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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/25/19)

What is the Survivor Series Aftermath?



NEW Raw coverage

And Raw wins the Bronze Medal!

Survivor Series has come and gone, but Raw wasn’t the big winner. Even so, things roll on! What is next for the red brand as 2019 comes to a close?



  • Bobby Lashley w/ Lana VS Titus O’Neil; Lashley wins, by disqualification.
  • Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins VS The Authors of Pain; The Authors of Pain win.
  • Akira Tozawa VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega; Almas wins.
  • Matt Hardy VS Buddy Murphy; Murphy wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Humberto Carrillo; No Contest.
  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Ricochet VS Randy Orton VS Drew McIntyre VS Rey Mysterio; wins and will challenge AJ Styles for the title.
  • WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Rey Mysterio; Mysterio wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.
  • Charlotte Flair VS Asuka w/ Kairi Sane; Asuka wins.
  • Erick Rowan VS Kyle Roberts; Rowan wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens; Owens wins, by disqualification.


Chicago is Raw!

Survivor Series’ four-day weekend ends with Monday! And everyone on the Raw roster surrounds the ring. Seth Rollins gets in the ring for this Raw “Town Hall Meeting.” Rollins takes the mic and says to the fans chanting CM Punk that he tried to get him back, but he’s sitting behind a desk in LA. But this isn’t about Punk, this is about the Raw roster. Fans now chant “NXT! NXT!” because they won Survivor Series. Rollins will be the first to agree, NXT mopped the floor with Raw. Rollins can’t stand that, because just like everyone, he’s been a fan of Raw for life! Stone Cold, DX, all of them! To see what Raw has become breaks his heart. “This show is better than that!” And to his fellow superstars, this is harsh but needs to be said. “Last night at Survivor Series, you all sucked.” Wait, you? Not we?

Rollins is trying to right the ship, they all dropped the ball! They need to fix it! They went from being The A Show to the C Show! They need to Make Raw Great Again! Rollins believes in Raw, so he called this meeting. If anyone wants to speak their minds, speak. Maybe Randy Orton? The Viper ended up the weak link. Rollins is being real. If Orton has something to say, say it now. Orton doesn’t, and leaves. Fine, don’t be a leader! Rollins will stick his neck out for the brand instead of the veteran! In which case, Rollins turns to the women’s team captain. Charlotte Flair led the team into battle but she wasn’t even the last one standing. “And you call yourself a Flair?” Charlotte leaves, too! Rollins talks to the Authors of Pain, they should’ve been there. But seems they don’t care so maybe Raw shouldn’t care, either. Now the AoP storm off.

Rollins points out Rey Mysterio. Rollins wants to be honest. He let us all down. Fans boo Rollins but Rollins says he beat Lesnar twice but Mysterio couldn’t do it with the steel pipe and his “stupid kid” helping out. Maybe he’s not the same Rey they grew up with. Chicago is letting Rollins know what they think of him as Mysterio, and everyone leaves! What are they doing?! He’s doing the right thing! This is their show, they need to step up! Everyone’s thinking this stuff, but only one man has the guts to say anything. But then Kevin Owens stands up. Rollins lets everyone know, this is Mr. NXT. Well, this is an open forum, so Kevin can say what he needs to say. But Rollins knows Kevin will say Rollins is making it about himself. He’s not! This is from Rollins’ heart, okay? He LOVES Raw! The ropes, the canvas, the locker room! He works day in and day out to make it better! Rollins eats, sleeps and breathes Raw to make it the best show possible!

But what does Kevin do? Just shows up like a “lazy piece of crap” and doesn’t do a thing. Kevin wants Rollins’ spot? Well Rollins tells Kevin that he will never be Rollins. Wait, no, he’s not meaning to insult Kevin. He’s just saying this is the right thing to do. Kevin gives Rollins a STUNNER! That’s all Kevin has to say. Will that Stunner drive some sense into Rollins?


Backstage interview with a seething Seth Rollins.

The Architect didn’t accomplish what he hoped. He was trying to get Raw on track but no one wants to hear it? Kevin’s going to learn the hard way! They’re having a match! Rollins makes the challenge, but will he be able to correct course by force?


Bobby Lashley w/ Lana VS Titus O’Neil!

The Rocky Mountain Machine was not with Raw for Survivor Series, perhaps because he’s been too busy with the Ravishing Russian. But can Lashley focus on the Real Deal?

Before the bell, Raw shares footage of someone serving Rusev another restraining order to keep him away again! The Bulgarian Brute is getting real tired of this, but what can he do?

