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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/12/22)

DING DONG! Damage Control!



WWE Raw 2022

The Bougie & Badass VS DMG CTRL, round two!

Raw holds a rematch from the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals to clear the controversy! Will Kai & Sky take control this time?


  • Matt Riddle VS Finn Balor w/ Damian Priest; Finn wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Aliyah & Raquel Rodriguez VS Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky w/ Bayley; Kai & Sky win and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • Johnny Gargano VS Chad Gable w/ Otis Dozovic; Gargano wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Bianca Belair VS Sonya Deville; Bianca wins and retains the title.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Omos w/ MVP VS Cash Marazi & Ryan Tombs; Omos wins.
  • Edge VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgement Day; Edge wins, by disqualification.


Seth Rollins is here!

The Visionary is on Portland, Oregon and the fans sing his song, “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” as he heads to the ring. Rollins conducts the fans as he gets the mic and says, “PORTLAAAAND! HAHAHAHA! Welcome to Monday Night Rollins, baybay! And let me introduce your host for this evening. e is none other than the Face of Monday Night Raw. He is a Visionary. He is a revolutionary. He is…” “SETH! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS!” Rollins enjoys that, and even enjoys the fans singing again, “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” Rip City is too kind! But he has a question. “Do you believe in karma?” Good things to good people, bad things to bad people!

Rollins was skeptical, but nine days ago, at Clash at he Castle, the Universe was in perfect harmony because he beat Matt Riddle! Rollins stomped Riddle’s head not once but twice, and he had 60 THOUSAND PLUS singing his song. “OH~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” Now, it has come to Rollins’ attention that he is living rent free in that little pea brain of Riddle’s, because Riddle wants a rematch against Rollins. Fans like the sound of that, but Rollins says the problem is, Rollins is not interested. Aww… But you may be asking, “What’s next for Seth Freakin’ Rollins?” And while Rollins pondered that exact question the past week…

Fans are chanting “REMATCH! REMATCH!” But Rollins says he’s NOT interested in a rematch with Riddle, so zip it! Fans boo now but Rollins says what he is interested in is the fact that it has been far too long since Rollins has held championship gold. “Bro…” Riddle shows up anyway! Rollins is already saying now, but Riddle just says, “Bro.” Then rushes the ring! They brawl, Riddle fires off KICK after KICK bug Rollins RAMS him into a corner. Riddle carries Rollins out to TOSS him over the ropes! They brawl outside, Rollins SMACKS Riddle off the desk and runs away! But Riddle pursues! They brawl in the crowd!

Rollins rakes Riddle’s eyes then runs away again! Rollins hurries up the ramp but Riddle pursues! Only for The Judgement Day to make their entrance! Damian Priest & Finn Balor specifically are here with mics. Riddle gets back in the ring, ready to fight, but Finn says to chill, bro! They’re not  here to fight! They’re Riddle’s friends. They all go way back, man! That’s why they’re here: to offer Riddle a spot. If Riddle recalls, not too long ago, they were all in the same situation: superstars on the rise that somehow, someway, got held back. But no more. Priest & Finn are going to change that for Riddle.

Finn says we’ve seen how much Dom’s grown these last few weeks. And Dom finally stepped out of his dad’s shadow. The Judgement Day has taken care of Dom, and Dom is gonna take care of Edge! Riddle has problem, these guys can be his problem solvers. “Matthew, it’s me. Listen, the Judgement Day is simple.” Fans chant for “BRO! BRO!” and Finn says this is what the fans want! Rise with the Judgement Day, or fall against them. Riddle says, “Bro… We do go back, dude. But right now, my focus is on Seth. So the answer is no, bro.”

Fans cheer that but Finn says he knows things are more relaxed here in Portland, so maybe Riddle’s a bit cloudy. Finn will make this very clear. Riddle either stands with them, or he stands in their way. Riddle BOOTS Finn! Riddle clotheslines Priest out! The Bro sends Judgement Day reeling, will they make him regret rejecting them?


Matt Riddle VS Finn Balor w/ Damian Priest!

Raw returns as Finn CHOPS Riddle in the corner, this match already underway! Finn whips corner to corner then CHOPS Riddle again. Finn tells Riddle this is what he gets, then whips Riddle back the other way. Riddle goes up and over to KICK Finn down! Riddle then deadlift gut wrench suplexes Finn, and then drags him up for another! BROTON! Cover, TWO! Riddle stalks Finn to a corner but Finn kicks a leg out! And then sweeps the leg! And again! Finn puts the leg on ropes to HIP DROP on it! Riddle writhes and clutches the leg, but he gets to a corner. Finn puts the leg in the ropes to pull on it!

The ref counts, Finn lets off, and Riddle ROCKS Finn with a forearm. Riddle goes up but Finn YANKS him down! Finn stands on Riddle’s neck but lets off as the ref counts. Finn sits Riddle up to throw down an elbow and wrap on a chinlock. Riddle endures, fans rally up, and Riddle fights to his feet. Riddle throws body shots then shifts to SAYANAGI! Riddle runs, BROTON FLOPS as Finn moves! Finn CLUBS away on Riddle’s head, then covers, TWO! Finn drags Riddle up, ELBOWS him on the neck, and Riddle gest to ropes. Finn brings Riddle up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Finn clamps onto Riddle with a chinlock and pulls back, #JUSTFACELOCK!

Riddle endures, fights up and fans fire up! Riddle fireman’s carries but Finn slips off to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Priest nods as Finn still has control. Finn KICKS Riddle in the side, then springboard stomps Riddle. Finn stands on Riddle’s neck, the ref counts and Finn lets off to stomp away on Riddle! The ref counts more, Finn lets off, and the Judgement Day soaks up the heat. Finn goes back for Riddle, throws haymakers, but Riddle catches him and throws him out with a body scissors! Riddle then aims from the apron, but Priest stands in the way! The ref reprimands, Priest moves, and Finn trips Riddle up!

