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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (3/15/22)

It’s a Must-See NXT!



The NEW NXT Champion’s on Miz TV!

Dolph Ziggler celebrates becoming NXT Champion by bringing his friend, THE MIZ, to NXT for a special edition of MizTV!


  • NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Cameron Grimes VS Santos Escobar; wins and advances to NXT Stand & Deliver.
  • A-Kid VS KUSHIDA w/ Ikemen Jiro; A-Kid wins.
  • Sarray VS Tiffany Stratton; Stratton wins.
  • Indi Hartwell VS Persia Pirotta; Hartwell wins.
  • Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Raul Mendoza w/ Legado del Fantasma; Dominik wins.
  • NXT Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode VS LA Knight; Ziggler wins and retains the title.


NXT mourns the loss of “Razor Ramon,” Scott Hall.


The Miz is here in NXT!

The Hollywood A-Lister walks out to the ring as this becomes a special edition of the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, MizTV! And the only two-time Grand Slam in the history of WWE is on NXT 2.0! And it feels good! Fans chant for Miz, and Miz says another thing that feels good is that at WrestleMania, yours truly and the social media icon, Logan Paul, taking on Rey & Dominik Mysterio. But last week, one man turned WrestleMania Weekend upside-down. A good frenemy of Miz’s, it’s the NEW NXT Champion, DOLPH ZIGGLER! And Robert Roode, too. The Dirty Dawgs make their way out and Roode points to the Show-Off’s new title belt.

Roode wants people on their feet because the champ is here, but they’re booing instead. Ziggler and Roode go to the ring and even hug it out with Miz. Miz says they’re ready for it! Let’s not waste any time. How does it feel to be NXT Champion? After 15 years outmaneuvering everyone, this just feels right. Ziggler wants to be the first to welcome Miz and his talk show to HIS show, NXT! “We are NXT, brother!” Miz says the belt looks good on Ziggler. Miz loves how Ziggler waltzed in, went up to Bron Breakker, and Miz says that for those expecting Bron to show up and break things, he won’t do that! And here’s why!

Miz cuts it to a video, and as Bron was arriving to the Performance Center, hunting down Ziggler, he went after a car as it pulled up. The coaches got Bron to stop right there, and then Bron drove off. “Rookies.” What a sore loser! Roode says Bron has nothing to complain about, Bron agreed to the Triple Threat! And everyone knows, in a Triple Threat, there are no rules. Roode follows the rules. That’s why we’re sitting here with a NEW NXT Champion! Ziggler says Bron was smart to turn back and leave here. But let’s talk about something more important: Ziggler! Ziggler IS NXT Champion, and he IS a fighting champion. Ziggler loves wrestling!

Ziggler doesn’t do it for pats on the back or accolades or even the money. And they have lots of money! Miz has lots of money. But- L A KNIGHT appears! And fans go nuts for the Million Dollar Megastar! Knight gets a mic, has everyone calm down, and says, “Lemme talk to ya!” Ziggler, last time Knight ran into him at Raw, he said any given Tuesday, the door’s open! And look at him now. Ziggler is NXT Champion! And good on him. But if Bron can’t be here to challenge for the title, then Knight’s not gonna wait. Ziggler and the one and only, L A KNIGHT, YEAH! Ziggler wants the “kid” to get this right: Ziggler IS a fighting champion! But only against superstars.

Miz speaks up. Ziggler has a point. Knight is a great performer, and when Knight’s on the mic, everyone listens. Knight will be a major player. Just not yet. Knight takes off the jacket and says, “You’re right. I’m not a superstar. I’m a damn MEGASTAR! And what that means is any day of the week, I can take that title off of you!” Ziggler says this is his show? NAH NAH! Orlando, tell ’em whose show this is! “L A KNIGHT!” That means Ziggler has something that belongs to Knight! So if Ziggler is saying this is his show, NAH NAH! Show him!

Well, the world needs ditch diggers. So listen up: the NXT Champ only wrestles in the main event. And the day Knight figures out where that is, that is where Knight will find him. Miz says tonight will be history! Ziggler will defend his title against LA Knight!! And it will be AWWWWESOME~! MizTV finally delivers something big! Will Knight make this his night


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams head to commentary.

The North American Champion and his right hand man want to be here to see things firsthand. That’s because the first North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier is up next!


Backstage interview with Cora Jade.

McKenzie brings up Toxic Attraction hurting Raquel Gonzalez. But then Cora went after Mandy, what message was she sending? Simple: Toxic Attraction will have hell to pay. Raquel is out for four to six weeks, but Cora has a really good feeling that while she’s looking for them, Toxic Attraction will be looking for her. How exactly does she know that? Just look. She stole the belts! The one thing Toxic Attraction cares about is the tag titles, and above all else, the NXT Women’s Championship. They’re gonna be pissed. Cora has all the gold in her arms, but has she just put a huge target on her back?


NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Cameron Grimes VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado del Fantasma!

