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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (5/2/22)

The Bloodline is Raw!



WWE Raw 2022

The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion is here!

With a Six Man Tag set for WrestleMania Backlash, Roman Reigns and the Usos return to Raw to make everyone ACKNOWLEDGE THEM!


  • Six Man Tag: Kevin Owens & The Alpha Academy VS Ezekiel & The Street Profits; Kevin & The Alpha Academy win.
  • Veer Mahaan VS Burt Hanson; Veer wins.
  • AJ Styles VS Damian Priest w/ Edge; Styles wins and bans Priest from ringside at WrestleMania Backlash.
  • WWE United States Championship Contenders Handicap Match: Mustafa Ali VS The Miz & (Austin) Theory; Miz & Theory win and deny Ali a title match.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hallway Havoc: Nikki A.S.H wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: Nikki A.S.H VS Dana Brooke w/ Reggie; Dana wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Bobby Lashley VS Cedric Alexander; Lashley wins.
  • Six Woman Tag: Sonya Deville, Rhea Ripley & Becky Lynch VS Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan & Asuka; Bianca, Liv & Asuka win.


The Bloodline is here!

The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, leads the way out for Paul Heyman and the Usos. Roman wears the World title while Heyman cradles the Universal title, and the Usos hold up the fingers for #WeTheOnes. Heyman hands over the Universal title, and the belts are raised for the pyro. Then they continue to the ring, and Roman takes a moment to admire the Universal title before getting in the ring. Then the Bloodline lifts all the belts again, for another round of pyro. Heyman has the mic, and he says, “If the Bloodline recalls correctly, and the Bloodline is never wrong, this is the part of the show where I’m entrusted to say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw!'”

Heyman says this is a special treat for everyone watching at home on TV and those live here tonight. “Ladies and gentlemen, you should put down your children because take a look at them anyway. You should stand on your feet because now, at this moment, you get a chance to revel in the greatness of your Tribal Chief, THE Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion… Roman. Reigns.” Heyman then hands the mic to Roman, and he says, “North Carolina. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” But then RKBRO hit RKOS outta nowhere!! Roman is shocked as the Usos go down! But this ain’t all! HERE COMES MCINTYRE!

The Scottish Warrior storms out, sword in hand! And he raises it for his own pyro! Roman looks at the Raw Tag Team Champions and McIntyre, especially with McIntyre pointing his sword at Roman. McIntyre gets in the ring and RKBRO lets him have Roman all to himself. Roman tells McIntyre to go back now, but McIntyre says he’ll leave the sword on the outside. These two stare down, and McIntyre says he’s been waiting for this. The hands start flying! McIntyre and Roman throw haymakers, but Roman puts McIntyre in a corner to fire clotheslines! Only for McIntyre to clinch and hit back with haymakers and stomps!

The Usos return! But RKBRO goes after them! It’s a brawl all over, Orton going after Roman, McIntyre after Jimmy and Riddle after Jey! Security and officials get out there but the chaos continues, even as Raw goes to break!


The Street Profits talk backstage.

But then Ezekiel walked over and formally introduces himself. But they know him! It’s Elias’ young brother. And just like the good book says, it’s time to get ZEKE-AY! Here’s a cup, just for him. On three. One, two, three, ZEKE. Ezekiel takes a drink and wow. He’s feeling good now! But the Alpha Academy walk over and say drinking on the job is pathetic. Kevin Owens pops in to agree, it IS pathetic! And so is lying! The Profits can’t be believing him! SHOOSH! Ezekiel thinks he’s smart, huh? Smarter than Gable? He’s not! Never! In fact, Gable did research. He found out lie detector tests can be tricked, by only the most conniving of liars!

And Kevin shouts that that’s ZEKE! They’ll find a way! A better way! To expose him for the fraud he is so that even these idiots will know this is Elias! Dawkins says hold on, they gotta drop some truth. Ezekiel and the Profits are gonna kick their asses tonight. And that’s the bottom line~, because Zeke Da Freak and the Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke! But then Kevin SPLASHES Ezekiel with his drink! Kevin and the Alpha Academy hurry off, but will revenge be served cold in the ring?

Six Man Tag: Kevin Owens & The Alpha Academy VS Ezekiel & The Street Profits!

The trios sort out, Gable starts with Dawkins. They tie up, Dawkins headlocks but Gable powers out, only for Dawkins to run him over. Things speed up, Dawkins hurdles then whips, but Gable catches the drop to a waistlock. Dawkins gets free, things keep moving, and Dawkins handsprings?! But into an arm-drag! Dawkins keeps moving to back elbow! Tag to Ford and the Profits double whip. They DOUBLE FLAPJACK, then Ford covers, TWO! Ford wrenches an arm, grinds the shoulder, and he leans on Gable. Gable fights up, Ford wrenches to a wristlock, but Gable rolls and bridges to then handspring, wrench, headlock and drop toehold!

