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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (11/10/23)

Is Damage CTRL in control?



Will the Role Model lead by example?

Iyo Sky is still WWE Women’s Champion, but Bayley is unsure what to make of Kairi Sane’s return! Tonight on SmackDown, Damage CTRL discusses its future!


  • Bobby Lashley w/ The Street Profits VS Carlito w/ The LWO; Lashley wins.
  • Dragon Lee VS Cedric Alexander; Dragon wins.
  • LA Knight VS Grayson Waller; Knight wins.
  • Six Woman Tag: Damage CTRL w/ Dakota Kai VS Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair & Asuka; No Contest.


Kevin Owens is here!

The Prizefighter has a tie on, because he’s tonight’s special guest commentator! Corey Graves is home with Carmella and their newborn baby boy, so KO helps out an old friend by tagging in for him. Kevin thanks Mr. Nick Aldis for loaning him a tie, Kevin admits to having absolutely no ties of his own.


The Latino World Order is here!

Kevin cheers for Rey Mysterio, Santos Escobar, Zelina Vega, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde as they head to the ring. But sadly, Rey is without the WWE United States Championship after Logan Paul did his best Eddie Guerrero parody by cheating and stealing that win at Crown Jewel. Rey gets the mic to tell Columbus, Ohio, “Welcome to Friday Night SmackDown!” The fans cheer and Rey continues by cutting to the chase. Last Saturday, Rey put his US Championship on the line against Logan Paul. Fans boo, and Rey says clearly, Logan stole the title. We all know the referee’s decision is final, but Rey truly believes Logan couldn’t win without those brass knuckles.

Fans cheer and Rey says without those knuckles, Rey would still be here our WWE United States Champion! The fans cheer again, so Rey promises to do whatever he can to get a rematch with- Carlito is here? He’s an honorary member of LWO but why didn’t he come out with the rest? And he gets in the ring, takes the mic from Rey, and tells him, “Rey-Rey, no one wants to see you as United States Champion… more than I do. But seriously? We’re not gonna talk about it? We’re not gonna talk about Crown Jewel?” Rey doesn’t know what Carlito means so he explains. Rey is blaming the wrong person. Don’t blame Logan Paul, blame the man who left the knuckles there! Santos Escobar!

Fans boo and Santos asks what Carlito is getting at. Rey keeps the peace, Cruz & Wilde keep Santos back and Zelina says they don’t need to be like this. But then Santos just barges out of the ring? Rey wants Santos to wait and he follows after, Zelina with him. Cruz & Wilde do ask what Carlito is getting at, but then here comes Bobby Lashley! The All Mighty has a match with Caribbean Cool, and he wants it NOW! Will Lashley crush Carlito before moving on towards that US Championship for himself?

Bobby Lashley w/ The Street Profits VS Carlito w/ The LWO!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Fans rally as Carlito and Lashley circle. They tie up, Lashley powers Carlito to the corner, and the ref counts. Lashley lets off, swings, but Carlito dodges. Carlito swings, Lashley blocks to throat chop! The ref reprimands, but Carlito dodges Lashley to then DROPKICK! Lashley rebounds to CLOBBER Carlito! Fans rally, Montez Ford flexes and Angelo Dawkins says Lashley is smart and strong! Lashley RAMS Carlito into the corner, RAMS him again and again, then lets off. Lashley throws elbows on Carlito, and B-Fab is watching. Lashley ROCKS Carlito and B-Fab likes what she sees.

Lashley storms around, talks some trash, then runs back in to RAM into Carlito! Lashley turns Carlito for a NECKBREAKER! Ford & Dawkins applaud, Lashley waits on Carlito, and then he CLUBS away on the neck! Lashley bumps Carlito off buckles, fires off haymakers, but the ref counts. Lashley digs his boot in, the ref counts more, and Lashley lets off at 4. Ford & Dawkins talk some smack, Lashley drags Carlito up. Carlito fights the full nelson! Fans rally, Cruz & Wilde coach Carlito, and he JAWBREAKERS Lashley away! Lashley runs in, Carlito dodges and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up as Carlito keeps moving, kick and KNEE LIFT!

