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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/6/22)

Who survived Hell… in a Cell?



WWE Raw 2022

Ain’t no rest for the weary!

Bianca Belair is still Raw Women’s Champion, and that doesn’t sit well with Becky Lynch! Will the Big Time Comeback continue towards Money in the Bank?


  • Becky Lynch VS Dana Brooke; transformed into…
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Big Time Interruption: Dana Brooke wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: Dana Brooke VS Becky Lynch; Dana wins and retains the title.
  • The Miz w/ Maryse VS Matt Riddle; Riddle wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Contenders Match: The Usos VS The Street Profits; The Street Profits win and will challenge for the titles.
  • Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Veer Mahaan; Veer wins, by disqualification.
  • Omos w/ MVP VS Cedric Alexander; Omos wins.
  • Otis w/ Chad Gable VS Ezekiel; Ezekiel wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Alexa Bliss VS Liv Morgan VS Rhea Ripley VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven; Rhea wins and will challenge Bianca Belair for the title.


Cody Rhodes heads to the ring!

Despite a torn pectoral muscle, the American Nightmare fought inside Hell in a Cell with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, and came out the victor! Cody is in a great mood from that victory, but it is clear his arm is still bothering him. Fans fire up as Cody gets to the ring, the pyro going off. The Money in the Bank briefcases hang high overhead but Cody just worries about soaking up the adulation from Green Bay! Cody gets the mic, and welcomes them to the show. Fans chant, “Thank You, Cody!” for last night, and Cody says stuff like that fills his heart. He does love it, but he does want to say this, too. He saw all the comments on social media about his effort, many praising it and loving it.

But Cody wants to say that he doesn’t really believe in that, simply because it is a privilege to do what he does. He loves the fans, they have no clue how much. And he will admit tearing his pectoral off the bone is demoralizing, but he doesn’t want to be sad, doesn’t want to be melancholy or downtrodden. “We talk a lot about the other Rhodes in my family. There is one you haven’t been introduced to yet. For those who don’t know, I have a daughter. And… when she is old enough, I want her to watch what happened last night, and I want her to know that in the darkest of times, in what could’ve been the lowest point in my career, in what could’ve been the absolute worst night, in what was a literal hell, I was not cynical, I was not jaded. I stood and fought!”

Fans cheer for that, and chant Cody’s name. Cody says he fought one of the very best wrestlers in the history of this game in Seth Freakin’ Rollins. The fans boo and Cody says he doesn’t like Rollins, either. But the chapter, the trilogy, it has been written and put in the archives. Cody is officially done with Seth Rollins. “So with that in mind… I wanna talk about what’s above me.” He looks up at the briefcases, and he mentions the MITB contract has eluded him his entire career. And certainly, he is a little banged up. But in four weeks time, if somehow, if someway, he was able to climb the ladder, he was able to grab the briefcase, he was able to cash that sucker in and become the UNDISPUTED WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION…

But here comes Seth Rollins! Seems the Architect isn’t done with Cody. Rollins hobbles his way to the ring, eyes locked on Cody and the ring. Rollins gets in the ring and gets a mic while fans boo. Rollins tells Cody, “I still do not like you. But after what you put yourself through last night, you have earned my respect. And the world is saying, maybe one of the gutsiest performances in the history of this industry, and that is the truth.” Rollins says Cody is the toughest person he’s been in the ring with. And he may be the last person Cody needs to hear this from, but Rollins says Dusty is very, very proud of his baby boy.

Fans chant for Cody and Cody gets a bit emotional. Rollins says Cody came out after WrestleMania to show Rollins respect, so now Rollins returns the favor. Rollins offers a handshake, and Cody takes it. Rollins pats Cody on the shoulder, then hobbles his way out of the ring. Is this the Visionary letting his obsession with the American Nightmare go? What does Cody’s future look like with his torn pectoral muscle?

Wait, Seth attacks Cody at the stage with a sledgehammer!! The Architect was NOT going to leave Cody be! Rollins rips Cody’s vest and shirt away to expose the already damaged pec, and then pulls on that arm! Referees try but fail to stop Rollins from STOMPING the arm!! Officials come out but Rollins ignores them as he digs the hammer into the arm! Fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at Rollins but it doesn’t matter, he got the last word on their story. Has Rollins just written Cody’s future off for good?

Raw returns and Cody starts to get up on his own. Fans cheer, Cody hobbles and drops to a knee, but he gets up again. Fans cheer more, and Cody makes his way to the back.


Becky Lynch VS Dana Brooke!

The Man isn’t feeling so Big Time after losing the Raw Women’s Championship Triple Threat. But that doesn’t mean the comeback is over! Will Becky take out the #FlexAppeal and find her new path back to the top?

The bell rings and Becky kicks Dana low, then fires off fists! Becky talks smack on Dana, but wait, the 24/7 Championship chase runs out here! Akira Tozawa has Reggie, R-Truth and Tamina right after him! They corner him, but he goes into the ring! Dana ROCKS Becky, and rolls Tozawa up! Dana wins against Tozawa!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Tozawa and the others are shocked! Dana has her belt back, and Becky says NO NO NO! What the heck is all this? No one is winning titles during her matches except her! So Becky is challenging Dana for the 24/7 Championship right now! And if anyone else interferes, she will smash their faces in! The refs have everyone else leave, and Dana is just fine with that challenge. Will Becky make the Big Time 24/7 after the break?