The bell rings, Lana gives Lashley a good luck kiss but fans chant for “Rusev Day!” Lashley circles with Titus and they tie up. Lashley powers Titus to a corner, but Titus dodges the sucker punch to give haymakers and a CHOP! Titus whips but Lashley reverses to wrench and elbow. Lashley runs, into a CHOP! Titus runs in, but into a SLAM! Lashley got Titus way up! But wait, Rusev is running down the ramp?! Legalities aside, Rusev wants revenge and goes after Lashley!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by disqualification

Rusev clubs away on Lashley! Fans are fired up but Lana is furious! Rusev MACHKA Kicks Lashley out of the ring! And then beats him down going up the ramp! Lana shouts, but Rusev throws Lashley into steel steps! The restraining order and possible arrest means NOTHING compared to beating “Bob” Lashley down! Rusev stalks Lashley but Lashley mule kicks back. Lashley hits back but so does Rusev! LARIAT! Rusev throws off the tracksuit jacket to throw Lashley into the LED wall! Lashley flounders towards the announce desk, Rusev bounces him off it. And off comes the cover! Fans are ready for this as Rusev throws Jerry Lawler’s chair away! Rusev punches Lashley onto the table then tells Lana to stay back now. “This is NOT about you!”

Rusev climbs up but here comes Chicago PD! Rusev is cuffed for violating the restraining order, and Lana shouts that this is what Rusev gets! But Rusev still has his shoulders, and he RAMS Lashley off the stage!! Chicago is thunderous for Rusev as even more police restrain him! Lana is shouting, but Rusev boots girders over onto Lashley! Lana is freaking out and Rusev is smiling! Rusev is bad, but is it only going to get badder?


Raw shares footage from commercial.

Lashley needed to be stretchered out after the stage pieces fell on him. Lana was aghast the entire time, and left with Lashley and the medics. What damage did Rusev do to the Rocky Mountain Machine?


Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins VS The Authors of Pain!

Rollins called out Akam and Rezar for being absent despite all the talk. Now they are here, and ready to wreck the Major Bros! Is this only going to be the start of a new chapter for the AoP?

Hawkins starts with Akam, and at the bell, Hawkins runs in, only to get tripped up. Akam grounds ‘n’ pounds and kicks away on Hawkins, then tags in Rezar. The AoP hit the Russian Leg Sweep Lariat, the Last Chapter! But then Rezar drags Ryder in and clubs away just because he can! The referee reprimands Rezar but he tags Akam. They each take a Major Bro, fireman’s carries, and DOUBLE Death Valley Drivers into corners! Then, going a big old school, SUPER COLLIDER!! The powerbomb sandwich is still not satisfactory as Rezar tags back in. Akam suplexes Hawkins up, powerbomb neckbreaker combo! Cover, The Authors of Pain win!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, Rezar by pinfall

This new chapter is as brutal as all the others! But what new ways of violence will the AoP show us as things roll on?


Akira Tozawa VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

The Stamina Monster came close to becoming a two-time Cruiserweight Champion, but no such luck. El Idolo wants to improve his own standings, and he doesn’t need luck when he has La Muneca by his side. Who wins in the aftermath of Survivor Series to move forward?

The bell rings, Tozawa shoves Almas but then dodges to hop up, only for Almas to powerbomb him down! Almas stomps away on Tozawa, but backs up at the ref’s count. Almas throws forearms into Tozawa, then CHOPS! Tozawa staggers away but Almas knees him hard in a corner. Almas stomps Tozawa more but Tozawa sits up. Almas is on his arm, but fans rally up for Tozawa. Tozawa fights out but Almas knees low. Almas suplexes, uno amigo. He gets up, but Tozawa blocks dos amigo to cradle! ONE, Tozawa runs, Almas pops him up again, but Tozawa huricanranas through! Then back kick, swing, slide under, dodge and SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Almas is in the drop zone and Tozawa heads up high! But Almas trips Tozawa up and drags him down.

Zelina tells Almas to finish and Almas stomps a mudhole. Almas fires up and goes corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS! But Almas doesn’t cover, he drags Tozawa up and into the hammerlock. LA SOMBRA! Cover, Almas wins!

Winner: Andrade Almas, by pinfall

He didn’t even need Zelina’s help this time! Will Almas rack up wins on his own to finally head for the top?


Aleister Black speaks.

Buddy Murphy must understand the “repercussions” of what he has done. Murphy knocked on Aleister’s door, but has a match tonight. Aleister is coming to collect what he is owed! Murphy’s mere presence means he is here to pick. A fight. With HIM! Is the Embodiment of the End finally getting that fight he’s been after?


Matt Hardy VS Buddy Murphy!

Don’t worry, you’re not looking back into the past! Matt Hardy IS back, and he’s ready to get back on track! But is the Aussie Juggernaut about to go extreme with Matt V1?

The bell rings and Murphy gets Hardy into a corner. Murphy rams his shoulder and throws hands and stomps! The ref backs Murphy off, Hardy kicks back! Hardy bumps Murphy off buckles, then more buckles. Hardy climbs up to rain down right hands, but Murphy tucks him in for a SUPERKICK! Hardy flops down and Murphy ramps him into a post! Murphy sneers as Hardy falls to the floor. Murphy goes out to fetch Hardy and club away. Murphy RAMS Hardy into barriers! Then into more barriers! Murphy smirks as he puts Hardy back in the ring. Chicago rallies for Hardy but Murphy climbs up. Murphy leaps, but Hardy gets under! Hardy comes back, SIDE EFFECT! But it proves a little double-edged. Fans rally up but Murphy is up first, only for Hardy to ROCK him with that right!

