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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/12/24)

Will the Role Model lead by example?



Once more, Bayley takes on Bianca Belair!

With the EST gunning for Iyo Sky and her WWE Women’s Championship, Bayley steps in to block! But will Bianca Belair just get another win off Bayley? Or will Bayley finally come out on top?


  • Grayson Waller w/ Austin Theory VS Cameron Grimes; No Contest.
  • Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde w/ Zelina Vega VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo w/ Santos Escobar; Garza & Carrillo win.
  • Bianca Belair VS Bayley w/ Damage CTRL; Bianca wins.
  • Carmelo Hayes VS Austin Theory w/ Grayson Waller; No Contest.
  • Six Man Tag: AJ Styles, LA Knight & Randy Orton VS Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa & ???; changed to…
  • 3v2 Handicap Match: AJ Styles, LA Knight & Randy Orton VS Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa; Styles, Knight & Orton win.


Grayson Waller w/ Austin Theory VS Cameron Grimes!

Last week, A-Town Down Under was standing up for Logan Paul (since no one else was gonna), and they couldn’t take a joke from the Carolina Caveman. Will Grimes feel that Grayson Waller Effect? Or will he cause a Cave-In in Cornhusker Country?

But wait! As Grimes makes his entrance, THE BLOODLINE attacks him!! Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa mug Grimes while Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring. Waller & Theory are laughing and enjoying this while fans boo and refs rush out. Security follows but Jimmy & Solo clobber them all! Producers and Nick Aldis storm out next, but this is clearly the Bloodline’s response to Roman Reigns being put in a Fatal 4 Way as punishment for his own actions. A-Town Down Under clears out of there for Heyman to take the ring. Heyman would appreciate it if the jeers were directed elsewhere. “We’re not the bad guys here.”

“The bad guy is that villainous James Bond wannabe right there, Nick Aldis. Nick Aldis put YOUR Tribal Chief in a Fatal 4 Way match at the Royal Rumble, where it’s practically guaranteed that the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship of the World will be lost by Roman… Reigns.” Aldis storms up to the ring while Heyman says that this doesn’t make Jimmy the bad guy, this doesn’t make Solo the bad guy, and it certainly doesn’t make Roman the bad guy, let alone Paul Heyman into the bad guy. The bad guy IS Aldis. Nick…! Aldis! Aldis snatches the mic!! Fans fire up while Heyman keeps Solo back.

Aldis tells Heyman, “First of all, disabuse yourself of the notion that this is a conversation between two equals, because it isn’t. The Fatal 4 Way match at the Royal Rumble? That’s a done deal. This is the second match in as many weeks that have been ruined by the Bloodline. It will not happen again. And the Bloodline, you can’t ruin the main event of tonight’s show, because tonight in Lincoln, Nebraska, The Bloodline are IN the main event of tonight’s show.” Fans like the sound of that! Lincoln, you’ve braved the cold, so tonight, you will get the Phenomenal AJ Styles teaming with L A Knight “YEAH!” and Randy Orton…

And they will be facing all THREE members of The Bloodline, Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso, and Roman… Reigns! Fans REALLY like the sound of that! Heyman is halfway between grinning and frowning, and he tries to take the mic back. Aldis holds on tight, so Heyman leans in. “You know as well as I know Roman Reigns is not here in Lincoln, Nebraska tonight.” Fans boo but Aldis says “Oh… You’re right! Roman Reigns has once again started something that he doesn’t seem to want to finish. So, the Bloodline, you have until the main event of tonight’s show to find a third man if you’d like. And if not, well then I guess it’s a 3-on-2 handicap match. Good luck, Mr. Heyman.”

It’s about to pop-off in Cornhusker Country! Will Jimmy & Solo suffer for the arrogance of their Tribal Chief? Or will they pull of a miracle of finding someone who doesn’t hate their guts?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Jimmy hopes Solo heard what just happened out there. Two against three because ain’t nobody teaming with them, Uce! They gotta find someone? Heyman says don’t worry, he let Roman know, he’s on hold. But don’t worry, there is a locker room full of people kissing up to Heyman, wanting to join the Bloodline. Relax, Heyman will find them somebody. Don’t worry. Jimmy says he IS worried, though! Solo, you worried? Solo is stoic as he says, “I never worry.” Will Solo start worrying if it still ends up 3v2 tonight?


Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde w/ Zelina Vega VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo w/ Santos Escobar!

The new era of the Latino World Order has been marred by the arrogance and betrayal of the Emperor of Lucha Libre. But Santos says there is a natural order: the weak are consumed by the strong. The new era of Legado Del Fantasma is here, will they do to Cruz & Wilde what has already happened to Rey Mysterio? Or will Santos’ new familia let him down, too?

