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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (3/9/19)

It’s the last ROH before the 17th Anniversary!



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Ring of Honor Wrestling Television, Episode 390

It’s the last ROH before the 17th Anniversary! What will Matt Taven’s response be to the destruction of his title belt? Who gains momentum going into Vegas?



  • The Kingdom VS Villain Enterprises; Villain Enterprises wins.
  • Mayu Iwatani VS Holidead; Iwatani wins.
  • Kenny King VS Dalton Castle w/ The Boys; King wins.


There is only ONE ROH World Championship!

As Matt Taven continued to claim he was the rightful king, Jay Lethal came out and shut him up! But when The Kingdom looked to put Lethal down, LifeBlood came to his rescue! And most of all, Tenille Dashwood prompted Lethal to finally deal with the “slap in the face” that was Taven’s purple belt. Lethal spit, smashed and hacked away at the would-be title. No more Two Belts One Taven, no more Purple Reign, but when will this issue between Taven and Lethal truly be over?


The Kingdom VS Villain Enterprises!

The Sassy Wild Horse & Horror King go on without the ring leader, Matt Taven. Taven is surely still depressed over the damage done to his “real” ROH World Championship belt, but TK and Vinnie look to prove they can win on their own. Likewise, it’s the inhuman legend, PCO, and The Villain himself representing for the trio. Will Marty Scurll and his monster use this 2v2 match to earn a 3v3 title match?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as TK & Vinnie go right after Marty and PCO! They stomp Villain Enterprises then throw Scurll out. The Kingdom double whips PCO but PCO breaks through the clotheslines to clothesline them! Scurll returns and goes to the apron to SUPERKICK Vinnie! And then he goes to the other side to SUPERKICK TK! Fans fire up with Villain Enterprises while The Kingdom regroups. Scurll grabs Vinnie and puts him in. Scurll and PCO double whip, then Scurll whips PCO in for a forearm smash! PCO feeds Vinnie to Scurll’s backbreaker! Scurll fires up more as he stalks Vinnie. He wrenches Vinnie’s arm but Vinnie knees low. Tag to TK but Scurll mule kicks.

Scurll wrenches TK and brings him down to the mat. Scurll keylocks the arm and fires the fans up for the keylock stomp! Then La Majistrol, TWO! TK shoves but Scurll rolls him, TWO! Scurll whips but TK reverses, sunset flip but TK stays up. TK rebounds and distracts the ref while Vinnie drags Scurll out to throw into barriers! Vinnie puts Scurll in fast and TK chokes Scurll on the mat! The ref sees that and TK backs off at 4. TK throws forearms and tags in Vinnie. The Kingdom double headbutt and chop, then double flapjack! Back senton and leg drop, Vinnie covers, ONE! Villain Enterprises is in trouble while we go to break.

ROH returns as TK wraps a chinlock on Scurll. But TK manages to dig a thumb into Scurll’s eye out of the ref’s sight! PCO protests but the ref keeps him back while TK mocks the “Woop Woop!” Scurll swings blind but TK throws body shots. TK scoop slams and tags Vinnie. The Kingdom coordinate but Scurll shoves TK out and dodges Vinnie’s diving headbutt! Fans rally up and Scurll blindly reaches around. Scurll finds an open corner then the other! He finally finds PCO and tags in! PCO rallies on Vinnie then whips, big back drop! TK runs in but PCO runs through him! Vinnie boots but PCO comes back with a clothesline! PCO hits TK with a Side Effect, then whips him for a pop-up powerbomb! Vinnie runs into a scoop slam! Cover, but TK breaks it!

Scurll comes back, his vision returning. He throws hands on The Kingdom but TK kicks low. The Kingdom whip but Scurll holds ropes. Scurll dumps TK out and then Vinnie. PCO builds speed and Scurll helps him FLY! PCO wipes The Kingdom out, then puts Vinnie in the ring. Scurll puts Vinnie on the top rope and climbs up to join him. SUPERPLEX! PCO climbs and Frog Splash! Cover, TWO! Vinnie lives but Villain Enterprises keeps focus. Fans rally and Scurll tags back in. Scurll drags Vinnie up for a back suplex but Vinnie escapes. Tag to TK but Scurll punches him. TK reverses the whip but Scurll turns that to a backslide. TK slips out but gets a buzzsaw! Scurll hits Vinnie for good measure before calling for it. Scurll does his spin and everyone shouts, but TK Peles Scurll down!

