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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (11/16/21)

Raquel Gonzalez is coming for revenge!



NXT Coverage 2021

Time for some serious payback!

Cameron Grimes returns to Duke’s Poker Room, Dexter Lumis looks to shut Tony D’Angelo up, and Raquel Gonzalez wants revenge on Dakota Kai for costing her the NXT Women’s Championship!


  • Tony D’Angelo VS Dexter Lumis; D’Angelo wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Odyssey Jones & Jacket Time VS The Diamond Mine; Jones & Jacket Time win.
  • Andre Chase VS Xyon Quinn; Quinn wins.
  • Poker Showdown: Duke Hudson VS Cameron Grimes; Grimes wins.
  • Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner VS Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen; O’Reilly & Wagner win.
  • 2v1 Handicap: Persia Pirotta VS Gabby Stephens & Jenna Levy; Persia wins.
  • Raquel Gonzalez VS Dakota Kai; Gonzalez wins, by disqualification.


Tony D’Angelo VS Dexter Lumis!

Tony said “How you doin’?” to Indi Hartwell while also saying the Tortured Artist would be sleepin’ with tha fishes, and now he’ll try and make the message even clearer. But Lumis makes his entrance and reveals his latest work of art. TONY is the one sleeping with the fishes! Will Lumis look to leave the gun and take the cannoli?

The bell rings and Tony bails out! Lumis slithers out after him and chases him around the ring! Tony gets in, Lumis follows but Tony stomps him down! Tony CLUBS Lumis, throws haymakers, then whips him to ropes. Lumis reverses, Tony duck san dodges then fakes Lumis out. Tony says he’s too smart but he gets ROCKED, then hit with a THESZ PRESS and fast hands! Lumis lets off, then runs to drop ax handles! Lumis brings Tony up, bumps him off buckles, and fans rally behind him as he throws body shots and uppercuts on repeat! Lumis brings Tony around, puts him in another corner and stomps him.

Lumis whips corner to corner, runs in but Tony dodges! Lumis turns around into a clinch and Belly2Belly! Tony scowls and stomps away on Lumis! Tony fires up, wraps on a chinlock and grinds Lumis down. Fans rally, Lumis fights up and throws body shots. Tony scoops and SLAMS Lumis, then talks some trash. Tony talks trash to Lumis but Lumis gets him in the SILENCE! Tony throws elbows to get free, but Lumis DECKS him with a right! And another! And then ROKCS him with an uppercut! Lumis frames the shot to clothesline but no bulldog as Tony slips away! But Tony gets caught at the ropes! Tony HOTSHOTS Lumis, then grabs the easel!

The ref reprimands, takes the easel away, but Tony pokes Lumis in the eye! BADABOOM! Cover, Tony wins!!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall

The Fisherman Screw just screwed Lumis, but he springs right up! Tony bails out, and then Carmelo & Trick attack! They have their own beef with Lumis and Tony doesn’t mind. CODE BREAKER to a LEAPING LARIAT! Melo stomps Lumis while Trick fetches a chair! They put the chair around Lumis’ arm, and Melo goes up! Thumbs down, FLYING STOMP to the chair!! Lumis clutches his busted arm but here comes JOHNNY! Gargano runs Melo and Trick off while referees check on Lumis. Trick adds insult to injury by tearing up Lumis’ painting. Will Gargano find a way to get back at The A Champion and his sidekick?


NXT returns with Gargano on the mic.

A video plays to show us Indi helping Lumis to the back but Gargano says we don’t need to see it. Gargano calls out Carmelo Hayes for making this very, very personal. Originally, it was just about the title and proving Gargano is better than Carmelo. But now, Melo screwed with the wrong son-in-law! He screwed with Gargano’s family, and if you do that, Gargano kicks your teeth down your throat! Gargano knows Melo is still in the building so come back out to meet him face to face! But instead of Melo, he gets Pete Dunne! The Bruiserweight says no no, don’t try and warm into a title match. Gargano saw and watched Dunne pin Carmelo. Yeah, with Gargano’s help!

Dunne doesn’t need any help! But cheers mate, tell y’what. Fans troll with “Yes You Do!” And then Melo & Trick return! Gargano, just turn around. They come in from the crowd! Watch out, Grumpy & Dopey, Snow White is missing two dwarves. They’re right here bickering and battering. “I want Melo~!” “I beat him last week!” “But I deserve it!” “I don’t care!” Y’all make Trick sick! Dunne asks who even is that. Gargano knows! That’s the guy that carries Melo’s bags. Oh no no, you got it all wrong! Let’s keep it real, Johnny !If not for this title, none of them would be relevant. Melo is the leader of the new school-

“SHUT UP, MATE!” Dunne’s the same age, but with 10 YEARS more experience! Plus, he already has a win over Melo. But carry on, talk the talk. Gargano agrees, talk yo’ talk. Then how about this? They run it back, and Gargano can get his, too. In fact, do it at the same damn time! Oooooooh WOO! To sweeten it more, it’ll be for THE A CHAMPIONSHIP, the most important championship on NXT because it’s on Melo’s waist. It’ll be next week! When Melo shoots, he don’t miss! Uh, he missed last week. Well now, Melo’s only been here six months. Melo don’t miss, most of the time. But Gargano’s been here for five YEARS.