The Carolina Cash Money Caveman took his shot but missed against The A Champion, and El Hijo del Fantasma came close in his own pursuit of this title. But now, only one can join the five man ladder match at Stand & Deliver. Who stands tall over the other to then go for the gold once again?

NXT returns as the bell rings and the two circle. Grimes shoots in to get a leg but Escobar headlocks. Grimes powers out, Escobar runs him over, and things speed up. Escobar rolls, Grimes runs, Escobar hurdles but Grimes cartwheels! Fans fire up as the two stand off. They circle, Escobar gets around to a waistlock btu Grimes switches. Escobar switches back, Grimes switches again. Escobar uses ropes to buck Grimes, but Grimes sweepse legs! Cover, ONE, Grimes avoids the sweep to say, “Kiss Mah Grits!” Fans fire up, Escobar rushes into a headlock. Escobar throws body shots, powers out, but Grimes jumps over, only for Escobar to DROPKICK him down!

Fans fire up as Escobar drags Grimes to center. Cover, ONE, but Escobar brings Grimes up to knee low. Escobar goes to suplex but Grimes blocks. Grimes wrenches, ROCKS Escobar, then CHOPS! Escobar ends up in a corner, Grimes fires off forearms and stmops. Grimes whips, Escobar dropkicks Grimes down! Escobar kicks and stomps, then stomps Grimes at the ropes. The ref counts, Escobar lets off at 4. Fans rally and duel, Escobar KICKS Grimes and throws hands. Escobar puts Grimes in a corner, throws hands and another CHOP! Grimes turns it around to KICK and KICK, but Escobar blocks! Escobar GAMANGIRIS back!

Escobar runs to basement dropkick Grimes down! Grimes ends up on ropes, Escobar chokes him with a straddle attack! The ref counts, Escobar lets off and he mocks “To The Moon!” Escobar KICKS Grimes then brings him around. Escobar cravats to snapmare, and then KICKS Grimes in the back! Cover, TWO! Escobar puts Grimes on ropes to fire off hands, then a BACKHAND! Escobar whips, Grimes ducks and dodges to RANA! Escobar bails out and fans fire up! Grimes goes to the apron, but Wilde & Mendoza are there! Grimes has to go over them, and Escobar sweeps the legs! Grimes crashes down as NXT goes picture in picture.

Escobar soaks up the cheers and jeers while Wilde & Mendoza talk some trash. Escobar then SLAMS Grimes’ arm on the announce desk, then puts him in the ring. Escobar pushes Grimes to a corner, throws hands, then wrenches the bad arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! And another! Escobar brings Grimes through ropes to HOTSHOT the arm! Legado high-fives their leader, Escobar goes back in but Grimes gets him for a cradle! TWO, but Escobar wrenches and WRINGS Grimes out! Cover, TWO! Escobar drags Grimes up, wrenches him again, and then WRINGS the arm again! Escobar drags Grimes by the arm, isolates it, and omoplata!

Grimes endures, even as Escobar steps over to crank the hold. Escobar gets the other arm and pulls back! Grimes endures so Escobar lets off. Escobar isolates the arm again to STOMP it! Grimes gets to ropes but Escobar brings him up to ARMBAR BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Escobar drags Grimes into a ghost pin, TWO! Grimes survives but Escobar keeps on him with a cobra clutch and body scissors. Grimes claws at the hold but Escobar modifies the grip. Grimes clasps hands but Escobar clubs him down! They roll, Grimes gets up but Escobar double wristlocks. Grimes throws back elbows but Escobar cranks the arm!

Escobar modifies the hold as NXT returns to single picture. Grimes fights up as fans rally and Escobar wrenches again. Grimes powers out and puts Escobar into a corner. Escobar dodges, KICKS away, then Escobar runs corner to corner, but Grimes put shim on the apron! Escobar ENZIGURIS back! Melo & Trick love what they’re seeing as Escobar goes up for FLYING AX HANDLES! Cover, TWO! Escobar is growing frustrated but Legado coaches him up. Fans duel, Escobar clamps onto the bad arm again. Grimes endures, fights up, and he arm-drags free! Grimes RANAS Escobar away!

Grimes runs, Escobar knees but Grimes forearms! Grimes comes back to forearm again! Grimes whips, Escobar holds ropes but Grimes clotheslines him out! Escobar hits the desk, Grimes goes out to the apron. Legado is in the way again, but Grimes CANNONBALLS over them! Direct hit on Escobar and fans lose their minds! Grimes puts Escobar in, climbs up top, and CROSSBODIES, into a CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Grimes survives and fans fire up! Escobar is seething and Melo says they can thank him for this great match. Escobar throws down hands, then he runs, but Grimes dodges for COLLISION COURSE! Cover, TWO!!

