and CHOPS, then CHOPS and stomps Bronson in the corner. Tag to Taven and he CHOPS! Taven ROCKS and CHOPS Bronson over an dover, then tags Bennett. The Kingdom mugs Bronson, but Bronson fires haymakers back! Bennett headlocks, Bronson powers out and they RAM shoulders! Neither falls, so Bennett kicks low and fires off more shots. Bennett runs, but Bronson back drops him! Fans fire up and Bronson brings Bennett around.

Tag to Boulder, Bronson ROCKS Bennett then Boulder sends him in. SPLASH, then feed to the SPINNING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Bennett survives but Boulder brings him around. Tag back to Bronson, and he says it’s time to go to TIDDY CITY! The fans fire up but Bennett reverses, Bronson and Boulder collide! Bennett then tosses Bronson out, tag to Taven! KICK O’ THE KING puts Bronson on the apron, for Bennett to SPEAR! Bennett hurries to put Bronson in, Taven covers, TWO! Bronson is still in this and fans rally up. Taven drags Bronson into a facelock, but Bronson fights up to his feet.

Bronson throws Taven away, but Taven runs back in to BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Taven is annoyed but he drags Bronson up. Taven wrenches, tags Bennett, and Bennett BOOTS Bronson down. Bennett ROCKS Bronson to the corner, bumps him off buckles, then tags Taven. The Kingdom double whips, Bennett SPINEBUSTERS and Taven LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Bronson survives again but Taven clamps a chinlock on. Fans rally, Bronson fights up, but Taven headlocks. Bennett tags in, the Kingdom mugs Bronson, then Bennett CHOPS again and again! ROLLING ELBOW, then Bennett digs his boots in.

Tag to Taven, but Bronson fires off forearms and elbows! The Kingdom keeps Bronson from Boulder, but then Bronson BOOTS Bennett! Bronson ELBOWS Taven, dodges Bennett, hot tag to Boulder! Fans rally as Boulder breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT The Kingdom! Boulder scoop SLAMS Bennett, then scoop SLAMS Taven! Fans fire up and Boulder runs in to SPLASH! Then Boulder SPLASHES Bennett! Bennett staggers, Boulder kicks low and reels him in. Boulder hoists Bennett up, but Taven runs in! Boulder catches him, too! POWERBOMB POWERSLAM COMBO!! The fans fire up and Boulder covers, TWO!!

Taven survives but the headband comes off. Boulder brings down the straps, tags in Bronson, and they double whip Taven. Taven holds ropes, then he dumps Boulder out! Taven ELBOWS Bronson, Bennett LEAPS at Boulder! Boulder catches him, but Taven WRECKS him with a dropkick! But Bronson DIVES to take Taven down! Fans fire up again as Bronson puts Taven in. Bronson storms up, ducks Taven’s heel kick and hits a SKY HIGH! Cover, Bennett breaks it! Bronson TOSSES Bennett out, then gets Taven up! Bronson says he’s gonna bust, but Taven back drops free! Bronson sunset flips, Taven hits JUST THE TIP of the knee!

Bennett is in, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER to another TIP!! Cover, TWO?!? Bronson survives and Taven is furious! Tag to Bennett, and Taven PLANCHAS to take Boulder down! Bennett reels Bronson in, Taven goes up, MIND BREAKER!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (still ROH World Tag Team Champions)

A big win to start off this newest reign! They say third time is the charm, so will the third time around be the best reign yet for Taven & Bennett?


Backstage interview with Robyn Renegade, Taya Valkyrie, Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering.

Lexi is with the team Billie will be facing tonight, and says with the ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament on the horizon, this 8 Woman Tag will showcase the ROH Women’s Division. This is an unlikely quartet, how did this come together? Robyn wouldn’t say any of this is “together.” She’ll say it now that she can’t stand Taya, she thinks Rachael is an overgrown Oompa Loompa, and Leyla is so short, she can walk under a door. So when it comes to this match, Robyn will showcase herself, and the other three can do whatever they want. Deuces!

Taya says Robyn is so rude. Leyla hopes Robyn can back up her words. Rachael keeps positive by saying the mission stays the same. They must win! Singles, tags, quads, just win, baby! Taya says everyone knows she would never choose to team with any of them, but there is the Women’s TV Championship on the horizon, and it will be hers. So if they must be seen in public together, they’ll have to do something about everyone’s wardrobe. Leyla says do something about that hair. Lexi says Taya’s so stylish. Rachael says she was matching her shirt to Taya’s hair. But can this dysfunctional four find a way to win together?


