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Chairshot Classics: WWF SummerSlam ’91



Match #1: Power & Glory (Hercules & Paul Roma) & The Warlord w/Slick vs. Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat, ‘The Texas Tornado’ Kerry Von Erich & The British Bulldog
The Dragon will kickoff the action with Roma, they lock-up to a stalemate, Roma strikes first with a kick, then a slam, following with a dropkick. He climbs to the 2nd rope, Steamboat pulls him off with an armdrag, hangs on with a wristlock, Roma backs him into the corner and lands rights to break it. Irish whip across, Roma charges in, Dragon side-steps it and hits another arm drag, then a dropkick of his own. He snapmares Roma over, Roma slides to his corner and tags out, Hercules rushing in and getting flung with multiple arm drags.

Steamboat brings The Tornado in, he exchanges wristlocks with Herc, The Mighty One goes to the eyes and attempts to ram Tornado head-first into the top turnbuckle, but it’s blocked. Hercules meets the turnbuckle numerous times instead, Tornado climbing to the 2nd rope and delivering a flurry of right hands. He gains control with another wristlock, Herc back to the eyes and Warlord gets the tag as Bulldog comes in on the other side. Davey Boy hits the ropes and collides shoulders with Warlord, hits the ropes again, ducks a shot and staggers the big man with a clothesline, back to the ropes for another to drop him.

The Bulldog plants Warlord with a delayed vertical suplex, covers for a count of 2 and tags out, The Dragon coming in from the top with an overhand chop. He serves more chops in the corner, The Warlord reverses a whip across, Steamboat jumps to the 2nd rope, then over a charging Warlord. The Dragon with a monkey flip attempt, Warlord hangs onto the ropes to avoid it, makes a tag and Roma jumps off the top with a fist to the ribcage. He levels Steamboat with a clothesline and has some words with Tornado on the apron, Hercules with a cheap shot and Roma looks to follow with a slam.

Steamboat slips out, pushes into the ropes and gains a roll-up, Herc hits the ring to stop the count and distract the official, Warlord stepping in and flattening Dragon with a clothesline. Roma rakes the eyes, hits a snap suplex for a count of 2, then cracks Steamboat with multiple backbreakers before tagging out. Hercules re-enters and hammers away at the lower back, presses The Dragon over his head and slams him to the canvas. Warlord gets a tag and delivers a slam, tags out, Roma hitting the ropes and scores with a seated senton to the back. Herc comes in and sends Steamboat to the ropes, The Dragon slides between his legs and fires away with chops, attempts to send The Mighty One to the ropes and it’s reversed.

Herc drops The Dragon across the ropes with a hot shot, brings Warlord back in, clubbing blow to the back followed by another slam, Warlord to the 2nd rope and he jumps down to double boots to the face. Von Erich gets a hot tag and unloads with stiff rights, Hercules comes in and eats one of his own, then another for Roma on the apron. The Tornado shoots Warlord in for a back body drop, Warlord tries a sunset flip, Von Erich reaching out and making a tag.

Bulldog comes off the 2nd rope and gets caught in the air, Tornado assists in toppling Warlord over, Davey Boy falls on top and gets a 2 count. Roma tags in and rushes the ring, instantly gets caught on Bulldog’s shoulder and planted with a Running Powerslam, but only gets a count of 2. The Warlord tries to come in and is stopped by the referee, Steamboat heads up top and connects with a crossbody to Roma, covers and gets the 3 count without being tagged in.
Winners: Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat, ‘The Texas Tornado’ Kerry Von Erich & The British Bulldog (Steamboat/Top Rope Crossbody)

  • EA’s Take: A bit of a continuation here from WrestleMania between The Warlord & Bulldog, again with Davey Boy coming out on top. Slick’s stable of talent had really fallen off and was mainly undercard characters by now. Power & Glory would split soon after SummerSlam, Roma skipping off to WCW and oddly enough, becoming a member of the Four Horsemen. This would leave Hercules to jump back into singles competition, but without Slick at his side. The notable part here is the return of Ricky Steamboat who was simply billed as ‘The Dragon’. He had left WCW in 1989 over a contract dispute, deciding to wrestle in Japan instead. He would return on an episode of Superstars in early March, but was treated as a new character with very little reference to his previous run in the company. The comeback wouldn’t last as he would quit the company again as we head towards Survivor Series, supposedly because he was booked to be squashed by The Undertaker and didn’t want to do it.

Backstage: Sean Mooney is in the locker room with WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect & Coach. The champion talks about his opponent tonight Bret Hart, stating the title says champion on it and to be a champion you have to be perfect. Bret Hart may be excellent, but he’s not perfect.