Finns pins Riddle around, throws down fists, then climbs up to stand on Riddle. The ref counts, Finn lets off to stomp, but Riddle moves! Riddle KICKS away on Finn, then fireman’s carries! Finn fights free and claws Riddle into a dragon sleeper! APRON ELBOW DROP DDT! Riddle cries in pain about his neck as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Riddle throws body shots to fight off the facelock. Riddle ROCKS Finn with haymakers but Finn kicks Riddle’s leg out! Finn brings Riddle up, but Riddle FISHERMAN BUSTERS! Both men are down and fans fire up! Finn drags himself up the ropes and snarls. He runs at Riddle but into a flurry of palm strikes! Riddle BOOTS Finn then spins him on the rebound for the PELE! Finn goes to a corner, Riddle kips up and runs in, forearm smash! Riddle goes side to side to forearm smash again! BROSPLODER! Finn bails out but Riddle goes up and out to PENALTY KICK! Finn goes down, Priest hurries over, but Riddle SPRINGBROAD FLOATING BROS!

Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up again! Riddle puts Finn in, Finn wants mercy! But then Finn trips Riddle to throw hands! Riddle monkey flips Finn away, turns Slingblade into wristlock ripcord, FINAL FLASH! Both men are down and fans fire up! Riddle drags Finn to a drop zone, goes up top, but Priest distracts from the apron! Riddle swipes at Priest, but Finn rolls Riddle up! TWO, Finn ducks the roundhouse! ELBOW DROP DDT! Both men are down again, but then REY MYSTERIO Jumps in Priest! They bump off the post, then Rey clotheslines Priest into the crowd! Fans fire up as Rey runs Priest off to the back!

Finn freaks out but he hurries to get Riddle! Riddle gets Finn up, BRO TO SLEEP, to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Riddle drags Finn to a drop zone and goes up top! FLOATING BRO, onto knees!!Finn turns things around, and he SHOTGUNS Riddle into the corner! Finn grins as he climbs up top! COUP DE- NO, Riddle dodges! Riddle puts Finn through the ropes, for the DRAPING DDT! That one’s for Randy! And speaking of The Viper, Portland fires up as Riddle hears the voices! Finn staggers up but Rollins returns! Riddle DECKS Rollins, brings him through the ropes, but Finn gets Riddle for 1916!!

Finn goes up top again, for the COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Finn wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

Between Priest and Rollins, Riddle couldn’t stay focused on Finn and- OH NO! CURB STOMP!! Rollins gets Riddle again and he shouts, “It’s over between you and me! You hearing me? It’s OVER, Riddle. Move on!” Will The Stallion have no choice but to leave this grudge behind?


Backstage interview with Damage Control.

Sarah asks Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky what this WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship rematch mean to them. Uh, there shouldn’t even need to be a rematch because Kai & Sky should’ve won in the first place. The only reason they didn’t is because Aliyah acts like she’s never been in a tag match before and she pinned the wrong competitor! If you don’t believe Bayley, go back and watch the footage. Everyone’s talking about it! Dakota says that’s the past. Tonight, they make it right. Tonight, they’re in control. Iyo adds in Japanese and English, “This is OUR division.”

Then can Bayley elaborate on how it feels to be the first woman to pin Bianca Belair in almost a year? Bayley has Sarah stop there, because DMG CTRL is done talking. They head out, will #CobraKai and the Evil Genius be able to take those titles from Aliyah & Raquel this time around?


Dominik Mysterio speaks.

“I’ve only ever been known as ‘The Son of the Legendary Rey Mysterio.’ But that all changed at Clash at the Castle. Because for the first time in my life, I felt alive. I became my own person. I was done taking the disrespect and just bottling it up inside. And Edge… Edge got exactly what he deserved. And tonight, I’m going to finish what I started. Jefe. Dad. I know you’re disappointed. But that’s too bad. Because this is MY life, not yours. Instead of being upset with me, you should look in the mirror and ask yourself, ‘Why?’ Why you never bothered just to get to know me. Why, instead of trying to teach me, you didn’t just ask me what I wanted for me career.

“But you know, for such a tiny, tiny man, you cast a large shadow. And I’m done living under it.” Rhea puts a hand on Dom’s shoulder, then whispers something to him. Dom says he’s not Rey’s baby boy anymore. He is a man! Dom heads out, and Rhea smiles. What has the Eradicator taught Dominik in order to destroy the legends in his life?


Austin Theory speaks.

“There’s a lot of surprises going around here lately. A lot of hits rolling in, a lot of exciting news, and if only I had the connect. Oh wait, I do! I know things! And I know who Johnny Gargano’s first opponent’s going to be in his long-awaited return to the ring is going to be. It’s not me, cuz I got my hands full. I’m a busy man. But you know who his opponent is? I’d call him a close friend. A man who created The Gable Method of Success. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let me introduce you to Chad Gable!

The Alpha Academy walk in and Gable says, “Johnny Wrestling? After tonight, the only thing anyone’s gonna know you as is Johnny SHOOOOSH~! A THANK YEW~!” But will Master Gable be the one learning something in the ring tonight?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Aliyah & Raquel Rodriguez VS Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky w/ Bayley!

The Bougie & The Badass may have gotten a bit lucky that the ref wasn’t paying attention to who was legal, but it was only because the Role Model kept distracting everyone! Her team paid the price that night, but will Damage Control take control with this second chance? Or will Aliyah & Raquel make sure they get it right when they win again?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we’ll see which team is really the better tonight!

The teams sort out and Raquel starts with Dakota. They rush in, but Dakota gets around to CLUB Raquel on the back. But Raquel laughs that off, then KNEES Dakota low. Raquel suplexes Dakota, holds her up, walks over to the corner and Aliyah tags in. Raquel TOSSES Dakota, then Aliyah CLOBBERS her! Cover, TWO! Aliyah whips Dakota to the corner then SPLASHES! Raquel tags in, she runs and SPLASHES, too! Dakota flops over, Raquel covers, TWO! Raquel drags Dakota away from her corner to wrench the arm and knuckle lock. Straight Arm Lever! Dakota screams, Raquel lets her down to run her over! Cover, TWO!

