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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/21/23)

It’s a golden Friday!



Der Ring General isn’t playing games!

Xavier Woods gets his shot at the WWE Intercontinental Championship! Will tonight’s SmackDown be when Woods finally wins singles gold? Or will it be game over against Gunther?


  • Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar VS Finn Balor & Damian Priest; Finn & Priest win.
  • Braun Strowman & Ricochet VS The Viking Raiders; Braun & Ricochet win.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville; Liv & Raquel win and retain the titles.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Xavier Woods; Gunther wins and retains the title.
  • No Disqualifications: Matt Riddle VS Solo Sikoa; Solo wins.


Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar VS Finn Balor & Damian Priest!

The Latino World Order has been taking the fight to the Judgment Day, but they just can’t seem to bring them down. Will the King and Emperor of Lucha be able to finally get on the board? Or will the Prince and the Punisher put the LWO down?

The teams sort out and Rey starts against Finn as a rematch from a week ago. Finn kicks but Rey blocks sand fires off haymakers! Rey whips corner to corner, Finn reverses but Rey dodges. Rey keeps moving and RANAS Finn! Fans fire up and Rey KICKS Finn before a whip. Finn reverses, kicks, and runs, sunset flip but Rey rolls through to basement dropkick! Rey LINOSAULTS, but onto knees! Finn drags Rey up, tags Priest, and the Judgment Day mugs Rey. Priest BOOTS Rey to a corner and fans boo. Priest stomps Rey, kicks him around, and fans boo more. Priest soaks it up and he drags Rey up again.

Rey throws body shots, but Priest ROCKS him with a right! Priest whips Rey into the Judgment Day corner, runs in and back elbows! Priest tags Finn and snapmares Rey for Finn to slingshot stomp! Tag back to Priest and Finn scoops Rey, BACKBREAKER LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Rey is tougher than that but Priest stays between him and Escobar. Priest drags Rey back and tags Finn. The Judgment Day mugs Rey more, then Finn snapmares Rey to CLUB away with forearms! Finn wraps on a chinlock and he grinds Rey down. Fans rally up as Rey endures, and Rey fights up to his feet.

Rey throws body shots, reaches out, but Finn knees low! Finn whips Rey hard into the corner, but Rey BOOTS back! Fans fire up, Rey ELBOWS Finn, and then Rey goes up. Finn CLUBS Rey, Electric Chair Lifts, but Rey wheelbarrows for a BULLDOG! Both men are down and fans fire up! Rey and Finn crawl, hot tag to Escobar! Escobar rallies on Finn, whips him to ropes but Finn reverses. Escobar ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Finn! And again! Escobar keeps moving and he BLASTS Priest! Escobar scoops to BACKBREAKER Finn! Finn goes to the corner, Escobar runs in to clothesline! Priest runs in, Finn and Escobar ger clear!

Escobar DOUBLE KNEES Priest, then blocks Finn’s chop! Escobar knuckle locks, goes up and up, MISSILE DROPKICK ARM-DRAG COMBO! Escobar then puts Finn on the apron. Escobar dodges Priest to send him into Finn! Escobar turns around into a FOREARM! Rey runs in, alley-oop SEATED SENTON! Fans fire up as the LWO coordinate. They build speed and Rey slides, but FLOPS as Priest moves Finn out of the way! Priest hurries in, but Escobar KNEES him back out! Escobar builds speed now, but Finn LARIATS! Both men are down and fans boo, but the Judgment Day has control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Priest ROCKS Escobar! Escobar ROCKS Priest! They go back and forth, Escobar CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Fans fire up, Escobar spins and CHOPS again! Priest wobbles, Escobar runs, but Priest JUMP KICKS Escobar down! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Priest clamps on with a chinlock. Escobar endures and fans rally up. Rey coaches Escobar and Escobar fights up. Priest BELL CLAPS, then RAMS Escobar into the corner. Priest taunts Rey, runs in, but Escobar elbows him! And elbows Finn! And BOOTS! And ELBOWS! Escobar hurries but Priest ROCKS him first!

