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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (8/13/20)

NXT UK’s Hidden Gems!




NXT UK changes up the retrospective!

The Greatest Hits have been great, but NXT UK has found some Hidden Gems! Watch matches that have yet to be seen, involving Pete Dunne and Adam Cole BAYBAY!


  • 6/16/19 – Champion VS Champion: Adam Cole VS Zack Gibson; Cole wins.
  • 3/6/20 – Xia Brookside VS Nina Samuels; Brookside wins.
  • 7/20/19 – Pete Dunne VS Alexander Wolfe; Dunne wins.


Andy Shepherd welcomes us back to the show!

This week brings us never before aired matches from the brand’s quick history! We again return to the Download Festival for a special NXT Championship showdown!

Champion VS Champion: Adam Cole VS Zack Gibson!

Back in a time before Keith Lee took the NXT Championship, and before the Grizzled Young Veterans lost their NXT UK Tag Team Championships, the Panama City Playboy and Liverpool’s Number One gave us a special crossover match, even before Worlds Collide. Whose legacy will be revealed to have had a huge victory all this time?

The fans sing to taunt Gibson at the bell, “Where’s my car stereo~? Where’s my car stereo~?” For those outside of the UK, this is because of a stereotype that Liverpuddlians are thieves. Cole and Gibson tie up, Gibson gets around and spins Cole to a snapmare. Gibson chinlocks but Cole slips out right away to get a hammerlock. Cole cranks on the arm, Gibson fights his way up, and fans cheer for “Undisputed!” Gibson rolls, snapmares again, but again Cole counters the headlock to a wristlock. Gibson gets back up, spins through but Cole keeps the wrist. Gibson throws a forearm but Cole gives it back! Cole gets the edge, blocks the counter punch and spins Gibson for a neckbreaker! Gibson scrambles to ropes but Cole is after him!

The ref calls for the break, Cole honors it but Gibson throat chops and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Gibson grows annoyed and the fans boo him, but Gibson drags Cole up to bump him off buckles. Gibson stomps and punches away but the ref backs him off. Fans sing again but Gibson tells them to shut up. Gibson drags Cole up, reels him in and clobbers him again! Fans boo but Gibson soaks up the heat. Gibson drags Cole up, wrenches to a takedown and twists the wrist. Cole endures, fans rally and sing, and Cole fights his way up. Cole snapmares but Gibson still has the wrist! Gibson steps on the arm to jam it! The fans boo but Gibson mocks them for it. Gibson basement dropkicks Cole, but fans sing, “If you hate Gibson, stand up~!” And of course, the fans stand up.

Gibson gets annoyed and distracted by that, and Cole hits back with big forearms! Cole has Gibson in a corner, whips corner to corner but Gibson reverses and hard! Gibson tells the fans to sit down and they oblige, only to change the song to, “If you hate Gibson, sit down~!” Gibson just can’t win with them. Gibson covers Cole, ONE, but Gibson tries again, TWO! Gibson wraps Cole up in a cobra clutch but Cole endures. Cole fights up as fans rally for him. Cole throws body shots, Gibson reels him out to elbow and European Uppercut! Gibson runs corner to corner but Cole SUPERKICKS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! The standing count begins but both men get up at 5. Gibson throws a forearm, Cole hits back.

Gibson forearms more, but Cole returns them all. They keep going back and forth, Cole gets the edge again, but Gibson brings Cole in to wrench. Cole breaks free to BOOT! Cole fireman’s carries but Gibson slips off! Gibson swings, Cole ducks it and BOOTS again! Fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Gibson lives but Cole keeps on him with a waistlock. Gibson pries free again, bending the fingers! Gibson waistlocks, Cole breaks free and PELES! Cole hits a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!! Gibson survives but Cole keeps his focus. The fans rally up as Cole stands back up. Cole gets his bad arm moving as he drags Gibson up. Gibson resists the suplex, and the arm gives out! Cole tries again, Gibson spins out and around, BACK SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!