Match #2 for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart vs. WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect w/Coach
Collar & elbow at the start to a stalemate, they lock-up again and Bret with a side headlock, gets pushed into the ropes and scores with a shoulder knockdown. Back into the ropes, Perfect tries a hiptoss, The Hitman blocks and hits one of his own, the champion sliding to the outside to regroup. Back in the ring now, Hart with another side headlock, gets pushed into the ropes and puts The Perfect One in a crucifix, gains a count of 2 and takes the champion to the mat with another side headlock.

Perfect grabs a handful of hair to get to his feet, tries to push the challenger away and Bret turns the favor with a handful of hair to maintain the hold. The Perfect One finally breaks free, backing Hart to the ropes to bury a knee to the midsection, shoots Hitman to the ropes and is hit with a crossbody for another 2 count. The Hitman flies to the outside off the kick-out, quickly pulls himelf to the apron and drives a shoulder to the breadbasket, sunset flips in and gets another near fall, then takes Perfect back down with a side headlock.

The champion uses the hair once again to break the hold, whips Bret to the ropes for a boot, Hitman catches the foot and takes him down with a double leg, stomping away at the chest. The Perfect One reverses a whip to the corner and slams the challenger, Bret kicks up with both feet and returns the favor, then gets caught by a Perfect kick-up. Hart trips the champion and clotheslines him over the top, Mr. Perfect collects himself and then starts to take a walk to the back. The Hitman is out after him, rips his tights and rolls the champion back in the ring, Perfect seeking refuge in the corner and the ref steps in between.

They tie-up and Hart backs the champion into the corner, the official attempts to create a break and Perfect delivers a cheap shot to take control. He sends Hitman to the outside with kicks to the ribs, Hart pulling himself to the apron, only to get dropped back down. He pulls himself up again, Perfect pushes on the ropes and the challenger is sent into the barricade at ringside. Hart pulls himself into the ring and fires away with right hands, the champion reverses a whip to the corner and charges in, Bret hopping up and over for a roll-up that gets a 2 count. The Perfect One quickly goes to the eyes to stop the momentum, shoots The Hitman hard into the turnbuckles and covers for 2.

He hits his trademark neck snap for another count of 2, Hitman reverses a whip to the ropes for a back body drop, the champion has it scouted and delivers a kick, then a dropkick and Bret falls to the outside. Mr. Perfect gives chase, scales the corner and The Hitman is up to meet him, they trade punches, the champion gets the better of it, Hart falls to the mat and Perfect uses the ropes for a 2 count. He tosses the challenger across the ring by the hair, sends him into the ropes and locks in a sleeper hold, grinding Bret down to the canvas. The Hitman fights to his feet, hits the ropes for another crucifix, Perfect blocks it and plants Hart for a near fall.

The Perfect One serves up chops in the corner, shoots the challenger sternum-first into the turnbuckles and gains another count of 2 before calling for the finish. He delivers the Perfect-Plex, but still can’t get a 3 count, Hart building momentum with right hands to the midsection. He hits an atomic drop, then an inverted atomic drop and tosses Perfect by the hair, the champion attempts to slide out under the bottom rope and crotches himself on the ring post. The Hitman with a snap suplex for a near fall, gets another off a small package, then one more after a side russian leg sweep.

He splits the champion with a backbreaker, connects with an elbow drop from the 2nd rope and still can’t put Perfect away. Hitman has words with the official, allowing the champion to score a roll-up from behind, Hart kicks out at 2 and Perfect is sent to the outside off the kick-out. Bret rolls to the floor to get him, whips The Perfect One into the ring post, back in they go and he goes to work on the knee. The challenger drags Perfect to the middle of the ring for the Sharpshooter, Coach hops up on the apron and gets a right hand for his troubles, but gives the champion the opening for a low blow. The Perfect One drops a leg on the lower abdomen, tries it again and Hart catches the foot, counters into the Sharpshooter and we have a new champion.
Winner and NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion: Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart (Sharpshooter)

  • After The Bell: The new champion tears the rest of Perfect’s ring gear away. ‘Lord’ Alfred Hayes is in the crowd with Stu & Helen Hart, Bret makes his way to them and celebrates the win with his parents.
  • EA’s Take: Fantastic match here between two of the best workers in the company. Bret finally gets his big moment as a singles competitor, thus launching himself into Superstar status with the fans. The contest almost never happened, as Perfect was severely injured back in May with the affects still showing in this match. A broken tailbone and bulging discs actually forced Perfect to retire, only coming back for this one match to put over his friend The Hitman. You could tell he was hurting too, as we didn’t see the usual high energy from the former IC Champion. As Bret’s star would continue to grow brighter and brighter, Perfect would spend the next year-plus recuperating from his injuries, taking on the role of manager for a legendary performer who would soon come into the company.

