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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/19/24)

ACKNOWLEDGE the contract!



Are the walls closing in on the Head of the Table?

One week before the Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, LA Knight and AJ Styles all sign the contract for their Universal Championship match!


  • Six Man Tag: The LWO VS Santos Escobar, Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo; Santos, Angel & Humberto win.
  • Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne VS Pretty Deadly; Bate & Dunne win.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn; Kayden & Katana win and retain the titles.
  • AJ Styles VS LA Knight; Knight wins, by disqualification.
  • Randy Orton VS Solo Sikoa; Orton wins.


Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa wait.

Jimmy says it’s getting chilly, but then Roman Reigns walks in with Paul Heyman. Jimmy says what’s up! How was his flight? Roman tells The Wise Man to say what he said. Heyman says Roman said to “fix it.” Right. And is it fixed? No, it’s not. So now he has to be here to make everything right again. Roman leads the way, and Jimmy is frustrated. But Solo says he’ll fix it. He’ll fix everything. The Enforcer does have a match against Randy Orton tonight, will he turn the Fatal 4 Way into a Triple Threat with a Samoan Spike?


Nick Aldis is in the ring.

And the SmackDown General Manager welcomes us to Atlanta, Georgia and the official contract signing for the Royal Rumble’s Universal Heavyweight Championship match. At this time, and without further ado, he introduces The Phenomenal AJ Styles! Fans fire up as Georgia’s own makes his way out, he high-fives a few fans, then heads into the ring. Styles wastes no time and he signs his part right away! Fans cheer that, and Aldis then brings out the Mega Star, LA Knight! “YEAH!” Styles is annoyed as the fans fire up just as much for Knight. Knight makes his way right into the ring, and he also signs right on the line.

Fans fire up again because they know up next is The Viper, Randy Orton! The Apex Predator is just as fired up to be back in Atlanta, and he also high-fives some fans on his way to the ring. Orton does just as the others have and signs the contract right away. And that of course leaves the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion himself, Roman Reigns. The music hits, and fans boo as The Wise Man walks out instead. Paul Heyman gives his introduction as always, and he says in case Aldis isn’t watching his own show, YOUR Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, and Heyman have only just arrived. They haven’t had a chance to submit this contract to an attorney, or even for Heyman to see it himself.

“So therefore, unfortunately, Roman… Reigns… will not sign that contract this evening.” Fans boo but the contenders all figured this is how it’d go. Aldis picks up his mic again to say, “Just so we’re clear, Roman Reigns isn’t signing this contract? Paul, that’s absolutely fine.” Heyman says good and turns to leave, but Aldis says he has three signatures and can make this a Triple Threat for a vacant Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship. That gets Heyman to turn right back around and storm right up to the ring! Heyman tells Aldis, “I don’t know if you realize this, but Mr. Aldis, I care deeply about you sir.”

Fans boo, not falling for that. But Heyman says he does. He halfway respects and admires the mediocre job Aldis has done as the SmackDown GM. And the fact that Aldis does such a mediocre job like everyone else, he at least looks really good. Especially in these Heyman-wannabe suits he has. But no matter how good Aldis looks, there’s no way he can sell this to the Board of Directors or to the “fine, upstanding people” of Atlanta. And no way he can sell it to his Tribal Chief, who does call the shots, because Roman should be defending his title in a 1v1 match! Heyman doesn’t care-

LA Knight tells Heyman, “Will you shut the hell up?! You’re right about one thing, this should be a one-on-one match. I had Roman Reigns’ shoulders pinned at Crown Jewel, and his cross-eyed, halfwit cousins saved him.” Fans cheer that! But Knight says Heyman says one more thing, Knight will cut bacon off his back. Fans cheer that, too! Knight says this should be his rematch, but some Johnny Come Latelys show up in AJ Styles and Randy Orton. Suddenly, they jump to the front of the line to get in the match that should be Knight’s after having a few months off! Styles repeats, “A few months off?” Knight says, “YEAH!”

Styles says maybe Knight doesn’t get it, but The Bloodline tried to end Styles’ career, then Knight steps over his dead body to get that title match, “And you lost.” So Knight is lucky to even be in this match. Knight says Styles is talking about the wrong guy. If there’s anyone with a horseshoe planted firmly up their keister, it’s Styles! Knight puts it like this: Styles should really watch the bass in his voice when talking to Knight, and turn that attention to Roman. Oh, good, the genius understands this isn’t just them against Roman, it’s them against each other. Well, thanks for explaining it then, Styles!