WWE 24/7 Championship: Dana Brooke VS Becky Lynch!

Raw returns and the bell rings. Becky and dana circle, Becky kicks then BECKSPLODERS! Becky kicks Dana around while mockingly congratulating her. Becky then hauls Dana up for another BECKSPLODER! And then another BECKSPLODER! But now Asuka interrupts! She wasn’t included in that ringside ban, right? Becky is furious, she hurries to get Dana up, a forth BECKSPLODER! #SuBECKSCity! Asuka gets on the apron, Becky swipes at her, Dana rolls Becky up! TWO!! Becky CLOBBERS Dana, and if she wasn’t mad before, she is now! Becky runs in at the corner but Dana dodges! Dana then kicks low, KICKS again, and dropkicks Becky to a corner!

Dana fires off forearms, whips corner to corner and handspring back elbows to a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Asuka coaches Dana up and she drags Becky to a drop zone. Dana heads up top, SWANTON FLOPS, and Becky BOOTS Dana down! Becky taunts Asuka now, drags Dana up, but Dana trips Becky to jackknife! Asuka holds Becky’s foot down, Dana wins!!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (still WWE 24/7 Champion)

And Becky is Big Time FURIOUS! She warns the Empress of Tomorrow that she’ll pay for this, but will Becky still not be ready for Asuka?


John Cena is returning to the WWE!

To celebrate 20 YEARS of You Can’t See Me, THE John Cena is going to return to Monday Night Raw on June 27th in Laredo, Texas!


The Miz and Maryse are here!

With the season three premiere of Miz & Mrs. later tonight, The It Couple is here together for a very special edition of MizTV. And their special guest? The Stallion, Matt Riddle! What will Riddle have to say about his devastating loss on SmackDown? And what will Miz & Maryse have to say about, well, themselves? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Miz welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, and asks we give a warm welcome to the most gorgeous, sexy, smart, businesswoman and entrepreneur, the love of his life, Maryse! Fans cheer until the It Couple get lovey-dovey. Miz say she loves that MITB is coming up! Did you know that if you cash in, you have an 85% chance of winning a world title? Miz knows this because he’s done it twice! And if he does it again, that would be a record breaking third time, just another thing on his prestigious resume. But that’s then, this is now, welcome to their premiere party! Right after Raw is a DOUBLE EPISODE premiere for Miz & Mrs!

Maryse thanks everyone and she is so excited to talk about their show. But she is not excited to be in Green Bay… She was telling her team this is where she was going, and they didn’t even know where Green Bay was! Fans boo but Maryse continues. This is such a big show, they should go somewhere that matters. Miz does his best to silence the crowd because Maryse is talking! Do not disrespect her! But “Bro…” Riddle makes his entrance without an introduction! Riddle scooters right down the ramp, gets in the ring, and there go the sandals and… kangaroos? Riddle says, “Whoa, what’s with all the harsh vibes? I thought this was a celebration.”

And of course, bonjour, Maryse. Omulette du fromage, mi amo es Riddle. Uh, he kinda mixed languages there… And Maryse goes full French to basically say Riddle got it wrong. He says, “Gesundheit.” Anyway, big shout out to his bro, Randy! Love you, dawg! Come back soon! Unlike his stepdad. Miz shouts at Riddle about interrupting them just to talk about Randy~! Miz will speak very slowly: Randy, Orton’s, career, is OVER! And now Riddle is all alone, and will get his ass whooped week after week by The Bloodline. So excuse them, they have a party to get to. Riddle tells Miz to shut the hell up! Riddle is going to finish what he was saying.

Riddle is tired of fighting Roman’s minions week after week, and he wants to tell Roman that he wants to fight “The Tribal Piece of Trash!” Since Roman thinks it’s cool to take his bro, Randy, out, Riddle will take Roman’s Undisputed Universal Championship!! Fans are fired up but Miz is laughing. Riddle tells Miz there’s a reason why his homie, Cena, is playing Peacemaker and Miz is just a homemaker while his wife drags him around by his tiny little balls! Miz looks down as if anyone can tell. Fans chant, “TINY BALLS! TINY BALLS!” Maryse says Riddle can’t talk to Miz like that! Just so Riddle knows, Miz has average balls.

Maryse, c’mon! No, right, above average! THE GIGANTICAST BALLS IN THE WORLD! Riddle wants Miz to prove it! Fans chant, “PROVE IT! PROVE IT!” What is wrong with these people!? Maryse says if Riddle wants to fight, then he and Miz can fight right here, right now! Well Riddle says RKBRO 4:20 says “I just smoked your ass!” Miz tells everyone to wait! He is in a tux, this is the premiere party! If fans want to see this here and now, then the answer is NO! Riddle and fans are disappointed, but we should’ve known this would happen. But wait! Tommaso Ciampa BLINDSIDES Riddle?! Even Miz is surprised by that one!