8 Woman Tag: Billie Starkz, Kiera Hogan, Lady Frost & Queen Aminata VS Leyla Hirsch, Rachael Ellering, Taya Valkyrie & Robyn Renegade!

As Lexi said earlier tonight, this is certainly a showcase of the stars in the ROH Women’s Division, and everyone wants to shine! But will The Minion, The Hottest Flame, the Coolest Wrestler and the Queen of Guinea be leading the way into the ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament? Or will The LEGIT, the Queen of Strong Smile, La Wera Loca and one half of the Renegade Sisters find a way to make it work?

The teams sort out, Billie starts against Robyn, and they keep the Code of Honor. But Robyn won’t let Billie walk away from her, and dares her to do something. So Billie pie faces her! They tie up, go around, and Robyn pulls hair! Frost tags in, Billie ROCKS Robyn, and then Leyla tags in. Leyla and Frost circle, tie up, and Frost knuckle locks, spins Leyla and drags her down to then bring her up. Frost waistlocks but Leyla wrenches out and whips. Frost boots from the corner, runs up, and cartwheels over to DROPKICK Leyla down! Fans fire up and Frost keeps moving. Leyla turns wheelbarrow into FACEBUSTER, then tags Rachael.

Fans rally as Rachael runs up to SLIDING BOOT! She drags Frost back up, fireman’s carries, but Frost fights free to tag Aminata! Fans fire up as Aminata and Rachael circle. Rachael fires a forearm, so Aminata ROCKS Rachael! Fans fire up, Rachael CHOPS, so Aminata DOUBLE CHOPS! Fans fire up more and Rachael ROCKS Aminata! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Aminata catches the haymaker to spin Rachael, snapmare her and PENALTY KICK! Aminata runs to SLIDING BOOT! Cover, TWO! Rachael CHOPS Aminata, swings but Aminata ducks. Aminata waistlocks, puts Rachael in the corner, and Kiera tags in.

Aminata hands Rachael off to Kiera and she CHOPS! Fans fire up as Kiera fires off on Rachael with forearms. Kiera whips, Rachael reverses and scoops! Rachel throws Kiera down, tags in Robyn, and Robyn ROCKS Kiera! Keira ROCKS Robyn! And BOOTS her, and ROUNDHOUSES! Kiera drop toeholds Robyn onto ropes, runs side to side and HIP ATTACKS! The fans fire up as Kiera YANKS the ropes to then step-up LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Robyn flounders to a corner, Kiera runs in but Robyn puts her on the apron. Kiera blocks a shot to ROCK Robyn again, then she ducks another shot to have a SLEEPER!

Robyn HOTSHOTS Kiera, sits her down, and runs side to side to BLAST Aminata before she BOOTS Kiera down! Robyn soaks up the heat, the ref is busy keeping Aminata back, and that all allows Taya to stomp away on Kiera! Fans boo but Taya puts Kiera in the ring. Robyn drags Kiera to a cover, TWO! Robyn is annoyed but she drags Kiera up. The fans rally, Robyn ROCKS Kiera, then tags Taya. Robyn and Taya mug Kiera, then Taya snapmares Kiera to run and SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Kiera is still in this but Taya stays on her. Taya holds Kiera’s hand out to mock Kiera’s team, then she CLUBS Kiera down.

Taya bumps Kiera off buckles, runs back in, but blocks a boot. Taya KICKS the leg, puts Kiera in the ropes, and ROUNDHOUSES! Tag to Leyla and Taya runs, SLIDING GERMAN! Fans fire up, and Leyla drags Kiera to the cover. TWO, but Leyla facelocks Kiera for a snap suplex! Tag to Rachael, she runs up to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Kiera but Rachael drags her around. Rachael has the wristlock, tags to Robyn, and Robyn takes the handoff to clamp onto the arm. The fans rally as Kiera endures, but Robyn pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Robyn pulls Kiera into a chinlock. Kiera endures so Robyn brings her up.

