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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/17/21)

NXT UK is Subculture!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will Jinny & Joseph be humbled?

The Spoiled Princess and her Righteous Knight think they rule NXT UK, but Subculture’s Modfather and Punk Rock Powerhouse look to open their eyes!


  • Wolfgang VS Sam Gradwell; Wolfgang wins.
  • Kenny Williams VS Danny Jones; Williams wins.
  • Nathan Frazer VS Rohan Raja; Frazer wins.
  • Mixed Tag Match: Joseph Conners & Jinny VS Subculture; Subculture wins.


Wolfgang VS Sam Gradwell!

Gallus wants to get back to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, but they also have a friendly rivalry going on. The Last King of Scotland says he can handle the Thunderstorm easily, but Markus thinks otherwise. Gradwell has a mic as he makes his entrance and asks, “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Not this little piggy! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” So Wolfgang can huff, puff, howl and growl, but Gradwell’s made of bricks. Wolfie is desperate to impress Mark Cough Drop, but Gradwell vows to rattle the jowls and wobble the kidneys of the Big Bad Yogurt! Will Gradwell actually back up his words this time?

The bell rings and the two tie right up. They go around, Wolfgang headlocks but Gradwell powers out, only for Wolfgang to run him over! BT Sports Studio cheers as Wolfgang mocks Gradwell flapping his gums. They tie up with a knuckle lock this time, have a test of strength, but Wolfgang kicks one arm and wrenches the other. Gradwell reverses the wristlock to get a headlock, but Wolfgang powers up. Wolfgang can’t power out, though, and Gradwell grinds him down. Wolfgang wrenches out this time, but Gradwell resists the top wristlock. Gradwell pulls hair but Wolfgang wrangles him down! Gradwell endures the top wristlock grind to kip up and wrench through to ROCK Wolfgang!

But Wolfgang just smiles! Wolfgang blocks the whip, whips Gradwell, but Gradwell elbows from the corner. Gradwell runs but into Wolfgang’s clothesline! Wolfgang rallies, has Gradwell in a corner and goes after the arm. The ref counts, Wolfgang whips Gradwell corner to corner and CROSSBODIES! Gradwell staggers as Wolfgang climbs, but Gradwell SHOVES Wolfgang off! Wolfgang hits the floor and Gradwell mockingly says, “How inconvenient.” Gradwell goes out and dares Wolfgang to get up. Gradwell leaps in from the apron for a FLYING FOREARM! The ref starts a ring count and Gradwell puts Wolfgang in to cover, TWO!

Gradwell stomps Wolfgang in frustration then CLUBS him down! Gradwell clamps on claws into Wolfgang’s shoulders, then shifts to a cobra twist. Wolfgang endures, fights up, but Gradwell RAMS shoulder to shoulder! Gradwell puts the cobra clutch back on and mocks the big bad Wolfie. Wolfgang grabs at the beard but Gradwell grinds the arm. BT Sports Studio rallies, Wolfgang fights up, but Gradwell ripcords Wolfgang out. Wolfgang counters with a BIG back drop! Gradwell staggers, comes back swinging, but Wolfgang dodges to fire off haymakers! Wolfgang DECKS Gradwell then CROSSBODIES in the corner again!

Wolfgang climbs and leaps for a double ax handle! BASEMENT SPLASH! Gradwell flounders to ropes, Wolfgang shouts, “GALLUS BOYS ON TOP!” Wolfgang gets Gradwell up for a SWINGING SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Gradwell sits up but Wolfgang clamps onto him with a chinlock. Wolfgang gets Gradwell to a fireman’s carry but Gradwell elbows his way free! Gradwell grits his teeth and he LARIATS Wolfgang down! But the rib damage holds him back from making a cover! BT Sports Studio rallies up as both men stir. Wolfgang sits up but Gradwell grabs his ear. Gradwell SLAPS Wolfgang, and that only makes him mad!

Wolfgang gets up, swings but misses. Gradwell waistlocks but Wolfgang elbows out. Gradwell bails out, Wolfgang pursues by going out the side. The ref wants them to get in the ring and Gradwell does, with Wolfgang in pursuit. ROLLING ELBOW! Gradwell snarls as he stands Wolfgang up on the apron. Wolfgang grabs Gradwell’s arms and HOTSHOTS him back! Gradwell comes back but into a HEADBUTT! Wolfgang slingshots in and SPEARS Gradwell down! Cover, Wolfgang wins!

