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Mitchell’s NJPW Lonestar Shootout Results & Report! (11/10/23)

It’s the Wild Wild West!



Can #JustTrent slay the Rampaging Dragon?

As NJPW returns to Texas, Trent Beretta returns to NJPW as he goes after Shingo Takagi and the NEVER Openweight Championship!


  • Kickoff Match – Strong Survivor: Matt Vandagriff VS Barrett Brown; Vandagriff wins.
  • Kickoff Match – Fred Rosser VS Tom Lawlor; Rosser wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Tiger Mask, Atlantis & Metalik VS Rocky Romero, Ultimo Guerrero & Hechicero; Tiger Mask, Atlantis & Metalik win.
  • Toru Yano VS Joey Janela; changed to…
  • No Disqualifications: Toru Yano VS Joey Janela; Yano wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Guerrillas of Destiny & Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Bullet Club War Dogs win.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS West Coast Wrecking Crew; ELP & Leo win and retain the titles.
  • Mistico VS TJP; Mistico wins.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston VS Satoshi Kojima; Eddie wins and retains the title.
  • Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta VS David Finlay & KENTA; Moxley & Yuta win.
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Mike Bailey; ZSJ wins and retains the title.
  • IWGP Women’s Championship: Mayu Iwatani VS Stephanie Vaquer; Mayu wins and retains the title.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Trent Beretta; Takagi wins and retains the title.


Toru Yano VS Joey Janela!

One man is NJPW’s Clown Prince, but the other is a Bad, Bad Boy. Will Yano be able to pull off all his tricks to properly “welcome” Janela? Or will this outlaw have tricks of his own to play?

After Yano’s very long and detailed introduction, Joey attacks! Fans boo but Joey soaks it up. He even snatches Yano’s spare rolls of tape, DECKS Yano, and goes out to get a mic. “Yano! Welcome to MY world! I want this NO DISQUALIFICATIONS!” Fans cheer that, Yano SPRAYS Joey with his hand spray! What a way to say yes!

No Disqualifications: Toru Yano VS Joey Janela!

Yano CHOKES Joey with his robe! The bell rings and Yano keeps going since Joey said No DQ! Yano stomps Joey down, and he unties the buckle pad! Fans cheer and Yano goes back to Joey. Yano goes to bump but Joey blocks! Joey throws hands, and he goes to bump, but Yano fights back! Yano whips, Joey reverses, but Yano stops himself. Fans cheer but Joey mule kicks! Joey whips, Yano reverses but Joey goes up and- Wait, Yano stays back to SLAP Joey on the head! Fans cheer and Yano brings Joey up, to BUMP him off the bare buckles! Joey goes down, and Yano unties the red buckle pad. And then the other white pad!

Fans cheer for the blue corner, and so Yano obliges! Yano unties the blue corner pad, and now all corners are exposed! Yano whips but Joey reverses and Yano hits buckles! Fans are losing their minds already, and Joey dumps Yano out. Joey AX HANDLES Yano, then CHOPS him down! Fans boo but Joey soaks up the heat. Joey ROCKS Yano, turns him around, and CHOPS him against railing. Joey then POSTS Yano and Yano falls! Joey goes looking under the ring, and he brings out chairs! Those are put in the ring, but then Joey grabs another chair and goes back to Yano. Joey JAMS Yano with the chair, then throws it in the ring.

Joey sets all the chairs together in a pile, and then picks up Yano’s red chair. Fans wanna see him use it, but Joey drops it out of the ring and flips every one. The Bad, Bad Boy does things his way, and he goes out to fetch Yano. Joey puts Yano in the ring, drags him up, but the fans rally for “YANO! YANO!” Joey ROCKS Yano, ROCKS him again, then has him over the chairs. Joey whips, but Yano holds ropes to stop! Joey UPPERCUTS Yano, runs, and LARIATS! Yano stays up!? Joey scowls, runs again, but Yano dodges! Clinch and BELLY2BELLY onto the chairs! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Yano stands, fans chant for “RED CHAIR! RED CHAIR!” Yano scoops Joey for ONI- NO, Joey fights to get to the ropes and the apron. Joey ROCKS Yano, and uses a cravat to drag him up and out. Joey then SUPERKICKS from the apron, and PENALTY- NO, Yano blocks to trip Joey up! Joey hits the apron hard, and Yano hurries back in. But Joey SUPERKICKS again! And he reels Yano in, PILEDRIVER onto the chairs!! Cover, TWO!! Yano survives and fans fire up! Joey gets frustrated, and he sits one of the chairs up. He sits another chair up face to face with it, and he stalks Yano to the apron. Joey goes up the corner?!

Joey SWANTONS but Yano moves, Joey hits the APRON!! Yano hurries out, puts Joey back in, and hauls him up, ONIGOROSHI onto the chairs!! The chairs get bent!! Cover, TWO?!? Joey survives and fans fire up! Yano moves the chairs aside, and fans want “RED CHAIR! RED CHAIR!” Yano sets up the last black chair, SMACKS Joey off it, then gets his spare wrist tape! Yano ties Joey up with it, wrapping around the tree! Joey is trapped and Yano says “Y! T! R!” Shrug. LOW BLOW from Joey!! Yano forgot about the legs! Joey has the ref untie him, and then ROLLING ELBOW! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER on the chair!

Joey puts the bent chair on Yano, goes up the corner, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS the chair in!! Cover, TWO?!?! Yano survives and shocks Joey! The fans fire up while Joey storms around. Fans chant for tables but Joey tapes Yano’s hands together! Fans boo now but Joey soaks it all up. Joey stomps Yano, kicks him around, and fans chant “We Want Red Chair!” Joey fetches Red Chair and fans cheer! Joey swings, but Yano dodges! Red Chair bounces off the ropes to SMACK Joey in the head! And then Yano LOW BLOW HEADBUTTS!! Joey somehow stays on his feet, but Yano AX HANDLE LOW BLOWS! Roll up, Yano wins!

Winner: Toru Yano, by pinfall

The Bad, Bad Boy played with fire and got burned! What a way to debut in NJPW. But Yano does apologize for what he had to do. Will Yano continue to add to the bag of tricks with this?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS West Coast Wrecking Crew!

Just as the Headbanga & Young Guerrilla successfully defended these titles in Las Vegas, Royce Isaacs & Jorel Nelson had to ruin the fun! The WCWC doesn’t see ELP & Leo as a legit team, will they prove themselves right? Or will the former Bullet Club members prove they can still win a shootout?

The introductions are made, but then ELP & Leo just start throwing hands! Leo is after Isaacs and ELP is after Nelson! Fans fire up, the bell rings, and this is on record as Leo & ELP keep throwing hands! They send Nelson into Isaacs, then ELP BACK ELBOWS them both! ELP feeds Nelson to a BIG back drop, and in this smaller ring, Nelson reaches the other corner! ELP then sends Leo in to SPLASH Isaacs! ELP brings Nelson back up, the WCWC is sent into each other, and then Leo DOUBLE LARIATS them up and out! Fans fire up as Leo then gives ELP a boost up, tightrope and ASAI MOONSAULT! Down goes WCWC and fans fire up!