Gibson grows frustrated and argues the count, but two is two. The fans taunt Gibson again, “Gibson is a wanker! Gibson is a wanker! Lalalalala!” Gibson shakes his head as he goes after Cole’s arm. Cole resists, but Gibson kicks low and brings Cole up to suplex. Cole slips out, O’Conner Rolls, TWO as Gibson rolls Cole! Gibson wants the arm! Cole arm-drags free, fakes Gibson out to mule kick low! Gibson ducks the Last Shot to get a TICKET TO RIDE! But Cole SUPERKICKS back! Cole falls onto the cover, TWO!! Gibson lives but Cole is too exhausted to be frustrated! A standing count begins again and the fans cheer, “This is Awesome!”

Cole gets up at 4 and is in the corner. Gibson flounders as Cole hops up. Cole aims, but Gibson grabs an arm to wring him out! Gibson hops up now, FLYING TICKET TO RIDE!! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives but Gibson brings him back up. Gibson has Cole up, HELTER SKELTER! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives another top move of Gibson’s, and the fans are thunderous. Gibson throws big forearms and tells Cole to stay down. Cole swings but misses and Gibson hits him again. Cole gets up to throw a forearm so Gibson gives it back. They brawl back and forth again, forearm for forearm until Gibson kicks low. Gibson wrings the bad arm out again!

Gibson wants Cole to stand but the booing fans distract him again. Gibson hops up, leaps, SUPERKICK! LAST SHOT BRAIN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO! Gibson lives, but Cole brings down the knee pad, LAST SHOT SHINING WIZARD!! Cover, Cole wins!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall

Liverpool’s Number One could not defeat THE NXT Champion! Cole has a showdown with the pugnacious and pompous Pat McAfee at TakeOver: XXX coming. Will Cole punt the punter back to his podcast?


NXT UK hears from Aoife Valkyrie.

“Throughout the ages, ravens and crows have been symbols of change.” Do you hear them? They flock to her. “They come with a gift. They come with a vision. They know the time draws near for NXT UK to undergo a transformation.” Aoife has been watching and waiting. But a goal without a plan is like feathers to a dead bird. Aoife knows what she seeks and sees her path is clear. She is ready to become NXT UK Women’s Champion. #WitnessTheRise.


NXT UK hears from The Hunt.

Primate knows that in “March, 2020, the world went into chaos!” Wild Boar lists off the other teams: Gallus, Pretty Deadly, Andrews and Webster! What have YOU been doing during this time?! Because Boar and Primate are hungry! They love panic and chaos! These two animals are ready to get out of the cage and hunt again! “We are The Hunt, YOU are the hunted!”


Xia Brookside VS Nina Samuels!

The bubbly second generation superstar and the self-proclaimed Leading Lady are NXT UK Women’s Division originals, and have had a feud of their own in the shadow of the championship scene. But Nina wants the spotlight while Xia just wants a chance! Who took that crucial step forward before the world shut down?

The bell rings and fans cheer for Xia already. Xia offers a handshake but Nina tosses her hair instead. So Xia dropkicks her down! Xia wrenches Nina, Nina endures the wristlock to roll and pry at the hold, but Xia drags her down. Xia digs a knee into Nina’s head, but Nina fights up and pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Nina cartwheels through and wrenches Xia back. Nina mocks the fans’ chanting but Xia rolls and rolls, only for Nina to throw her by her hair! Nina keeps on the wristlock but Xia kips up. Nina wrenches again, Xia reaches for ropes but Nina keeps her away. Xia keeps reaching, gets the ropes and uses them to flip through! Xia wrenches Nina into a headlock and takeover! Fans cheer as Xia thrashes Nina around! Nina endures, pulls hair and headscissors Xia back.

Xia endures as Nina squeezes tight but the fans rally up. Xia moves around, headstands and clicks her heels before popping free! Xia shimmies at Nina, then baits Nina into a table top and cover! TWO, but Xia dodges and waistlocks. Nina pries free to the standing switch and shoves, but Xia avoids Nina’s table top with a springboard and stomp! Nina bails out and wants a breather but the fans cheer for “Super Xia!” Xia dropkicks Nina into barriers! Xia puts Nina in and fires up with the fans! But Nina stomps Xia the second she gets in the ring! Nina lets off and Xia goes to a corner. Xia tries to kick back but Nina is on her with grinding forearms. The ref counts, Nina lets up and whips Xia around to drop toehold HARD into buckles! Nina drags Xia to a cover, TWO!

