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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/26/21)

Halloween Havoc is back again!



NXT Halloween Havoc 2021

Will there be any tricks or treats this year?

NXT puts up a lot of gold for Halloween Havoc 2021! Will the 2.0 generation take over? Or will Ciampa, Gonzalez, Shirai & Stark still reign?


  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Scareway to Hell: Io Shirai & Zoey Stark VS Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta VS Toxic Attraction; Toxic Attraction wins and become the new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • Joe Gacy VS Malik Blade; Gacy wins.
  • Diamond Mine Open Challenge: Roderick Strong VS Odyssey Jones; Strong wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Trick or Street Fight: Raquel Gonzalez VS Mandy Rose; Rose wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships Lumberjack O’ Lantern Match: MSK VS Imperium; Imperium wins and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Championship: Tommaso Ciampa VS Bron Breakker; Ciampa wins and retains the title.


Costumes, candy and carnage!

That special time of year where things are a little scarier, darker, and more violent. Chucky’s helping us get in the swing of things. These superstars are looking to inflict some serious pain as they spin the wheel and make the deal. And the main event has a “puffy faced gremlin” taking on a man who lives by Chucky’s favorite motto, “No one will survive.” Who wreaks the most havoc just in time for Halloween?


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Scareway to Hell: Io Shirai & Zoey Stark VS Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta VS Toxic Attraction!

Starting off is a commercial free half hour, and for all we know, this one could take up all 30 minutes! The Evil Genius and the Sin City Soldier still don’t quite see eye to eye, but they’ll still have each other’s backs to keep the gold around their waists. Will Shirai & Stark climb to new heights to stay champions? Or will another team steep to new lows to take these titles from them?

The introductions are made, the belts are already high overhead, and it’ll be a full metal frenzy to start Halloween Havoc!

Toxic Attraction goes after the champs first but then Indi & Persia get involved! Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne get pinballed between them and the champs, then DECKED by double clotheslines! Toxic Attraction is literally thrown out and now Persia & Indi stare down with Zoey & Io! Then they brawl! SUPERKICK and ROUNDHOUSE for Persia, then Stark throws Persia out. She and Shirai double suplex Indi, and Indi bails out to join Persia. Indi ducks the Penalty Kick but not the heel kick! Shirai goes under the ring and brings out a ladder! Stark watches the other end, and she swings to keep Jacy away. But Gigi sneaks in to RANA Stark to ropes! DOUBLE BOOTS takes her down!

Persia YANKS Shirai off the apron, Indi gets in but Toxic Attraction is all over her! Gigi stops Persia from bringing the ladder in, but then Persia pulls back to HOTSHOT Gigi! Indi sends Jacy into Gigi, then she whips Persia in for a SPLASH! Persia feeds Jacy to Indi for a LARAIT, then feeds Gigi to Indi for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Persia picks up the ladder and she RAMS them both down! The besties set the ladder up together, but Shirai and Stark MISSILE DROPKICK in to take them out! Stark and Shirai set the ladder up as fans rally up. They both climb, but Jacy boots the safety bar! It doesn’t do much, but she still tips the ladder down!

Shirai and Stark tumble and stumble, Jacy BOOTS Stark out then shoves the busted ladder out. Gigi brings in a fresh one but Stark SUPERKICKS Jacy back! Gigi gets in, ducks a roundhouse, but DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES take them both down! Persia bumps Shirai off the announce desk, Indi clears it off! Indi makes a ladder bridge and then helps Persia, but Shirai turns double suplex into DOUBLE DDT! Fans fire up for Shirai and she gets in the ring. Shirai baseball slide dropkicks a ladder into Toxic Attraction! Then she takes that ladder for her own to stand it up. Shirai climbs, but Indi springboards to get on the ladder! That was impressive!

Indi shoves Shirai but Stark jumps on! Stark and Indi brawl, reach for the belts, repeat. Fans rally and duel, Stark bumps Indi off the ladder, but Persia sets up another ladder right nearby. This is a taller ladder and she climbs it, but Gigi brings her down to DECK her! Gigi climbs, Indi hops over to intercept! They brawl now, fans are dueling three ways, but Stark gets after Gigi. Jacy’s after Stark but gets a mule kick. Stark throws Gigi down onto Jacy! Stark ROCKS Indi, Shirai jumps on to be a backpack! Persia drags Shirai down but Indi comes with. Shirai fights them both but Persia BOOTS her down!

Stark has a hand on a belt but Persia tips the ladder! Stark manages to springboard, and she takes out Indi and Toxic Attraction!! Persia tries to figure out which ladder still works, but Stark gets in. Persia RAMS her with a ladder, pushes it against her and BOOTS it in harder! Persia gets a good ladder standing, climbs it, but Shirai hurries up after! Persia switches up to bring Shirai down, but Gigi’s sneaking up the other side! Persia brings Gigi down to CLUB her and throw her out! But Shirai’s up top already! Persia hurries, drags Shirai down and fireman’s carries her for a SNAKE EYES off the corner! Gigi climbs again, Persia is after her with CLUBBING forearms!

