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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (4/11/22)

The American Nightmare VS Hollywood A-Lister!



WWE Raw 2022

It’s a battle of Downstait theme songs!

Cody Rhodes has his first match on Monday Night Raw in six years! But will The Miz ruin the American Nightmare’s homecoming already?


  • Veer Mahaan VS Dominik Mysterio; Veer wins.
  • AJ Styles VS Damian Priest; No Contest.
  • Cody Rhodes VS The Miz; Cody wins.
  • Liv Morgan VS Naomi w/ Sasha Banks; Naomi wins.
  • Bianca Belair VS Queen Zelina Vega; Belair wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Bachelorette Bonanza: Dana Brooke retains the title.
  • RKBRO VS The Alpha Academy; RKBRO wins.
  • The Street Profits VS The Usos; The Usos win.


Jerry “The King” Lawler is on commentary!

While the happy couple, Carmella & Corey Graves, are on their honeymoon, The King is back on Raw commentary!


The Miz heads to the ring!

Detroit boos as the Hollywood A-Lister makes his way out. He welcomes us back to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, MizTV, and his guest is an extraordinary superstar, one who has been the talk of every town all over the world after his shocking return to the WWE at WrestleMania and defeated Seth Rollins! But can he beat The Miz tonight? Fans sure think so. But they don’t matter, they cheer for the Lions. Rollins is very, very good, but The Miz is that much better. But ladies and gentlemen, please welcome The American Nightmare, CODY RHODES! “Wrestling has more than one royal family.”

Detroit fires up as Cody appears behind pyro! Cody makes his way to the ring, has even more pyro, and is fired up as he gets in the ring. Cody then picks up a mic and sits with Miz. Miz says, “Now that we broke our pyro budget and you took 45 minutes to celebrate yourself, are you trying to upstage me on my own show? Is that the type of guy you are now? An egomaniac who doesn’t care about anyone but himself?” Cody says, “Don’t get hot. Don’t begrudge me. This moment, it has been a long time since I was in front of a crowd like this, baby!” Detroit cheers and Cody soaks up the adulation to Miz’s annoyance.

Miz asks if we can get started now. Last week, Cody made an emotional explanation on why he returned to the WWE. Cody wants to make his father proud, one of the greatest of all time, Dusty Rhodes! Admirable. But Miz has to be honest, the reality is, if not for that family name, Cody wouldn’t be the Grandson of a Plumber, he’d be a plumber. Well, that’s clever. Wow! Miz After Dark, huh? Wow. But y’know why being a plumber would be a good thing right now? Because Miz is full of… Well, Cody will stop there but everyone got it, right? Miz hasn’t changed a day. He really hasn’t. Miz is still arrogant, obnoxious, and full-blown carny.

And the fact that Miz embraces it so bravely makes him reliable. Good ol’ Mike. But Cody wants to ask him something. Does Cody look the same? What does Miz think Cody’s been doing for six years? And every piece of that road provides Cody crystal clarity on not what he wants but what he needs to do. And that is to win the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship belt! Uh, it’s a title. Belts hold up your pants. But lofty goals! That’s good. Anyone who can beat Rollins at Mania definitely deserves to be in title contention. But that’s a long ways away, and a little birdie told Miz that Rollins wants a rematch.

So while Cody surprised Rollins before, Rollins can strategize. And we all know Rollins is the Architect, the Visionary, and Miz doesn’t like Cody’s chances. To be really honest, Miz doesn’t like Cody’s chances against Miz tonight. Fans boo that but Miz says out of all the things that happened at Mania, more people talked about Cody online an din the world. But Miz didn’t hide, didn’t sneak, didn’t surprise anyone. And would Detroit shut up!? Miz raises his hand and says when that goes up, their mouths go shut! But as Miz was saying, he single-handedly destroyed the Mysterios and he embarrassed mega star Logan Paul!

But everyone was talking about Cody Rhodes! Miz knows where Cody’s been! We ALL know. But maybe Cody forgot what THIS is! This is MIZ’S show! So you don’t come here and embarrass Miz on his show! Miz will not stand for- Cody has Miz calm down again. Cody will tell Miz something he’s probably never heard on his show: Cody respects The Miz, and all that The Miz has done. Cody gets the sense that this hostility is because Miz feels threatened by Cody. Cody’s opponent at Mania, Rollins, he has zero issues with. If he wants a rematch, Cody will be more than happy. But Miz? Things are getting personal.

Cody was not surprised that there would be criticism and doubt, but he’s mature enough to handle it all. He is here to beat the very best wrestlers in all of the WWE. Miz says they’re superstars. Sure, sure, superstars, wrestlers, whatever they say. Cody’s enjoyed this chat, but y’know what he’s really looking forward to? His first match on Raw in six years! Fans cheer Cody on again, and he tells Miz, “May the best man win.” Cody drops the mic, pats Miz on the shoulder, and fans cheer, but Miz rushes Cody! Cody tosses Miz out! And then gets ready to throw a chair! Will Miz be living an American Nightmare when he and Cody have it out in the ring?


Veer Mahaan VS Dominik Mysterio!