Carlito keeps moving, LARIAT! Lashley stays up so Carlito runs again. But Lashley kicks low! Fans fire up as Lashley suplexes, and he holds Carlito up! The count is seven but Carlito gets down to suplex Lashley! Fans fire up for the strength of Carlito! Carlito runs up, and he clotheslines Lashley up and out! Lashley leans against the desk but the Profits coach him up. Carlito goes out after Lashley, brings him around, but Lashley stops the step bump to give the step bump! Lashley then brings Carlito up, and he whips Carlito hard into barriers! The Profits talk trash and dance around, “That’s what I’m talking about!”

Lashley hoists Carlito up with a fireman’s carry, to POST Carlito! Carlito takes a tumble and Ford mocks the pain, while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Lashley puts Carlito up top in a corner, and he throws hands. Fans rally up as Lashley climbs, and he brings Carlito up. The Profits say take note, but Carlito throws hands in return! They brawl, Carlito shoves Lashley down, and he goes up to FLYING SHOULDER! Fans fire up as Lashley falls! Carlito stalks Lashley, reels him in, but Lashley holds ropes to stop the Backstabber! B-Fab is still watching, but Ashante THEE Adonis walks over, asking what’s going on. B-Fab says don’t even worry, she’s got something in the works. Hit Row heads out, Lashley runs in at Carlito, but into a KICK!

Fans rally up, Carlito gets up and Lashley runs in again, and Carlito DUMPS him out! Carlito then aims to PLANCHA! Down goes Lashley and fans fire up! Carlito refreshes the ring count, drags Lashley back into the ring, but Ford anchors a foot! Carlito kicks him away, Wilde goes after him! But Carlito turn around into a FLATLINER! Dawkins POUNCES Wilde, Cruz goes after Dawkins! Dawkins TOSSES Cruz to the crowd! “Easy work, baby!” But Santos is back, eh CLOBBERS Dawkins, DECKS Ford, goes back for Dawkins, but Dawkins fires hands on him again! Ford GAMANGIRIS Carlito while the ref’s busy with Dawkins!

Lashley SPEARS Carlito!! Cover, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

The Profits then add on stomps and fists! Fans boo, Santos storms up to the apron, but he hesitates? Santos just watches Carlito get mugged, all because Carlito accused him earlier? Rey runs in and has a chair! Now the All Mighty and his Profits leave, but the damage has been done. If not to Carlito, then to the trust between Rey and Santos! Santos tries to defend his innocence, says Carlito is not familia, but Rey says Carlito IS familia! The two argue, Santos keeps Rey from going to Carlito’s side, but Rey shoves him! He says ALL of LWO is familia! They’re all one! Rey goes to Carlito’s side, Santos turns to leave, but then he turns back.

Santos ATTACKS Rey!! Santos kicks Carlito out, fans boo, but then Santos kneels over Rey. Santos says Rey made him do this, because they were supposed to be the only ones! Rey SLAPS and ROCKS Santos!! Santos falls out of the ring, Rey regrets hitting back like he did, but the fans are on Rey’s side in this. Rey goes out to Santos, wants to help him up, and he apologizes. They’re family, family fights, so- SANTOS POSTS REY!! Rey gets stuck between post and steel steps! Santos now has a moment of conflict, but then he SHOTGUNS the steps to SMASH Rey’s leg!! Santos says Rey made him do this, it was supposed to be them!

Zelina runs out and asks what Santos is even doing! Santos says Rey did this but she says he did this! Santos says HE put LWO together again! HIM! Fans boo and Zelina is almost in tears, but what does this mean for the LWO?


Backstage interview with Santos Escobar.

Cathy Kelley tries to get a word out of him as he’s heading for the exit. Santos, why did you attack Rey? Santos stops and says, “Rey had it coming.” Santos then barges out of the building. What is going on in the head of the Emperor of Lucha?