Persia brings Gigi into position, POWERBOMB onto a ladder!! Fans lose their minds for the powerhouse Persia as she climbs up the ladder! She paws at the belts but Jacy attacks! Jacy brings Persia down, climbs up over her, but Persia fights back! Persia drags Jacy back down, brings her into position, but Jacy RANAS Persia into a ladder! Jacy grabs that same ladder and puts it on Persia’s back on the ropes! Jacy thrashes and grinds Persia down with the ladder! Jacy then repositions the ladder and climbs up, only for Shirai to catch up behind her! BACK SUPLEX onto the ladder! Shirai springboards to LIONSAULT Jacy on the ladder!!

Jacy is writhing, the CWC is thunderous and Jacy gets herself to a ladder! Indi drags her down and BOOTS her! But Stark SUPERKICKS! ROUNDHOUSE for Persia! Stark brings Persia onto a ladder and into a drop zone, she goes up top! Stark wants to be like Shirai, PHOENIX SPLASH onto Persia and the ladder! Stark hurries to stand a ladder up but Indi SPINEBUSTERS her onto a ladder! Indi climbs the ladder Stark set up, but Shirai hurries back in! “This is Awesome!” as they both meet at the top! Shirai bumps Indi off the top and she falls down! Shirai grabs the belts but Indi tips the ladder! Shirai gets hooked by this ladder before she falls onto the ladder bridge!!

Fans lose their minds and even INDI has to check to make sure Shirai’s okay after that one! What is this match doing to everyone!? Indi focuses and gets the ladder back up. Indi climbs as fast as she can, grabs at the belts and pulls on the straps, but Jacy drags her down! Indi kicks Jacy away, but Gigi has gotten to the top! Gigi BOOTS Indi down, looks up at the belts, and pulls them down! TOXIC ATTRACTION WINS!

Winner: Toxic Attraction (NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Gigi & Jacy have surely made Mandy proud, because this was one hell of a match! Will Mandy make her team proud by doing the same and taking a title away?


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams arrive at Dexter Lumis’ “Open House.”

It looks bigger than last year. Lumis probably got a new place. He’s got that big money now, y’know? That Gargano cash. Well she ain’t a gold digger, but they ain’t messing with no- No, wait, let’s focus. This is to get Melo’s belt back. Let’s go. Uh, Melo can take care of business and Trick can be the getaway driver. Hey, all that talk about #BoutItBoutIt, let’s go! Trick’s comin’ with. Trick wants to chicken out but Melo won’t let him. They go up to the house, see the dead guy in the yard, and it’s more than just a prop. Gargano and Lumis are watching on cameras. Gargano “Home Alone’d” the crap out of this place. But with a little bit of help. Zombie Ref is back!

Spooky machete guy in the Taker costume! Wait, is that Gargano? They turn around a spooky dead kid. Wait, what?! The spooky kid welcomes them in, and Trick clings a little too close to Melo. They make it to the front door but Trick’s already had it. They should just get a replica. No, Melo wants the one with his side plates on it! Melo opens the door, and they psych themselves up. We’ll check back in with them later tonight.


Grayson Waller is taking over hosting duties?

LA Knight won the rights but something happened to him. Maybe it was the pressure. But run around the post, Waller is saving the show! And the party ain’t just in the ring, no no. The party is hopping backstage. There are plenty of pretty ladies, and right now, they’re wearing some of the tightest, tiniest- Joe Gacy interrupts. He takes the mic from Waller and says “corrupt minds” like his is why Halloween isn’t very inclusive. “It’s merely an excuse to exploit and sexualize all people.” To balance this out tonight, Gacy is here to send a much more positive message through is opponent, Malik Blade. Violence is not the answer. But Malik dropkicks Gacy the second he’s in the ring!

Joe Gacy VS Malik Blade!

The bell rings, Gacy kicks back! Gacy CLUBS away on Malik, stomps him down, and a security cam is watching Gunner Harland creeping his way into the arena! Gacy whips Malik to ropes and CLOBBERS him! Gacy brings Malik up, whips him to a corner then gets him for an URENAGE! Gacy smiles then stomps Malik down. Malik throws body shots, Gacy CLUBS him down! Gacy stomps Malik and stalks him. Gacy brings Malik up to suplex high and hard! Gacy whips Malik into a corner, runs in and SPLASHES, then throws Malik out of the ring hard! And HARLAND appears! Harland drags Malik up, the ref warns him and Gacy tells Harland he doesn’t have to do this.

Harland lets Malik go and Malik gets back in the ring. Gacy says he has this, and he dodges Malik to handspring LARIAT! Cover, Gacy wins!

Winner: Joe Gacy, by pinfall

Gacy goes back to Harland and says he understands he has a lot of rage. “Harland, you can trust me.” Has Gacy found his first follower?


Kay Lee Ray speaks.

“I was the longest reigning women’s champion in nearly 60 years. What did that get me in NXT 2.0? Nothing! No respect, no appreciation, and no admiration. Now, I’m pissed. And everybody is going to pay. It’s time to rage!” KLR is ready, who will feel her wrath first?


Waller checks in with the party.