Winner: Wolfgang, by pinfall

The Howler has a bloody eyebrow but he doesn’t care! Battle scars are badges of honor, especially for Gallus. Will Markus have a way to respond to Wolfgang’s friendly challenge? Will Gradwell ever learn to shut his gob?


Kenny Williams speaks.

“The NXT UK Universe has already seen what I will do to someone that I used to like. So can you imagine what I’ll do to someone that I don’t like? The best thing about everyone thinking you’re a scumbag is you can stop acting like you aren’t one.” Will the Scum of the Earth take every opening and opportunity he finds to shut Danny Jones down? We’ll see, after the break.


Superstars react to KLR VS Satomura II.

Xia Brookside says it was absolutely incredible. “We are extremely fortunate to have the best female wrestler in the world, Meiko Satomura, as our new NXT UK Women’s Champion.” It is well-deserved to Dakota Kai, she says Meiko is wrestling just as well now as she was 20 years ago. Ember Moon says Meiko is a legend and why so many women wrestlers around the world want to wrestle her as a dream match. Amale congratulates Meiko on defeating the “Forever Champion,” Kay Lee Ray, but reminds Meiko she did it at Amale’s expense. Amale still affirms she should’ve been in the Women’s Gauntlet, not Meiko. Meiko broke Amale’s hopes, so Amale will break Meiko!

Raquel Gonzalez hopes and prays that Survivor Series 2021 has some NXT USA VS NXT UK, so that she as NXT Women’s Champion can face someone as amazing and iconic and fierce as Meiko. Beth Phoenix knows Meiko has done so much around the world, this was just one of those things that had eluded her, and now she’s representing NXT UK with pride. What is next for the Final Boss now that she’s got gold?


Subculture talks backstage.

Mark Andrews says tonight is the night. Flash Morgan Webster and Dani Luna are ready, but then Joseph Conners and Jinny walk in. Conners says it’s “quaint,” and Jinny mocks it as a “pep talk.” They are all pathetic and beneath her. But then NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Pretty Deadly, walk in and want them all to take it easy. Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley cannot wait to commentate on their Mixed Tag Match tonight. Good luck, everyone. Conners says he and Jinny don’t need it. Andrews says to ignore the trash talk and take it all out on them in the ring. Jinny says they should enjoy their 15 minutes of fame while it lasts. But will the Spoiled Princess’ time in the spotlight be what runs out tonight?


Kenny Williams VS Danny Jones!

As the Chancer said himself, he won’t hold back on someone he doesn’t care about. Will “Raving” Danny Jones make him care? Better yet, will Jones make Williams regret looking down on him?

The bell rings and Williams ties up with Jones. Williams waistlocks, headlocks and grinds, then wrenches an arm. Jones powers up to SLAM Williams off! Williams rushes back in, Jones powers him down to a cover, ONE! Williams fires off hands, wraps on another headlock but Jones powers out. They ram shoulders, neither man falls, so Williams gets mad and KICKS Jones’ leg out! Cover, ONE! Williams stays close, slaps Jones around and whips, but Jones blocks! Jones whips, catches Williams and pops him up, but Williams slips off and runs. Williams slides under, but Jones catches him to get him up and whip him to ropes. Williams holds those ropes then bails out!

Williams tries to laugh off Jones keeping up with him, but Jones storms over! Jones grabs at Williams, but Williams uses that to hotshot him! Jones grips his ribs and Williams gets in. Williams runs to STRADDLE ATTACK! Williams throws clubbing crossface forearms, uses another straddle attack, then covers, TWO! Williams scrapes his soles on Jones’ face! Williams kicks Jones around, KICKS him in the back, then puts him in the ropes. The ref reprimands as Williams bends Jones back and throws more clubbing forearms! Williams gets up on the top rope to stomp Jones while lounging! The ref reprimands, Williams hops down, but then dropkicks Jones in the back! Cover, TWO!

Williams smirks and SLAPS Jones on the back! Williams stomps Jones, brings him around and uses an armlock and chinbar to grind Jones down. Jones endures so Williams sits him up to CLUB him across the face! Williams pulls on an arm while standing on Jones’ face, but still Jones endures. Williams gets both arms and digs his forehead into Jones’ back for a modified motorcycle stretch. Williams modifies it even more by sitting on Jones’ shoulders and neck! Jones grits his teeth and fights up as BT Sports Studio rallies, and he turns the motorcycle onto Williams! Williams drops to kick Jones away! Jones staggers but comes back to spin and ENZIGURI Williams!