Hardy hits a corner clothesline, then another, but no bulldog. Murphy runs in but gets an elbow. Hardy boots from the corner then hops up, and fans fire up as Hardy hits a leaping elbow! Hardy calls for it, Murphy slowly gets up, “DELETE! DELETE!” Kick, but no Twist of Fate, KNEE TRIGGER! Murphy runs to knee trigger again! Murphy drags Hardy into AUSSIE-GOYE! Cover, Murphy wins!

Winner: Buddy Murphy, by pinfall

A bloody nose doesn’t even bother Buddy Murphy as he beats down a living legend! Murphy grabs a mic to call Aleister Black out! “I’ve come to pick, a fight, with-” The music hits, and here he comes! Murphy is suddenly fearful as Aleister rises from the shadows! Aleister storms his way to the ring, and gets right in! Murphy stands his ground, and then throws hands. But Aleister hits back, and ELBOWS hard! Aleister boots, then KNEE TRIGGERS Murphy! Murphy falls out of the ring, Aleister watches him flounder around. Murphy gets up, Aleister dares Murphy to get back in. The Best Kept Secret gets up on the apron, but then backs away. Murphy picked this fight, but he doesn’t look ready to end it here. When and where will this fight finally happen?


Backstage interview with Charlotte Flair.

The Queen of All Eras and the Empress of Tomorrow got “pretty heated” at Survivor Series. Regardless of the ending, was Charlotte really captain-like? Charlotte never said she was a team player, but she was the only one qualified to lead. And clearly, Asuka is still upset over the WrestleMania 34 defeat that ended her streak. Now Asuka uses the “heinous” green mist. But Charlotte will remind Asuka why she is the TEN-TIME Women’s Champion. The Queen and Empress go around one more time, but who will be ready for who?


WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Humberto Carrillo!

The Phenomenal One didn’t win his Survivor Series Triple Threat, but he didn’t really lose it since Roderick Strong stole his pin on Shinsuke Nakamura. But Styles did lose the Six Man Tag against Randy Orton, Ricochet and his challenger, hence why we’re getting this match! Will Styles rebound and win to again deny Ultimo Ninja the gold?

The introductions are made, but the OC attack Carrillo at the ramp! Gallows and Anderson drag Carrillo up but Carrillo turns things around! He fights them off to BOOT Gallows and LEAP onto Anderson! But Gallows choke grips, and choke SLAMS Carrillo on the apron! Anderson throws Carrillo into the steel steps, then pulls the steps apart! Gallows drags Carrillo up, they give Carrillo MAGIC KILLER to the steps! Styles applauds his Good Brothers as they join him in the ring. Ricochet runs out as Styles says, “You’re welcome, Chicago.” Is Carrillo okay? No? Well damn, guess he can’t compete. Unfortunate, really. And speaking of unfortunate, wasn’t Ricochet a superhero? He didn’t save Carrillo in time, did he?

Ricochet can’t believe this is what the great AJ Styles has become. He has to have the OC attack someone who could take the title off him? That’s not what a champion is. Ricochet wants to challenge Styles now! Styles says nope. He signed up for Humberto Carrillo, and only Humberto Carrillo. So it’s not going to happen! But then Randy Orton appears? “Humberto might not be able to compete, AJ, but I can.” Besides, Chicago would love nothing more than Orton RKO Styles through the canvas. So will it be Ricochet or Orton Styles faces? Fans chant “RKO! RKO!” But Styles tells Orton that the last time they competed, it was in a bigger and better city, with bright lights, and during WrestleMania, and Styles still won. Styles has nothing to prove to guys he’s already beaten! It’s just not gonna happen!

But here comes Drew McIntyre! He has a solution to this problem. There is a man who hasn’t faced Styles before, who is “tall, dark, handsome, has a sexy accent,” and managed to defeat the Monster Among Men and the United Kingdom Champion! Chicago doesn’t deserve this match, but how about this? First-time-ever, AJ Styles VS Drew McIntyre, for the United States Championship! Styles tells “MacIntyre,” after stealing the show, Styles is sore. But wait, here comes Rey Mysterio! The King of Lucha may not be WWE World Champion, but if anyone is sore and banged up, Mysterio faced Brock Lesnar. And yet, he’s not complaining. Styles’ excuses, not wanting to defend against anyone. But Mysterio isn’t letting him cheat Chi Town out of a title match. Why not face the living legend?

Styles has had it! No one here has earned anything! They’re so spoiled! Out of principle, Styles again declines. Orton wants to get this straight, but Ricochet speaks up. As the new guy, he has an idea. These four should just have a Fatal 4 Way, and the winner moves on to face Styles for the title tonight! McIntyre likes his idea better, but Styles says Ricochet has had the dumbest idea ever! Though, Gallows actually thinks it’s a good idea. Anderson agrees. Styles is upset with his Good Brothers right now. But fine! They can all beat the crap out of each other and he’ll pick the bones! This star-studded contender’s match is happening, after the break!

WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Ricochet VS Randy Orton VS Drew McIntyre VS Rey Mysterio!