Backstage: ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund is joined in the interview area by The Bushwhackers & Andre The Giant. The Bushwhackers are worked up as usual and looking for revenge on The Natural Disasters after Earthquake attacked Andre’s knee with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone. They say when they’re done with them, Andre can feed on the rest, The Giant stating now is the time for revenge.

Match #3: The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) w/’Mouth Of The South’ Jimmy Hart vs. The Bushwhackers (Luke & Butch) w/Andre The Giant
The Disasters go to the outside and have words with Andre, Bushwhackers come up from behind and tap them on the shoulder, then deliver eye pokes before rolling into the squared circle. The bell rings and The Disasters give chase, Bushwhackers rolling back out to enjoy a laugh with The Giant, order finally being restored with Butch & Typhoon starting off. Typhoon powers Butch into the corner off the lock-up, Butch ducks a big right and sinks his teeth into the big guy’s backside. He fires away with lefts and rights to the breadbasket, Earthquake steps in for a splash, Butch sees it coming and Typhoon gets squashed.

Luke comes in to lend a hand, they send Quake into the opposite corner, they shoot Typhoon into him, then use Earthquake’s head as a battering ram to take down his partner. Earthquake is dropped by a double clothesline, The Bushwhackers clearing the ring and marching around to the fans delight. Earthquake slides back in and levels Butch from behind, drives him spine-first into the turnbuckles and snapmares him over for an elbow drop. Butch avoids it, reaches for a tag, Quake prevents it by grabbing Butch’s foot and hammers the lower back with an elbow drop. Heenan leaves the announce position and heads to the back during this time, hearing that Hulk Hogan is rifling through his locker room.

Typhoon with a backbreaker off the tag, drives Butch’s back into the turnbuckles, then lifts him over his shoulder and makes a tag, Earthquake taking Butch off his hands into a bearhug. Butch breaks the hold with forearm shots, Quake cracks him with a backbreaker, Typhoon re-enters the match and gets a 2 count off of a back elbow, Luke making the save. The referee gets Luke back to the apron, Earthquake steps in for a right hand, Typhoon holding Butch up, but Butch slips away and Typhoon gets decked. Butch is able to crawl to a tag, Luke delivering forearms that stagger Typhoon, finally taking him down with a headbutt.

Earthquake tries to intervene and is cut-off by Butch, The Bushwhackers stagger Quake with the Battering Ram, then one for Typhoon. They knock Quake to the outside by whipping Typhoon into him, Luke gets a count of 2 as Earthquake hits Butch with a backbreaker on the outside. Andre has words with the ref, Quake stepping into the ring behind Luke’ s back and squashing him. Earthquake tags in now, flattens Luke with an Earthquake Splash and gets the win.
Winners: The Natural Disasters (Earthquake/Earthquake Splash)

  • After The Bell: The Disasters turn their attention to Andre and stalk him on the outside, The Legion Of Doom make their way out to step in, chasing them off with Butch.
  • EA’s Take: Per usual with a Bushwhackers match, organized chaos is the perfect term to describe the action. It’s never pretty and even with the best working opponents (which isn’t the case here), the entertainment value of the characters is relied upon for their segments. Tugboat had previously joined The Bushwhackers in a 6 Man Tag against Earthquake & The Nasty Boys, but turned on them and joined up with Quake, renaming himself Typhoon. The brief feud would end after tonight, as The Bushwhackers would again be used to elevate a new up-and-coming team while The Natural Disasters would remember LOD’s interference tonight. For Andre The Giant, this would be his final WWF PPV appearance. On January 27th, 1993 while in Paris to attend his father’s funeral, Andre would pass away from congestive heart failure. This legendary Superstar would become the first ever WWF Hall Of Fame inductee that same year, entering as the only member of his class.

Backstage: Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan leads a cameraman to Hulk Hogan’s dressing room, knocking on the door to deliver a message from the ‘real world’s champion’. Ric Flair would like to challenge Hulk for anytime and anyplace, but Heenan gets the door shut in his face.

Backstage: In the locker room is Sean Mooney with his guests ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase & ‘Sensational’ Sherri. Mooney reminds DiBiase of all the demeaning tasks he used to put Virgil through, The MDM saying the look on Virgil’s face during those jobs is nothing compared to the look he’ll have after tonight. DiBiase says they’re in a city full of gutters and Virgil can have his pick of which one he’s left in.