Good to see Brooks & Briggs having a good time. Hey, Cora. Jiro, Kushida, thanks for coming. But Jiro understands that Halloween is kids going to strangers’ houses to get candy. That’s strange. It isn’t just about candy, it’s about costumes. Like cosplay! Like Jiro knows anything about Cosplay. But Kushida gets an idea, and they head out. Waller mutters, “Foreigners are weird.” ‘Ey, Tony, glad you could come! Frankie Money and Lash Legend usher Waller on, and he flirts with a bunny and an angel. He likes tricks but he loves treats, too. Cameron Grimes walk sin as an astronaut, and tries a pick-up line. “Hey, are we in outer space? Cuz I see some extra terrestrials.” The girls leave.

Waller tells Grimes it’s fine. He’ll get it next time. But will Grimes get some better material next time?


Diamond Mine walks and Malcolm Bivens talks.

“It’s one of the biggest shows of the year, and we have a special treat for you. Diamond Mine Open Challenge! You get to pick your poison. You could be knocked out by Ivy Nile. Or you could get your wig split by the Creed Brothers. Or you could be stomped out by the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Roderick Strong! Choose wisely, the choice is yours.” Diamond Mine is ready, but who is daring enough to take on the pressure?

NXT returns and Diamond Mine is in the ring. Bivens asks who is stepping up to the plate. And we #SoundtheAlarm! Odyssey Jones is here and he calls Strong out! Wait, wait, wait. Bivens means this with all due disrespect. “Your big ass ain’t 205 pounds.” But Strong doesn’t mind, he is ready for a rematch from 205 Live!

Roderick Strong VS Odyssey Jones!

The bell rings, the two tie up and Strong gets a leg. Jones powers him off but Strong comes back with forearms and CHOPS! Strong runs but Jones FLAPJACKS him! Fans fire up with Jones as Strong sputters to a corner. Jones whips to put Strong back in the corner, then he blocks a boot to SPLASH! Strong flounders to another corner, Jones RAMS his shoulder in! Jones lets off as the ref counts, and he RAMS into Strong again. Strong flops to the apron, Jones drags him back in and up to then jump and HEADBUTT Strong down! Strong flounders, Jones stalks him and brings him up to scoop. Strong slips around to a SLEEPER!

Jones stays up as Strong is a backpack, and he manages to throw Strong off! Jones runs but into a BOOT! Strong kicks away at a leg, boots then BOOTS Jones down! Strong rains down fists, covers, ONE!! Strong comes back after Jones and clamps on a sleeper. Fans rally for Jones but Strong has a grounded stretch. Jones fights up, Strong adds a wristlock to it but Jones still gets to his feet. Strong kicks a leg out then CLUBS Jones on the back. Strong gets a leg and has a CALF CRUSHER! Fans rally and Jones endures as he crawls. Strong drags Jones from the ropes but Jones BOOTS Strong out of the ring!

Strong gets back in but Jones dodges the knee to rally with a body check and a scoop SLAM! Jones scoops and hits a SHOULDER BREAKER! Fans fire up as Jones runs but Strong crawls away. Jones grabs at Strong, Brutus Creed distracts! Jones DECKS him, then THROWS Julius into the ring! Jones clotheslines Julius out but Strong hits the STRONG KNEE! Down goes Jones, Strong powers him to a cover, Strong wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by pinfall

A near knockout on 205 Live, another one here on NXT! Of course, Diamond Mine gets the assist. Will anyone have a chance when Strong has his team with him everywhere he goes?


Backstage interview with Imperium.

Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner are ready for their tag title match tonight, but have they had a chance to talk to Walter about this? Barthel answers in German, “Loyalty is one of our biggest strengths. We’d never let anything get between us and Walter, but fact is Walter is not here tonight. Tonight is about us, tonight is about the gold.” Aichner adds in Italian that “We worked harder for this opportunity than anybody else. We’ve never been more ready, we’ve never been more prepared, tonight is our night.” They are Imperium, and to them, the mat is sacred. But with the wheel yet to spin, what situation will Imperium find themselves against MSK?


NXT checks back in with the party.

Robert Stone is Elvis but he doesn’t get who Xyon Quinn is supposed to be. Lash says the party is lit but Tony wants her to reconsider his offer. Well since he wants to be on her show so bad, she will let him be her guest next week. Just don’t disappoint. Brooks, now with his shirt off, asks Von Wagner who he’s dressed as. He’s being Brad Pitt. Don’t you see it? Maybe Brooks is just dumb. Briggs is out, though. Duke “Hefner” Hudson feels bad for Grimes’ tough luck with the ladies. Does he still got money? Yeah! Does Duke still have cards? Then see you in the poker room next week! Stone gets upset with Quinn for stepping on his shoes! Good thing they weren’t blue suede.

Stone fires up, takes the crane stance, and flicks Quinn on the forehead. Quinn puts down his drink, and CHOKE SLAMS Stone through the buffet table! Frankie Monet is upset, Waller says this is the best Halloween party ever!


NXT Women’s Championship Spin the Wheel: Raquel Gonzalez VS Mandy Rose!

Big Mami Cool and the sinfully seductive leader of Toxic Attraction are battling for the top gold in the NXT Women’s Division, but that wheel is back. What will fate have in store for them? We find out, after the break.