Leo goes out to stomp Isaacs, ELP ROCKS Nelson, and Nelson gets into the ring. ELP CHOPS Nelson, CHOPS him again, and fans “WOO~!” ELP brings Nelson around, whips, but Nelson ELBOWS him away! ELP runs in but Nelson FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS! Isaacs is there to suplex ELP out of the ropes and marches around the ring with him! ELP fights but can’t get free, and Nelson DIVES to take out Leo! Isaacs SLAMS ELP onto Leo! Fans cheer the feat of strength and Isaacs drags ELP back up. Isaacs puts ELP in, Nelson drags ELP up and UPPERCUTS! Nelson runs corner to corner to SPLASH! Isaacs runs in to UPPERCUT!

Isaacs feeds ELP to Nelson’s BOOT! Isaacs then runs to drop an ELBOW! Isaacs tags Nelson in, the WCWC gets ELP up to DOUBLE ATOMIC DROP! Nelson dropkicks the legs out, and Isaacs deadlift suplexes! Isaacs holds ELP up again, for the count of TEN! SLAM, and Nelson covers, TWO! Nelson drags ELP over, tags in Isaacs, and fans rally for ELP while WCWC mugs him. Isaacs BLASTS Leo off the apron, then deadlifts ELP again, for a squat, squat and squat again. ELP is the barbell for Isaacs’ gut wrench workout, and then the SUPLEX! ELP flounders, Isaacs drags him to a cover, TWO! ELP is still in this and Leo rallies the fans.

Isaacs throws up the Westside W, then drags ELP back. Nelson tags in to stomp ELP down. Nelson digs his knee into ELP at the corner but the ref counts. Nelson lets off at 4, he tags Isaacs back in, and Isaacs kicks ELP around. ELP fights up but Isaacs holds him back. Tag to Nelson and he cartwheels, cartwheels and drop steps. He’s parodying ELP before he hip swivels and CLAWS ELP’s back! Isaacs BLASTS Leo, then WCWC flexes for the photo op. Fans boo, Nelson drags ELP up but ELP throws forearms! ELP whips, Nelson reverses, but ELP goes up and over and rolls, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to springboard CROSSBODY! Then LION-

NO, Nelson dodges! ELP dodges back, and RANAS Nelson out of the ring! The fans fire up, ELP crawls but sees he’s going the wrong way. ELP turns around and heads for Leo, but Nelson YANKS Leo down! Fans boo but Nelson RAMS ELP into the corner! Tag to Isaacs and WCWC wrench to double- NO, ELP lands out of the back suplex! ELP goes up and over and then under, but Isaacs grabs his legs! ELP BOOTS Isaacs into Nelson, rolls and hot tag to Leo! Leo rallies on the WCWC with haymakers! Isaacs dodges but runs into a BOOT! Leo scoops Nelson to SNAKE EYES and LARIAT! Fans fire up with Leo and he choke grips Nelson.

Isaacs staggers up, into the choke grip! WCWC breaks free, fires hands, and double whip. But Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT them down! Fans fire up and now Leo aims at Isaacs. Choke grip, GOD- NO, Isaacs slips free to CHOP! Isaacs then dodges Leo’s chop, but runs into Leo’s POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Leo keeps cool and pushes Isaacs to the ropes. ELP holds Isaacs in place, and Leo CHOPS! Fans fire up for “One More Time! One More Time!” ELP stands Isaacs back up, and Leo CHOPS again! Isaacs falls over, but ELP drags him up. Straitjacket torture rack, Leo runs to BOOT, and that literally kickstarts the SWINGING NECKBREAKER!

Leo BLASTS Nelson off the apron for good measure, and then ELP covers Isaacs. TWO, but ELP & Leo keep cool. Leo and ELP go to corners, they tune up the band, and Isaacs stands. SUDDEN- NO, Isaacs blocks! But Leo still choke grips! Isaacs fireman’s carries?! But Leo fights free and goes back to the grip! ELP runs in, but Isaacs ducks, SUDDEN DEATH hits Leo! ELP is stunned, Isaacs rolls him up! TWO!! Nelson JUMP KNEES ELP into Isaacs’ GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! ELP survives and fans fire up! Isaacs snarls, he tags in Nelson and the WCWC drags ELP up. Feed to the POP-UP POWERBOMB!

Nelson then has the legs, CATAPULT into Isaacs’ fireman’s carry. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER onto Nelson’s knees! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and Nelson can’t believe it! Nelson tags Isaacs, WCWC drag ELP up in the corner. Nelson runs to DOUBLE KNEE, then Isaacs reels ELP in for a BACKBREAKER! And then Canadian Rack, Nelson runs in, DOMINATOR CUTTER COMBO!! Nelson goes up, Isaacs brings ELP back up, PILEDRIVER and the MACHO ELBOW! Cover, but Leo BOOTS Nelson onto the ref! Isaacs CLUBS Leo and fires off! Leo ROCKS Isaacs back! Leo drags Isaacs up to CHOP! And ROCK!

But Nelson gets in with a title belt! Leo choke grips Nelson, but Isaacs LOW BLOWS Leo!! Fans boo, BELT SHOT from Nelson!! Fans boo even more, and now WCWC coordinate on ELP. Isaacs hauls ELP up, Nelson aims with the belt, but ELP ducks and the BELT SHOT hits Isaacs! SUDDEN DEATH sends Nelson out of the ring! Cover on Isaacs, ELP & Leo win!

Winners: ELP & Hikuleo, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

Team Filthy sure tried to do the boys dirty, but it all backfired! ELP & Leo win out, does this prove they’re a real team now? Or will the challenges only get tougher from here on out?


NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston VS Satoshi Kojima!

The Mad King still has both his crowns, having just made it past Angelico in an ROH World Championship match. Will Eddie still be bringing both belts with him to ROH Final Battle? Or will the King of Bread Style rise to the occasion?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is NJPW Strong!

The bell rings and fans rally up for “EDDIE! EDDIE!” already. Eddie and Kojima stare down, step up, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Eddie finds a point of leverage. But Kojima turns it around to put Eddie in a corner. Kojima CHOPS as he lets off, but Eddie brushes that off. They tie up again, Kojima headlocks, but Eddie powers up and out. They RAM shoulders, but neither falls. Kojima runs again, and he RAMS Eddie again! And again! Eddie falls back to shake out the arm and fans fire up. The fans now rally for “KOJIMA! KOJIMA!” Eddie comes back and the fans rally for him again.