Gable has the arm and shouts, “A THANK YEW~” while he wrenches the arm more. Ford endures, even as Gable twists the shoulder! Ford fights up, fans rally, and Ford whips Gable away. Things speed up again, Ford hurdles and arm-drags! Then he dropkicks Gable down! Gable bails out but Otis gets in, to run into a dropkick! The Profits DOUBLE DROPKICK but Otis stays up! Ezekiel joins in, TRIPLE DROPKICK! Otis tumbles out and Gable is furious while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Gable has Ford down with a top wristlock. Ford endures, fights up, but Gable shifts grip. Ford reaches for his corner but Gable DECKS Dawkins! Gable throws Ford out but Ford shoulders back in. Ford shoulder sin again, then slingshots, into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Gable tags Kevin and they mug Ford. Kevin stomps away but lets off to tell Ezekiel, “SUCK IT!” Kevin then gives Ford a short arm LARIAT to SENTON! Then LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Kevin clamps onto Ford with a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford still endures, fights up again, and fans rally.

Kevin back suplexes, Ford slips out and ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up and Ford crawls, hot tags to Gable and Ezekiel! Zeke rallies on Gable, whips him to ropes but Gable kicks him away. Zeke still gets him with a SPINEBUSTER! Otis runs in, into the JUMP KNEE! Zeke CHOPS, body shots and CHOPS again! He whips Gable but Gable reverses, only for Zeke to go up and MULE KICK! Gable goes to the far corner, Ezekiel runs in for a STINGER SPLASH! And then suplex, stall, and TWISTING SLAM! Cover, but Otis breaks it! Otis drags Zeke up to toss him aside, but Ford gets in. Otis scoops Ford, to TOSS him out of the ring!

Dawkins KNEES Otis out! Kevin SUPERKICKS Dawkins! Ezekiel trips Kevin up to fire off fists! Kevin gets away but Ezekiel wants after him! Ezekiel lets off to go after Gable, but he runs into a waistlock! Ezekiel fights the German Suplex but Kevin trips him! Gable Oklahoma Rolls Ezekiel, the Alpha Academy and Kevin win!

Winners: Kevin Owens & The Alpha Academy, by pinfall

The Prizefighter, “Master” Gable and Otis SHOOSH Ezekiel and the Profits with some trickery of their own! Are they going to prove Ezekiel is not Elias’ brother but Elias himself?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Kevin Patrick asks the Phenomenal One about a stipulation that has been added to his match with Damian Priest tonight. Why is that? This is about Edge’s fragile ego. At WrestleMania, Styles had Edge beat, but Edge’s new buddy showed up and distracted Styles. Edge doesn’t like Styles saying he had that match won, it offends Edge. So then why not up the ante? If Styles beats Priest tonight, Priest is barred from ringside at WrestleMania Backlash! And if Styles doesn’t, then it’ll be an uphill battle. Kevin wishes Styles luck, will Styles be able to limit the omnipotence of Judgement Day?


Sonya Deville talks with Adam Pearce.

She wants to understand what this investigation into her conduct is even about. She’s done everything by the book! Pearce says upper management are looking into this. She puts herself in a title match, changes the stipulations, and still fails. So they want to see her compete again without her executive power behind her. Pearce has made a Six Man Tag, Sonya, Rhea Ripley & Becky Lynch VS Liv Morgan, Asuka & Bianca Belair. Oh, cool. Then why don’t we make it No Holds Barred? Uh, no, Sonya, there is no “we.” Only Pearce has authority right now. Sonya has no power here. At all. Okay? Sonya doesn’t look happy about it, but will she just have to prove what she can do on her own?


Veer Mahaan VS ???

Undefeated at 3-0 but also unstoppable and with no remorse! Will Veer continue to victimize his opponents? Or will he finally run into someone he can’t manhandle?

Raw returns and Byron Saxton talks with Greensboro’s own Burt Hanson. Byron wants to ask, after seeing the damage Veer does to his opponents, why did Hanson sign up? Veer does scare Hanson, but he signed up because all his life, he’s wanted to be in the WWE in front of his hometown crowd. He worked down the street at Stevie’s BBQ just dreaming of this moment. Tonight, he makes a dream come true. Byron wishes Burt luck, but will he need a miracle?

The bell rings, Burt rushes in but Veer catches him to RAM him into the corner! Veer fires off body shots, the ref counts and Veer lets off to argue with him. Burt elbows Veer but that just angers him! Veer TOSSES Burt corner to corner! Burt staggers up and Veer is on him again, to whip him to ropes and KNEE him! Then back the other way, then back again! Veer whips and CLOBBERS Burt with a full body block. Veer then whips Burt to THESZ PRESS! Veer wants Burt to get up, and Burt manages to stand, for the MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT! Veer still isn’t done, he stalks Burt and hip drops! Then CERVICAL CLUTCH!! Burt taps, Veer wins!

Winner: Veer Mahaan, by submission

Veer tore into Burt like a pulled pork sandwich! But he goes after him more and stomps Burt right out of the ring! Veer goes out, drags Burt up and scoops him into the ring. Veer has Burt in the ropes for another CERVICAL CLUTCH! Veer thrashes, the ref reprimands but Veer lets go when he’s satisfied. Will all wrestlers, not just Raw superstars, learn to #FearVeer?


AJ Styles VS Damian Priest w/ Edge!

The Phenomenal One knows what is at stake with this match, but will he be able to remove the Archer of Infamy from Edge’s arsenal? Or will Judgement Day only solidify the advantage they have for Backlash?