And ask anyone, Gargano in this ring, THAT is absolutely CAN’T MISS! So then next week, Gargano VS Dunne VS Melo, Triple Threat for the North American Championship, you don’t want to miss that! This could be the biggest match in the title’s history! But will Melo completely miss this shot? Will he even be involved in the decision?


Diamond Mine warms up backstage.

Malcolm Bivens says tonight, they show the entire world why they are the most dominant in NXT. Not as individuals, but as one group, one unit, under the direction of THE NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Roderick Strong. The Creed Brothers will- Wait, Joe Gacy walks in. Gacy says he enjoys a group of people can unite under one roof for a common bind. As a leader, Strong has a great responsibility to keep the door open to opportunities. Well if he wants to try out, it’s in a few weeks, $837.50, no refunds, no exchanges, “and it doesn’t matter what your credit card company says, but I digress.” If Gacy wants a shot, holla at him.

Just what Gacy wanted to hear. Thank you for the generosity. What does Mr. Inclusion have planned for a group as hardened as Diamond Mine?


LA Knight talks to ya.

“People look at me, and maybe what I wear, and they may get an opinion of me. Man, you don’t know who I am. Hell, you see this watch? Hey, man, I don’t need that. You can get rid of the shirt, you can get rid of the jacket, you can get rid of any of it, I’m still 100% a megastar because I don’t need any of that.” Knight can be labeled 2.0, 1.0, it doesn’t matter. He has a goal: NXT Champion. He feels uncrowned, but just he’s about to make that turn, Grayson Waller walks in like he’s somebody. Waller thinks he can just host Halloween Havoc? NO! Knight has done everything it took to get here, and what did Waller do? Just walked in through an open door.

So what does Knight have to do to Waller/ Break the brakes off him! Waller can tweet, post, swipe, Knight doesn’t need that trash! There’s one megastar in NXT, and it ain’t Waller. Is that enough for you?


Six Man Tag: Odyssey Jones & Jacket Time VS The Diamond Mine!

#SoundTheAlarm, it’s JACKET TIME! Odyssey is ready to go on a journey with Kushida & Ikemen Jiro in order to take down some common enemies. Will Roderick Strong and the Creed Brothers crack under this pressure?

The trios sort out, Strong starts against The Handsome One! They circle, tie up, and Strong shoves Jiro down to then CHOP Jones! Jones doesn’t even flinch! Jones reaches out, Jiro tags him in! But then Strong tags out to Julius Creed. Jones doesn’t mind, he circles with Julius. Julius shoots in, has the leg, gets around and becomes a backpack, but Jones throws him off! Jones CLOBBERS Julius, drags him up and over, tag to Kushida. Ax handle to the arm, then Kushida wrenches. Jones tags back in, he goes up and drops an ax handle of his own! Jones tags Jiro, Jiro climbs up and leaps, but Julius dodges to HALF HATCH Jiro to the corner!

Tag to Brutus, he drags Jiro up and scoops, but Jiro slips out to kick and throw haymakers. Jiro whips, Brutus blocks! Brutus whips Jiro to a corner, Jiro bounces off buckles into the gut wrench POWERSLAM! Brutus is like a junkyard dog as he crawls after Jiro and stomps him down. Brutus shoves Jiro over, tags in Strong and Strong fireman’s carries. Jiro slips off, shoves Strong then tags Kushida! Kushida rallies on Strong with palm strikes then an ATOMIC DROP! Whip and hip toss, cartwheel basement dropkick! Brutus gets in but Kushida dodges to PELE! Julius gets in but Kushida kicks and whips! Julius reverses but Kushida handspring back elbows!

But Strong CLOBBERS Kushida! Fans boo as NXT goes picture in picture. Strong stomps Kushida at the ropes, the ref counts and Strong lets off at 4. Strong soaks up the heat, drags Kushida up and CHOPS him to the corner. Strong throws knees, tags to Brutus, and Brutus fireman’s carry throws Kushida down. Brutus drops knees on Kushida’s arm, then kicks him around. Brutus drags Kushida up, double underhook and a stalling lift before the SLAM! Brutus tags Strong, he tags Julius, and Strong gets Kushida up for a GUTBUSTER! The brothers DOUBLE KNEE Kushida in the sides! Julius pushes Kushida around, then gut wrench suplexes Kushida away!

Julius drags Kushida from the corner, stomps him down, then tags in Strong. Strong drops an elbow, clamps on a camel clutch and pulls Kushida back. Kushida endures, fights up and throws body shots. Kushida fires off fast hands but Strong kicks him in the gut! Strong rains down fists at the ropes, and Bivens is there to talk trash. Tag to Brutus, he drags Kushida to drop an elbow on the leg, then drop knees on the knee. Brutus kicks Kushida around, pushes him around, then eggs him on. Brutus brings Kushida up, Julius tags in, and they mug Kushida. Julius scoops and dumps Kushida down, then clamps on a half nelson chinbar.