Fans then chant for “Both These Guys!” as they tie up. Eddie CHOPS! And CHOPS! And then URA- NO, Kojima ducks, kicks and runs Eddie over! Fans fire up and Eddie bails out again. That arm is really bothering Eddie, but Kojima gets his pecs dancing! Fans cheer for the pecs, and then Kojima goes out to fetch Eddie. Kojima kicks and CLUBS Eddie, follows him around the way, kicks and CLUBS him again, then goes to the railing. Kojima whips Eddie but Eddie reverses and Kojima hits railing! Eddie CHOPS Kojima, then ROCKS him with a haymaker! Eddie puts Kojima in to cover, TWO! Eddie keeps on Kojima with a chinlock.

Kojima endures, fights around, and has the ROPEBREAK! Eddie lets off quickly and shakes out the arm. Eddie stomps Kojima, Kojima stands up in a corner, but Eddie CHOPS! And JABS! And CHOPS! Eddie whips corner to corner, runs in, but Kojima dodges! Kojima CHOPS, CHOPS and MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Fans fire up while the ref counts, and Kojima tops it off with one more CHOP! Kojima then whips corner to corner, runs in, and forearm smashes! He’s gonna get ya- NO, Eddie ROCKS Kojima! And fires the MACHINE GUN CHOPS in return! Eddie CHOPS then EXPLODERS!

Fans fire up as Kojima tumbles away to the far corner. Eddie shakes out the arms, runs corner to corner, but Kojima BOOTS! Kojima goes up but Eddie SWATS him! Kojima falls to the outside and a ring count starts. Eddie waits while the count climbs, and it goes past 5 of 20. Kojima springs up at 8 to slide in at 9, but Eddie kicks him. Eddie goes to the apron with Kojima, but Kojima fights the half nelson! Kojima fires elbows, reels Eddie in, to APRON DDT! Fans fire up while Eddie falls, and the ring count starts again. Kojima stands over Eddie at 6 of 20, the fans rally as Kojima puts Eddie in at 8. Kojima steps in but Eddie rolls to the far side.

Kojima storms over, stands Eddie up and fires off forearms! ROLLING ELBOW! Kick! DDT! Eddie writhes but fans fire up. Kojima stands, fans rally up, and he drags Eddie back up. Cravat and- NO, Eddie throws body shots, to then SAIDO! Kojima rises to run in, but into a HALF NELSON SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Eddie’s bad arm couldn’t keep the legs hooked, but Eddie goes for the STRETCH PLUM! Kojima endures being twisted around and the fans rally up! Kojima pries at the hold, throws hands from below, and Eddie lets go. Eddie goes to a corner, Kojima stands, and the two stare down as the fans fire up.

Eddie runs in to LARIAT, but Kojima stays up! Eddie scowls and runs, but DOUBLE LARIATS collide! The fans fire up as Eddie falls and Kojima stands! Kojima stands Eddie up, COZY CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Eddie survives but Kojima keeps his cool. Off comes the elbow pad! Kojima waits on Eddie to stand, then runs, but Eddie blocks the lariat! And URAKEN! Kojima stays up, so Eddie URAKENS!! And then URAKENS!!! The trilogy of Backfist to the Future hits, but Kojima LARIATS!! Both men fall and the fans are thunderous! Kojima rises, he storms up on Eddie, and he drags Eddie back up.

Eddie shoves Kojima away, flips him off, but Kojima ROCKS him! Kojima suplexes Eddie up for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Eddie survives by a literal foot! Fans fire up again as Kojima powers up the arm. Kojima runs, to COZY- LARIAT FROM EDDIE!! Fans are thunderous again, and Eddie suplexes, NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!? Kojima survives but Eddie just powers up! URAKEN!! URAKEN!! And NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB AGAIN!!! Cover, Eddie wins!!

Winner: Eddie Kingston, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Champion)

Kojima proved he’s a living legend, withstanding all that damage! But in the end, Eddie proved why he is a Double Champion! Eddie and Kojima show respect to each other, will we get to see this one again in the future? Until then, who is next to- WAIT! GABE KIDD ATTACKS!! This Bullet Club War Dog knocks Eddie down, then grabs the title! Kidd talks a ton of trash before he BELT SHOTS Eddie back down! Kidd gets the mic while fans boo but he soaks it up. “Yeah, keep talking, I got the microphone! It’s always these guys! It’s always these top guys who wanna duck me, until I turn up and hit ’em in the back of the head!”

Fans boo and ask “WHAT?” but Kidd says Will Ospreay is one example! Ospreay made the same mistake, and Kidd will bury Ospreay on December 16th, Rev-Pro Uprising! But Eddie, when will Kidd come for Eddie? The answer is: Whenever the EFF he wants!! Fans boo as Kidd drags Eddie up, PILEDRIVER!!! Kidd then tells Boss Dog Finlay said bring gold or bring bodies. “Ey, boss! How ’bout both?!” Kidd stands over Eddie, holding up the belt. Kidd mockingly bows to Eddie before leaving. Is this rabid dog going to take that belt or just get put down?


Backstage interview with Trent Beretta.

Emily Mae catches Trent as he heads for his locker room and says we heard him make the challenge at the end of Fighting Spirit Unleashed, does he have anything else to say before tonight’s main event? Trent thinks about that. It has been four years since he left NJPW, and it’s been great in AEW & ROH. But he did still wonder what it’d be like if he didn’t. And tonight, he’s on his own, no Best Friends, and Trent will show NJPW, the fans, Shingo Takagi, and even AEW exactly who he is. Emily high-fives Trent and he heads out, will Trent prove he can stand on his own two feet?


Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta VS David Finlay & KENTA!

While the Maniac & Decoder are ready to tear into #OrangeHook this Wednesday on AEW Dynamite, there’s a war brewing in NJPW. Just last week, The Rebel ruined the confrontation Moxley had with Will Ospreay at the end of Power Struggle, and then he defiantly and violently SMASHED the IWGP United States and United Kingdom Championships! Will Finlay and the Fang Revived do even worse to Moxley & Yuta here? Or will Bullet Club get owned by the Blackpool Combat Club?

As usual, BCC makes their way in from the crowd. But as soon as they’re ringside, Finlay & Kenta attack! Finlay goes right after Moxley and Kenta beats down Yuta but the fans boo. Finlay claws Moxley’s face while Kenta rains down fists on Yuta. The ref reprimands but there’s nothing to be done when this isn’t a match yet. Kenta POSTS Yuta, but fans taunt Finlay with “Switchblade’s Better!” Yuta hits back, but Finlay fireman’s carries Moxley to SNAKE EYES off railing! Kenta RAMS Yuta into the apron, ELBOWS him in the head, and Finlay DECKS Moxley. Finlay then helps Kenta mug Yuta but the fans rally up for BCC.

Kenta stands Yuta up and Finlay CHOPS him! The War Dogs put Yuta in, the bell rings, and Kenta rains down fists! The ref reprimands about that, but Kenta lets off. Kenta stands Yuta up to bump off buckles, and then RAMS into him! And again! And again! Kenta then throws a hard body shot! Tag to Finlay and he CHOKES Yuta! The fans boo, the ref counts, but Finlay RAMS into Yuta! And again! And again and again and again! The ref backs Finlay down but Kenta gets a cheap shot in. Yuta hits back! But then Finlay smothers him and snap suplexes! Cover, ONE!! Yuta hangs tough but Finlay clamps on and stands Yuta up.