The Lion of India went after both father and son last week, and this was meant to be Veer’s in-ring return against Rey. But instead, Dom is stepping up for the family name! Will Dom be able to defend the honor of the Mysterios against a very hungry Veer Mahaan?

Raw returns and Veer makes his entrance. The bell rings and Veer circles with Dom. Dom dodges Veer, fires off hands and CHOPS, but Veer ROCKS Dom! Then Veer runs Dom over! Veer drags Dom back up, CLUBS him back down, then paces around Dom. Veer drags Dom up again, whips him to ropes, and hits a THESZ PRESS! Veer looms over Dom again, drags him back up to whip again. Dom kicks back this time, then SUPERKICKS! Veer stays up, comes back but Dom sends him out! Dom then WRECKS Veer with a dropkick, and PLANCHAS! Veer manages to catch Dom, and SLAM him into barriers!

Fans boo but Veer takes aim, MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT! Veer drags Dom into the ring at the count of 7 outta 10, then he stalks Dom to center. Veer drags Dom up again, sets him up, another MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT! Veer isn’t done, he hip drops, then puts on the TWISTING CAMEL CLUTCH! Dom taps, Veer wins!

Winner: Veer Mahaan, by submission

Veer lets Dom go when he is satisfied, but it seems that’s still not enough! TWISTING CAMEL CLUTCH! Dom taps but it won’t matter now! The fans boo, the ref tries to get Veer to stop, but it takes officials to come out and make Veer stop! This lion is bloodthirsty, and he gets through to get after Dom again! MORE TWISTING CAMEL CLUTCH! Veer finally lets go and medics hurry out to help Dom. Will Veer tear through the rest of the Raw roster with this same ferocity?


Raw returns as Dom is stretchered to the back.

The officials clear the way as the medics wheel Dom around, and they arrive at the ambulance.

Backstage interview with Veer Mahaan.

Kevin Patrick asks Veer why he kept attacking Dom. “I strike fear into the heart of any man!” Will all of Raw come to fear Veer?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

What is his mindset going into the match with Damian Priest? Styles is afraid. Of what he is going to do to Priest! It wasn’t smart to go 2v1, but Edge brought up Styles’ family. And when you do that, they gotta throw hands. Styles spots Priest getting ready, so he goes right after him! Styles throws Priest into trunks, but officials tell him to stop! Priest hits back and gets the edge, but Styles tackles him into boxes! The refs and officials pull these two apart, will they even make it to the ring to settle this?


AJ Styles VS Damian Priest!

The Phenomenal One would’ve beat The Iconoclast, but the Archer of Infamy tipped the scales. Things are starting 1v1, continuing from that brawl we just saw, but will the Rated R Superstar look to give Priest the edge?

The bell rings and Styles dodges Priest to fire off on him! Priest TOSSES Styles to a corner, but Styles dodges again to fire off more shots! Styles CHOPs, Priest shoves, then Priest ROCKS Styles with an uppercut! Priest KICKS and KICKS and ROLLING ELBOWS, but Styles ROCKS Priest! styles clotheslines Priest out of the ring! Priest gets to his feet but staggers, and Styles is on the apron! SLIDING KNEE and Priest hits post, too! Styles then leaps for a FLYING FOREARM! Priest gets sent over the barriers! Detroit fires up with Styles and he fetches Priest to SMACK him off the announce desk!

Styles SMACKS Priest off the apron, and fans fire up behind him. The ring count is climbing, Priest still staggers around, but Styles slingshots! FLYING FOREARM again! Down goes Damian and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Styles blocks a forearm to give a forearm! Priest knees low, ROCKS Styles with a haymaker, but Styles goes to a corner. Priest ROCKS Styles again, then whips corner to corner. Styles stops himself, elbows back, then goes up to QUEBRADA, DDT! Styles has a cut on his forehead that’s starting to bleed, but he shrugs it off as he slowly gets up. Priest stands, Styles blocks to fire off the Phenomenal Blitz! Then SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up with Styles and Priest gets to a corner. Styles runs in to clothesline, then fireman’s carry! But Priest elbows his way free! But Styles just fireman’s carries again, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!

Priest shakes the stars out, but Styles has the fans rallying. Styles brings Priest up, reels him in, but Priest RAMS him into the corner! Styles BOOTS back, hops up and leaps, but Priest dodges to BELL CLAP! And then LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Styles survives and Priest grows frustrated! Priest looms over Styles, drags him up by an arm, and KICKS him in the chest. And KICKS him again! And then knuckle locks to twist the wrist before he KICKS Styles down! Priest talks trash, kicks away on Styles, then drags Styles up. Scoop and dragon sleeper, but Styles slips out of the Reckoning to PELE!

Fans fire up as both men go down! Priest gets up and flounders to a corner, and Styles runs in. Priest puts Styles on the apron but Styles ROCKS him with a forearm! Styles springboards, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Styles tumbles down to the floor and Priest catches his breath. Priest kneels, and the lights start going down! Edge’s purple spotlight is on Priest, and it seems to give him power! What is going on here? We’ll find out, after the break!

Raw returns again and the match has been called off?! Styles is backstage and Sarah asks him what he thinks just happened. He asks, “What is this BS?” Styles wasn’t done! Edge wants to be on his mountain of omnipotence or whatever! Edge can do whatever, it won’t stop Styles from getting after him!