Match #4 for the Million Dollar Championship: Million Dollar Champion ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase w/’Sensational’ Sherri vs. Virgil
Virgil hits the ring and catches MDM jawing at the crowd on the 2nd rope, he pulls him down and we’re underway, Virgil delivering heavy rights in the corner. He sends DiBiase across and elevates him with a back body drop off the rebound, delivers multiple clotheslines and sends the champion over the top to the floor. Virgil jumps outside and drives The MDM’s head into the steps, rolls him in and drops him with lefts and rights, DiBiase flying back to the outside after an atomic drop.

The Brain returns to commentary as Virgil goes for a slingshot crossbody to the outside, MDM side-steps it, collects himself and tosses the challenger into the ring steps. Virgil’s head meets the steps once more, the champion throws him back in, sends him to the ropes and decapitates him with a clothesline. Patented fist drops from The MDM, he heads to the 2nd rope and connects with a double axe handle right between the eyes for a count of 2. DiBiase whips Virgil into the corner, hits a back body drop of his own off the rebound and gains another 2 count. Irish whip to the ropes, Virgil ducks a clothesline and uses DiBiase’s Million Dollar Dream against him, Sherri sliding into the ring and clobbers Virgil with her purse to break the hold, causing the official to call for the bell.

The referee explains that Sherri is ordered to the back and that the match will continue. WWF Officials escort The Sensational One to the locker room, both guys struggle to their feet back in the squared circle. The MDM looks to ram Virgil into the top turnbuckle, it’s blocked and the challenger introduces DiBiase’s head into it instead. Virgil with a flurry of lefts and rights, whips the champion into the corner and reigns down punches from the 2nd rope. MDM reverses a whip across, doubles Virgil back, the referee gets squashed in the corner and goes down.

DiBiase has some words for Piper at ringside, hits a vertical suplex, follows with another, then a third. The champion spikes Virgil with a piledriver and covers, but the official is still out of it. DiBiase exposes a turnbuckle and looks to bash the challenger’s head into it, Virgil turns the tables and the champion is introduced instead, both men doubling down. The ref comes to and starts the count, Virgil crawls to a cover and gets the 1-2-3.
Winner and NEW Million Dollar Champion: Virgil (Exposed Turnbuckle)

  • EA’s Take: When you add all the bells and whistles such as Sherri & Piper on the outside with the referee bump, this was a very entertaining match. Virgil’s in-ring skills are lacking and even with an opponent like DiBiase, it’s hard to put on a good match without the extras as evidence by their WrestleMania bout. By far the highlight of Virgil’s career, the feud would continue into the fall where The MDM would ultimately regain his Million Dollar title just before we get to Survivor Series.

Backstage: In the parking lot with The Mountie is ‘Mean’ Gene, with NYC Corrections Officers behind him. The Mountie promises to beat Boss Man tonight and see him off to jail for the night, berating the officers to not treat Boss Man like a New York cop, but a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Sean Mooney has Big Boss Man in the interview area, Boss Man stating The Mountie has the wrong idea. Instead of talking to NYC’s finest, he should be on his knees praying to the good lord above.

Match #5 is a Jailhouse Match – Loser Must Spend 24 Hours In Jail: The Mountie w/’Mouth Of The South’ Jimmy Hart vs. Big Boss Man
Mountie hands off his Shock Stick to Hart and here we go, has some words for Boss Man and gets layed out by a stiff right hand. The Mountie fires back with fists of his own, Boss Man sends him to the ropes and scores with a back elbow, following with a splash for a 2 count. He maintains control with headbutts, puts The Mountie over the 2nd rope throat-first, then lands on his back with a running senton. He slides to the outside and nearly gets ahold of The Mouth Of The South, turns and delivers another right to Mountie before rolling back in.

The Mountie goes to the eyes, climbs the 2nd rope and gets caught in the air, Boss Man planting him with a spinebuster, then utilizes a chinlock. Jimmy provides a distraction from the outside, Boss Man takes the bait, Mountie rolling out and pushes him into the steel steps. The Mountie tosses Big Boss Man back in, shoots him to the ropes and hits a jumping back elbow, drops fists between the eyes, then whips him hard into the corner. He slams Boss Man for a count of 2, Boss Man reverses a whip to the corner, charges in for a splash and The Mountie ducks out of the way.

He snapmares Boss Man over and drops multiple elbows for another 2, scores with a dropkick and again can only get a near fall, getting sent to the outside off the kick-out. Mountie drags Big Boss Man out and rolls inside, Boss Man rolls in and tries to build momentum with right hands, The Mountie stopping the comeback by biting the forehead. He spikes Boss Man with a piledriver, Hart grabs the referee’s attention on the apron, The Mountie gets his Shock Stick and looks to zap his opponent.

