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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (1/11/24)

The Aussie Arrow takes aim again!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Kyle Fletcher is not gonna stop!

In another defense of the ROH World Television Championship, Kyle Fletcher now takes on Angelico! Will Aussie Arrow shoot down the South Africa Stud?


  • Zak Knight VS Jon Cruz; Zak wins.
  • Tony Nese VS Marcus Kross; Nese wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Angelico; Kyle wins and retains the title.
  • The Righteous VS Dave & Zane Dawson; The Righteous win.
  • “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; The Savages win.
  • Serpentico VS Cole Karter; Karter wins.
  • Four Corner Survival: Queen Aminata VS Trish Adora VS Lady Frost VS Diamante; Aminata wins.
  • Josh Woods VS LaBron Kozone; Woods wins.
  • Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Robyn Renegade; Taya wins.
  • Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering VS Brittany Jade & Emily Hale; Leyla & Rachael win.
  • Four Corner Survival: Slim J VS Blake Christian VS Gravity VS Jack Cartwheel; Blake wins.
  • Lee Johnson VS Christopher Daniels; Daniels wins.
  • Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Shane Taylor Promotions VS The Infantry; STP wins.


Zak Knight VS Jon Cruz!

#ZakZodiac got a great win in his ROH debut, and he looks to keep that momentum going! Will he keep on cruising as he moves through Cruz? Or will his win streak come to a grinding halt?

The Code of Honor is offered by Cruz, but then also denied by Cruz! Fans boo, the bell rings, and Zak SHOTGUN BOOTS! Fans fire up as Zak storms up to ROCK Cruz, fire off body shots, and an UPPERCUT! Zak then TOSSES Cruz across the way! Zak says “IT’S TIME!” and he UPPERCUTS Cruz off his feet! Cruz flounders, Zak stands him up to CHOP, and the fans “WOO~!” for that here in Charlotte, North Carolina! They want that “One More Time!” so Zak CHOPS again! And TOSSES Cruz again! Fans rally up as Zak storms up on Cruz, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Then he drops a knee on Cruz’s head!

Fans fire up as Zak reels Cruz back in, to suplex, stall, and then hold Cruz up with one hand! The fans fire up again, and Zak SLAMS Cruz down! Zak hears the fans want that “One More Time!” but Cruz doesn’t! Zak suplexes Cruz again, but Cruz fights free! Cruz goes to a corner, Zak warns him, and then storms up. Cruz pie faces Zak, but Zak swings back! Cruz dodges, but Zak blocks the rana! Zak gets Cruz up, Cruz fights free and CHOPS, but Zak doesn’t budge! Zak CHOPS Cruz off his feet! Zak runs, and he RANAS Cruz! Fans fire up because Zak’s a big dude, too! Zak reels Cruz in, gets him up, Canadian Rack, but Cruz fights free again!

Zak runs in but Cruz dropkicks the legs out! Zak hits buckles, Cruz runs in, HIP ATTACK! Cruz celebrates like he’s won already but the fans boo. Cruz drops a knee right on Zak’s face! Zak goes to a corner, Cruz throws body shots, but Zak shoves him away. Cruz runs up to HEADBUTT! Cruz digs his boots in, and flexes as he stands on Zak. The fans boo, but Cruz drags Zak to center so he can drop an AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Zak is still in this and the fans rally. Cruz fishhooks Zak’s nose, then traps an arm so he can chinlock. The fans rally, Zak fights up, but Cruz CLUBS away on Zak! Fans boo but Zak just frowns.

Cruz scuffs Zak, taunts Zak, but Zak CHOPS! Cruz ROCKS Zak! Cruz whips, Zak springboards and FLYING HAYMAKERS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Zak and Cruz stir as the standing count starts. Zak kips up and the fans fire up! Zak ROCKS Cruz with right hand after right hand! Zak whips, Cruz sunset flips, but Zak stays up to HIP DROP! Zak then goes up and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Cruz survives and Zak is annoyed. The fans rally behind Zak and he puts up his dukes. JAB, RIGHT, repeat! Zak fires big hands, UPPERCUTS, then fires off in the corner! The ref counts, Zak lets off, but Cruz BOOTS!

Zak stays up, runs back in but Cruz slips out! GAMANGIRI, then HOTSHOT! Cruz goes up, to SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Zak survives and shocks Cruz! The fans rally up, Cruz says he’ll do it again, from the other corner! Cruz climbs, fans rally again, and Zak stands. Cruz leaps, but Zak catches him! Zak pops Cruz around for the suplex! Then a roll through, “IT’S TIME!” Canadian Rack and SPLASH MOUNTAIN! Then the FIRE FIST!! Cover, Zak wins!

Winner: Zak Knight, by pinfall

Another big win and Zak keeps the Code of Honor by shaking Cruz’s hand. Will Zak “Zodiac” Knight have a title shot in his near future?


