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Top 5 Matches: Week Ending 10/28/2018



Well this was an interesting week in wrestling. The announcement that shook the wrestling world for serious human reasons, the handshake that sent tremors around the world reminiscent of Macho Man and Hulk Hogan, as well as, WWE’s first ever all female Pay-Per-View. So talk about a roller coaster, right?

Either way, we get another anomaly in the voting from last week. Regardless of how niche non-New Japan fans may be, we had kind of an upset. AJPW Triple Crown Match: Zeus (c) vs Kento Miyahara, won the vote last week. The voting was close and spread out among all 5 matches, so the more obscure match lucked out.

This week is much more straight forward, so let’s get to this one.


5. WWE Evolution NXT Women’s Title Match: Kairi Sane (c) vs Shayna Baszler

WWE Evolution Kairi Sane Shayna Baszler NXT Womens's Championship

From Mitchell’s Coverage:

This furious feud dates back to the inaugural Mae Young Classic tournament. The Pirate Princess won that crystal trophy, but The Queen of Spades won the title first. Kairi would take the title from Shayna in their third meeting, but Shayna claims that was more her losing than Kairi winning. The fourth time around will prove who is the better woman as an NXT title is defended on a main roster PPV for the first time ever!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin! Shayna and Kairi circle, Shayna throws a kick. Kairi stays up, then lunges in. She gets a waistlock but Shayna tosses her off. They go again, and Shayna powers Kairi to a corner. Shayna grinds her forearm but backs off at 4. She trips Kairi up then eggs her own with her spade hands. Kairi ducks under Shayna to then kick her down! Kairi taunts back with the telescope hands. Shayna kicks but gets caught. Kairi kicks but Shayna avoids. Shayna goes for her hold but Kairi gets out. Kairi throws a hand but gets caught again. Kairi works against the sleeper, so Shayna grabs hair. Shayna whips but Kairi wheelbarrows to a stunner!

Fans fire up as Shayna staggers back. Kairi “swims”, to run in and hit the Sliding D! Kairi springboards for double stomps on the apron! Shayna tumbles down as she coughs for air. Kairi keeps on Shayna, but Shayna reverses. Shayna whips but Kairi jumps onto the steps. Kairi jumps over Shayna to hit a big palm strike. She runs in but Shayna blocks that Sliding D to drive Kairi into the steps! Shayna refreshes the count to put Kairi back in. Shayna storms over to Kairi and puts her in a hammerlock. She throws Kairi into buckles, then drives in a knee. She runs and slides to come back for another knee! Kairi is stunned, Shayna gut wrenches and slams her! Cover, TWO! Kairi grits her teeth as she crawls, but Shayna is on her again.

Shayna grabs the arm and begins the torture as she twists elbow, wrist and shoulder! Shayna hammerlocks the arm, to STOMP IT! Kairi clutches her arm as fans boo and jeer Bully Baszler. Shayna doesn’t care as she covers, ONE. Shayna keeps on Kairi, and has her in a seated double wristlock. Kairi endures as fans rally up. Kairi gets to her feet and rolls Shayna, TWO! Shayna ducks Kairi to get the arm again. Shayna has a mounted armbar, and moves around to twist it more and more. Kairi endures, but Shayna yanks back!! Kairi goes to the ropes, that arm could be worse than broken. Shayna toys with Kairi now, but Kairi gets mad. Kairi uses her good arm to throw a forearm, so Shayna throws one. Kairi gives another, Shayna gives another.

They go back and forth, but Shayna kicks the bad arm. Shayna runs, but Kairi gets her with a forearm. Kairi runs but Shayna gets her with a knee. Shayna runs, into a backhand! Both women fall but fans fire up! Fans chant “NXT! NXT!” as the referee counts. Kairi crawls over to Shayna, but not for a cover. Kairi goes after the legs with her Anchor Lock!! Shayna endures, slips around, and gets the bad arm! Shayna tweaks it quick and Kairi is  down. Kairi writhes but Shayna is on her arm again. Kairi puts Shayna in a corner and fires off wild strikes! The referee backs her off, but Kairi just fires up more. Kairi whips but Shayna reverses. She blasts out for a SPEAR! The Interceptor hits its mark, but Kairi isn’t done. Kairi marches the plank, runs back in, another shoulder tackle! Then blockbuster! Cover, TWO!