Bayley is here!

The Role Model and de facto leader of Damage CTRL heads to the ring alone, which is rather surprising. She gets the mic, and she says we all saw Crown Jewel and the WWE Women’s Championship match. Bayley has had a plan and a vision for Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai since the inception of DMG CTRL. Everything that Bayley wanted to come true came true! WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Miss Money in the Bank, and WWE Women’s Champion! Iyo has defeated the best in the business: Charlotte Flair; Asuka; Bianca Belair! And it is obviously Iyo’s Era, all thanks to Bayley’s plan. “What?” All thanks to her plan. Yeah, go ahead, clap for yourselves, you idiots.

The fans do indeed clap for themselves, and Bayley says moving on, Crown Jewel should’ve been DMG CTRL’s proudest moment. But instead, she was like, “What?!” at the return of Kairi Sane. And that is not how DMG CTRL handles things, so Iyo, please come on out here so they can talk like adults. The Evil Genius makes her way out, the Dakota Kai and the Pirate Princess by her side. Bayley is upset about that but Dakota seems to be saying to stay calm. This now quartet stands in the ring, Bayley asks why Kairi is here now, and why was she at Crown Jewel? Iyo knows Bayley had a plan for that night, right?

Iyo stops Bayley there and says Iyo had a plan, too. This is Iyo’s Era, yeah? Yeah? So she has Kairi to thank for helping her retain the title. Isn’t that all Bayley wanted? Yes! She wants the best for both Iyo & Dakota. But the last time we saw Kairi in WWE, well, this happened. Flashback to July 27, 2020 on Raw! Bayley and Kairi were fighting, and Bayley throws Kairi all around backstage! And dribbles her off a garage door! This was of course to screw Asuka over via distraction, not that Bayley is going to say that. But Bayley says this is why she’s concerned having Kairi around. Bayley’s been here long enough to know how things work, how “friendships” tend to go in WWE.

Dakota speaks up to have Bayley hold on. They didn’t bring Kairi into DMG CTRL to hurt Bayley, that was not the case. They brought her here to make DMG CTRL even stronger. And look, they know how much Bayley has done for them, and are very grateful. But they wanted to take some of the burden off of her. And it worked, because Iyo is still champ, the team is stronger than ever! They should celebrate! Bayley tries to reason that out, but then Kairi tells her, “I respect you as the leader of DMG CTRL. And… I… Forgive you.” Kairi opens her arms but Bayley says she doesn’t hug anymore, that’s not her thing.

Fans chant “HUG IT OUT! HUG IT OUT!” Dakota says c’mon, bring it in. DMG CTRL group hugs Bayley! Bayley does smile, but then here comes Bianca! The EST has a mic of her own, and she says hold up. So Kairi might forgive Bayley, but Bianca doesn’t forgive DMG CTRL. Her mistake was believing that Iyo had the confidence to face Bianca 1v1. But oops, her bad. But it’s cool, because Bianca learns from her mistakes. Tonight, she’ll just have to whoop all three of y’all! Bayley says no one likes a sore loser. Yeah, true, but a lot of people don’t like DMG CTRL. So here comes Charlotte Flair! And guess who else was upset about Kairi joining DMG CTRL?

HERE’S ASUKA! The Empress of Tomorrow was once Kairi’s friend, so Kairi joining Iyo was a betrayal in itself! And Asuka smiles as she tells “Iyo-chan, Kairi-chan,” she’s gonna beat you down! NO ONE IS READY FOR ASUKA!! This could be the fiercEST team ever, will they tear down DMG CTRL once and for all?


WWE celebrates Veteran’s Day.

As WWE hoists the biggest flag they can atop Titan Towers MK II, they honor the courage and sacrifice of America’s armed forces who protected our freedoms and safeguarded our futures. We are forever grateful for their selflessness. and humbled by their sacrifice. The sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. To these brave heroes this Veteran’s Day, we remember and thank them.


Dragon Lee VS Cedric Alexander!