Tony Nese VS Marcus Kross!

No Mark Sterling around is surprising, but the Premier Athlete still has a mic to stop Bobby Cruise from talking. “These idiots already know who I am.” Nese tells Charlotte, NC that looking around, he realized that “this is the place that you wanna go to if you wanna be the largest you can possibly be. I mean, let’s be honest. We’ve got terrible places like Cookout. You’ve got terrible drinks like Cheer Wine. And you’ve got Bojangles!” And the way they cheer disgusts him. Normally, he’d be excited to come out here and try to help the fans. But the way that Nese has been treated lately, no. He will not help them, he’ll just whoop this poor Carolina boy’s ass all over this fat, disgusting city!

Fans boo and yet Nese still thinks Kross will give him the Code of Honor handshake? Kross does reluctantly, and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and Nese puts Kross in a corner. The ref counts, Nese lets off, then he RAMS into Kross! And ROCKS Kross with a left! Kross staggers, Nese soaks up the heat and he bumps Kross off buckles. Fans rally for Kross, as well as Cookout, but Nese stomps Kross and rains down fists! The ref counts, Nese lets off and soaks up the heat. Nese storms up but Kross throws body shots! And more shots! And KICKS! KICKS! KICKS! Fans fire up as Kross ROCKS Nese!

Kross whips, Nese reverses then trips Kross! Fans boo but Nese drags Kross out to the floor! Fans boo more but Nese just soaks it up. Nese taunts Kross using his eight pack, then ROCKS Kross! Nese puts Kross into the ring, stomps him down, and Nese brings Kross up. Kross throws hands, forearms, but Nese gets away. Kross storms up, into a throat chop! Then Nese HOTSHOT BULLDOGS! Nese mocks the fans, gets back in the ring and LARIATS! Kross flounders, Nese gives him clubbing crossface forearms! Fans boo but Nese drags Kross into the body scissor squeeze. Kross endures, pries at the hold, and the fans rally up.

Kross pries the hold free, pulls on the toehold, but Nese slips around to a waistlock. Kross throws elbows, but Nese TOSSES him to the apron! Kross gets up, Nese storms over, but Kross RAMS into him! And slingshots up and over to sunset flip! Nese holds ropes to stay up, then KICKS Kross in the face! Nese then LIONSAULT FLOPS as Kross moves! Kross is in a corner, Nese runs up but Kross dodges to CHOP! Kross ROCKS Nese, whips, but Nese blocks! Nese ROCKS Kross, whips him, but Kross goes off Nese’s back! Kross mule kicks, front kicks, but Nese ducks the enziguri! Kross slips under, ducks and springboards to BACK ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Nese is still in this and he goes to ropes. Kross has the fans behind him, and he storms up on Nese. Kross drags Nese by a leg but Nese holds the ropes! The ref counts, Kross lets go, then storms up again. Kross waistlocks but Nese still holds ropes! The ref counts again, Kross lets go, but Nese cheap shots! Nese slips under, pump handle, PREMIER DRIVER! Cover, Nese wins!

Winner: Tony Nese, by pinfall

The Premier Athlete grins and then mockingly shakes Kross’ hand for the Code of Honor. Will Nese keep crunching opponents like he does his abs and get after some gold?


ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Angelico!

The Aussie Arrow shot down Willie Mack in his first defense, but now has a South African Stud gunning for him! Will Kyle’s mission to make championship history come to an end right here? Or will he make it through the Queen City still on his throne?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really the “proto-star” of ROH TV!

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle kicks Angelico’s hand away, and the bell rings. The two tie up, Kyle wrenches Angelico’s arm, wristlocks, but Angelico wrenches through to slip in and cording hold. Kyle grabs the ropes, Angelico lets go, and fans cheer as the two reset. They tie up again, Kyle wrenches again, and pushes on that wristlock. Angelico spins, slips through, gets around, spins Kyle, then slips through again to arm-drag! Kyle comes back but into a sweep! Cover, ONE, but Angelico jumps the sweep! Fans cheer as Angelico does his Bernie Lean! Kyle says are we really dancing right now?

Kyle rushes in, Angelico slips around to waistlock but Kyle switches and whips. Kyle scoops to SLAM Angelico hard! Fans fire up, Kyle paces and then does his Bernie Lean. Fans boo, it’s not as good. Kyle drags Angelico up, fires off forearms over and over in a corner, but the ref counts. Kyle keeps going but lets off in a huff. Angelico checks his chin while Kyle paces. Angelico drags himself up, Kyle storms over but Angelico throws body shots and a CHOP! Kyle ROCKS Angelico, whips, scoops, but Angelico slips free to ENZIGURI! Kyle flounders and goes to a corner. Both men are down while fans rally up.