Bayley is frustrated already but Raquel drags Dakota back up. Raquel wrenches and knuckle locks again, for another Straight Arm Lever! Dakota squirrels around to a sunset flip, but Raquel stays up! Raquel throws down a punch but Dakota avoids it with a bridge! Raquel steps through to elbow drop! Dakota scrambles away to avoid the cover, and Iyo runs in! Raquel puts Iyo out and she falls over onto Dakota! Raquel then picks Aliyah up to TOSS her onto Kai & Sky! The champions are in control over Damage Control as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Iyo wrenches, but Raquel reverses the whip to run Iyo over! Raquel drags Iyo over, tags Aliyah, and Aliyah goes up to AX HANDLE! Aliyah wrenches Iyo to a wristlock but Iyo throws her by her hair! Aliyah handsprings back up to ROCK Iyo! Aliyah whips, Iyo reverses but Aliyah goes up and over and comes back with a THESZ PRESS! And fast hands! Fans fire up with Aliyah and she runs in, into a kick! Iyo brings Aliyah around, suplexes, but Aliyah fights free! Aliyah goes Matrix to dodge, then SIT-OUT HIP TOSS! Aliyah blows Bayley a kiss but Iyo ROCKS her! Tag to Dakota, Aliya dodges Iyo but Dakota trips Aliyah up!

Aliyah ends up on the ropes and Iyo runs in, DOUBLE KNEES into the back! Dakota covers, TWO! Dakota drags Aliyah up while Bayley is annoyed. Dakota CLUBS Aliyah, whips her to a corner and Aliyah sits down. BOOT WASH! Cover, TWO! Aliyah survives but Dakota drags her up. Fans rally but the ref checks on Aliyah. Aliyah says she’s okay to continue, so Dakota drags her over and tags Iyo in. Iyo stomps Aliyah, sits her down, then taunts her. The ref checks again, but Aliyah insists she’s okay. So Iyo DOUBLE KNEES her again! Tag back to Dakota, but Bayley says this is how DMG CTRL does it!

Dakota clamps onto a chinlock and she grinds Aliyah down. Aliyah endures and Raquel coaches her up. Aliyah fights up slowly, Dakota CLUBS her, and she tags in Iyo. Iyo pulls on the arms with a motorcycle stretch and even digs a boot in. Aliyah endures, fans rally up but Bayley says Iyo should stick to the plan. Aliyah fights, knees Iyo back, and reaches for Raquel! Aliyah ROCKS Iyo but Iyo holds her back! Aliyah keeps fighting, but Iyo reels her into a waistlock! Iyo shoves Aliyah away, catches her again, and FLAPJACKS her down! Tag to Dakota and DMG CTRL drags Aliyah up. Aliyah lands out of the suplex to DOUBLE NECKBREAKER!

Aliyah crawls and Portland is thunderous! Hot tag to Big Mami Cool! Raquel rallies, sending Sky into Kai just like before! Raquel rallies on Dakota with lariats, then a FALL AWAY SLAM! Dakota is in a drop zone, Raquel runs in and goes up, TWISTING VADER! Then a scoop! Aliyah tags back in, but Dakota slips free! Raquel BOOTS Dakota down, she gives Aliyah that boost, ALLEY-OOP SPLASH! Cover, Iyo breaks it! Raquel runs in but into a SHOTEI! Iyo hops up, but Raquel spins it! She blocks the Rana to hit a POWERBOMB out of the ring! Iyo brings Raquel with her and Aliyah rolls Dakota up! TWO!!

Aliyah is shocked! That worked last time, and Dakota was even legal this time! Aliyah hurries, but Dakota clinches! Aliyah JAWBREAKERS Dakota away, runs in at the ropes, springboard, FACEBUSTER! Cover, Bayley helps with the ROPEBREAK!! Aliyah is furious! Bayley says this is what Aliyah gets for last time! But then Raquel storms up on Bayley! Bayley backs off, but Aliyah WRECKS her with a dropkick! But Iyo is up top and she ARIHARA MOONSAULTS Raquel! Dakota throws Aliyah down, hops on, KAI-ROPRACTOR!! Cover, DMG CTRL WINS!

Winners: Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

With now Bianca, Asuka or Alexa, Bayley gets her way this time! Her girls have the gold, will Bayley grab a belt for herself now?


Rey finds Dominik backstage.

Rey heard what Dom what he said, and he had no idea Dom was holding all of that inside. Rey admits it is his fault. If he could change everything, he would. Dom doesn’t have to go through with this match tonight. They can fix all of this! Just give Rey a chance to make it right so they can be a family again. Wow, not even going to look at him> Rey is begging Dom to not fight Edge. Edge is a brother to Rey and an uncle to Dom! But Dom’s never seen this side of Edge before. When Edge is backed up into a corner, he doesn’t hold back. Fine. Dom, if you do fight Edge tonight, things will never go back to how they were. Edge is that dangerous!

Rhea laughs as she walks in. Edge isn’t the only dangerous one around here. And like she said before, Dom isn’t Rey’s little boy anymore. Papi knows best, and Papi knows Rhea is all man now. Dom leaves with Rhea, but did nothing Rey said get through to him? Or will Edge have to teach Dom the hard way?


Johnny Gargano VS Chad Gable w/ Otis Dozovic!

The one and only NXT Triple Crown Winner finally has his return to action now that he’s on Raw. Will he be the one who SHOOOOSHES Chad Gable tonight?

Raw returns and Gargano makes his entrance. Fans fire up for Rebel Heart already, and the bell rings. Gable circles with Gargano and the two tie up. Gable headlocks for a takeover but Gargano headscissors. Gable kips free, roles reverse as “JOHNNY WRESTLING!” gets the headlock takeover. Gable headscissors, Gargano kips free and fans keep chanting. Gable says he’s the better wrestler, but he and Gargano tie up. Gargano rolls to pick  leg, Gable moves around but Gargano keeps up to shift and facelock. Gargano gator rolls but Gable kicks free. Fans rally up as Gargano and Gable circle again.

Gargano and Gable tie up, Gable headlocks, then shifts through to hammerlock and drop toehold! Gable says “A THANK YEW!” as he has the armlock. Gargano endures, fights up, and he clinches to bring Gable down to a knee. La Magistrol leads to a headlock but Gable fights up. Gable powers out, Gargano goes up and over and rolls, then slips around to shove and follow Gable, to RANA! Fans fire up as Gable gets up to get thrown around with arm-drags! And then a DROPKICK! Gable is dizzy, and Gargano runs at him to wheelbarrow. Gable fights that but Gargano drags him down, moves him around, lateral press to a ghost pin! TWO!!