Kairi isn’t done yet, she brings Shayna up and to a corner. She hoists Shayna up for the Alabama Slam! Shayna’s down, so Kairi climbs up! But Shayna knows this, and kicks Kairi on the way. She has a hangman’s armlock!! Shayna lets go at 4 to send Kairi tumbling to the floor. Shayna mocks the Pirate Princess before she fetches Kairi. She puts Kairi in, then waits for Kairi to get up. Shayna suplexes but Kairi turns it into a DDT! Kairi hurries up top to use that good elbow. But Shayna rolls out. Fans boot and jeer, but Kairi doesn’t care where Shayna goes. SUPER CROSSBODY!! Direct hit!

Fans fire up for Kairi throwing caution to the wind! But then Shayna throws Kairi into barriers. Shayna runs back in, but Kairi dumps her out onto the other MMA Four Horsewomen, Marina and Jessamyn! All three are wiped out, but Kairi isn’t done with Shayna yet. Kairi drags Shayna back over, but Jessamyn goes after her! Kairi back hands her! The champ puts challenger back in the ring, back in the drop zone, but then Marina rushes the ring! Marina gets kicked away, then rocked with a back hand. Shayna gets teh Kirafuda Klutch!! But Kaiir makes it a cover, TWO!! Kairi flounders but gets Shayna in a waistlock. Roll up, TWO! Into Jessamyn’s kick!? Kirafuda Klutch!! Kairi is stuck, flailing but fading! Kairi tries for a second wind, but she’s OUT!

Winner: Baszler via Kirifuda Clutch

Rating: ****


4. Impact World Heavyweight Championship Match: Johnny Impact (c) vs Fenix

Face versus face is a good way to get the fans to enjoy the first title defense. Fenix’s motivation simple, he’s held gold everywhere else he’s been, but not Impact. Since Johnny and he go back a bit, he obliges the title shot. So does Fenix ruin Johnny’s fresh reign, or do we get what we all mostly expect, an Impact victory?

The good sportsmanship is in full effect early on. A little posturing through lock ups and counters, but things don’t start to pick up until Fenix hits an Enzuigiri. We see a cradle transitioned into a submission, but nothing of real effect until Fenix hits the Super Frankensteiner for 2.  Not to be out done, Johnny stops Fenix mid sprint and hits a Standing Spanish Fly for another near fall.

After a few strikes and pin attempts, Johnny goes for Countdown to Impact, misses, but hits Moonlight Drive for 2. Fenix lands some of his patented offense with Springboard Headbutts and Body Presses. He attempts the Fire Driver, but Johnny counters it with a Tornado DDT followed up with Starship Pain for the pinfall. Solid match that showed what both can do.

The OGz attack Fenix afterwards and Pentagon shows up to chase them off. This could set up a good title picture for the Tag Titles. If the Lucha Bros take out the OGz, Lucha Bros versus LAX should be impressive.

Winner: Impact via Starship Pain

Rating: ****


3. 205 Live Falls Count Anywhere Match: Mustafa Ali vs Hideo Itami

From Mitchell’s Coverage:

The Heart of 205 Live and the Innovator of the GTS look to finally settle the score between each other. There will be no count outs, so there will be no boundaries to where they can go. Where in the arena will this match end? And will this match really end the war between Ali and Itami?

The bell rings and Ali stares down and talks trash with Itami. Ali says he’ll show Itami what respect is. They tie up and go around, but Itami fires off a strike fest! Itami then boots Ali right out of the ring! Itami says “Respect me!” but fans boo and jeer instead. Ali gets up and shoulders back in. Ali slingshots and speeds things up to then hit a big huricanrana! Itami bails out but Ali slingshots onto him! It’s a cover, ONE! Ali brings Itami up but Itami shoves him away. Ali stalks Itami to the barriers, and keeps him from getting into the crowd. Itami hits Ali back and goes to bounce him off steps but Ali stops that. Ali hits Itami back and then bounces Itami off steel steps! Fans fire up with Ali as he drags Itami back up.