Cody Rhodes VS The Miz!

Cody may have been right earlier, saying the Hollywood A-Lister is threatened by the returning star. But will Miz prove he’s not afraid of the American Nightmare? Or will Cody be that much closer to his dream of winning the top title?

The bell rings and the two circle, but here comes Seth Rollins! The Visionary swaggers his way out and even confuses Miz. Detroit sings Rollins’ theme and Rollins is all smiles as he goes to ringside. Miz rushes Cody, Cody gets around to waistlock, but Miz elbows free! Miz CLUBS Cody, whips him, but Cody reverses. Miz kicks the back drop away, then runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Cody sees Miz goes to the apron, Cody springboards to DISASTER KICK him down! Cody then builds speed, but Miz moves to force Cody to stop the dive. Cody pursues, Miz leads him into the ring but Cody dodges the elbow drop!

Cody springboards again, but into a full nelson! Cody arm-drags free, kicks low, and suplexes Miz to hold him up! Fans cheer the showing of strength before the GOURD BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Rollins is on commentary and he applauds, but Cody shows off by doing some push-ups. Cody stomps Miz then cravats for a neck wrench. Miz fights up, fans rally behind Cody, but Miz pulls on Cody’s nose! Cody bumps Miz off buckles, throws hands, then whips corner to corner. Miz reverses, Cody goes, only for Miz to KICK him out of the air! Miz then runs to basement BOOT Cody down! Fans boo but Miz jams his knee into Cody’s back.

Miz then runs to basement BOOT again! Miz paces around, hip drops on Cody, then claws at Cody’s face! The ref counts, Miz stops at 4 to focus on a chinlock. Cody endures but Miz wrangles him down to the mat. Cody fights back up, fans rally, Rollins seems unamused, but Cody throws body shots. Cody counter punches Miz, ROCKS Miz, then CHOPS him! Cody whips, Miz reverses, but Cody tumbles up and to the apron, but Miz BOOTS him down! Cody flounders on the floor while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Miz CLUBS Cody down. Miz stomps Cody’s hands, then throws more haymakers. Rollins is amused now but fans still rally for Cody. Miz toys with Cody, throws hands, but Cody eggs Miz on! “Hit me! Hit me!” Miz kicks but Cody blocks to spin him around and LARIAT! Cody rallies, then scoops Miz, carries him around, for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Cody fires himself up as Miz bails out. Fans rally behind Cody as he builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Miz! Fans fire up with Cody, he drags Miz up and into the ring. Cody climbs a corner, leaps, but Miz moves!

Cody’s leg jams, so Miz dropkicks the leg out! Miz then steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Cody endures as Miz pushes up to add pressure! Cody falls back, it’s a cover, TWO! Cody keeps his shoulders up, reaches out, drags Miz along, but Miz drags Cody away from ropes! Rollins has a sinister smile, Cody’s shoulders are down again, TWO as Cody sits back up. Cody SLAPS Miz, Miz SLAPS Cody! They SLAP, Cody gets the edge, and then Cody turns the hold over! Miz endures now and fans fire up! Miz crawls, reaches out, grits his teeth, and with a last gasp, ROPEBREAK! The hold is undone and Rollins looks disappointed.

Cody hobbles around as Miz stands. Miz hobbles, Cody kicks him and drops for the Rhodes Uppercut! Cody springboards, CODY CUTTER! Fans fire up with Cody as he wants Miz to get back up! Dragon sleeper, CROSS RHODES! Cover, Cody wins!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall

Rollins smiles as Cody has his first win on Raw in six years! Cody says he’s going for that title, but then Rollins gets in the ring. Rollins waves hi and he has a mic. “Coooodyyy~, hahahaha! Cooooodyyy~. I heard all the kind things you had to say about me earlier. I heard you even throw out the word, ‘rematch.’ But what I want you to remember about WrestleMania, Cody, sit hat you were a surprise opponent. So going into WrestleMania, you had every single advantage. And now that I see what I’m working with… HAHAHAHAHA!”

So here’s what Rollins is thinking. Rollins VS Rhodes PART 2! What does “Mr. Nightmare” say? Cody says yes. Rollins laughs and is excited now! Will the Visionary envision a path where Cody does not accomplish his world title dream?


Backstage interview with Tommaso Ciampa.

Ciampa is here full time, but “Ezekiel” walks over to welcome him here. Oh, well, thanks, Ezekiel. But Kevin Owens walks in to say this is a lie. That is Elias! He used to have a beard and guitar. Those are gone but don’t be folled. Stop lying, Elias! Kevin hates liars! What’s he pulling here? Ezekiel says Kevin is mistaken, then he leaves. Kevin tries to tell Ciampa what’s going on but Ciampa also says that’s Ezekiel. What? Is Kevin the only one still sane around here?! That IS Elias! Grow up! Ciampa doesn’t seem to get why Kevin’s upset. But what is the truth when it comes to Elias’ younger brother?


Liv Morgan VS Naomi w/ Sasha Banks!

The Living End beat The Boss all by herself on SmackDown, and unfortunately, Rhea is in COVID protocol. Will Liv be able to sweep the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions all on her own? Or will she #FeelTheGlow instead?