Escobar goes to a corner, he runs and BOOTS Grimes! Grimes staggers into a fireman’s carry but he slips off! ROUNDHOUSE! Escobar staggers, into a SUPERKICK! Grimes points to Melo as he is in the corner, “TO~ THE~ MOON!” Grimes runs, but into a fireman’s carry! PHANTOM DRIVER! Cover, Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall (advances to Stand & Deliver)

And in the blink of an eye, Escobar secures the first spot in the North American Championship Ladder Match! And as Melo was saying on commentary, we’ve got more in the works! Melo is pitting Solo Sikoa against Roderick Strong, and Grayson Waller against the winner of A-Kid VS Kushida tonight! How will this ladder match take shape on the road to Stand & Deliver?


NXT hears from Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray.

The Evil Genius says, “Next week is the finals of the Women’s Dusty Cup.” KLR says they have a mutual rule, and they made it very clear last week. They got in this because they wanted to destroy Toxic Attraction. And in their minds, there is only one way to do that. They don’t really like making friends, but they do have a common enemy. Wendy & Dakota will be tough to beat, but this tournament is theirs. KLR & Shirai teamed up because they have had and they want to have gold. Toxic Attraction’s reign in NXT will come to an end!


Wendy Choo & Dakota Kai meet backstage.

Wendy just got done watching Shirai & KLR say their part, but Wendy is more into her orange soda. Dakota saw that video, too, though. And she is panicking! There’s no way they can win! Wendy says Shirai & KLR are a tough team, but they can do it! Dakota agrees, she did win last year so maybe she can this year. But then Toxic Attraction barges in and asks if they’ve seen Cora. Seeing as how Cora took the belts and all, they’re going to get her and take her out like they did Raquel! Four to six weeks? More like eight to ten! But it doesn’t matter, they better make room in the hospital because Cora’s gonna be right next to Raquel.

Dakota says they didn’t have to do that to Raquel, Dakota & Wendy had the match won. A simple thanks would be nice. They did all the work for you! Wendy stands up for Dakota. They really didn’t have to, so why did they? Because they can. Listen, you two just get the job done, okay? Now let’s split up, find Cora, and whoever finds Cora first, make sure to leave something left for the other two. Done. Wendy gets these three are hot, but they’re so weird. yeah, really weird. Will Toxic Attraction track down Cora? Or will them splitting up play into Cora’s plan?


A-Kid VS KUSHIDA w/ Ikemen Jiro!

The Spanish Sensation made history in NXT UK as the inaugural winner of the Heritage Cup Championship, but is looking to do even bigger in NXT! But will the Time Splitter put him to the test in his first match across the pond?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Kushida wrenches to wrangle AK. AK bridges, hops around, headscissors and drags Kushida down. AK pushes up to put on pressure, but Kushida turns and rolls back to a facelock. AK fights up but Kushida rolls with him. Kushida floats all over AK, pats him on the back and then eggs him on. AK gets a leg pick and a toehold but Kushida turns. AK handsprings through, and rolls through the whip to springboard and arm-drag! Kip-up and dropkick! Fans fire up as AK avoids Kushida’s kicks, then gets the arm,. Kushida wrenches back and then waistlocks to a full nelson.

Kushida snapmares but AK flips through! Kushida waistlocks again, dumps AK down and has the ARMBAR! AK blocks, rolls, gets the ARMBAR back, but Kushida rolls. AK tries an omoplata but Kushida rolls through. Kushida pushes to a jackknife but AK bridges up! AK turns things around, Kushida stops the backslide to get he backslide, ONE! Kushida gets the arm to have a CROSSFACE! AK rolls through to wrench and drag Kushida down to the omoplata! Kushida fights around and gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, AK lets off and fans fire up for this technical masterclass!

Kushida kicks low then CHOPS AK down! And CHOPS again! AK goes to ropes, Kushida scoops and SLAMS AK! Kushida gets the legs and turns AK for the BOSTON CRAB! Fans rally and duel, AK fight sup and to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kushida lets off fast. Kushida stalks AK to a corner, fans rally up and Kushida CHOPS! AK fires forearms and CHOPS in return! AK runs, but Kushida hip tosses, cartwheels and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Kushida keeps focus and he brings AK up. Kushida wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, then he runs in, but AK dodges to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX!

AK holds on, Kushida bucks AK again. AK handsprings back to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! AK keeps his cool but fans rally up and Jiro is excited. AK puts Kushida in a corner to stomp, then he whips corner to corner. Kushida reverses, AK goes up but the headscissors are blocked for a KICK! Kushida wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Kushida wrenches but AK slips through to wrench and ELBOW BREAKER back! PELE! AK then knuckle locks, but Kushida wrenches! AK fires forearms and CHOPS, then goes up and up, to MOONSAULT DDT!! Cover, AK WINS!!

Winner: A-Kid, by pinfall

What a way to show up in Orlando! And now, as Carmelo Hayes promised, A-Kid will be facing Grayson Waller in a ladder match qualifier! Will the Spanish Sensation get through the 21st Century Success Story to go to Stand & Deliver?


Backstage interview with Legado del Fantasma.