Big Boss Man avoids it and connects with an uppercut, Mountie sends him to the ropes, leapfrogs over and eats another big uppercut. The Boss Man shoots him to the ropes, plants him into the canvas with a Boss Man Slam, Mountie barely kicking out at 2. The Mountie brings Boss Man down with a leg sweep, hooks him for another piledriver, Boss Man powers to his feet and drives him to the mat with a spinebuster, makes the cover and picks up the victory.
Winner: Big Boss Man (Spinebuster)

  • After The Bell: Big Boss Man calls for the police, two officers come down to the ring and cuff The Mountie, dragging him off to the back. They pull him through the hallway and load him into a paddywagon, Boss Man slamming the doors and sending him off to the clink for the next 24 hours.
  • EA’s Take: I’d only call this match ‘decent’, a little underwhelming considering The Mountie is a good worker and for his size, Boss Man is too. This was the first time anybody had really gotten the better of The Mountie since his debut, the company really playing off the law enforcement vs. law enforcement gimmicks with this stipulation. This is the only Jailhouse Match in company history because it was the only time it really made sense for a storyline. Both guys would quickly move on to new opponents shortly after.

Backstage: Gene Okerlund is in the locker room when he’s interrupted by ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase & ‘Sensational’ Sherri. DiBiase is going off about tonight being the biggest rip-off in WWF history that shouldn’t have happened, claiming Virgil stole the title. In the interview area is new WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart alongside Sean Mooney. The Hitman talks about this being the greatest day for him, waiting a long time to show Mr. Perfect that perfection doesn’t exist. Back to Gene in the locker room with The Natural Disasters & Jimmy Hart. Typhoon warns Legion Of Doom they will chew them up and spit them out, Earthquake stating they stuck their nose in where it doesn’t belong. To the interview area again where Big Boss Man is with Sean, telling him the only bird that can’t fly is a jailbird which is what The Mountie is now. He promised everyone that he’s the law and order in the WWF and now it’s a fact. ‘Mean’ Gene heads into a private locker room to get a word with ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, but Savage is busy on the phone. Gene tries to sneak over and get a word with Elizabeth, but Macho stops him and says he can hangout with him.

On Location: The paddywagon pulls up to the correctional facility and The Mountie is dragged inside, kicking and screaming that he doesn’t belong there.

Backstage: Sean Mooney welcomes in WWF Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys & Jimmy Hart. Jimmy is still beside himself over The Mountie, but it’s going to have to go on the backburner for now. Sags warns The Legion Of Doom that they’re on their way to Nastyville, Knobbs calling it the final ride. Gene Okerlund has The Legion Of Doomin the interview area, Animal speaking about no count-outs and no disqualifications being right up their alley. Hawk thinks The Natural Disasters bit off more than they could chew earlier, but they’ll get to them down the road. First and foremost, it’s about the championships tonight. Sean Mooney is still in the locker room, this time with Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan & Colonel Mustafa. Mooney alludes to them being outnumbered tonight, but Slaughter thinks it’s the other way around for Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan. Warrior & Hogan aren’t at 100% and things will be easier for them than they thought, promising another surprise for their match. Back to Gene in the interview area with the special ref for tonight’s main event, Sid Justice. Sid speaks about being asked over and over about where he stands tonight, but the answer is that he’s a man who stands alone. Okerlund shows some footage of earlier where Slaughter and his men tries to recruit Justice, but Sid disputes that he got stopped in the hall and hasn’t promised anything to anybody.

Match #6 is a Street Fight for the WWF Tag Team Championships: WWF Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) w/’Mouth Of The South’ Jimmy Hart vs. The Legion Of Doom (Hawk & Animal)
The brawl is on quickly with both teams still sporting their entrance attire, LOD clears the ring and drops their pads, then heads outside. They pair-off, Animal & Knobbs on the inside, Animal delivers a kick to the midsection and plants Knobbs with a powerbomb, Sags breaking it up at 2. Hawk slides in and takes the ring with Sags, tries a kick and gets his foot caught, swings the other around and scores with an enzuigiri. He shoots him to the ropes and hits a shoukder tackle for a 2 count, Knobbs climbing in to get involved and Animal is there to drop him.