SmackDown returns and Santos has joined commentary. The LWO makes their entrance, La Muneca by their side. Santos claims they can’t call themselves LWO anymore. HIS team is LWO: Legado World Order! The teams start brawling, the bell rings, and Wilde dodges Humberto to clothesline Humberto and himself out of the ring! Cruz SHOTGUNS Garza down, and then he fires off hands. Cruz CHOPS Garza, Garza shoves back, but Cruz ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Fans fire up with Cruz as he talks trash on Garza. Cruz fires off on Garza in a corner, lets off to run in, but Garza pops him up. Cruz lands on the ropes to springboard MISSILE DROPKICK!

Garza scrambles but Cruz sends him out. Humberto returns but Cruz TOSSES him out! Wilde joins in and the fans fire up. LWO FLIES to take out Garza & Humberto! The fans fire up again and Santos admits, that wasn’t bad. But he taught them everything they know, just not everything he knows. Cruz puts Garza back in but Garza kicks low. Garza calls to Humberto, tags him in, and they mug Cruz. Humberto whips, follows, but Cruz arm-drags! And arm-drags again! Humberto fights up, tags Garza, and they whip Cruz. Humberto hurdles, Cruz ducks ‘n ‘dodges, but Garza holds the ropes open, sending Cruz to the floor!

Fans boo but Santos laughs as his former amigo flounders. Humberto sits Cruz on the apron for Garza to PENALTY KICK back down! Santos says nothing’s stopping his guys, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Cruz fires haymakers on Garza! Garza shoves, blocks a kick, then slips around to hook Cruz up in a Gory Especial! Tag to Humberto and he slingshots, GORY BOMB CUTTER! Then the Chancery to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Fans boo but Humberto stomps Cruz. Humberto swipes at Wilde but Wilde gets away, so Humberto goes back to chinlock Cruz. Cruz endures, fans rally up, and Vega coaches Cruz up. Cruz fights up to JAWBREAKER free! Hot tag to Garza and he drags Cruz back. Cruz hops up, slips out of the back suplex, and ducks under to hot tag Wilde!

Fans fire up as Wilde rallies on Garza! DROPKICK! Fans fire up more and Wilde fires off haymakers. Wilde whips, Garza reverses but Wilde ducks ‘n ‘dodges and goes up, around, and backslides! Garza rolls through but into a SOMERSAULT DDET! Cover, Humberto breaks it! Cruz whips, Humberto reverses and tosses Cruz out! Wilde dumps Humberto out! Wilde goes up the corner, but who is he aiming for? Garza trips him up, so it no longer matters! Santos enjoys seeing that as Garza CHOPS Wilde! Garza calls to Humberto, tags him in, and they both climb up. They DOUBLE ROCKET LAUCH Wilde!

Garza whips Cruz into steel steps! Humberto MOONSAULTS but lands through as Wilde moves! Humberto rebounds, sunset flips, and deadlifts to SPINNING BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Wilde survives and even Santos has to admit, that’s impressive. The fans fire up, Humberto drags Wilde up and tags Garza. Humberto Electric Chair Lifts but Wilde POISON-RANAS free! Garza SUPERKICKS Wilde to a corner, runs in, but only gets POST! Humberto staggers his way over, but Cruz MISSILE DROPKICKS him down! Cruz then runs, goes up and up and ESCALARA TONRILLO!! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans are thunderous!

But wait, here comes Carlito! Santos was just waiting for this! He dares Carlito to come get him, but Carlito BLINDSLIDES him from the crowd!! Caribbean Cool beats up on Santos all over ringside, then TOSSES him over barriers! The brawl spills into the crowd and the fans love it! The teams are rather stunned by this, but then Wilde wheelbarrows Garza! Garza blocks, sits on the cover, and holds ropes!! LEGADO STEALS THE WIN!

Winners: Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo, by pinfall

Even with Carlito being an ace up the sleeve, Garza & Carrillo run away with the victory! Will Santos’ new familia take down the LWO by any means necessary?


Nick Aldis meets with Carmelo Hayes.

Aldis says Melo impressed a lot of people during his run in the United States Championship Contender’s Tournament, including Aldis himself. Melo says blue does look good on him. But since he’s here, he’ll shoot his shot. The Royal Rumble is- Wait, A-Town Down Under interrupts, telling Aldis they need to talk. What is with these shenanigans? What kind of show is Aldis running here? Waller wins by forfeit, right? Right? Aldis says he was in the middle of something. Oh, what is Melo even doing here? Need more of the Waller rub? Melo asks Waller what he’s doing here. Melo’s beaten Waller so many times already.