Ali puts Itami into the ring, then gives him a chop in the corner. He gives another chop, then whips Itami corner to corner. Itami reverses, but Ali goes up and over. Ali runs back in but is put on the apron. Ali jumps up but Itami roundhouses him down! He bounces off the apron face first! Itami covers quickly, TWO! Itami is frustrated already, but he’s only just begun. He stomps Ali and fans chant “We Want Tables!” Itami instead puts Ali into barriers! Itami drags Ali into the ring, and stalks Ali to ropes. He whips Ali and knocks him down with the kitchen sink knee. Itami aims and kicks Ali in the rings! Cover, TWO! Itami glares as he kicks Ali in the back. He demands respect and kicks Ali again. Cover, TWO!

Itami drags Ali up into a chinlock, and he grinds Ali down into the mat. Fans rally up and Ali feeds off the energy. Ali gets up and fights out of the hold, but Itami throws him down by his hair. Itami stalks Ali to the ropes and stomps away. He stands Ali up for a kick, then whips him again. Ali sees the knee coming, rolls Itami up and then kicks, SUPERKICKS and then SUPERKICKS to the back of Itami’s head! Itami goes down but Ali does, too! Ali stirs as fans rally up. He and Itami go to opposite corners. Itami runs in, but Ali slips out to swing kick back! Ali rolls in for the facebuster! Cover, TWO! Itami rolls away but going outside won’t matter. Ali goes out and then runs at Itami, but is put into the timekeeper’s area.

Ali hits Itami back, then uses the barriers as a springboard, only for Itami to trip him up! The Beacon crashes and burns while Itami demands respect. Fans boo and jeer instead. Itami goes back to fetch Ali, but Ali springboards off the barriers! Ali throws fast hands, then throws Itami across the announce desk! Ali hears the fans, and clears off the table! He drags Itami up and over, and climbs on top of the announce desk with him. Ali prepares something but Itami gets a leg takedown! Itami stands on Ali’s head as he pulls on the leg in a half crab! Ali endures, fights out, and stands up. Itami boots Ali off the table and into the back of an arm chair! Cover, TWO!! Ali lives and Itami is furious. Itami drags Ali up and tosses him out into the crowd.

Itami grins as he follows, but Ali SUPERKICKS outta nowhere! Cover, TWO! Ali is sore and frustrated, but he brings Itami up. He tosses Itami back to ringside, but Itami roundhouses him off the barrier! Itami stalks Ali and gives him knees before putting him into steel steps. Itami pulls the steps apart, even tho his own back is hurting. He pushes the small half aside to bring the big base around. Ali gets him first and the two brawl towards the ramp. Itami hits Ali back to give him a back suplex, but Ali slips out, only for Itami to flip him over with a lariat! Cover, TWO! Itami glares as he drags Ali back to the ring. They go inside, but Itami still wants to use those steps. He climbs the corner and drags Ali up to join him.

Itami wants something dangerous and Ali knows it! Ali knocks Itami away, but then climbs up, to crossbody! He hits Itami off the steps to the floor, covers, TWO!! Ali can’t believe that Itami survives, but fans are loving this. Ali gets up and starts looking under the ring. He brings out a genuine table! Fans love the look of this, but then Itami boots Ali down on the run! Itami throws Ali down and kicks him as he goes to the other steel steps. Itami drags them around to the side, but then Ali forearms him. Ali runs up the steps but Itami sweeps the legs! Ali hits the steps stomach first! And then Itami brings the other steps around. He’s working on something truly sadistic as he stands the steps up. Itami demands Ali “Respect me!” and slams the steel steps like a vice!

But Ali narrowly avoids certain disaster! Ali chops Itami right off his feet, then whips him at the steps. Itami reverses, Ali uses the steps as a ramp, and jumps at Itami for the tornado DDT! But he doesn’t cover here, he goes back to the table! Fans cheer as he stands it up. Ali brings Itami over and sets him on the wood. Ali climbs up to the very top, aims at Itami, and tells Itami “I always respected you,” before he LEAPS! 450 through the table!! Cover, Ali wins!!