Williams staggers, Jones TOSSES him to a corner! And then TOSSES him the other way! Jones is showing his strength as he BOOTS Williams down! Jones is raving mad as he CORNER WIZARDS and SHORT-ARM CLOTHESLINES! Cover, TWO! Williams flounders but Jones fires up and gets him at the ropes. Williams rakes eyes to avoid the suplex. Williams waistlocks, Jones switches and shoves, but Williams ducks and dodges and CHOP BLOCKS from the front! Williams drags Jones up, HEADLOCK DRIVER! Cover, Williams wins!

Winner: Kenny Williams, by pinfall

That driver is #BadLuck for Jones, the Scum of the Earth gets another victory! Will this translate into something good for Williams as the summer heats up?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

The stare down from a few weeks ago has now become a showdown! Ilja Dragunov, Joe Coffey and Rampage Brown will compete in a TRIPLE THREAT! And speaking of those three…

Dragunov, Coffey and Rampage sit down to talk.

Coffey welcomes Rampage and Ilja and says it’s good to have this discussion here to get the niceties out of the way. “Because let’s face it, when the three of us step in the ring, there’s not really gonna be anything nice about it.” Coffey likes that the others are chuckling and smiling now, because he’ll say this: “It’s great to be the toughest guy here at the table.” Rampage says he doesn’t need to tell these guys what they’re in for. Coffey already knows, they’ve gone 1v1 and are 1-1 already. Dragunov knows these two have a rivalry and they don’t really like each other that much, but then they both ask him why he’s jumping into the middle of it. Why is he getting involved in their business?

Dragunov says it is for a simple and specific reason, and they need to know it. “Because I get the feeling that you guys think, and I say it with all respect, that this is your playground.” It isn’t. There are others here, and most of all, Dragunov himself. Well that’s interesting. Glasgow is one of the hardest- No, no, Coffey says it is the hardest working place in the UK. Right, right. And then for Dragunov, Russia. Then Rampage himself, Leeds, England. All hard upbringings for all of them. Of course, but that’s why they are who they are: the three toughest competitors on the brand.

Coffey acknowledges he has history with Rampage, and there’s no one he’d rather test himself against. Same for Dragunov. But he asks them this: “In that match against Walter, do you think you left a piece of yourself behind? Has it changed you? Do you think you have what it takes?” The level of noise and violence in that match, just imagine how much more there’ll be in this one. Coffey vows to beat them both and leave them in a puddle. That’s what he’s willing to do. Dragunov says Coffey’s talking about violence, but Dragunov IS violence. “Anything can happen. I hope you’re prepared for this, because I am.”

Rampage says they don’t need to do him any favors. Coffey asks why he’s saying that like he knows something they don’t. Dragunov says they should learn from him on violence in the ring. Coffey says this is the kind of fight he needs and wants. Rampage says this is what he’s all about. All three men take a moment, and Coffey says, “So let’s bring it.” All three men are battle hardened, battle tested and battle ready. But who survives this battle to back up their words? And will the NXT UK Champion be watching?


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Coffey.

They want his thoughts on the friendly competition they’re having, and he already knows what they’re getting at. Wolfie’s one up on him, but he’s got someone to pick a fight with. Mark walks up to Sha Samuels and asks if he’s reading the newspaper. Sha says he’s trying to. Mark shouts, “EAST~!” in a way to mock Sha, and Sha tells him, “Oh shut up, ya tart!” Mark plays the parrot game and says that back to Sha. Sha says Mark can try to copy him, but he can’t beat him. Is Mark trying to get in his business? Then how about they do some business, ya mug? Sha storms off, demanding to talk to Sid Scala and Johnny Saint.

Mark says that was easy. So Wolfgang might be one-up for now, but Mark’s ready to match him. But will picking a fight with the East End Butcher only end with Markus feeling down?


NXT UK presents an all new Supernova Sessions!

“Hello, hello, hello! Hear me now, live from the moon,” Noam Dar welcomes us back to his talk show. And please allow him to announce the official drop of the brand new SPRNVA 11 shirt! “Five years in the making, and she is absolutely beautiful!” Dar has his copy framed. If you deserve it, then the Universe will serve it. And Dar deserves everything. So get yours now, and get Dar pa-pa-pa-pa-paaaid~! Speaking of big money, welcome the Irish Ace, Jordan Devlin! Devlin walks out on stage, Dar shouts at his lackey to move the props aside, and then Dar and Devlin hug. It’s great to finally have an actual superstar on this show.