Theory says it’s a fluke. Melo isn’t on Waller’s level. Oh, yeah, that’s true. Melo’s on the level above Waller. And Melo is getting real sick of Waller, so maybe they should run it back. Waller says he’d love to, but he just wrestled, he needs his cool down. But Theory is hungry tonight, he can do this. Aldis likes that idea. It is a done deal. Melo says it’ll be A-Town Down Bad tonight. Theory & Waller head out, cocky as ever, but will they feel rather deflated after facing… HIM?


The LWO regroups backstage.

They are upset about how things just went down with Legado, but then Heyman, apple in hand, says hey to Carlito. Heyman doesn’t want Carlito to think of this like Eve temping Adam with an apple or anything, but Carlito teaming with The Bloodline… That’s cool. Carlito chuckles and says yeah, Carlito is looking for a fight. But with Santos Escobar. But thanks for the apple. Heyman says that was supposed to be a package deal! Well, will this snake have to look elsewhere to find his naive target?


Logan Paul speaks.

Still sporting the black eye Kevin Owens gave him, the Maverick United States Champion tries to get Kevin’s attention on the tron. Logan “apologizes” for not being live tonight, but he never goes to Nebraska and he was busy. With his lawyers. Because this black eye isn’t just a black eye, it’s evidence. Turns out, that cast on Kevin’s hand is a liability. Not just for Logan but for their match. Because if Kevin thinks he can just stroll into the Royal Rumble with that cast- Or no, with that weapon, then Logan won’t just beat Kevin in the match but in the court of law. Logan will run Kevin’s pockets so deep, Kevin will forget he’s wearing pants.

Logan wants Kevin to consider this: Yes, Logan is ready for the fight, but is Kevin ready for a fair fight? Little cheater cheater, pumpkin eater. Because if Kevin is still wearing the cast by the time their match is up, consider the match cancelled. See you soon, KO. Hypocrisy aside, is the Prizefighter going to have no choice but to go into that fight with one hand metaphorically tied behind his back?


Tyler Bate meets Pete Dunne backstage.

They sit down in the lounge area, and while the Big Strong Boi has his chai latte with oat milk, he hands the Bruiserweight standard black coffee. Dunne thanks him, and they cheer. Just like old times, isn’t it? Bate thanks Dunne for the call, he knows Dunne’s been having a rough go of it. Dunne says he can handle things on his own, he just couldn’t have a tag match without a tag partner, y’know? Bate wants Dunne to just admit it already. Dunne had a smile when he saw the Big Strong Boi debuting on SmackDown. And he also has to admit that they had fun breaking Pretty Deadly’s fingers and kicking their heads in.

Bate knows Dunne, they’ve been friends for years. Dunne is trying to find himself, but Bate can help. Shut up, mate. Okay, okay, here’s an idea. They can work on some mindfulness techniques. Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga. Bate knows Dunne loves it. Dunne tells Bate to slow down. Don’t make him regret giving Bate the call. But yeah, it was a good laugh kicking Pretty Deadly’s heads in. But that was a one and done. The Brawling Brutes are also the past. They can each focus on themselves in the New Year, okay? Bate says this is their chance, though! They can finally show the world what British Strong Style is about! Unbelievable Tekkers!

Bate wants Dunne to remember, “Make a name for yourself.” Who told Dunne that? So look inward and ask yourself, “Who was that guy? What is that name going to be?” Well…? “Butch” opens his mouth, but what does he say?


Bianca Belair VS Bayley w/ Damage CTRL!

The EST wants to become the next WWE Women’s Champion, and she is still fighting her way through Iyo Sky’s team- Er, Bayley’s team, to get what she wants. But as such, will the “team leader” be the Role Model for DMG CTRL? Or will nothing stop Bianca from getting back to the gold?

SmackDown returns as Bayley makes her entrance, Asuka, Iyo, Kairi & Dakota following behind. Bianca says they just had to bring all five to handle her. The bell rings and the two circle while the fans rally for “E S T! E S T!” Bayley laughs at that, then ties up with Bianca. Bianca powers Bayley to a corner, Bayley turns things around and the ref counts,. Bianca powers Bayley all the way to the opposite corner! The ref counts, Bayley pulls hair to get out, then rolls Bianca up, TWO! Fans boo but Bayley says she almost had Bianca there. The two reset, circle again, and they tie up. Bianca rolls Bayley now, ONE!

Bianca rolls Bayley again, ONE! Bianca tries a third time, ONE!! Bayley LARIATS Bianca down! Fans boo but DMG CTRL cheers Bayley on. But then Bianca kips up! And she runs Bayley over! Fans cheer, Bianca taunts DMG CTRL then runs, but Bayley avoid the handspring. So Bianca says kiss this! Bayley runs in, but Bianca wrenches and wristlocks. Bayley goes through the ropes, then back in, and she has Bianca’s arm around the rope. The ref counts, Bayley lets off but Bianca storms up. Bianca waistlocks, Bayley switches, but Bianca switches back. Bianca SLAMS Bayley down, then holds on as fans fire up.