“On second thought… Let’s have that match right here, right now!” The A-Lister is a vulture! But will he be picking the bones of The Bro? Or will Riddle be able to get back up and make an example out of Miz?


The Miz w/ Maryse VS Matt Riddle!

Raw returns and Miz hits a kitchen sink knee, still in his slacks! Miz clamps onto Riddle with a chinlock but Riddle endures. Fans rally, Riddle fights up, throws body shots, but Miz CLUBS Riddle. Riddle counter punches Miz, fires off palm strikes, then BOOTS Miz into a spin and PELE! Riddle kips up, runs into the corner and forearm smashes! Then he goes side to side to hit another! Miz fights off the Brosploder, but runs into a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as Riddle puts Miz through the ropes! DRAPING DDT! Fans fire up again as Riddle hears those voices, bro! Miz gets up, and blocks the RKO to then get out!

But Riddle is on the apron! Maryse saves Miz from the Penalty Kick! Riddle chases Miz back to the apron, and he has the pants! Riddle RIPS the pants off Miz! Fans are fired up as Miz has to cover up his balls! Miz elbows Riddle, fans chant “TINY BALLS!” but Maryse slips Miz the purse! Maryse distracts the ref, but Riddle dodges the purse attack! RKO!! Cover, Riddle wins!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

Maryse tried but failed to help her husband, but at least now she can cover up his manhood with that purse. Will Miz ever live this down? Will Riddle rage his way to revenge on Roman and the Bloodline?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Contenders Match: The Usos VS The Street Profits!

Jimmy & Jey retained the titles by damaging Shinsuke Nakamura’s leg and then having “Honorary Uce” Sami Zayn trick everyone into thinking Roman Reigns was making his entrance. Will they use similar tactics to cheat Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins? Or will the Profits be up as they get that smoke?

The teams sort out, Dawkins starts against Jimmy but then Dawkins DECKS Jey! Roll-up on Jimmy, TWO! Backslide, TWO!! Jimmy escapes, Dawkins dodges and FLYING UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO! Dawkins drags Jimmy up, tags Ford, and they whip Jimmy to then DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Cover, TWO! Jimmy bails out and regroups with Jey but Ford fires up with Green Bay! Jey and Jimmy refocus, Jimmy gets in at 6 of 10, then tags Jey. Jey and Ford circle now, they approach and Jey kicks low. Jey RAMS Ford into the corner again and again, fires off hands, but lets off as the ref counts 4.

Fans boo but Jey soaks up the heat with finger to the sky. Jey brings Ford up but Ford counter punches! And CHOPS! Ford brings Jey around, whips but Jey reverses, only for Ford to dropkick him down! Ford brings Jey over, tags Dawkins, and they whip Jey to double shoulder tackle! Then BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Dawkins covers, TWO! Jey bails out and he regroups with Jimmy. Ford taunts the Usos while the ring count climbs. Jey gets in at 6, but he stays back. Dawkins tags Ford back in, Ford and Jey approach. Ford dodges the uppercut to waistlock but Jey fights, only for Ford to back suplex!

Ford whips Jey, Jey holds ropes, but Ford clotheslines Jey out! Ford goes out after Jey and fans fire up! Ford wants Jey to get up, he mocks the finger to the sky, and hits a CANNONBALL off the steps! Fans fire up and Ford even hugs some of them while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Dawkins has Jey in an armlock. Jey power sup, Jimmy tags in, and Jey whips so the Usos can DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER Dawkins! Jimmy stomps Dawkins, fans rally, but Jimmy ROCKS Dawkins with an uppercut! Jimmy CHOKES Dawkins on the ropes, lets off, and Jey gets a cheap shot in! Fans boo but Jey gets away with that. Jimmy dares Dawkins to crawl to Ford, then Jimmy stomps him! Tag to Jey, Jimmy RAMS into Dawkins, and Jey runs in to forearm smash! Dawkins drops, Jey covers, TWO! Jey keeps on Dawkins with ground ‘n’ pound but Dawkins guards his face.

Jey lets off, steps on Dawkins, then says #WeTheOnes! Jey tells Ford to watch this, and he brings Dawkins up to say, “You want the smoke?!” Jey DECKS Dawkins with an uppercut! Tag to Jimmy, the Usos split the wishbone! Dawkins writhes and crawls to ropes but Jimmy taunts him. Jimmy puts Dawkins in a corner and rains down fists! Jimmy backs up and shouts, “UCE! OH!” Jimmy goes corner to corner to HIP ATTACK! Dawkins flounders, reaches out for Ford, but Jimmy stomps the hand! Jimmy ROCKS Dawkins and Dawkins falls to the apron. Jimmy says Dawkins is in the ring with a true tag team!