Kyle and Angelico rise, storm up on each other, and Kyle fires the first forearm! Angelico ROCKS Kyle right back! Then he bobs ‘n’ weaves to ROCK Kyle again! Angelico eggs Kyle on, fires off kicks, and the fans fire up with Angelico! Angelico whips, Kyle reverses but Angelico rolls off Kyle’s back. Kyle jumps the sweep but not the EDDY GORDO KICK! Cradle cover, TWO!! Kyle escapes and the fans rally up. Angelico puts Kyle on ropes, whips, but Kyle holds ropes to block. Angelico keeps trying, but then Kyle dumps Angelico out. Angelico stays on the apron, RAMS into Kyle, slingshots, but into a GAMANGIRI!

Fans rally with “Aussie Aussie Aussie!” as Kyle PLANCHAS, but Angelico dodges! Kyle rolls through but hobbles back up, and Angelico dropkicks legs out to send Kyle into the apron! The fans fire up while the ring count gets going. Angelico puts Kyle in, the fans rally and Angelico sunset flips! Then jackknife bridge! TWO!! Kyle escapes again, and he hurries to a corner. Angelico runs up, but Kyle BOOTS him! Kyle SUPERKICKS, then goes up the corner. Kyle gets that bad leg moving, so he can FLYING CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Angelico survives and Kyle grows frustrated. The fans rally as Angelico goes to a corner now.

Kyle aims, “Aussie Aussie Aussie!” as Kyle runs up to GAMANGIRI! Then Kyle puts Angelico up top to UPPERCUT! Kyle climbs up, stands Angelico on the very top, for a SUPER- NO, Angelico slips free to ENZIGURIR! Then BIG back suplex! Angelico hurries to step through, LA CASITA! TWO!?!? Kyle narrowly escapes and the fans fire up! Angelico gets the legs, steps through, NAVARRO DEATH ROLL!! Kyle endures, claws at the mat, and Angelico puts as much pressure as he can, but Kyle gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, the fans cheer, and Angelico grows frustrated. Angelico stalks Kyle, drags him up by the wrists, and turns him.

Kyle fights through, half nelsons but Angelico breaks free but Kyle reels him back in! HALF ‘N’ HALF! Angelico ends up on ropes, Kyle runs up, BLINDSIDE CALF KICK!! Then Kyle reels Angelico in, for the TIPTOE PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)

Two defenses, two victories, and Kyle is just getting started! Will no one hit the bull’s eye on the Aussie Arrow’s back?


Backstage interview with…?

Lexi Nair was supposed to talk with The Peacock, Dalton Castle, but she has yet to find him. Wait. He’s calling to Lexi? He’s here? Where? Lexi finds him in an open road case! Covered in crumbs! He struggles to get out of the case so he tells Lexi to turn him around. Lexi moves a piece of cheese of his shoulder and says he has not been himself lately. Oh? What makes her say that? Well, what’s going on? What do you think is going on? He’s being toyed with! He still hasn’t slept, and all he wants to do is SMASH Johnny TV’s face in! SMASH! He went to the Board of Directors, asked for a match with Johnny, and they said yes.

Well that’s great! Yes, but that’s only if Johnny agrees to it, which he wont’ do. Cuz he’s a jerk. Well, yes… And full of himself! Yes, that, too. But maybe if Castle went to Johnny and had a polite, mature conversation with him, a real man to man, heart to heart talk- Oh, and somehow give Johnny a reason to have the match? Yes, exactly! Wait, is Castle eating cheese that’s inside his outfit? But Castle has the lightbulb moment, and says LEXI can talk to Johnny! Johnny likes Lexi, so she can ask Johnny to fight Castle. Please? Please? Castle needs this. Castle needs to smash Johnny’s face. Lexi agrees, Castle thanks him, and he says he’ll stay here.

Castle then gives Lexi some of his suit cheese. It’s warm… But will Johnny TV agree to this battle with The Peacock just because someone else asks?


Backstage interview with Shane Taylor Promotions.

Lexi is now with Lee Moriarty and Shane Taylor himself, and speaks on tonight’s main event, a tag rematch with The Infantry, Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo. Now, Shane Taylor Promotions has beaten The Infantry twice already, but this will be different: Best 2 Out of 3 Falls! TAIGASTYLE asks for clarification: it’s two outta three falls? Yes. That means they get paid three times as much! Um, Lexi isn’t sure on that math. But Shane says it is a well-known fact he grew up in a military family. And his father taught him that a good general leads his soldiers into battle.

Shane tells the Infantry, every time you’ve stepped into battle against STP, Shane’s put one of you to sleep. Infantry must be gluttons for punishment. So tell you what: Best 2 Out of 3 Falls, Lee & Shane will beat that ass one more time, and we’ll see who the baddest soldiers in ROH really are. Lee stands at attention, but will he and Shane be the ones sent back to Boot Camp?