Nina keeps on Xia with a chinlock and grinds her down. Xia endures and the fans rally up for her. Xia jawbreakers Nina out then hits a bulldog! Fans fire up again as Xia runs. Xia dodges, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors Nina to a corner! Xia runs corner to corner, Meteora to the back! Cover out of the Broken Wings, cover, TWO!! Nina lives and Xia is surprised, but she keeps on Nina. Xia fireman’s carries but Nina blocks the lift. Nina ducks the roundhouse, rolls Xia up, but with tights! The ref sees that and stops, and Nina apologizes profusely! Xia ROUNDHOUSES Nina down! Then Xia goes to the corner, climbs up top, and LEAPS! Crossbody hits, Xia covers, Xia wins!

Winner: Xia Brookside, by pinfall

Xia is flying higher and gets a big win! Will she be flying into the NXT UK Women’s Championship scene soon enough?


NXT UK hears from South Wales Subculture.

Mark Andrews says “2019 was the best year of mine and Flash Morgan Webster’s career.” The Modfather says they could not have asked for better. TakeOver: Cardiff, becoming the first Welsh champions in WWE history was incredible. They took on the then Raw Tag Team Champions, the Viking Raiders. But then it came crashing down in the New Year. The tag team ladder match was brutal. The loss in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic was rough. And Andrews gets injured backstage, done indefinitely. 2020 has been tough for everyone, but Andrews is fighting to get back. Andrews is stronger. And he will find out who did this to him, and that person will see a different side to SWSC. FMW will help Andrews sort that out, then they can both focus on becoming the first-ever two-time NXT UK Tag Team Champions.


NXT UK hears from Amale Winchester.

Amale gives herself a proper introduction as The French Hope. The NXT UK Women’s Division needs a revolution, and she is here to lead it. Amale has made history by being the first-ever French born woman to come to the WWE. But years ago, she was just like us: a fan. She sat on the other side of the ropes, just like us. She was a nobody, just like us. But unlike us, she is not a follower. She is a leader! She has made history coming to NXT UK, and will make history again when she becomes the first-ever French women’s champion. For her, success, money and titles are inevitable. The only hope anyone has against her is to not face her.


NXT UK brings back Superstar Picks!

What classic matches from throughout wrestling history will the NXT UK superstars pick? Will any of your favorites be among them?


Pete Dunne VS Alexander Wolfe!

During the heated battle between British Strong Style and Imperium, this battle of Bruiserweight and German Hatchet Man somehow slipped through the cracks. But now we will watch it in all its glory! Who scored a victory in the war for NXT UK?

Dunne’s entrance alone gets the fans off their feet and all fired up! The bell rings and the two fire off fast hands already! Dunne gets the edge but Wolfe knees low. Wolfe whips, Dunne reverses, things speed up as Dunne hurdles, drops and LARIATS Wolfe down! Wolfe bails out while the fans fire up. Dunne slingshots to PLANCHA Wolfe down! Dunne bumps Wolfe off steel steps, and then wrenches Dunne’s arm and fingers! He puts the arm on the steel steps to STOMP it! Dunne lets Wolfe hurry away because he grabs him from the apron. Dunne cranks on the nose, then the other arm, to STOMP it, too! Wolfe retreats to the ramp but Dunne gets the arm again, to STOMP it again! Wolfe grits his teeth while the fans fire up.