Raw returns and the champions make their entrance. The bell rings and Liv circles with Naomi. They tie up, go around, and Naomi headlocks. Liv powers out, Naomi runs Liv over, then drops it low. Naomi runs, Liv drops under, but things speed up again. Liv handsprings through the hip toss, but Naomi lands out of the back suplex! Liv ducks one roundhouse, then another, then whips, but Naomi kicks her away! Liv ends up in a corner, Naomi runs in but Liv goes up and over! Naomi goes up, and twerk attacks! Liv returns to RANA Naomi, and now Naomi is in a corner! Liv runs in,  Naomi slips around her to roll her up and BOOT her down! Cover, TWO!

Sasha coaches Naomi, she drags Liv up but Liv goes for a cradle! TWO, and Naomi runs in. Liv ducks, things keep moving, but Naomi slides under! DOUBLE ENZIGURIS take both women down! Sasha rallies and the fans join in. Naomi and Liv slowly get up, and Liv rushes Naomi at the ropes! But Naomi avoids ObLIVion, but Liv denies the O’Conner! Liv elbows Naomi away, hops up, and leaps! But seated senton becomes POWERBOMB! Naomi high stacks, TWO and Liv pops her to a cover, TWO! Naomi sits on a prawn hold, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall

That was a fast and furious match and it ended in the blink of an eye! Liv’s 1-1 in 1v1, but will Rhea be ready so she and Liv can take the champs on 2v2?


Bobby Lashley is here!

The All Mighty is already a force to be reckoned with, but MVP betraying him to join Omos has surely angered him like never before. Will he crash the VIP Lounge and then topple the traitor and the titan he’s sided with?

Raw returns and Lashley sees the VIP Lounge is set up. He knows he wasn’t invited, but because of what Omos and MVP did to him, he decided to just invite himself. Last week should’ve been a celebration because Lashley went to hell and back against Omos at WrestleMania. He gives credit where credit is due: Omos is big and strong and scary, and Lashley barely made it out of that match. But then on Raw, he felt that power once again. This time, it was from being stabbed in the back by the one man Lashley thought he could trust in MVP. So without wasting time, Lashley wants MVP to bring his punk ass to the ring and explain to us all why!

But as Lashley waits, no one comes out. Well alright, then maybe Lashley should turn this lounge into something more suitable for him. He never liked this table, but this fresh leather couch is nice. But now Omos makes his entrance! And thanks to MVP, he is in a colossal suit! MVP says, “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Stop embarrassing yourself like this. You’re so emotional. And if you should destroy any of my property, our- er, my lawyers will be sending you a bill for the damages.” Lashley says to shove that bill up his ass while he and Omos get in the lounge to explain why MVP did what he did!

MVP would love for Omos to teach Lashley a lesson, but MVP is teaching him how to be a businessman. Omos will wait for the time, and the money, to be right. Now put some respect on MVP’s name! In fact, Lashley and all his fans should be collectively thanking MVP! Fans boo instead, but MVP says if they want an explanation, fine. They deserve that much. “When I came back to the WWE, YOU WERE FLOUNDERING! You were letting some sawed off runt and some wannabe TikTok star lead your career astray! You couldn’t even sniff a WWE championship, despite all of your accomplishments, until I resurrected you!”

MVP takes credit for all of Lashley’s greatness! And yet Lashley acts like he doesn’t need MVP, after everything he’s done for Lashley?! Lashley doesn’t want to share his WrestleMania spotlight? MVP MADE LASHLEY! Before MVP returned, he was just Bobby. It was MVP who made Lashley ALL MIGHTY! Lashley says MVP came down for a farewell tour, wanted to call it an end, but then he did what he does best: latched on to his next meal ticket! He saw where Lashley was going, and he even went up to the top and defeated Lesnar for the title! Yes, but who was with him every step of the way? MVP!

But Lashley doesn’t need MVP anymore, right? So that’s fine. That’s the past. This is the present, and Omos is the future. Omos is bigger, stronger, meaner, and he will take Lashley’s place atop the mountain. Because Omos is also smart enough to know he needs MVP . Lashley barely survived that first match, so MVP guarantees… No, MVP promises Lashley he will NOT survive the second. Lashley says the one not surviving is MVP! MVP think s he’s tough cuz he has a giant. Lashley will chop Omos down like he did at WrestleMania! And then after he finishes Omos, Lashley is coming to get MVP! And then Lashley SMASHES the table!

Lashley also TOSSES the sofas! And SMASHES the champagne! The Rocky Mountain Machine doesn’t care about bills or damages, he just wants to damage Omos! Will he destroy the brawn and the brain of this new alliance?


R-Truth, Reggie and Akira Tozawa exit the Players Club.

Looks like Truth threw our husbands-to-be the best bachelor party ever. They had poker, cigars and manly stories! Did they all see what jumped outta that cake? That’s what’s up! Reggie says yes, this was the best party ever! Wait, Reggie’s still here? What about Truth’s 24/7- er, Reggie’s- er, where’s Dana? Reggie tells Truth that it’s okay. Dana and Tamina are having their bachelorette party. No one’s going after the 24/7 title there. Truth says Reggie is just asking for trouble! You can’t leave that title alone at some wild party with a bunch of conniving, scheming superstars! They gotta go find it and save it!