Serpentico VS Cole Karter!

#SNAKEMAN may have lost to the Ivy League MVP last week, but he and Angelico did get some payback backstage. Now the Diamond in the Rough is looking for payback on the payback, will he make Maria proud? Or will he end up snakebit instead?

The Code of Honor is rejected as Karter just kicks Serpentico low! The bell rings, Karter CLUBS away on Serpentico then whips corner to corner. Karter runs in, Serpentico BOOTS him away, then RANAS him! Serpentico runs to ELBOW Karter down! Fans fire up as Karter bails out, and Serpentico builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Karter! The fans rally with Serpentico as he puts Karter in. Serpentico GAMANGIRIS from the apron, goes up the corner, but Karter shoves him down! Fans boo but Karter soaks it up. Karter goes out to put Serpentico back in, and he rains down fists!

The ref reprimands about closed fists so Karter lets off. Fans rally for “SNAKE MAN! SNAKE MAN!” but Karter DROPKICKS him down! Karter soaks up more heat, then he brings Serpentico up. Serpentico throws body shots but Karter knees low. Karter looms over Serpentico, drags him up, and DROP- NO, Serpentico dodges! Karter staggers  up, Serpentico dodges again to mule kick, forearm and SUPERKICK! Karter wobbles, into the COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Serpentico fires up and the fans are with him! Serpentico calls his shot and he brings Karter up. Serpentico reels Karter in, but Karter fights the driver!

Karter back drops, Serpentico sunset flips, TWO! Karter knees low and hard, then brings Serpentico back up. Ripcord and JUMP KNEE! Then a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Serpentico shows his toughness and Karter grows frustrated. Karter pumps up, says this is for Maria, and he aims as Serpentico rises. Fans rally, Karter runs in but Serpentico gets around, roll-up and CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Karter survives but Serpentico drags him to a drop zone. Fans rally and Serpentico climbs, but wait! Maria is here! And so is Griff! Fans boo and Serpentico tells them to stay back. Serpentico leaps but Karter gets under!

Serpentico ELBOWS Karter, Karter distracts the ref talkinga bout his eye. Griff trips Serpetnico up! Karter rolls Serpentico up, holding the tights! Cover, Karter wins!!

Winner: Cole Karter, by pinfall

Griff then TACKLES Serpentico, he and Karter mug him! Angelico storms out here with a chair! Angelico is too chill to run down here, and that allows Maria and her boys to get away. Will Spanish Announce Project get proper revenge on Griff & Karter soon enough?


Backstage interview with Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie.

Lexi is now with Mr. & Mrs. Slam Town, and says it is great to have them both here. Taya’s been on fire since coming to ROH, Johnny says call the fire department! Lexi then talks with Johnny about Dalton Castle. This isn’t really her job, but Castle… smells like cheese? No, he asked Lexi to speak to Johnny about a 1v1 match with Castle. Johnny & Taya both laugh as Johnny says nope! He is Johnny TV, Castle is not TV ready! Do you think John Stamos would do a TV spot with “one of those goobers from Duck Dynasty? NO!” Taya asks, “Do you think Jennifer Anniston, queen, would do a TV show with those girls from, what was that called? Bad Girls Club? NO!”

They’re not TV ready, Castle isn’t either. If Castle had a show, it’d be called Not Ready, cuz he isn’t ready! But do you know who is TV ready? Taya is! Do you know who is ready for that Women’s TV Championship? Taya Valkyrie is! Then they both have a realization: T V! Taya Valkyrie!! OMG it’s practically meant to be! They hurry off all excitedly, and Lexi can’t even. Will Johnny & Taya both find themselves truly TV ready by taking those TV titles?


Four Corner Survival: Queen Aminata VS Trish Adora VS Lady Frost VS Diamante!

Speaking of that Women’s TV Championship and the coming opportunity, all four women here want their own spot at that title shot! Will it be the African Queen, the #AfroPunk, the Coolest Wrestler You Know or the Cuban Diamond who gains ground in the race?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Diamante and Frost strike first! They whip, but Adora and Aminata BOOT back! Adora and Aminata put Diamante and Frost out on the apron, then they each DECK Diamante and Frost! Fans fire up as Adora and Aminata circle, then they shake hands for the Code of Honor. They feel things out, knuckle lock, then Aminata swings. Adora catches her to hook the arms but Aminata fights the backslide. They spin around, fight for control, and the fans rally as they are evenly matched. But then Diamante sweeps the legs! Adora and Aminata sit down, and Diamante tips them over for a double cover! Frost breaks it just in time!