But Dawkins starts throwing hands! He ROCKS Jimmy, DECKS Jey, but Jimmy DRAGON WHIP KICKS Dawkins down! Jimmy distracts the ref and Jey CLOBBERS Dawkins! Tag to Jey, but both Usos get Dawkins up, to double whip into steel steps! Dawkins is down and Ford is furious as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Jey CLOBBERS Ford! Cover, TWO! Jey is furious but the fans fire up! Jey pushes Ford to the ropes, runs in, but FOrd elbows back! Dawkins sneaks a tag, Jey run sin but is sent out! Ford PLANCHAS and takes out Jey! Jimmy DIVES onto Ford! But Dawkins builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on both Usos and Green Bay is thunderous! Dawkins puts Jey in, tags Ford, then ANOINTING to FROM THE HEAVENS! Cover, Jimmy breaks it!! Jimmy saves the match, but Dawkins drags Jimmy out to RAM into the barriers! Ford goes out after Jey and CLUBS him. Ford whips but Jey reverses to POST Ford!

Jey gets Ford up, whips him and Ford flies into the barriers! But the ring count is climbing! Jey aims, SUPER- NO, Ford gets under the kick to dump Jey into the timekeeper’s area! Ford rushes in at 9.9! THE PROFITS WIN!!

Winners: The Street Profits, by count-out (NEW #1 Contenders to the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships)

Two week sin a row, and the Usos get taken for a loss! Riddle comes out to celebrate with his bros, and he says maybe the Usos need watches! The Profits have their golden tickets now, but will they be able to cash in? Or will the Usos make sure to have their back-up with them next time?


Bobby Lashley is here!

Green Bay fires up for the All Mighty as he is victorious after taking on Omos and MVP at once! But what will he have to say about what’s next? We’ll see, after the break.

Raw returns and Lashley has the mic while fans chant his name. “What’s up, Green Bay? I’ve got a lot to talk about. Y’know, this never had to end like this between MVP and I. I mean, after years and years of grinding, I considering MVP my family. But that’s what he wanted. And then at Hell in a Cell, MVP and Omos had every advantage against me in the book, but that still wasn’t enough to take down the All Mighty. The saying goes, you never interrupt your enemies when they’re making a mistake. And the biggest mistake MVP ever made was to stab me in my back.

“So I was asked, ‘How did it feel when you had MVP wrapped up and he was screaming and begging as I had him in that Hurt Lock? And I can say, it felt damn good. So now that I have MVP and Omos in my rear view mirror, I was just thinking…” (Austin) Theory walks out? He doesn’t know what authority allows Lashley to come out and steal the spotlight, but this is Theory’s time that he deserves, not Lashley’s! But Lashley is here because someone helped him! Theory is here because he won his match all by himself! So with all due respect, get out of Theory’s ring! Oh, selfie first. Lashley tells Theory he does mind. This isn’t Theory’s ring, this is Lashley’s ring!

And while Lashley is thinking about it, let’s settle this like gentlemen and fight about it. Well, okay. But check out the bicep! Theory laughs in Lashley’s face, but Lashley shows off his bicep. IF Theory is being all Mr. Selfie Boy and thinks he can win, then maybe… Put the US Championship on the line! Is that what everyone wants? Fans say “YES!” Theory says Lashley doesn’t deserve it! Sure, Lashley beat Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton, just to name a few, but he hasn’t beaten Theory, “Mr. McMahon’s protégé, the youngest United States Champion in WWE History!” But then Lashley BOOTS Theory out of the ring!

Lashley tells the kid to take a walk then. Theory is furious, but will this goad Theory into giving Lashley a shot at the gold?


Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Veer Mahaan!

It’s a rematch from when the Lion of India returned to Raw, but with a big change! The King of Lucha will be in his son’s corner and coaching him on, but will that be enough for Dom to avenge himself? Or will he learn firsthand to #FearVeer?

Raw returns and Veer makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Dom waistlocks, but Veer pries free and switches. Veer SLAMS Dom down, brings him back up but Dom gets to ropes. The ref counts, Veer brings Dom away from ropes and SLAMS him again! Dom manages to roll free, and he mocks Veer’s Namaste. Veer rushes in but he gets thrown out! Veer is annoyed and he hurries back in. Dom goes out, the cat ‘n’ mouse game begins, going in and out of the ring. Dom gets back in and Veer stops, knowing Dom is just toying with him. But then Dom taunts Veer and Veer rushes back in!

The chase continues Dom gets back in then he dropkicks Veer down! Dom fires off forearms but Veer shoves him down! Fans rally, Dom runs in but Veer pops him up. Dom lands on the apron and KICKS Veer away! And again! Dom then slingshots in and WRECKS Veer with a dropkick! Dom eggs Veer on, Veer gets in, but Dom drops a leg on him! Dom runs, Veer hits the THESZ PRESS! Rey coaches Dom but Veer looms over him. Fans boo but Veer taunts Rey. Veer kicks Dom, drags him up and CLUBS him back down! Veer hauls Dom up, fireman’s carries, but Dom grabs at the ropes! Fans rally, Veer tosses Dom out!