The official gets Animal back to the apron, Hawk with right hands for Knobbs, Jimmy Hart tosses in a can of spray paint to Sags and he sprays it in Hawk’s eyes behind the ref’s back. Hawk is blinded and moving around wildly, falls to the outside, Sags gives chase and decks him with a drink tray to the back. Back inside now, Knobbs tags in for a double boot to the breadbasket, he coaxes Animal into the ring and Sags chokes Hawk with the tag rope. Knobbs kicks Hawk under the bottom rope to the floor, Sags drops down and drives him head-first into the steps, tagging in and antagonizing Animal by spitting at him.

Knobbs with cheap shots to Hawk on the floor, Hawk drags himself into the ring and is driven into the top turnbuckle. Knobbs back in with rights, shoots Hawk in for a back elbow and covers for a count of 2. He brings Sags back in, frequent tags now and they work Hawk over in their corner, Sags whips Knobbs into a corner splash, Sags then drops an elbow from the top. Animal makes the save after a 2 count, Knobbs gets the tag and comes off the 2nd rope, jumping down into Hawk’s foot. He crawls and gets the tag, Animal with clotheslines for both Nasty Boys, delivers fists to Knobbs from the 2nd rope, sees Sags coming up from behind and gets him with a double axe.

He whips Knobbs to the ropes for a powerslam, Sags breaks the count after 1, Hawk hits the ring after him and gets dumped outside. The Nasty Boys with the double team on Animal now, Jimmy tosses in his helmet and Sags nails Animal in the back. Knobbs is only able to get a near fall out of it, gets sent outside off the kick-out, Hawk wrestles the helmet away from Hart and lays Knobbs out. He hops to the apron and hits Sags with it in the back of the head, LOD calls for the finish, connecting with the Doomsday Device, Animal covers and we have new champs.
Winners and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions: The Legion Of Doom (Animal/Doomsday Device)

  • EA’s Take: You almost have to put The Nasty Boys in street fight matches to explain the sloppyness of their work. A lot of stuff that didn’t make sense here such as The Nasty’s double teaming behind the official’s back. It’s a street fight, this is supposed to be no disqualifications. After disposing of Demolition, LOD was set to be the next face of the WWF’s tag team division, completing the championship trifecta with this win. The LOD would be the only team in history to hold the tag titles of the three biggest companies (WWF, NWA, AWA), solidifying themselves as arguably the greatest tag team of all-time. For The Nasty Boys, their title run was more transitional.

Match #7: Irwin R. Schyster vs. Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine
IRS with a wristlock off the tie-up, Valentine counters into one of his own, Schyster gains the ropes and they break clean. They lock-up again, The Hammer with a side headlock, IRS pushes him off to the ropes and gets knocked down by a shoulder, seeking a break in the corner. Valentine with another side headlock off the collar & elbow, gets shoved to the ropes again, The Hammer with another shoulder knockdown and Schyster complains to the official. Once again we go back to the same spot, this time IRS tries a hiptoss out of the ropes, Valentine blocks and hits one of his own, Schyster sliding to the floor to rethink his strategy.

Back in the squared circle now, Schyster buries a knee to the ribs, sends Valentine to the ropes for a back body drop, The Hammer counters with a sunset flip for 2, slams IRS and again he heads outside. Valentine gives chase this time, tosses Schyster in, but gets caught sliding in with kicks to the breadbasket. IRS locks in an abdominal stretch, uses the ropes for more leverage, the ref finally catches it and The Hammer with a hiptoss to break the hold. He can’t capitalize and gets leveled by a flying clothesline, Schyster drops an elbow and hooks the leg for a 2 count. He looks to ground Valentine with a rear chinlock, The Hammer gets to his feet to break it, but IRS cracks him with a backbreaker and heads up top.

The Hammer is there to meet him, slams him down to the canvas, fires away with heavy shots in the corner, IRS reverses a whip across and charges in for a knee. Valentine avoids it, works to soften up the knee and slaps on the Figure Four, Schyster reaching the bottom rope to force the break. The Hammer looks to drop an elbow and misses, IRS can’t take advantage and is hit with a kneebreaker, Valentine following with a headbutt to the abdomen. He tries for the Figure Four again, Schyster grabs a handful of hair to gain a small package and steals the victory.
Winner: Irwin R. Schyster (Small Package)

  • EA’s Take: Pretty standard stuff here, nothing overly exciting. Greg Valentine continues to put over up and coming and new characters to the company, this time doing it for the returning Mike Rotunda. Returning in April of 1991 and acting as a former tax collector, IRS was the character Rotunda had been searching for to combine with his technical prowess. This third run in the WWF would end up being the longest and most successful for Rotunda.