Finlay UPPERCUTS, but Yuta CHOPS! And CHOPS! Finlay pokes Yuta in the eye, then UPPERCUTS him down! Tag to Kenta, and he sits Yuta up to KICK! And KICKS! Yuta eggs Kenta on, the Yes Kicks are harder. Kenta and Yuta start trading forearms, but Kenta claws the eyes! The ref reprimands but Kenta UPPERCUTS! Kenta runs, but into an atomic drop! And ENZIGURI! Fans fire up as Yuta crawls, hot tag to Moxley! Moxley RAMS Kenta into a corner! Moxley stomps a mudhole, fires off forearms and CHOPS on repeat, then goes up to rain down more fists! The fans count to TEN, then Moxley BITES Kenta’s forehead!

Moxley whips corner to corner, runs in and clotheslines! And then he reels Kenta in, for a stalling PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO! But Moxley just rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Fans rally and then Moxley lets off to run and- NO, Kenta blocks the Penalty Kick to KICK a leg! Moxley KICKS back, they KICK back and forth, harder and faster! Kenta gets the edge but then Moxley blocks a kick to trip Kenta for a TEXAS CLOVERHOLD! Fans fire up but Finlay BOOTS Moxley! Moxley holds on! So Finlay BOOTS him again! Moxley lets Kenta go to get in Finlay’s face, and then Yuta DECKS Finlay! But Kenta rolls Moxley up! TWO!

Moxley hits a CUTTER! Yuta drags Kenta up and reels him in, Moxley climbs a corner. The fans chant for “B C C!” but Finlay trips Moxley up! Kenta back drops Yuta away, Finlay shoves Moxley off the corner, and Kenta runs in to PENALTY KICK! Kenta drags Moxley over, tags in Finlay, and fans boo as Finlay rains down fists. The ref reprimands and counts, but Finlay BITES Moxley’s forehead now! Finlay SPITS at the crowd and fans boo. Finlay drags Moxley up to UPPERCUT! Finlay runs at the corner, UPPERCUT! BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Finlay keeps Moxley from Yuta and pulls him back in a fishhook.

Finlay CLUBS Moxley with a crossface forearm, fishhooks him again, and CLUBS him back down! Finlay repeats the process, then throws up the Too Sweet. But Moxley stands to put on a SLEEPER! Finlay backs Moxley down, and Kenta grabs on with a SLEEPER! Finlay is free, and he intercepts Yuta to TOSS him out! The ref reprimands, Kenta lets Moxley go but now he has no one to tag. Finlay stomps Moxley’s hand! Finlay bends the fingers, BITES the fingers, then lets off as the ref reprimands. Moxley goes to ropes, but Finlay CHOKES him! The ref counts, Finlay lets off, and the fans rally up for Moxley again.

Moxley eggs Finlay on, Finlay pie faces him, then stands Moxley up. Moxley SLAPS Finlay, then DISCUS LARIATS! Both men are down, they crawl for their corners, hot tag to Yuta! Yuta climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Yuta DECKS Kenta for good measure before he fires off forearms and CHOPS on Finlay! Fans fire up as Yuta rains down shots in a corner! Yuta whips corner to corner, A-LIST LARIATS, then he goes up top! Finlay stands, into the FLYING LARIAT! Yuta kips up and fans fire up, and Yuta brings Finlay around. Finlay whips Yuta away but Yuta rewinds and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!

Finlay escapes but Yuta keeps his cool. The fans rally behind Yuta and he brings Finlay around. Wrench and- NO, Finlay slips out of the lift to waistlock. Yuta throws elbows but Finlay lifts! Yuta wheelbarrows to a victory roll, TWO! Finlay clinches, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Fans boo but Finlay drags Yuta up again to Canadian Rack, and CLIFFHANGER DDT! Cover, TWO!! Tag to Kenta and he covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Yuta is still in this and Kenta argues with the ref. The ref defends his count, so Kenta drags Yuta up. Kenta whips, Yuta holds ropes and KICKS back!

Yuta swings, Kenta spins him, and DDT! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Kenta is frustrated but the fans rally up. Kenta drags Yuta up, fireman’s carries, but Yuta fights free! Yuta shoves and DROPKICKS Kenta down! Moxley rises! Fans rally up, Yuta brings Kenta around, but Finlay has the shillelagh! The ref stops Finlay, but Kenta has his Defy Wrestling Championship! Yuta dodges the belt shot, to wrench and PAIN THRILLER! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Kenta and Yuta crawl, hot tags to Finlay and Moxley! The forearms are fast and furious, back and forth! Moxley gets the edge, fires palm strikes, but runs into an ELBOW!

Finlay runs, but Moxley SWATS the Polish Hammer, to then SAIDO! Finlay staggers up, ducks the lariat, and T-BONE SUPLEXES! Both men are down, but they rise to go forehead to forehead. They stand, and the forearms fly again! Moxley has the edge, he flips Finlay off and runs to BOOT! Finlay returns to SPEAR! Both men are down again, and Finlay crawls his way over, tag to Kenta. Kenta goes up top to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives but Kenta fires up! Kenta slashes his throat, drags Moxley up and fireman’s carries, GO TO- NO, Moxley lands on his feet! The forearms fly!

Fans rally, and Kenta gets CROSS COUNTER after CROSS COUNTER! Kenta roars, fireman’s carries again, GO TO- DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, BCC wins!

Winners: Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta, by pinfall

The better Club stands tall, and Finlay seethes as he stares Moxley down. Whatever battle is coming between Moxley, Finlay and Ospreay, it will be for the title without a name. But will it be the American Maniac, the British Assassin or the Rebel without a country that holds up that gold in the end?


NJPW World Television Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Mike Bailey!

The Front Man of TMDK has been keeping season one of this title going without any delays or interruptions, but he might be up against his fastest opponent yet! Will Speedball make big changes to this title’s run? Or will his 15 minutes of fame be over before he knows it?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who heads the Fall line-up!

The fans duel, “Let’s Go, Speedball!” “Z S J!” The bell rings, both men rush in, and Bailey gets ZSJ with a SOBAT! Bailey fires off fast palm strikes, fast kicks, but ZSJ blocks to UPPERCUT! ZJS whips, Bailey reverses, ZSJ reverses back but Bailey handsprings. ZSJ dodges, but turns around into the LIGHTNING KICKS! Bailey fires off from both sides, then ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up while ZSJ flops out of the ring. Bailey builds speed, but ZSJ is up, so Bailey BOOTS him back down! Then Bailey triangle jump MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and down goes ZSJ! The fans rally up and Bailey puts ZSJ against railing. Bailey KICKS ZSJ in the chest!