McKenzie congratulates Santos Escobar on qualifying, but he says he said it before, so he’ll say it again: Escobar is the greatest luchador of all time! The greatest the WWE has ever seen. Stand & Deliver will be his time! He will become the NEW NXT North American Champion! But then Rey & Dominik Mysterio show up! Escobar welcomes them to NXT, but then he hears Wilde & Mendoza mumbling about “greatest luchador of all time.” Dom says the greatest is the one standing right here, Rey Mysterio. Elektra says Escobar is the man who will break all of Rey’s records. Well, that’s an opinion. Because the one who is taking lucha libre to the next generation is Rey’s son.

Mendoza & Wilde don’t take that seriously. Dom says he’s not here to talk, he’s here to fight! So then he wants one of them? Yeah, whichever one is man enough. Then Mendoza takes that bet. Vamanos. Escobar tells the Mysterios that they just made a big mistake. Rey says Dom’s got this, but will the Mysterios have to watch out for all of Legado?


Sarray VS Tiffany Stratton!

The Warrior of the Sun wouldn’t let Daddy’s Little Rich Girl get away with bullying her, and she made sure Tiffany felt da feet last week. Will Tiffany feel them all over again? Or will she take being a Mean Girl to the next level now that she’s facing Sarray at full power?

Wait, scratch that! Tiffany attacks Sarray backstage before the transformation sequence can begin! Is she a bully or a supervillain? Tiffany clubs and stomps Sarray all the way up the ramp! Fans boo as she KICKS Sarray to the ring! Tiffany shoves Sarray into the ring, the bell rings, and Tiffany CLOBBERS Sarray! Tiffany fires off on Sarray, the ref backs her off and Tiffany acts like it’s not a big deal, But then Sarray drop toeholds Tiffany into buckles! Fans fire up as Sarray stomps Tiffany into ropes. Sarray runs in, but Tiffany moves and the dropkick tumbles out of the ring! Sarray gets back in the ring, Tiffany runs and handsprings to SPLASH!

Tiffany is seething as she goes up, TORNILLO VADER! Cover, Tiffany wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

Sadly, sometimes the bully wins. Will Sarray have to be faster the next time she wants to take on Daddy’s Little Rich Girl?


LA Knight encounters Gunther backstage.

The Ring General says Knight getting his title match tonight is all good for him, but he didn’t earn it with skill. He talked his way into that match. Knight uses his voice a lot, but Gunther does not respect that. Knight says he doesn’t have to respect anything. Just know that Knight is about to become NXT Champion. So if Gunther’s asking for the next up, Knight has no problems with that! Gunther says Knight can’t be serious. Gunther doesn’t see a champion, just an embarrassment to this great sport! Well if Gunther is talking about Knight’s mouth, the word he’s looking for is “charisma.” If Gunther looked around, he might find some.

Because here’s the thing, this is sports entertainment. Gunther has the first part, but Knight has both. So if you’ll excuse him, he has a match to get ready for. YEAH! Knight walks off, but will Gunther teach him the Imperium way of doing things?


Jacy Jayne spots a tag title!

She doesn’t question that it’s hanging up above some shelves, she goes right for it. She taps it, nothing happens, so she pulls it down. A trap is sprung! Cora locks her inside! Cora taunts Jacy with the keys then runs off! One down, two to go!


Tommaso Ciampa goes to the ring.

The Pulse of NXT shouts out Razor Ramon with the swagger, then fist bumps some fans. Ciampa gets in the ring and gets the mic as fans chant his name. They also chant, “CIAMPA’S HOUSE!” while he sits up on the top rope. Ciampa says, “Tonight, I want to take an opportunity… I love you, too.” But he wants to talk to us about gratitude. Sometimes, Ciampa still to this day just looks around and takes it all in. This is his life, this has been his life. Fans cheer that sentiment and chant his name again.

Ciampa has been doing this for 17 years, and he remembers the entire time on the indies, he wanted to find a place he could call home, a place that would believe in him, and would give him the chance to prove he can be The Guy. It’s hard to explain it, because he’s always had this feeling that if he got that one chance to run with the ball, damn would he run with the ball. Luckily, that opportunity was here in NXT and WWE. For the largest freakin’ company on the planet! That right there is gratitude. He knows everyone knows, but since coming here, success wasn’t something that came immediately or easily.

But then again, things in life worth fighting for the most seldom come easy. But Ciampa’s been here since 2015. Together, we’ve been from… Fans chant, “Thank You, Ciampa!” “Please Don’t Go!” Ciampa says if we recap those seven years, you go from DIY underdogs to the glorious bombs to the NXT Championship to the Blackheart to the single greatest NXT Champion of all TIME! Ciampa would love to call it some sort of DIY story, but this never was about doing it by himself. He always had the fans to do it with him. He always had them to cheer him or boo him at his best. Fans boo for old time’s sake.