Raw returns and Edge has a mic. “We are Judgement Day. Now I know most of you can’t stand to look at yourselves in the mirror. I know that most of you don’t like me anymore. In fact, you’re probably like everyone else in the world, perhaps you despise me. But that’s because you despise yourselves. You can’t look in the mirror because it’d make you physically ill. And if it doesn’t, it should. It is a miracle that everyone here in Greensboro, North Carolina- Oh shut up! It is a miracle that you can pull on your shoes, wobble out your doors, and count high enough to find your seats here tonight. The truth hurts, huh?”

In fact, if Greensboro could have a sports team, it’d be the Greensboro Lemmings. Edge knows that flew over their heads, so he’ll explain. A lemming is a rodent, or in this case a bunch of people with few teeth, that will join in a mass movement, rushing headlong into destruction. Styles, don’t be a lemming. For once, use your intelligence! But Edge knows it won’t happen. Styles’ heart outweighs his brain. But Styles, just know that by not staying home, hugging your wife and kids, you’re rushing headlong into pain at Backlash! Fans “WHAT” Edge and he repeats himself for the “peons.” He dares them to boo and they boo.

Edge knows Styles played the games, got Pearce to make tonight about removing Priest from Backlash. Kudos, well played, hope it’s worth it. Because now he feels the punishment he’ll receive when walking- Styles makes his entrance! Fans cheer as Styles gets in the ring and Edge exits. Will Styles make Edge eat those words when he removes his minion?

The bell rings and the two circle. Styles fires off haymakers, has Priest in a corner, but Priest tosses Styles to the corner! Style dodges, fires off more shots, and fans are fired up for Styles. Styles brings Priest around to CLUB him, but Priest shoves him back. Styles and Priest throw hands, Priest ROCKS Styles then UPPERCUTS! Priest whips to BOOT Styles down! Priest drags Styles up, whips him hard into the corner and Styles hits the mat. Priest stomps away on Styles, but lets off as the ref counts. Edge laughs at Styles and Priest brings Styles up for a suplex, BROKEN ARROW! Cover, ONE!!

Priest clamps onto Styles’ arm and grinds that bad shoulder. Styles endures, fans rally and Edge gets annoyed. Styles fights up, throws haymakers then KICKS! Priest grabs hair but Styles KICKS again. Styles throws more forearms, then whips. Priest reverses but Styles holds ropes. Styles elbows back, but Priest picks Styles up! Priest runs at ropes, they both tumble out but Styles lands on his feet! Edge looks worried as Priest staggers up. Styles aims and SLINGSHOT FOREARMS! Down goes Priest and Styles stares Edge down. Styles says Edge is getting this soon enough, and he goes back for Priest.

Styles bumps Priest off the apron, the ring count climbs to 5 of 10, but Styles POSTS Priest! Styles puts Priest in at 7, then gets in. Priest goes out the side, Styles hurries after him, but Priest scoops and POSTS Styles! Styles clutches the bad shoulder and writhes on the floor while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Priest staggers away to a corner. Edge is furious as Styles  rushes in to corner clothesline! Styles fireman’s carries but Priest fights free. Priest clinches, throws knee after knee, then LEG LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Priest drags Styles around by the bad arm, puts him on the top rope, then ROCKS him with a right. Priest climbs up, fans boo but Priest brings Styles up. Styles slips under to get Priest in a torture rack! RACK BOMB! High stack, TWO!! Priest survives and Edge is pacing! Edge coaches Priest but Styles is up first. Styles drags Priest up, reels him in, but Priest powers out of the Clash! Styles sunset flips, TWO!

Priest ROUNDHOUSES the bad arm! Edge nods, but Styles ENZIGURIS! Priest staggers, Styles rushes in, but into a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Priest is frustrated, too, but he drags Styles up. Priest reels Styles in as fans rally up. Priest gets Styles up in the crucifix, but Styles slips off! PELE! Both men are down and fans fire up while Edge snarls. Priest gets to a corner, Styles runs in again, but Priest pops Styles out. Styles ROCKS Priest, springboards, but into a choke grip! SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and Edge is beside himself! Priest scowls but he nods, knowing Styles is tough.

Priest wants Styles to stand and Styles does get up. Priest reels him in but Styles throws elbows to fight the clinch, Priest ducks to BELL CLAP! Ripcord, but the heel kick misses! Styles gets the leg, rolls Priset, but Edge gest on the apron! Styles swipes at Edge and Priest is free! But Styles dodges the boot! O’Conner Roll, STYLES WINS!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall (Priest is banned from ringside at Backlash)

But Edge goes right after him! The Iconoclast is just a sore loser! Edge drags Styles up, feeds him to Priest, FLATLINER! Edge then tells Priest to keep going, and Priest isolates the bad arm. Edge brings chairs to the ring! Priest sets one under the arm, but here comes FINN BALOR! The Prince has his own beef with Judgement Day, and he dropkicks Priest down, then tackles Edge! Fans are fire dup, Edge gets away but Priest gets a SLINGBLADE! Styles clotheslines Priest out and Edge bails! Judgement Day regroups and retreats from these two. Styles and Finn throw up the Too Sweet! Will they be united against Edge & Priest?


Omos and MVP talk backstage.