ZSJ sputters as he leans against railing but the fans rally up. Bailey whips ZSJ into more railing, then KICKS him again! ZSJ falls, Bailey stalks him, and Bailey puts ZSJ in. Bailey gives the belt a glance before going to the ring. Bailey runs but ZSJ dodges and the boot gets hung up on ropes! ZSJ trips Bailey, then TWISTS a foot! Then TWISTS the other foot! ZSJ swings Bailey around to get on the apron, and NECK TWIST! ZSJ holds on for a squeeze while slipping back into the ring. ZSJ has a DOUBLE ANKLE LOCK, but the ref counts. ZSJ lets off and fans sing “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~!” ZSJ “apologizes” with a bow then drags Bailey to center.

ZSJ has a standing toehold, then he bends the toes! ZSJ ties the legs up, chinbars Bailey and brings him into the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Bailey endures so ZSJ sends him flying! ZSJ flexes, fans rally up, and ZSJ brings Bailey up. Bailey throws a body shot! The fans rally again, and ZSJ cravats to snapmare. ZSJ KICKS Bailey in the back, and mocks the crane stance. But Bailey scowls as he stands. Bailey fires off a flurry of forearms, then ROCKS ZSJ! Bailey whips, ZSJ reverses and traps the arm, to TWEAK it! ZSJ whips, Bailey handsprings, but into an ARMBAR! Fans fire up as Bailey clasps hands and scrambles around!

ZSJ pulls on the arm, Bailey moves and has the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go, the fans rally and duel again, and Bailey rises. ZSJ stands Bailey up, wrenches, wrenches, but Bailey clubs free to CHOP! ZSJ UPPERCUTS in return! Bailey CHOPS again! ZSJ UPPERCUTS back! That hurts ZSJ’s arm but he eggs Bailey on! Bailey CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! ZSJ UPPERCUTS Bailey’s arm! ZSJ runs, but into a BOOT! Bailey goes up and MISSILE DROPKICKS! We pass five minutes, but fans rally up as Bailey rises again. Bailey aims, SOBATS, then AX KICKS! ZSJ kneels, into another KICK! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!

ZSJ is still in this but there’s still a lot of time left. Fans rally up as Bailey aims again. ZSJ sits up, ducks the buzzsaw, duck the return, but then Bailey feints the third. ZSJ lets his guard down and the BUZZSAW hits! Cover, TWO! ZSJ survives but the fans fire up with Bailey. Bailey aims again, but ZSJ ducks and rolls to get a foot! ZSJ TRIPS Bailey, but Bailey avoids the kick to kick low, snapmare and PENALTY- NO, ZSJ dodges and HEADBUTTS! ZSJ snapmares, then PENALTY- NO, Bailey ducks, kicks and snapmares, but ZSJ bridges up to snapmare back! But then Bailey bridges up to snapmare again!

ZSJ bridges up, but Bailey KICKS him! And then runs to PENALTY KICK! And then sets up to MOONSAULT KNEE DROP onto ZSJ’s knees! A double-edged save but fans still fire up. ZSJ and Bailey both clutch knees while the fans duel again. ZSJ scoots over to Bailey to kick him, but Bailey kicks back. ZSJ kicks, Bailey kicks, repeat! They each target hamstrings as they kick again and again. Both men let off, that hurts themselves more than anything. They both hobble up, and ZSJ fires UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! Bailey roars and BOOTS! Then ROUNDHOUSE, but ZSJ dodges the roundhouse! And he goes Matrix to avoid the thrust kick!

ZSJ SLAPS Bailey, runs, but into the THRUST KICK! Bailey runs in, but ZSJ KICKS the kick! Fans are thunderous while both men sit down and Bailey clutches his leg. “This is Awesome!” and ZSJ stalks Bailey. ZSJ drags Bailey back, hooks up the legs, and then STOMPS the knees! Bailey hobbles to a corner, ZSJ runs up and knuckle locks, to pop Bailey into a KNEEBAR! And then an INVERTED FIGURE FOUR! With ANKLE LOCK!! Bailey endures, even as ZSJ TWEAKS the toes!! ZSJ then shifts to deathlock, but he wants an arm! Bailey resists, so ZSJ gets the STF! Bailey still fights forward, to the ROPEBREAK!

Fans cheer as we finally hit ten minutes! ZSJ keeps cool, and he pulls on the toes to then have a HEEL HOOK! Bailey still hast he ropes so the ref reprimands and counts. They go to the apron, Bailey holds onto ropes so they don’t fall, and he stomps ZSJ! ZSJ just shifts on the Heel Hook! Bailey sits up to SLAP! ZSJ SLAPS! They SLAP back and forth, then ZSJ gives his own stomps. Bailey eggs ZSJ on, ZSJ kicks more and more, but Bailey doesn’t budge! If anything, he leans into the shots! Bailey has the leg, steps over, and then APRON MOONSAULT KNEE DROP!! Both men fall to the floor and the fans are thunderous again!

ZSJ sputters as he rolls away, but Bailey drags himself up to the apron. Bailey goes up the corner as he sees ZSJ go tot he ramp. Bailey springboards to CORKSCREW PLANCHA!! Direct hit and down goes ZSJ! We hit the three minute warning so Bailey gets ZSJ in. ZSJ goes to a corner, Bailey runs in, TATSU- NO, ZSJ avoids Tatsumaki, but Bailey avoids the Tornado DDT! TATSUMAKI SENPU!! Bailey goes up the corner, to ULTIMATE WEAPON!!! Cover, TWO!??! ZSJ survives those knees to his back but the fans are thunderous again! Bailey aims, to KICK, but ZSJ blocks! To get a SLEEPER, then a scoop, SABRE DRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?!?

The fans are thunderous and hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but we’re at the two minute warning! This is coming to an end one way or another! ZSJ drags Bailey up but Bailey RANAS! Cover, TWO! ZSJ sunset flips, TWO! Bailey high stacks but ZSJ spins, only for Bailey to cartwheel! But then ZSJ kicks the legs out and has a SLEEPER! But Bailey rolls back to a cover, TWO! Bailey has the SLEEPER, ZSJ rolls back to EURO CLUTCH! TWO?!?! Bailey escapes and both men scramble up. ZSJ KICKS, runs, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!!! Bailey aims, PENALTY KCIK! Last minute, and Bailey feints the knee drop to turn ZSJ over! MOONSAULT KNEE DROP!!

ZSJ goes to a corner, Bailey runs in, TATSU- FLYING ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!!! Bailey scrambles, ends up in a Triangle Hold, but he deadlifts, only for ZSJ to drag him down! 30 seconds, Bailey stomps but ZSJ shifts! RINGS OF SATURN!! CLARKY CAT!! ZSJ tortures the fingers, stomps away, but Bailey refuses! FINAL TEN SECONDS!! ZSJ BENDS the fingers, SNAPS the pinkie, and Bailey QUITS! ZSJ WINS!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by submission (still NJPW World Television Champion)

With literal seconds left on the clock, ZSJ brings this episode to an end! Bailey’s pinkie tells the tale, will anyone ever stop The Front Man at this rate? Or will he make it far beyond the one year mark in January?