Dom lands on the apron, shoulders in, and again! Veer clamps onto Dom to throw him down on the apron! Fans boo but Veer goes out to fetch Dom. Veer taunts Rey more, then brings Dom up, to throw into Rey! Veer then BOOTS Rey! Veer soaks up the heat from the fans while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Veer clamps onto Dom’s shoulders! Fans rally as Dom endures and fight sup. Dom throws body shots but Veer knees him low. Veer whips Dom to a corner, runs in but Dom dodges! Fans fire up and Dom hobbles away, but Veer runs in again. Dom drop toeholds Veer into buckles! Dom fires off fists, then brings Veer up. Veer reverses the whip, Dom goes up but gets caught! But Dom slips off, only for Veer to elbow him away! Veer ROCKS Dom with shots, then runs in at the corner again. Dom dodges and Veer POSTS himself! Dom runs in, CORNER 619! Veer staggers, falls, Dom goes up, FROG SPLASH! Cover, ONE?!!?

Dom can’t believe Veer survived! Dom hurries to get Veer up, brings him into a corner and goes up. But Veer tosses Dom away, then MILLION DOLLAR LARIATS! Dom flounders but Veer hip drops onto him! But Rey SHOTGUNS Veer!

Winner: Veer Mahaan, by disqualification

Rey SHOTGUNS Veer out of the ring! Then hits a 619!! Veer is staggering again while Rey gets Dom away! But he may have only angered the Lion of India. Will Veer make sure everyone, even the lucha libre legend, fears him?


The Judgement Day heads to the ring!

Edge, Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley were victorious against AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan, becoming a well-oiled machine in the Mixed Six Tag. But now, they promise that their trio will become a quartet. Who will be joining them atop the mountain of omnipotence? We see, after the break.

Raw returns and Priest has the mic to tell the fans, “You know what time it is. All rise for The Judgement Day!” Fans boo instead. Rhea says, “Control is an illusion. An illusion that led AJ Styles, Liv Morgan and Finn Balor into thinking that they were going to succeed last night at Hell in a Cell. The Judgement Day was always destined for victory. We cannot be controlled, and our message is spreading like wildfire. Our destiny… has no limitations.” Priest says, “Truth spoken by Rhea Ripley! Our destiny has no limitations. And speaking of limitations, Rhea. Your destiny is to once again become the Raw Women’s Champion!”

Priest says Rhea will be one step closer to omnipotence after winning the Fatal 4 Way tonight, and goes on to defeat Bianca Belair at Money in the Bank! Edge says the adult in the room is speaking, so please be quiet. Edge has been doing this 30 years, so please close your mouths. The Judgement Day did what they vowed to do, and that is stand tall. But before Edge continues, he must tell his two Saints of Fate just how proud he is of them. They’ve grown, they’ve blossomed in a short time under his learning tree. Just look at Rhea Ripley! She is a superstar wrecking machine! Look at Priest and how he stands taller, head held higher, and oozing confidence!

The reason for that is, they listened to Edge. But they were not the only ones. There was another hearing their message. And Edge was right! So without any further ado, he will introduce to all of the fans, the newest member of The Judgement Day! It’s… Finn Balor?! The Prince is joining the trio that defeated him, Liv and Styles?! Edge shakes Finn’s hand and hands him a mic. Last night, Edge saw the look in Finn’s eyes change during the match. So when Rhea and Priest told Edge that Finn reached out, Edge was excited! Finn is one of the most talented men to step in the ring! So please, enlighten everyone here. How did this come to pass?

First of all, thanks for those kind words. The look that Edge saw in Finn’s eyes was of clarity. Clarity that joining them wasn’t a choice but a calling! It was a calling Finn refused to fight any longer! He is tired of pretending to be someone he’s not. Finn finally sees clearly, and needs to extend a debt of gratitude to Priest and Rhea. They fought with more conviction and focus than ever before. And Rhea? Rhea stood between Finn and Edge to shield Edge. Finn should’ve been mad, angry, furious, but he wasn’t! He was impressed and in awe. So much so that Finn reached out to them after. They got talking about this and that, and they realized they have more in common than they knew.

They’ve all grown tired of being told what to do. Priest says Edge is one of the greatest of all time. That is why it was so easy for Priest and Rhea to follow him into the darkness. And now, they’ve all realized that in this short time with Edge, he’s taught them how to get rid of any limitation holding them back. They are ready to shed that last bit of limitation holding them back. Edge smiles, but then Priest says it’s Edge! Priest DECKS Edge!! And then they all stomp away on Edge! He’s been betrayed by those he enlightened! SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Finn is up top, Priest and Rhea put Edge in the drop zone, COUP DE GRACE!!

The Judgement Day has added a new member, and removed their founder and leader! Edge gets to his feet and he fights back! But Priest and Finn mug Edge! Then they bring him out to the announce desk, for a RAZOR’S EDGE through the desk!! Fans are losing their minds as The Prince now stands over the Iconoclast! Edge still has fight in him!? Finn throws down fists and Priest has Rhea fetch something. Priest and Finn drag Edge into the ring, Rhea brings two chairs over! She puts those chairs in the ring, and even brings in another. Because on one, Rhea breaks off the crossbar and hands it to Finn! GLASGOW GRIN CROSSFACE!!