Kiera throws body shots but Robyn CLUBS her down. Robyn reels Kiera in, suplexes, but Kiera fights it! Kiera wrenches out, ROCKS Robyn, then turns her for a NECKBREAKER! Robyn flounders, Kiera crawls, hot tags to Frost and Taya! Frost fires off forearms but Taya ROCKS her right back! Taya whips, Frost wheelbarrows and arm-drags! Frost runs in at the corner to ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up as Frost handsprings to CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Frost then drags Taya over to tag Billie, and Billie waistlocks. Taya fights the grip, switches, but Billie goes to ropes to HOTSHOT Taya! Billie gets back around but Taya still resists!

Taya switches and lifts but Billie fights that to victory roll FACEBUSTER! Billie then floats over and DOUBLE AX HANDLES! Rachael runs up to POUNCE Billie! Aminata DECKS Rachael! Leyla LARIATS Aminata! Kiera SUPERKICKS Leyla! Robyn runs up but Kiera fires off! Robyn reels Kiera in, ducks her kick and pump handles for the BITTER END! But Frost kicks Robyn low and runs, cartwheel to Alabama Lift, AIR RAID CRASH! But Taya SPEARS Frost! Tag to Robyn, she runs up but Billie spins her around, KNEE SMASH and HEEL KICK! Billie then reels Robyn in, tucks the arms, STAR 10!! Cover, Billie’s team wins!

Winners: Billie Starks, Kiera Hogan, Lady Frost & Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The Minion makes good on making a statement! But wait! Here comes ABADON! The Living Dead Girl showed up last week without saying a word, and she does the same here! But it should be obvious, she wants her own part in the ROH Women’s Television Championship story! Will Billie’s plans be ruined at this rate?


Action Andretti speaks.

“Hey, man, Vikingo’s really talented, so I gotta make sure I got some protein in me before I go up against him.” He then sees a golf cart pulling up and it’s Top Flight! He says hey, and they’ve all got matches tonight, so they tell him to hop in. Darius says if there’s one thing about Top Flight & Andretti, it’s that they stay ready. These three cruise away, but will they be bringing the AAA Mega Championship home?


Backstage interview of Nyla Rose.

Lexi is with the Native Beast and just has to ask, “Why?” Why did she do that to Athena? Nyla says, “What kind of journalist are you? Pick the microphone up, talk into it like a proper lady.” But Nyla says as we’re aware and saw last week, except maybe not if Lexi was out minigolfing, Nyla went down to Texas and had a “little meeting” with Athena. They mutually decided that Nyla should be the new Minion Overlord. That’s impossible! Nyla has an MIT shirt and throws it over Lexi’s head! And in an impressive Cartman impersonation, Nyla tells Lexi, “You will respect mah authoritah!”

Nyla says that normally, she’s on the other side of things. But what she noticed, when she realized that she had a foot in the door to ROH, she could take her foot and squeak that door open and maybe, possibly get a modicum of opportunity here. Or she could just grab the headcase that used to run this place, take that bull by the horn, and throw that bull through the door and bust this sumbesh wide open and make a statement! So that is what Nyla did. Actions speak louder than words and Nyla’s a screamer! So Nyla thinks Athena should enjoy her time off that Nyla so graciously provided her.

Because if Athena shows back up here, Nyla will make another statement, and another statement, and another statement, until the whole world is listening. And Nyla will not STOP until there is ROH gold around her waist! Okay, grab your nine iron, Nyla loves her some minigolf. BILLIE STARKZ, WHERE YOU AT?! Lexi is fuming and speechless, but just what is about to happen here in ROH with Nyla “in charge?”


Backstage interview with Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie.

Lexi is with Mr. & Mrs. TV Ready, they’re all excited, but she asks if he’s given any more thought to Dalton Castle’s challenge. Taya scoffs and Johnny says, “Y’know what? Yeah. NO! I’m not gonna have a match with Macho Man Randy Average!” The Bland Man can- BARGE IN HERE! Castle is furious that Johnny has said no! This is no longer about a match! Castle wants to SMASH Johnny’s face!! Taya uses Lexi as a shield while she helps Johnny get away, and the cheese starts flying! Johnny runs for it, uses his parkour skills, and even CHUCKS a couch cushion into Castle! Castle is only slowed down momentarily, so Johnny locks himself in another room!

Castle demands Johnny get out so he can punch Johnny’s face in, bite his lips off, and even eat his ears! Lexi asks what is happening! Castle says Johnny took everything from Castle! It should be Castle’s face on every screen! Castle collapses to the floor and Lexi sits with him. Lexi, you were supposed to ask him! She tried! Castle beats on the door again but Johnny says he’s not unlocking the door. Castle says he’ll stay here in front of this door, Johnny’s gotta come outta there some time!


ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Christopher Daniels!

The Aussie Arrow continues on his roll as a fighting champion, and now he faces an ROH Grand Slam Champion in the Fallen Angel! Will Kyle continue to run the world? Or will Daniels take this title for the second time?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Kyle continues towards history!

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle is cocky as always. The bell rings, the fans are on Daniels’ side, but Kyle shrugs that off. Kyle and Daniels circle, tie up, and Daniels wrenches to a wristlock. Daniels wrenches again, wrangles Kyle with a top wristlock, and fans cheer. Kyle fights up, moves around, and he grinds a forearm into Daniels’ face. Kyle gets the headlock that way, then hits the takeover. Daniels endures, rolls things to a cover, TWO! Kyle grinds the hold, Daniels fights up and throws body shots. Daniels powers out, but Kyle runs him over! Kyle flexes and fans boo but Kyle gets moving.

Daniels drops down, gets up but Kyle runs Daniels over again! Kyle pie faces Daniels, gets moving again, but Daniels hip tosses him down! Cover, ONE!! Daniels arm-drags and he grinds Kyle down! Kyle endures, even as Daniels adds a chinbar. Kyle fights up, whips Daniels away, but Daniels slides under to then arm-drag again! Daniels is right back on the armlock but Kyle endures. Kyle fights up, claws at Daniels’ eyes, and puts Daniels in a corner. The ref counts, Kyle lets off, but then body shots! Kyle says that was clean, but fans boo. Daniels ELBOWS Kyle, goes up and leaps over. Daniels rolls, but Kyle runs up to BOOT him down!

Fans boo but Kyle just smirks as he paces around Daniels. Kyle drags Daniels to then rain down elbows right on Daniels’ forehead! Fans boo more as Kyle paces around again. Daniels goes to ropes, Kyle stalks up behind him, and Kyle CHOKES Daniels on the ropes by standing on him! Fans boo, the ref counts, but Kyle flexes. Kyle hops away at 4, then drags Daniels up. Kyle hears the fans rally for Daniels, and he scoops to SLAM! Kyle holds onto Daniels’ arm while mocking the fans. Kyle scoops and SLAMS again! He still has the wristlock while having the ref ask Daniels. Daniels pushes Kyle so Kyle drags him up.

Daniels fires a forearm! Kyle fires it back! Daniels fires another, so Kyle fires another! They go back and forth, Kyle fires a flurry, then swings, into the COMPLETE SHOT! Fans fire up while Kyle checks his face. Kyle crawls to a corner, Daniels rises up, and Daniels runs in to forearm smash! Then he hits a BIG back suplex! Kyle stands up, into the STO! Fans fire up with Daniels and he storms up on Kyle in a corner. Daniels climbs to rain down fists! Fans count along, Daniels goes all the way to TEN! Kyle flops down, Daniels brings him up, and whips corner to corner. Kyle reverses, runs up, but Daniels BOOTS him! Daniels then FLYING COMPLETE SHOTS! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up again as Daniels calls for it! Daniels brings Kyle up, tucks the arms, but Kyle back drops free! Kyle goes to another corner, Daniels runs in but Kyle goes up and over! Kyle rolls Daniels up, flips him over, and deadlifts with the SINGLE LEG SUPLEX! Fans fire up, Kyle takes aim again, and Kyle runs in! GAMANGIRI! Then suplex to BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Daniels survives, showing Kyle why he’s a former ROH Grand Slam Champion! Kyle seethes, drags Daniels back up, and he wrenches to hammerlock, scoop, and- Daniels victory rolls! TWO!! Daniels blocks the superkick to roll and underhook! ANGEL’S WINGS!!! Cover, TWO!?!

Kyle survives and Daniels can’t believe it! The fans are all fired up, though, “This is Awesome!” “ROH!” Daniels drags Kyle up, clinches, and URENAGES! Kyle is in the drop zone, and the fans fire up as Daniels heads for the corner. But Kyle anchors Daniels’ leg, then KICKS from below! Daniels swings but into the CHICKEN WING PLEX! Kyle runs to CALF KICK against ropes, and then he reels Daniels in! Fans boo as Kyle grins, and he lifts Daniels up,  DON MOROCCO PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (still ROH World TV Champion)

Three defenses in three consecutive weeks makes him 3-0! Will the Protostar make himself the winningest, fightingest and GREATEST ROH World Television Champion ever?