DMG CTRL coaches Bayley but the fans are still on Bianca’s side. Bianca drags Bayley up, but Bayley throws elbows. Bayley is free, she runs, but Bianca sidesteps, drops down, hurdles and back drops! It wasn’t high but it was hard! Then Bianca hits a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Bianca, she brings Bayley up and whips her to a corner, then runs in. Bayley BOOTS back, runs up and BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Fans duel, “Let’s Go Bayley!” “BAYLEY SUCKS!” Bayley drags Bianca up to fire a forearm. Bianca goes to ropes, Bayley revels in the cheers and jeers, then stalks Bianca to a corner.

Bayley brings Bianca up but Bianca scoops to SLAM! And then scoops to SLAM again! And then scoops, holds Bayley up, then SLAMS her again! The fans fire up, but Bayley YANKS Bianca onto ropes! Bayley CHOKES Bianca, lets off and distracts the ref with talk about her back, but then no one in DMG CTRL takes a shot. Bayley is upset, they don’t understand why, so Bayley YANKS the rope to jam Bianca up. Bayley talks things over with DMG CTRL, but Bianca torture racks! Bayley flails, holds the ropes, so Bianca puts her on the apron! Bianca ROCKS Bayley, bumps her off buckles, and lets her tumble down!

Bianca aims, to PLANCHA! Down goes Bayley and DMG CTRL is stunned as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns as Bayley thrashes Bianca around with a top wristlock. The fans duel, Bianca endures, and Bayley even CLUBS Bianca’s shoulder and ribs. Bianca fights her way up to her feet, but Bayley CLUBS her down! And CLUBS her again! DMG CTRL cheers, Bayley CLUBS away on Bianca more, then goes back to the top wristlock. Bianca still endures, the fans rally for her, and she fights up again. Bianca throws elbows, body shots, then rolls Bayley up, TWO! Bayley is up to knee Bianca low! Bianca goes to a corner, Bayley clotheslines her down! The fans boo, Bayley whips corner to corner but Bianca reverses and reels Bayley in, SPINEBUSTER!

Fans fire up while both women are down! DMG CTRL rallies and cheers Bayley as she goes to ropes. Bianca stands, and she runs Bayley over! And runs her over again! And DROPKICKS! Then kips up! Then runs in at the corner to RAM into her! Bianca climbs up and she rains down fists! The fans count along, but Bayley trips Bianca at four! Bayley has Bianca in the ropes, to run and KNEE her out of the Tree of Woe! Then a cover, but the ref says they’re in the ropes! Bayley says she saw it, okay? Bayley then ties Bianca’s hair around the ropes! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Bianca is now anchored to the bottom rope!

The ref reprimands and tells Bayley to untie the hair! Bayley CLUBS away on Bianca, then runs up to KNEE Bianca into buckles! The ref says to stop but Bayley keeps going. But Bianca dodges and uses her hair to trip Bayley! Bayley falls mouth first into buckles! Bayley checks her teeth, but Bianca BOOTS her down! Bianca unties herself, and fans fire up as Bianca drags Bayley to the apron. Bianca SMACKS Bayley off the apron, SMACKS her again, and then bends her against the post! The fans fire up as Bayley endures, but Bianca lets off as the ref counts. But Bayley grabs hair to YANK Bianca into the post!

Fans are torn, the ref tells DMG CTRL to stay back, and Bayley goes out after Bianca. But Bianca gets around, torture racks, and TOSSES Bayley into the post!! Bayley sputters and coughs, Bianca drags her up and into the ring, then gets moving to RAM Bayley into a corner! And again, and again, and again! Bianca whips corner to corner hard and Bayley falls back! Bianca gets Bayley up to suplex high and hard! The fans fire up as Bianca again kips up! Bianca runs up and climbs up, to rain down fists! The fans count along and this time Bianca gets to TEN! Bianca wants more, but Bayley slips out and pulls Bianca’s hair!

Bianca stays up to YANK Bayley back in! Now we get going on another round of TEN! Bianca blows a kiss, backflips, and reels Bayley into a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! DMG CTRL is worried but the fans rally up. Bianca runs side to side, handsprings and MOONSAULTS onto knees! But Bianca blocks them! Bianca flips Bayley over to scoop, but Bayley slips free and uses hair to send Bianca into buckles! DMG CTRL cheers again and Bayley runs in. Bianca TOSSES Bayley away! And she runs again, HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bayley survives, DMG CTRL is relieved and Bianca is frustrated.