The Boy Wonder and PRIMED Alexander had such an awesome showdown the first time, they had to run it back! Will Dragon go 2-0? Or can Cedric tie things up and force a third?

SmackDown returns, this match is already going, and Dragon runs Cedric over with a shoulder! Cedric kips back up and wags his finger. Cedric trips Dragon, things speed up, and Dragon hurdles but Cedric leaps over. Dragon DROPKICKS Cedric out of the ring! Dragon builds speed but Cedric gets in to DROPKICK Dragon out! Cedric builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Cedric puts Dragon back in the ring, steps in, and TORNADO DDTS! Cover, TWO! Dragon is still in this and Cedric seethes. Cedric storms up on Dragon at the ropes, fans rally up and Cedric CHOPS! Cedric puts Dragon in a corner, to CHOP again!

Cedric whips Dragon corner to corner, then he runs in, to forearm SMASH! Snapmare and a run to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Cedric works to keep his cool while Dragon stays in this. Cedric storms up, stands Dragon up, and ROCKS him! Dragon ROCKS Cedric back! They throw hands, Cedric UPPERCUTS, and then Cedric whips corner to corner. Cedric runs in, but Dragon dodges! Cedric hits buckles, but he puts Dragon on the apron. Dragon hits Cedric off buckles then ROUNDHOUSES him away! Dragon slingshots to RANA Cedric out of the ring, and he builds speed to FLY! Direct hit in return!

Fans fire up and Dragon puts Cedric back in the ring. Dragon runs up, slips around Cedric and reels him in! “This is Awesome!” and Dragon SIT OUT POWERBOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Cedric survives but Dragon goes back to a corner. Dragon waits on Cedric to get up, then he runs in, but Cedric OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Dragon into the corner! Both men are down and fans fire up! The ref checks and Dragon is somehow okay to continue. Cedric crawls over, fans rally up, and Cedric brings Dragon up to forearm! Dragon ROCKS Cedric back! Cedric ROCKS Dragon, Dragon ROCKS Cedric, repeat! They go faster and faster and the fans fire up!

Dragon gets the edge but Cedric BOOTS! Cedric runs in, but into a SNAP GERMAN! And a SUPERKICK! Dragon fires up, runs, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Dragon survives and Columbus can’t believe it! “This is Awesome!” rings out again as Cedric staggers up. Dragon goes to a corner, Cedric throws elbow pads off, and Cedric runs in, but Dragon pops him up! Cedric handstands in the corner like a gentleman, but Dragon SUPERKICKS him down! Dragon then aims, runs back in, but into a scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Cedric throws a fit, but then gets Dragon up, LUMBAR- Sunset flip! Deep stack, TWO!!

Dragon gets up to V-TRIGGER! And then Dragon runs in, DESTINOOO~! Cover, Dragon wins!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall

The sequel ends up better than the original, but in the end it was still Dragon Lee standing tall! Will this momentum help Dragon head for a title opportunity? Perhaps against the ImPAULsive United States Champion?


LA Knight VS Grayson Waller!

The Mega Star may have gotten mega screwed out of the Universal Championship at Crown Jewel, but that makes him no different than everyone Roman Reigns has had to face. But what is different is that LA Knight is not gonna just sit and stew in misery. Will Knight humble the Dynamite From Down Under while rising back up? Or will he suffer the Grayson Waller Effect?

Before the match, LA Knight gets the mic while fans chant his name, and he says, “LEMME TALK TO YA! Crown Jewel didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped for. And I could come out here and I could tell you I’m sorry, I could tell you I fell short, I could tell you I didn’t live up to the expectations.” Fans chant “Yes You Did!” and Knight says yeah, he doesn’t need to say that, because he’d be a damn liar! He did just what he said he’d do. He walked into the ring, he took Roman Reigns within an inch of that WWE Championship, dropped him on his head with a BFT, and had him 1-2-3! “If not for Jimmy Uso.”