Rhea taunts Edge and Finn asks, “Who’s in control now?!” Priest has Finn let off, and then they set Edge’s head on a chair! Priest has Rhea be guard against the refs and officials! Priest roars and gives Edge a CON-CHAIR-TO!!! Edge suffers at the hands he tried to help! Fans boo but the Judgement Day revels in it! Has Edge fallen to the foot of the mountain of omnipotence? Will he ever get back up?


Omos w/ MVP VS Cedric Alexander!

The Nigerian Giant is still fuming after PRIMED Alexander helped out Bobby Lashley. Cedric wants to stand on his own two feet, but will he even be able to stand at all after Omos gets his hands on him?

The bell rings and Cedric fires off on Omos! Omos withstands it, picks Cedric up, MOUNTAIN BOMB!! Cover, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

That was Omos’ most dominant and shortest match yet! But then wait, the Dirty Dawgs are here? Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler join Kevin Patrick on stage for an interview. Kevin Patrick welcomes them back and Roode says there is no better time to return than now! It’s going to be a Double D Summer cuz the Dirty Dawgs are going for Money in the Bank! But MVP interrupts to tell the Dawgs that they don’t disrespect them! This is wasting camera time on some clowns after Omos- SUPERKICK from Ziggler to MVP! Omos catches MVP from falling off the perch, and now the chase is on! Will the Dawgs end up suffering like Cedric just did?


Otis w/ Chad Gable VS Ezekiel!

The Prizefighter, Kevin Owens, defeated Elias’ younger brother but still couldn’t get the truth out of him. Will the Alpha Academy’s tree trunk fall on Zeke and make him speak? Or will Ezekiel rebound and manage to take Otis down?

Raw returns and Zeke makes his entrance. The bell rings, Zeke dodges Otis and CHOPS! Then fires off forearms! Otis blocks the whip, whips Zeke, then rolls to RAM Zeke! Zeke stays up but then Otis CLOBBERS him! Fans boo but Otis CLUBS Zeke. Otis bumps Zeke off buckles, CLUBS him in the chest, then tells Elias to stop lying! Otis RAMS into Zeke, and again, and again! The ref counts, Otis lets off, but then brings Zeke up into an EXPLODER! Zeke flounders and Otis covers, TWO! Otis says he’ll break Zeke’s head off with a neck wrench! Zeke endures, fans rally, and Zeke fights up. Zeke gets to his feet and manages to send Otis into buckles!

Zeke stagger sup, he throws haymakers and CHOPS! Fans rally up as Zeke fires off, then runs to LARIAT! Otis stays up so Zeke runs to LARIAT again! Otis still stays up, Zeke runs, but into a scoop! Zeke slips off, shoves and JUMP KNEES! Then Zeke runs, gets around, crucifix takedown! ZEKE WINS!

Winner: Ezekiel, by pinfall

The Academy is furious that they failed! But Zeke gets a mic to speak! “Kevin Owens! You challenged me to a one-on-one match at Hell in a Cell, and in my short career, it was the most important match of my life, but I feel short.” Maybe he was too #ZekedUp. But he has to keep going. And if there’s one thing he learned from his brother, Elias, it’s that everyone deserves a second chance. So Zeke wants a rematch, next week on Raw! Zeke waits and here comes Kevin! Kevin has a mic to say, “You want a rematch? I already beat you! Y’know what? I’m in such a good mood after beating the hell out of you last night, I’m feeling generous.” If Zeke wants his rematch, he’s got it!

On one condition. If he wants that rematch, Zeke must admit to the world right now that he IS Elias! Fans chant, “That’s Elias!” “No It’s Not!” Kevin tells Zeke to tell the fans that he is Elias! He tells the fans to shut up but Zeke says okay. Kevin has him. Wait, whoa, good start. But that’s not enough. Zeke must admit what? Say it! Look Kevin in the eyes when you do! Zeke admits… That his name… is Elias. Kevin says he knew it! He told all us idiots that he’s not the liar, Zeke is the liar! Kevin is a genius! He wins!! Uh, well, do they have the rematch or not? Yes, Kevin will beat the hell out of Elias again!

Wow, okay! Zeke didn’t think it’d be that easy. Zeke knew Kevin was thickheaded but wow! All Zeke had to do was take a page out of the Kevin Owens Playbook! What? What is he talking about? Uh, well, HE LIED! He’s ZEKE! JUMP KNEE! Down goes Kevin and Zeke bails out before the Academy gets back in! So Zeke tricked Kevin by lying? Will Kevin still keep to his word and give Zeke that rematch?


Bianca Belair is here!

The strongEST, fastEST, roughEST, toughEST, quickEST and perhaps cleverEST Raw Women’s Champion is going to be ringside to watch tonight’s main event! Who gets their shot at Bianca at Money in the Bank? We’re all going to see, after the break!

Raw Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Alexa Bliss VS Liv Morgan VS Rhea Ripley VS “Doudrop” Piper Niven w/ Nikki A.S.H!