Ciampa still thinks to New Orleans, walking out to no music and just the boos and profanities. And in that moment, we all knew it, that was something special. We were creating a star! They were telling the others, “Ciampa can be the guy!” Fans chant, “You’re The Guy!” and Ciampa smiles. He says it’s been a crazy long journey of ups, downs, setbacks, surgeries, black ‘n’ gold to 2.0. But what remained the same was Ciampa never leaving, and the fans never leaving. That right there is gratitude. Now hear him out here. This is where he isn’t sure where he’s going.

For the last seven years, he thought that if this chapter was ever to close, Ciampa would know. And over the last few months, he thought more so than any time before, Ciampa wants to know what his fairy tale ending is. He has been thinking a lot about this. Walking into a show like Stand & Deliver on WrestleMania weekend, biggest stage of them all as champion, that would be the perfect ending. But the fact of the matter is, he had that opportunity last week. Three years ago, he was supposed to do that in New York, but he had to put that on hold because of neck surgery. He was to right the wrong last week, bring it full circle, to have his fairy tale ending, and he lost.

Now, Ciampa in these last seven days, he’s thinking, “What’s next then?” Is there a perfect way to close this out? Fans chant, “One More Match!” Ciampa hears them, and he says this much now. He doesn’t have an answer. He wishes he did. But what he does know is that not often do you get a chance to say thanks before it’s too late. This is his opportunity, he will not miss it. He means this from the bottom of his heart. The last seven years, to each and every fan here and at home, “Thank you.” Fans give Ciampa a standing ovation and chant, “Thank You, Ciampa!” But then Tony D’Angelo gets in the ring?!

Ciampa looks him down, and that is a BIG crowbar in Tony’s hands. Tony drops it, Ciampa thinks about grabbing it, but Tony says he could’ve done this, but Ciampa’s different. Tony respects Ciampa enough to talk to him face to face. Tony’s been thinking, “Who do I gotta beat to put Tony D’Angelo in the history books?” Who would make Tony the man in NXT? Who? And here he stands, in front of that guy. Ciampa’s been the face of NXT for awhile now. So it’d be an honor if Ciampa and Tony threw hands at Stand & Deliver. What does Ciampa say? Tony offers a handshake and fans chant, “YES! YES! YES!”

Ciampa thinks about it. He shakes Tony’s hand! Fans cheer, and then Tony low blows Ciampa! So much for respect! Tony says it was always Ciampa! Stand & Deliver, Tony becomes the new don! Tony gives Ciampa a kiss on the cheek, he’s marked for death! Will Tony D learn on the biggest stage in NXT history that you do NOT cheap shot the Psycho Killer?


Indi Hartwell VS Persia Pirotta!

Success, failure, and drama. Those things tore these two friends apart, and now they might tear each other apart! They oddly make their entrance together, too. Will they be able to stay friends after this? Or is this the end of an impressive team in NXT?

The bell rings and the two stare down. They shake hands, but then don’t let go easy. They start shoving, and Persia shoves harder! Indi gets back up, but Persia blocks the kick to knee low. Persia whips, Indi goes up but Persia stays back, Persia waistlocks, Indi throws elbows, but Persia shoves her again. Indi duck sand dodges but Persia BOOTS her down! Cover, TWO! Persia drags Indi up, scoops her and SNAKE EYES in the corner! Then she shoves Indi into a corner and SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Persia clamps onto an arm but Indi fights up. Persia wrenches and CLUBS Indi’s arm then stomps the ring finger!

Indi snarls as she clutches her hand, and Persia mocks Indi that Dexter’s cut her off. Indi gets up to CHOP! And CHOP! And fire off haymakers! Indi runs in to clothesline then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Persia gets to a corner, Indi runs in but is put on the apron, Indi shoulder sin, but Duke Hudson appears Indi kicks at him, but Persia CLUBS Indi! Persia fireman’s carries Indi in, but DEXTER appears from under the ring! Maybe Indi should’ve just checked under there… Persia spots Dexter and freezes up, and then Duke sees him! Indi sunset flips Persia and WINS!

Winner: Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

#InDex is reunited! Persia and Duke can’t believe it! But then InDex both slither in the ring and stare them down. Persia and Duke try to outdo this with a kiss! So InDex kisses! Fans are loving this liplock contest! Indi even rips off Dexter’s shirt and pushes him to the mat! So Persia does the same! NXThirsty much? Will this weird contest through passion look to Stand & Deliver?


Gigi Dolin storms around the parking lot.

She looks inside car windows, but she spots the title in a dumpster. She storms up and reaches for it, but she has no choice but to get up in it. Whatever it takes to get her belt back, right? Even if it’s gross… Gigi grabs her belt, but then the fork lift shuts it closed and clamps down on the lid! Cora says hey, heard you were looking for her. Is Gigi talking to Cora? Didn’t know trash could speak. Blah blah, when you get outta there, yeah, Cora gets it. Two down, one to go! What trap will Cora set for Mandy?


Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Raul Mendoza w/ Legado del Fantasma!

The legacy of lucha is essentially on the line here! The son of the King of Lucha has his first NXT match ever, ready to defend Legado del Mysterio! But will Escobar’s technical assassin take care of Dom the first time out?