Gargano has Gable with a facelock, and Gable is frustrated. Gargano rolls with Gable, fans rally behind “JOHNNY WRESTLING!” but Gable slips out to ROCK Gargano with a right! “A THANK YEW!” Fans boo but Gable puts Gargano in a corner. Gable CHOPS Gargano, and Gargano is stinging! Gable stands Gargano up and CHOPS again! “I am the master!” Gable waistlocks but Gargano endures the bearhug to switch. Gable switches, Gargano switches, repeat! They go around and around, Gargano school boy KICKS Gable down! Gable gets out and Gargano DROPKICKS him down! Gargano then hurries to the apron to CANNONBALL!

Fans fire up as Gargano gets back in the ring with Gable on the floor, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Gable has Gargano with a standing toehold. Gargano kicks with his free leg, but Gable YANKS the other. Gargano gets to ropes but Gable drags him to center for a SPINNING TOE HOLD! And another! And then another YANK! Gargano writhes while Gable soaks up the heat, “A THANK YEW~!” Gable drags Gargano up, has the leg, and hits a SHIN BREAKER! Then a BIG back suplex! Otis says that’s an athlete! Cover, ONE!! Gable is frustrated but he drags Gargano around for another SPINNING TOE HOLD! Gable keeps on the leg this time, but fans rally up. Gable drags Gargano while in the toehold, but fans taunt him with “SHORTY G!”

Gargano fights with his free leg again and fans cheer. Gable loses the toehold, steps through but Gargano BOOTS him up and out! Gable skins the cat, but into Gargano’s forearm! And another! And another! Gargano whips, Gable reverses but Gargano CROSSBODIES! Gargano rallies, ENZIGURIS, and then fires up! Fans cheer Gargano on as he runs through the pain, but Gable puts him on the apron! Gable runs, into the SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Cover, TWO! Gargano grimaces but he paces around Gable. Gargano drags Gable up, scoops him but Gable slips off. Gargano elbows Gable away, goes up and over, but Gable ducks the kick to get the ANKLE LOCK!

Gargano crawls up the ropes, kicks at Gable again, but Gable uses both legs to get Gargano into a Canadian Rack! CLIFFHANGER DDT! Cover, TWO!! Gable is frustrated but this is the toughness of the NXT Triple Crown Winner! Gable goes up a corner, climbs to the very top, and MOONSAULTS, but has to land out as Gargano moves! Gable blocks the superkick to ROCK Gargano! Gargano ROCKS Gable, wheelbarrows, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Gargano escapes after the “Ocean Cyclone,” but Gable is furious! Gable goes up the corner again, for the DIVING HEADBUTT into a crossface!! GargaNO Escape!!

Gable rolls it to an ANKLE LOCK! Gargano endures, moves around, rolls and sends Gable into buckles! Gargano runs, dodges, tilt-o-whirls, and he wrangles Gable. Gable turns that around to CHAOS- NO, Gargano turns that to a victory roll! TWO ad Gable has it, TWO!! BUZZSSAW from Gargano! Gargano runs, into the ROLLING ELBOW! DISCUS LARIAT on the return!! Fans declare “This is Awesome!” while both men are down! Gargano and Gable get to opposite ends and drag themselves up the ropes. Gable runs in but is TOSSED onto Otis! Then Gargano DIVES and sends the Academy into the desk!

Gargano puts Gable in, he avoids Otis’ sweep to SUPERKICK! Then GAMANGIRI for Gable, and the SLINGSHOT DDT!! Cover, Gargano wins!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

The #OneFinalBeat finishes it off! But Otis runs in! Gargano dodges to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! Otis stays up so Gargano dodges again to say “SUCK IT!” Gargano leaves it at this, but Theory CLOBBERS Gargano with his briefcase! Theory gets a selfie with Gargano while fans boo and chant “YOU SUCK!” Will Gargano make sure to wipe the smile off the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank’s face?


Raw returns with Austin Theory still in the ring.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did Johnny Gargano disappoint all of you? Did Johnny Wrestling not walk off into the unrealistic, depressing Portland sunset? You know what happened? Somebody had to show him how it works around here. Because to me, all Johnny Wrestling is, is an overrated bottom-feeding fish at the bottom of the food chain!” Fans “What?” and Theory is already upset. Did Theory ruin Gargano’s big moment? “WHAT?” Say that again! “WHAT?” And here comes KEVIN OWENS! Theory is upset even more now but the fans are happy to see KO! And Kevin has a mic to say, “Y’know, Austin-”

“SHUT UP!” Theory is sick and tired of his moments being ruined by idiots like Kevin, Tyson Fury, Johnny Gargano and more! Theory is the future! He is the YOUNGEST Mr. MITB in all of history, and he will take over this entire damn industry! Kevin says we heard all of that last week. Or rather, Theory did his best to say all that last week, he was having issues with his jaw. Clearly, Theory fixed that so good for him. But we have heard all this for months now! Theory talks about being the future because of how young he is and his good looks. That’s good and all, but Kevin looked Theory in the eyes last week and said Theory was the handpicked future.

That might’ve been the truth, but it is no longer the case. That’s not how it works anymore! See, guys like Kevin and Gargano, they don’t look like Theory. Yeah, exactly! They will never look like Theory! The fans will never look like Theory! Fans boo but Theory says it’s funny. He knows why Kevin’s jealous. Let’s be real here. Theory has done more in the past five months than Kevin and Gargano have combined in the last five years! Kevin says statements like that really go to show just how big of a delusional jackass Theory is.

Because look at what Theory accomplished and how. He had all those opportunities handed to him! From the US Championship in a match he didn’t earn, to the MITB briefcase in a ladder match he wasn’t supposed to be in. It was all handed to Theory. Don’t get Kevin wrong, because he can’t blame Theory. When Kevin first became Universal Champion, that title was literally handed to him. But that is where the similarities end. Except for that moment, Kevin and Theory are complete opposites, and Kevin couldn’t be prouder of that fact.