Winner: Ali via 450 Splash

Rating: ****


Honorable Mentions

NJPW Super Jr Tag League: BUSHI & Shingo Takagi vs El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Winner: Desperado via Unmask Rollup
Rating: ****
Lucha Underground Seven to Survive Match: Big Bad Steve vs Dante Fox vs King Cuerno vs Jake Strong vs Aerostar vs PJ Black vs Hernandez
Winner: Jake Strong
Rating: *** 3/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: BUSHI & Shingo Takagi vs Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles
Winner: BUSHI via Tandem Wheelbarrow/Codebreaker
Rating: *** 3/4
NJPW: Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero, Trent Barreta, Chuckie T & Hirooki Goto vs Jay White, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Bad Luck Fale & Gedo
Winner: White via Blade Runner
Rating: *** 1/2
NXT UK: Tyler Bate vs Wolfgang
Winner: Bate via Tyler Driver ’97
Rating: *** 1/2
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: ACH & Ryusuke Taguchi vs SHO & YOH
Winner: Taguchi via Half and Half Suplex
Rating: *** 1/2
WWE Evolution MYC Finals: Toni Storm vs Io Shirai
Winner: Toni via Storm Zero
Rating: *** 1/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Kushida & Chris Sabin vs Robbie Eagles & Taiji Ishimori
Winner: Ishimori via Bloody Cross
Rating: *** 1/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Kushida & Chris Sabin vs Tiger Mask & Jushin Thunder Liger
Winner: Kushida via Outatime
Rating: *** 1/4
WWE Evolution Raw Women’s Title Match: Ronda Rousey (c) vs Nikki Bella
Winner: Rousey via Armbar
Rating: ***
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask vs ACH & Ryusuke Taguchi
Winner: Taguchi via Cradle
Rating: ***
(Purely on the list for the spectacle of it all)Stardom World Championship NO DQ Match: Kagetsu (c) vs Hana Kimura
Winner: Kagetsu via Triangled Kimura Lock
Rating: **


2. Stardom Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani vs Momo Watanabe (c)

There’s a good bit of recent history, but things go much deeper between these two. Mayu being the Icon of Stardom that she is, Momo was always considered like a “little one”. Momo’s gotten much better last year or so and Mayu is regaining her footing since her return to Stardom. They drew in the 5 Star Grand Prix, had words, and you can tell there’s definitely a lot to prove from both. Will Momo-chan over take the Icon? Will Mayu put the kohai in her place?

As soon as the bell rings they fly at each other. They exchange forearms in the middle of the ring, push each other into corners and the beatings continue. You can tell both women had something to prove purely from their body language. Momo would sink in submissions too long and need to get counted off, while Mayu would almost pose as she was finishing a few moves. The way she’d just pander to the crowd, showed disrespect to Momo, and it helped fire her up.

Hell, at one point they took turns knocking the other down and spitting water on the downed opponent. It was a weird game of one upmanship and learning one another’s place in the current landscape of Stardom.

Mayu enlisted the help of new wrestler Rina to apply the Paradise Lock to Momo on the bottom rope, while she distracted the referee.  As I already mentioned Momo had numerous moments of not letting go of holds even after Mayu grabbed the rope for the break. So this definitely had the vibe of a grudge match, confined mostly within the rules of a normal match.

Mayu hits a big Crossbody to the outside, rolls Momo in for her Dragon Suplex Hold, but Momo kinda falls out of the hold, thus kicking out. Mayu visibly frustrated tries to set up for a Moonsault, but Momo gets up, runs underneath the move and goes into her last gasp offense. A Half and Half Suplex, into not one, but two Peach Sunrises, the last she holds on for the pinfall victory.

Little Momo-chan has finally gotten strong enough to beat the Icon of Stardom. Now Mayu has a chance against Kagetsu for the World Title, because she won the 5 Star Grand Prix. But one has to think that if Kagetsu retains, Momo would have a strong case to challenge.

Winner: Momo via Peach Sunrise

Rating: **** 1/4


1. WWE Evolution SmackDown Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs Charlotte

WWE Evolution Becky Lynch Charlotte Flair Smackdown Womens's Championship Last Woman Standing

From Mitchell’s Coverage:

The Lass Kicker and Queen of Flair were friends, but the problem there is that there could only be one champion. Becky wanted the title back so badly, that when her “best friend” took it away right in front of her, she snapped! The now Relent-Lass Straight Fire burned down bridges, and now wants to make Charlotte burn. Charlotte is willing to return that fire, but only one woman can be left standing. Who will walk away from this historic event having won a title, but lost a friend forever?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Becky points out how the fans are on her side. Charlotte shrugs that off, and we begin! Fans do not slow down in chanting for Becky as she and Charlotte circle. They rush each other. Charlotte dodges but Becky evades. Charlotte blocks but Becky evades again. Becky shoves Charlotte but Charlotte shoves her back! Charlotte struts as Becky is counted! Becky scrambles up and clotheslines Charlotte down. The ref counts but Charlotte kips up. The two stare down and rush each other. Charlotte gets the takedown but Becky pushes her away. Becky comes back with forearms! Becky drops a leg, mocks the strut before dropping an elbow, then drops another leg.