Omos says he’ll grab Lashley with both hands and just snap Lashley’s whole body. But then Cedric Alexander walks in. What does he want? He just wants to talk about MVP forming the Hurt Business. That was the best! They all got to be champions! And if not for Bobby’s and Shelton’s egos, they’d all still be champs! Right? MVP says he’s proud that Cedric sees the bigger picture, and that he is man enough to say it to MVP’s face. MVP gets why Cedric wants to return to that original role, but MVP is not interested. MVP has moved on from the Hurt Business to much bigger things. So he and Omos are gonna talk about how Omos will rip Lashley limb from limb.

Cedric says this is just him, no Shelton. He wants to show what he can do on his own. As such, Cedric requested a match with Lashley. Oka, now that has MVP’s attention. If Cedric can handle his business, then MVP and Omos will watch. Omos says that means Cedric has to go. Cedric leaves, but will he be back in business with Montel Vontavius Porter?


The Miz heads to the ring!

The Hollywood A-Lister is back to host another episode of MizTV, and he’s got Mustafa Ali as his guest? Will Miz be civil with the man who beat him last week? We’ll find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Miz welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, and he says he had the privilege and honor to host WWE’s fastest rising star, the youngest WWE United States Champion ever, the man called Theory! But then his show was hijacked by the “man that time forgot.” Miz likes to be the bigger man, so he’ll have that man explain himself. Please welcome Mustafa Ali! The Beacon makes his way out, but then the music stops partway. Miz acts like that was all a mistake, and then he says the fans are here to see Mustafa Ali! Fans cheer because they do like Ali. Just like Miz is happy to see Ali. Please, have a seat.

So, “Must.” Do you mind if he calls you that? Oh no his mic isn’t working? Miz promises to get that fixed. This is so unprofessional. Speaking of, Miz was in the middle of giving valuable advice to Vince McMahon’s handpicked protégé, and then Must had to waltz out and interrupt. Who does that? That was rhetorical. Time for brass tax. Is it true that Must’s act of desperation is because he’s never been champion? Or is it because the WWE Universe forgot about Ali on his hiatus? Oh no, is the mic still not working? This is so embarrassing! MizTV is WWE’s flagship talk show, so you hate to see this. Please, Must, don’t go online and complain.

Mustafa snatches Miz’s mic! He and everyone here only have one thing to complain about: the fact Miz is STILL HERE! The difference between Miz and Ali is that when Miz feels unheard, he goes back there and whines to he powers that be. But when Ali feels unheard, he goes to the fans! Because for Ali, he fans are the ones that matter. Miz snatches the mic back to say- Oh wait, that was the bad mic. Oh no, is it not working? Ali laughs and Miz is upset. Miz wants Ali to understand: Ali will regret this. Oh, so Miz is gonna face him again? NOPE. (Austin) Theory makes his way out! Theory “apologizes” but he had something to say.

An apology? That’s a young man with manners, and a working mic. So unlike “Must,” Theory has something ot say fans will want to hear. Miz applauds that. Theory says last week, it bothered Theory that Miz couldn’t even prepare for his match. So Theory talked to his mentor, Mr. McMahon, and had that lost be stricken from the records! What a thoughtful gesture! Thanks, Theory. That’s the least Theory can do when some shmuck is making a name for himself at Miz’s expense. And Theory “appreciates” Ali wants the US Championship match handed to him. But what has he done? He doesn’t deserve this!

UGH! You BOTH talk too much! Fans applaud that. Miz, we get it. You’re embarrassed and mad, but Theory has it all wrong. Ali does want to be US Champion. But not an opportunity handed to him. Ali wants to fight for it! Good, because Theory spoke with Vince, and Vince has accepted that Ali gets a Championship Contenders Match tonight! And as Theory sees it, it won’t go well for Ali. The truth is, when it come to Theory, Ali can’t beat him. Theory is the youngest US Champion in WWE history. And Theory doesn’t know if Ali can handle that heat. Clever. But if there’s anyone that can handle heat, it’s Ali. Ali accepts, let’s go!

Okay, that’s fine. Theory can do this #ALLDAY. But uh, Miz deserves a chance to redeem himself. So that contender’s match is Ali VS Theory and The Miz! In a HANDICAP MATCH! And uh, what time is it? Oh, that match is NOW. Ali sees how the deck is stacked, but will he still have the winning hand?

WWE United States Championship Contenders Handicap Match: Mustafa Ali VS The Miz & (Austin) Theory!

Raw returns and Miz mugs Ali in the corner. Miz whips, Ali reverses but Miz sunset flips. Ali rolls through, fakes Miz out and stomps Miz’s leg! Ali kicks the leg, but Miz shoves Ali away. Ali CLOBBERS Miz, then CHOPS him against the ropes. Ali whips,. Miz reverses but Ali ducks and dodges, only for Theory to hold ropes open! Ali falls out and hits the floor hard and Theory shrugs, playing dumb as to what happened. Theory brings Ali into the ring and tags in, then grins as he pie faces Ali around. Theory taunts Ali, brings him up and DECKS him. Theory DECKS Ali again, then again, then snapmares for a stomp! Cover, TWO!