Austin Theory talks with Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville.

Vince McMahon has told Theory he has a US Championship opportunity soon, and they both know that. Pearce tells Austin- No, no, just call him Theory. He and Vince decided that “Austin” doesn’t suit him anymore. Probably because Steve Austin gave them hellacious Stunners at WrestleMania. But Pearce says he and Sonya are giving Theory what he’s promised, and next week, he will face Finn Balor for the US title. Theory thanks them then takes his leave, and Kevin barges in. Kevin asks what kind of ship they’re running here. First, Stone Cold goads Kevin into a match while he’s hurt, and now Elias is Ezekiel?!

Kevin can prove that’s still Elias, but he just needs some form of documentation! Birth certificate, driver’s license, hell, a library card! Pearce says that’s all confidential. Well these two don’t care about the truth but Kevin does! So next week, Kevin will put Ezekiel through a lie detector test. Y’know what, fine. Do that. Kevin thanks them for this, and Sonya finally gets to more pressing matters. Bianca Belair is going to have a match with Zelina Vega next, but Bianca wants to know who her first challenger will be. Sonya has a deal right here on paper, and says it’ll be great. Wait, what? What did she put on that contract? Sonya has no time to read Pearce in, gotta go.


Bianca Belair VS Queen Zelina Vega!

The strongEST, the fastEST, the roughEST, the toughEST and the newEST Raw Women’s Champion is going up against the Queen of the Ring! Will Bianca test Vega and see if this is a title worthy showdown?

Raw returns and Vega makes her entrance. The bel rings, Bianca claps along with the fans chanting, “E S T!” but Vega rushes in. Vega can’t roll Bianca up, Bianca handsprings back then runs Vega over! Bianca then whips Vega corner to corner, but Vega stops herself to go up and over. Vega reels Bianca into a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Vega facelocks to keep Bianca down, and then bridges through to headstand! Bianca endures, Vega finishes bridging to have a Chancery! Vega then floats to make this a chinlock stretch! Bianca endures, fans rally up, and Bianca stands up to throw Vega off!

Bianca knees low, scoops Vega, and FALL AWAY SLAMS! Vega tumbles and Bianca kips up! Fans fire up as Bianca stomps Vega, then hoists her up top. Bianca trophy lifts Vega and carries her around to do squats! Then she DUMPS Vega down! Bianca drags Vega back up, torture rack, KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

Well, check the Queen of the Ring off the list! Sonya makes her entrance now, the contract in hand. But just what are the details? We’ll find out after the break!


Raw returns and Sonya has a mic.

Bianca sustained an eye injury at WrestleMania but she hasn’t been slowed down. So congratulations on both tonight and last week’s historic win. Sonya officially welcomes the new Raw Women’s Champion and fans cheer. Sonya says that was truly impressive, but it’s time for business. Sonya put it upon herself to find Bianca’s challenger. It was a hard task, as there are many great women in the WWE. Becky Lynch would surely love a rematch. Rhea Ripley and Carmella are also there, when they’re both back to compete. And speaking of, there’s Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, Doudrop, Dana Brooke. The options are endless and any one of them would love a title opportunity.

Bianca says she would be happy to take on any of those women Sonya just named. But at the end of the day, no matter who it is, Bianca vows to walk out the champion like she did at WrestleMania. Because Bianca is the strongEST, the roughEST and the braveEST. So whoever it is, let’s do it! Sonya is so glad Bianca said that. This is an open contract for a Raw Women’s Championship match. If Bianca wants to take on anyone, she can just sign right here and now to solidify why she IS the EST of the WWE! Oh, okay, Bianca sees what Sonya is doing. But she said what she said, so sure.

Bianca signs her part of the title, and Sonya thanks her. Now to bring out her opponent so they can sign this and we can make it official. This is a generational superstar who defies gender barriers, social norms, and has grace and style. A star who one year ago promised to come back for her shot! Please welcome… Then Sonya CHOP BLOCKS Bianca! And KNEES her down! Sonya then puts Bianca in a DRAGON SLEEPER, for an ELBOW DROP DDT! Sonya was of course talking about herself! Sonya signs the challenger’s part of the contract, and the WWE official has officially become the challenger! Sonya holds up the belt, but will this abuse of power stand?


Dana and Tamina enjoy their party.

Dana thanks their guests for being here, and for Tamina agreeing on the truce so they can all enjoy themselves. Tamina says of course. But after their honeymoons, it is open season. Well, easy now. But then Los Lotharios show up. What’re they doing here? They want to spice this up with a Los Lotharios Kiss Cam! They kiss Dana and Tamina no the cheeks. Then Nikki A.S.H shows up? She has a special something for them! DANCERS! Wait, one is a ref! This is a trap! Nikki rolls Dana, but Tamina breaks it! Tamina and Nikki brawl, Reggie comes here to make the rescue while Tamina TOSSES Nikki onto the bar! And slides Nikki from end to end!