The ref counts and Becky swaggers about. Charlotte gets up but Becky is on her with EuroUppers. Charlotte counters to hit the neckbreaker! Becky reverses the whip but runs into a shoulder. Charlotte hurries to the top rope, but Becky stops her. Becky throws Charlotte down! The count begins but Charlotte is up at 4. Becky is on her again with the Becksploder! Charlotte is in a corner with the new count. She’s up at 3, and goes to boot Becky. Becky counters with a EuroUpper, then climbs up to leap. Charlotte dodges and boots Becky down! Becky is under the count now, but she gets up at 4. Fans duel now as Charlotte runs in. Becky bumps her off buckles but Charlotte gets up. Becky throws her all the way out and has the ref count. Charlotte uses the announce desk for help and gets up at 4.

Becky decides to look under the ring, and has a kendo stick! Becky SMACKS away on Charlotte with the bamboo! Charlotte goes writhing but Becky pursues and SMACKS her more. Charlotte blocks a swing, but Becky kicks her down. Becky bumps Charlotte off the apron edge, then goes looking for other things. Fans say “We Want Tables!” but Becky finds chairs first. Becky brings one of those out, but Charlotte tosses some into the ring. Becky does the same, so Charlotte raises the stakes. Both women throw in more chairs, raising the ante. Fans chant “E C Dub!” as chair after chair is put in the ring. All the chairs are in the ring, so Charlotte brings out a table! Becky stops that as she hits her with a flying forearm! Becky stalks Charlotte as she crawls. Charlotte gets Becky with her own exploder!

Becky is down for the count, but gets up at 5. She grabs a chair from the ring, and SMACKS Charlotte while she’s setting up the table! Becky jabs Charlotte with it, then SMACKS her again! Becky drags Charlotte around while fans chant “You Deserve It!” They go into the ring, and Charlotte is being counted again. Becky watches as Charlotte gets up at 5. She throws Charlotte onto the chair pile! Charlotte is being counted, but Becky makes a new chair pile. Charlotte is up at 6, so Becky brings her around! Becky wants the exploder but Charlotte fights her off. Charlotte gives Becky a back suplex on the chair pile! Becky and Charlotte are both down but Charlotte is stirring. Charlotte stands at 7 as she rolls out. Becky drags herself up at 8, but flounders.

Charlotte goes for another table! She sets a table in the ring, but then Becky hits a jump kick! Charlotte goes down and Becky sets up the table. Charlotte stands at 5 thanks to the announce desk. Becky finishes with the table but sees Charlotte coming. She back kicks, then urenages Charlotte on those chairs! The count returns, and Charlotte stirs but clutches her neck. Charlotte slowly stands and makes it at 8, so Becky goes after her again. Becky bumps Charlotte off the table to then put her on the table. Becky climbs up now, but Charlotte stops her! Charlotte stomps away on Becky, then puts her on the table. She clubs away on Becky with forearm after forearm. Charlotte then staggers her way over to the corner and climbs up. Charlotte moonsaults, on Becky! The table does NOT break!!

Both women are down, but Charlotte is up first. Charlotte sets that table back up, but Becky flounders over. Charlotte bounces Becky off the wood, then puts her back on. The Queen climbs up again, for a swanton! This time the table breaks! But both women are down again, and the count begins. The count passes 5 as they both sit up. It reaches 8 as Charlotte and Becky scramble up, to stand at 9! Becky flops back down while Charlotte slumps out of the ring. Charlotte drags out a LADDER! And she puts it in the ring. This unofficially becomes a TLC match now. Becky clobbers Charlotte, the ladder manages to stay up. Becky pushes it down then drags it over. She goes back to Charlotte as fans declare “This is Awesome!”