Fans boo Jimmy and Knight will call it what it was: he was robbed! But Roman Reigns, Knight will say this right now. Take every dollar you got, everything you can, and give Jimmy a raise. Give Jimmy a promotion! Give Jimmy the pleasure you can give him, any way you can give it to him, because if Jimmy wasn’t there, we’d be looking at the NEW WWE Champion right now. So what a lot of people must be thinking right now is, “Welp, y’know what? Back to the drawing board. Maybe you just go to the back of the line.” HUH!? NAH NAH!! Understand something, LA Knight is NOT done with The Bloodline, the Bloodline is not done with Knight, until Knight owns Roman and the WWE Championship! YEAH!

That means Knight has to take them down piece by- Welp, Waller makes his way out now, a mic of his own. “La Knight. You shouldn’t be embarrassing yourself right now, mate. You’re blaming everyone but yourself. So what I think you need is a little bit of honesty. Because the truth is, you know it, these flops know it, maybe you’re just not the guy.” Fans boo but Waller says he knows someone who IS the guy. Oh, look, everyone: Kangaroo Jackass! Oh, a comedian, huh? Well how about some impromptu Grayson Waller Effect talk show, because Waller has questions that need answers.

Does Knight really think that he belongs in the ring with Roman Reigns? Fans say “YEAH!” Knight says he’ll get to that but he has a question of his own. The Grayson Waller Effect. That sounds like an STD, right? “YEAH!” This guy here, he got dropped by a Saudi movie star, right? “YEAH!” And he’s out here asking if Knight belongs int he ring with Roman? HUH!? But Waller hash is $5 haircut, is ready to take his school pictures, and it’ll be good for him. The problem is, Knight just gets this feeling Waller ain’t allowed within 50 yards of a school, “ya creep!”

Waller shakes that one off but Knight says let’s be real. Waller got himself in hot water because he has a match with Knight. How? Because Waller wants to play around on the internet? Guess you can take the boy out of his mother’s basement, but you can’t take the mother’s basement out of the boy. Waller says Knight needs to remember who he’s talking to. That describes the fans, not him. Oh, right, Knight remembers who he is talking to now. Waller has been coming at Knight with a lot of energy on “X” (Twitter) lately. In fact, that’s Big Incel Energy!

And to put it like this, while Waller worries about Knight belonging in the ring with Roman, worry about the fact that Waller, talking a big game online, he is now in here with a very angry, a very frustrated Knight, which means he is gonna take every bit of frustration and anger out on Waller, stomping his keister in the ground while the whole world tells him whose game it is, with everybody saying “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” And then Knight DECKS Waller! And TOSSES him out of the ring! Waller flounders to the desk, Knight pursues and he starts clearing the desk. Knight splashes Waller with Kevin Owens’ water!

Fans fire up while Waller flounders more, and Knight goes into the ring. Knight says let’s do that again with no interruptions. “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Waller has to compose himself for the match, will the Mega Star finally shut him up? We find out, after the break!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. The two tie up, Waller knees low, ROCKS Knight and whips him to a corner hard, but Knight comes back to LARIAT! Knight snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Knight clamps onto an arm and grinds it in a cording hold. Waller fights up, Knight wrenches, but Knight wristlocks. Waller rolls, kips and kips and kips just to show off, but Knight throws him down! Knight wrenches again, ELBOW BREAKER, ELBOW BREAKER, ELBOW BREAKER! Waller pulls hair, HEADBUTTS, then whips. Knight reverses but Waller bails out. Fans boo but Knight keeps cool and storms up, only for Waller to drag him out!

Waller swings, Knight counter punches! Knight brings Waller around to SMACK off the apron and then puts him on the apron. Knight says “YEAH!” and then CLUBS Waller in the chest! Waller staggers away, but Knight slingshots to SHOULDER TACKLE Waller down! Cover, TWO! Waller sits up, Knight brings him around to scoop, but Waller slips free to waistlock. Knight bucks the O’Conner to then NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Waller toughs it out but Knight stomps him down. Waller goes to ropes, Knight ROCKS him, and fans rally behind Knight. Waller ROCKS Knight, spins, and ROLLING ELBOWS! Knight drops, Waller CLUBS him down!

