Sacrifice was a damn good card with a potential MOTY candidate in Jay White versus Alex Shelley. Josh Alexander also resurfaced with a title shot in...
Mat and Ethan decided to give the video game adaptation anime a shot. How does it stack up to the beloved series?
Real talk, took a few weeks off from writing these because nothing really caught my interest. Sometimes its fun digging around for obscure gold (love and...
Mat and Ethan hang out, check out another anime movie and go over the seasonal episodes!
Short turn around time, but we’ve got some fun matches with weight! Eddie Edwards and Rhino continues the IMPACT/Honor No More heat from No Surrender. Tasha...
Sacrifice is Saturday! How do we build hype to a show only 9 days after No Surrender!? Holy Japanese cut and paste Batman, we’ve got an...
We reach the final episode! Butterflies, cows, broken ankles and hair dye! Do things end strong or are we left confused at the end? Check it...
No Surrender shook things up nicely! How does IMPACT capitalize on the new information?
We're almost done with Peacemaker! Only one more episode after this one, and things are starting to make sense! Get on the Peace Train.
Mathew and Ethan have finished with 2021, so they start focusing on the 2022 shows! We already get a finale and a new movie! Check things...
Five Championship matches and the big 10 man main event for No Surrender! Does Honor No More stick around? Find out!
IMPACT has No Surrender on Saturday! How do they put the finishing touches on the build? Plus, G.o.D. and Jay White are in action!
In celebration of the Super Bowl Halftime show, and a well-timed new release. Let’s take the JAR doggy style and see what Snoop has now that...
POD is WAR is still on the Peace Train! We get a new German Judge this week! Hopefully you're following the series, because it's better than...
You knew it was coming, the episode style we all love; YEARLY AWARDS! Do you agree with Mathew and Ethan's assessments of characters and best anime?
Another episode with NJPW talent, ROH talent, WWE references and build towards the Moose vs Cass clash! What else happens tonight?!