The fans rally and duel, Bayley takes a swing but Bianca dodges to then ROCK Bayley! Torture rack, but Bayley fights free, schoolgirl roll into buckles! Bayley drags Bianca to a drop zone and she goes up top! MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives and DMG CTRL is losing their cool! Bayley drags Bianca up but Bianca RAMS her back into the corner! Bayley ELBOWS back! And she trips Bianca, high stack, feet on the ropes! The ref sees them! Bianca sunset flips, but they’re in the ropes again! Both women get up, Bianca runs in but Bayley TOSSES her out! The ref warns DMG CTRL but Bayley distracts with talks of a bad knee.

DMG CTRL still doesn’t do anything?! The ref sees Bayley signaling, he suspects something, but for once, DMG CTRL is playing fair. Bayley is upset by that, she fires off on Bianca then puts her in the ring. Dakota says Bayley’s got this! Bayley gets back in, but Bianca Oklahoma Rolls! TWO, Bayley runs but Bianca follows, to SPEAR! Fans fire up and Bianca dares DMG CTRL to do something. Bianca then torture racks, to KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

DMG CTRL is stunned! Though, is that a smirk on Asuka’s face? Just what is going on within the group? Is Iyo Sky gonna have to handle Bianca herself now?


Kevin Owens speaks.

“Logan, buddy, I heard everything you had to say, unfortunately. Because I don’t really like hearing you talk at all. But I see what you’re doing, and I get it. Look, if you wanna call this a liability and an unfair advantage for me, this cast, you can do that. But we both know that’s not what it is. If this is an advantage for anyone, it’s you, because I have a broken. But unfortunately for you, it’s not going to keep me from being at the Royal Rumble. But again, after seeing your face, and that bruise, that black eye, everything, I understand what you’re trying to do, I get it.

“So how about this? I think we need to talk about this whole thing, the lawsuit, and whatever you’re threatening, let’s talk about it face to face. Next week, on SmackDown. Where you get to have the biggest honor of your miserable career: by being a guest on the Kevin Owens Show. What do you say? I hope to see you there. Never thought I’d say I hope to see Logan Paul…” The Prizefighter invites the ImPAULsive Influencer to his show, will they come to an agreement? Or just to blows?


DMG CTRL regroups backstage.

Iyo Sky complains in Japanese that Bayley messed this up. But then Bayley asks them what was going on out there. Dakota has Bayley go off to the side to explain that the ref was looking right at them. What were they supposed to do? Bayley just wanted a little help. Yeah, but they didn’t wanna cause a disqualification. Dakota just thought Bayley would be good to face Bianca on her own. This plan for DMG CTRL to have all the gold includes Bayley winning the Rumble on her own. Yeah, but Dakota knows they’re stronger together, right? Yes, but… Look, forget it. It’s done, let’s look ahead. Bayley’s got this! She’s still got the Rumble to win, okay? It’s all good.

But while Bayley was talking with Dakota, we can clearly see Iyo, Asuka & Kairi talking among themselves. What are the three joshi thinking as it pertains to Bayley as “leader” of DMG CTRL?


Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits are here!

And they’re skipping the suits and rolling up in style tonight! They have no suit jackets and they’ve rolled up their sleeves as they storm to the ring. The All Mighty gets the mic and paces around as he says, “AOP and Karrion Kross, last week, y’all tried to take us out. You thought jumping us from behind was gonna get you the upper hand? Oh, no, that just got you into a fight that you can’t win. See, because when we have an issue with somebody, we will confront them face to face, and we settle things. We don’t take the cowardice approach. We don’t go lurking in the darkness or hiding in the shadows. We walk down to this ring, we roll up our sleeves, we clench our fists, and we get ready to fight!” Fans like the sound of that!

Lashley tells Kross that if he and his boys wanna settle this issue with them, then come down here and they can all do it right here, right now! The lights go down, and then Paul Ellering is on stage! He then points to the tron, and a video plays. Kross says that for the last several years, his purpose has been to show the world just how corrupt it really is. Scarlett says he does that by breaking people, on the inside. But now they will just break people on the outside. Lashley is a lucky guy. For now he and his “embarrassing” Profits are at the top of the list. “To be deconstructed.” And who better than two of the most dangerous men this world has ever known?

Akam, Rezar, the Authors of Pain, and “the most sadistic and inhumane person this world has ever had the displeasure of knowing,” Paul Ellering. They are “The Final Testament.” The video ends with the words, “The End is Near.” Lashley & The Profits still stand their ground, but will they all be made to #FallAndPray?


Paul Heyman is stressing out.