Raw is back as the Real-Life Superhero, The Viper, the Scottish Stud and the King of Lucha pair off! Mysterio goes at Orton while Ricochet sends McIntyre out! Orton hits Mysterio back then goes at Ricochet but gets a mule kick. Mysterio tilt-o-whirls to a crucifix but Ricochet uses him to hit Orton. Mysterio runs, dodges, and alley-oops onto McIntyre to huricanrana him out! Ricochet PESCADOS Orton! Mysterio gets in but Ricochet follows, and these two circle as fans rally up. They shake hands to show it is still respectful. Orton gets in but gets double dropkicks! Orton bails out, Ricochet and Rey go again. Rey waistlocks, Ricochet spins out but Rey whips, Ricochet wrecks McIntyre.

Ricochet dodges Mysterio in the corner but Mysterio puts him outside, to forearm down. Ricochet enziguris back, then aims at McIntyre, but leaps into his arms! McIntyre scoop SLAMS ricochet down! Orton goes after Mysterio, and slides him out onto Mysterio! Fans are fired up as McIntyre stalks Ricochet. McIntyre puts Ricochet in and Orton goes after him with stomps. McIntyre and Orton have a truce as they go after Ricochet. Orton drags Ricochet up for McIntyre to CHOP! McIntyre suplex TOSSES Ricochet! Orton drags Ricochet up and scrapes his laces on Ricochet’s face. McIntyre keeps Mysterio out, then he goes back to Ricochet. Orton and McIntyre mug Ricochet, and McIntyre CHOPS! Ricochet fires up but gets beat back down!

Mysterio returns, Orton uppercuts him down. McIntyre throws Mysterio out, then puts Ricochet in a corner. Orton and McIntyre mug Ricochet more, then whip him corner to corner. Ricochet boots Orton and enziguris McIntyre! Ricochet somersault shotgun dropkicks! Ricochet fires up, shoulders in then springboards, but McIntyre gets under. Orton gets Ricochet with the spinning powerslam! Mysterio springboards for the seated senton! Then he dodges McIntyre for a springboard crossbody! Fans fire up as Mysterio goes at Ricochet but Ricochet sips out to hit back. Mysterio hits Ricochet and kicks him down. Mysterio goes out and climbs up, bringing Ricochet to join him. Ricochet fights back, adjusts, but Mysterio fights back, too.

Ricochet shoves Mysterio down but McIntyre clubs him! McIntyre goes up to join Ricochet but Mysterio goes after him! McIntyre sends him back down but Ricochet trips McIntyre! McIntyre is in the Tree of Woe, but Mysterio trips Ricochet! Mysterio climbs back up, but Orton adds on. Orton shoves Ricochet off! Orton stomps McIntyre, has Mysterio up top and climbs to join him. Orton has Mysterio, but McIntyre sits up!! SPIDER GERMAN SUPERPLEX!! Everyone is down but Chicago is fired up! But The OC come back to get a closer look. Will they get involved after the break?

Raw returns as Orton grinds Mysterio down. McIntyre drags Ricochet up as The OC watch ringside. McIntyre CHOPS Ricochet while Orton has Mysterio outside. Orton throws Mysterio into steel steps while McIntyre toys with Ricochet. “Show some balls!” McIntyre slaps, so Ricochet SLAPS back! They brawl, Ricochet enziguris and rewind kicks! Orton returns but gets the dropkick-flip and enziguri! Ricochet runs, but Orton gets him through the ropes, and blows a kiss to Styles! Draping DDT! Cover, but McIntyre breaks it! McIntyre and Orton talk trash, McIntyre tells Orton he’s had 93 titles! This is McIntyre’s time! McIntyre CHOPS! Orton is stinging, but he comes back to CHOP. McIntyre CHOPS! Orton has to check his ears. McIntyre eggs Orton on, so Orton pokes his eye. Orton bumps McIntyre off buckles then fires off uppercuts!

Orton can’t believe the mark McIntyre left on him. McIntyre HEADBUTTS! The Glasgow Kiss takes Orton down, but Ricochet LEAPS in with a lariat! Standing shooting star! Ricochet triangle dropkicks Mysterio! Ricochet has McIntyre, he hops up, but McIntyre has him in the Electric Chair, blocks the Poison-rana into the INVERTED ALABAMA- NO! Victory roll! TWO!! McIntyre LARIATS Ricochet! Dead lift POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Fans are rallying as McIntyre takes aim at Ricochet. Ricochet rises, but Orton RKO’s McIntyre! Cover, but The OC drag Orton out! No Disqualifications allows them to throw Orton into barriers! Ricochet and Mysterio are back up, Mysterio springboards to huricanrana, but gets blocked! To Ricochet’s fireman’s carry. Mysterio slips out, moonsaults, cradle! Mysterio wins!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contender to the United States Championship

Even AJ Styles was surprised by that one! And he feels pretty great about it, too. Will Styles add onto what Lesnar did last night? Or will Mysterio be champion once again?


WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Rey Mysterio!

Raw returns and Mysterio is the one under the 8-ball as he has to have another match after that fantastic Fatal 4! Will Mysterio get this gold despite not getting the world title?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this match of icons begins!

