Patrick, Greg and special guest Samira take a look at 2022 in the best way possible: by making The List!
It's the end of 2022, which means it's time for the LCW Year End Awards! This week you get to meet your nominees!
Will Cena's match on Smackdown have Wrestlemania implications? And Seinfeld Season 3 Episode 19 The Limo!
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!
Tune in to Lucha Central Weekly for AAA in Tempe, Arizona, and the all new Vikingo Rule! It's Lucha Libre at it's finest--it's Lucha Central Weekly!
Greg DeMarco is here to review WWE Smackdown, live from Chicago! Is Sami a made man? Let's find out!
Mandy Rose, Vince McMahon, and Seinfeld Season 3 Episodes 17 & 18: The Boyfriend!
Roman Reigns returns!
We preview NXT Deadline, plus Seinfeld returns with season 3 episode 16 The Fix Up!
Happy Birthday, Kurt Angle!
This week we discuss War Games and Roman's hatred for red pants!
The SmackDown World Cup finals are here!
One more stop before Survivor Series!
AJ, DJ and PC make up the alphabet soup known as DWI this week as we discuss Cena, Austin and WAR Games!
Ole~, ole ole ole ole~!
Is the 24/7 Title officially retired?