Frost dodges Diamante to SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! Frost kicks Aminata and runs to ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Adora runs up but Frost gets around to waistlock, and GERMAN SUPLEX! Adora and Diamante are in the same corner, Frost goes corner to corner to HANDSPRING CANNONBALL! Fans fire up, Frost covers Adora, Aminata breaks it! Aminata wrenches Frost, reels her in, and FISHERMAN SCREWS! Diamante runs up to CLUB Aminata, then TEST DRIVE! Adora runs up to SCRAPBUSTER BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up, Frost ROUNDHOUSES Adora and sends her out!

Frost drags Diamante into a drop zone, stomps her, then stomps again and again! Frost steps on Diamante to go up top, but Aminata CLUBS her first! Aminata and Adora work together to DOUBLE POWERBOMB Frost onto Diamante!! Adora pushes Frost down to cover, but Aminata TOSSES her out! Aminata stomps Frost, goes up the corner herself now, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The Queen smiles in Queen City as she takes a big win all for herself. Will she soon have her crowning moment with that ROH Women’s World TV Championship?


Backstage interview with The Infantry.

Lexi is with Captain Shawn Dean, Carlie Bravo & Trish Adora to note the main event of the Best 2 out of 3 Falls tag match. Shane Taylor Promotions claimed not only will they beat The Infantry, but will be “the baddest soldiers” in ROH. Dean sighs, Adora rolls her eyes, and Carlie says no, no, no. He doesn’t like that part. That doesn’t sit well. Check this: with everything going on in ROH, the “top brass” wants to see who the best tag team is in ROH. Obviously, The Infantry’s name comes up in conversation. In order to prove this, The Infantry has been put in a tag match against two guys they don’t really like anyway.

STP, word on the street is, they had some harsh things to say, and Lexi just stood there and let them. Carlie will talk with her about that later, but here’s what Carlie knows. Shane talking about how he’s beat Infantry a bunch, that’s not how Carlie remembers it. There were like seven other people in that match, and he didn’t even pin Infantry. Sure, Shane won the 1v1, but this is Infantry here and now, that was back then. So what will Infantry do? What they always do: taking fools to Boot Camp. Pretty sure Lee and Shane have both been there before. Dean says in 2023, they said have no fear because the Infantry is here. In 2024, live in fear, because the Infantry is here.

Carlie says plain as day, copy that? Dean adds, “No no no, do you two b*tches copy that?” Peace, Lex. The Infantry heads out, will they march right through STP towards the Undisputed Kingdom and those ROH World Tag Team Championships?


Backstage interview with Billie Starkz.

Lexi is with Athena’s sidekick and Billie is excited! She has news: boss is out this week. Lexi is so ready for this! How long is Athena gone? Oh she’s in Houston training for stuff. Then they can party, pop bottles, go on adventures! They can minigolf, ride horses and go bowling! It’s endless and amazing1 she is so tired… Billie can’t pop bottles, she’s not old enough yet, but yeah, this will be great otherwise. They’ll make the most of it. But also, there are some important things they still need to do. Oh, of course! The ROH Women’s TV Championship. Yeah, Billie needs to go get this title. And no one else understands, that is her title. This is her tournament!

And at the end of the day, if you have a problem, she has some black Air Force 1’s with your name on it. Billie is ready to be a menace! No more fun and games! Except for her and Lexi’s fun. Yes! Lexi’s gonna call the minigolf place, let’s do this! Billie is ready to step out of the Fallen Goddess’ shadow and stand beside her as an equal, will she get her golden opportunity?


Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering VS Brittany Jade & Emily Hale!

The budding team of LEGIT Leyla & the Queen of Strong Smile has been on a roller coaster ride, but they’re looking to rise back up! Will they show Maria and all the other doubters that they can be friends and a force to be reckoned with?

The teams uphold the Code of Honor, though Emily seems reluctant to. The bell rings, and Emily pie faces Rachael! Emily taunts the fans, “That’s y’all’s girl?” Fans cheer yes, and then Rachael runs Emily over! Rachael then drags Emily up, tags Leyla, and Rachael whips Emily to a corner. Leyla runs in to ROCK Emily, sit her down, and runs back in to swinging DROPKICK! Leyla drags Emily out, runs up but Emily avoids the knee! Tag to Brittany and she fires off on Leyla! Fans fire up, Brittany runs but Leyla sweeps the leg! Tag to Rachael and they coordinate, ASSISTED SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Rachael keeps cool and she brings Brittany up. Rachael CHOPS Brittany, CHOPS her again, then CHOPS again! Brittany sputters, Rachael fireman’s carries but Brittany sunset flips. ONE and Rachael ROCKS Brittany! Tag to Leyla, GUT WRENCH PLEX to a LEGIT KNEE! Leyla tags Rachael back in, and Leyla sends Brittany into the BOSS WOMAN SLAM!! Cover, Rachael & Leyla win!