Styles goes at Mysterio fast and stomps away in the corner. The ref backs Styles off but Styles grins as he comes back for more. He bumps Mysterio off buckles, then again. Mysterio staggers about but Styles bumps him off the other two buckles! Fans boo as Styles looms over Mysterio and brings him up. Mysterio fights back, kicks, runs, tilt-o-whirls but into a backbreaker! Styles says he could do this all night long. Styles drags Mysterio up again and into a snap suplex. The OC want Styles to beat on him a little more, but Mysterio gets out of the ring. Styles goes out to fetch Mysterio, and throw him into barriers! Styles chops Mysterio then bumps him off the apron. Styles throws Mysterio back in at 6 and stalks Mysterio to a corner.

Mysterio hits back! Mysterio throws haymakers, then climbs up, only for Styles to trip him up! Styles drags Mysterio into a Tree of Woe and stomps away. Styles backs off to run corner to corner, basement dropkick! Cover, Ropebreak! Styles grins, he likes the “smart move.” But Styles eggs Mysterio on as he wraps on a chinlock. Mysterio endures, but fans rally up. Mysterio fights his way up, fights his way out, but Mysterio throws him down. Styles drags Mysterio up to put on the ropes and choke him more. Styles grabs at Mysterio and turns him into a rope guillotine! Mysterio sputters, and Styles mocks his pain. Fans rally for Mysterio but Styles is on him again. But Mysterio blocks the suplex, knees out and throws hands. Mysterio whips, Styles reverses, but Mysterio kicks back! Mysterio springboards but the leg gives out!

Styles stomps Mysterio down but Mysterio fights back! He springboards, gets it, but Styles catches him! Only for Mysterio to send Styles into the post! Fans rally as Mysterio evens things with Styles! Styles flounders to his feet but Mysterio is on him with an enziguri! Styles ends up on the ropes, and Mysterio dials it up, but Anderson trips him! Fans boo, the ref takes notice, and EJECTS The OC! Mysterio might have a miracle in store after all, and we go to break!

Raw returns again, and Styles whips Mysterio corner to corner hard! Styles drags Mysterio up by his mask to bump off buckles again. Mysterio flounders but Chicago keeps the faith. Styles hoists Mysterio up top backwards, then climbs up to join him. Mysterio fights back! Styles clubs back, then drags Mysterio into the Tree of Woe! Styles stomps a mudhole but backs off, tot hen run in corner to corner again. Mysterio sits up and Styles splits himself down the middle! Styles drags himself up as Mysterio adjusts, and Mysterio SEATED SENTONS! Then keeps moving, to tilt-o-whirl headscissor! Styles flounders but Mysterio fires off forearms. Mysterio climbs up to rain down right hands! Mysterio goes all the way to 10! Mysterio whips Styles but Styles reverses, only to get a boot. Mysterio wheelbarrow bulldogs! Cover, TWO!

Mysterio keeps his cool as Styles survives. Mysterio hears the fans rallying behind him again, and Mysterio goes back to a corner. He climbs up again, but Styles stops him with haymakers! Styles climbs up to join Mysterio, but Mysterio resists! Mysterio fights back and bites the fingers! Styles falls back, Mysterio adjusts again, but Styles gets him in a fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Styles is furious and hurries to get Mysterio up! Clash position, lift, but Mysterio slips out to kick and DESTROYER! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives again but Mysterio is too exhausted to be frustrated. Mysterio gets some space, goes to the apron and takes aim. Mysterio springboards, flying huricanrana puts Styles on the ropes! DIAL IT UP! 6 1 9!! But Styles bumps into the ref! Mysterio goes up top, sees the ref is down, and hops down to check. Mysterio covers, but the ref can’t count! Mysterio would have won!

The OC returns! They can’t be disqualified with the ref down! They beat Mysterio down while Styles gets to the apron. But here comes Orton to fight the OC! He throws Gallows and Anderson into barriers! Orton gets in, Styles forearms him away. Styles prepares his forearm, but springboards, into a huricanrana! Mysterio dials it up again, 619!! RKO!! Orton helps Mysterio and Mysterio hits a FROG SPLASH! Cover, the ref is there, MYSTERIO WINS!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall; NEW WWE United States Champion

And Dominic is there to celebrate with his father! Dominic is why Mysterio is still here, and it’s why he is now the new champion! The King of Lucha is once again a champion, is this just the beginning of a new chapter in his career?


Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

The Prizefighter interrupts to take this himself. “Seth, listen to me very carefully.” Kevin was listening to Rollins earlier. That Rollins thinks he’s making WWE and Raw better, holding us all to higher standards. He says Kevin should try to be more. But the difference between them is that Kevin has known who he is since the first time he wrestled almost 20 years ago! He’s known who he is the entire time he’s in the WWE. He hasn’t tried to be something he’s not, even when others tell him to be. Kevin knows he is Kevin Owens, will always be Kevin Owens and is perfectly fine with that! But Rollins wants to be what he thinks this company needs him to be, and yet all he has done is become a “miserable, whiny, insufferable prick!” Maybe Kevin is “Mr. NXT,” but “Mr. Crossfit” is going to get a Stunner that turns Monday Night Rollins into the Kevin Owens Show!


Charlotte Flair VS Asuka w/ Kairi Sane!