The Wise Man seems to have come up empty on his promise. But then Pretty Deadly walk over and address “Lord Heyman,” that they have a proposition. Th-th-they… stammer a lot, but they get out that they are the best tag team on SmackDown, and heard Heyman was looking for people. They could be a team, “a fantastic shower of physical excellence,” all for Heyman. They’d make a great team for Heyman. They shoulder lean and Heyman hopes they realize that only one person teams with Jimmy & Solo against Styles, Knight & Orton. Oh, right, uh… Hmm… Elton “remembers” Kit has something to do, and Kit “remembers,” too.

That’s a real shame, if only this was last week. They acknowledge everything Heyman does, they bid him adieu, and hurry away. Heyman is so frustrated, almost in tears. Will Heyman find someone, anyone, to help Jimmy & Solo?


Lashley & The Profits return backstage.

They’re still looking for a fight, so Heyman walks over! Heyman says he and Bobby have known each other a long time, right? He is sorry about the treatment Lashley’s getting from Kross, but as a friend, please, Heyman wants to do Lashley a favor. Lashley can work out that frustration alongside Jimmy & Solo against the three “shmucks,” Styles, Knight & Orton. Lashley says yes, they have known each other a long time. But the only time Lashley wants to be in the ring with the Bloodline is when he’s standing across from Roman Reigns. Lashley & the Profits head out, and Heyman struck out again.


Carmelo Hayes VS Austin Theory w/ Grayson Waller!

Melo may not be the one facing Logan Paul for a title, but he’ll be damned before he lets A-Town Down Under try and look down on him. Melo may be going for tag titles with Trick Williams on NXT, but will he show he can go solo here tonight?

SmackDown returns and Theory makes his entrance, Waller by his side. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Theory puts Melo in a corner, but the ref counts. Theory talks trash, pie faces Melo, and he says he runs SmackDown. Melo frowns, and he headlocks and grinds the hold. Theory pries free, headlocks back, but Melo powers up and out. Fans rally behind Melo as he CHOPS Theory! Theory brushes that off, but Melo headlocks again. Theory lifts but Melo hits a flying takeover. Theory headscissors, Melo kips free, both men stare down for half a second, then tie up again.

Melo headlocks, Theory powers up and out. Melo ducks the lariat, hurdles and ducks, to then DROPKICK! Theory falls over and the fans fire up! Melo says Theory’s about to find out about HIM. Theory stays in the corner and the ref keeps Melo back. But then Theory cheap shots Melo and CLOBBERS him! Fans boo but Theory drags Melo up to scoop him, only for Melo to slip free. Theory bucks the O’Conner, goes out to the apron, but Melo BOOTS Theory as he rams in. Then FADE AWAY! Fans fire up while Theory flounders, and Melo SLINGSHOT APRON DDTS!! Melo is all fired up and so are the fans as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Theory has Melo in a chinlock. Melo throws body shots to get free, then JAWBREAKERS! Theory staggers to a corner, Melo runs up but Theory drop toeholds him into buckles! Theory then somersault SHOTGUNS Melo down! Waller taunts Melo as he bails out, but backs off so Theory can fetch Melo. Fans boo but Theory soaks up the heat. Theory puts Melo in the ring, high-fives Waller then hurries up. Theory brings Melo up, aims for the outside, but Melo fights the suplex! Theory throws body shots, tries again, but Melo fights the suplex again! Theory throws more hands, but Melo suplexes him using the ropes!

Fans fire up and Waller has no idea what to make of what he just saw. Melo goes to the corner and drags himself up. Theory runs in, Melo ELBOWS him away! Melo then wrenches, cravats, KNEE SMASH and then atomic drop! And a CHOP! Fans fire up as Melo haymakers and CHOPS on repeat! Melo ROCKS Theory, whips, but Theory reverses, only for the FLYING CLOTHESLINE to hit! The fans fire up, Melo tilt-o-whirls, LA MYSTICA! Cover, TWO! Theory survives but Melo keeps his cool. Melo sees Waller slide in but Waller bails out. Theory runs up, Melo punches him first, but Theory kicks low.

Theory whips, Melo arm-drags to a cover, TWO! Theory ghost pins, TWO! Melo bobs ‘n’ weaves but Theory ELBOWS him! Theory reels Melo in, Melo wrenches out to SUPERKICK! And FIRST- NO, Theory blocks the First 48 to put Melo up top! Melo throws hands, Theory keeps him on the top rope but Melo BOOTS him away! Fans rally for Melo but Theory come right back, ARABIAN PRESS FLY!! But that was a ROUGH landing for Theory! The ref checks both men, and the ref calls it here.