Backstage interview with Ethan Page.

Lexi is with All Ego and says we saw him get the big win against Tony Nese at Final Battle, and then another big win against Johnny TV here on ROH TV. Ethan & Scorpio Sky said they have big plans for 2024, so uh… Oh, is Lexi calling Ethan out for being vague? In pro-wrestling? No, he totally was, though. He just wants to dispel that now. “Vague goals bring vague results,” and he does not want that. He has brought it up on air many, many, many times that he made a promise to his daughter to win gold. Scorpio made that same promise, but they can’t just keep promising and have nothing come of it.

So Ethan is gonna say it right now, put it out there. After winning at Final Battle, he finally put certain stuff, certain people, behind him and he is getting back on the track to gold. But who else had a big win at Final Battle? Kyle Fletcher. Kyle etched his name into the history of one of the most prestigious titles in pro-wrestling, the ROH World TV Championship. So to not be so vague, and in case some haven’t picked up on it, Ethan is looking right at Kyle and is gonna take that ROH World TV title from him! So that is Ethan’s goal for 2024.

And one more thing. Ethan’s aware Kyle is part of the Don Callis Family, but is seeing Kyle show up on ROH solo. That is something Ethan respects. So while Ethan keeps an eye on Kyle, he wants Kyle to keep an eye on him and see what he does solo to earn Kyle’s respect, as well as earn his way to the title match. Lexi says not vague at all. When and where will All Ego get his shot at the Aussie Arrow?


AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo Del Vikingo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Action Andretti!

Be careful not to blink because this match is about to get fast and furious! Top Flight wants gold anywhere and everywhere they can get it, will it be Lights, Camera, Action here tonight? Or will nothing stop Vikingo from becoming the greatest AAA Mega Champion ever?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Vikingo is ready for Action!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans are on Vikingo’s side. The two circle, Action rushes in but Vikingo dodges to roll him up! TWO, Action sits on the hold, TWO! Action turns prawn hold right into a sunset flip, TWO! Vikingo sits on Action, TWO, but Vikingo stays on Action for a jackknife bridge! TWO as Action bridges up! Action spins things around, flips Vikingo up and over him, then knuckle locks. Action trips Vikingo but Vikingo lifts Action up and then pops himself up to a sunset flip! TWO, Action kicks but Vikingo ducks! Action STANDING MOONSAULTS but Vikingo avoids it, and both men superhero pose!

Fans fire up and the two reset. Action offers another handshake, Vikingo nods and accepts. Then Action reels Vikingo in! Vikingo switches, Action slides under and things speed up! Vikingo hurdles, Action leaps over, then sidesteps. Vikingo SPINNING RANAS! Then he DROPKICKS Action out! Fans fire up, Vikingo builds speed, and Vikingo DIVES into a GAMANGIRI! Action intercepts Vikingo then springboards, but Vikingo moves. Action rolls through his 450, then fireman’s carries Vikingo. Vikingo fights around but Action stays up to deadlift suplex! And then FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up while Action stays cool. Action stalks Vikingo, drags him up, and puts him in a corner. Action RAMS in again and again, then CHOPS! Fans “WOO~!” and Action snapmares Vikingo, to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Action stays on Vikingo with a headlock and grinds him down. Fans rally as Vikingo endures and fights around. Vikingo sits up but Action thrashes him around. Vikingo keeps fighting up, throws body shots, then whips. Action reverses to UPPERCUT Vikingo down! Action then JUMP ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Action keeps cool but the fans still rally for Vikingo.

Action drags Vikingo up, scoops him, but Vikingo slips free to roll him up! TWO! Action BOOTS Vikingo down! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Vikingo saves himself by a fingertip and Action is frustrated. Action sits Vikingo up to run and SLIDING UPPERCUT to the back! Then it’s back to the chinlock! Vikingo endures and the fans rally again. Vikingo fights up, throws some elbows, but Action CLUBS him on the back. Action suplexes again, but Vikingo knees free! Vikingo fisherman’s and rolls through, to then FISHERMAN BUSTER to the cradle! TWO!! Action escapes Vikingo’s take on Kushida’s Back to the Future, but Vikingo runs up to DOUBLE WALL KICK!