Becky scoop slams Charlotte on the ladder! Charlotte is down and the count begins. She manages to stand at 6, so Becky gets her again. Charlotte slips out and chop blocks! She kicks away on the leg, drags Becky over, and laces it through the ladder… Charlotte stomps the legs, then re-laces the legs, for the Figure Four! And FIGURE EIGHT! Becky taps but that doesn’t matter, this is a Last Woman Standing! Becky endures the torture, but grabs a chair. She smacks Charlotte’s legs, and gets free. The count returns but can Becky stand with bad legs? The count passes 5 as Charlotte gets up. Becky rolls out to stop the count, but those legs are not doing well. Charlotte goes out to follow Becky, but Becky shoves her into the steps!

A new count begins as Charlotte clutches an arm and Becky clutches her legs. Becky shouts “Stay down!” but Charlotte refuses. So Becky shoves her into a post! Charlotte’s down again while Becky props herself up. The count restarts and climbs past 5 again. Charlotte manages to get up but Becky’s leaving with the belt! Charlotte chases her down and chops her in front of the fans! Chop after chop but Becky throws forearms now. They go back and forth, Becky staggering on one good leg. Charlotte keeps giving chops so Becky keeps giving forearms. Charlotte gets an edge, Becky flops around on noodle legs. They go back to the ring as Charlotte tosses Becky over the barrier. Charlotte clears off the announce desk! She drags Becky over to bounce her off another desk.

Charlotte kicks Becky while she’s down, then drags out a new ladder! Charlotte sets it up by the announce desk, and fans anticipate what she’s planning. Becky does, too, and hits Charlotte with the title belt! Becky drags Charlotte over now, and bounces her off the desk. She sets Charlotte on the table, positions the ladder, and climbs. Becky aims, leaps, SUPER leg drop through the desk!! Both women are down but fans are losing their minds! Becky gets up at 7, but Charlotte is slower. Charlotte still gets up at 8, so Becky boots her down! Becky rains down rights, then bounces her off the floor. Becky buries Charlotte in arm chairs, even taking Renee Young’s. She uses the chairs from the ring, too, and then what’s left of one of the tables.

A count begins, and Becky is confident she’s won. The count passes 6 as Charlotte stirs, and she emerges at 9!? Charlotte glares at Becky, she’s like something from a horror movie in Becky’s eyes. Becky runs but Charlotte chases her and SMACKS her with that kendo stick! Becky flounders, into Charlotte’s SPEAR! Both women are down again, and a new count begins. Charlotte doesn’t wait for the count, she drags Becky around. She still has the table from earlier to use, so she stands it up. Charlotte drags Becky back up and bounces her off wood. She puts Becky on the table, and begins a new climb.

Charlotte reaches the top rope and aims for the table, but Becky gets up! Becky SUPER BOMBS Charlotte THROUGH THE TABLE!! Fans are thunderous as the count returns. The count passes 5 but Charlotte somehow stirs. It reaches 7, then 9… Charlotte’s still on all fours, Becky wins!!

Winner: Becky via Powerbomb through table

Rating: **** 1/2



Though I have my own issues with the Becky vs Charlotte match, it was still the best match of the week. So I’m not gonna sit around making excuses for anything else. I’m going with the number 1 ranked match, Becky vs Charlotte for the SmackDown Women’s Title.

Also, god dammit, stupid Dodgers. Two years in a row, you get to the World Series just to shit the bed. I mean really, damn.

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE’s PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS…IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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AJ’s Top 3 Favorite SummerSlams

AJ is back with his annual opinion article, and this time the SummerSlam buzz got him wondering about his personal Top 3.



It’s been a while since I have done any form of writing and SummerSlam is this Saturday. Of all the SummerSlams I’ve seen over the years; which ones are my favorites? While it’s not a revolutionary idea, I figured everyone loves to debate favorites of well, anything. Don’t worry though because this isn’t just going to be pure recency bias. I’ve watched the majority of them so with the ones I put on the list, it hit me more in some way shape or form whether it was story, a really good match or it just felt like a solid event.

At least this proves WWE is trending in a good direction for me, when it gets the ol’ brain juices flowing just because a show is around the corner!