Dar sits on the couch, Devlin sits in the guest chair and Dar notes Devlin is looking sharp. Most wrestlers don’t have a good fashion sense, dressing like coalminers and railroad workers. But Devlin? He’s got a way of putting something together. Are those Sergio Giorginis? Yes, they are. Dar asks what he thinks about his Gucci sneakers? #GucciGang, all the way from China. But wait, before Dar forgets, he has a present! His own copy of the SPRNVA tee! Photo op! Dar and Devlin smile for the cameras, and Dar says it’s an “extra medium” so it’ll fit Devlin.

Devlin thanks Dar but Dar apologizes. Since this talks how started, Dar’s been trying to get him a spot, but Devlin’s schedule is packed! Devlin jet sets all over the place and was tearing it up in the US of A. Tell us, how has it been? Devlin knows Dar doesn’t need to be told, they’re both high achieving individuals. Dar’s been there, done that, been to the Land of Opportunity, and now they’re both back in NXT UK cuz America sucks! They high-five over that, then fist bump, too. Dar agrees, they’re classy guys.

But to bring things back to reality, Dar was expecting Devlin to return with the NXT Cruiserweight Championship so they could have some “hardware” on the show. But Dar keeps hearing how Devlin lost their NXT Cruiserweight Championship. But Devlin didn’t lose anything. Dar knows the truth: Devlin was ROBBED of that title. “They took our precious from us. Fr-from you, your championship.” Devlin says it is so nice to hear that from someone else. And Dar is right. Just because someone runs up a ladder quicker than you, doesn’t make them the better man. Dar says Santa Claus Escobum has how many fools on his team? At least three?

And Devlin says when he returns to the states, Escobar better keep his head on a swivel, because he’s coming for him and that title. If he ever needs any help, Dar is there. But unfortunately, or maybe actually, generously, Dar says he’d make some exclusive about himself, but sometimes he pays things forward. So right here, to Devlin, Dar gives the gift of time. Devlin can make his OWN exclusive right here! Devlin is honored. Dar gives Devlin the “moon,” and Devlin steps up. “This is an exclusive for every single member of the NXT UK roster. I felt that sigh of relief from all of you when you thought the Irish Ace was gone stateside.

“But I’ve got some bad news. Because THE franchise player on this brand is back! If you want to take a shot at the Irish Ace, I’m not hard to find. You just walk backstage, find the biggest dressing room, with the gold star on the door, ‘Irish Ace’ written on it, and if you’ve got the guts, test yourself against the Ace.” Devlin and Dar fist bump and Dar says that was one hell of an exclusive. But one more bonus exclusive, go get your SPRNVA shirt on WWE Shop! Dar poses with his framed merchandise, but who will line up to face the Irish Ace in the ring?


Another big match is set for next week!

After The Boba tried to break Ashton Smith, Oliver Carter made the save. Now Carter will have to fight for his own survival as he faces Teoman 1v1! Will the Evil Eye stare through the Predator Killer and send him home to his family?


NXT UK Media catches up with Dave Mastiff.

How is training going? Pretty good, really. He feels strong, feels good. Tyler Bate and Jack Starz in the ring just behind him, and Mastiff admits they’re very good. But his own training makes him feel fit and good. He can’t argue with what’s going on. But then Mastiff checks in with Bate and Starz. They were doing good. Yeah, just some sparring. Bate says Starz is impressing him. Bate offers Starz a Heritage Cup Championship match. Starz appreciates the offer, but he wants to earn it. Bate would definitely say Starz has but if that’s how he feels. Whenever Starz is ready, the offer stands.

Mastiff also tells Starz that he’s earned his shot. Don’t turn it down, what’s the matter? Starz seems conflicted. What must Starz do to prove it to himself that he’s ready?


Nathan Frazer VS Rohan Raja!