Winners: Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering, by pinfall

Hirsch & Ellering are rolling, but wait! Is that ABADON!? The Living Dead Girl fell just short of the TBS Championship, is she looking to take over ROH through the Women’s TV Championship Tournament?


Four Corner Survival: Slim J VS Blake Christian VS Gravity VS Jack Cartwheel!

Title chases are never-ending, so surely there’s a spot for the winner of this match! Will it be the Trustbusters’ main man, the All Heart high-flier, the Astronaut of Lucha or the amazing and aptly-named acrobat that takes one step closer to a title shot?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Slim attacks Blake! Jack goes after Gravity while Slim bumps Blake off buckles. Jack whips Gravity right out of the ring, Slim tosses Blake, and now these two meet. The fans fire up as Jack asks, “You wanna see a cartwheel?” Slim DECKS Jack, he does not wanna see a cartwheel! Slim whips but Jack goes up and over and yes, he cartwheels! Fans fire up with Jack, he does the splits to duck Slim’s attack! Then he handspring RANAS, but Slim handsprings through! Slim taunts Jack, Jack says, “That’s MY s*it!” Jack runs in but Slim tosses him to the apron.

Jack blocks a punch to GAMANGIRI, then he flagpole planks to the leg sweep! Then a POMMEL ELBOW! Slim tumbles out of the ring, Gravity returns and he shoves Jack. Jack CHOPS, Gravity CHOPS, repeat! Fans fire up and ‘WOO~” as the CHOPS keep going. Gravity knuckle locks, CHPOS, then ARABIAN PRESS ARM-DRAGS! Things keep moving, Gravity handsprings to ARM-DRAG! Jack staggers up, Gravity dodges him to tilt-o-whirl and Russian roll into a KOJI KLUTCH! Jack endures, Blake stomps it apart fast! Blake brings Gravity up to whip, Gravity reverses, but then Gravity blocks a boot!

Slim runs in, Gravity ducks, the ENZIGURI hits Slim! Blake SUPERKICKS Gravity, then he runs up to get around Gravity and waistlock. Blake uses Gravity to LARIAT Slim, then he DRAGON SUPLEXES Gravity! Fans fire up and Blake stalks Gravity. Blake kicks Gravity out, dodges Jack to send him out, then Blake runs to FOSBURY FLOP ELBOW DROP DDT! Fans fire up and Blake ROCKS Slim with haymakers! Then a DROP- NO, Slim blocks to CATAPUT Blake into the POST! Slim hurries to put Blake in, climbs a corner, then FLYING REVERSE DDTS Gravity! Slim kicks Blake and reels him in.

Slim uses the cravat and the ropes to BACKFLIP DDT! Slim flexes, “Who’s the man now?!” Slim drags Blake up, whips him, but Blake reverses. Blake runs up but into a BOOT! Slim goes up to use the ropes, FLYING SCREW KICK! Cover, TWO! Blake survives but Slim ROCKS him with a forearm. Slim fires forearms, whips corner to corner, then DECKS Gravity from the apron. Blake dodges Slim and ROCKS him with haymakers! Then CHOPS! Blake whips, Slim reverses but Blake handsprings, NEURALIZER HAYMAKERS! Those two are down inside, the fans rally up, and Blake kips right up!

Blake fires up, atomic drops and dropkicks the legs out! Slim goes to a corner, Blake runs up and blocks a boot. Blake puts the leg in the ropes, blocks the elbow and ROLLING ELBOWS Slim! Then a BASEMENT 619 to sweep the legs! Slim flounders away, but Jack is back! Jack gets Blake’s leg, to CARTWHEEL DRAGON SCREW! Slim staggers up, Jack gets his leg, CARTWHEEL DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up and Jack has targets in both corners! CARTWHEEL CANNONBALL for Blake! CARTWHEEL CANNONBALL for Slim! Jack is all fired up and he drags Slim up. Fireman’s carry, but Gravity attacks!

Gravity gets Jack up but Jack slips free. Gravity dodges, follows, and springboard CROSSBODIES! Cover, Blake breaks it! Blake whips Gravity, pops him up but Gravity goes over to rolling sunset flip! TWO and deadlift POWERBOMB! Cover, Jack breaks it! Fans fire up while Gravity is furious! Jack drags Gravity up to CLUB him, then he sends Gravity out. Slim DECKS Jack! Fans boo as Slim grins and mocks them. Slim brings Jack up but Jack fireman’s carries! Slim fights free, to cravat and SWINGING SLICED BREAD! Cover, Gravity breaks it! Gravity whips and SNAP POWERSLAMS!