Because here’s how it works: Knight walks in, he pins Roman, and he becomes WWE Champion. If he has to walk over Styles’ dead body again, he’ll do it! And the difference will be it won’t be the Bloodline that lays him out, it’ll be the man that has everybody saying, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Knight goes to leave but Styles DECKS him instead! Styles storms out after Knight, Knight hits back, and those two brawl up the ramp! Aldis tries to stop this but he’s not enough so refs and producers rush out! Fans fire up, the two are separated, but then Styles gets back in there! Heyman is amused as these two fight all the way to the back.

But then Orton pulls on Heyman’s tie to make him turn around! Orton sees what Heyman is trying to do and it isn’t gonna work on Orton, and here’s why. Because later tonight, Orton will drop Solo, beat him right in this ring 1-2-3, and then after that, he will reintroduce Roman Reigns to the three most dangerous letters in all of sports entertainment: R K O. Fans fire up for that one! Will The Legend Killer bring down the Phenomenal, The Mega Star and the Head of the Table in one match to prove he is the greatest?


Logan Paul arrives backstage.

The Maverick United States Champion is here, ready to be on The Kevin Owens Show. But how will he handle being on the other side of the interview tonight?


Aldis storms his way towards Roman’s suite.

But Styles cuts him off first, and demands a match with LA Knight, tonight! Aldis says fine, he’s got it. Styles heads out, and Aldis has the contract in hand. Aldis is going to deliver that personally to Roman, will Roman agree to the terms?


Six Man Tag: The LWO VS Santos Escobar, Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

Carlito once again joins Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde in action after their surprise reunion on NXT last week. And they’re looking to not just surprise but upset the new Legado Del Fantasma! Which side of this blood feud will be tranquilo after tonight?

SmackDown returns as the new Legado makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Carlito starts, calling Santos out, but then all of Legado bails out. Santos taunts Carlito, and that distracts him from seeing Angel slide in and CHOP BLOCK! Fans boo but Angel taunts Carlito now. Angel whips, Carlito reverses and ELBOWS Angel down! Carlito drags Angel up, tags Cruz and they mug Angel. But Angel stomps a foot, fires hands, but Cruz hits back. Cruz ROCKS and whips, but Angel reverses, only for Cruz to KICK back! Angel CHOPS, whips, but Cruz goes up and out to then springboard in and FLYING RANA!

Fans fire up with Cruz and he brings Angel over. Tag to Wilde, they double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW! Then the coordinate, HANDSPRING HIP TOSS SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Wilde throws hands, whips, but Angel reverses. Wilde CHOPS Angel, dodges Humberto, then knuckle locks Angel. Humberto runs in, Wilde dodges, then goes up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAG MISSILE DRPOKICK COMBO! Santos runs in but Wilde dumps him out! Fans fire up as LWO coordinates, Cruz & Wilde build speed, Carlito holds the rope down so they can both FLY out! Direct hits on Angel & Humberto, and Santos is stunned as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Angel has Wilde. Fans rally up but Santos tags in, and then he tags Humberto. Angel brings Wilde up into a Gory Especial, Humberto aims, SLINGSHOT CUTTER GORY BOMB COMBO! Angel sets Wilde up for Santos to basement dropkick! Humberto covers, but Carlito breaks it! Fans cheer, Carlito goes back to the corner, but Humberto drags Wilde up. Humberto CHOPS Wilde down, tags Angel, and then Angel tags Santos. The cousins mug Wilde, then hoist him up, to ELEVATED ATOMIC DROP onto Santos’ knee! Cover, TWO! Santos grabs Wilde’s arm, steps over, and mule kicks him!

Santos taunts Carlito, then hits Wilde with a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Santos continues to taunt Carlito as he drags Wilde away, and he tags Humberto. Humberto tags Angel, and they both stomp away on Wilde. The fans rally but Santos tells them all to shut up. Angel runs to basement dropkick Wilde down! Angel smothers Wilde, throws crossface forearms, and talks trash all the while. Tag to Humberto and he PENALTY KICKS Wilde down! Humberto clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Wilde down. The fans rally, Wilde JAWBREAKERS free, then runs to tilt-o-whirl SATELLITE DDT!! Fans fire up but Angel hurries to YANK Carlito down!