The Queen and the Empress meet in 1v1 competition once again! Team Raw may have fallen apart, but Charlotte is not letting it bother her. But that mist did bother her, will she get payback for that? Or is she not ready for this mean, green, mist-spitting Asuka?

The bell rings and Asuka tells Charlotte to kiss this. Charlotte DECKS Asuka then fires off more forearms! She grounds ‘n’ pounds but Asuka gets out of the ring. Charlotte pursues to throw Asuka into barriers! Charlotte also keeps her eyes on Kairi as she creeps closer. Charlotte drags Asuka into the ring, but Kairi gets on the apron. Charlotte BOOTS Kairi but Asuka gets after Charlotte. Asuka whips but Charlotte BEILS Asuka away! Asuka gets to a corner but Charlotte stomps her down. Charlotte rubs in that she broke the streak, then dares Asuka to get up. Asuka dodges, bumps Charlotte off buckles over and over! Charlotte forearms Asuka away, then bumps Asuka off buckles again and again! Charlotte lets up at 4 and cools off.

Charlotte drags Asuka up to scoop but Asuka slips out to throw Charlotte by her hair! Asuka drags Charlotte up by her hair to throw forearms, but Charlotte gives them back. They brawl up to their feet, Asuka waistlocks but Charlotte elbows over and over until she’s free. Charlotte runs in, but Asuka grabs the arm! Charlotte resists the takedown and gets up, then rolls to trip Asuka. Asuka kicks Charlotte off the Figure Four, and the two stand up. Asuka runs into Charlotte’s elbow, but Kairi swipes at her. Charlotte swipes back, but Asuka hip attacks from behind! Asuka covers, TWO! Asuka grabs Charlotte’s arm again to grind it down, but Charlotte hits back. Asuka holds on and wrenches the arm, then stomps away! Asuka stays clamped onto the arm, but Charlotte endures.

Fans build to a rally and Charlotte fights her way up. Charlotte elbows out, Asuka kicks back. They fight on the mat, Asuka throws more forearms. Asuka stands up to give kicks! Charlotte takes them all, egging Asuka on! Charlotte catches one, then swings, but Asuka dodges to hit back! Asuka back hands then runs, but into a BOOT! Cover, TWO! Asuka bails out to regroup with Kairi. Charlotte dares them to fight. Kairi backs off as Charlotte goes out, and the chase is on! The Pirate Princess goes up the stairs into the crowd and Charlotte leaves her be. Charlotte goes back to Asuka as we go to break.

Raw returns again and Asuka whips but Charlotte reverses to send Asuka out! Charlotte then WRECKS Asuka with a dropkick! Fans fire up as Charlotte fetches Asuka back into the ring. Charlotte walks into an armbar takedown! Charlotte blocks but ends up in a triangle hold! She makes it a cover, ONE, but Charlotte forearms away on Asuka. Charlotte breathes and drags Asuka back up to push her around. Charlotte whips Asuka but Asuka reverses. Charlotte tumbles out to the apron but gets a kick! Asuka runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Charlotte gets in, but Asuka dodges the boot to German Suplex! Charlotte is folded up but Asuka can’t cover! Fans rally and duel as Asuka stands first. Asuka kicks away on Charlotte’s face! Asuka runs, but Charlotte ducks to roll her up, TWO! ASUKA LOCK!

Charlotte rolls back, cover, TWO! Asuka is out, kicks but Charlotte dodges to ROCK her with a right! Asuka hits back then goes at Charlotte on the ropes. Asuka runs, but into a backbreaker! Charlotte shoves to LARIAT Asuka down! Charlotte waits for Asuka to stand, to CHOP! And CHOP! More CHOPS! “WOO~!” echoes as Charlotte whips and scoops Asuka for a Fall Away Slam! Kip up! Fans fire up as Charlotte steps on Asuka and climbs up top. Charlotte MOONSAULT but Asuka gets clear. Charlotte adjusts and somersault sentons! Cover, TWO! Charlotte grins, she’s not done with Asuka yet. Asuka drags herself up with the ropes but Charlotte reels her in. Asuka fights back, then runs in, into a waistlock! Asuka victory rolls it, TWO! Asuka is after Charlotte’s head, but Charlotte back suplexes! Charlotte sits up but is having to catch her breath.

Asuka boots from the corner but Charlotte blocks to forearm back. Charlotte springboards but Asuka gets clear of the knee drop! Charlotte runs in, but her Spear is turned into a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte still lives and Asuka can’t believe it! But both women are remembering why their WrestleMania match was so tough. Asuka crawls to the corner as fans rally up again. Asuka climbs up, Charlotte stands, Asuka leaps but misses the crossbody! NATURAL SELE- NO! Armbar! Triangle Hold! Charlotte holds onto her own hand, makes it a cover, ONE. Asuka keeps clamped onto Charlotte, but Charlotte powers her way out, to a Boston Crab! Charlotte bends Asuka back but Asuka endures and crawls. Asuka reaches, and gets the ropebreak! Charlotte lets go at 4, then drags Asuka back. Asuka kicks away on Charlotte’s face! Charlotte lets Asuka go to BOOT her down!