Kushida fights up, throws body shots but Julius shoves him away. Julius runs in but is sent into the rope! Brutus tries but he’s also sent into ropes! Hot tag to Jiro! Jiro rallies on Julius, JACKET PUNCH after JACKET PUNCH! Julius staggers to a corner, DISCUS JACKET PUNCH! Jiro fires up, DISCU SJACKET PUNCH again! Whip corner to corner but Julius reverses. Jiro goes up and over and JACKET SPANK! NXT returns to single picture as Jiro taunts Julius, then trips him to PENALTY KICK Julius in the butt! Strong gets in, Jiro dropkicks him down! But Julius scoops to SLAM Jiro down! And then kick him while he’s down, and rain down forearms!

Julius tags Brutus, Brutus gives his own ground ‘n’ pound. Jones rallies the fans for Jiro but Brutus drops knees on Jiro’s head. And again, but Jiro moves! Brutus clutches his leg, both men crawl, hot tag to Strong and he gets Jiro’s feet! Jiro boots Strong away, hot tag to Jones! Jones swats Strong down, then rallies with big body checks! And a FLAPJACK! Brutus gets in but gets sent into his brother! Then Jones back body blocks Brutus! Jones runs at Strong but Strong BOOTS him, then ENZIGURIS! Strong OLYMPIC SLAMS Jones!! Both men are down and fans are fired up! Strong crawls to a cover, Jacket Time break it! Then they double dropkick The Creed Brothers!

Strong gets up, he gets a JACKET PUNCH! And a SHOTEI! And a CROSSBODY from Jones!! Cover, Jones & Jacket Time win!

Winners: Odyssey Jones & Jacket Time, by pinfall

Now that was a big win for Jones, Jiro & Kushida! Odyssey may be too big for the Cruiserweight title, but will this prove he’s worthy of some title opportunity in NXT?


The Grizzled Young Veterans are backstage.

They have the Women’s Tag Team Championships on their shoulders? Zack Gibson gets his Nana on the phone for video chats, and she thinks they’re REAL champions! He dedicates the victory to her! But they’ve gotta go, lots of new responsibilities. Gotta go! Bye~! Gibson hangs up, and says if that doesn’t secure him the “lion’s share” of the inheritance, he doesn’t know what will. Now they just have to put these back before Toxic Attraction is any the wiser. They weren’t just replicas?!


MSK’s journey continues!

Wes Lee & Nash Carter arrive at the next destination, and they’re ready to see “him.” Oh, wait. They gotta get through security. But their “supplies…” They argue who goes through TSA with “it,” and they somehow make it through. The shaman has to be better than ever. Someone just got $1500 in food vouches, 400 air miles and upgraded to first class, with a free blanket! They’re switching flights. What? Why? They gotta do this together, dude! But Carter goes alone on his flight and is pumped. They meet up at the airport, and MSK is almost there. And guess who Lee sat next to? The shaman? No! But someone who knows him! This guy is a master of tag teams!

Carter hushes Lee and says, “No more words. Let’s go find him.” But just who is worthy of such high expectations?


Andre Chase VS Xyon Quinn!

The (very tiny) student section is all fired up for their favorite short-fuse professor. But will this be a #TeachableMoment on when to call in sick? Or will the Gentleman Fighter get yet another win for the undefeated streak?

NXT returns as Quinn makes his entrance. The bell rings and Chase circles with Quinn. They tie up, Chase gets the arm and wrenches to an elbow breaker! Then a wristlock. Quinn wrenches right back and has the wristlock. Fans chant, “Chase U Sucks!” but Chase rolls, breaks free, and trips Quinn to then float all over him and slap him around. Quinn gets up as Chase grins, and Quinn blocks the kick! Quinn spins Chase, gets him up for a BIG Atomic Drop! Chase staggers around into a LARIAT! Quinn runs in again to CLOBBER Chase with a shoulder! Quinn goes corner to corner but Chase dodges! Quinn hits buckles, Chase hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Chase rains down rights on Quinn, drags him up by his ears, and snapmares him down to then stomp away while calling to his student section. Chase clamps on with a chinlock and thrashes Quinn around. Quinn endures, fights up, and picks Chase up in a fireman’s carry! Chase fights out with elbows then rains down more elbows into Quinn’s shoulder. Chase has the headlock but Quinn powers out and fireman’s carries. This time, the elbows do nothing. SWINGING SAMOAN DROP! Quinn seethes, powers up, and Chase staggers up into a suplex, for the JACKHAMMER! Cover, Quinn wins!

Winner: Xyon Quinn, by pinfall

But Legado Del Fantasma attacks! Quinn throws Wilde out, then Mendoza. But they regroup and trip him up to drag him out! They mug Quinn, he still fights them off with big hands! Quinn sends Legado scurrying, but then ESCOBAR attacks from behind! The Emperor joins in and they stomp away on Quinn! They get Quinn up for Elektra Lopez to walk up. “No one says no to Elektra Lopez!” And then Escobar SLAMS Quinn down on the steel grating on the floor! Lopez gives one last look at Quinn, but leaves him behind. Is this how Lopez moves on from rejection?


Backstage interview with Raquel Gonzalez.