Fans boo while Waller talks trash. Waller rains down fists, then lets off to stand Knight up. Waller ROCKS Knight again, then ROCKS him again! Waller ROCKS Knight one more time, talks more trash, but Knight fires off hands in return! Knight whips, Waller reverses, but Knight holds ropes. Waller runs in but Knight DUMPS him out! Waller staggers back up, Knight RWECKS him with a dropkick! Waller hits the desk again and fans fire up with “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight SMACKS Waller off the desk! And again! And again! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Kevin joins in with the more formal, “Yes. Yes. Affirmative.”

Knight goes back in to refresh the count, but then Waller YANKS Knight into the desk! Waller hurries to RAM Knight into the steel steps! Knight falls, Waller slides in and builds speed, to slide out and LARIAT! Waller dares Kevin to say something now! Kevin says Waller has sparkly gear, it’s too many sparkles! Knight writhes and Waller catches his breath while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Waller squeezes tight with a chinlock. Knight endures, fans rally, and Knight fights up. Knight JAWBREAKERS free! Knight whips, Waller goes up and STOMPS Knight down! Fans boo but Waller stalks Knight to the ropes. Waller tells Kevin to take notes. Waller POSTS Knight, Kevin shows off his pen and paper, and writes down “Waller is an idiot.” Waller has Knight in a HALF CRAB in the corner! The ref counts, Waller lets off, but then pulls on the HALF CRAB again! Waller lets go, Knight falls to the apron but Waller drags him to a cover, ONE!! Kevin says Waller should take notes on how to properly pin.

Waller clamps onto the leg again, for the HALF CRAB! Waller sits deep on the leg! But Knight endures and fans fire up as he crawls forward! Waller stomps Knight to stop him! And then he drops an elbow on the back! Fans boo but Waller drags Knight around. Waller goes to a corner, hops up and goes along the ropes, BALLER ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Waller is frustrated, but he fireman’s carries. Knight slips off to ELBOW and whip! Waller throws Knight by his hair! Waller resets on the corner, tries again, but he misses! Airball but Waller hurries up, only for Knight to dump him out! Waller somersaults in, but into Knight’s SAIDO!

Fans fire up as both men are down! Waller rises, storms up on Knight, but Knight gets around to JAB! JAB! JAB! Knight punches from both sides, then he DECKS Waller! Knight whips, Waller reverses but Knight LARIATS! And then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! And then a kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Waller survives the onslaught and goes to a corner. Knight storms up on him, clinches, but Waller breaks free to fire a forearm, then he fires off knees! Waller runs, into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Knight spells it out with the fans, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” ELBOW! Waller staggers into the B F T!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

And the Mega Star rebounds from Crown Jewel! Knight says he is getting that belt around his waist, but what will it take for him to go after the Universal Championship? Kevin rubs salt in the wound by using the telestrator to show Waller’s upset face, the same face he had when Kevin punched two for one! Will Waller’s ego be deflated after all this? Or will he, and Austin Theory, both look to get even with the haters?


WWE honors Medal of Honor recipients.

The story of Specialist 5 James C. McCloughan, aka “Doc,” was the morning of May 13, 1969 in Vietnam, as his company was ordered to Nui Yon Hill. The 89 of them were outnumbered 28 to 1, and battled for two days. McCloughan used his athletic prowess in combination with his medical training to go in enemy territory to save ten Americans and their Vietnamese interpreter from capture. He was wounded three times, but refused to leave. His wife, Cherie, said this was a very humbling experience for James. Much to James’ pleasant surprise, President Donald Trump wanted all ten men to stand so they could all be honored together.

James travels across the country, making sure today’s generation remembers that the Vietnam veteran was a man we should be proud of. His medal not only belongs to himself, but to all 89 men who battled at Nui Yon Hill. WWE gladly partners with the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation to inspire America then, now and forever.