Raw returns and Alexa makes her entrance first. Piper is next, with the Almost Super Hero following her, and then Liv, leaving the Judgement Day’s Eradicator for last. Will Rhea’s brutality continue until she fulfills her golden destiny? Or will another step up to take on the EST at MITB?

Raw returns again and the bell rings. Rhea and Liv brawl, Alexa dodges Piper and jumps on for a SLEEPER! Piper RAMS Alexa into buckles, throws her off, Rhea HEADBUTTS Liv! Rhea and Piper are left in the ring and they talk some trash as they circle. Piper throws a forearm but Rhea give sit back! They go back and forth, harder and harder, and even try LARIATS! Rhea dodges, mule kicks, and tries to fireman’s carry. Piper is too big and strong, she CLUBS Rhea, then scoops her! Rhea slips off and CLUBS away on Piper! Rhea waistlocks but Piper goes to ropes and elbows Rhea away.

Liv and Alexa work together to trip and drag Piper out! They smack her off the apron, then go in after Rhea! Rhea swings, Liv dodges, but Rhea BOOTS Alexa! Rhea throws Liv down, drags her up, but Liv throws body shots! Liv JAWBREAKERS free, then runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Liv rolls, runs in and back body- NO, Rhea waistlocks! Liv elbows but Rhea ripcords and short arm LARIATS! Rhea talks trash but Alexa CHOP BLOCKS! Alexa then kicks and KNEES Rhea! Alexa choke grips Rhea and says this is her show now! But Rhea choke grips back! Rhea knees Alexa low, then smirks as she CLUBS Alexa down.

Rhea says Alexa should try joining The Judgement Day, then she bumps her off buckles! And more buckles! Rhea stomps a mudhole into Alexa, but the ref has her back off so he can check Alexa. Alexa’s okay to continue, and she kicks back! And again! And again! Alexa CLUBS Rhea but Rhea CLUBS Alexa! Rhea shoves Alexa down, then drags her around by her hair. Rhea stomps Alexa in the ribs! Then stands on Alexa’s back! Fans boo but Rhea taunts Bianca. They wave at each other, Rhea hauls Alexa up and suplexes, but Liv kicks Rhea! Liv runs to SHOTGUN Alexa and make her DDT Rhea!

Liv runs at Alexa but Alexa ROCKS her from the apron! Alexa leaps at Rhea, but into her arms! Liv missile dropkicks them down! But Piper SENTONS Liv! Piper is fired up, as is Nikki, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more, and Piper SLAPS Alexa! Fans rally for Alexa but Piper CLUBS her down. Nikki rallies for Piper and Piper drags Alexa into a cobra clutch. Piper thrashes Alexa around, but Alexa fights up and fans rally. Alexa claws at the hold, throws elbows, but Piper ripcords to short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Even Bianca’s a little surprised by that. Piper brings Alexa up, whips her to a corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Piper blows a kiss while Alexa falls out, but Liv gets in to CODE BREAKER! Piper staggers to a corner, but Rhea CLOBBERS Liv! Liv gets up, dodges and SHOTGUNS Rhea! Liv fires off on Rhea, Rhea turns things around and hits back!

Liv BOOTS Rhea, goes up top, and FLYING RANAS! Alexa BOOTS Rhea from the other corner, but Piper POUNCES Liv! Alexa hits SUNSET BOMB on Rhea, but Piper SPLASHES Alexa! Cover, Liv breaks it! Bianca is fired up with the fans as this match continues! Liv gets Piper, kicks and KICKS and ENZIGURIS! Piper stays up, swings, but Liv dodges. Piper CLOBBERS Liv at the ropes, reels her in, and SIT-OUT POWERBOMBS! Cover, Alexa breaks it now! Piper snarls but this still isn’t done! Piper HEADBUTTS Alexa, then stomps her in a drop zone. Piper climbs up the corner, but Rhea is there to ROCK her!

Rhea fires off haymakers on Piper, then climbs up after her! Rhea CLUBS Piper, Piper throws body shots back, but Rhea tells Bianca this is for her. But Piper still fights! Liv and Alexa join in, TOWER OF DOOM!! Double Powerbomb Superplex, and Bianca can’t help but wince from watching that crash landing. “This is Awesome!” and Liv hurries to cover Rhea! Alexa covers Piper, too, TWO!! The double covers don’t work out, but Piper and Rhea bail out. Liv rushes in, Alexa rolls her up, ONE! Liv rolls Alexa, TWO! Alexa hits a cradle, TWO!! Liv has it, ONE! Alexa, Liv, they roll and roll and roll! Fans are loving this!

They finally stop rolling, TWO!! Alexa kicks and DDTs Liv! But Alexa doesn’t cover, she drags Liv to a drop zone! Alexa goes up top, TWISTED BLISS onto knees! But Piper gets Alexa and tosses her out! Piper turns around, Liv goes up the ropes to springboard and CODE BREAKER! But Nikki disrupts ObLIVion! Alexa grabs Piper, Nikki goes after Alexa, DOUBLE LARIATS take those two out! Liv dodges Piper in the corner, then goes up top and leaps, into Piper’s arms! Piper MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Cover, Rhea dropkicks it apart! Fans boo as Rhea hauls Piper up, pump handle, but Piper throws elbows. Rhea just uses that for a RIPTIDE!!! Cover, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the Raw Women’s Championship)

Brutality eradicates the competition, and now destiny could just be a month away! And to celebrate with their fellow Saint of Fate, Finn and Priest return to the ring. They all stare Bianca down but she’s the braveEST, too. She raises the belt high, but will she lose that belt at Money in the Bank?