Charlotte goes at Asuka in the corner, blocks a kick to give an elbow. She drops the knee on Asuka’s leg! Asuka writhes, Charlotte walks over, but gets a ROUNDHOUSE! Charlotte rebounds and SPEARS! Cover, TWO!! Asuka survives but Charlotte is after her legs. Kairi returns?! Charlotte chases her to the barriers and catches her! Charlotte throws Kairi into a post! Charlotte has Asuka and puts her back in the ring. Kairi flounders up to distract the ref, THE MIST AGAIN!! Roll-up, Asuka wins!!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall

The Kabuki Warriors are just too clever! Charlotte falls for the same trick, and the #JoshiRoyalty celebrates. With so many tricks up their proverbial sleeves, will anyone ever be ready for Kairi and Asuka?


Erick Rowan VS Kyle Roberts!

The Big Red Behemoth still baby talks his little pet inside the cage. But we have yet to learn what that pet even is. The mystery aside, will Rowan wreck another opponent?

The bell rings and Roberts runs for it! But then, he spots the cage. Roberts takes a peek and it spooks him! Rowan grabs Roberts and throws him into steel steps! Rowan rips the steps apart in rage and then he stomps Roberts down! Rowan pops Roberts up for a powerbomb into the post! Rowan puts Roberts into the ring, and is furious with Roberts enough for an Iron Claw SLAM! But Rowan won’t stop, he gives Roberts ANOTHER! Cover, Rowan wins!

Winner: Erick Rowan, by pinfall

Rowan goes back to his precious little critter, but what is it about the “darling” thing that Rowan is so protective of?


The IIconics plug the WWE Black Friday sales!

Tonight only is Buy One T, get one for a DOLLAR! R-Truth comes by to help out. He is proof that this deal is a steal, because he already bought one Street Profits shirt, and bought an IIconics shirt for $1! This is a deal! This deal is a steal! And that WWE 24/7 Championship is REAL!? Truth gets away with it, and Peyton and Billie notice too late! Don’t let these deals pass you by like they did a chance to be co-champions!


Backstage interview with The OC.

What is going through Styles’ mind after losing the United States Championship? He tries to put it into words, but not even the Good Brothers know what to say. Styles takes a moment, grits his teeth, but eventually, he says, “Randy Orton.” The OC leave, but will they respond with actions rather than words next time we see them?


Backstage interview with Lana.

The Ravishing Russian’s husband Rusev is arrested and her boy toy Bobby Lashley is in the hospital. Rusev is a danger not only to himself but to those around him. Rusev is becoming obsessed! Though, who could blame him? But what happened to Lashley just proves Rusev should be sent back to Bulgaria! Either way, Lana is handling the trauma well, and will be okay. Thanks for asking. No one asked, but the question does have to be asked: will Rusev only come back for more revenge once released from county lock-up?


Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens!

The Raw ra ra didn’t work the way Rollins hoped, and it was Kevin that stood up to shut Rollins up. Will Kevin do even more than that as Raw heads for TLC? Or will Rollins do what is “right” and get himself back on track?

Raw returns again as the bell rings. Kevin goes for a stunner but Rollins gets away. Kevin goes after him and they brawl on the outside! Kevin whips Rollins into barriers, then says, “Who’s the man now!” Kevin CHOPS Rollins and puts him into the ring. Rollins hits back and then builds speed, but runs into a forearm! Kevin gets in and CHOPS Rollins again. And again! Then whips corner to corner, but Rollins reverses. Kevin boots back then hops up to missile dropkick! Back senton added on, cover, TWO! Kevin has Rollins in a corner and runs in, but into a buckle complete shot! Rollins gets the leg to dragon screw Kevin down! Rollins goes after that same leg with a Half Crab! Kevin endures, turns it around, and pushes Rollins off. Kevin ducks Rollins’ clothesline to CHOP again!

Kevin fireman’s carries but Rollins slips out to boot back. Rollins goes up and over to run and Slingblade! Rollins kicks Kevin out of the ring, then builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit and Kevin hits barriers! But Rollins goes again, another DIVE! Rollins puts Kevin in after the second tope, then aims from the corner. Springboard but Kevin gets under, and SUPERKICKS! Kevin has Chicago fired up but Rollins grabs a chair! Rollins doesn’t care about winning but the ref tells Rollins to stand down. Rollins is seething again as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more and Rollins has Kevin on the top rope! Kevin fights back, and throws Rollins down! Fans fire up as Kevin adjusts, SWANTON gets knees! Rollins covers, TWO! Rollins is frustrated, but he stomps Kevin down. Rollins down rights and lefts then gets Kevin in a chinlock. Fans boo and jeer but Rollins pulls Kevin back. Kevin endures and pries against the hold. Rollins fish hooks Kevin’s face! The ref reprimands but Rollins clubs Kevin down. Rollins stomps Kevin around, too, and has him in a corner. Kevin CHOPS back! Rollins snarls and CHOPS back! And again! And again! Rollins headbutts Kevin down, then drags him out to whip. Kevin grabs Rollins for the DDT! Both men are down but fans rally up. Rollins and Kevin stir and go to opposite ends. Kevin stands but Rollins follows and runs in. Kevin dodges the splash to go corner to corner, CANNONBALL!