TK tags Vinnie and Vinnie hits PCO for good measure. Vinnie goes back to Scurll, tilt-o-whirl Russian Leg Sweep! Cover, but PCO breaks it! The Kingdom bail out but PCO pursues. PCO has Vinnie on the apron and fireman’s carry, but Vinnie fights out. Vinnie knees PCO, then wants a bomb! But Scurll enziguris Vinnie down! Scurll puts Vinnie in but Vinnie runs to DIVE onto PCO! TK stalks Scurll, SPINEBUSTER! Vinnie climbs, Redrum swanton! Cover, TWO!! Scurll survives and The Kingdom is furious but we go to break.

ROH returns as Vinnie throws PCO into a post. Vinnie then puts PCO on a table and climbs up high! Vinnie leaps, Redrum through the table!! Fans cheer, but then lose their minds when PCO sits up! PCO is not human! But Vinnie gets up and shoves him into the apron. Scurll mule kicks Vinnie and sets him on the apron. PCO climbs but TK punches him down. Vinnie clotheslines Scurll and TK climbs to join PCO. TK aims, and SUPER hip tosses PCO onto a chair on the apron!! Scurll goes after TK while fans are thunderous. Vinnie gets Scurll with a Side Effect, TK climbs and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Scurll survives and PCO rises! Fans cheer the monster on as Scurll goes after Vinnie.

Vinnie counters with a fireman’s carry and TK goes to lift Vinnie, but Scurll escapes. Scurll rocks TK then rocks Vinnie. PCO drags TK out for a clothesline and Scurll powerbombs Vinnie. Scurll turns Vinnie over, PCO climbs, big leg drop on the Boston Crab! PCO DIVES onto TK while Scurll catapults Vinnie into buckles! Scurll spins and fans shout, but Vinnie drops down to roll Scurll up! TWO, and Scurll runs in, only to get a knee. Vinnie runs and tilt-o-whirls, but Scurll counters to the CHICKEN WING! Vinnie taps, Villain Enterprises wins!

Winners: Villain Enterprises, Marty Scurll by submission

The Villain and the monster are victorious, but will PCO and Brody King be able to defeat The Briscoes in Las Vegas?


Rush speaks.

“El Toro Blanco” is here in ROH, his new home, and he’s not just here to impress, but to take over. However, Bandido appears to respond. LifeBlood’s luchador wants to finally go 1v1 with Rush. Rush accepts, “perro”. They will have their match in Las Vegas at the 17th Anniversary Show! Who will be the better luchador in ROH?


Mayu Iwatani VS Holidead!

The Icon of Stardom is now the Women of Honor World Champion after defeating the Gatekeeper, Kelly Klein! But being only the third-ever champion is already a lot of pressure, will she be able to handle it against one half of the Twisted Sisterz?

The Code of Honor is not upheld on Holidead’s half, she prefers to lick her hands. She and Mayu tie up and Holidead shoves Mayu away. They circle and approach but Holidead kicks low. Holidead whips but Mayu reverses and kicks back. Mayu whips and things speed up, but Holidead blocks the hip toss to whip Mayu. Mayu comes back with a spinning elbow! Cover, TWO! Mayu keeps on Holidead but Holidead rocks her with a right. Holidead whips but Mayu dodges and dropkicks her down! Mayu fires the fans up as she dropkicks Holidead out of the ring! Mayu climbs up high but Holidead moves to intercept. Holidead climbs up to join Mayu but Mayu holds on for dear life.

Mayu throws forearms to send Holidead back, and a roundhouse sends her staggering. Holidead holds on, and hotshots Mayu! Holidead clubs away on Mayu on the apron, then drops the guillotine! The new champion is in trouble while we go to break.

ROH returns as Holidead slaps Mayu around. Sumie Sakai has appeared to support Mayu and cheers along with the fans. Mayu fires furious palm strikes back on Holidead! Mayu runs but Holidead pops her up to ram her into the corner. Then another corner! Holidead prepares to throw Mayu but Mayu fights out with elbows. Mayu kicks away but Holidead catches one. Holidead swings but Mayu dodges and baits her in for a boot. Holidead comes back but Mayu slips out and rolls up, shotgun dropkick! Fans rally behind Mayu as she covers, TWO! Holidead lives but Mayu keeps on her. Mayu goes to Northern Lights but Holidead blocks. Holidead clubs and whips Mayu but Mayu leaps up! Crossbody caught into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mayu barely survives and Holidead is furious.