Gravity puts Slim in a drop zone, space walks on him, then goes up the corner with a handstand, to PLANCHA! Cover, Blake DOUBLE STOMPS it! Blake blocks a kick, clinches and SPINEBUSTERS! Gravity and Slim bail out, Blake builds speed, but Jack is back to fireman’s carry! ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! And then the FOSBURY FLOP onto Gravity!! The fans are thunderous as Jack has Blake in a drop zone! But Slim YANKS Jack down! And LARIATS, knuckle locks, and goes up to FLYING DDT to the floor! Slim hurries up a corner, leaps, but Blake dodges to then DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Blake ties up the legs, TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!! Slim TAPS, Blake wins!

Winner: Blake Christian, by submission

After all that fast and furious action, to think it was a technical move that finishes this one off! Blake wins big, will he uses this momentum to go right after the gold?


Athena speaks.

“Helloooo~ minions! It is me, your Forever ROH Champ, your Minion Overlord, the Fallen Goddess, the Joshi Killer, The Alpha, but all around your favorite, Athena. And I know what you’re thinking: I haven’t been around, I left you high and dry, but guys, I’ve been wrestling on a broken nose, a dislocated kneecap, a sprained big toe. I deserve a vacation, too. I’m the one that’s been putting in the matches, banger after banger- SWITCH!” The trainees reply, “Yes, Minion Overlord.” Athena says she’s fought hurt time and time again because she is that damn good. And she- WAIT, NYLA ROSE IS HERE?!

The Native Beast sneaks right up on Athena because she ignores her trainees warning her! Athena brags about who she will continue to build up the wrestling community, because that is what the people deserve! Athena then looks over her shoulder and Nyla says, “Surprise, b*tch!” BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!! The trainees rush up but Nyla throws one into another, fireman’s carries a third to SAMOAN DROP ’em, then SPEARS a fourth! Athena runs up to fire forearms, and says this is HER house! But then Nyla BEAST BOMBS Athena! What was that about her house? Don’t make her laugh.

Nyla storms out of the ring, shoves another trainee out, and says she’s going. BOO. The trainees run, but then Nyla grabs a door! Nyla rips it off the hinges, and says they’re gonna do some redecorating here! Nyla puts the door across the railing and apron like a bridge, and asks “Who’s the Minion Overlord now?” CHOKE SLAM through the door!! Nyla asks where all that noise is now! The Native Beast is coming for the top spot in ROH, will she take it from the Fallen Goddess’ broken body?


Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Shane Taylor Promotions VS The Infantry!

Both sides have spoken, but now it’s time for action! Will Big Bad Shaney T. Boy & #TAIGASTYLE keep adding on the wins? Or will Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo prove they’re the baddest tag team today?

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as STP takes a swing! The Infantry dodge, the bell rings, and the Infantry fires haymakers! Then Dean clotheslines Lee up and out while Carlie DROPKICKS Shane out of the ring! The Infantry then takes aim, and they DOUBLE PLANCHA! STP falls and the fans fire up with The Infantry. Carlie says no more games, he tells Dean to “get his big ass up.” The Infantry double whips Shane hard into railing! The Infantry then storms up on Lee, they put him in the ring, and Carlie slingshots to somersault and COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Carlie drags Lee up and RAMS him into the corner!

Carlie JABS, JABS and JABS Lee, then tags Dean. Infantry double whips, double wrenches, then drop, trip, and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Lee stays in this but Dean stays on him with a wrench and wristlock. Tag to Carlie, Dean kicks low and Carlie goes up to AX HANDLE the arm! Carlie wrenches Lee’s arm, hits an ELBOW BREAKER, then CLUBS the arm. Tag back to Dean, he climbs up and Carlie wrenches. Dean AX HANDLES the arm now, then he brings Lee around. Dean CLUBS Lee, Lee resists the whip, so Dean kicks low. Dean ROCKS Lee, wrenches him, and tags Carlie back in.

Dean scoops Lee, BACKBREAKER to the KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Lee survives, but Carlie BOOTS Shane off the apron for good measure. Carlie drags Lee up, Dean joins in, they mug Lee then clinch. Carlie runs but Shane trips him! Lee waistlocks Dean, Shane ROCKS Carlie and Lee GERMAN SUPLEXES Dean! Shane whips Carlie hard into railing! Carlie writhes, Lee tags Shane in, and Shane paces around while Lee fetches Carlie. Lee puts Carlie in, Shane runs up to KNOCKOUT FIST!! Cover, STP get the first fall!

STP: 1; Infantry: 0

The critical first point goes to Shane’s team, and he fires off on Carlie in a corner. Lee whips Dean hard into railing! Fans fire up as Shane keeps on Carlie. Shane claws Carlie’s face, the ref counts, but Shane lets off at 4. No sense in giving Infantry a free fall via disqualification. Shane CHOKES Carlie on the ropes, dares Carlie to smile now, then lets off at 4. Shane talks trash on the fans, but Carlie JABS! JABS! And JABS! Shane swings, Carlie dodges, but not the SOUTHPAW! Cover, TWO!! Carlie survives, Shane is annoyed, and Shane eggs Carlie on. The Infantry wanted this, didn’t they? Shane hauls Carlie up and Carlie throws body shots!