Angel YANKS Cruz down, too, then taunts the fans! Humberto back suplexes, Wilde lands out, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to hot tag Carlito! Fans fire up as Caribbean Cool rallies on Legado! Kick and KNEE LIFT for Humberto, then a LARIAT! Santos runs away! Angel runs in but into a DROPKICK! Humberto is up, but he’s sent into Angel, then Carlito hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, Santos breaks it! Carlito glares at Santos and Santos wants mercy, but Carlito still blocks the cheap shot kick! But then Humberto springboards, FLYING CHUCK! Cover, Cruz DIVING HEADBUTTS in! Santos SUPERKICKS Cruz!

Santos storms up on Wilde but into a shoulder! Wilde slingshots up and over to SUPERKICK Santos! Angel SUPERKICKS Wilde! Carlito hits a SKYE HIGH on Angel! Fans fire up as Carlito has Humberto, but Santos sneaks a tag! BACKSTABBER for Humberto, but Santos rolls Carlito up! Legado wins!!

Winners: Legado Del Fantasma, by pinfall

Santos says that’s how it’s done! He laughs as he steals this win, Angel says this is real familia! Will the LWO continue to be denied retribution?


Backstage interview with Pretty Deadly.

Kayla Braxton is with the #YesBoys as they prepare for a rematch with Tyler Bate & “Butch.” Do they feel better prepared for British Strong Style than they were at New Year’s Revolution? Elton Prince says that is an astute question, because yes, they are! This time, there will be no surprises, no mystery partners not part of the roster, none of that! Kit Wilson says they’ve spent this past week studying Tyler & Butch! These two aren’t just pretty boys, they’re pretty SMART boys! So they are incredibly prepared for Bate & Butch! YES BOY~! These two head out, will they look to make this Friday Night SnackDown after all?


Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits speak.

The All Mighty says, “You thought your little intimidation tactics were gonna work? Well, congratulations, you have our attention.” Montez Ford says this isn’t the smoke they want. Because they aren’t the ones. Ford will remind them that he and Angelo Dawkins are the Tag Team Triple Crown that always puts it down, and they have Bobby the All Mighty himself. Dawkins says to not let the nice suits fool you. They are the real monsters here. Final Testament is a revelation, but they’re businessmen. If you wanted a fight, all you to do was ask. Lashley says to name the time and the place. They’ve been hunting Kross’ crew for weeks, so when they find ’em, they’ll show them what real intimidation looks like.


Tyler Bate & “Butch” Pete Dunne VS Pretty Deadly!

SmackDown returns and Pretty Deadly finish enjoying their disco ball and slow-motion. Then the Big Strong Boy makes his entrance, followed by The Bruiserweight, who has done away with “Butch!” Pretty Deadly is confused, they think this is someone else, but no! This is the REAL brawler that’s been inside Dunne all along! What Bate said got through to him, will Dunne show everyone just who the hell he is?

The teams sort out, Bate and Kit start, and they tie up. Kit wrenches, Bate rolls, rolls and hooks free to wrench and headlock. Bate smacks Kit with his foot, then brings Kit over. Dunne tags in as Atlanta rallies for “Bruiserweight! Bruiserweight!” Bate whips, ducks and hurdles, then Dunne runs in to CLOBBER Kit! Dunne grabs Kit’s hand, wrenches and isolates the arm, to STOMP it! Fans cheer as Dunne grabs the other arm, and bends the fingers! Kit endures as Dunne tortures his hand, then pulls way back!! Kit gets the ROPEBREAK, Dunne lets go to STOMP the leg! Kit writhes, Dunne tags Bate.

Bate goes up and he KNEE-BOARDS off Dunne to senton! Then the AIRPLANE SPIN! Elton runs in, can’t get close, though, then gets SMACKED by Kit’s boots! Bate SLAMS Kit down, wobbles around, but Kit flounders away. Pretty Deadly regroups but fans fire up for British Strong Style as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Elton has Bate in a top wristlock. Fans rally, Bate fights up, and Bate fires off hands. But Elton throws Bate down! Tag to Kit but Bate ROCKS him! Bate slides under Elton but Elton grabs a leg. Kit gets in as Elton whips Bate to the corner. Elton RAMS and Kit UPPERCUTS Bate! Elton then fireman’s carries, ASSISTED GUTBUSTER with Kit! Cover, TWO! Kit hurries to headlock and he grinds Bate down. Fans rally, Bate fights up, and Bate throws body shots.