No Contest

Theory took himself out with that hard landing, perhaps trying too hard to prove himself worthy of bigger and better. Will Theory be alright to get back in the ring? Will Melo have to find another way to prove himself Rumble ready?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

After an exchange on social media, the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are on the line as Kayden Carter & Katana Chance make their way to SmackDown to face Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn! Will the party be rolling even through #Hotlanta? Or will the Wicked Witches finally take those titles back? And speaking of championships, Roman Reigns will return so that he, AJ Styles, LA Knight and Randy Orton can all sign on the dotted line to make their Universal Championship Fatal 4 Way official! Will the Tribal Chief still be the Head of the Table with three men coming for his throne?


The Bloodline regroups.

Jimmy says he never doubted the Wise Man for a second! Who did Heyman get? Jimmy, Solo and…? Heyman says he interviewed every member of this locker room this evening, and there is not one man here worthy to stand beside The Bloodline! Auditions are over! No more! No more tryouts, no more people talking to Heyman. He has full faith in Jimmy & Solo! He is NOT worried! Jimmy says he IS! Solo steps over and says he’s not. The Enforcer looks ready to handle all three on his own, so Jimmy says if Solo ain’t worried, he ain’t worried! NO YEET! But will Solo & Jimmy have no chance when the numbers aren’t in their favor?

3v2 Handicap Match: AJ Styles, LA Knight & Randy Orton VS Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa!

But wait! Just as The Viper makes his entrance, Solo & Jimmy attack! They want to even things out their own way! SUPERKICK! SAMOAN SPIKE!! Fans boo as Orton sputters and refs rush out! Did The Bloodline just turn this into a 2v2? We’ll see, after the break.

SmackDown returns and it seems Orton is out of action for tonight. Even so, The Phenomenal One makes his entrance, followed by The Mega Star. The teams sort out, Styles and Knight arguing, so Jimmy CLOBBERS Knight! Styles fires off on Jimmy, but the ref stops him so Jimmy fires off on Knight. Jimmy UPPERCUTS Knight, whips him to ropes, but Knight turns things into a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Knight brings Jimmy up, ROCKS him, then tags Styles. They double whip, double ELBOW, then Styles drags Jimmy around to bump him off buckles. The fans rally as Styles CHOPS Jimmy, then bumps him off more buckles.

Styles CHOPS, the fans cheer him on, and Styles tags Knight back in. They mug Jimmy, Knight fires haymakers then stomps and JABS on repeat. The fans chant “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” with every stomp! The ref counts, Knight lets off at 4, and he puts Jimmy in the ropes to CHOKE! The ref counts, Knight lets off to go side to side, and he STRADDLE ATTACKS, “YEAH!” Cover, TWO! Knight tags Styles, they mug Jimmy more, then Styles snapmares to run and SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO! Styles and Jimmy stand, Jimmy UPPERCUTS! Styles wobbles, Jimmy CHOPS him down! Jimmy runs, into a DROPKICK!

Jimmy staggers up, and Styles clotheslines him up and out! Fans fire up as Jimmy slumps on the floor, but Solo gets in! The ref reprimands, Knight runs in, but solo catches him to a choke grip! But Styles & Knight both kick low, then JAB! CHOP! JAB! CHOP! “YEAH! WOO~!” echoes out as they fire off on Solo again and again! These two are working together on common enemies, and they DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE Solo up and out! Fans fire up for the Phenomenal Mega Stars as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Solo clamps onto Styles with a shoulder claw! Styles endures, the fans rally up, and Knight coaches Styles up. Styles fights up, throws body shots and then haymakers. Styles runs, into an ELBOW! Styles flounders to an open corner, and Solo rains down fists! The ref counts, Solo lets off and he goes to the far corner. Solo runs back in, to HIP ATTACK! Fans boo more but Solo watches Styles flounder to ropes. Solo CHOKES Styles on the ropes, the ref counts, and Solo lets off. Styles flounders, Solo stalks him and CHOKES him on more ropes! The ref counts, Solo lets off, and Jimmy gets a cheap shot in!

Knight storms over but Jimmy strikes a defensive stance. The ref has Knight back off and tells Jimmy to get on the corner. Solo tags Jimmy in, they split the wishbone on Styles! Styles writhes, Jimmy taunts Knight, and Jimmy stalks Styles. Fans rally for Styles but Jimmy puts him in the corner. Fans chant “JEY IS BETTER!” Styles fires off hands on Jey and Solo! Styles ROCKS Jimmy, PHENOMENAL BLITZ! Fans fire up while both men are down! Knight reaches out, Styles crawls over, but Jimmy holds onto a leg! Solo is on the outside, he runs over but Knight dodges! Knight sends Solo into steel steps! But that means Styles misses the tag!