Priest ELBOWS Escobar in the corner, and he taunts the fans. Priest back elbows Escobar again, then runs side to side, into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Escobar and Priest crawl, hot tags to Priest and Rey! The King dodges the Prince, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Finn goes to a corner, Rey runs in but is put on the apron. Rey shoulders in, GAMANGIRIS, then goes up to SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps moving, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Finn escapes but Rey keeps focus. Finn hits low, shoves Rey, but Rey KICKS him! And ENZIGURIS! Finn’s on the ropes!

Fans fire up but Priest tags in! Priest scoops Rey, but Rey slips free and Escobar dumps Priest out! Rey RANAS Finn back onto ropes! Tag to Escobar before Rey dials it up! 619 on Finn! Escobar goes up, DIVING SPLASH! But Priest isn’t legal! Priest POSTS Rey and drags Escobar up! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, the Judgment Day wins!

Winners: Finn Balor & Damian Priest, by pinfall

The Judgment Day gets the better of the LWO again, Priest gets a mic to say in Spanish and then translate to English, Monday in Chicago for Raw, it is the return of his “friend,” Bad Bunny! And Bunnito, Priest hopes this visit goes differently than last time. Priest & Finn laugh their way out, but will Bunny have some surprises in store for Raw?


Zelina Vega meets with Adam Pearce.

She brings up that next week is the WWE Draft. She doesn’t know what it has in store for her and she can’t control where she goes, but she can control what she does. With everything the Judgment Day has been pulling since WrestleMania, she wants to challenge Rhea Ripley for the SmackDown Women’s Championship at Backlash. And yes, she knows what he’s thinking: this is Rhea bloody Ripley. But with Backlash being hosted by Bad Bunny in Puerto Rico, and as the only female Puerto Rican on the roster, Vega has to fight and represent.

Vega has been told her whole life that she isn’t good enough because of her height. She has something to prove. She is ready! Pearce says it’d be a hell of a match. He’ll talk with upper management and with Rhea and get back to her. Vega is ready to hear what “Mami” has to say. Will La Muneca be able to dethrone the Eradicator so soon into Rhea’s reign?


Witness the power of The King of Strong Style.

“In this dojo, power is not determined by strength, but by position, technique and explosiveness. Through his studies of jujitsu, Shinsuke Nakamura has mastered the art of precise striking and inescapable submission holds to defeat his toughest opponents, demonstrating what it truly means to be… the King of Strong Style.


Karrion Kross speaks.

“Al dente. It takes a lifetime to find. Another thousand lives to know if it’s even really yours. And then in a matter of three seconds, it can be completely destroyed. Mr. Nakamura… You see these cards?” Scarlett Bordeaux walks up with the tarot deck. Kross didn’t hurt all these people. He’s never hurt anybody a day in his life. It was the cards. “How do we even know who we really are until someone takes something away from us?” For Drew McIntyre, Kross took away his temperament. From Riddick Moss, Kross took away his joy. And from Rey Mysterio, Kross took away his patience.

And now from Nakamura, Kross will take away his honor. “Tick-tock.” The King is on the clock. But can Strong Style cancel the apocalypse?


Braun Strowman & Ricochet VS The Viking Raiders!

The Monster of All Monsters and the King of Flight were, needless to say, not happy about being jumped backstage. Will they #GetTheseHands on some payback? Or will Erik & Ivar bring about Ragnarök for SmackDown’s mightiest heroes?

SmackDown returns and the Vikings make their entrance. The teams sort out and Braun starts against Ivar. Braun says Ivar’s gonna pay for what they did last week. Ivar throws hands but Braun shoves him away. Ivar dodges the lariat to fire off more hands! Ivar has Braun in the corner but the ref counts. Ivar lets off, but then throws back elbow after back elbow! Ivar lets off at the ref’s count again and fans boo. Ivar storms up but Braun turns things around to fire off forearms and elbows of his own! Braun whips corner to corner, storms up and UPPERCUTS! Braun then CLUBS Ivar down!