Dunne pursues Wolfe back into the ring, has the arm again and puts it on the apron. Wolfe avoids this stomp and sweeps the legs! Wolfe puts Dunne in, climbs up top fast, and leaps for a flying clothesline! Cover, TWO! Wolfe gets his arms moving while he stomps Dunne down. Wolfe rains down angry right hands but lets up to talk trash to the fans. The fans boo and Dunne kicks back, but Wolfe stomps Dunne down. Wolfe scrapes his soles on Dunne’s face then kicks him to a corner. Wolfe drags Dunne up, wrenches and whips him into the corner, then again! Dunne bounces off buckles, Wolfe scoops and TOSSES him away! Cover, TWO! Wolfe argues with the ref but the count is the count. Wolfe grabs Dunne’s arm and leg for a modified Bow ‘n’ Arrow.

Dunne endures, the fans rally up, and Dunne grabs Wolfe’s nose again! Wolfe lets go of the hold to drop an elbow, but he misses as Dunne dodges! Dunne dodges in the corner, too, then side steps for a REBOUND GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down as the fans fire up again! The fans cheer for the Bruiserweight as he CHOPS away on Wolfe! CHOP after CHOP but Wolfe reverses the whip. Dunne goes up and over and ROKCS Wolfe with the enziguri! Wolfe wobbles into Dunne’s waistlock but he standing switches. Wolfe German Suplexes but Dunne lands on his feet! BUZZSAW! Dunne gives Wolfe an X-PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Wolfe survives but Dunne keeps his cool. Dunne goes to the corner, goes up top, but Wolfe moves! Dunne bails out of his knee drop, catches the boot and CRANKS the ankle!

Dunne goes to suplex but Wolfe suplexes first, to hang Dunne out to dry! Dunne takes a tumble back down to the mat, and Wolfe flounders to the corner. The fans rally up for Dunne but Wolfe climbs up top. Wolfe leaps into Dunne’s BIG forearm shot! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down but the fans rally up again. Dunne and Wolfe both rise but Dunne is on Wolfe first. Dunne twists the arm and gets Wolfe down for Danielson Stomps! Wolfe kicks back from the mat! Wolfe boots Dunne to a corner, Dunne comes back but leaps into a BUCKLE BOMB! Wolfe fireman’s carries for the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Dunne narrowly escapes and Wolfe can’t believe it! Wolfe and Dunne throw punches and kicks from the mat, back and forth.

Dunne CHOPS, but Wolfe CHOPS back. Dunne kicks, Wolfe kicks! They go back to throwing forearms as they stand up and speed up. Wolfe EuroUppers, Dunne enziguris! Wolfe BOOTS then reels Dunne in, but Dunne spins out to bend the fingers! And SNAP them! Pump handle, BITTER- NO! Wolfe slips around, BIG GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dunne survives again and Wolfe is shocked! Wolfe grits his teeth as fans cheer, “This is Wrestling!” Wolfe puts Dunne in the corner, hoists him up top and then climbs up to join him. SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX! But Dunne lands on his feet! Dunne puts up Bop and hits Wolfe with BANG! A shout out to Tyler Bate! And then a shout out to Trent Seven with the BACK HAND!

Wolfe ROCKS Dunne with a right but Dunne borrows another Bate move with the rolling heel kick! Wolfe wobbles around, Dunne pump handles, BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

Imperium’s Hatchet Man couldn’t cut the Bruiserweight down and Dunne gets another big win! But between losing the United Kingdom Championship and the NXT Tag Team Championships, Dunne’s future in both NXT UK and NXT USA is up in the air. When and where will Dunne again go for gold?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode for NXT UK, these Hidden Gem editions are really fun. Cole VS Gibson was a really good match, as was Xia Brookside’s with Nina Samuels. Cole was of course going to win, though, since he was THE NXT Champion. Xia VS Nina could’ve gone either way, but Xia is getting the push from being very popular with all the fans, so it makes sense that she won. The Dunne VS Wolfe match was incredible, on par with any of Dunne’s UK Championship defenses on NXT UK TV. I’m surprised that wasn’t fit in during last summer but it’s fine now since we all got to see it this week. And it is a rather curious issue of where Dunne goes after the UK can operate again. Will Dunne make a triumphant return to NXT UK? To NXT USA? Be the first of British Strong Style to hit Raw/SmackDown? I’d think he’d at least rise up towards a title very quickly either way.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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