Kit hits a back suplex but Bate lands out of it! ELBOW for Elton, BOOT for Kit, but then Kit runs back in! Bate catches him, for an EXPLODER! The fans fire up, Bate crawls, hot tags to Elton and Dunne! Dunne ENZIGURIS Elton, dodges and SNAP GERMANS Kit, then STOMPS Kit’s hands! And STOMPS them again! BUZZSAW! Elton waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX, but Dunne lands on his feet! BUZZSAW for Elton! Then Dunne has Kit, X PLEX onto Elton! Fans fire up and Dunne has Elton for stomps right to the face! The fans fire up, Dunne takes aim, and he runs up, only for Elton to BOOT him!

Bate tags in, he runs up to UPPERCUT Elton! Elton staggers, Bate blocks his boot, then Bop up! BANG! Kit runs in, Bate dodges to BANG! Kit yoyos, Bate dodges, tag to Dunne! REBOUNDER! Then for Elton, TOP BIN! Bate PLANCHAS onto Kit! Dunne SNAPS Elton’s fingers! Then the pump handle, BITTER END! Cover, British Strong Style wins!

Winners: Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne, by pinfall

Dunne then just shrugs. The Bruiserweight is certainly feeling like himself again, will he and his best mate, Bate, head right for those Undisputed Tag Team Championships?


Pretty Deadly regroups backstage.

They’re of course complaining about what just happened, and then Kayla finds them. She brings up how they said they were prepared, so what happened out there? Kit says they were NOT ready, okay? Elton says they prepared for Butch, but then Bate brings in this brand new person they’ve never seen before! Who is Pete Dunne?! They rant away, but is anyone gonna break it to them that Dunne was Butch?


Kevin Owens heads to the ring!

The fans cheer as the Prizefighter is here to host his talk show, reluctantly having Logan Paul as his guest. The #1 contender will get to confront- er, interview the champion, what happens this close to their US Championship match? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Kevin has his show set-up at the ready. He thanks Atlanta for the cheers, and especially appreciates it because he is about to say something he never thought he’d say. “Please welcome my guest on The Kevin Owens Show, Logan Paul!” Fans boo as The Maverick makes his entrance. Logan waves to the fans as he goes to the ring, gets himself a mic, and steps in to be face to face with Kevin. Kevin starts but Logan interrupts by “thanking” Kevin for the invite. Logan would say he’s honored, but he’s not. Why would he be honored “to come on this bottom of the barrel, janky excuse for a show?”

Fans boo but Logan says those are cool graphics, but it’s his show now. And Logan is actually glad Kevin invited him, because Logan owes a proper thanks. Kevin is the reason Logan is in the WWE. Kevin echoes the fans with, “What?” If Logan is blaming Kevin for this, explain. Right, okay, Logan has a clip. Roll it! 2021, WrestleMania 37 in Tampa Bay? After Kevin VS Sami, Logan offered a handshake, and Kevin gave him a STUNNER! Back to present, Logan says three years ago, he went to his first WrestleMania, and Kevin embarrassed him in front of 70 THOUSAND! The fans cheer and Logan says it was just like that! Kevin hit a Stunner and everyone cheered!

Logan is heated just like he was then. That was when Logan realized he had to prove to everyone that he belongs here. Fans chant “One More Time!” for the Stunner. Logan says no, direct it at Kevin! Kevin’s why Logan chose to become a WWE Superstar! Kevin sighs, and says he has to be honest. Obviously that happened, but Kevin barely remembers doing that. Because to Logan, it was traumatic. But yeah, his first Mania, he was a guest, WWE rolled out a red carpet. Kevin’s been doing this almost 25 years, Logan is just one of many that Kevin’s Stunned. And especially going into that Mania, Kevin figured it was just another celebrity the WWE was bringing in cuz that’s what WWE does.