Tozawa and Truth end up having to save Nikki from Tamina! Truth wants the madness to stop! Y’all should be ashamed! This backstabbing, greed! All y’all to blame! No one loves that title like Truth! No one does! But it isn’t the title that keeps them together. It’s love. Aww… Can Truth get an amen? AMEN! So in the spirit of love, and as the only officially certified “marriaging guy,” he orders all attacks on Dana Brooke to stop! Only until Truth can gloriously matrimonialize these two beautiful couples! Double wedding, NEXT WEEK! If y’all down with that, give him a what’s up? WHAT’S UP! Now let’s get this party started!


Adam Pearce confronts Sonya backstage.

Naming herself as the challenger is a complete and total abuse of power! Who the hell does she think she is? Uh, she’s the first official to answer an open challenge, and to become Raw Women’s Champion. She thinks she’s getting away with this?! There’s nothing to get away with. She’s a WWE official, and he can’t stop her. Don’t be jealous that she’s still in her prime. Sonya leaves, but is there something Pearce can do? Or is it all on Bianca to stop Sonya the tyrant from becoming Sonya the champion?


RKBRO VS The Alpha Academy!

The Tribal Chief announced on SmackDown that his cousins, The Usos, are coming for the Raw Tag Team Championships to unify them the same way he did World and Universal titles. But will it still be the Viper & Stallion holding onto these belts? Or will Chad Gable & Otis change things up #ForTheAcademy?

Raw returns and “SHOOOOSH~!” The Academy make their entrance, and Gable says Detroit is where he first declared his genius and announced that he’d earned his Master’s Degree with an immaculate 4.0 GPA! A-Thank-Yew~! Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like his genius rubbed off on the idiots. They all look and sound dumber than the last time Gable was here. SHOOSH. Shoosh, please. But we all heard what the Usos said. They have another thing coming if a SmackDown team is going to take Raw’s titles and leave! What’re you, crazy? The only reason the titles aren’t on the Academy is because Mania was full of distractions. Not least of which, the egomaniac, Gable Steveson!

Yeah, Steveson has a gold medal, but Chad has a gold brain! He might be the smartest man on the planet! A-thank-yew~! And look at Otis! Look at that face! Is this a face that’s worried? NO! This is a confident tree trunk who will beat RKBRO and inch the Academy closer to getting the titles back! A-thank-yew~! Gable & Otis get in the ring, and the match begins with Riddle and Gable. The two approach but Gable throat chops! Then CHOPS, then whips corner to corner. Riddle goes up and over and KICKS Gable down! Riddle then gut wrench suplexes Gable KICKS him down, and tags in Orton! ASSISTED FLOATING BRO!

Orton stomps Gable around, tags Riddle back in, and RKBRO mugs Gable with a KICK! Orton stomps a hand, Riddle brings Gable up. Gable and Riddle trade forearms, but Riddle fireman’s carries! Gable slips off, Otis tags in, Gable shoves Riddle to then waistlock! LARIAT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! The Academy soak up the heat, then Otis stands on Riddle in the corner! The ref counts, Otis steps off and Riddle flops out of the ring. Orton checks on Riddle, Otis goes out to put Riddle back in. Otis whips Riddle to ropes, then CLOBBERS him on the rebound! The Academy has control while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Gable wrenches Riddle’s arm with a mounted armlock. Fans rally as Riddle endures, and Riddle fights up. Riddle reaches out but Gable keeps him back. Riddle throws forearms, breaks free, and fires off palm strikes! Otis tags in, Gable chicken wings for a TIGER SUPLEX! Otis adds a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Riddle survives but Otis kicks him to the corner. Tag to Gable, Otis Electric Chair Lifts, but Riddle fights off! Riddle shoves Otis, Gable leaps over, into a KNEE! Fans fire up but Otis keeps Riddle from Orton! Riddle KNEES Otis away! Otis falls out of the ring!

Gable grabs at Riddle’s foot, but Riddle kicks him away! Hot tag to Orton! The Viper rallies and fans fire up! Orton ducks to POWERSLAM Gable! Fans fire up more and Orton is feeling it! Orton puts Gable through ropes, drags him out, for the DRAPING DDT! Fans are thunderous but Orton hears those voices in his head! Gable turns RKO into backslide, TWO!! RKO after all!! Cover, Riddle intercepts Otis, RKBRO wins!

Winners: RKBRO, by pinfall

Gable and Otis still can’t crack the riddle that is RKBRO! But wait, who’s this pulling into the back? It’s the USOS! Jimmy & Jey have arrived on behalf of The Bloodline, and they want to complete the mission. Usos want RKBRO to know they’re coming, will we see SmackDown and Raw Tag Team Champions confront each other? We’ll see, after the break!


Raw returns and the Usos make their entrance!

Jimmy & Jey go right to the ring, RKBRO get mics, and Orton says he was beginning to wonder if these two were gonna show up. But apparently Big Dog let the bitches off the leash, and here they are live and in living color. Oh, wow, like they never heard that before. But Orton knows why they’re here, Uce! TO issue a challenge! The Usos are already the longest reigning SmackDown Tag Team Champions ever, so they wanna do that on Raw, too! So check it! USos here on Raw, they’re challenging RKBRO to a championship unification match to become UNDISPUTED WWE World Tag Team Champions!