Theory clamps onto Ali with a chinlock and grinds Ali down. Ali endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Ali JAWBREAKERS free but  Miz tags in! Miz rushes in to KICK Ali in the corner! Miz fires off IT KICKS, but lets off as the ref counts. Ali goes up and over and CHOPS Miz back! Ali whips but Miz reverses, so Ali uses that to DROPKCIK Theory down! Ali then dodges, somersaults and NECKBREAKERS! Cover, Theory breaks it! Theory drags Ali up, whips Ali at the ropes, but Ali slips out and trips Theory! Theory shoves Ali away but Ali then dodges. Ali kicks Theory from the apron, but runs into a FINALE! Cover, Miz and Theory win!

Winners: The Miz & (Austin) Theory, by pinfall (Ali is denied his WWE US Championship match)

Theory and Miz stand on Ali as they take their victory selfie. But will this be the finale of Ali going after Theory and the US Championship? Wait! CIAMPA attacks! This is just like last week! What does the Psycho Killer have against the Beacon?


Reggie and Dana Brooke argue backstage.

He wants Dana to listen to him, but she refuses to even stay put. What about their honeymoon? Their what? Reggie thinks Dana’s gonna go on that with him now? He’s crazy! But then R-Truth is talking with his other clients, Tozawa & Tamina. Dana says out of all people, she never expected Truth to try and pin her for the 24/7 Championship. Truth owes Dana an apology. Dana, that was just a test. Like keeping her alert. He is sorry, though. He just wants his baby back. He needs it back! He feels empty inside! Truth feels empty? Tamina’s waist feels empty! And Tozawa, you’re supposed to be helping her!

Tozawa’s sorry about that. But it’s right there! Tozawa and Tamina rush Dana but Reggie and Truth hold them back! Not today! This is the honeymoon period, love birds! Tweet tweet! But then Nikki A.S.H bum rushes them all! And she covers Dana! The ref counts, NIKKI WINS!

Winner: Nikki A.S.H, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Dana shouts, “Noooo~!” while Nikki runs away! Truth, Tamina and Tozawa give chase, and Dana shouts at Reggie for failing her again! Reggie says he was trying, but Dana says if Reggie wants to save the marriage, he will get her a rematch! Dana storms off and Reggie’s stuck in the middle. Will Reggie work on “Happy wife, happy life” tonight?

WWE 24/7 Championship: Nikki A.S.H VS Dana Brooke w/ Reggie!

Raw returns as the Almost Super Hero makes her entrance. Truth, Tozawa and Tamina are also ringside to see which way this goes. The belt is raised, and we see whose love wins the day!

Nikki taunts Dana that she’s champion and Dana is nothing! Dana storms in but into a kick! Dana blocks the buckle bump, throws a body shot and bumps Nikki off buckles. Dana whips, Nikki reverses and then runs in but Dana puts her on the apron. Dana DECKS Nikki, then runs, but slides into the apron skirt! Nikki fires off on Dana, lets off as the ref counts, and she strikes her heroic pose. The ref counts, Nikki puts Dana in, and she covers, TWO! Nikki drags Dana up but Dana fires forearms! Dana whips, runs and handsprings, and back elbows Nikki down! Dana keeps moving, ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Cover, Dana wins!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But Tozawa sunset flips Dana! TWO as Truth drags him away! Truth “tests” Dana again, but Tamina drags him away. Dana scrambles as Tamina stares Truth down. Reggie rolls Dana?! How dare he! Dana SLAPS Reggie, then gets up on the desk. She has a mic to shout, “I want a divorce!!” Reggie freaks out and Dana storms off! Reggie hurries after Dana, can he salvage the marriage?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Kevin Patrick welcomes the former Raw Women’s Champion, and brings up her return to Raw last week was part of Asuka’s return. Becky doesn’t need to hear what happened, she was there. Does anyone understand the kind of bravery it took Becky to go out there and tell the world that she had hit rock bottom after losing the title? Her world, her identity. Only for Asuka, the woman who Becky literally handed that title to come out and disrespect her? When Becky left, she told Asuka to be a warrior while Becky became a mother. Becky kept up her end of the deal, but Asuka didn’t. As soon as Becky came back, Asuka disappeared!

Becky goes on the run of a lifetime, and as soon as Becky was at her lowest point, Asuka returns. Asuka’s never faced Big Time Becks, Asuka doesn’t know what she’s in for. Becky’s comeback story starts with ending Asuka’s! Will Becky and her team be able to stop the Empress of Tomorrow from taking over?


Seth Rollins heads to the ring!

The Visionary, the revolutionary, the Architect, wants to make tonight all about himself! This is “Seth Freakin’ Rollins Appreciation Night,” but what will that mean? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Rollins has the mic while he swaggers and dances to his own theme. “Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby! The time has finally come! Monday Night Rollins has begun! HAHAHAHA! Last week, we celebrated 20 years of Randy Orton. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was alright, it was okay. But it got me thinking. We should celebrate somebody who truly deserves it! Celebrate somebody who is underappreciated, undervalued. We should celebrate a trend setter, we should celebrate a fashion icon, a global sex symbol. Most importantly, we should celebrate a visionary, celebrate a revolutionary.”

Everyone, stand up! Clap for Seth Freakin’ Rollins Appreciate Night~! The spotlight shines on Rollins, but most fans boo. But then others sing his theme song, “OH~, OH~, OHHH~!” Rollins revels in it, he’s got the chills! This feels good, doesn’t it? Seth Freakin’ Rollins in the spotlight! HAHAHAHAHA! But then fans chant for “CODY! CODY!” Rollins says it’s funny they should mention that jerk. At WrestleMania, Cody tried to steal the spotlight. But at Backlash, Rollins will show the entire world why you can’t steal Rollins’ spotlight! Because Rollins IS the spotlight!! Fans still chant for “CODY! CODY!”