Vikingo ROCKS Action, whips him, but Action reverses. Vikingo goes up and over, Action runs up but Vikingo OVERHEAD SUPLEXES him into buckles! Action crashes down and the fans fire up! Vikingo brings Action up to gut wrench and torture rack! X KNEE! Vikingo trips Action, puts him in position, and he goes to the apron! Vikingo climbs the ropes to SPRINGBOARD SKY TWISTER!! Cover, TWO!! Action survives and fans can’t believe it! Abrahantes coaches Vikingo to keep going, so Vikingo fires forearms on Action. Vikingo then winds up to CHOP! Fans fire up and Vikingo builds speed, to rolling RANA Action up and out!

Vikingo then goes back up, avoids Action’s sweep and mule kicks! Vikingo hurries up top, to ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Direct hit and down goes Action! The fans fire up again and Vikingo fist-bumps the front row. Vikingo puts Action in, aims again, and sets up on the ropes, only for Action to shove him! Action then HANDSPRING KICKS, then DIVES! Down goes Vikingo, but Action puts him in. Action goes looking under the ring, and gets himself a bottle of water! Action SPEED CHUGS! He’s hydrated now! Vikingo swings, Action dodges and DROPKICKS! Action fires up, runs up and whips, but Vikingo blcoks!

Action ROCKS, whips, but Vikingo reverses, only for Action to FLAPJACK DROPKICK! Fans boo as Action runs corner to corner, but he’s put on the apron. Action GAMANGIRIS, springboards and FLYING LARIATS! Action STANDING- NO, Vikingo avoids the moonsault again, but Action lands on his feet to STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Action seethes. Vikingo rises as the fans rally and he goes to a corner. Action whips corner to corner, Vikingo goes up and over and sunset flips! TWO!! Action escapes, jackknife bridges, TWO! Action hurries up, Vikingo ducks the roundhouse but not the ENZIGIRI!

Action drags Vikingo up to CHOP! Action whips, pops Vikingo up, but Vikingo uses that to spin and RANA! Cover, TWO! Action sunset flips, TWO! Vikingo sits on Action, TWO! Both men get up, Vikingo gets around, roll up with a high stack, Vikingo wins!!

Winner: El Hijo Del Vikingo, by pinfall (still AAA Mega Champion)

For all the high flying, it took a quick pin hold to finish this! Action and Vikingo keep the Code of Honor, will we see these two run it back some day?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode of ROH, though also an hour and 45 minutes. Nyla of course wins her match, with really good character work from her and Erica, but the best part was the promos from Billie and Nyla to add on from Nyla attacking Athena. Nyla acting like she took control of the Minions just because she beat down Athena is a great angle to have, and I hope it adds to both title builds. Billie wants to fight Nyla, that should definitely happen, and maybe Athena returns during Billie VS Nyla to help Billie win going into the ROH Women’s TV title tournament while also making Athena VS Nyla for the top title official.

As such good promo from Taya’s team before they lost to Billie’s team in a very good 8 Woman Tag, and that was also a good spot for Abadon to show up again. Basically, swap Robyn out for Abadon and there is the eight you could have in the three-round single-elimination bracket. Not sure when the next ROH PPV is, so there’s half a chance they’re delaying the title story until then, but it feels like this should be a sooner rather than later kinda thing. Great stuff from Dalton Castle with Johnny & Taya, though, Castle barging into the room was perhaps the best framed shot I’ve ever seen from ROH. Given Johnny doesn’t want to have a “match” with Castle, Castle VS Johnny should be a Street Fight, because then you can emphasize how it’s a fight.

Of the other just kinda filler matches, I do feel bad about skipping Claudio VS BK, that was great stuff, definitely not just some squash. Bryan Keith is getting great showing after great showing, just not sure where there’s an opening for him to get a title between AEW and ROH. Maybe the Pure Championship? Yuta needs a good feud, maybe Bryan can give him that. And another really fun showing for Iron Savages, but of course The Kingdom retain the tag titles. Great ROH TV Championship match, we all know Daniels can still go, but Kyle of course retains. Good promo from Ethan, and he’s going to have a great match with Kyle, just not sure he wins.

And great AAA Mega Championship match to close things out, Vikingo is always really exciting to watch and I think he even brought out a couple new things just for this. Half of tonight’s ROH was recorded at Daily’s Place, it was fitting Daily’s Place got the good stuff given it was AEW Homecoming week, and Action made for a good opponent since he can keep up with Vikingo. Vikingo has already set the records for most defenses and longest reign in AAA Mega Championship history, who knows when and where Vikingo gives up that belt.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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