Chicago fires up again as Kevin goes back up top! But Rollins bails out to the floor. So Kevin adjusts, to SWANTON off the apron! Kevin puts Rollins back in, climbs back up top, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives but Kevin keeps his cool. Kevin mocks Rollins’ Burn It Down stomping, to whip Rollins. Rollins slips out of the pop up to kick and underhook! Kevin back drops but Rollins lands on his feet to boot back. Rollins hops up, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! But Rollins keeps Kevin close for a Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!! Rollins is frustrated even more as Kevin survives again. Fans rally up as Rollins sits up. Rollins does his “Burn It Down!” rallying stomps, Kevin rises, and Rollins runs in, but misses the stomp! Rollins rolls Kevin out of the stunner, TWO! But no stomp, POP-UP BOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Rollins survives but Kevin has the fans behind him still. Kevin stands and Rollins rises, another kick but still no stunner. Rollins kicks but misses, Kevin rolls but Rollins slips out to SUPERKICK! Kevin SUPERKICKS back! Rollins PELES! Kevin staggers, SUPERKICK from Rollins again! Rollins runs, but into a kick! STUNNER!! But Kevin can’t make the cover! Rollins is down, but here come the Authors of Pain!? Akam and Rezar are getting in the ring, circling Kevin. But also eyeing Rollins… Who are they after?! Kevin SLAPS Akam and makes himself the target for a beating!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by disqualification

The AoP beat Kevin down with knees, then drag Kevin up to throw into a post! Chicago calls BS as the AoP ram KO into the post again! And again! They won’t stop! They keep Kevin trapped in and BOOT him against the post! Akam drags Kevin up, lifts him up, and feeds him to Rezar’s KNEE! Fans boo but then the AoP turn to Rollins. The jackets come off, Rollins flounders up to his feet, and he dares them to attack! But they spare him? Why? Are the AoP not the violent monsters they claim to be? Or is there something more to this? Rollins shrugs it off to CURB STOMP Kevin down!! Rollins says that Raw is still his show! A second Curb Stomp, and Rollins says they can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Will Kevin fall in line? Or will he rise up to defy Rollins again?



My Thoughts:

Aside from perhaps how the ending felt, this was a really good Raw to follow Survivor Series with. I am starting to think Rollins’ little meeting was to reference the supposed “ra ra speech,” along with his behavior on social media with supporting WWE at the expense of his reputation. And in so doing this in kayfabe, Rollins is now the number one Heel on Raw. His match with Kevin Owens was really good, as it should be given these two, and Kevin has become the top Face of Raw to contrast Rollins.

And while live fans were upset, it isn’t actually a bad move. Rollins and Kevin stay relatively even, AoP and Rollins get the Heel Heat for doing that to Kevin, and we could possibly be seeing a new trio forming, depending on the relationship. If AoP come back next week and say they actually do respect Rollins for calling everyone out, than okay, that makes sense. There needs to be respect between them or else the trio has no reason to stick together. Because obviously, the AoP spared Rollins, so why work with someone you could destroy if not because of respect and a common motivation?

Everything else tonight was really solid and I don’t think fans were disappointed by any of it. The Lana-Lashley-Rusev story finally gets somewhere awesome so that no one can complain. Rusev going after Lashley like that was awesome! And given Lana’s interview promo later, it sounds like she’s making this story about herself, even going so far as saying “My Bobby.” I hope then that the blow-off is Lashley leaves Lana because she’s so conceited. Almas VS Tozawa was sadly a squash, the Stamina Monster apparently isn’t as important as El Idolo. But I imagine Almas getting to a United States Championship match now, because we have a NEW United States Champion! Carrillo gets wrecked but for the greater good of a great bunch of promos from four great contenders and Styles. Orton and McIntyre were each so close to turning to Face, I really hope we get to see that out of McIntyre in the near future, maybe even against Lesnar.

The Fatal 4 Way was amazing, and Styles VS Mysterio was really good. Understandably, Mysterio was surely tired after that Fatal 4, so it works just fine for Styles to take his time with the action. Mysterio winning is great. He may have gotten beat real fast by Lesnar, which was crap, but Mysterio does deserve something. He and Dominic get a great moment together as a consolation prize to not having their moment last night, and if Mysterio VS Almas is up next, then I’m all for it! They did amazing before, I can’t wait what they do with TLC being the next PPV. Charlotte VS Asuka was great, it started feeling like their Mania match, as Charlotte referenced in her interview. Kairi also played a great part in this, as did the mist! I’m still thinking we get Charlotte & Natty VS Kabuki Warriors, Paige returns to help screw Kabuki Warriors out of the titles as payback for her own mist attack.

And what I’m surprised to see is someone we didn’t see. I get that Becky Lynch couldn’t be part of the Town Hall for Rollins to get mad at her, given their real-life relationship, but I would’ve thought Becky could give us an interview promo to explain her actions against Shayna Baszler at the end of the PPV. Maybe we’ll get that next week, or Becky keeps things going with NXT this Wednesday. That’d be a pretty big thing for the first live NXT after WarGames and a PPV, and could be another step towards the possible Horsewomen VS Horsewomen match at WrestleMania 36.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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