In tonight’s main event, she looks to settle the score with Dakota Kai. What can we expect to see? Raquel hasn’t had a good night’s rest since before Halloween Havoc. Being a champion for over 200 days, the title becomes a part of you. She was taking it everywhere, from airports to appearances to the gym. But one shovel shot to the back, and Dakota ripped it all away. Now Raquel has to watch Mandy Rose walk around with the title. But Toxic Attraction is for later. “Dakota, you were jealous of my success, because you knew you could never beat me. Well tonight, I’m gonna beat the hell out of you. Tonight is about revenge! Make sure you bring that shovel, chiquita, because I’m gonna bury you with it.” Will Dakota be wishing she had stayed gone from NXT?


Poker Showdown: Duke Hudson VS Cameron Grimes!

The first time these two played cards, The Smug Hudson didn’t take the Carolina Caveman seriously, and Grimes hustled him hook, line and sinker. But now the table is in the ring, no limit Texas Hold’em! The rules of the game is explained, but Duke and Grimes surely know all this. Grimes is already laughing and smiling, but Duke say she doesn’t need luck. Luck is for losers, like everyone here. Luck is for a loser like Grimes! But while this isn’t Duke’s Poker Room, this is still Hudson’s ring, chips and cards. Tonight, Grimes becomes Duke’s BITCH. Some big words, big guy. But everyone here sees Duke is nervous! He’s sweating like Shaq at the free throw line.

But if Grimes remembers correctly, last week was chanting that Duke got played. Fans chant it now! Oops, did Grimes start something? Duke tells everyone to shut up, and the dealer to deal. First hand, and Grimes gets first action. A King of Spades and a Three of Spades. Grimes ain’t never seen two cards that he didn’t like. He starts the bidding at $500. Wade Barrett says Grimes has no idea what he’s doing. Duke’s hand is two Fives, a Diamond and a Club. Duke says this isn’t enough, he raises to $1000. Starting hot, huh? Big money game! Grimes is a big money player, too, so he calls. That makes the pot $2000.

The flop comes in and it is all hearts, a Five, Jack and Ten! So basically, Duke has a huge advantage. Grimes laughs it off, and says that flop looks good to him. Grimes will make it another $1000. Duke says he’ll end it tonight by going right to FOUR THOUSAND. Well that’s Duke’s problem! He tries to intimidate. But Grimes ain’t afraid o’ no man. Call. The pot is now $10,000! The turn is the Queen of Spades. That tips things slightly back towards Grimes, and Grimes says if you can’t handle the heat, get outta the kitchen! He puts up another $2000! What’s “Dukey” say? Duke gets annoyed by that, and he asks Alicia to tell the fans to shut up.

Alicia requests the fans stay quiet, but they don’t. If anything, they get louder just to stick it to Duke. Duke still calls, and we now have a $18 THOUSAND POT! The river is… a Seven of Hearts! That is ALL Duke now! Grimes says Duke has everything that it takes to be a big star player. But when it comes down to the moments that make you a star, Duke drops the ball. That’s okay, Duke! That’s okay. Today, right now, is Duke’s change all of that. Tonight is the chance to show everyone how big Duke’s balls are. Grimes goes ALL IN! Fans chant “TO THE MOON! TO THE MOON!” Duke tries to understand Grimes’ psychology, but Grimes asks if his balls are raisins or cantaloupes.

Duke paces around the ring a minute as fans taunt him with “RAISINS~! RAISINS~!” Duke says this keeps happening. Grimes trapped him last week, he’s trapping him now! Grimes’ smile is his tell! What? Grimes must have a flush, huh? Well if he knows that, then make the right call, Duke. Duke won’t get got again. Not this time. Then Duke will live to fight another day and fold. Grimes wins the hand and laughs it up. Grimes didn’t even knew Duke knew how to do that. Grimes, what did you have? Uh, this is the winning hand. NO! He has to know!! Duke grabs those two cards, and sees it wasn’t a flush at all! It was utter crap! “You got played! You got played!”

Duke is losing his cool over that, and he BOOTS Grimes right out of his chair! Duke stomps away on Grimes, drag shim up and tears up the suit! Duke rains down fists, then POWERBOMBS Grimes through the poker table! Duke is still fuming while fans lose their minds! Duke isn’t done there, either! He goes under the ring, finds a toolbox, and brings out a HAMMER! No, not good enough. He wants the SCISSORS! Duke goes to the ring, drags Grimes from the wreckage, and he starts cutting the beard!! And the hair!! Duke lost the game, and his cool, but will Grimes make sure he loses so much more than that?


Kyle O’Reilly finds Von Wagner backstage.

“Well if it isn’t Adam Pearce’s bodyguard.” Kyle saw SmackDown. But he’s not worried about that, or about their loss to Legado. What matters is tonight, and what do they do on Tuesdays? They go to work. Von isn’t worried, either. They’re going to handle business! But will they be able to take the fight to the bar fighting brothers in arms?


Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner VS Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen!

Kyle and Von might be an odd fit, but Briggs & Brooks get along like pork ‘n’ beans, mustard ‘n’ ketchup, or a couple o’ cold ones at a barbecue. Will Kyle and Von handle business and make inroads to the tag titles? Or will they end up well-done like steaks on the grill?