But turns out, Logan wasn’t just another celebrity. He stuck around! Kevin gives credit where credit is due, and Logan put in the work. Logan became way better at this than anyone would’ve thought. Logan grins and says, “Yes, I did.” Kevin says yeah, but as good as Logan is, he is still NOT one of them! Not a Rey Mysterio, a Seth Rollins, a Sami Zayn, or Kevin Owens! Logan laughs and says “THANK GOD!” Logan is happy to not be “one of y’all,” he’s one of one. Logan is a purveyor of viral media, the greatest storyteller of a generation, your son’s favorite star, your girlfriend’s social media crush, the marketing genius, disruptor, innovator, wrestler, boxer, the list goes on and on!

Often imitated, never duplicated, billionaire with a B! The Maverick, Logan Paul! And Kevin… Well, he’s just Kevin Owens. Kevin says he doesn’t know what any of that stuff is supposed to mean. The fans chant “Logan Sucks!” Kevin has heard everything Logan’s had to say on commentary, the putdowns about his weight, his look, everything. But here’s the thing. Logan can say anything he wants about Kevin, fine. But Kevin can’t come out here and say everything he wants to say about Logan. In fact, there’s a lot he can’t talk about. And Logan knows why, too. It’s the same reason Logan is the US Champion: he is protected, sheltered.

The second he came here to the WWE, Logan was offered all the tools he could ever need to hopefully win a title. And Kevin gets it, it is the notoriety and attention Logan brings. And to his credit, he used those tools, did become champion, and can say for the rest of his life, “I’m a WWE United States Champion.” Great for you, Logan. But as far as Kevin and the fans are concerned, this is a JOKE! A joke that’s gone on for far too long, and Kevin is putting an end to the joke at The Royal Rumble! The fans fire up but Logan yawns, claiming he didn’t hear any of that. But he did hear the part about “protected.”

There is such hypocrisy here, because just look at Kevin’s arm. Kevin’s arm is protected, he has a weapon on his hand! The only reason Kevin knocked Logan down is because of the cast! But Logan knocks people out clean! All those guys Kevin mentioned? Logan’s knocked them out! One by one, dominos A, B, C, D! So like Logan said, it will only take him one second to KO KO, ok? Kevin says as unimpressive as Logan thinks Kevin is, Kevin says the people that have been watching the last 10 years all know that Kevin could take more punishment than anyone and get back up! He has been slammed harder, punched better, and fallen off higher stuff than anyone!

So there isn’t a punch Logan can throw that will keep Kevin down for three seconds, let alone knock him out. And as far as the cast, weapon, protection, fine. Logan bringing up a lawsuit about this thing on, fine. Kevin gives Logan his word that he won’t have this on at The Royal Rumble. In fact, he’ll take it off right now if it helps Logan feel better. Kevin takes the cast off, and Logan SUCKER PUNCHES him!! Fans boo as Logan gloats, but Kevin proves himself right by getting back up!! Logan turns around and has seen a ghost! Kevin asks if that was all! Logan runs in, Kevin TACKLES him! Kevin fires off fists, Logan gets away, but Kevin pursues!

Logan POSTS Kevin, then SMACKS Kevin’s bad hand off the post!! Logan taunts Kevin, grabs his belt, and holds it up as he stands over Kevin. Logan dares Kevin to try again at the Rumble, but will Kevin #JustKeepFighting until he’s broken Logan Paul?


The Bloodline talks in their suite.

Roman keeps harping on the whole “fix it” order. He gets to his bus and what does he see on the TV? A Viper on Heyman’s neck! And this is what Roman was talking about. We’ve only got one Wise Man, but we’ve got two of these two! Roman tells Jimmy that he’s given opportunity after opportunity, Jimmy plays around, acts like he’s the back up QB, hot route, YEET and NO YEET! But then Solo steps forward? Solo says that was on him. He is the Tribal Heir for a reason, so tonight, Solo will show Roman that he will fix it. Solo heads out, Jimmy follows, and Roman seems at a loss for words. Is the Enforcer going to do what even The Tribal Chief can’t?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn!

The life of the party comes to SmackDown and they’re bringing the gold! But will they be leaving with the gold, too? Or will they regret taking on the “Unholy Union?”