My Thoughts:

Surprisingly, this was a very good after PPV/Premium Live Event episode for Raw. Obviously, they got Cody Rhodes’ pectoral injury issue out of the way. Cody sticking to his Face ways was hoping for a shot at MITB, but obviously that injury is real and there was no way he’d be able to be ready in just one month. Rollins gives us a great swerve and kayfabe reason why Cody will be missing time now, with claiming he respects Cody but then attacks him with the hammer. Now Cody has his kayfabe reason to be gone for no less than six months, Rollins has a lot more heat going towards MITB, and at the very least, Cody can return at the Royal Rumble.

Similarly, we followed up with a great fusion of segments with Becky Lynch and the 24/7 Championship Division. For a moment, I was conflicted. Becky winning to be Big Time 24/7 would’ve been an interesting story, but at the same time, there are many reasons why she doesn’t need that title. Asuka distracting Becky was a great way to keep their feud going, and they will definitely be part of the Women’s MITB match, too. And after what we saw in the main event, it’s pretty clear who else will be fighting in qualifiers.

Speaking of which, what a wild segment with The Judgement Day. I did not expect Finn to join, and seeing it, I thought he was going to swerve Edge by sucker punching him and Styles comes out. Instead, Finn joining isn’t the swerve, it was him and the others betraying Edge! This writes Edge off for a bit, not sure why or for how long, and who knows what Edge does when he returns. Is he going to somehow turn Face again when this is supposed to be the true Edge? Is he oddly going to be proud that his proteges did this because it’s “what he would’ve done?” The latter one makes more sense to me, somehow. I’m just bummed we aren’t getting Styles & Finn as tag champs.

Rhea being the new contender makes sense. Judgement Day has momentum now between the win at HIAC and what they did to Edge tonight, and it also felt like they were wanting to do more Rhea VS Bianca since Elimination Chamber. That match is going to be very good, could probably go either way, and we’ll have to wait and see who wins the MITB briefcase. Heels work better with the cash-in, and I feel like Becky’s story should be becoming Ms. MITB for her comeback. So Bianca can manage to win against Rhea, only for Becky to cash in on her. It would almost be like Becky revisiting SummerSlam 2021 and the quick win, so it’d bring this story full circle.

I legitimately laughed out loud with that MizTV section, especially when Riddle dared Miz & Maryse to prove Miz’s ball size. Riddle also gets a great win off Miz, Riddle will be rolling towards his title match with Roman. Riddle not being in MITB also opens up the way for someone else to be waiting in the back, watching Roman very closely as he competes with Riddle, with whoever is challenging Roman at SummerSlam, and with McIntyre on Clash at the Castle. At this point, Mr. MITB could be Rollins, in the off chance Cody’s return leads him to being the champion, and then Rollins can just ruin it all for him basically a year to the day from when Cody returned to the WWE.

Great tag match out of Usos VS Profits, and I like how they’re booking the Usos’ title reign right now. They can’t win without cheating, but they don’t lose in the ring either. I hope they’ll save this title match for MITB because they should. MITB will be a great event if both Undisputed Universal and Undisputed Tag Team titles were on the show. Lashley had a good promo, and just as I thought he was going to declare a top title challenge or MITB intentions, Theory shows up. Theory VS Lashley for the US title is surely happening, but I don’t see Lashley going back to the midcard title. Sadly, that means he’ll lose to Theory and then enter the MITB match.

Theory might end up confronting John Cena when he shows up on 6/27, too, since Cena also called Theory out in a TikTok Q&A. There is also how Vince apparently said Theory is the next Cena, so Theory VS Cena just seems like a natural move. I have a feeling Theory finds a way to beat Cena, too, just to prove Vince was right to say all that in the first place. Veer VS Dom being disqualified was a strange move, but I honestly don’t know why we didn’t get more out of Rey and Veer sooner. Omos squashing Cedric and then the Dawgs showing up was just very filler. Are the Dawgs the Faces or Heels? They feel like the Heels but then how are Omos and MVP Faces after what we’ve seen these past few months? I suppose Omos & MVP can turn, but this is all just too out of nowhere.

Zeke had a good match with Otis, but I should’ve figured he’d call Kevin out. I loved that clever way for Zeke to get his rematch with Kevin. Zeke saying he’s Elias doesn’t actually prove anything either, because anyone can say whatever words they want. But in the rematch next week, there needs to be some kind of Elias based distraction, and they can play it either way they want. Kevin can get distracted because he’s so obsessed, or Zeke can get distracted because he really is Elias and knows Elias can’t show up. Also, MITB entry should be on the line because why waste time? Two birds, one stone is how to do booking during the MITB build.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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