The teams sort out and Kyle starts with Brooks. The tie up, Brooks throws Kyle right down then does a two-step. Kyle kicks back, gets up and headlocks, but Brooks powers out to ram shoulders! Kyle ducks, KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Brooks hobbles, blocks a kick to scoop and SLAM, then drops an elbow, only to miss! Kyle headlocks, Briggs tags in as Brooks powers out, and the good ol’ boys double shoulder Kyle down! Briggs & Brooks run to slide out and DOUBLE HAYMAKER Kyle down! They fist bump but Imperium is watching very closely backstage. Briggs gets in, but Kyle clamps onto his arm! Kyle brings Briggs over, tag to Von!

Von and Briggs stand off as the two biggest men in the match, and they tie up! They push each other around, Briggs headlocks but Von powers out. Briggs rams shoulders but Von stays up. Von eggs Briggs on, Briggs shoves him but Von shoves back. Briggs throws haymakers, then whips, but Von ducks and dodges to SHOULDER TACKLE! Fans fire up with Von, he gets Briggs in the corner and tags Kyle. Kyle KICKS, Von HEADBUTTS, repeat! Kyle wrenches Briggs’ arm to an elbow breaker, then KICKS the arm! Briggs elbows back, Kyle KICKS! Kyle whips but Briggs blocks, so Kyle KICKS the leg. Kyle whips, Briggs reverses but Kyle BOOTS Brooks! Only for Briggs to BOOT Kyle!

Brooks tags in, he kicks and stomps and hammers Kyle! Brooks fires up, brings Kyle around and bumps him off buckles. Fans rally for Kyle and he SLAPS Brooks! Brooks CHOPS Kyle! Then lariats, then CHOPS, repeat! DISCUS! Brooks shoves Kyle down, runs and drops the BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Brooks drags Kyle up, whips him to ropes and picks him right up for a bearhug! Kyle endures the squeeze, Brooks powers him to the corner. Briggs tags in, and Brooks feeds Kyle to Briggs’ bearhug. Briggs RAMS Kyle into the corner, Brooks tags back in. Another feed, another bearhug! Kyle BELL CLAPS free! He dodges Brooks, tag to Von!

Von rallies on Brooks with big forearms, then reels Brooks in for a LARIAT! GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Brooks is on the ropes, staggers into Von’s clinch, COMPLETE SHOT! Von fires up and fans cheer him on. Briggs gets in but Von dodges and Kyle dumps Briggs out! Briggs stagger sup, Kyle hits a FLYING KNEE! BUTTERFLY SLAM from Von to Brooks! Cover, Von & Kyle win!

Winners: Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner, by pinfall

The odd couple rebounds, but Imperium shares their opinions. Fabian Aichner says, in Italian, “Looks like they are getting better.” Marcel Barthel says, in German, “They are getting better, but they are not on our level. There is nobody that is on that level.” Aichner agrees, not even close. Barthel adds that Kyle & Von “have a better chance getting a security job around here than beating us for the tag team titles.” Aichner laughs at that, and agrees, those two will never beat them. Are Imperium speaking the truth? Or are they just worried about what Kyle & Von can do?


Persia is with Indi outside the medical room.

Indi hopes Dexter is okay. But Persia says they have to focus, they have a match. But Dexter is getting checked at a medical facility. Johnny’s going, but Indi’s Dexter’s wife! Persia says she has this, Indi can be there for her man. Really? Thanks so much, Persia! Will Persia really be fine without her best friend in her corner?


NXT presents an all new Lashing Out.

Lash Legend welcomes us back to her show, and they gotta address the elephant in the room. Kay Lee Ray has the audacity to interrupt Toxic Attraction? We saw that look in KLR’s eye, and that’s girl code for “Something ’bout to get messed up.” But listen, KLR. You gotta realize that there’s three of them, and only one- Grayson Waller! He walks on stage and Lash can’t believe what he’s doing. But he just loves this show! And he has tea to spill. Oh he got tea? Well okay, spill! Waller heard what Knight said about him, not paying his dues and stuff. Why? Because Waller didn’t drive 500 miles to a high school gym to get a hot dog and a handshake? Seems kinda stupid to him, really.

There are all these veterans who sacrificed for so long to get where they are. They missed birthdays, hospital visits, and yet all Waller had to do was survive on a reality show in Australia, put out a video, and then WWE came to him! But hey, here’s a little secret. This business isn’t about wins and losses anymore. “The story of DIY journeymen finally achieving a boyhood dream… is DEAD!” Fans boo that, but Waller says it’s true. It isn’t about how many stars your matches get, but how many likes and followers you have. That goes for Knight and the veterans. They keep asking, “Whose game is it?” Well don’t be mad at Waller, but the game has changed, and it’s HIS now.

Waller storms off and Lash says, “Clean up on aisle 8, honey! The tea has just been spilt!” That’s all the time she has, see you all next time!


2v1 Handicap: Persia Pirotta VS Gabby Stephens & Jenna Levy!