Mandy waits while Raquel rolls in on her chopper. (That’s slang for motorcycle) Rick Desperado goes right to ringside with it, too! And now, we spin the wheel to make the deal! And this match will be… CHUCKY’S CHOICE! The psycho puppet goes with Trick or Street Fight! No count outs, no disqualifications, but this must end in the ring! The belt is raised and it’s time to throw the rules out the window!

Mandy fires off, Raquel CLUBS her down! Raquel kicks Mandy around, whips her to a corner hard, then storms up to bring Mandy around to CLUB her again! Mandy JAWBREAKERS back and fires off haymakers! Mandy stomps a mudhole into Raquel then brings her around, only for Raquel to block the suplex. Raquel shoves Mandy and SPLASHES her in the corner! Mandy bails out, and gets a kendo stick! She SMACKS Raquel in the stomach, then SMACKS her on the back! Raquel staggers into another SMACK to the stomach, and then another SMACK on the back! Raquel grabs the stick and reels Mandy in for haymakers! Raquel whips Mandy into Plexiglas!

Raquel goes looking under the ring now, Mandy ROCKS her and kicks her first! Mandy fires off more hands but Raquel shoves her into the post! Raquel runs in, Mandy dodges and Raquel gets caught! Mandy fires off, then has the kendo stick again! Mandy SMACKS Raquel into the ring and then stalks up behind her as AEW goes picture in picture.

Mandy brags she’ll be champ soon, and she stomps Raquel to a corner. Mandy bumps her off buckles, stomps another mudhole in, then brings her around to whip. Raquel reverses and Mandy hits buckles again. Raquel scoops and spins for the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Raquel is frustrated but she drags Mandy up to scoop again. She RAMS Mandy into a corner to put her in the Tree of Woe! Raquel gets to stomp Mandy now, then she CLUBS Mandy down. Raquel goes out and looks under the ring. Raquel brings out chair after chair after chair! Raquel JAMS Mandy with one chair, then gets another idea. Raquel goes out, looks under the ring, and brings out a TABLE!

Raquel puts the table in the ring, sets it up in a corner, then goes back to Mandy. But Mandy’s freed herself from the Tree! Mandy throws hands but Raquel throws a body shot. Raquel scoops Mandy and runs but Mandy slips off! Raquel and Mandy scrap, Raquel CLUBS and kicks her down, then JAMS her with a chair! Raquel wedges a chair in a corner, then wedges another! It’s a chair triangle in the corner! Raquel stomps Mandy down, sits a chair on top of the triangle, but Mandy throws Raquel out of the ring. Mandy runs and slides, but Raquel catches her as we return to single picture. Raquel YANKS Mandy to the floor, then brings out a new kendo stick!

Raquel SMACKS Mandy while she’s down! And bumps her off the desk! And SMACKS her again! Raquel grabs at Mandy but Mandy kicks her away! Mandy uses an armchair and RAMS it into Raquel! Mandy makes Raquel take a seat, and then she SMACKS away with the kendo stick! Mandy traps Raquel in the chair with the kendo stick through the arms! Raquel tries to stand up but gets a KNEE FROM A ROSE! Mandy, this isn’t Falls Count Anywhere! She can’t cover out there! She takes the kendo stick back out to SMACK away on Raquel again! And throw a fit, too! Mandy argues with the ref, but then she looks under the ring.

Mandy brings out more chairs and kendo sticks, but she’s looking for something more. Raquel returns with a Jason Voorhees hockey mask, and the FIRE EXTINGUISHER! She hoses Mandy down! Raquel then storms up and HEADBUTTS Mandy with the mask! Raquel throws the mask off, hauls Mandy into a fireman’s carry and TOSSES her into the ring. Raquel runs and CLOBBERS Mandy, then scoops her to SNAKE EYES off the chairs in the corner! Cover, TWO! Mandy is still in this and Raquel is fuming! Raquel hauls Mandy back up, RAMS her into a corner, digs her shoulder in, then hoists Mandy up top. Mandy jumps down before Raquel can boot her!

Raquel goes out and BOOTS Mandy anyway! Raquel pulls steel steps apart, drags Mandy over and RAMS her into them! Fans are dueling as Raquel brings the base steps up and puts it on the apron. Mandy scurries away and back into the ring. Raquel pursues but Mandy KICKS her in the ropes. Mandy sees the steps and RAMS Raquel into them! Raquel is down and out inside the ropes, Mandy drags her to a cover, TWO! Mandy is losing her cool as Raquel gets back to the apron. Mandy HOTSHOTS the arm, CLUBS  and throws hands, then a KNEE! Raquel flops down, Mandy drags her back in, cover, TWO!

Mandy reels Raquel in but Raquel back drops out of the bomb! Raquel gets to a corner, Mandy staggers up to her feet. Raquel runs in and SPEARS Mandy through the table!! The CWC is thunderous and Raquel drags Mandy to a cover, TWO!! Mandy survives and shocks Raquel! But wait! What is that mysterious hooded figure? They SMACK Raquel with a shovel! KNEE FROM A ROSE!! Cover, Mandy wins!!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

Ironically, it wasn’t Toxic Attraction helping their leader in this one! Mandy is finally a champion, and Toxic Attraction is 100% golden!