Let Kevin ask Theory this: “How many guys in the last two decades have come by the WWE that are just like you? Young, chiseled out of stone, full of potential. And how many of those guys fizzled out and went nowhere? Hundreds of them! HUNDREDS!” But how many people like Kevin and Gargano have come around the WWE? How many of them have made it to this level? You can count those people on one hand! Because people like Theory are a dime a dozen, but Kevin and Gargano are one in a million! That is why this place, the fans, they NEED people like Kevin and Gargano! They are the heart and soul of this business!!

And people like Theory are the appendix of this business: completely disposable! And look. Kevin can see he’s upsetting Theory. That may not be the case for Theory. Kevin does hope Theory is everything he says he is. Kevin hopes Theory is the future of the WWE. But, Kevin’s been watching and listening and knows how Theory carries himself. And Kevin is telling Theory now, Theory doesn’t have what it takes to be that future. Theory wants to talk but Kevin tells him to shut up and listen! Theory needs to prove Kevin wrong! Prove the people wrong! Does Theory know how? You stop thinking about the moments that were handed to you and start making moments yourself!

Kevin tells Theory to check the ego at the door, look in the mirror and realize you’re not as good as you think you are, but show your passion and get better. And you leave everything in this ring every time you step foot in front of the fans! THAT is how you prove Kevin wrong and become the future and the Face of the WWE! Kevin gives Theory a push and Theory scowls. The fans cheer for “KO! KO!” and Theory raises his hand… just to flex. “You’ll never be like me, Kevin!” Kevin sighs and says, “Well, talking sense into you didn’t work so maybe this will.” SLAP!! Theory is furious, and the brawl is on!

Kevin tackles Theory down and rains down fists! Theory gets up, Kevin gets at him in the corner, and refs rush out to stop this! Theory hits Kevin back now and he has Kevin in a corner! Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” but refs pull Theory back. Kevin BOOTS Theory, and the hands fly again! Producers drag Theory out of the ring to keep him from Kevin but Kevin comes in and CLOBBERS Theory! Fans are loving this as the brawling goes around ringside! Kevin ROCKS Theory towards the ramp then puts him back in the ring. Theory gets the briefcase! Kevin dodges, kicks, but no Stunner for this Austin!

Theory bails out of the ring and is furious! Theory has a bloody nose, and Kevin wants Theory to prove something to him! Kevin says that nose is just the beginning, but how will this end for the Prizefighter and the former golden boy?


Raw announces the NXT 2.0 Anniversary poll results!

The fans were allowed to choose the fate of two title matches in tomorrow night’s episode of NXT, and the results are in! For the NXT Tag Team Championships, Pretty Deadly will defend the titles against The Creed Brothers, in a STEEL CAGE MATCH! That kicks off the show, which team will escape the other with the gold?


Raw Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Bianca Belair VS ???

The RawEST Women’s Champion wants to prove she’s the readiEST by opening the door to anyone who wants this shot! Who will answer the call? Fans cheer her on as she gets the mic to say, “If there’s anything that these past few weeks has taught me is that I need to stay ready. Because as champion, I’m always gonna have a target on my back. So that’s exactly why I’ve decided to issue an Open Challenge tonight for the Raw Women’s Championship. And I’ve done that to remind everybody that I ain’t nothing to play with. I am the E S T of the WWE, and you can’t whoop me! So, if there’s anybody back there that wants a piece of the EST, who will it be?”

Fans cheer for any number of names, but the music that plays is… Sonya Deville? SmackDown’s Cruella is here and she asks, “What’s the matter, Bianca? Why do you look so confused? Oh, did you think I’d forgotten what you did to me? Oh, honey, if only things were that simple.” Bianca not only made a mockery of Sonya’s position in WWE Management, but she cost Sonya her job as an official. And if not for people getting involved, Sonya is convinced she’d be the champion now. Bianca says, “Girl, uh-uh. Sonya, girl, shut up. This is an Open Challenge, not an Open Mic. So ref, let’s get this thing started!”

The fans are fired up and the mics are put away. Will Bianca finally settle things with Sonya and send her scurrying back to SmackDown?

Raw returns as the introductions are made. The belt is raised and one way or another, this will put an end to things between Bianca and Sonya!

Bianca and Sonya circle, and Bianca avoids the sweep. Sonya shoots in, Bianca gets around to waistlock and SLAM Sonya, but Sonya shifts around to switch. Bianca switches back, Sonya throws elbows, but Bianca whips Sonya towards a corner. Sonya reverses but Bianca goes up and over to then scoop Sonya for a GUTBUSTER! Fans fire up and Bianca drags Sonya to a cover, TWO! Bianca drags Sonya up, scoops her but Sonya fights free to throw Bianca down! Sonya runs to BOOT Bianca down then covers, TWO! Sonya drags Bianca up and KICKS away in the corner! The ref counts, Sonya lets off, and she puts Bianca through ropes to CHOKE!

The ref counts, Sonya lets off again, and then Sonya brings Bianca around to wrap on a chinlock. Bianca endures, snapmares free, and gets to a corner. Sonya run sin, Bianca elbows her away, then BOOTS her down! Bianca goes out, ROCKS Sonya, then slingshots to LARIAT! Fans fire up as Bianca rallies with more clotheslines, and a DROPKICK! Sonya get sup but Bianca spins her and suplexes up and over! HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Sonya bails out but Bianca pursues, only for Sonya to grab at her. Bianca kicks Sonya away, then MOONSAULTS off the apron! Sonya dodges, Bianca lands on her feet, and Sonya CLOBBERS Bianca!

Fans boo while Bianca is down and Sonya grits her teeth. The Raw Women’s Champion is in trouble as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Sonya has Bianca in a cobra twist. Bianca fights up and hip tosses free! Fans fire up and Bianca runs in, but Sonya WRINGS her into the buckles! Sonya KICKS away on Bianca’s back but lets off as the ref counts. Sonya drags Bianca onto ropes and CHOKES her! The ref counts, Sonya lets off again, and she drags Bianca up to bump off buckles. Sonya KICKS Bianca, taunts her, then snapmares her to a chinlock. Bianca endures and fans rally up. Bianca fights up to her feet, and she snapmares free again! But Sonya YANKS her out to the floor! Bianca staggers up, she gets Sonya’s arm, but Sonya YANKS Bianca into the POST!