Backstage: Gene Okerlund is standing by in the interview area with Ultimate Warrior & WWF Champion Hulk Hogan. The champion says that Madison Square Garden is the appropriate place for ‘The Match Made In Hell’, stating he’s been searching for the feeling he has since defeating The Iron Sheik in 1984. Warrior talks about the strike of a cobra not being enough to keep down him or his Warriors. Hogan thinks they’ve got the momentum, claiming that the cobra’s bite lit a fire into The Warrior’s veins.

Match #8 – Special Referee Sid Justice: Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa & General Adnan vs. Ultimate Warrior & WWF Champion Hulk Hogan
The champion and Sarge start our main event, Slaughter has his belt in hand and Sid rips it away from him, tossing it away from the ring. We finally get going and Slaughter goes to Hogan’s eyes, hammers him in the corner, Hulk reverses a whip into the corner and scores with a right hand. He plays back and forth with Warrior on the apron, unloads on Adnan & Mustafa, then tags The Ultimate One in for a double clothesline on Sarge. The Warrior with an inverted atomic drop, Hulkster gets the tag and they connect with a double boot out of the ropes, the champion then driving Slaughter head-first into the top turnbuckle.

Mustafa is in to break Sid’s count at 2, Hulk shoots Sarge to the ropes and drvies a point of the elbow to the head before tagging out. Warrior tags in for a kick to the abdomen off the irish whip, rams Sarge into Hogan’s boot and tags back out, Hulk scoring with a double axe from the 2nd rope for another count of 2. The champion sends Slaughter to the corner and charges in with a clothesline, chokes him and Sid steps in to create the break. Hogan goes back to it and again Sid admonishes him, this time Sarge taking the opening and driving the champion into Mustafa’s boot.

He looks to hit Warrior with a cheap shot on the apron and misses, tag to Adnan and they double team Hulk, Adnan delivering overhand chops and raking the back. He works the champ over in his corner, Mustafa tags and hits a gutwrench suplex, then locks in the Camel Clutch. The Ultimate One delivers a boot to the back of the head to break it up, Sarge tags in and splits Hulk with a backbreaker for a 2 count, then chokes him in the corner. Sid asserts his authority and steps in to stop it, Slaughter sends Hogan across, doubles back and Hulkster and Justice collide, neither man budging. They exchange words and Sarge clubs Hogan from behind, Adnan comes in with eye rakes and bites the face, brings Slaughter back in and he climbs upstairs.

Warrior comes around and pushes Sarge down to the mat, Hogan crawls to his corner and gets the tag, The Ultimate One unloading with clotheslines out of the ropes and shoulder knockdowns. He hits the ropes again, Slaughter ducks down and The Warrior collides with Sid this time, they jaw back and forth, Hulk gets involved and Sarge takes control by going to the eyes. Sarge tags out, Adnan with chops in his corner, brings Mustafa in and he hooks for a vertical suplex. The Ultimate One blocks and hits one of his own, Slaughter gets a tag and delivers a cheap shot to Hulkster on the apron, Adnan coming in for a double team behind Sid’s back.

Sarge flattens The Warrior with a short-arm clothesline, shoots him into the ropes for another clothesline, Warrior ducks it and scores with one of his own. He crawls over and gets the tag to the champion, Hulk with heavy rights to Sarge, then sends him into the ropes for the big boot. Adnan & Mustafa hit the ring and are met by The Ultimate One, he clears them out and chases them both to the back with a chair in hand, leaving the ring to Hulk & Slaughter. Hogan tosses a handful of powder in Sarge’s eyes as Sid is distracted, drops the big leg and gets the 3 count.
Winners: Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan (Hogan/Leg Drop)

  • After The Bell: Hulk does his usual celebrating in the ring for the crowd, calls to the back and Sid comes back out. The champion invites him into the ring and tears away his referee shirt, both of them doing The Hulkster’s signature poses for the fans.
  • EA’s Take: Lots of behind the scenes to get to regarding this match, so I won’t go into how basic and predictable this was. So Mustafa is The Iron Sheik, returning to the company after a 3 year absence during which time he worked in Japan and WCW. Sid Justice is better known as Sid Vicious, previously working for WCW and debuting in May and instantly being placed near the top of the card due to his size. Initially, it was portrayed that nobody knew Sid’s intentions in the WWF, thus putting him as special referee for this match before ultimately siding with Hulk Hogan. Sgt. Slaughter would soon realize the error of his ways, splitting from Mustafa & Adnan and pleading for his country back. Behind the scenes, a major controversy was going down between the company and Ultimate Warrior. In early July, Warrior sent a letter to Vince McMahon demanding changes to his contract and more specifically a $550,000 payment for his performance at WrestleMania. In the letter The Warrior stated he would not make any appearances including the SummerSlam main event. McMahon would give in to the demands in order to keep his advertised main event, but would would suspend The Warrior indefinitely immediately following the match. Warrior attempted to give his resignation over the incident, but the company wouldn’t accept it as he was under contract until September of 1992, leading to a long hiatus from the WWF.