But who is the hooded figure that helped Mandy out? They stand over Raquel in the ring, still holding the shovel that did the deed. And SURPRISE! It’s Dakota Kai! She got her revenge on Raquel one way or another, but what is next for her now that she’s back?


NXT checks back in with Melo & Trick.

They’ve made it deeper into the Lumis house of horrors, but will they find the North American Championship? We find out, after the break.

NXT returns and Trick admires the lovely lady in the portrait. But as they go down the hall, they find a dinner of the damned. Hopefully they brought their appetite. No thanks, creepy lady. Pumpkin head!! They throw biscuits at him then get out. Melo wants Trick to lock it in. But another creepy lady welcomes them to the parlor. What is wrong with people here? Wax figurines and silhouettes. Some move and that spooks them out of the room. Someone is chasing them! Did someone say Andre Chase? No, no one brought you up! Why are you even here?! He took his class on a field trip but can’t find them now. Oh uh, Trick saw them in the woods. That dead kid maybe? Dead? What?

Anyway, maybe Chase can lead the way out. A teachable moment, if you will. Alright then. Chase leads the way, and now Gargano decides it’s time to make a movie. Zombie Ref, you stay here to watch the cameras. Chase, Trick & Melo make it to a mirror. Lumis appears! But then he’s gone. And so are they! They make it through into a stone maze, and HOLY S*IT, a skeleton! And grabbing arms! Zombies get Chase! Melo falls into a secret passage! Trick bumps into Lumis! Trick hurries through the maze but a birdman is after him! And that dead guy from the front yard! Trick screams and runs, but runs into NOSFERATU!! Any requests? No, man, it’s fine.

Melo puts a hand on Trick’s shoulder and Trick freaks out and punches him! OW! Oh, sorry. Why’d you sneak up on him? Melo say sit was Gargano. Now they gotta get him back! They move on, and the belt is there! But wait, it could be like the movies. It’s never this easy. Easy? Melo almost died for this! He takes the belt and slaps the skeleton. Melo’s a bad, bad man. Melo don’t miss. But Gargano and Lumis are right there! They DECK Melo and Trick with uppercuts! Melo and Trick hurry away, but more zombies appear! The zombies get thrown around, but then Lumis grabs the other end of the title belt. Gargano says “Boo” and Trick runs screaming!

“Dexter, your house is kinda weird, man. Next year, we’ll do Halloween at my place.” Lumis and his creepy friends all give thumbs up.


Waller is in the ring.

The party’s hot tonight! Trick & Melo are ’bout it ’bout it, but the real star of the show is him! Jump on the band wagon, yo. Pretty lady in the truck, put the handles on the screen. He’s got exclusive content on his social media! But here comes LA Knight! And he’s also Dracula? Knight tells Waller to take his costume back to the discount store, because now this is HIS show. Have respect! Knight saved the show. It’s not Waller’s fault Knight had car problems. Who told you he had car problems? Uh… Maybe Chucky did it? Oh ha ha. But wait, here comes SOLO SIKOA! The Street Champion of the Island is here!

Waller says it’s not all about Knight. This is all about NXT 2.0’s newest signee! But Knight feeds Waller to Sikoa’s fists! And Belly2Belly suplex that throws Waller up and out! Knight gives a thumbs up and bails out. Solo Sikoa has made his impact, but what will he do once he has himself a match?


Bron Breakker prepares in his locker room.

And he spots a Chucky doll in a locker. “Hey, I know you!” Bron is pumped up even more now, but will Ciampa make sure he gets no tricks or treats tonight?


NXT Tag Team Championships Spin the Wheel: MSK VS Imperium!

The champs get a live remix from DJ Tommy as they make their way down. Wes Lee & Nash Carter have put respect on the names, but the wheel shows no favorites! What will it decide for them and Imperium in this title showdown? We find out, after the break.

NXT returns and Imperium has made their entrance. The introductions are made and Chucky cues the wheel! Samantha Irvin gives NXT Guest of the Night, Alex, the chance to spin! He gives it a good go, and we’re in for a… Lumberjack O’ Lantern match! The rest of the roster gets to be ringside to make sure no one runs away! Jiro and Kushida are amateur mat wrestlers as they lead the charge for the costume wearing superstars. The belts are raised and this battle begins!

Aichner starts with Carter and they circle. They tie up, Aichner waistlocks  and TOSSES Carter to a corner! Carter gets up, ties up with Aichner again, but Aichner wrenches to a wristlock. Carter rolls, kips up and flips to then arm-drag, but Aichner blocks! Aichner blocks a boot but Carter gets around, only for Aichner to throw off his crucifix takedown. Carter runs and jumps but into a scoop and SLAM! Aichner drops an elbow, covers, TWO! Aichner has a top wristlock, then shifts to a cording hold. Barthel tags in, Aichner whips and Barthel hits an arm-drag. Carter gets up, Barthel wrenches but Carter rolls. Barthel rolls with him to keep the hold, then arm-drags Carter down.