Whoa, like in the Avengers when Thanos tried to get all those crystals? Yeah, Riddle, just like that. They got blue ones, they want red ones now! So let’s get this right. Usos are coming to RKBRO’s show, RKBRO’s ring and are going after RKBRO’s titles? Listen, Uce- But wait! Here come the Street Profits! Montez Ford 7 Angelo Dawkins have mics, and Ford says, “What’s happenin’, Motor City?” But does his eyes deceive him? Dawkins says he sees it but last time he checked, Profits were the ones who challenged RKBRO and Alpha Academy came in to make it a Triple Threat. The same Academy that the Profits whooped last week? YESSIR!

The Profits approach the ring and Dawkins says, they’re the ones next in line for a tag title shot. Is that right? But just look what we have here. All the way from SmackDown, it’s the UUUSOS~! Once again, they’re using their bloodline privilege to cut to the front. Jey says there ain’t no line except the BLOODLINE! Well guess what, Uce! The Profits will be happy to face the Double J’s after they take the titles from RKBRO. That way the Profits and the Usos can be the ones to unify this! The Profits are up, #WeWantTheSmoke! Usos and Profits argue, Orton tells them all to shut the hell up! No one wants to see them talking, they want a fight!

Fans are fired up for that! Profits VS Usos, right here and now, Orton wants it! Detroit wants it, too! Then let’s have that! Profits VS Usos, will this go a long way in determining who faces RKBRO?


The Street Profits VS The Usos!

Raw returns and RKBRO is watching this from commentary as Ford and Jimmy start. They slowly circle, fans rally up and duel, and the two tie up. Jimmy wrenches to a wristlock, but Ford rolls, handsprings and wrenches back. Jimmy headlocks, Ford powers out, but Jimmy runs Ford over. The Usos point at RKBRO and say #WeTheOnes, but Orton says to focus on Ford. Jimmy turns around into a dropkick! Ford wrenches then CHOPS Jimmy, then he ROCKS Jimmy with a right. Ford wrenches Jimmy, tags Dawkins, and they whip Jimmy to double shoulder him down! Then back suplex SPLASH! Cover, ONE!

Dawkins keeps on Jimmy but Jimmy ROCKS him with an uppercut! Jimmy CHOPS Dawkins, bumps him off buckles, then whips him corner to corner. Dawkins reverses, runs in, CYCLONE SPLASH! Jimmy staggers, Dawkins pushes him to a cover, ONE! Dawkins facelocks but Jimmy powers him back. Jey tags in, runs Around the World to forearm smash! Jey CLUBS Dawkins, runs, but into a FLYING ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Dawkins drags Jey up, whips him to ropes, but Jimmy tags. Jey reverses the whip, Dawkins dodges band hurdles, but runs into a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER! Jimmy snatches Dawkins’ headband and flings it at Ford!

Jimmy stands on Dawkins at the ropes, the ref counts, but Jimmy lets off. Jey gets a cheap shot in! RKBRO protests but the Usos get away with one. Tag to Jey, and Jimmy scoops Dawkins, BACKBREAKER AX HANDLE COMBO! Jey stays between Dawkins and Ford while he soaks up the heat. Jey stands right over Dawkins, then he clamps on a chinlock stretch! Dawkins endures as Jey thrashes him around but the fans rally up. Dawkins fights up, Jey facelocks, but Dawkins reaches! Jey THROWS Dawkins down by his head! Jey tags Jimmy and the Usos split the wishbone! Jey even pie faces Dawkins on his way out.

Jimmy dares Dawkins to reach for Ford, then ROCKS him with a haymaker! Jimmy brings Dawkins up, CHOPS him, but Dawkins hits back with forearms! Dawkins backs Jimmy down but Jimmy kicks. Dawkins blocks and spins Jimmy, but Jimmy DRAGON WHIPS! Cover, TWO! Jimmy drops a knee on Dawkins, then tags Jey. The Usos talk more smack while they mug Dawkins. Jey drags Dawkins up and whips him into the corner. Dawkins ROCKS Jimmy! Then tosses Jey up and out! Jey manages to get up and he drags Dawkins out, but Dawkins ROCKS Jey! And ROCKS Jimmy! But Jey CLOBBERS Dawkins!

Jey brings Dawkins up, and he throws him into RKBRO! Orton and Riddle get up but the Usos say they can’t do anything! But then Ford FLIES!! Direct hit on the Usos, and Ford shimmies his shoulders while even RKBRO applauds! The Profits are back in this as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once more and Jimmy has Dawkins in a chinlock. Dawkins endures and Detroit rallies up. Dawkins fights up, reaches out, but Jimmy holds him back. Dawkins throws elbows and gets free, but Jimmy gets around to fireman’s carry! Dawkins fights that off to hit the SILENCER! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Dawkins crawls for his corner! Hot tags to Jey and Ford! Fans fire up as Ford goes up and CROSSBODIES! Then he DECKS Jimmy, but Jey whips. Ford doges to then LARIAT! Jimmy back suplexes, Ford lands on his feet to mule kick, front kick and ENZIGURI!