SmackDown returns and not only has Bayley joined commentary, but all of Damage CTRL is ringside. Bayley says it’s so much fun being out here without Michael Cole. Fyre & Dawn then make their entrance, finally back in action after returning during the Holiday Havoc to go after DMG CTRL. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if something wicked this way wins!

The teams sort out, but Fyr e& Dawn attack! Katana is sent out, Fyre hits a GOURD BUSTER on Kayden! Dawn PENALTY KICKS, Fyre covers, TWO! Fyre whips Kayden hard into the corner, tags in Dawn, but Kayden fires shots! Dawn waistlocks, Fyre SUPERKICKS Kayden into the SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Bayley says do better than that, idiots! Dawn ROCKS Kayden, scoops her, but Kayden slips free. Kaydena voids Fyre & Dawn, hot tag to Katana! Katana trips Dawn, BLASTS Fyre, then FACEBUSTERS Dawn! Katana dodges again, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Dawn tumbles, fans fire up with Katana and she runs in to A-LIST LARIAT!

Kayden tags, she and Katana hoist Dawn up but Dawn fights back. Fyre runs in to throw Katana down but Kayden SUPERKICKS her! Kayden helps Katana get up, SUPER STEINER sends Dawn onto Fyre! Cover, Fyre breaks it! Katana storms up on Fyre but Fyre JAWBREAKERS! Kayden TOSSES Fyre but Dawn throws Kayden by her hair! Dawn drags Kayden over, tags in Fyre, and they hook Kayden up. But Kayden BOOTS Dawn away, flips up and over Fyre, then reels her in to waistlock. O’Conner, TWO, and Dawn UPPERCUTS! Fyre rolls Kayden up, TWO!! Kayden escapes and Fyre is furious!

Bayley says they’re taking notes on DMG CTRL. Katana CROSSBODIES Dawn! Kayden shoves Fyre away, runs up, and rebounds off ropes to DESTROYER! Hot tag to Katana and she goes up. Handstand, KEG STAND SPLASH!! Cover, Kayden & Katana win!

Winners: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

KC Squared survives, but wait! The Kabuki Warriors have the belts! They dance around to taunt the champs, but Kayden asks fi they’re done. The ref has the Kabuki Warriors hand the belts over, and they oblige. The champs say anytime, anywhere, but will they not be ready for Kairi & Asuka?


The OC talks backstage.

Mia Yim & The Good Brothers are concerned about AJ Styles’ attitude change. Styles walks over, Gallows has him hold on, and he tells Styles that no matter what, they’ve still got Styles’ back. Styles doesn’t say a word as he walks away, does he not have theirs?


The Final Testament speaks.

Karrion Kross says, “We know exactly who Bobby & The Profits really are. You guys sit where you’re told to sit, stand where you’re told to stand. You are the yes men of this company. I mean, you guys are the new face of this place, at some point, right? Isn’t that the plan?” But Kross says the reason his group hasn’t gotten opportunities like Lashley & The Profits is because they are the disruptors. They are uncivilized and savage. It makes people nervous. So they aren’t here to play Lashley’s game. They’ve got a game of their own. Next week, they’ll see Lashley & The Profits in the ring. And then, the whole world will truly see who the real All Mighty is.

The final image on the screen is “Pride goes before destruction.” But for who will that quote hold true?


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes.

Cathy Kelley notes last week, there was the scary situation in his match with Austin Theory. Can Melo tell us what happened? Melo says in the heat of battle, things like this can happen. Melo and Theory have each been there before, and luckily, both men walked away from it. But what Melo wants to focus on is that even though he didn’t win, he didn’t lose. Cuz it doesn’t matter, Melo is gonna ball out, because that is who he is, and he is… HIM! Theory & Waller storm in and Theory says this is insane! Melo tried to end Theory’s career! And what, is he getting rewarded? Melo’s getting an interview on Theory’s show, in Theory’s town? Do you know who he is?!

Melo says okay, then what about they run it back next week, outside Theory’s city when they’re in Miami? Oh, next week, huh? As in next Friday? Sorry, Theory is busy. But Waller says no he doesn’t! Theory would love to have a rematch! Theory is upset but Melo says he’ll talk with Aldis to make that official. Waller says fine! See you in Miami, mate! Theory tells Waller to stop doing that and Waller doesn’t understand why he’s upset. But will Theory be able to get his redemption and revenge?