Carter kips up and arm-drags but Barthel holds onto the wristlock. Carter JAWBREAKERS, then handsprings under to sweep the legs! Carter basement dropkicks and fans fire up! Carter brings Barthel up to EuroUpper, then he runs in to uppercut again. Snapmare and a tag to Lee, he knee-board sentons! Lee waistlocks, Barthel back shim into a corner and Lee lets go. Lee ducks the back elbow but not the BOOT! Lee throws hands but Barthel CHOPS and CLUBS, then whips and ROCKS Lee with an uppercut! Barthel snapmares and PENALTY KICKS Lee down! Then Barthel shouts, “NEIN!” Barthel throws Lee out but Lee skins the cat to avoid the lumberjacks!

Lee dodges, hurdles, throws a body shot and then a kick! Lee shoves and dropkicks Barthel out to the lumberjacks! Barthel fights them off! Aichner joins in, things are wild outside, and MSK DOUBLE DIVE in onto Imperium! Fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture.

MSK has the ring and they wait on Imperium. The lumberjacks give them a hand and throw them into the ring, Carter uppercuts Barthel to a corner. Carter runs in, blocks a boot, but Barthel brings him down to KICK him away. Barthel runs to get around and waistlock. Carter switches, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Carter tumbles outside, Boa and other lumberjacks stomp him down! They throw Carter in, Aichner tags and he stomps Carter more. Aichner drives elbows into Carter’s shoulder then wraps on a chinlock. Aichner grinds Carter down but fans and some lumberjacks rally up. Carter fights up, throws hands, but Aichner headbutts low!

Aichner dares Carter to get up, and then he stomps Carter down. Aichner nap suplexes, covers, TWO! Aichner kicks at Lee’s hand reaching out, and then brings Carter up. Carter throws body shots but Aichner CLUBS him. Aichner back suplexes but Carter lands on his feet to dropkick! Tag to Lee, MSK double whip and fire off, Chancery BOOT! Cover, TWO! Lee CLUBS Aichner to the corner, Aichner shoves him away. Lee runs in but is put on the apron! Carter tags in, MSK trips Aichner and then Carter runs in to BRONCO BUSTER! Carter brings Aichner to a cover, TWO! Aichner throws hands and shoves Carter but Carter kicks back.

NXT returns to single picture as Carter runs but Aichner picks him up to scoop SLAM into the ropes! Tag to Barthel, he drags Carter up and puts in an open corner to EuroUpper! HALF HATCH suplex, then Barthel goes up top to jump, into a KNEE from Carter! Both men are down and fans fire up. The lumberjacks also rally, hot tag to Lee! Lee rallies on Barthel, heel kick to WHEEL KICK! BOOT for Aichner, but Barthel runs in. Lee dodges to ENZIGURI, snapmare and handspring PELE! Cover, TWO! Lee drags Barthel over, tags in Carter, but Barthel throws Lee away and ROCKS Carter with an uppercut! Barthel dodges Lee, hot tag to Aichner!

Aichner rallies on MSK now, he blocks a kick to reel Lee in for a LARIAT! CHOP for Carter, Carter reverses the whip but jumps into Aichner’s fireman’s carry! Aichner powers up to add Lee to the pile! Aichner can’t maintain the weigh and MSK fights, but he gets them up after all!! DOUBLE ROLLING SENTON! Fans are thunderous, Barthel tags in! Aichner gets Carter up but he RANAS Aichner out! Barthel grabs at Carter, Lee runs in to FLY over Barthel and onto Aichner and the lumberjacks! The Creed Brothers finally realize Jiro and Kushida have been mocking them in those wrestler singlets! Barthel is distracted by the carnage down below, Carter ENZIGURIS him up top!

Carter climbs up and brings Barthel along, SUPER CUTTER onto the lumberjacks!! Jiro & Kushida get after the Creed Brothers, other lumberjacks brawl with each other, and extra referees clear them out. MSK and Imperium are all by themselves now as they drag themselves into the ring. Fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” as the teams regroup. They all stand, Barthel blocks Carter’s kick and sends it at Lee! Lee ducks, kicks but that is blocked! Aichner coordinates with Barthel but Carter SUPERKICKS him! Barthel ROCKS Lee with a haymaker, Carter SUPERKICKS Barthel! Carter fires up, he and Lee hit Imperium with EuroUppers in the corner!

MSK go corner to corner but Imperium follows them, Barthel and Aichner CHOP! They whip MSK but MSK reverses to JUMP KNEE! MSK runs again, but into DOUBLE LARIATS! Fans are torn as Imperium sets up in the corner, but Lee runs in! He goes off the corner but Aichner catches him, only to get a TORNADO DDT! Barthel hits a FLYING UPERCUT! Carter hits a FLYING DESTROYER!! Fans are thunderous as MSK hurry, PUSH-SAULT! Cover, TWO!? Barthel survives and fans can’t believe it! MSK hurry to coordinate at the corner. Lee tags in then climbs as Carter gets Barthel up. “This is Awesome’ as Aichner shoves everyone into Lee!