The bell rings and Dom circles with Mendoza. Fans are all on Dom’s side as he tie sup with Mendoza. Mendoza waistlocks, Dom wrenches out and they knuckle lock. Mendoza trips Dom but Dom monkey flips to his feet to then sunset flip! ONE, and Mendoza hurries to sweep! Dom headscissors but Mendoza handsprings through! Mendoza runs but Edom ducks the kick to handspring! Dom counter punches Mendoza, knuckle locks and CHOPS, then goes up and up and around to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Mendoza ends up in a corner, Dom dropkicks him down! Fans fire up with Dom as he runs in, but Mendoza dodges.

Mendoza comes back but into an elbow! Dom goes up but Mendoza YANKS him down! Mendoza stomps Dom, drags him into a cobra clutch and grinds Dom down. Fans rally, Dom fights up and throws body shots. Dom powers Mendoza into a corner then arm-drags free. Dom ducks and dodges to springboard CROSSBODY! And then tilt-o-whirl headsicissors! Mendoza ends up in a corner, he puts Dom on the apron, but Dom counter punches again! Dom goes up, but Lopez distracts! Mendoza handspring PELES Dom down! But wait, Fallon Henley trips Lopez up! Lopez is pissed, but here come Briggs &B rooks to back Fallon up!

Fans fire up, and Rey DECKS Escobar! Mendoza is freaking out, and he turns around into Dom’s wheelbarrow throw! Dom dials it up, 619!! Then to the corner, for some Latino Heat and FROG SPLASH! Cover, Dom wins!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall

Legado tried to use numbers, but numbers evened up! Dom gets a huge win in NXT, but is this battle with Legado del Fantasma only beginning?


WWE pays tribute to “Razor Ramon,” Scott Hall.

He proved it was good to be a Bad Guy. Hall made an instant impact in 1992 as the character, Razor Ramon. “You can’t teach somebody to be cool. And Scott Hall has always been cool.” It was finally cool to be bad. Hall would become one of the greatest WWE Intercontinental Champions, winning WWE’s first ladder match to become the undisputed Intercontinental Champion. And then of course, in WCW, Hall & Nash would add Hulk Hogan to the New World Order. “Hey, yo. Are you hear to see the nWo?” When your nWo, you’re nWo 4 life! The WWE family will forever remember Hall as a gifted entertainer, two-time Hall of Famer, a loving father, and a dear friend.

“Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do.” – Scott Hall


Cora Jade walks around with the top title.

And she finds Mandy’s new Range Rover. It’d be a shame if it got lost, or a new paint job. Cora looks at the women’s title, the thing she wants. It could be hers. Let’s go for a ride, shall we? Cora hops into Mandy’s car, but Mandy’s already waiting! Mandy bumps Cora off the steering heel, then brings Cora around to smack off the hood! Cora hits back, Mandy knees low, CLUBS Cora down, then kicks her. “You think you can humiliate me?!” Mandy SLAPS then KNEES Cora down! Mandy says Lil’ Cora wants the title? Mandy will fight her and any other woman in the back! Cora’s not on her level and never will be!

Mandy then picks up Cora’s spray paint and sprays “T A” on Cora’s back. The others arrive, having been freed, and Mandy says, “Game over, bitch.” Will Cora get that title match, and then get that title? Or will Toxic Attraction run NXT forever?


The Creed Brothers get in the ring!

Julius brings up them getting blindsided before they could win the NXT Tag Team Championships. And until they find out who did, bodies will fly and heads will roll! If it was you, get your asses out here right now! Brutus adds that they don’t know who it was and it doesn’t matter! What matters is that they be men and face the Creeds head-on! They’re ready! They have all the time in the world! MSK heads out!? Was it Lee & Carter who attacked in the parking lot? MSK wears nWo shirts and Lee says, “Hey, yo. We really hope that y’all see we’re not the ones who attacked you last week.” Julius says BS!

Lee says he and Carter even made a point to stand up for the Creeds! Carter says they cost MSK the titles.  MSK even promised them to be first in line. But instead, the Creeds had to come out and crash the party, throwing it all away. Malcolm Bivens says no, MKS are the two who cut in line after the Creeds beat them to win the Men’s Dusty Cup! So no more of that around here until the Creeds get what they deserve. But here comes Imperium! Marcel Barthel shouts from the perch, “It is hilarious looking down there at you arguing about something that you’re never going to obtain anyway.”

Fabian Aichner says these four waste time talking when they know none of them have what it takes to take the titles. Bivens says Aichner is all the way up there, but how about he and Barthel come all the way down to the ring and give the Creeds their shot at those titles! MSK speaks up, saying they deserve a chance, too. And at least MSK is face to face with the Creeds. Imperium all the way up there, cuz they know they’d get bitch slapped. That much they all agree on! Aichner asks if they all really think they stand a chance, and that they’re all deserving. Well, they disagree. Imperium wants the world to see them fail to prove themselves!