Kevin again reviews his double punch.

He uses the telestrator again to point out the key moments in that highlight, but Waller and Theory storm over to him. Theory shoves Kevin back into his chair! Theory taunts Kevin to not get suspended! Waller pours water on Kevin! Fans boo but Kevin just smiles and says he can take that. But then they threw the bottle at Kevin Patrick, so Kevin apologizes, but he might just get suspended. KO jumps off commentary to rush up the ramp and CLOBBER Waller! And he fires hands on Theory! Fans fire up as this gets in the ring, and Kevin kicks. Theory gets free of the Stunner but Waller’s back! So Kevin just gives Waller the STUNNER!

Fans cheer Kevin shutting Waller up by force! But will GM Nick Aldis have something to say about his substitute commentator throwing hands on his superstars?


Jimmy Uso speaks.

“LA Knight. You say you not done with the Bloodline? Cool. Cuz I’m not done with you. You want me next week? Yeah, YEET!” The Shot Caller then gets a call from Roman Reigns, and he’s apparently corrected on something. The call ends, and Jimmy says, “No Yeet.” Yeet or no yeet, will Jimmy take down the Mega Star once and for all? Or will the pawn be cleared off the board as Knight goes for gold again?


Six Woman Tag: Damage CTRL w/ Dakota Kai VS Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair & Asuka!

Bayley may be on edge with Kairi Sane now in the group, but perhaps a match together with her and the Evil Genius will ease some of that. Will DMG CTRL truly be stronger now that they’re four stars deep? Or will they not be ready for The EST, The Queen & The Empress of Tomorrow?

SmackDown returns and Asuka makes her entrance, followed by Charlotte’s, and then Bianca’s. The teams sort out and Bayley starts against Bianca. They run in and Bianca DROPKICKS Bayley! Bianca then scoops Bayley, SLAMS her, and handsprings to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bayley bails out, Bianca storms up and PLANCHAS! Fans fire up but Kairi protests, so Charlotte BOOTS her down! Kairi falls on Bayley & Iyo, and DMG CTRL is down while fans fire up and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and fans “WOO~!” with every chop! But then Iyo ducks ‘n’ dodges and leaps, but into Charlotte’s hands! FALL AWAY SLAM! Charlotte kips up and fans fire up, Charlotte trips Iyo but she gets free! Tag to Kairi, and fans rally as Charlotte tags in Bianca. Bianca runs Kairi over, then CLUBS her down! Bianca CLUBS away on Kairi, hauls her up, and she suplexes Kairi to hold her up! Bianca even marches in place before the SLAM! Bianca kips up, she runs in at the corner but Kairi dodges! Bianca goes to the apron, she shoulders Kairi away, but Iyo anchors Bianca’s leg while Bayley distracts the ref!

Bianca kicks Iyo away but Kairi runs up on Bianca! Bianca blocks to ROCK Kairi, then she suplexes again! Kairi fights that off to HOTSHOT the arm! Dakota now distracts the ref, so that the Sky Pirates can HIGH LOW Bianca! Charlotte & Asuka protest while Kairi covers, TWO! Bianca goes to a corner but Kairi stomps away! Kairi marches to the far corner, and she runs back in to SLIDING D! Kairi climbs, Bianca stands, FLYING KABUKI ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Kairi drags Bianca up and over, bumps her off buckles, and she tags in Iyo. Iyo ELBOWS Bianca, then Bayley tags in so she can stomp away!

Bayley hammers Bianca, the fans boo, but Bayley lets off. Bayley coordinates the group but Bianca throws hands on them all! Bayley RAMS Bianca into a corner, fires off hands, then runs in, only to be put on the apron! Bianca DECKS Bayley! Bianca hurries for her corner but Kairi runs in! Bianca TOSSES Kairi, but then Kairi YANKS Charlotte down! And throws her into the steel steps! Bayley slides in to TACKLE Bianca! Bayley CLUBS away on Bianca, looms over her, then keeps her from Asuka. Bianca fires forearms, reaches out, fires more forearms, and reaches gain! Bayley grabs the braid! But Bianca uses that to reel Bayley in, SPINEBUSTER!!