Rollins says this is HIS night, HIS spotlight, so shut up about Cody! See, that’s the problem! Some have forgotten just how good Rollins is. You get wrapped up in the American Nightmare fantasy and forget Seth Freakin’ Rollins is the standard bearer in this industry! Fans chant, “We Want Cody!” Rollins says they’ve forgotten how good Rollins is, but he loves to remind you. So here is the greatest highlight reel in the history of highlight reels, detailing Rollins’ rise to prominence! Appreciate Seth Rollins! “Wrestling has more than one… royal family.” Rollins is furious as Cody make his entrance instead!

Cody makes his way to ringside and Rollins is upset. Cody gets the pyro, the graphics, then more pyro. He then gets in the ring and gets the mic. But Rollins says before Cody speaks, he wants to know why Cody sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong! What is Cody out here for? If it’s not to give Rollins flowers, then shut up! Oh, Rollins wants flowers? Sure. Congratulations, Rollins, truly. But what is this all about? This literal unraveling we are all seeing, the superiority complex. It is like Cody’s win is an albatross around Rollins’ neck. Cody doesn’t want to invalidate those feelings, that’d be hypocritical.

But Rollins in this hideous outfit, and Cody’s hypocrisy knows no bounds so he’ll make it clear. Since Cody’s return, he’s been professional and courteous, even when Rollins shoved him off the top rope. But Cody has a feeling that Rollins is going to cross the line right before Backlash that he doesn’t want to cross. Rollins is one of the best wrestlers in 20 years. But he’s also delusional. Delusional? Rollins? DELUSIONAL?! Rollins laughs again and says that’s rich coming from Cody. But hear Rollins out: The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes, the late, great, and Cody’s father. Dusty wrestled hundreds, if not thousands of times in Greensboro.

Fans cheer for “Dusty! Dusty!” and Rollins says, “But just like you… He was an egomaniac who thought he was larger than life and thought he transcended the business. And it looks to me like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Dusty was delusional, and so are you!” Fans boo but Rollins says Dusty wanted to be WWE World Champion, but wasn’t good enough. And as long as Rollins is here, Cody won’t be good enough, either. Rollins laughs again, then he sucker punches Cody! Rollins fires off hands, throws off his jacket, but Cody turns things around on him! They brawl, Cody headlocks and punches!

Cody runs, springboards, to CODY CUTTER! Rollins flounders out of the ring and fans fire up! Rollins did cross a line, just as Cody knew he would. But will Cody have to cross over and join Rollins to settle this on Sunday?


Bobby Lashley VS Cedric Alexander!

The All Mighty has the Colossus coming for him at Backlash, but he isn’t going to back down. Will PRIMED Alexander just be a primer for Lashley? Or can Cedric somehow, someway prove himself worthy to MVP?

Raw returns and Cedric is already in the ring. The bell rings, Cedric talks smack but Lashley corners him. But then Omos makes his entrance! And Cedric uses that to sucker punch Lashley! MVP says how the mighty have fallen. Look at him! Cedric is beating- Oh, nevermind, Lashley CLOBBERS Cedric. Well, if he’s struggling with Cedric, what’s Lashley going to do with Omos? Lashley aims at Cedric, and runs in, but misses the spear! Cedric dropkicks Lashley’s legs out and rains down fists while MVP mocks “Robert.” Omos is just salivating thinking what he’ll do to Lashley’s limbs. Cedric stomps Lashley but the ref backs him up.

MVP talks more trash but fans rally for Lashley. MVP says that won’t help! Cedric kicks Lashley out, then builds speed. Lashley seethes, and he SWATS Cedric’s tope! Then he TOSSES Cedric into barriers! Lashley glares at MVP, then hauls Cedric up in a fireman’s carry! Lashley runs and POSTS Cedric! Fans fire up and Lashley glares at MVP again. Lashley puts Cedric back in the ring, MVP tells fans to shut up, but Lashley aims again. SPEAR!! But Lashley won’t end it there! He hauls Cedric up for the HURT LOCK! Cedric taps, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission

Lashley throws Cedric down, then dares Omos to do something! But MVP says it’s not time yet. Backlash will be the time, but will time be up on the Rocky Mountain Machine? Or will Lashley repeat what he did to the Colossus at WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan.

Sarah asks her why she ambushed Rhea Ripley last week. Well Liv did to Rhea what Rhea did to her. Liv thought they were still a great tag team, but Rhea claims Liv was the disappointment that wasn’t holding up her end of the bargain. But Liv doesn’t think Rhea is disappointed in Liv. Rhea is disappointed in herself. And Liv isn’t going to take the blame or the beatings for Rhea. If Rhea doesn’t believe that, then just watch her. Will Liv more than hold her own in tonight’s Six Woman Tag?


R-Truth talks with Reggie backstage.