Jey whips Ford, but Ford goes up and over and handsprings to then speed up and BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ford keeps his cool and he brings Jey up. Ford whips, Jey reverses, but Ford goes up again. Jey stays clear and then shoves Ford into buckles! Back suplex NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ford is still in this but Jey goes to his corner. Tag to Jimmy, the Usos wait on Ford. But Dawkins drags Jey out to DECK him! Ford rolls Jimmy up in the distraction, TWO!! Dawkins tags in, Jimmy runs in but Ford doges! Dawkins ROCKS Jimmy, then Electric Chair Lifts! Ford goes up, “SUCK IT!” BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, TWO!!

RKBRO, mostly Riddle, is shocked! Dawkins hurries but Jimmy escapes to the outside. Dawkins refocuses, builds speed, but Jimmy ROCKS him with an uppercut! SUPERKICK! Dawkins is down, tag to Jey and he goes up top! USO SPLASH onto knees! Dawkins was ready, hot tag back to Ford! Ford’s up top, FROM THE HEAVENS!! Ford flounders but gets to the cover, Jimmy breaks it!! Detroit says, “This is Awesome!” and the teams regroup. Dawkins gets Jimmy with underhooks, but Jimmy wrenches out to POST Dawkins! Ford TOSSES Jimmy, but Jey runs in. Ford ducks the leg lariat to BACK HAND!

Jimmy tags in, Ford whips but Jey reverses! Flapjack for ONE D!! Cover, Usos win!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall

One and DONE, the Usos just won! But RKBRO gest in the ring to stare them down. Both teams hold up their title belts, but the Usos back off first. But then Dawkins goes after Riddle! Riddle takes him out of the ring with a headscissors, and Orton sees Ford getting up. RKO!! But the Usos then DOUBLE SUPERKICK Orton! The Usos scoop up the Raw Tag titles, and they hold up all four belts! Will this be the future of the WWE? Or will the Viper & the Stallion turn the tables #outtanowhere?

My Thoughts:

A very good Raw here to follow a rather flat post-Mania week. MizTV with Cody to open the night was pretty good stuff, it poked a little fun at the differences between WWE and, well, literally every other company but mostly AEW (superstars = wrestlers, titles and belts), and it hyped up their match. Their match was great stuff, too, and Rollins showing up to watch was a good touch. Rollins and Cody of course establish their rematch, that’ll be on WrestleMania Backlash for sure. There’s a chance Rollins wins the rematch, and we get a tiebreaker on the way to Extreme Rules or Money in the Bank, whatever the next PPV is.

Veer VS Dom turned out to be one of a couple changes to tonight, it seems Rey Mysterio and Rhea Ripley were both out in COVID protocol. But Veer destroying Dom and “hospitalizing” him is a great way to add heat to Veer VS Rey, which can now be part of WM Backlash. Liv VS Naomi was also a change, but next week will give us the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match. Naomi beating Liv in a quick match is par for the course on Raw, but it was still a fast paced and good match. Still confident Naomi & Sasha retain and then sadly, Rhea turns on Liv. Then Sasha & Naomi will feud with a SmackDown team like Natty & Shayna.

AJ Styles VS Damian Priest was some BS for sure. Good brawl backstage, really good match until Raw ran into the schedule they stupidly gave themselves. They insisted Cody VS Miz started at 9 PM Eastern or thereabouts, so I suspect the spooky light show was just to give them an out if Styles VS Priest started going long. Dumb as hell but whatever, it extends things so WM Backlash can have Edge VS Styles II. A silver lining was Ciampa’s call-up didn’t give him a dumb new name. And him ending up part of the “Elias IS Ezekiel” story was interesting. Kevin putting Ezekiel through a lie detector test actually sounds like an amusing segment.

Okay, so Theory ditched his first name of his own will since he and Vince talked it over. Don’t worry, everyone, this is obviously a gag because of Steve Austin giving everyone stunners. But sadly, Theory is getting his US Championship match with Finn Balor, aka he’s winning the US Championship next week. Lashley had a decent segment with MVP and Omos. Not one of Lashley’s sharpest promos but obviously this is leading to Lashley VS Omos for WM Backlash. Pretty sure MVP will be why Omos wins that and then they can have a tiebreaker at another PPV.

Bianca of course squashes Vega, but it was quite the twist for Sonya to make herself Bianca’s challenger. This has to be the next step to transition Sonya out of management and back to fulltime competitor. She’ll give Bianca a really good match, and it’ll be a good first defense for Bianca. Just wondering when Asuka is going to return and if Alexa will ever be used again. Maybe Asuka wins the Ms. MITB briefcase to do what she was supposed to back during Empty Arena Era and before Becky was pregnant. Then we got very entertaining bits from the WWE 24/7 Division, and of course this officially sets up the double wedding. I can’t wait to see what kind of chaos we get outta that.

And of course, we got great stuff out of the WWE Tag Division tonight to get that unification story going. RKBRO VS Alpha Academy was a great match, RKBRO had a great interaction with The Usos and the Profits, and then we got another great match with Usos VS Profits. Naturally, the champions of each brand win, and the Usos standing tall was a good close to tonight and a good start to this story. RKBRO can respond on Friday, the teams can go back and forth, and the tag title unification match at WM Backlash can go either way. I would love if RKBRO were undisputed tag champs first so that Orton & Riddle can have that distinction on their resumes.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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