Bianca crawls for her corner, hot tag- NO?!? Asuka leaves Bianca hanging!? What is the Empress playing at? BLUE MIST TO BIANCA!! Asuka laughs, and she storms in to BUZZSAW Bianca down!! Asuka calls to her old friend, Kairi, and they HUG!! Bayley can’t believe it, but even IYO hugs Asuka!! They want her to join in, though, so Bayley hugs them!! But then Charlotte BOOTS Kairi! And ROCKS Asuka! Bayley goes after Charlotte, the ref throws this out!

No Contest

Charlotte fights DMG CTRL but Asuka ROUNDHOUSES her down! The mugging continues while fans boo, but here comes SHOTZI! The Wild Child TACKLES Bayley, TACKLES Iyo, but she gets mugged 2v1 by Bayley and Kairi! Bayley hits the ROSE PLANT on Shotzi! Asuka & Kairi set Charlotte up for Iyo’s OVER THE MOONSAULT! But Bianca’s back! She DECKS Bayley, fires off on Kairi, but she still gets mugged 4v1! URAKEN from Kairi! Bianca gets put in a drop zone as Kairi climbs, for the InSANE Elbow!! Fans boo as DMG CTRL stands tall, title on Iyo’s shoulder. Is it only a matter of time before they control all of the WWE?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode for SmackDown to follow Crown Jewel. Congrats to Corey & Carmella, and Kevin Owens was great on commentary in Corey’s place. But of course Kevin was also there so that we could get interaction between him, Theory and Waller. Great promo from Knight and Waller, great match from Knight and Waller, and great win from Knight. Theory & Waller egging Kevin on of course got Kevin to go after them, but I would think Nick Aldis is an understanding boss, he’ll watch the footage back and say that Kevin didn’t do anything worth punishing him for. And of course, I would hope this means we get Knight & Owens VS Theory & Waller.

Great stuff from the LWO’s story. Good promo, and surprised it was Carlito pointing out Santos leaving the knuckles on the apron. Granted, it wasn’t gonna be Rey saying it, and I guess it’d be cliche if Heels like All Mighty Profits pointed it out. Also nice detail that B-Fab was watching but Adonis wasn’t sure why. Santos snapping on Rey and everyone’s reaction to it was great stuff tonight, very compelling. Pretty sure this means we get Santos VS Carlito, then Santos VS Rey. Right now, Santos is on his own in this, but there’s a chance Santos either convinces Cruz & Wilde to join him or he recruits new henchmen. Garza & Carrillo back on SmackDown with this story?

Awesome rematch from Dragon VS Cedric, and Dragon definitely makes a case for himself to go after the US Championship. And while I chose not to cover it in article, Logan Paul’s social media immediately vindicates me in why I didn’t want him with the title. Gotta take a shower pic with it, don’t ya, Logan? Anyway, great promo from Jimmy to respond to Knight, and him being told on air via a phone call to stop the YEET was hilarious. Knight VS Jimmy will also be a great rematch, and who knows what that turns into.

And awesome stuff in the SmackDown Women’s Division tonight. And, this is one of the few times I’m happy for Heels. Asuka joining DMG CTRL to stick it to Bianca and Charlotte is great because Asuka, Iyo & Kairi are now all on one team. And while Raw has a Men’s WarGames of Judgment Day VS Rollins, Sami, Jey & Cody, I bet SmackDown can give us a Women’s WarGames of this new and improved DMG CTRL (Bayley, Iyo, Kairi & Asuka) VS Charlotte, Bianca, Shotzi and… Well, there could be someone on SmackDown I’m forgetting, or someone moves over to SmackDown, or even a call-up from NXT since Raw has Diamond Mine now. At the same time, not sure who that could be. Unless… Jade Cargill?

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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