Truth says this situation with Dana isn’t that bad. Reggie has his health, those sharp suits and his acrobatic flips. But Reggie had it all! He was champion, had the love of his life. He blew it. Yes, he did do that. But Truth gets that feeling. He had the love of his life and let it slip away. Now Dana has the 24/7 Championship. Marriages are hard. 90% of divorces end in separation. But it’s all good. He has a prenup, right? A what? What!? Reggie doesn’t have a prenup!? Reggie, man…! If you don’t even know that, you’re gonna need Truth’s help as a certified divorce lawyer! Like his motto says, “If y’all can’t keep it together, The Truth will keep y’all apart.”

He’s esquire? The squire, the Duke of Earl, a baron and a jester! Did he ever tell Reggie about his certification to certify? Meanwhile, Nikki A.S.H. is bummed out on a road case. Doudrop walks over and asks if she’s done sulking around, playing games, and wants to take things more seriously. Yes, she does. Will Piper & Nikki soon make things very serious here on Raw?


Six Woman Tag: Sonya Deville, Rhea Ripley & Becky Lynch VS Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan & Asuka!

“Cruella” can’t bend the rules this time! She has to win this on an even playing field! Will she, the Aussie Nightmare and Big Time Becks prove why they’re the top of the Raw Women’s Division? Or will the EST, the Living End and the Empress of Tomorrow end those comebacks before they even begin?

Raw returns and Rhea makes her entrance, followed by Sonya. Liv makes her entrance next, then Asuka, and last but certainly not least, the Raw Women’s Champion, Bianca Belair! This star studded main event is about to go down, after the break!

Raw returns again, and Becky starts against Asuka as a preview of their coming showdown. Becky talks trash, Asuka says she’s just yapping away, but Becky says, “You don’t know who I am!” Becky swings but misses, then she dodges, only for Asuka to block her kick! Becky dodges and dodges and hurries to her corner! Asuka dares Becky to fight her, but Becky tags out to Sonya. Bianca wants in and Asuka obliges with a tag! Bianca and Sonya circle, but then Sonya runs away to her corner! Fans boo as Sonya tags Rhea. Rhea and Bianca circle, but Rhea smirks at Liv. Fans rally for the “E S T!” and Rhea is annoyed.

Rhea and Bianca tie up, Rhea waistlocks and SLAMS Bianca! Bianca fights up, switches, and SLAMS Rhea! Rhea fights up, pries the hold open but Bianca blocks the clothesline to reel Rhea in, for a suplex! Rhea slips off the stall to throw Bianca by her hair! Rhea then sucker punches Liv! Liv wants after Rhea but the ref keeps her back. Rhea bumps Bianca off buckles, tags Sonya, and they mug the champ. Sonya fires off kick after kick but lets off. Sonya then stands Bianca up to throw knees. Sonya snapmares, runs, but Bianca dodges to run Sonya over! Fans fire up and Bianca dusts off her hands before whipping Sonya to a corner.

Sonya reverses, Bianca goes up and over and handsprings, tot hen dropkick Sonya down! Bianca kips up, fans fire up, and Bianca puts Sonya in the corner. Tag to Liv, and Bianca whips Liv in for a back body blocks! Feed to Bianca’s scoop SLAM, then Liv covers. ONE, but Liv brings Sonya up. Sonya ROCKS Liv, then talks trash on her. Sonya whips, Liv reverses but Becky tags in. Sonya CLOBBERS Liv and Becky drops an elbow. Cover, ONE! Becky argues with the ref then says she should be champ. Becky EuroUppers Liv, but Liv turns it into a backslide! TWO, Becky kicks but Liv blocks to kick and KICK back!

Liv runs in to back body block in the corner, then she goes back in for a SHINING WIZARD! Liv snapmares Becky, goes up and leaps, missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Liv watches Rhea and swipes at her, but Becky grabs Liv by her hair! Liv JAWBREAKERS, then dodges to DIVE onto Rhea! Liv rains down furious fists but Rhea kicks her away. The ref counts, Liv stomps Rhea then goes back to the ring, to get WRECKED by a dropkick! Becky puts Liv in, climbs up the corner, THE MAN’S LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Liv is still in this and Becky is fuming as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again again, Rhea has Liv for a hip drop! Fans rally, Rhea dribbles Liv around, then she tells the ref to shut up about the hair pulling. Rhea stands Liv up, talks trash, but Liv SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS! Rhea SLAPS Liv down, and then checks her chin. Rhea gets Liv up to TOSS her to the corner! Rhea stands Liv up, RAMS into her, and again, and again! Rhea lets off at 4, tags Becky, and Becky stomps away on Liv. Becky mocks Asuka’s dance but Liv elbows Becky, then BOOTS her! Liv runs in, but into a MAN- NO! Liv arm-drags out and FLOAT OVER DDTS! Both women are down and fans are fired up as they crawl!

Hot tags to Rhea and Bianca! Bianca ROCKS Rhea, dodges her to DECK Sonya, then turns around, into a HEADBUTT! Rhea whips, Bianca dodges, ducks and runs Rhea over! Fans fire up and Bianca suplexes Rhea to hold her up! Bianca high steps then SLAMS Rhea, cover, TWO! Bianca shakes her head, then brings Rhea back up. Bianca scoops but Rhea slips off to RAM Bianca into a corner! Rhea RAMS her shoulder in, hoists Bianca up top, and ROCKS her with a haymaker. Then another! Rhea climbs up, but Bianca fights back with clubbing shots! Bianca bumps Rhea off buckles then DECKS her!