Imperium is ready, for a TRIPLE THREAT at Stand & Deliver! MSK VS Creed Brothers VS Imperium! Little Bivens loves talking about reality and perception. Well the perception is that putting them in a Triple Threat will be a disadvantage. But the reality is, IMPERIUM FEARS NO ONE! See you at Stand & Deliver! They do say everything’s bigger in Texas, and that might just be the case here! Will Barthel & Aichner prove that the numbers will spell disaster for MSK and the Creeds in Dallas?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

McKenzie knows he lost, and must be disappointed. Yeah, “disappointing.” That’s all Grimes has been hearing. He keeps saying he’ll go to the moon but he just disappoints. He’ll be at home watching the biggest show in the business on his couch. He wants to be on Stand & Deliver. The last thing Grimes told his dad was that he signed to NXT and would be a champion. But three years later, he just keeps disappointing. Will Grimes be able to turn this around? Or will Stand & Deliver pass him by?


Malcolm Bivens interrogates teams backstage.

He wants them to shut up. Either they did it or didn’t do it. Let him know so he can cross their names off the list. Edris Enofe speaks up for his team. He and Malik don’t get down like that! They straight up. And to be honest, they  might’ve attacked someone last week, but it was Mandy’s waiters, cuz they were getting too close to her. And no one can fault Malik cuz Mandy smells like lavender. Bivens tells them it is only March. Zack Gibson speaks up for Grizzled Young Veterans. How can Bivens question them when these “creepy little simps” are rolling out evidence. GYV are stand-up gentlemen.

The Creeds storm in and confront GYV. They are adamant that GYV had to be the ones, cuz we’ve seen them do all sorts of underhanded schemes! They remember those accents, too! Gibson says if GYV knew they were just going to hand out title opportunities, GYV would’ve jumped the Creeds weeks ago! Bivens says we run it back. GYV VS Creeds, next week! Big money! Well if it gets GYV closer to the top, fine. But lightning doesn’t strike twice! Will Gibson & Drake look to take the Triple Threat to a Fatal 4?


NXT Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode VS LA Knight!

The show opened with the Show-Off and now it’ll close with the Show-Off! But will his GLORIOUS tag partner help him win here like he did just last week? Or will this title soon belong to the Million Dollar Megastar? We find out, after the break, YEAH!

NXT returns as the Dirty Dawgs make their way out. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just whose game this really is!

Ziggler and Knight circle, tie up, and Knight headlocks. Ziggler powers out, Knight runs him over! Fans fire up with Knight and he stares at Ziggler. Ziggler gets up and circles with Knight again. They tie up, go around, and Ziggler shoots in to get a leg. Knight floats around that, but they end up on ropes. The ref counts, Ziggler lets off but kicks low! Ziggler bumps Knight off buckles, then snapmares to clamp on a chinlock. Ziggler thrashes Knight, but Knight endures and fights up. Fans rally, Knight powers out, but Ziggler runs Knight over! Ziggler swivels hips, runs, but Knight CLOBBERS him! Cover, ONE!

Knight clamps onto an arm, kicks Ziggler in the ribs then CLUBS him down. Knight wrenches, Ziggler wrenches back, but Knight wrenches again. Ziggler ROCKS Knight with a right, ROCKS him again, then scrapes laces off Knight’s face. Fans rally and duel, Ziggler ROCKS Knight with haymakers. Ziggler brings Knight around to scrape with laces again, then he back suplexes. Knight lands on his feet, shoves Ziggler to buckles, then JUMPING NECKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Knight clutches ribs, still not 100% from the Last Man Standing. Ziggler escapes the scoop and rolls up, TWO!

Knight clotheslines Ziggler out of the ring! Fans fire up but Knight has to catch his breath. Ziggler gets back in, POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Ziggler gets away and NXT goes picture in picture.

Knight winches and grits his teeth, still hurting. Ziggler is down and the ring count is climbing. Knight goes out to bring Ziggler up, but Ziggler RAMS him into the apron! Ziggler pushes Knight in, stalks behind him, abut Knight fires off haymakers! Knight whips, Ziggler kicks the back drop then mule kicks the ribs! Knight drops to his knees and crawls to ropes. Ziggler storms over but the ref has him stay back. The ref checks Knight but Knight says he’s still in this. So Ziggler rakes Knight’s eyes! The ref reprimands and Ziggler lets off to then stand on the ribs! The ref counts, Ziggler lets off at 4.

Ziggler paces and soaks up the cheers and jeers before bringing Knight up. Ziggler has Knight in the corner, but Knight counter punches! Knight has Ziggler staggering, but Ziggler kicks the ribs again! Ziggler drags Knight up, clawing at his forehead. The ref reprimands but Ziggler wraps on a chinlock. Ziggler leans his weight on the hold and Knight endures as NXT returns to single picture. Fans continue to duel, Knight fights up and has Ziggler as a backpack! Ziggler claws Knight’s face again! Ziggler dropkicks Knight into the corner! Cover, TWO! Ziggler wraps on a sleeper hold and body scissors!