Holidead drags Mayu up as fans rally with Sumie. Holidead scoops Mayu, swings her out, but Mayu holds on to fight back! Crucifix Driver! Cover, TWO! Mayu drags Holidead up, full nelsons, but Holidead fights out. Holidead reels Mayu in for a lariat! Cover, TWO! Mayu again survives and Holidead throws a tantrum. Sumie and fans rally for Mayu while Holidead says she’ll finish it. Holidead drags Mayu up but Mayu is dead weight. Holidead still picks Mayu up and underhooks, Canadian rack but Mayu slips out! Mayu shoves and SUPERKICKS Holidead! To German Suplex! Holidead is dazed, BUZZSAW! Fans fire up with Mayu, and she puts Holidead in a drop zone. Mayu climbs, MOONSAULT! Cover, Mayu wins!

Winner: Mayu Iwatani, by pinfall

The new WOH World Champion keeps rolling against bigger and stronger opponents, but speaking of opponents, Kelly Klein appears! She snatches the title belt away from Mayu, acting like it’s still hers. And she has her posse stand in Mayu’s way. Mayu just kicks and tosses the lead grunt! The others back off, but Kelly holds the belt up. Mayu snatches it back, showing Kelly she’s not to be trifled with. Mayu beat Kelly once, can she do it again to send the Pretty Badass to the back of the line?


Kenny King VS Dalton Castle w/ The Boys!

The K I N G wants to be on top of ROH, but he’s destined for settling scores with Marty Scurll in Las Vegas. Will he be able to gain momentum off a former world champion? Or will The Peacock gain himself some momentum towards a future title match?

Fans duel but Kenny doesn’t uphold the Code of Honor. The bell rings and they circle. They both keep out of the other’s grasp but Castle corners Kenny. Castle backs off but smirks as he talks about locking it up tight. They circle and Castle gets the waistlock. Castle slams Kenny down hard, then waistlocks again. He slams Kenny again, then waistlocks to roll Kenny around. Castle clubs and elbows Kenny then floats to a gut wrench. Kenny lands on his feet and swings, but Castle dodges and strikes the pose! Kenny swings again but into a waistlock. He elbows out but Castle dumps him out! Castle builds speed, but of course it’s to strut! Kenny comes back and uses his hands to insult Castle while we go to break.

ROH returns and Kenny has Castle in a chinlock! Castle pries his way out as fans rally. Kenny knocks Castle back down, then stretches Castle’s bad ribs. Castle fights with his free hand but Kenny grinds his forearms into Castle’s face. The referee reprimands Kenny but he stalks Castle to ropes. Kenny headbutts Castle, and again, but Castle forearms back. He still whips but Castle reverses and scoops. Kenny slips out but Castle brings him around. The clothesline doesn’t take Kenny down, but the knee and basement DDT do! Fans fire up with Castle as he pushes through the lower back pain. Castle runs in but into an elbow. Kenny jabs away on Castle then back elbows him to a corner. Castle dodges but so does Kenny, but so does Castle, repeat! They dodge over and over and over! Castle gets clear and finally clotheslines Kenny down!

Fans rally as Castle stalks Kenny to a corner. Castle blocks the kick and reels Kenny in for a saido suplex! And then a single-leg suplex! Kenny’s in a corner, Castle hits a big knee and a Sling-Dog! Cover, TWO! Kenny survives but Castle keeps focus. Castle puts Kenny in a chinlock then a facelock. Kenny fights out with body shots and kicks. Castle ducks the spinning roundhouse, and deadlift gut wrenches to a bomb! Cover, TWO! Kenny escapes and then bails out of the ring! The Boys #FanUp for Castle, but Kenny shoves them down! Kenny throws one of the Boys at Castle, then hits the Royal Flush! Cover, Kenny wins!

Winner: Kenny King, by pinfall

It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t clean, but the win goes to Kenny King. And Kenny makes sure everyone knows he just made everyone’s favorite Peacock #BendTheKnee. And he vows to do the same to everyone’s hero who pretends to be a villain. Kenny tells Marty that it doesn’t matter how many times he has to beat him, but vows that Vegas will be the last. Because in Kenny’s hometown, he’s gonna “Woop Woop” Scurll’s ass.


Matt Taven looks at what’s left of his championship belt.