IWGP Women’s Championship: Mayu Iwatani VS Stephanie Vaquer!

The Sky Blue Hyper Technician is just the third-ever champion, and has held onto this title since April when she dethroned Mercedes Mone, and held onto it through facing Utami Hayashishita, but now she’s up against La Primera, who is already the CMLL Women’s World AND Women’s Tag Team Champion! Will Vaquer win the shootout and become a THREE-BELT champion? Or will Mayu continue her historic reign beyond 200 days?

The introductions are made, the IWGP belt is raised, and we see who has what it takes to make history!

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally, the two tie up, and Vaquer wrenches to fireman’s carry takeover, and then she has a double wristlock. Mayu moves around, wrenches back, but Vaquer rolls, handsprings and wrenches to wristlock. Mayu moves around, uses ropes to flip through, and then she wrenches to wrench again, then wristlock. Mayu shifts to a hammerlock but Vaquer uses her leg to hook free. Vaquer wrenches and hammerlocks, but Mayu throws elbows. Mayu headlocks, fans cheer the exchange, but Vaquer claws Mayu’s face! Vaquer puts Mayu on ropes, the ref counts, and Vaquer lets off.

Vaquer whips, Mayu rolls over the dropdown, and keeps moving to arm-drag! Vaquer avoids the dropkick but then so does Mayu! Mayu headlocks for the takeover but Vaquer headscissors. Mayu kips free, Vaquer trips her to cover, ONE! The fans cheer the standoff! Mayu and Vaquer circle, the fans rally, and the two rush in. Mayu SOBATS, whips, but Vaquer reverses. Mayu slips to the apron, schoolgirls but Vaquer rolls through, only for Mayu to basement dropkick! Fans rally with Mayu and she runs, but Vaquer pulls hair! Fans boo but Mayu gets free. Vaquer dodges to SUPERKICK! Mayu falls over and fans rally up.

Mayu goes to a corner, Vaquer runs in but into a BOOT! Vaquer comes back, puts one leg in the ropes and then DRAGON SCREWS the other! Mayu writhes, fans rally up, and Vaquer drags Mayu up. Vaquer fireman’s carries but Mayu fights to sunset flip. Vaquer stays up, to scrape soles off the face! Vaquer runs to hit the leg drop, brother! Cover, TWO! Mayu is still in this but Vaquer looms over her. Vaquer drags Mayu up, Mayu throws body shots but Vaquer wraps on a headscissors! Vaquer turns over to JAM Mayu into the mat again and again! Vaquer turns Mayu back over, ties up the legs and has a sit-down cradle, TWO!

Mayu is still in this and the fans rally up. Vaquer looms over Mayu, kicks her around, then stands her up to bump her off buckles! And again, and again, and again! Vaquer lets off as the ref reprimands, then she pushes Mayu down. Vaquer drags Mayu up but Mayu throws a forearm! Vaquer HEADBUTTS in return! That made Vaquer just as dizzy, and Mayu throws a forearm! Vaquer HEADBUTTS, HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS! Mayu falls against ropes, Vaquer stands on her to CHOKE her! The ref counts but fans cheer as Vaquer flexes. Vaquer scrapes Mayu’s face with her boot, then really digs it in!

Vaquer drags Mayu up, whips, but Mayu reverses to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Mayu gets running and she DROPKICKS Vaquer against ropes and out of the ring! Fans fire up as Mayu builds speed, but Vaquer GAMANGIRIS first! Vaquer steps up, springboards, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Mayu is still in this but Vaquer keeps her focus. Vaquer reels Mayu in and tucks the arms, but Mayu fights the piledriver! Vaquer kicks Mayu low, runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Fans fire up while both women are down! Mayu rises, reels Vaquer in but Vaquer swings! Mayu gets around to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX!

Vaquer goes to the apron and fans rally up. Mayu rises and she builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit into the railing! Fans lose their minds as Mayu stands back up! Mayu puts Vaquer back in, then she goes to the apron. Mayu climbs up, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives but Mayu nods. Mayu kicks Vaquer around, drags her to the drop zone again, and she heads back up. Fans rally, Mayu reaches the top to MOONSAULT! But into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Wait, it’s a FOOT CHOKE! Mayu flails inside Hell’s Gates while fans rally up! Mayu reaches out, but she’s fading! The ref checks, Mayu gets a second wind to get the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Vaquer lets Mayu go at 4, and she stands Mayu up to HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT again! But Mayu SHOTEIS! Mayu roars, but Vaquer reels her in, GERMAN SUPLEX!! Vaquer sends Mayu flying and fans are thunderous! Vaquer goes to a corner, runs in, METEORA in the corner! High stack, TWO!! Mayu survives and Vaquer grows frustrated. The fans rally up, Vaquer tucks and lifts, but Mayu fights! Mayu slips free to ROCK Vaquer! Mayu runs, gets around the lariat, CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives, but Mayu aims to SUPERKICK! But Vaquer rises up!

Vaquer shouts at Mayu, so Mayu BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives again but Mayu keeps her cool. Mayu drags Vaquer up, gut wrenches, and TOMBSTONES!! But Mayu isn’t done there, she goes back to the corner! Fans fire up as Mayu climbs, and MOONSAULTS!! Cover, Mayu wins!

Winner: Mayu Iwatani, by pinfall (still IWGP Women’s Champion)

And this is why Mayu is the Icon of Stardom! Mayu bests the best CMLL has to offer and holds onto NJPW’s title. Mayu does show Vaquer respect, and Vaquer accepts the handshake. Will Vaquer have to return the favor and give Mayu a match for the CMLL Women’s World Championship?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Trent Beretta!

Just as the Rampaging Dragon took this title off Tama Tonga in Las Vegas, he was called out by #JustTrent! Takagi doesn’t back down from a fight, but will he win the shootout? Or will Trent add this title to the Best Friends’ collection?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if it’s truly Takagi’s time!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two approach. They feel things out, tie up, and Takagi powers Trent back. Trent slips around to waistlock but Takagi switches. Trent wrenches out to hammerlock, but Takagi reaches around. Takagi drop toeholds then floats to a headlock. Trent fights up to his feet, powers up and out, but Takagi runs him over! Fans applaud while Trent sits up in a huff. Takagi clamps on a chinlock, leans on the hold, perhaps aware of Trent’s bad neck. Trent fights up again but Takagi goes for the arm. Takagi wrenches, gives a quick elbow breaker, then CLUBS the arm. Takagi ROCKS Trent with a forearm!