Knight endures and reaches out for ropes. Fans rally up, Ziggler squeezes tight, then rakes the eyes! Knight gets a second wind and gets to his feet! Ziggler holds on, but Knight RAMS him into buckles! Knight is free but Ziggler aims from the corner! FAMOUS- POEWRBOMB! Knight counters the Famouser and fans rally up with “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight staggers over and he DECKS Ziggler! And again! Knight stomps a mudhole into Ziggler, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight then runs corner to corner to KNEE Ziggler down! The bad ribs hold Knight back but he still gets Ziggler up. Knight whips, scoops, POWERSLAM!

Fans fire up and Knight runs, BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO!! We cut to the parking lot, and we see BRON BREAKKER has returned! He doesn’t care what anyone told him earlier tonight, he wants after Ziggler! Knight gets Ziggler up at the ropes, but Ziggler cheap shots Knight away. Ziggler reels Knight in but Knight RAMS Ziggler into the corner! Knight drags Ziggler up to the top rope, throws haymakers, and then climbs up to join him. Ziggler resists, throws body shots and then he headbutts Knight! Knight holds on but one more body shot takes him down! Ziggler adjusts but Knight returns in an instant! SUPERPLEX!!

Both men are down and fans fire up! Knight crawls to the cover, TWO!! Knight was so close and fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Knight gets up, catches his breath, and he drags Ziggler back up. Knight manages to lift, but Roode is on the apron! Knight runs Roode off, and avoids the superkick! Torture rack, BURNING HAMMER!! Ziggler gets the ropebreak!! “This is Awesome!” as Knight gets Ziggler up! Kick, but no BFT! But no ZigZag either! Knight runs in, but is sent into buckles! SUPERKICK!! Cover, Ziggler wins!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Roode gets in the ring to help Ziggler up, but the celebration is cut short! Here comes the Big Booty Nephew! Bron gets right in the ring with the Dirty Dawgs, but he gets a mic first. “Screw it, I’m not gonna wait! I want my rematch for that championship at Stand & Deliver!” Roode steps up, Bron DECKS him! Bron asks Ziggler, “How ’bout it, Champ?!” Ziggler stares Bron down, and holds up the belt. “Any time, any place. Stand & Deliver sounds damn good to me.” Ziggler & Roode leave, will Bron break the Show-Off’s reign at just one month?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT and with a lot of great surprises! The Mysterios showing up and taking on Legado was great stuff, as was Briggs, Brooks & Fallon helping out. I really like that we’re getting this, an eventual Rey VS Escobar match is going to be amazing stuff. At the same time, I feel like Dom should be here in NXT to really sharpen all his skills. He’s pretty good in the ring but is still a bit awkward at times, and same goes for the mic, so being in NXT would really get him to that next level. We also got really good stuff out of the ladder match qualifier. Grimes losing was quite the surprise, but it seems to feed into his own crisis of confidence story, and perhaps even into Legado VS Mysterios.

A-Kid VS Kushida was a great match, very technical and quick so a bit hard to keep up with, but it is pretty big for AK to get the win here. At the same time, AK isn’t popping into NXT just for a one-off, so getting in on the North American Championship story is great for him. And possibly it’s to make up for Vince moving Pete Dunne away and making him “Butch.” Good on Melo to take credit for that on commentary, though. Solo VS Strong is going to be a great match next week, too, and could go either way at this point.

The one real letdown of the night was Tiffany VS Sarray. I suppose a sneak attack backstage should’ve been expected of a Heel, but I feel like stopping Sarray from transforming is almost too clever for Tiffany. At least, this first time out. Let Sarray transform and win here, but then Tiffany claims some kind of controversy, they have a rematch, and then we get what we got tonight. Indi VS Persia was close to what I expected, but maybe shorter than I hoped. Indi wins with help from Dexter, but then the make-out sessions were a bit much. I’m sure we’re still getting that Mixed Tag Match I’ve been picturing, but this is a bit more NXThirsty than I expected.

We did get a good story out of the women’s title scenes, though. Shirai & KLR have a good promo together, Wendy & Dakota have a good reaction to it, and then Toxic Attraction hunting Cora after she snatched their belts was a good threat through the night. Cora getting Gigi & Jacy but then getting got by Mandy was fine stuff to set up a title match for Stand & Deliver, but I have a feeling Mandy still finds a way to win.

MizTV was a very good opening segment, especially with it creating the main event for tonight. That’s very WWE formula right there. It was a good detail to have Bron barred from the building for the majority of the night, giving Ziggler a chance to get in his first title defense that he’ll win. Knight having an encounter with Walter-Gunther backstage was a good way to plan their feud for after tonight. Maybe Gunther VS Knight is also a North American title qualifier? We do need four contenders, and we’ve only heard of two other matches. Ziggler VS Knight was a great main event, but of course Ziggler wins and Bron shows up to get his match for Stand & Deliver. Bron is going to be the fastest to get to two-time NXT Champion.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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