The British Prodigy has been on a roller coaster ride, but he’s ready to fly back up. Meanwhile, the British born, Australian raised and Canadian trained Young King is back after that scary arm injury at the hands of Teoman. Which rising star shines brightest inside BT Sports Studio tonight?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Raja SLAMS Frazer down, goes to facelock, but Frazer slips out and schoolboys to a cover, ONE! Frazer shoots for a leg but Raja blocks with a facelock. Raja hits a takedown to a cover, ONE! Raja headlocks but Frazer powers out, only for Raja to run him over. Things speed up. Frazer hurdles and redirects to hurdle again, then comes back to SLINGBLADE! Raja gets to a corner, Frazer runs in but Raja puts him on the apron. Raja swings but Frazer counter punches. Raja gets under the springboard, Frazer comes back, but Raja gets Frazer for a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Raja keeps on Frazer with stomps, and has him in a corner. Raja stomps more, lets off as the ref counts, and gets Frazer up. Raja wrenches whips and WRINGS Frazer into the corner! Frazer tumbles up, tumbles back, Raja covers, TWO! Raja wraps onto Frazer with a rear bearhug. Frazer endures the squeeze, fights his way up, but Raja SLAMS him down! Raja keeps on the squeeze but Frazer still endures. Frazer fights up, elbows free, and runs in, but Raja blocks the boot! Raja flips Frazer but Frazer lands on his feet to wheelbarrow and victory roll! TWO, Raja dropkicks Frazer down! Cover, TWO!

Raja snarls but BT Sports Studio rallies up. Raja sees Frazer get up, Raja storms over but Frazer elbows him away. Frazer is in a corner, Raja runs in, but Frazer catches him for a BUCKLE SHOT! Just like his teacher, Seth Rollins! Raja staggers, Frazer grits his teeth and storms over. Raja throws a HARD body shot! Raja whips Frazer to a corner but Frazer goes up and over and builds up speed. Frazer ducks and dodges to FLYING FOREARM! Both men are down but stirring as BT Sports Studio rallies up. Frazer grits his teeth as he pushes himself up. Raja follows as Frazer fires up! Frazer rallies with forearms and elbows, then a spin into a NECKBREAKER!

Raja is down, Frazer goes up a corner. Frazer MOONSAULTS, but Raja moves! Frazer lands on his feet to STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Raja survives and Frazer can’t believe it! BT Sports Studio is fired up as Frazer gets up again. Frazer goes for Raja’s legs but Raja drags him down into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Frazer flails, Raja wants an armbar now, but Frazer clasps hands. Raja shifts, short-arm scissor but Frazer rolls. Raja ducks a kick, shoves Frazer, and pops him up for a SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives and Raja is besides himself. Raja paces, stalks Frazer, and wristlock ripcords, but Frazer ducks to waistlock and ripcord himself!

Frazer rolls under and through to get Raja up for ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Raja survives again and Frazer is shocked again! Frazer hurries to get Raja up in a dragon sleeper but Raja snapmares free and kicks hard! Raja runs but Frazer dodges to QUEBRADA ELBOW DROP DDT!! But Frazer’s back holds him back! Frazer hurries back to a corner, climbs up top, but Raja ROCKS him! Frazer hops to the apron, Raja gets Frazer up but Frazer wrenches out and DECKS Raja! Raja is back in a drop zone, but he springs up as Frazer climbs! Frazer HEADBUTTS Raja down, and hits a FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Frazer wins!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall

The Prodigy ruins the return of the Young King and looks to be building up his own legacy! But just as Frazer shows Raja respect, an Evil Eye is watching from the titantron! Is Teoman keep tabs on Raja? Or has something about Frazer caught his eye?


Jordan Devlin heads back to his private locker room.

NXT UK Media is there, hoping to talk to him, but he says, “You people are exhausting.” He said he had to say during Supernova Sessions. But then when Devlin walks inside, A-Kid is there! Did he not see the sign on the door? A-Kid apologizes, he just wanted some coffee. Well he can’t, because that’s Devlin’s coffee and this is Devlin’s room! Is it? Yes, so get your bag and your cup and get out. Oh, sorry, AK lost the Heritage Cup. Yes, he did. But Devlin lost something, too. So if Devlin wants AK to leave, make him. Make him? Do you know what Devlin will make A-Kid do? Devlin is going to talk with Sid and Saint about this. AK laughs him off, but will Devlin use his VIP status to teach AK a lesson?


Mixed Tag Match: Joseph Conners & Jinny VS Subculture!