Fans rally behind Takagi and he facelocks. Trent throws body shots but Takagi knees low. Takagi whips, Trent reverses then drops down, to jump up, METEORA! Fans fire up while Takagi flounders to a corner. Trent storms over, stands Takagi up and CHOPS! Fans “WOO~!” but Trent bumps Takagi off buckles. Takagi headbutts the buckles to fire himself up! So Trent kicks low! Trent whips, Takagi reverses, but Trent dodges in the corner to TORNADO- NO, Takagi powers out! But then Trent RANAS! And SUPERKICKS! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Trent is annoyed but the fans rally up as Takagi goes to the apron.

Trent storms over, stomps Takagi, then drags him back in. Trent CHOPS, Takagi forearms! And CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS! Takagi goes to scoop but Trent fights it. Trent CLUBS Takagi, ROCKS him with a forearm, then runs. Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up and Trent staggers to his feet, for Takagi to clothesline him up and out! Fans fire up with Takagi and he tells them, “TOKI GA KITA! <THE TIME HAS COME!>” Takagi goes out, drags Trent up, and whips, but Trent reverses to POST Takagi! Trent then runs in, but Takagi dodges and Trent hits railing! Fans fire up while Trent falls in a heap!

Takagi catches his breath, the ring count starts, and it passes 5 of 20. Takagi refreshes the count to then drag Trent up and SMACK him off the apron. Takagi asks if he should do it again, and fans cheer! Takagi SMACKS Trent again! The fans continue to cheer so Takagi fireman’s carries, to SNAKE EYES off the apron, kick and DDT to the floor! The ref checks Trent and he’s okay to continue, so the ring count starts again. Takagi stomps Trent, puts him in at 6 of 20, and then stands on Trent at the ropes. The ref counts as Trent suffers, but Takagi lets go of the ropes. Not the problem! So Takagi DOUBLE STOMPS Trent!

Fans rally up, Takagi reels Trent in and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Takagi pushes Trent down to elbow drop! Takagi then clamps on the body scissors! Fans rally as Trent endures the squeeze, and Trent throws elbows. Takagi BELL CLAPS back! Takagi then SENTONS! Fans rally up, Takagi brings Trent around and pushes him. Takagi JABS, Trent forearms! And again! And then CHOPS! Takagi JABS again! Trent wobbles and goes to ropes, but Takagi storms up on him. Takagi throws knees against the ropes, then he whips Trent to KNEE again! Takagi reels Trent in, but Trent fights the suplex!

Takagi turns around and he suplexes Trent, but Trent lands on the apron! Trent swings but Takagi counter punches! Takagi ROCKS Trent, HOTSHOTS, then runs, into a SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Fans fire up while both men are down! Trent drags himself around while Takagi goes to a corner. Fans rally, Trent runs in, and BACK ELBOWS! And TORNADO DDTS! Takagi flounders away and out of the ring, but Trent hurries to pursue. Trent aims from the apron, goes up the corner, and ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and Takagi hits railing! Trent stands and fans fire up with him! Trent gives the belt a glance, then moves it aside.

Trent is confiscating the timekeeper’s table! The fans fire up for that but the ref reprimands. Trent doesn’t care, he wants to bring it in. He has to untangle it from the mic, though. Then Trent CHUCKS the table into Takagi’s face! Trent puts Takagi in the ring, slides the table in, and he sets the table up in a corner. The ref says no but Trent shoves the ref! Fans are torn seeing Mean Trent here! Trent fireman’s carries, to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER through the table!! Fans fire up, they’re starting to like Mean Trent! Trent moves the wreckage out of the way, and then picks up one of the pieces! Trent aims at Takagi as he stands up!

Trent swings, but Takagi dodges! Trent tries again, Takagi blocks, and he kicks low! Takagi SMACKS Trent with the table, and again, and AGAIN! Down goes Trent and fans fire up again! Takagi goes out as Trent flops to the floor. Fans fire up more as Takagi pounds the apron. Takagi takes that piece of table, and he CHUCKS it at Trent’s face! That’s a bit of payback but Takagi isn’t done with Trent just yet. Trent is busted open, and Takagi POSTS him! Trent falls and Takagi storms up on him. Takagi drags Trent up, puts him in the ring, and calls to the ref. Cover, TWO! Trent is still in this, even with a crimson mask forming.

Takagi CLUBS away on Trent’s head, then kicks him around. Fans rally, Takagi JABS! And JABS! Trent scowls, Takagi ROCKS him with a haymaker! Trent hits back! Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON- NO, Trent gets under and around to GERMAN SUPLEX! And GERMAN SUPLEX again! What a high arc! But Takagi fights the third with elbows. Takagi breaks free, swings, but into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Trent goes to a corner, runs back in, BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and the fans are thunderous! Trent blinks through the blood pouring down that left side of his face, and he storms up on Takagi.

Trent stands Takagi up, Alabama Lifts, but Takagi fights it! And turns it to a backslide! TWO! ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint to DDT! Trent flops over, but he punches his own forehead to wake himself up. Trent goes to the corner, Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” and the fans join in. Takagi runs to the corner, to clothesline! Takagi keeps going, but Trent ducks the lariat! Trent swings, into a Gory Especial! NOSHIGAMI! Fans rally again and Takagi stalks Trent. Takagi wheelbarrows Trent to WHEELBARROW GERMAN Trent into the corner!! The ref checks Trent after that nasty impact into the buckles and ropes!

Trent is dazed but he’s still in this. The fans rally up, Takagi and Trent rise up again, and Takagi stands first. Takagi points to the sky and he drags Trent up. Takagi puts Trent on the top rope, climbs up after him, but Trent fires body shots! They brawl, Trent HEADBUTTS and SUPER SUNSET- NO, Takagi holds ropes! Takagi punches Trent away, turns around, but then Trent CHOPS! Trent CHOPS Takagi again, and Takagi wobbles atop the corner. Trent climbs up after Takagi, goes to the very top, but Takagi throws body shots! Takagi reels Trent into a fireman’s carry! And tucks the arm!? STAY DREAM!! Takagi crawls to cover, TWO!!!

Fans are thunderous as Trent survives! But Takagi again shouts “OI! OI! OI!” The fans join in, and Takagi powers up. Trent rises, Takagi pump handles, but Trent victory rolls! TWO!! Takagi escapes and fans rally again. Trent grabs Takagi by the hair but Takagi fires boxing elbows! Trent ROLLING ELBOWS! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, SLIDING PUMPING!! Cover, ONE?!?! Trent is showing grit and the fans love it! But PUMPING BOMBER knocks him down!! Takagi won’t stop there, MADE IN JAPAN!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Trent survives again and no one can believe it! “This is Awesome!” as both men are down.

Takagi rises up, he drags Trent around, and he pump handles again. Trent fights the lift with elbows! Takagi LARIATS! Trent stays up but he sputters. Takagi LARIATS again, Trent wobbles, and Takagi says this is it! LARIAT! Trent roars!? Swings, but into a spin and- Alabama Lift!? DUDEBUSTER!!! Cover, TWO!!!! Takagi survives that Crunchy driver and the fans are electric! Trent and Takagi stir, both running on fumes. The fans rally up, Trent drags Takagi up to throw a haymaker. Takagi gives it back! Trent throws a forearm, so Takagi gives it back! Trent throws another, so Takagi throws another!