Video: After weeks of coaxing and going back and forth, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage finally built up the courage to drop to a knee and ask for Elizabeth’s hand in marriage. She’d answer with an “Ohhh Yeeeah” of her own, then a special musical tribute is played dedicated to the history between the couple.

In The Arena: It’s time for ‘The Match Made In Heaven’, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage making his way down to start the proceedings. Elizabeth comes out to a rousing ovation. The wedding goes off without a hitch, balloons falling from the ceiling as Randy & Liz seal it with a kiss.

  • EA’s Take: The WWF’s first love story (that people really remember, sorry Uncle Elmer) closes out the night with a happy ending, the last time a WWF wedding went off without any troubles. In reality, Savage & Liz had been married for years with the company never acknowledging it until now. Oddly enough, by this time their real-life marriage was very rocky to say the least, seperating the following summer.

EA’s Finisher: My favorite SummerSlam produced by the WWF thus far and my favorite when I was a kid, I remember renting this numerous times from my local video store. Bret Hart & Mr. Perfect stole the show with arguably one of the greatest matches of all-time, while the rest of the card showcased the change that would start to takeover the company. The Warrior controversy put the WWF in a tight spot, forcing them to drop and alter angles that were already taking place such as the Warrior/Jake Roberts/Undertaker storyline. Sid seems to be someone that they could build around for the future and the company clearly noticed by putting him in a prominent role here and moving forward. Unfortunately, Sid would suffer a biceps injury that would force him to miss Survivor Series. This would lead to more storyline changes with Justice unable to return until January 1992.

Top Three To Watch
1 – Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
2 – Virgil vs. Ted DiBiase
3 – Slaughter/Adnan/Mustafa vs. Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan

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Classic SummerSlam

Attitude Of Aggression #298- Summer Slam ’94

Kinny KIlla joins the Big Five Project as the guys cover Summer Slam ’94, including a watch along of one of the greatest Steel Cage matches of all time!



Attitude of Aggression

The Big Five Project returns…and so does Kinny Killa as one of the best friends of the show makes a special guest appearance to cover Summer Slam ’94! Emanating from the brand-new United Center in Chicago, the 1994 edition of WWE’s summer extravaganza was an exceptionally good event that featured Razor Ramon recapturing the Intercontinental Championship, a very surprising heel turn, and one of the best women’s matches anywhere in 1994. The highlight, of course, was the epic Steel Cage match for the WWF Championship between Owen Hart and his brother Bret “The Hitman” Hart and the guys do a watch along of that match here. Is it the greatest Steel Cage match of all time, as Dave suggests, or does the match go too long? All that plus the return of The Undertaker as he takes on…. The Undertaker? It is as ridiculous as it sounds, but we have all the details for you here, on another epic installment of the Big Five Project.

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About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic WWE

Attitude Of Aggression #297- The Big Five Project: King of the Ring ’94

The Big Five Project heads to Baltimore for the coronation of Owen Hart as the King of the Ring for 1994, plus Bret Hart defends the WWF title against Diesel!



Attitude of Aggression

The Big Five Project returns to crown a new King of the Ring. In 1994, on the heels of WrestleMania X, Owen Hart found himself still in the shadow of his brother, Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Although he beat Bret at WrestleMania, it was the Hitman who left as the WWF Champion. On this night, in Baltimore, Maryland, Owen took a major step in carving his own identity as he won three matches to emerge as the King of the Ring for 1994! Meanwhile, brother Bret had his hands full with a title defense against the reigning Intercontinental Champion, Diesel. Throw in a tag title defense by The Headshrinkers and a main event featuring two guys over the age of 40, and this first PPV of the “New Generation” era was one to remember. So, we invite you to join us for a tremendous recap of King of the Ring ’94 and the birth of the King of Harts!

About the Chairshot Radio Network

Created in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts, including POD is WAR, Women’s Wrestling Talk, Chairshot Radio daily editions, The #Miranda Show, Badlands’ Wrestling Mount Rushmores, The Outsider’s Edge, DWI Podcast, Bandwagon Nerds, the Greg DeMarco Show, 3 Man Weave, Five Rounds, Turnbuckle Talk, The Reaction, Attitude Of Aggression, and more! You can find these great shows each week at and through our distribution partners, including podcasting’s most popular platforms.

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SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

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