AJ Styles VS LA Knight!

The Phenomenal One doesn’t even embrace his pyro for his entrance, he just wants to get to business! Will he prove he should be the only one facing Roman Reigns? Or will the Mega Star make the same point when he shows Styles whose game this is?

SmackDown returns and Knight makes his entrance. The bell rings and Knight dodges Styles to fire off haymaker! Fans chant “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” with every shot, but then Styles kicks low. Styles headlocks, punches away on Knight’s face, but Knight hits a BIG back suplex! Knight and Styles scrap, Styles headlocks again but Knight fights up. Knight powers out and Styles hits buckles hard! Knight snarls, drags up, and he CHOKES Styles on ropes! The ref counts, Knight lets off to run and STRADDLE ATTACK! The fans fire up , duel, and Knight suplexes high and hard! Cover, ONE!! Knight is annoyed but the fans are thunderous as they duel!

Knight brings Styles up but Styles CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Knight CHOPS back, Styles eggs him on! The CHOPS go back and forth, then Knight gets the edge! Styles dodges to fire off the Phenomenal Blitz! Knight staggers and crawls, Styles KICKS him down! Styles bumps Knight off buckles, scoops him, and hits a BACKBREAKER! Styles storms up on Knight, rains down fists, then brings Knight around. Styles puts Knight on ropes, CHOKES him in return, but lets off as the ref counts. Styles brings Knight up to CHOP again! Knight goes to a corner, but he kicks back! And JABS! And haymakers!

Fans chant “YEAH! YEAH!” but Styles kicks a leg out! Knight hobbles, Styles storms up to CHOP, then he whips. Knight reverses and scoops to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Styles grits his teeth as he stays in this, but Knight bumps Styles off buckles. Knight stops a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight then lets off and he spells it out, “L! A! KNIGHT!” But Styles bails out before the boot! Knight storms out, but Styles goes up to SLIDING KNEE from the apron! Knight falls, the ring count climbs, but Styles whips Knight into the barriers! Styles slides into the ring just to refresh the count, then he goes back for Knight.

Knight FLAPJACKS Styles off the barriers! Knight brings Styles to the desk, and dribbles him off the lid! The fans chant “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” and the count climbs, but wait, here comes Jimmy Uso! Fans boo as Jimmy grins while doing Roman’s bidding, but Knight says okay, bring it! Jimmy then backs down, so Knight goes back for Styles. Styles ENZIGURIS Knight down! Fans fire up, Solo is there! SAMOAN SPIKE to Knight!!

Winner: LA Knight, by disqualification

Fans boo as Solo now CLOBBERS Styles! Jimmy applauds, having done his part as the decoy. Solo sends Styles into the steel steps! Styles tumbles up and over, then Solo puts Styles in the ring! Fans boo more as Solo brings Styles back up! SAMOAN SPIKE for Styles!! Solo demands a mic, and is given one so he can say, “Two down, one to go!” Solo demands Randy get out here NOW! Solo wants his main event fight, will he finish the trifecta for his Tribal Chief? Or will the Viper be the one to strike Solo down first?


Randy Orton VS Solo Sikoa!

SmackDown returns as now Aldis is ringside, the contract in hand. He is apparently still waiting for Roman to actually give him the time of day to sign it. But then here comes Randy Orton! The Viper takes his time walking to the ring, keeping an eye on Solo. The ref keeps Solo back while Orton steps into the ring and poses on his favorite corner. The bell rings, Orton and Solo stare down, then they fire off! Orton has the edge but Solo shoves him and UPPERCUTS him! Orton goes to a corner, Solo rains down fists! The ref counts, Solo lets off to run and HIP ATTACK! Orton flops out of the ring and fans boo as Solo goes out after him.

Solo drags Orton up, aims at the desk, but Orton blocks to SMACK Solo off the desk! Orton brings Solo around, but Solo fights the back suplex! Solo SMACKS Orton off the desk after all, then RAMS him into steel steps! Fans boo as Solo stands tall, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once more, Orton blocks another desk smack, and he ROCKS Solo to then DESK BACK SUPLEX!! Solo writhes, the ring count is 5 of 10, and Orton drags Solo back over. Solo throws body shots, he SMACKS Orton off the apron, and then he pushes Orton in. Solo storms up, but Orton KICKS him in the ropes! The fans fire up as Orton drags Solo along the ropes, to DRAPING DDT! The fans are thunderous as Orton starts hearing those voices in his head! Orton pounds the mat, demands Solo rise up, but fans boo as Jimmy returns! But then Knight CLOBBERS Jimmy!