Ivar gets up, RAMS into Braun, but Braun CLUBS him again. Ivar shoves Braun, Braun RAMS Ivar but Ivar rebounds to RAM Braun! Braun rebounds to run Ivar over! Erik barks at Braun but Braun DECKS him! Ivar ROCKS Braun, ROCKS him again, but Braun blocks the whip! Braun reels Ivar in to CLOBBER him! “Valhalla” Sarah Logan glares at Braun while Ivar crawls. Ivar gets up, kicks low, but Braun shoves him away. Erik tags in, Braun scoops Ivar but Erik makes the save. The Vikings mug Braun, Ricochet protests and the fans boo, but the Vikings don’t care. But then Braun BLASTS them both away!

Tag to Ricochet and Braun TOSSES Ricochet at Ivar, but misses by just a bit. Braun DECKS Ivar, then flounders away himself. Ricochet gets up, Erik runs in but Ricochet dumps him out! Ricochet triangle jump DROPKICKS Erik, then builds speed! FOSBURY FLOP takes out both Vikings! Fans fire up with the One and Only and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Erik grinds Ricochet down with a chinlock. Fans rally, Ricochet fights up, but Erik wrangles Ricochet back down. Erik grinds the hold more but Ricochet fights up again. Fans rally for Ricochet and he reaches out. Erik keeps Ricochet from ropes but Ricochet throws body shots. Ricochet reaches for Braun now, but Erik still keeps him away! Erik scoops, Ricochet slips out but Erik switches. Erik back suplexes, Ricochet lands on his feet, hot tag to Braun! Braun rallies on the Vikings! BOOT for Erik! Whip corner to corner, and a SPLASH! Braun keeps moving, and he SHOTGUNS Erik down!

Fans fire up while the Vikings bail out of the ring! The Buckeyes wanna see it, the Strowman Express gets on the tracks! Braun runs around to BLAST Erik! And CLOBBER Ivar! Braun rips off his shirt and fans fire up more! Logan goes after Braun but the ref reprimands. Ivar grabs at Braun, Braun kicks him away, but Braun steps into Ace Ten Maou! And then another knee! Tag to Ivar and the Vikings KNEE Braun down! Braun is put in the drop zone as Ivar climbs up! WARBEARD SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?! Braun survives and shocks the Vikings! Tag back to Ivar, the Vikings drag Braun back up.

The Vikings lift Braun but Braun fights with elbows! Braun rebounds to DOUBLE TACKLE the Vikings! Hot tag to Ricochet! Fans are thunderous as Ricochet GAMANGIRIS Ivar and leaps over Erik, to handspring back elbow! Ivar BOOTS Ricochet down! Ivar whips Ricochet, Ricochet handsprings and goes up and over! Ricochet ducks the leg lariat to V-TRIGGER! SUPERKICK! Tag back to Braun and he SPLASHES Ivar! Ricochet gets help, RAILGUN BACK ELBOW! Erik steps up but Braun BOOTS him! Ricochet goes up the corner, then up onto Braun’s shoulders! MONSTER SWANTON!! Cover, Ricochet & Braun win!

Winners: Braun Strowman & Ricochet, by pinfall

The Buckeyes cheer the Monster and the speedster as they win big! The Draft is coming, will these two be able to stick together?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville!

Before the match, Kayla Braxton is with the champs at gorilla to ask them how eager they are to face the Hot Mess & Pride Fighter after what went down on Monday. Liv says if they wanna see messy, she’ll show ’em messy! She’ll be the messiest person they’ve ever seen! They’ll wish they never messed with this mess! Raquel slows Liv down, and says to save it for the ring. Liv takes a breath and says, “Watch us.” Will the champions still be #LivingLarge? Or will the #ComplaintDepartment finally get what they want?