Shane HEADBUTTS Carlie down! Shane drags Carlie up again, scoops him and taunts Dean. Shane flips Dean off even, but Carlie slips free to send Shane into buckles! Lee tags in, Carlie hot tags Dean! The Captain rallies on STP and the fans fire up! Dean KNEES Shane, LARIATS Lee, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to float-over DDT! Dean kips up, the fans fire up, and Dean runs up on Lee in a corner, BIG back elbow! Dean keeps moving, but Lee follows, only for Dean to dodge! Carlie BOOTS Shane off the apron, then Dean fireman’s carries Lee! Carlie goes up, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER to the GORF SPLASH! Then Dean goes up to FROG SPLASH! Cover, Infantry scores!

STP: 1; Infantry: 1

Fans fire up as we’re all tied up, and now Carlie says let’s hit ’em with the deal! Dean agrees and he hauls Lee up. Dean underhooks but Lee fights free of the Jay Driller! ENZIGURI! Carlie runs up, shoots around, pop ‘n’ lock ROLLING ELBOW! Fans fire up but Shane’s back! Shane blocks a boot to KNEE Carlie, then clinch for the URENAGE! But Dean BOOTS and GERMAN SUPLEXES Shane?!? All four men are down and the fans fire up again! Dean flounders, Lee stirs, and the fans rally up. Lee stands, runs in, and BOOTS Dean! Lee keeps moving, corner to corner for another BOOT!

Lee clinches to BULL- BACKBREAKER from Dean! Dean turns it around, tags Carlie, but Shane tags in, too! They throw forearms back and forth, faster and faster, and the fans fire up! Carlie gets the edge, but Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves to HEADBUTT! Carlie stays up and rebounds, to bob ‘n’ weave and CARLIE CROSSOVER! Down goes Shane and Carlie covers, TWO!! Shane survives and Carlie shouts to Captain Dean! Tag and Infantry sets up, for the BOOT CAMP!! Cover, LEE BREAKS IT! Fans fire up as Lee saves Shane, but Carlie whips him. Lee reverses to send Carlie to the apron. Lee BOOTS Carlie, but Dean DUMPS Lee!

Dean runs corner to corner at Shane, but Shane catches him!! URENAGE!! Lee tags back in and he takes aim, BIG BOOT in the corner! Lee roars, suplexes, THE FANG!! Shane CLOBBERS Carlie for good measure while Lee covers, STP wins!

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions, 2-1, by pinfall

That was as hard hitting as expected, and Shane Taylor Promotions puts money where their mouths are! Will they soon have those tag titles, too?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH, but I am disappointed that the streamer’s runtime said 90 minutes but then it ended up being a two hour episode. All the more reason I skipped stuff that didn’t really matter. Probably could’ve skipped Nese, too, but whatever. Really good TV title match for Kyle and Angelico, and of course Kyle retained. And good story stuff, Griff helping Karter cheat Serpentico then Angelico coming to make the save. The tag match should probably have a stipulation on it to do away with all the cheating and such. And great Fatal 4 Way matches tonight, I didn’t think Aminata would win as quickly as she did. And great win for Blake, I suspect a match with Kyle Fletcher in the following weeks.

Good promo from Billie hyping herself up for that Women’s TV Championship tournament, and great promo from Athena and Nyla turning that into an on-location brawl. Nyla is definitely Athena’s next challenger, but I would think Athena finds a way to win. It’d be harsh for Athena to lose so soon after that epic match against Billie. And great surprise of Abadon showing up in ROH to add some star power to the Women’s TV Championship tournament. Really good stuff out of Castle, Johnny TV and Taya. Castle has always been great but his disheveled phase has been really fun. I also like that Taya & Johnny put it together for themselves that Taya’s initials have been “TV.” Pretty sure the incentive for Johnny facing Castle is a shot at a title, either World TV or World Championship, aka the Continental Crown.

Really good showing from Big Shotty Lee Johnson against Christopher Daniels, kinda wish I’d covered that one. But then really great tag team main event. It could’ve been better for Best 2 Out of 3, though of course they pushed it to the third fall. Good win for STP, but I would think a Face team faces The Kingdom for the titles first. This all still speaks to the problem of Tony Khan not putting his ROH title holders on ROH TV. Athena’s the only champion that showed up tonight and that was via video. Even Eddie Kingston, now that he is Triple Crown Champion, still needs to be on ROH TV in the New Year, if Tony would book him.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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