Fans fire up, but Jimmy ROCKS Knight in return and runs away again. But Styles is there to DECK Jimmy! And he RAMS Jimmy into the tron! Seems those Samoan Spikes didn’t do enough! Styles storms back down the ramp, Orton dares Styles and Knight to bring it, but Solo turns him around! RKO!! Cover, Orton wins!!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

The Viper still struck first! But then Knight and Styles storm into the ring again and the three challengers stare down. Fans fire up, and Aldis says to hold on. But Knight DECKS Styles! Knight says do what you want out there, just not in Knight’s ring. But then Orton RKOs Knight! And he spells it out a la LA Knight! Then he RKOS STYLES!! SUPERMAN PUNCH from Roman outta nowhere!! The Tribal Chief waited until everyone else was distracted, and then he stares Aldis down. Aldis steps forward to hand him the contract. Roman looks at it, takes the pen, and he signs his part. And then he drops it in front of Aldis.

The match is now official for the Rumble, and Roman takes aim at Orton! Orton rises up, Roman lets out the battle cry, then runs in, into an RKO!! The fans are thunderous again as the Viper still had enough venom in the tank! But will Orton have to really dig down deep if he wants to bring down three of the best all at once?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, and it felt a bit like a go-home with quite a bit set up for next week’s real go-home. A bit of a waste of Fyre & Dawn getting a title match, though. The match felt short, and part of the spotlight was taken away with DMG CTRL ringside and Bayley on commentary. Kayden & Katana winning was fine, now they and Kabuki Warriors are having their tag title match next week, and who knows what happens there. A part of me thinks Asuka & Kairi do win those belts to put the pressure on Bayley in the Women’s Rumble. It’ll work to give DMG CTRL reason to kick Bayley out for being the only one without a belt, and also give SmackDown some time with the women’s tag titles.

Really good Six Man Tag to open things tonight, and a good win for the now officially named Legado Del Fantasma. Really good promos from Lashley & The Profits, as well as The Final Testament, and we’re getting closer to their own Six Man Tag. Great stuff from Pretty Deadly tonight, especially as they helped set up the official repackage of Butch into Pete Dunne. I know I kinda did this whole moment a disservice by still referring to him as Pete Dunne this entire time, but this is still a great moment that has been long awaited. British Strong Style gets a great win, Pretty Deadly have a hilarious reaction promo after, and I really hope Bate & Dunne get a shot at the tag titles for Mania.

Really solid stuff from Kevin and Logan in their promo, and Kevin no-selling Logan’s list of accolades was more effective than Logan no-selling Kevin. Though, I myself would’ve just summed Logan’s list up with “So what?” Anyway, good brawl, and Logan standing tall is good for the go-home math, in that this is a good sign that Kevin does get this title off Logan at the Rumble. Good promo from Melo with Theory and Waller, and it seems Theory’s passed concussion protocol to be home in Atlanta and then go to Miami next week to have his rematch with Melo. Just skip the Arabian Press Fly thing he did and we should be good.

And of course, great stuff from The Bloodline/Universal Championship story. Roman dumping all over Jimmy, refusing to sign the contract to open the show, but Aldis threatening to dethrone Roman with his authority, all good stuff. I really like Aldis standing up to Roman & Heyman being he’s the GM and they’re the talent. Styles and Knight getting into a fight to have their match, only for that to be “ruined” by Solo was actually a good move for the story. Solo had a good bit in the suite promo, and the detail of even Roman being unsure how to respond is good stuff. Great stuff in Solo VS Orton, including Knight and Styles stopping Jimmy from helping.

Now Roman of course signs his part, after The Bloodline wipes out Knight and Styles. But then Orton standing tall here pretty much indicates Roman is winning at the Rumble, which we all pretty much knew anyway. The Fatal 4 Way will still be good, of course, and the Fatal 4 could see the three challengers dispatch of the Bloodline trying to interfere rather effectively for once.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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