SPINEBUSTER and PENALTY KICK for Carter! Lee runs in but is popped up top for a GAMANGIRI! Tag to Aichner, ICONOCLASM to BRAINBUSTER!! Then they get Lee back up, IMPERIAL BOMB!! Cover, Imperium wins!!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

Somewhere, Walter is watching, proud of his men for taking these titles back. They even get to bring out the pyro! Will they keep the mat sacred now that they’re back on top?


Chucky speaks.

This was the match he was waiting for! He’s sure Bron cried himself to sleep hearing scary stories about a killer with soulless eyes. Well that nightmare comes true against Ciampa!

NXT takes a closer look at this match.

September 14th, 2021. Ciampa said, “The experts seem to think that this match marks the end of the NXT Black ‘n’ Gold Brand as we know it and that it marks the beginning of NXT 2.0.” The vacated title Fatal 4 Way was wild, but the “greatest love story in sports entertainment history gets a second chapter.” Ciampa won that night, and he became the face of 2.0. He dared someone, anyone, to step up, and it was Bron that stood up. If you aren’t here to be a top champion, pack your bags and go somewhere else. Bron knows he can’t outsmart Ciampa, he’s got too much experience. But this isn’t a chess match, it’s a slug fest. Bron’s game plan is explosiveness, power and domination.

Ciampa is the gatekeeper, the measuring stick, and tonight, Bron will drown in an ocean of inexperience. Bron knows Ciampa is a control freak, but Bron is a genetic freak, and Ciampa won’t have any control when he is pressed overhead and spiked through the mat. The title completes Ciampa and changes him. At Halloween Havoc, Ciampa will win by any means necessary. Bron knows Ciampa holds onto the title tightly, but Bron will rip Ciampa’s heart out when he leaves the new champion! Will the Blackheart keep beating to show 2.0 hasn’t changed a thing? Or is there no stopping the new generation from taking over?

NXT Championship: Tommaso Ciampa VS Bron Breakker!

Chucky says, “Time to sink or swim, little pup. Hopefully being a loser doesn’t run in the family.” Fighting words from the doll that isn’t even here, but will that only motivate the second generation superstar more? Or will Ciampa truly embody Kratos and show he is the true god of war in NXT?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Halloween Havoc gives us one more fight for the gold!

Ciampa pushes Bron, Bron pushes back, and they tie up. Bron puts Ciampa on ropes but the ref counts the break. Bron lets off, they tie up again and Bron headlocks. Ciampa powers out, drops, hurdles, but Bron runs him over! Ciampa gets up, storms up the steps, and gets in at the corner. Ciampa and Bron feel things out, Ciampa waistlocks to a headlock but Bron blocks the takeover. Bron throws Ciampa away but runs into a drop toehold. Ciampa gets the headlock again and fans cheer the technical exchange. Bron pries the hold, powers his way to a top wristlock, but Ciampa slips around to a waistlock. Bron switches with a hammerlock but Ciampa elbows out.

Ciampa headlocks, Bron powers out and runs Ciampa over. Things keep moving, Bron sees the dropdown and rolls to get the waistlock! Bron deadlifts then SLAMS Ciampa, then does it again! Bron runs to run Ciampa over again, and again. Bron ducks and dodges but Ciampa ducks the flying shoulder tackle! Ciampa drags Bron up to whip and kitchen sink knee! Ciampa keeps right on Bron with a body scissors! Bron endures the squeeze, Ciampa adds on a chinlock, and Bron fights up only to get a knee low. Ciampa CHOPS in the corner, then clotheslines! Ciampa runs and redirects Bron but Bron hurdles and catches Ciampa for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Ciampa bails out and Bron goes out after him as NXT goes to picture in picture. Bron walks into a mule kick, but he scoops Ciampa anyway. Ciampa slips off to shove Bron into the announce desk! Ciampa puts Bron in the ring, refreshes the count, and then goes looking under the ring. No, he starts pulling at the seams of the mats on the floor! Ciampa exposes concrete! Ciampa stomps Bron to the ropes, stomps him at the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Ciampa literally kicks Bron out of the ring and brings Bron over to suplex. Bron blocks, suplexes and Ciampa hits the floor! Luckily it was padded but that still hurt!

The ring count climbs and Bron puts Ciampa in at 7. Bron gets in, blocks a kick and DECKS Ciampa! Bron hauls Ciampa up, suplexes, but Ciampa fights free with body shots! Bron tries again but Ciampa slips out to this time to get a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down but fans rally as Ciampa gets up. Bron is in a corner, Ciampa storms over and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Bron is stinging but he hits back! NXT returns to single picture as the two brawl, but Ciampa gets the edge! The ref counts and Ciampa lets off, to come back with more stomps! Fans fire up as Ciampa goes side to side to BOOT WASH!

Ciampa sits up on the top rope to applaud himself and pat himself on the back. Then he drops ax handles! Cover, TWO! Ciampa wraps on a rear bearhug but Bron endures. Bron fights up, powers through and gets his arms in but Ciampa BELL CLAPS! Ciampa runs but into an elbow. And then a boot! Bron runs to SHOULDER TACKLE! Bron clinches Ciampa for a Belly2Belly! Bron goes up a corner, fans bark it up with him, but he slips off the ropes! Cover, TWO! Was that some of that inexperience Ciampa talked about? Or is his gas tank running low? Ciampa doesn’t care, he CHOPS and CHOPS! Bron hits back, but Ciampa gets the edge.