After all the talking down and pushing around, the (Self)Righteous and the Spoiled will have to put up or shut up against those they look down on! Flash Morgan Webster represents the Mod Life while Dani Luna is punk rock strong, but will they deflate the egos of their opponents? And with Pretty Deadly on commentary, will anyone make an impression on them in terms of the NXT UK Tag Team Championship chase?

The teams sort out and Conners starts with FMW in a partial rematch from a couple weeks ago. They circle, tie up, and Conners pushes FMW to a corner but FMW turns it around. FMW lets off with a backwards roll and calls Conners out. They reset and tie up again, Conners snapmares but FMW rolls through. Conners rams FMW with a shoulder, then runs, but FMW drops down to hurdle over. FMW runs and arm-drags Conners around! FMW wrenches the arm, Conners rolls and knees low! Conners snapmares then drops a Regal style knee. FMW gets to an open corner but Conners fires off haymakers, body shots and stomps!

Conners whips, FMW reverses but Conners goes up and over, only for FMW to schoolboy cover! ONE, Conners back drops but FMW sunset flips. Conners stays up, breaks free but FMW avoids his elbow drop and comes back with a SHOTGUN dropkick! Tag to Luna and she dares Conners to do something, but Jinny has to come in by the rules. Jinny and Luna circle, tie up, and Luna waistlocks. Jinny throws elbows but Luna holds on. Jinny pries free of the waistlock, wrenches the arm and YANKS it! Luna gets up, spins through and reels Jinny in for another waistlock. Jinny grabs at Luna’s hair but the ref reprimands. Jinny elbows out harder this time and whips Luna to ropes.

Luna reverses but Jinny blocks the hip toss. Jinny gets a facelock but Luna wrenches through to WRING Jinny out! Jinny gets up, Luna has her for an EXPLODER! Conners gets in, Luna ducks him and FMW GAMANGIRIS from the corner! Conners flounders, FMW gets in, and Luna gives him a boost for TOAST AT 3AM! The back suplex splash sends Conners rolling and growling out of the ring. Conners and Jinny regroup, cool off, and Pretty Deadly says there is a difference between good and great. Conners distracts Luna but Luna still catches Jinny’s sneak attack! Luna fireman’s carries but Conners gets Jinny down! The ref reprimands Conners as Jinny throws Luna down by her hair!

Jinny rains down furious forearms on Luna, covers, TWO! Jinny snarls as she stalks Luna to a corner and pulls on her hair more. Jinny bumps Luna off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, but the ref counts. Jinny lets off to argue with the ref and Pretty Deadly rubs in that the shortest title reign of any kind in NXT UK belongs to South Wales Subculture, aka FMW and Mark Andrews, as NXT UK Tag Team Champions. Pretty Deadly has already surpassed those two. Jinny drags Luna up and wrenches to then wrap her up in an IRON OCTOPUS! Luna endures as Jinny pulls hair and stretches the arm.

BT Sports Studio rallies, FMW coaches Luna, and she powers out, only for Jinny to let off and throw forearms. Luna scoops Jinny and FALL AWAY SLAMS her! Jinny comes back and leaps on, GUILLOTINE! But Luna powers out to a suplex! Hot tag to FMW and Conners gets in! The Modfather rallies on Conners like a house of fire! FMW whips, Conners reverses, but FMW goes up to RUDE BOY BLOCK! Direct hit and FMW is fired up more! FMW reels Conners in but Conners back drops free! FMW tries to land on his feet, slips and falls on his butt, but he baits Conners in and puts him on the apron! TRIANGLE JUMP DROPKICK!

Tag to Luna and she gives him another boost for the TOP CONJILO! But with Luna in, Jinny is legal again and she rushes Luna, only to leap into her arms! Luna pops Jinny into a BACKBREAKER! Luna fires up now and she dead lift GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Jinny flounders, Luna has her again for another DEAD LIFT GUT WRENCH! Luna still isn’t done, and she drags Jinny up for a DEAD LIFT STANDING SUPLEX! Luna runs and LARIATS Jinny inside out! Cover, Conners and FMW watch closely, TWO!! Jinny survives, and FMW intercepts Conners with a KNEE TRIGGER! Jinny ROCKS FMW, that’s not allowed! But Luna SHOTEIS Jinny in return!