Being the best friend she is, Persia is letting Indi stand by her man. But will Persia be able to stand after taking on two opponents at once?

The bell rings and Persia ties up with Jenna, to then shove her down! But then out walks Robert Stone. What’s his interest in Persia? But then Gabby tags in and blindsides Persia with forearms! Jenna joins in, but Persia fights them both off with kicks! Persia POSTS Jenna, then scoops Gabby to SNAKE EYES! Gabby staggers around, fans cheer Persia but Jenna tags in. Jenna comes back but Persia LARIATS! Persia corner splashes, whips corner to corner, and runs in to splash again! Persia keeps going and BOOTS Jenna down! Persia drags Jenna, Jenna kicks her away, and crawls to tag Gabby!

Gabby climbs up, Persia CLUBS her down! Persia then gets Jenna up, fireman’s carries her, and then adds Gabby to the stack! DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP!! Stone likes that, and so do the fans! Persia gets Gabby back up to SWINGING FACEBUSTER! Cover, Persia wins!

Winner: Persia Pirotta, by pinfall

Persia’s a powerhouse, and Stone is impressed! Will Stone look to rebuild his brand with Persia in mind?


Backstage interview with Dakota Kai.

A huge main event against Raquel tonight, and McKenzie brings up how Raquel vows to bury Dakota with the very shovel Dakota screwed her over with. Dakota laughs at that, and is McKenzie Raquel’s new bestie? Is Dakota gonna hit McKenzie with a shovel? Because maybe… Well ever since TakeOver, Dakota’s been lost. She isn’t even sure who she is anymore! Her mind is cloudy, so the only way to get rid of all that is to get rid of her past. That begins with ending Raquel! See, it all started at Halloween Havoc, and Mandy walks in to finish the sentence, “And it all ends tonight.”

Dakota looks at the title, and Mandy loves it, doesn’t she? They don’t just owe Dakota for that, they owe Dakota TWICE! Mandy keeps Gigi & Jacy from going after Dakota. But then the GYV finally return the belts! Gibson says some tech dorks were facetiming their grandma, pretending they were tag champs or something. Can you believe that? No, that’s pathetic. Who lies to their grandma? Uh, yeah, it is- Okay, bye. Gibson tells Drake that the best way to get away with a lie, is to hide it right next to the truth! Brilliant! Smashing!


Tommaso Ciampa speaks.

“On the premiere episode of NXT 2.0, NXT was in need a leader. The new champion was crowned. Enter Tommaso Ciampa, the greatest NXT Champion of all time. In a short two months, I have successfully defended this title here in the states and overseas in the UK. I carry her with integrity, respect, prestige. Then I look around this locker room, and there is a lack of integrity, a lack of respect. This new crop of talent… Y’know what? Screw it. I’ll address them in the ring.” Ciampa storms off, will he call out some specific superstars on the roster?


NXT hears from Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter.

When these two aren’t kicking ass in the ring, they go to as many music festivals as they can. Last week was EDC Orlando. There’s such an amazing feeling and vibe. The music, the lights, the craziness, it’s hard to explain. IT’s all about having fun and for a few hours, forgetting your problems. They’ve had some downtime, and they want to share that with the audience. Seeing a community come together to be themselves, that’s what they want in NXT 2.0. The life of the party is bring that party to the ring, who will be feeling the vibe?


Ciampa heads to the ring!

Ciampa wants us to bear with him and let him vent for a moment. There are guys in the back like Carmelo Hayes, who comes out here week after week, desperately trying to convince himself that he’s holding on to the A Title. Let’s be real for a second. Melo ain’t taking a shot in Ciampa’s direction, because he knows if he does, he won’t just miss. He’ll shoot an air ball. Ciampa then says there’s “little bitch ass Grasyon Waller.” Talking about how guys from Ciampa’s generation, them traveling around and working the indies like there’s something wrong with that! Like somehow Grayson~ Waller~ is above that?! “Well Grayson, I’ll tell you what you can do with my hot dog.”

Then there’s Tony freakin- Well, before Ciampa can tear into D’Angelo, here comes Bron Breakker! Fans bark it up for him as he joins Ciampa in the ring. Breakker says Ciampa is calling out guys who did the same things he has to make it to the top. Ciampa’s worried about Waller and Hayes, but he probably can’t stand this new crop of talent coming down. It pisses him off, right? Well that means NOTHING to Breakker! The only thing Ciampa should worry about IS Breakker, and if he’s not, Breakker will run through Ciampa and take that title!

Wow, that was powerful. Ciampa isn’t sure exactly how this works, but some place, there’s some guy in a truck who can pull up footage! Maybe the ending to their match at Halloween Havoc? Because Breakker seems to need a reminder. So magical man in the truck, please pull up the ending of that match? It does come up, and Ciampa gave Brakker knee after knee then the Fairy Tale Ending! Right, that was 1-2-3. Ciampa ain’t a math major, and Breakker probably ain’t either. But Breakker has a less than a 33 and one third chance of ever taking the title from him. Now Breakker can bark up the tree all he wants, but he’s just a puppy. Ciampa is the NXT CHAMPION.