#3: 2022 (Ol’ Brock Lesnar Has A Farm)

r/Wrasslin - when did Brock lesner begin his farmer and cowboy gimmick and when did he stop doing the gimmick ? is it worth watching I believe it was 2021 but not sure when he stopped the gimmick
Starting off the show, we get Bianca looking for a rematch against Becky from last years SummerSlam and it was better than the 21 second affair that everyone claims was a squash. This time Bianca holds her own and beats the Man in a fairly decent match, good way to get the event started. Next up is the heat seeking missile, Logan Paul against the former heat seeking missile because, well he wasn’t cut out for it and wasn’t a guy in everyone’s eyes, The Miz. After they had their blow off at Mania with Logan coming out on top which… isn’t awful, I just don’t like Logan Paul because he has that dude bro aura and swagger to make him more hateable than any other person on the card. Which I suppose is his gimmick…so…kudos?

First Championship match is for the US Championship and it’s as expected that in Theory, he should never beat someone to the caliber of Bobby Lashley which is no surprise. Dominik and Rey still back when Dom wanted the good fight against the Judgement Day before joining them later. The former Colts players, which they hammered it dahn in this match up showed that the canal swimming, trash talkin’, podcastin’, current RAW Color Commentatin’ goofball we all love, Pat McAfee came out on top again Bum Ass Corbin.

Usos putting the Street Profits on lockdown in the penitentiary since I believe this was peak Bloodline with the belt collecting and running all of WWE. Liv beat Ronda Rousey which isn’t astonishing but it’s not something people had on their bingo cards for anything with WWE so it was a nice little shock factor. The most memorable part of the night is obviously the Main Event, Lesnar brings the tractor, Roman catching the Microphone and Brock stands on top of the vehicle. Damn good match that showed off what they do in the ring since Roman caught his stride as the main bad guy and Brock… liked people after all of this? That is still a weird statement in my head. Brock being a good guy people person. If Liv wasn’t on bingo cards for wrestling, that is not on bingo cards in any aspect of life really.

That is more of the event that had solid matches and story going for it. No weird double count out, multiple people involved, 5 tag matches on the card. Things made sense and weren’t convoluted, had shocking moments that were great to see like Liv actually getting a title defense and there were the results we all expected at the time like Theory losing in 4 minutes to Bobby Lashley.

#2: 2009 (Are You Ready for The Return?)

10 Greatest Summerslam Entrances in WWE History - GameSpot
This event wasn’t that strong. It was strong with the star power involved in 2009 with guys like Rey Mysterio as Intercontinental Champion, Orton and Cena for the WWE Championship as it was becoming as stale as month old chips and CM Punk was facing Jeff Hardy before he ultimately returned to TNA at the beginning of 2010 after this PPV. For me, it’s not so much of the show itself, it was more of the memories because the Balai as our friends Chris Platt and Rey Cash like to call my brother and I, we were just coming back into wrestling and we were TNA Fans. We didn’t watch WWE that much really, it was just what came on after another channel had old ROH shows before they moved to three hours and swallowed the 8pm Eastern Slot. No, the reason why this has so many memories for me is three main reasons. First, Orton and Cena. They have had their rivalry since the beginning it seems, being each others foils like Hogan and Piper before them and there had to be a stipulation where if Randy was Counted Out or DQ’d, he’d lose the championship regardless. This was prime Viper Randy and the obvious joke we had of Super Cena where he very rarely lost, unless it was SummerSlam surprisingly enough.

Number two reason was CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. Hardys known for the Ladder and TLC matches in the past and this being the penultimate match for this feud and it was a banger of a match. If you didn’t know Punk before, it was a great introduction to his wrestling. I used to like Punk a lot because of this match because he could talk, wrestle… and not insanely personal with things in wrestling. In all seriousness, this was a great match. Ultimate risks, high reward for Punk grabbing the World Heavyweight Championship and he was given his next feud because of the final boss of SmackDown at that time. Thanks, Teddy Long.

The main and final reason though why this match gave me the memories flowing back is more of the fact that one of my closest and longest termed friends of 23 years, also loves wrestling. Back when we were younger, he’d do MoCap videos on YouTube with his figures. We’d have friends come over for parties at his house and we’d do the one thing WWE always told us not to do and that was try it at home. He was always stronger than me, I was always more charismatic. He had the power aspect and did things with brute force, I could talk my way out of trouble with parents if we did something wrong. There was always one thing that our respective mother’s always called us though… it’s on the tip of my tongue… oh right, ‘Degenerates’.