Jimmy reels Styles in to back suplex but Styles lands on his feet! And then dodges the lariat to PELE! Fans fire up as Styles and Jimmy are back down again! Styles crawls, Knight is there this time, but Styles hesitates. Styles says Knight ditched him before, but Knight says he had to handle Solo! Jimmy runs up, Styles dodges, the SUPERKICK hits Knight! Things keep moving, Styles and Jimmy DOUBLE CROSSBODY and they both fall down! Fans fire up as everyone is down, but Jimmy calls to Solo. Solo is back on the corner, he reaches out, but here comes Randy! The Viper doesn’t care how his throat is feeling, he wants to fight The Bloodline!

Fans fire up as Orton storms up and Heyman is furious! Styles figures why not, hot tag to Orton! Orton rallies on Jimmy with big LARIATS! Then he DECKS Solo! Then he dodges Jimmy to SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up, Jimmy goes to the apron, and Orton storms over. Orton has Jimmy in the ropes, for the DRAPING DDT! Lincoln is all fired up and Orton hears those voices in his head! Jimmy rises, but he rolls Orton up! TWO, SUPERKICK!! Orton wobbles, and RKOS!! Cover, Orton’s team wins!

Winners: Randy Orton, LA Knight & AJ Styles, by pinfall

Heyman frowns, but then Solo attacks Orton! Solo stomps Orton down, aims his thumb, but Styles springboards in, PHENOMENAL FOREARM!! Fans fire up, Knight is back, and he says B F T for Solo!! Styles and Knight argue about the misunderstanding earlier, but Orton sees Solo getting up. RKO!! Orton then sees Jimmy on the outside, and UPPERCUTS him! Styles joins in, they mug Jimmy, and then Knight also joins in. Orton pulls steel steps apart, to RAM Jimmy down! Knight TOSSES Jimmy into the timekeeper’s area, and then Orton clears off the desk! Orton, Styles & Knight drag Solo over, and here’s a message to Roman! SHIELD TRIPLE BOMB through the table!!

The fans are thunderous as the Mega Star, Phenomenal One and Apex Predator all stand tall together! Meanwhile, Heyman makes a call to Roman Reigns. Will the Tribal Chief find a way to survive when the odds aren’t in his favor?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, great stuff from the Bloodline as always. Them “ruining” Grimes VS Waller was a pretty good way to respond to the Fatal 4 Way news, but kudos to Aldis standing his ground as GM and making the main event. Great promos from Heyman failing to find people to join Jimmy & Solo, but of course Solo & Jimmy go after Orton in hopes of keeping it to 2v2. But in the end, Orton makes the comeback at the right time and his team still wins out. Great ending brawl and the bomb through the desk. But the Fatal 4 really lends itself to Roman pitting the other three against each other, and he’ll definitely start dividing them as soon as next week’s contract signing.

Melo getting a match out of Waller & Theory bragging was a good move, but that Arabian Press going wrong was definitely NOT planned. Really bad timing for something like that to happen, A-Town Down Under was finally starting to blend. Maybe they’ll adjust and give us Grimes VS Waller “as intended” next week. Great tag match out of LWO and “Legado World Order,” with Santos on commentary really trying hard not to be happy watching. He’s clearly still great friends with Cruz & Wilde and just likes seeing them do well alongside Garza & Carrillo. Great addition of Carlito going after Santos, and we’re definitely getting a Six Man Tag from this.

Speaking of Six Man Tag matches, really good promos from Lashley and from Kross to hype up their trios going head to head soon. I also really like Lashley telling Heyman that he wants to take on The Bloodline, that can be a great faction feud on like the other side of WrestleMania or something. As for Kross’ faction being named “The Final Testament,” that is a fitting name given all this apocalyptic theming that also ties into the “All Mighty” and “Profits/Prophets” religious theming. Pretty sure Final Testament wins the first round because AOP is on their return push, but there might also be the split of 2v2 AOP VS Profits and 1v1 Kross VS Lashley that really determines who gets ahead in title match races.

Bianca Belair is definitely getting the title shot after that great match with Bayley. And a great detail of the DMG CTRL dysfunction in how, for being Heels, DMG CTRL chose not to behave like Heels so as to gaslight Bayley and cost her that match. Dakota being the intermediary between Bayley and the rest of the team, this is all adding fuel to the fire of DMG CTRL kicking Bayley out, putting all the blame on Bayley and making her feel like the weak link. If Charlotte wasn’t hurt, I’d think she and Bayley then end up allies being that they’re the NXT Horsewomen and all that, but Bayley will probably end up all alone right now because Charlotte’s hurt. And Sasha Banks is asking for a lot of bank to get her to come back, so don’t count on that return any time soon.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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