Ciampa whips, Bron ducks and SHOULDER TACKLES again! Ciampa bails out, Bron hurries after him because of Champion’s Advantage. Bron puts Ciampa in, but Ciampa gets him for WILLOW’S BELL! Cover, TWO! Bron survives but Ciampa refocuses quickly. Ciampa stomps Bron, kicks him around, throws hands, but Bron stays seated up. Ciampa brings him around to ROLLING ELBOW! Bron barks it up, Ciampa KNEES him down! Cover, ONE?! Ciampa runs and runs but into a RANA?! Or should we call that a Frankensteiner? Bron reels Ciampa in, underhooks, TIGER SUPLEX SLAM! Cover, TWO! Bron isn’t sure what to make of that!

Fans rally and duel hard as ever, Bron says this is it! Bron gorilla presses Ciampa, but Ciampa turns that into a REVERSE DDT! Both men are down again, a standing count begins and fans rally up. Ciampa sits up, Bron follows, and they throw hands on the mat. They go back and forth, stand up and keep throwing haymakers! Ciampa JABS and JABS, then kicks, JABS, throws more hands in the corner, not letting off! But Bron gets under to put Ciampa out and throws hands! Ciampa trips Bron, Bron kicks Ciampa to the announce desk! Bron waistlocks, Ciampa grabs apron skirt and switches! Ripcord, DDT to the concrete!!

Ciampa drags Bron up, in, and the ring count stops at 7. Ciampa drags a busted open Bron up, underhooks the arms, FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, TWO?!?! Bron survives all of that?! Ciampa snarls and glares from a corner as he brings the kneepad down. PSYCHO KNEE!! Bron is dazed but somehow sits up again, so he gets another PSYCHO KNEE!! And then a THIRD PSYCHO KNEE!! Underhooks and FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, Ciampa wins!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

Bron Breakker proved he’s not normal, but Ciampa proved he’s ruthless as ever! Will no one separate Ciampa from Goldie now that he has her back?

My Thoughts:

A great Halloween Havoc for NXT again this year. I do like that they played around with the hosting duties, where Chucky was doing more than either Waller or Knight. And then of course, the implication that Knight was sabotaged by Waller. Solo Sikoa didn’t have quite the debut I expected but I’m sure he and Waller will have a match based on that interaction. I did like that they used the Halloween party backstage to set up some stuff, too, even if it’s for Lashing Out and Duke’s Poker Room next week. If Duke actually plays a game of poker against the superstars he’s feuding with, okay, I can see them using that as a way to build towards a match. They talk while playing for some good promo material, winner of the game “stands tall” and that contributes to the momentum math.

Kay Lee Ray’s promo was a good way to express probably some real frustrations for her. She came in just as she said, the former NXT UK Women’s Champion who set the record for the entire company, but no, 2.0 has to push Toxic Attraction up and over KLR and Sarray. KLR should definitely go after Mandy as soon as next week. Toxic Attraction win all the belts tonight in honestly some great matches, though. The ladder match was really good, the hardcore carnage covered up anything lacking in the ring for the younger stars. Persia also got to show a lot of power. That ladder fall spot for Shirai was scary, though, so I can understand if Indi was shoot reacting to it.

Raquel VS Mandy was a good Street Fight match, but I should’ve figured that it would be totally obvious Dakota Kai in disguise screwing Raquel over instead of the usual “Heel faction members help their leader” move. Dakota and Raquel are of course going to have a grudge match, not really sure anything has really changed for Dakota despite the vignettes. But again, those vignettes were badly done red herrings anyway, so whatever. Gacy VS Malik was a short match for the sake of furthering the stable being formed. Harland will definitely be Gacy’s muscle as this story builds, who knows who they actually feud with, though.

Strong VS Jones was a good match but I’m disappointed that commentary didn’t reference this happening on 205 Live, too. Vic Joseph is literally on both shows, but I didn’t hear one peep from him about it. I did like that Jiro and Kushida decided to make their Halloween costumes “amateur wrestlers” to poke fun at the Creed Brothers, but they didn’t get nearly as much banter out of it at ringside as they should have. The tag team lumberjack match was pretty good stuff, but it was quite surprising Imperium won. This does freshen things up a bit, but I hope we get some Walter on NXT, too. He can congratulate them, they can help him get a title shot.

The “Open House” stuff tonight was good but not quite what I expected, and certainly not on the level of the Haunted House match last year with Grimes. Though, that’s because this didn’t turn into a match or even a brawl between Melo, Trick, Gargano and Lumis. If Gargano and Lumis were fighting Melo & Trick more, it might’ve been better. But we’re getting a tag match out of this anyway so whatever. Then for being just a standard singles match, Ciampa VS Bron was very good, and I like that Ciampa busted out bare concrete. Bron getting busted open and still surviving a Fairy Tale Ending was a bit much to me, but it does build Bron up in his loss. Ciampa can literally take on anyone next and it’ll be awesome, but Bron is still pretty well off as he can also do just about anything next.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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