Sonya soaks up the heat and brings Bianca up. Sonya SMACKS Bianca off the desk, then talks trash as she smothers Bianca. Sonya puts Bianca in the ring and covers, TWO! Sonya keeps on Bianca with another chinlock and she grinds Bianca down. Fans rally as Bianca fights up again! Bianca shoots around, rolls Sonya up, TWO! Sonya kicks but Bianca blocks to kick back! Bianca brings Sonya around, scoops her, and hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up while Sonya flounders and Bianca stands up. Bianca runs, handsprings and FLOPS as Sonya moves! SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Sonya is beside herself as Bianca survives!

Sonya KICKS Bianca, and KICKS, and KICKS! Bianca ducks the next one, shoves her to ropes and hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Bianca is annoyed but shakes her head. Bianca stalks Sonya to ropes, grabs at her, but Sonya kicks her away. Sonya gets up, Bianca catches the haymaker into chicken wings, and brings Sonya up, but Sonya victory rolls! TWO and Sonya hits buckles! Bianca gets up, she hoists Sonya up to the top rope, and then climbs up after her. Sonya throws body shots, she shoves Bianca away and FLYING KNEES! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives again and Sonya can’t believe it!

Sonya hurries to get Bianca up, turns her, but Bianca pushes her away. Bianca spins Sonya, suplexes and then rolls right through! Another suplex but Sonya slips out! HEAD ‘N’ ARM! But Bianca RAMS Sonya into buckles! Bianca gets free, runs in, but into a spin from Sonya! Sonya has a dragon sleeper but Bianca throws knees! Bianca goes up the corner, uses that to get up and over, and she torture racks for the KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (still Raw Women’s Champion)

Bianca feels better now with that win! But wait, Bayley returns! “Ding dong~! Hey, champ. Great victory, good job, good job. Where you inspired by Dakota’s and Iyo’s championship victory earlier? Because I know I was!” Portland could learn a thing or two! Kai & Sky did what they said they were going to do? And Bayley said they’d take control of the entire division. Tonight was just the beginning! But since Bayley’s here, let’s talk Bianca’s victory. How does Bianca feel? Did her beating the #PrideFighter make her feel good? Because Bayley is pretty sure it did. That match fed just a bit of Bianca’s big fat ego! “What?” Big fat ego. “What?”

Bayley wants Bianca to be truthful to all the fans here. Bayley knows Bianca can’t sleep at night until she gets a match with Bayley. Is that what Bianca really wants? Because if Bayley was Bianca, she’d be embarrassed. Bayley hadn’t wrestled in over a year, and yet she pinned Bianca when no one else has for that same 365 days! Is that what Bianca wants? YES! Bianca dares Bayley to get in the ring but Bayley tells everyone to just relax. The match will happen, when the time is right! Bianca sets down the belt and dares Bayley, but Kai & Sky have slipped into the ringside area! Bianca sees she’s surrounded, and she sighs because she should’ve known better.

DMG CTRL creeps in, Bianca ROCKS Iyo then DECKS Bayley! But she gets mugged by the others! It becomes 3v1 but then here come Asuka and Alexa! Bliss KICKS Iyo, and hits a DDT! Asuka ducks Dakota’s kick to POP-UP KNEE! Bayley realizes that she’s the one outnumbered now! Bayley can’t get past Bliss or Asuka, and she puts up her dukes. But Bianca gets up behind her! Bayley swings, misses, and runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca picks up the Raw Women’s Championship while she, Asuka and Alexa celebrate turning the tides. Will they make sure DMG CTRL doesn’t stay in control for long?


2v1 Handicap Match: Omos w/ MVP VS Cash Marazi & Ryan Tombs!

The Nigerian Giant is back in action, ready to destroy anyone and anything put in his path again. Will Portland’s own even walk out of the arena tonight?

The bell rings and Omos CLOBBERS both opponents! Omos drags Marazi up while Tombs tumbles out, and Omos TOSSES Marazi away! Omos sees Tombs on the apron, and he TOSSES Tombs into the ring! Omos runs to then CLOBBER both men again! MVP says “Just like that!” Omos drags Marazi up into a THRASHING Cobra Clutch!! Tombs CLUBS Omos but Omos grabs him by the neck! Omos scoops Tombs and gives him SNAKE EYES off the corner! BOOT!! Omos then scoops Marazi to SNAKE EYES him, for another BOOT!! Omos then grabs Tombs and MOUNTAINTOP SLAMS him down! And then a MOUNTAINTOP SLAM for Marazi!!

MVP says stack ’em and pin ’em! Omos does as told, double covers, and wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Marazi & Tombs never stood a chance! Will Omos find his way back up towards a title as we enter the Fall?


Rey talks with Edge backstage.

Rey pleads with him, really. Edge said it himself, he’s known Dom since he was in kindergarten, so please, from one father to another, don’t do this. Rey wants one more chance. Edge says he gets it, but we all heard Dom tonight. Dom is a man, he has to pay for what he did. Rey knows deep down, this needs to happen. And Edge also understands that Rey can’t bring himself to do it. So isn’t it better that it is Edge? Sometimes someone just needs sense knocked into them. This match is happening whether Rey likes it or not. Edge apologizes now for what’s coming. Will the Rated R Superstar go hard on Dom to bring him back to his senses?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Kevin Patrick surprises Rollins, and brings up that Rollins seems to have an “awful lot on his mind.” What was Rollins going to say before Riddle interrupted? No, no, NO! The moment has passed, Riddle ruined it! Rollins doesn’t wanna talk to anyone. How many times will he have to stomp Riddle’s head into the mat before he gets it? If you test the “face of this industry,” the Face of Raw, you cannot miss! Riddle misses every time! But then Bobby Lashley walks over to ask Rollins if he thinks he’s really the face of Raw. He is! Lashley has a problem with that? Yeah, because Rollins is NOT the face of Raw.