As soon as we were called that, we kind of parodied the DX line. I was limber enough to do the HBK pose and do a Superkick before it became the new DDT and he would just Spinebuster people and knew how to do the water spit. So what do you think was the main reason we even ordered this PPV for his 13th Birthday? I think the two guys we were pretending to be were set to return on a tank and toss out some glow sticks. The return of DX, Shawn Michaels coming back after Mania with Triple H to deal with the Legacy problem was an amazing return for them and made everything so much fun.

So we have the solid card and this one has a personal story… what’s my number one SummerSlam? Is it personal? Well yes but not going into that. Is it a good card? To me, it was a phenomenal card! Is it memorable? Seeing how wrestling fans still mention at least three matches to this day.

#1: 2005 (Octopus in the Washer, Lover’s Quarrel and Where the F%#$ is Vickie?)

Vickie Guerrero on Rey vs. Dominik Mysterio: 'I wish I was part of it' -  Cageside Seats
Quite possibly some of the best matches I’ve seen and one that was just the most hilarious moments of overselling in wrestling history, I know why I love this SummerSlam but it’s also a really good card at the same time. Redacted beats Orlando Jordan in 25 seconds for the US Title and they made jokes about it like, he can make a coffee faster than he beat Orlando and stuff like that, it’s pretty funny. Angle getting sick of Eugene’s antics for his Gold Medal was also a great bit they had play up, the Year long feud of Randy Orton and Undertaker was still going on where Orton comes out on top this time around to get the win back from Mania, Jericho returning for the match with Cena in a whole promotional thing for each other’s groups, Fozzy for Jericho and the Chain Gang doing Bad, Bad Man for Cena leading up to a match for the WWE Championship. JBL won a 20 man battle royal on SmackDown to win the Championship…… Opportunity to face the newest member of SmackDown, Batista but the three main matches that a lot of people talk about to this day; Edge vs Matt Hardy, Rey vs Eddie for Dominik and Hogan vs HBK in the Main Event.

I have reasons to enjoy the Hardy/Edge match but it looked like a real fight, it really made us believe that Matt Hardy was going to kill Edge because real names were dropped during this tirade from Hardy. It wasn’t Edge and Lita, it was Adam and Amy. Matt was so dead set on beating the hell out of Edge that they made a situation into gold and it was a great moment for this match to happen, I believe it was also an Unsanctioned Match too which added the intensity until matt got concussed and knocked senseless that it looked like he couldn’t fight for anything but the build up was what made it seem like a marque match. It made it feel real, it made it feel awesome and it made it feel personal.

Eddie kept tormenting Rey Mysterio about Dominik not being Rey’s but Eddie’s for the summer. That’s all you heard from Eddie being the weasel he was is hanging out with Dominik, making the world believe it’s his son and what not (Let’s not do a fast forward to today where he has the mullet, mustache and everything like Eddie) but they settle this in a Ladder Match where the top of it is a document for the custody of Dominik and my god, this match is better than it should have been. I expect nothing else from Eddie because the man hated having a bad match, Dom got involved and stopped Eddie, Vickie was late and stopped Eddie. The whole match was good it was just very weird with the premise but was a great match. I wonder if Rey regrets his decision to win the match now…

Octopus in a Washing Machine… those five words have resonated with Shawn Michaels’ performance in this match, forever. It was supposed to be an amazing match up between Hogan and Michaels, Icon vs Icon it said and suddenly Hogan’s back gives out, can’t do a trilogy of matches so we can only do the one and then pull out of everything after. This match was set up to be a classic and instead turned into the most unbelievable sell fest ever. A Hogan big boot caused Shawn to tumble 3 or 4 times, getting crotched on the ropes had HBK bouncing higher than he should have, being tossed out of the ring made it look like Shawn never broke his back in 1998 from how much he flopped and flipped around like crazy. It’s bad… or maybe even good that a lot of current wrestlers watched this match that went, “I can sell like that, I want to be a wrestler” and did. So good or bad, I don’t know but for some reason this PPV has always had a place in my heart for how memorable it was.

Those are my top three SummerSlams so far but who knows, 2024 has potential to maybe bump something or at least get me to consider a shift. Should be fun to see how the show plays out! What are some of your favorite SummerSlams?

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