Mic drop and Ciampa heads out! But will Breakker grow up and get another shot at that title?


Raquel Gonzalez VS Dakota Kai!

Once the closest of cohorts, now the worst of enemies! Big Mami Cool wants to crush Cobra Kai, but will she get bit by the snake that betrayed her?

NXT returns as Dakota makes her entrance. The bell rings, Raquel CLOBBERS Dakota, then dribbles her in the corner! Raquel stomps a mudhole but lets off at 4, only to come back with haymakers! Raquel whips corner to corner hard and Dakota bounces off buckles! Dakota bails out, Raquel chases her around the ring, and then RAMS Dakota into Plexiglas barriers! Fans are fired up as Raquel puts Dakota back in, then runs her down for a FLAPJACK! Dakota flounders out, Raquel is furious but she goes back out. Raquel runs in around the way, to FLAPJACK Dakota on the ramp!

Dakota crawls, Raquel drags her up and bumps her off the apron. The ring count is 5 of 10, Raquel fireman’s carries to lift and SLAM Dakota on the apron! Dakota kicks back from the apron, then PENALTY KICKS! Raquel staggers back into the ring, Dakota rushes in, ducks and dodges but Raquel elbows her away! Raquel puts Dakota in the corner, dribbles her more, and then shouts, “I TRUSTED YOU!” Dakota is smiling?! Is she enjoying this?! Raquel gets Dakota up, Dakota blocks the suplex but Raquel CLUBS her down! Dakota scrambles, shoves Raquel and kicks back, but Raquel dribbles her off buckles again!

Raquel bumps Dakota off the corner, then keeps her from running away! Raquel gets Dakota in a gut wrench, Canadian rack, and then a BACKBREAKER RACK! Dakota endures, then Raquel RAMS her into a corner! Dakota ends up on the top rope, and Raquel wants her to look her in the eyes. Then she CLOBBERS Dakota with a EuroUpper! Raquel runs in but POSTS herself as Dakota moves! Raquel flops out of the ring, staggers up, and Dakota comes in to BOOT her down! Fans boo as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dakota grits her teeth, is riding the line of anger and joy, then refreshes the ring count to club away on Raquel. Dakota pushes Raquel onto the apron to SLAM an arm on the edge! Raquel goes writhing away but Dakota hurries to get a cover. TWO, and Dakota smiles. Dakota drags Raquel by the bad arm, wrenches and CODE BREAKER to the arm! Raquel staggers to a corner, Dakota storms over but Raquel kicks back. Dakota fires off forearms, wraps the bad arm on the ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Dakota lets off, but then she snapmares to a cover. TWO! Dakota keeps on the arm with a cording hold, but Raquel endures.

Dakota pulls harder, steps over, but Raquel reaches out for ropes. Dakota thrashes the arm, drags Raquel ,but Raquel makes it a cover! TWO and Dakota lets Raquel go to fire off forearms! Raquel hits back with the good arm, then whips Dakota to ropes. Dakota BOOTS Raquel down again! Cover, TWO! Dakota can’t believe it but she should know Raquel’s tougher than that. Dakota has a top wristlock and she thrashes Raquel around again. Raquel fights up, RAMS Dakota into a corner, and NXT returns to single picture as Raquel gets free. Dakota is on the ropes, but she drop toeholds Raquel! Dakota runs to BOOT Raquel against the ropes! Cover, TWO!

Dakota is beside herself, but she sees Raquel go to the apron. Dakota gets the arm, kicks at Raquel’s face, then goes out the opposite side. Dakota drags Raquel up the corner, HEADBUTTS her, but Raquel roars and fires off headbutts in return! Raquel climbs up now, but Dakota fights the superplex to HOTSHOT Raquel down! Raquel flops into the ring, Dakota gets on the apron to BOOT Raquel through the ropes! Dakota drags Raquel to a cover, TWO! Fans are dueling while Dakota drags Raquel by her hair. Raquel glares at Dakota and choke grips her! Two hands up, DOUBLE HAND SLAM! Raquel gets her bad arm working and runs in to LARIAT! And BOOT!

Raquel keeps going, but Dakota ducks, only to get the BLINDSIDE! Raquel stalks Dakota to a corner, drags her but Dakota pulls the bottom buckle pad off! Raquel gives Dakota a FALL AWAY SLAM! And then the VADER BOMB ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Fans are loving this as Raquel drags Dakota back up. Raquel hooks her up but Dakota fights the Chingona to a sunset flip! Raquel punches but only hits mat! Dakota avoids the elbow drop, too, covers, ONE!! Ghost pin, TWO! Dakota SCORPION, but Raquel blocks to a Stretch Muffler and SWINGING SLAM! Fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” as Raquel drags Dakota back up.

“This is Awesome!” as Dakota blocks the suplex again, they go to the corner, Dakota WRINGS Raquel into the bare buckle! Fans boo while Raquel is dazed. Dakota watches Raquel flounder around, and she goes out to get the SHOVEL!! Dakota brings it in, is laughing like a lunatic, but Raquel kicks her down! Raquel snatches the shovel now, and fans want her to use it! Raquel looks ready to use it and Dakota begs for mercy! But Toxic Attraction attack!!