Rollins comes in, looking all bright and colorful, except he doesn’t have one color: gold. “He who has the gold is the face of Monday Night Raw.” Alright, alright. Rollins sees what this is. All these MMA guys seem to think the same way. They just fight, fight, fight, but do they ever stop to think? No, they don’t! Lashley must’ve gotten punched around so much, he’s got no more brain cells in that bald head of his! Lashley glares at Rollins but Rollins backs off. And while the US title wasn’t the one Rollins was talking about, he’ll gladly take it of Lashley’s shoulder. So Rollins VS Lashley, next week for the US Championship. And then we’ll find out who the face of Raw really is. HAHAHA!

Lashley says okay. They’ll fight about it. Rollins’ smile goes away quickly, and Lashley takes his leave. Will the All Mighty leave the Visionary staring up at the lights next week?


Raw shares an exclusive at-home interview with The Miz.

The Hollywood A-Lister finishes on his phone and asks if everyone else is ready. Like the harp? The piano? Was that Lumis in the window?! The reporter thanks Miz for this exclusive interview and Miz says that’s right they should be thanking him. This is the interview of a lifetime! After the weeks Miz has been having, he’s not going to Raw right now. This is his place where he feels the safest. Monroe and Madison scamper in to say goodnight, and Madison plays on the piano. Okay, okay, go on and head upstairs. Oh, Maryse looks great! Is he done? What? No, they haven’t even started yet. But they have to go. It’s fine, it’ll only take a few minutes.

Maryse says they have to go to the premiere. Miz says he isn’t sure. Is Maryse comfortable in them leaving the house? Is he kidding? Well, after everything that’s happened… Is it about “the freak?” C’mon, Mike, that guy will never come here. They have guards, an alarm system, and dogs. There is no way Lumis gets here. Miz says she’s right, she’s always right, and he loves Maryse so much. They both look so good. Miz will finish this up, but then Maryse points out the cameraman wearing shoes. Miz knows, but it’s what it is. LUMIS IS IN THE WINDOW AGAIN. Maryse says five minutes. Okay, let’s begin.

Well, as we saw, Lumis- Don’t say his name, thank you. But- But nothing. Miz will conduct this interview now. Do you realize what happened to Miz last week? He had to have a police escort to the arena. WWE ordered double security, and yet that lunatic- Dexter Lumis? DON’T say his name! But yes, him. He was still able to get in and do what he did. What did he do? Miz isn’t sure how to explain this any clearer: he does NOT want to talk about that! This interview is done! Miz is busy, he has a premiere to go to. Everyone, get your stuff and get out.

Miz and Maryse head out, Miz gets the car door for Maryse, and the guards will let WWE production out. They better not be here when Miz returns. Morons. Miz grumbles, gets in the car with Maryse, and drives off. With Lumis IN THE HOUSE NOW!! And he’s done a wonderful ink drawing of the It Family. But what is Lumis’ obsession with The Miz?


Edge VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgement Day!

The Rated R Superstar just wanted to help the younger stars, but The Judgement Day mutinied and kicked him out. Then Edge tried to help The Mysterios against the monsters he created, and Dominik kicked him low! Will the gritty old Hall of Famer have to knock some sense into the younger generation at full speed? Or will Dominik prove that he is no longer in the shadows of legends and is finally a grown ass man?

The bell rings and Edge runs right at Dom! Edge BLASTS Dom into the corner, then says Dom wanted this! Edge HEADBUTTS Dom, ROCKS him with haymakers, and then he lets off as the ref counts. Dom staggers around but Edge ROCKS him again. Edge whips Dom corner to corner and CLOBBERS him in the corner! Dom flounders, Edge is after him with more haymakers! Edge HEADBUTTS Dom again, then whips him corner to corner. Dom goes up and over, rolls and turns around, into a BOOT! Dom sits up but Edge CLUBS him down! And CLUBS him again! Dom goes to a corner, Edge drags him up, to scoop and SLAM him!

Dom bails out and hurries over to Rhea. Rhea coaches Dom, and tells him to remember what Edge did to the relationship between Dom and Rey. Get angry and kick some ass! Dom slides in, runs at Edge, but Edge scoops him. Dom slips free, waistlocks, but Edge bucks him away. Dom handsprings back up but into a LARIAT! Fans fire up as Edge WRECKS Dom out of the ring! Edge glares at Rhea then stalks Dom. Edge brings Dom up, brings him around and RAMS him into barriers! Edge refreshes the ring count, drags Dom up again and bumps him off barriers! Fans fire up and Edge says if Dom’s a man, then take this! SMACK off the desk!

Dom flounders, Edge clears off the desk! Fans fire up more but Dom ROCKS Edge! And again! Dom whips but Edge reverses and Dom hits steel steps! Dom flops down, Rhea shouts to him but now Dom asks for mercy. Edge BOOTS Dom down instead! Edge drags Dom up and into the ring, fans rally behind Edge, but Dom distracts the ref so Rhea can CHOP BLOCK Edge! Rhea laughs as Edge hobbles, and Dom SHOVES Edge into the steel steps! Edge clutches his bad leg while Rhea applauds Dom and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more and Edge CLUBS Dom to fight the heel hook. Dom lets go to stomp away on the leg! Dom drags Edge up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then pushes him down to drop knees on the knee! And again! And again! Dom pulls on the leg with a toehold and Edge endures. Edge grabs at Dom but Dom slaps that hand away. Edge KICKS free with the free leg, but Dom drags Edge up first. Dom gives us some Latino Heat, and he suplex! Uno Amigo! Not the cleanest, but fans still boo as Dom hits the DOS AMIGOS! Dom gets Edge up again, really pours on the Latino Heat, and he hits THREE AMIGOS!

Dom goes to the corner, he climbs up top, and gives us even more Latino Heat, only for Edge to hit the ropes! Dom falls onto his amigo and fans fire up! Edge CHOPS Dom, ROCKS him, and manages to climb up with one good leg. Edge throws HEABUTTS but Dom throws body shots! HEADBUTT AFTER HEADBUTT! Edge drags Dom up and fans fire up again! But Rhea anchors Dom and Edge falls out of the superplex! Fans boo as the ref missed all that, and now Dom adjusts. FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Edge survives and Dom is frustrated. Rhea is also upset, she argues the count on Dom’s behalf.