Conners staggers up, Luna goes after him now! Deja vu from when he faced Piper Niven and he scrambles off the fireman’s carry! Luna BOOTS Conners, and whips him out of the ring! Jinny gets Luna for a DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Luna lives and Jinny is furious! Jinny tags to Conners, FMW gets in but runs into a BACKBREAKER to back suplex FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!!? Conners is furious, he drags FMW up but FMW slips out of the suplex! FMW waistlocks, uses the ropes for the O’Conner Roll, TWO into Jinny’s KICK!! Roll up, TWO!??! Jinny and Conners can’t believe this, and Pretty Deadly defends they’d never use such awful tactics.

FMW puts hands up to fake Conners out, and HEADBUTTS! Both men flop down, but Jinny talks trash to Luna. Luna storms around the way and backs her down. FMW climbs, Conners ROCKS him first! Jinny gets in the ring but the ref notices! The ref tells Jinny to go back to her corner, but he misses Luna helping FMW with a CLUB and BOMB to Conners! BOOT for Jinny! FMW adjusts, 630 SENTON?!?! Cover, Subculture wins!!

Winners: Subculture, by pinfall

Mark Andrews joins his team to celebrate, but Pretty Deadly will only say they did good. Subculture means little to the champs now, but will they have to watch those side plates carefully?

My Thoughts:

Another great NXT UK! Though, the one flaw and it isn’t even a big one, is that I feel like there were some gaps in continuity when it came to Devlin’s Supernova Sessions promo. Yes, he should want payback on Santos Escobar for beating him and taking the Cruiserweight Championship away, but Kushida has the belt now, and Devlin didn’t make note of that, even though he told Kushida to be ready for when Devlin returns. Ironically, Escobar’s moved on to a different title to chase, but if Devlin ever does return to NXT USA, he really should go after Escobar for like a night and then go right after Kushida.

A-Kid defying Devlin’s private locker room restrictions was an interesting way of bringing him back, but a rematch of those two will be good either way. Jack Starz getting the Heritage Cup nod from Tyler Bate and Dave Mastiff is pretty big. Starz has definitely earned his way from a jobber to an underdog contender, but that promo in the UK Performance Center makes me think Starz will want to face Mastiff first. Whether or not Starz wins, if he has a strong showing, that might convince him to take on Bate. Either that, or someone tells Starz he’s right to not think he’s ready, that guy and Starz have a match, and then pretty much the same thing of Starz gaining confidence.

Gradwell seems like the guy for that job with Starz, but he just lost to Wolfgang. It was a very good opening match, and it was a bit lost in the shuffle that this was another battle of NXT UK Founding Fathers. Wolfgang was in the original tournament, just like Gradwell and Seven, but perhaps being the third guy in Gallus overshadowed that. Mark Coffey trolling Sha Samuels into a match was clever stuff, and that is going to be a lot of fun, too. And the Triple Threat we all felt coming has come! Joe Coffey VS Rampage Brown VS Ilja Dragunov could easily be made into an NXT UK Championship #1 contender’s match, but letting it be a battle of pride and dominance is more than enough. Their sit-down discussion was a great segment, really adding to the fire we knew there’d be in the match.

Williams and Jones had a very good match, even with nothing on the line, but we’re getting a better sense of who Williams is as “The Scumbag.” Kinda hoping Williams goes for the Heritage Cup at some point. Maybe he could be the detractor to Starz’s opportunity. Teoman VS Carter next week is going to be really good, and I like that Teoman sent an indirect message to Raja and Frazer. Frazer VS Raja was a very good match, too, and it was a bit of a surprise that Raja lost. Perhaps Raja’s two major losses are a sign that he will end up Teoman’s sidekick so that they can take on Smith & Carter in a tag match at some point.

We got a great video package to show other female superstars reacting to Meiko Satomura’s win. I was hoping for more NXT UK specific stars, but Xia Brookside as the purest Face, and then Amale as having the Heel motivations against Meiko were both the right choices. The Mixed Tag Match main event was great, and it was curious to have Pretty Deadly interacting with the two teams. This isn’t a co-ed tag division, but I suppose they were mostly scouting Flash Morgan Webster and his abilities to team with someone. Subculture winning makes sense both in the story with Jinny & Joseph but also the overall tag division. FMW’s 630 is awesome, it looks so fast.

I still wonder if Jinny will add another man to her faction, but also if Andrews is still recovering, because there aren’t going to be tag matches with Pretty Deadly that way if there isn’t a second male tag partner. And I don’t see “enemy of my enemy is my friend” happening here, I don’t think Jinny would let Conners team with FMW to try and get the titles.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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