They stand now, and Trent throws another haymaker! Takagi staggers but he comes back to forearm! Trent wobbles, but he throws a forearm! Takagi ROCKS Trent! Trent goes to ropes, comes back, and he ROCKS Takagi! Takagi ROCKS Trent! Trent throws a forearm, Takagi fires a flurry of HEADBUTTS! Then the boxing elbows! Takagi goes all the way to TEN, but Trent gets around the lariat to backslide! Takagi rolls through, btu Trent reels him in for a GOTCH PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Takagi survives, the fans fire up again, and Trent huffs and puffs as he sits back up. Trent drags Takagi up, but Takagi blocks the Alabama!

Takagi CLUBS away on Trent’s back, but Trent SLAPS him! Takagi staggers to ropes, comes back, into the JUMP KNEE! Alabama Lift, but Takagi fights it to trap the arms! TAKAGI DRIVER 98!! Cover, TWO!!!! Trent survives and the fans are thunderous again! Takagi and Trent slowly rise, and Takagi reels Trent in. Trent gets up to ENZIGURI but Takagi ducks it! Takagi sits Trent up for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Fans fire up, then Takagi clamps on a REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Trent flails around, but ends up in the GROUND COBRA!! Trent flails, reaches out, but Takagi thrashes him! Trent starts to fade, but he gets a second wind! He kicks and kicks, ROPEBREAK!!

Takagi lets go and we’re past 25 minutes! Trent goes to the apron, but Takagi rises up. Fans rally, Takagi drags Trent up, but Trent HEADBUTTS! Takagi wobbles, Trent SLINGSHOT- NO, Takagi blocks the spears, to make it the DRAPING GTR! And then pump handle, torture rack, LAST OF THE DRAGON!!! Cover, Takagi wins!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Champion)

Trent may not have won, but he sure showed everyone what he’s made of! But at the same time, Takagi again showed everyone what he’s made of! Takagi shows Trent respect and Trent nods, perhaps these two will go another round some day. Will Trent return to AEW ready for anything now?

As for Takagi, he gets the belt back and the ref raises his hand in victory before he gets some water to refresh himself. Then Takagi gets the mic to say, “Trent! Next time, No DQ.” Fans like the sound of that! Takagi says it’s okay, he’ll get permission. Trent nods again, and fans are really looking forward to that rematch now. Takagi then catches his breath, and the fans cheer that, too. Takagi sits up and says, “My time… is coming! TOKI GA KITA~! Thank you, guys. Thank you, everybody. I’m happy. Did you enjoy?” The fans cheer because they sure did! Takagi then says, “Actually, I love Texas. So here, my second hometown!” Fans like the sound of that!

Takagi now stands, and he says this belt, the NEVER Openweight Championship, who is next? Huh? Who’s next!? Fans cheer and Takagi points to the stage. Come on down, somebody! C’mon! Oi, oi, oi, where are they? Maybe they’re all in Japan? But Takagi promises to come back to Texas, and between Japan and Texas, it will be an amazing match! Until then, he will fly on as a Rampaging Dragon! WAIT! The lights go down and a Guerrilla of Destiny is here! And it’s Tama Tonga! The Good Bad Guy gets in the ring, picks up the mic, and he says, “Shingo, since you asked so nicely for the next challenger, you’ve got one right here.”

Last time was Las Vegas, it didn’t go Tama’s way. And yeah, that stuff eats away at him. He can’t let that go. So how about it? Tama wants his rematch. Hell, Takagi wants that rematch. Hell, the FANS want that rematch! The fans cheer to confirm! Tama hands the mic back and Takagi has everyone settle down. “Tama… Yes, of course!” So that said, from Las Vegas to Tokyo, Japan! WrestleKingdom 18, in the Tokyo Dome!! Fans fire up as a big match is made for the biggest stage in NJPW! Will the Good Bad Guy take this title back once again? Or will nothing stop the Rampaging Dragon now?

My Thoughts:

An awesome event for NJPW, the first with the new NJPW World website, but I do need to quickly say that it isn’t exactly an “improved” website. The streaming player itself is better, the website’s aesthetic is a bit more like other websites (hell, it looks almost exactly like ROH’s Honor Club). And the way they divided the show up by matches for watching On Demand is great, too, for someone who likes to skip around like I do. But in trying to skip around to the matches I want to cover, it was very glitchy, kept telling me I hit my maximum multiple streams or whatever, something they’ll need to iron out if they’re going to continue on with that format.

But of what I did cover, Yano VS Janela turning into a No DQ match was great stuff, definitely up Janela’s alley, and kudos to Yano for taking those chair spots. Unlike other promotions that might’ve given Janela a win for his debut, NJPW still had Yano go over given he has more experience not in No DQ but in being a trickster. But I’m sure Janela will still find great stories and give great matches in NJPW, maybe even getting in on the KOPW Championship to come up with some wild stipulations.

Great NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship match, and I figured ELP & Leo would retain, but a really good showing for WCWC. Great NJPW Strong Openweight Championship match from Eddie VS Kojima, and I figured Eddie would retain, but an awesome showing from Kojima. Gabe Kidd attacking to stake his claim to the next challenge is good stuff, and Kidd is definitely a good fit for facing Eddie given just how much Kidd mouths off. That match is going to be scrappy and rough, and that makes for a great time, can’t wait to see it. Also awesome to hear Kidd and Ospreay are having a match in Rev-Pro back in the UK.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to cover Moxley & Yuta VS Finlay & Kenta as it’s one of those “build momentum” matches, but it turned out great and I figured Moxley would win to have momentum going into all the things he’s doing. And I did chuckle at the chant, “Switchblade’s Better,” cuz… I don’t know why, but Finlay is feeling like bootleg Jay White in this, even though he technically has the better Bullet Club henchmen while White is stuck with The Gunns. Anyway, the NJPW World TV Championship was awesome with how it pushed the time limit, but I figured ZSJ would win out there.

The IWGP Women’s Championship was a great match, but I figured Mayu would retain there, too. Vaquer is definitely a great talent and CMLL certainly felt she was worthy of two titles, but three would be one too many for anyone. And an awesome main event from Takagi and Trent, and again, I figured Takagi would retain. Trent bleeding and using a table was great stuff, and I love that Takagi wants to go No DQ for real next time. Tama coming back for his rematch is fine, that will make for a solid WrestleKingdom match that could probably go either way. Though, if Takagi got it just to hot potato it back to Tama, I’m not sure what the point was then. So personally, I’m leaning towards Takagi holding onto the NEVER title so Tama can move up to like the US/UK/whatever it’ll be title next.

My Score: 9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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