The face plate is barely hanging on, and in fact, half of it comes off as he picks it up. “Nine months, I didn’t utter your name.” But Jay Lethal broke the “real” ROH World Championship, and with God as Taven’s witness, he’ll make Lethal pay. Taven will show everyone why he is the real world champion, and why he’s Matt Taven. Will Taven break Lethal’s spirit the way Lethal broke Taven’s heart?


Marty Scurll has a response for Kenny King.

Las Vegas, Sin City, Kenny’s home town is also Villain Country. And in front of all those numpties, Scurll will embarrass Kenny then put him out of his misery.


Matt Taven goes to the ring!

He calls out Jay Lethal and shouts, “How could you?!” Fans taunt him, “Where’s your belt?” Lethal calls himself the Franchise, a man of honor, yet he destroys another man’s property?! Lethal is a coward and everyone knows it! Taven gets annoyed with the cheering fans and tells Lethal that the Kingdom isn’t out here with him. They don’t need to wait a week, a day or even another minute. If Lethal has the guts, he’ll come out and settle this once and for all. Taven waits, and Lethal appears. Lethal isn’t dressed to compete, but he’ll still fight. But of course, The Kingdom rushes the ring! They mug Lethal like they did last week, and even tear up Lethal’s suit and pants up! TK and Vinnie holds Lethal for Taven, and Taven shouts, “You are NOTHING!” Taven slaps and strips and CHOPS Lethal!

Fans boo and jeer but no one is here to save Lethal. But Lethal breaks free and fights back! He takes Taven down then TK, and even rocks Vinnie. But Taven and TK come back and beat Lethal down. Vinnie and TK combine for House of a Thousand Horses! They slam Lethal down but they’re not done with Lethal. The Kingdom drags a table out while Taven talks trash to Lethal. Taven slaps Lethal over and over and then throws hands. But here comes Jonathon Gresham! The Octopus fights The Kingdom by himself, but this doesn’t go any better. Vinnie clubs Gresham from behind then fireman’s carry. TK combines with him for another House of a Thousand Horses! The Kingdom throw Gresham into a post!

They go back to the table and set it up. Taven climbs while TK puts Lethal on the table. Taven mocks Lethal with Hail to the King through the table! Fans boo but The Kingdom doesn’t care. Taven wants to truly be world champion, will he get his Grand Slam in Vegas?



My Thoughts:

This was a good go-home, but there is something really bothering me, that I might not have even noticed if I didn’t make articles. ROH advertises a match for the World Six Man Tag Team Championships for this episode. It’s how it is on Fite.TV and how it is on their official website. And yet, was there such a match? Obviously not or I would’ve written about it. In fact, I had the ROH World Six Man titles included on a version of this article’s match card and opening teasers. But it seems being behind PPV canon was no longer enough for Sinclair Broadcasting, they couldn’t even coordinate what happens in an episode and what they use to hype the episode up. A really disappointing handling of business.

But that all aside, what we got was still good. The 2v2 match of Scurll & PCO VS TK O’Ryan & Vinnie Marseglia was great, and PCO really isn’t human with those extreme spots. Villain Enterprises wins, so I would hope we’ll actually get that Six Man title match after the 17th Anniversary Show. Mayu VS Holidead was pretty solid, and of course Mayu wins, because she’s the new champion and is going right into her rematch with Kelly Klein. Kelly’s posse look kinda stupid (and if I’m not mistaken, I think one of them was The Disciplinarian, Kristen Davidson, from Women of Wrestling), and they didn’t even really fight Mayu like I thought they would. The rematch looks to be good, though, and could go either way. Being the Anniversary Show, I bet ROH would go with making Kelly the first-ever two-time champion.

King VS Castle was good, but not necessarily main event good. King wins to roll into taking on Scurll, but I’m thinking Scurll wins to give King his comeuppance. All the cheating and dirty wins King has gotten will come back to bite him, that’s for sure. And maybe Scurll moves on to finally cash in his Survival of the Fittest title shot at the next event. The main event match was likely cut short because of the ending segment. This ending segment could also be why we didn’t get that ROH Six Man title match tonight. Taven obviously wasn’t going to face Lethal alone, and The Kingdom gets revenge. Taven stands tall tonight but I feel the ROH World Championship match could go either way. If anything, Taven winning could help further a feud of The Kingdom VS Villain Enterprises going forward.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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