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, by disqualification

This is them returning the favor! They hold Raquel up for Dakota’s SUPERKICK! They all mug Raquel, but here comes Cora jade! She uses her skateboard to SMASH Gigi, SMASH Jacy, and then TOSSES it at Dakota! Dakota ducks, Mandy CLOBBERS Cora! They all fire off on Cora now, she does her best to fight, but they double whip and BOOT Cora down! Dakota stomps Raquel down, Mandy digs her knee in, but is that Zoey Stark?! She has her crutches and leg brace, Toxic Attraction mocks her. But Zoey is just a harbinger for IO SHIRAI! Zoey gives Shirai a crutch and Shirai tees off on Gigi & Jacy! Then on Mandy!

But then Dakota SMACKS Shirai with Cora’s skateboard! Shirai stays up to SMACK Dakota back! And again! And again! Cora gets back up, she helps out, but they’re still outnumbered 4v2! Mandy and Cora brawl, Shirai fights off Jacy. They double whip Mandy into a CRUTCH CLOTHESLINE! Jacy wants more but Cora JAMS her with the board! Dakota is on Raquel’s back but Raquel is up to throw her out! Cora gives Jacy a COMPLETE SHOT to the board! Raquel scoops Gigi to RAM her into Dakota! Dakota and Toxic Attraction bail out, and Shirai gets a mic! “WARGAAAMES!!!” Fans are loving that! Will Toxic Attraction and Dakota pay for what they’ve done in the worst way possible?

My Thoughts:

A pretty great episode of NXT right here. I was hoping for more out of D’Angelo VS Lumis, but it ended up more a vehicle towards a big time North American Championship match. Melo VS Dunne VS Gargano is going to be a BADASS Triple Threat that might make 2.0 feel as good as 1.0 in the ring. But at the same time, having two opponents, Melo is going to squeak out the win and use this to brag even more. Speaking of bragging, we got a lot of that from Knight and Waller to give us this rather odd take on the usual “Indy Darling VS WWE Guy” like we’d gotten out of just about anyone against John Cena.

What I’m surprised by is, Waller is coming off the Heel. Does that make Knight the Face? That’s interesting… But at the same time, Ciampa calls Waller and other 2.0 homegrown guys, taking this from a different angle as the Indy Darling who made it big in the WWE. Or as big as WWE will let NXT look to even their own fans. And I love that he referenced Steiner Math! But it’s very interesting that NXT is playing things out this way, though I suppose 2.0 would be the first time in a long time that NXT had this many homegrown wrestlers they want to treat as stars, it probably had to happen at some point.

We got a good Six Man Tag, Jones & Jacket Time winning makes sense to keep this feud going. But I feel like it’s bad planning that there isn’t another Cruiserweight involved in this to get at the title. Doesn’t help that Nick “What the Frick” Khan cuts people that could actually play that role. Trey Baxter, either member of Lucha House Party between Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik, even Oney Lorcan going back on a Face run could give Strong a strong challenge. Quinn of course wins against Andre Chase, but it was a vehicle to get Legado to go after him. Pretty sure this leads to Escobar VS Quinn in a sort of proxy match for this story between Quinn and Lopez.

Good stuff out of the tag division. MSK has an okay vignette this time, but I hope next week is the conclusion so we can get to that next part of their story. GYV becoming NXT’s greatest con men is still a rather interesting move, and it’s not like they aren’t pulling off the promos, but I wish they were the tag champs right now. There was a window in the latter days of 1.0, but they waited too long and then look what happened. I do like that Kyle acknowledged Von going to SmackDown, even though SmackDown never acknowledged who the hell Von is, and I like that they got a win over Briggs & Brooks.

Imperium watching Kyle & Von was a lowkey great thing because they were watching at a normal angle! That little bit also gives the nod that they’re heading to a tag title match, but I honestly would hope Imperium retains. Von is getting that 2.0 push but I don’t know where he’s really going right now. Similar to GYV, there was a window where Kyle was going to be a singles champion in NXT but they missed that window and here we are. The poker game being in the ring, it was a rather interesting change, but I think this one played out even better than the previous. They might’ve overdone Grimes bluffing his way into winning, but Duke did great in losing his cool. I really hope they put a stipulation on their match. Maybe Hair VS Hair what with Duke cutting into Grimes’.

We got good story blending through Lumis & Indi. Lumis’ kayfabe injury has Indi stay out so that Persia can show off her strength. Robert Stone appearing is random, but when he has nothing now because they cut Franky Monet and Jessi Kamea, he might be trying to start from scratch. That could complicate things within The Way if Stone manages Persia but Johnny & Candice don’t want Indi joining up. We got a great main event out of Raquel and Dakota, even with Toxic Attraction getting involved. I just knew Dakota was going to get lumped in with Toxic Attraction so we could get a Women’s WarGames.

Cora Jade is the surprise on who joins the Faces, but I think the secret weapon for them is Kay Lee Ray. She had her run-in with Toxic Attraction, she wants to just let loose, what better match than WarGames? I would’ve thought Kacy & Kayden were, but maybe things changed when Zoey Stark got injured.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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