But now Dom goes for something else Eddie used to do. Dom steps through, but Edge BOOTS him into the POST! Dom is dazed now and Rhea coaches him up. Fans fire up as Edge gets up, and Dom drags himself out of the corner. Dom runs in, but into a FLAPJACK! Dom staggers up, Edge rallies with clotheslines! EDGE-O-MATIC! Cover, TWO! Dom HAMMERS the bad leg! And then he drags Edge around, but Edge BOOTS him again! Edge hobbles up, reels Dom in, IMPALER!! But the leg won’t let Edge make the cover! So Edge decides to get to a corner instead! Fans fire up and Edge takes aim. Dom stands, Edge runs in, but Dom rolls under! BOSTON CRAB!!

Dom has the bad leg in the HALF CRAB, and Rhea taunts Edge! Edge endures, Dom drags him from the ropes! Dom has the leg twisting across Edge’s body but Edge grits his teeth! Dom sits deep, but Edge pushes up! Fans fire up, Edge rolls through to cradle Dom, TWO!!Dom runs in but gets a HOTSHOT! Edge ties Dom up in the ropes! Edge says Dom wanted this! Edge throws haymaker after haymaker and fans count along! The ref counts, too, but Edge stops at five punches and the count of 4. Fans boo but Edge comes back to SLAP Dom! And then continue! Fans count again, we get ten total!

Edge backs off again and fans fire up again. Edge aims, runs in, but REY gets in the ring?! Rey is pleading with Edge not to do this! But Edge shoves Rey aside! Rey keeps trying, only for Priest to drag Rey out! Finn gets in, he CHOP BLOCKS Edge while Priest TOSSES Rey over the desk!! The ref calls it and the bell rings!

Winner: Edge, by disqualification

Rhea frees Dom and Finn stomps Edge! Rey is down as Finn drags Edge up, but Edge fires off haymakers! Rhea SMACKS the bad leg with a chair! Rhea tells Dom to make Edge pay! Dom has the chair now, and Priest encourages him even more. Dom SMACKS the bad leg! And again! And again! He BENDS that chair on Edge’s knee!! Dom then sits the chair up to put Edge’s leg on it! Finn goes up top, for a COUP DE GRACE to the leg!!! Edge clutches what could be a shattered knee and torn up ligaments! The fans boo but the Judgement Day soak it all up.

Finn tells Edge he is dealing with THE Judgement Day! Finn, Priest, Rhea & Dom are in charge now! Will anyone ever stop their path of destruction?

My Thoughts:

This was a great episode for Raw, and it really turned up the heat for quite a few stories. One it didn’t is Omos, sadly. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Vince booked Omos into a corner. How can Omos do anything meaningful after building his power level so high yet still losing in the US Championship scene? It might take a draft/trade to put Omos on SmackDown where he can more or less start clean in the Intercontinental Championship scene, except I see him hitting the same wall. Omos didn’t get past Lashley, so I don’t see him getting past Gunther. Also, just to note, I do like that they let us know some of the stuff for NXT tomorrow night to help hook interest in the 2.0 Anniversary.

We got great build for Rollins. He had a good promo, a good brawl with Riddle, and after a great match in Finn VS Riddle, Rollins got the last word with that sneaky Curb Stomp. And I do appreciate that while Rollins was implying he wants a rematch with Roman Reigns, he’s taking on Bobby Lashley for the title. I can sense it right now that should Rollins take that title off Lashley, he could totally hold onto it all the way to when Cody Rhodes returns from injury, and they can pick up where they left off over the US title. Cody having the US title in its current form just makes sense, it would complete his Homelander cosplay.

As for Riddle and Judgement Day, I did like that Judgement Day was branching out for more members, even after finally converting Dom. Not sure Riddle would be a good fit for the group, but obviously now he can have a part in the feud with Judgement Day alongside Rey and Edge. We got great stuff out of that story, such as Dom finally speaking for the first time since joining Judgement Day, with Rhea of course still coaching him in character. Rey also had good promos pleading with both Dom and Edge, but of course Dom didn’t listen while Edge spun it that as a friend, he’d be best for the job.

The match was good, though Dom still needs some polish to pull off Three Amigos cleaner. But of course Rey would try and stop Edge from going too far, and of course Judgement Day would attack them both. It wasn’t about winning for them, it was about taking out two legends. That Coup De Grace to the extended leg spot was unique and looked devastating, which was the point. Riddle joining the story means this can turn into a Six Man Tag while we wait on the possibility of Dom & Rhea VS Edge & Beth. Even if we never get the Mixed Tag, we can get a lot out of Riddle siding with Rey and Edge on this, and we’ll see where it goes from there.

There was a lot of good stuff from Gargano and Theory tonight. Gargano has a great match with Gable, that was definitely a great choice for Gargano’s first match back. And it also makes sense as The Alpha Academy have been Theory’s pals lately. Theory attacking Gargano after was a good touch, as was Kevin Owens’ fired up promo. Kevin VS Theory is clearly happening again, maybe Theory wins that clean to follow through on proving himself to Kevin and the fans. Then after that, Theory also goes by Kevin’s advice and “makes a moment” on his own going after Gargano and they both give us an awesome match.

The Miz and the Mizanin family had a fun promo segment, and of course Lumis was lurking around. Lumis “outside, in the window” were such corny edits, but the twist of him showing up in the house at the last moment was good stuff. This only furthers things so that we need Miz & Maryse VS #InDex more than we need Dom & Rhea VS Edge & Beth. If we don’t get #InDex on Raw, I’m not sure what they’re thinking. Then we got great stuff from the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match, and of course Bayley helps Kai & Sky win this time around. I thought Bayley was going to answer Bianca’s Open Challenge, but it does make sense that she as the Heel is doing things on her time, not Bianca’s.

Sonya Deville answering the challenge even though she’s on SmackDown felt a bit like a throwaway move, but it does round things out for Sonya and Bianca. Bayley is going to get her match at Extreme Rules, I can feel that. But we might even get Asuka & Alexa VS Kai & Sky in another rematch from the tag title tournament for the titles at Extreme Rules alongside it. Which, if they’re all given the time of a PPV, those matches can/will steal the show. Honestly, we just need to see Asuka VS Iyo go down, that’ll get fans excited.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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