Rhea is on the mat, Becky hurries but Bianca kicks her away! Sonya distracts and Rhea BOOTS Bianca! Sonya tags in, she and Rhea climb up together. They get Bianca up for a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX! Sonya crawls to a cover, Liv breaks it! Fans fire up but Sonya whips Liv out of the ring. Bianca tags Asuka! Fans are thunderous as Asuka KICKS and KICKS Sonya. Sonya whips, Asuka swipes at Becky! Asuka dodges Sonya to then run her over! Fans fire up with Asuka as she HIP ATTACKS Sonya in the corner! Rhea runs in, into a ROUNDHOSUE! Sonya CLUBS Asuka, KICKs her, but Asuka blocks to get around and GERMAN SUPLEX!

Fans fire up and Asuka runs to SLIDING GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO! Sonya survives but Asuka snarls. Asuka drags Sonya up, ELBOW BREAKER, and chicken wing! Sonya switches, shoves, Liv tags in, Asuka dodges to DROPKICK Sonya down! Asuka runs and HIP ATTACKS Sonya into a CODE BREAKER from Liv! Liv puts Sonya in, covers, Becky breaks it! Asuka BACK HANDS Becky down! Rhea BOOTS Asuka, but Bianca SPINEBUSTERS Rhea! Sonya throws Bianca out, but Liv O’Conner Rolls! ONE, to a roll-up! TWO, but Sonya KNEES Liv down!! Cover, TWO!! Liv survives and Sonya can’t believe it! Sonya runs in again, but Liv lets her hit buckles.

Sonya denies the code breaker and high stacks, with feet on ropes! But the ref sees that! He refuses to count, even as Sonya shouts at him! But she’s not management, she’s just a superstar tonight! Bianca pushes the feet off the ropes and Sonya is furious! Sonya turns around, into ObLIVion!! Cover, Liv’s team wins!

Winners: Liv Morgan, Bianca Belair & Asuka, by pinfall

Sonya tried to cheat but felt a bit of karma here! Will Sonya have to learn to do things by the book for real? Has Becky’s comeback hit a roadblock? And what will the Raw Women’s Championship scene look like moving forward?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good Raw, certainly making up for the subpar SmackDown from Friday. We got a good segment from Bloodline, RKBRO and McIntyre, but honestly, if not for being given the Six Man at Backlash, this felt like we were gonna get a Six Man tonight. Honestly, there was so much between SmackDown and this segment that could’ve been used to set up a Six Man tonight and we still get tag title unification. Whatever, we’ll just have to wait for title unification at Money in the Bank in Vegas or something. We got great stuff from Kevin, Alpha Academy, Elias/Ezekiel and Street Profits. Frantic Kevin is most hilarious Kevin, and that Six Man Tag was great stuff. The Heels winning makes sense, it puts pressure on the Faces, and Ezekiel will make the comeback.

Veer destroys another guy, and it was nice to at least get that guy’s last words as a promo. I’m disappointed Rey didn’t come out to confront Veer, Rey VS Veer should’ve been a Backlash match to avenge Dominik. Good promo from Styles, good rematch out of him and Priest, but I really don’t get why they needed a ringside ban stipulation on the line. Well, I suppose it does give a reason for the rematch. But then maybe Styles shouldn’t have won. It was still good for Finn to make the save, and I still hope we get Finn and Styles as a tag team. I wonder if SmackDown gets a bit of supershow treatment and have Raw stars since it’s the go-home show.

Good MizTV segment with Ali and Theory joining in. Ciampa’s attack last week made it clear Ali wasn’t getting at the US Championship right now anyway, and then Ciampa’s attack after the handicap match just doubled down. As I said last week, Ali VS Ciampa is going to good stuff, I hope they do that next week given this has been two attacks now. Then we’ll wait and see where things go as far as the US Championship. Hell, Ciampa should just go rogue Tweener and want after Theory on his own. We also got good stuff out of the 24/7 Championship Division, and Dana wanting that divorce was quite the shocker. But even better, Nikki is gonna put away the costume, and she will team up with “Doudrop” Piper Niven to give us a great tag team.

Good promo from Omos, MVP and Cedric, and fairly good match segment with Cedric and Lashley. Of course Lashley wins, but I feel like that just guarantees Omos wins, and probably with MVP’s help. Great segment out of the “Seth Freakin’ Rollins Appreciation Night,” with Cody showing up, too. Cody stands tall, and I bet that means Rollins wins to tie things up from WrestleMania. Then maybe the tiebreaker is at MITB, winner moving on to face Roman Reigns for the title(s).

And I really like that Sonya finally faced a situation where she can’t use her management authority to get out of it. That was basically where her story was going, anyway, so good they’ve given us a sample of it. Good promos from Becky and Liv going into tonight’s Six Woman main event, I just wish the match itself had more time devoted to it. Still a solid 15 minute match, and I figured the Faces would win. Sonya tastes more karma, Liv gets some points for the finish, but math stays even for each of the feuds. Liv VS Rhea probably goes Rhea’s way, Becky VS Asuka could probably go either way to set up a series of matches over the summer, and I would think Sonya has to choose between being a WWE official or a superstar if she wants another title match with Bianca.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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