SmackDown returns as Sonya & Chelsea make their entrance. Chelsea has a water bottle and both have microphones. They have the music cut to say that when they grace you with their presence, you sit down, shut up and show them some respect. Fans boo but Chelsea says that’s no way to treat your future champions. But how could they expect the “normies” to understand what it is like to wake up every morning #WINNING. Speaking of, should they give a repeat from Raw? And show them why they’re winners and you’re all losers. Sonya, does Liv look thirsty? Liv is ready to go after Chelsea but Raquel holds her back.

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who quenches their thirst!

The teams sort out and Liv SHOTGUNS Chelsea at the bell! She wants after Sonya but the ref has her back off. Chelsea tags Sonya, Sonya swings but misses and Liv sunset flips. TWO, Sonya sits on the cover, TWO! Liv aviods the knee, kicks low, and then KICKS again! And ENZIGURIS! Sonya staggers and Liv tags Raquel. Liv taunts Chlease, Raquel whips Liv in to back body block! Liv whips Raquel to SPLASH! Raquel then straight arm levers Sonya, and reels her in for a shoulder! Raquel reels Sonya in for another shoulder! And then a fireman’s carry, but SOnya slips out to CHOP BLOCK!

Fans boo but Sonya soaks up the heat. Tag to Chelsea, she and Sonya mug Raquel, but Raquel blocks a kick! Raquel spins Chelsea around, waistlocks and SLAMS her! And then waistlocks again, for another SLAM! Raquel taunts Chelsea, fireman’s carries, and tags in Liv. But Chelsea rolls Raquel out of the ring and BOOTRS Liv! Chelsea runs, DIVES, but into Raquel’s hands! Raquel drags Chelsea out but Sonya lines up a shot, FLYING KNEE! Down goes Big Mami Cool, and the challengers cheer themselves. Only for Liv to SLINGSHOT SENTON them both down! Fans fire up with Liv as she laughs.

Liv KICKS Chelsea, puts her in the ring, then covers, TWO! Liv runs in at the corner, but Chelsea blocks the stomps! Liv kicks Chelsea away but Sonya is after her! They scrap, Chelsea hits a SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! High stack, but with feet on the ropes! The ref sees that and says NO! Chelsea complains, as does Sonya, but Chelsea drags Liv up. Tag to Sonya, they double stalling suplex Liv! Sonya then throws forearms in the corner, and bumps Liv off buckles. Sonya KICKS away on Liv, lets off and argues with the ref, but Chelsea HOTSHOTS Liv! Sonya KNEES Liv down, but the ref sees Chelsea pushing Sonya forward!

The complaints keep coming but Sonya tags Chelsea back in. They drag Liv up to double suplex, but Liv fights to get a DOUBLE NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Raquel is back at the corner! Liv crawls her way over, hot tag to Raquel! Fans fire up as Raquel BOOTS Sonya, ELBOWS Chelsea, UPPERCUTS Sonya and LARIATS Chelsea! Raquel rallies, Chelsea dodges the right but not the LEFT! Raquel scoops Chelsea for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel revs up, runs in, TWISTING VADER! Cover, but Sonya breaks it! Raquel grabs Sonya, RAMS her into the corner, fires off and hoists Sonya up. Liv tags in as Raquel climbs!

Raquel brings Sonya up, to SUPERPLEX! Chelsea runs in but Liv is up top to MISSLE DROPKICK! Fans fire up while all four women are down! Liv gets Chelsea, BACKSTABBER! Sonya ROUNDHOUSES Liv! Raquel BOOTS Sonya! Chelsea dumps Raquel out then hurries after Liv! Sonya argues with the ref, Liv has the water bottle! Liv SPLASHES Chelsea! And then slingshots to sunset flip! Raquel even nudges Liv forward! Liv & Raquel win!!

Winners: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Sonya & Chelsea have a lot to complain about now, except turnabout is fair play! Will Morgan & Rodriguez continue to #LivLarge with the gold?


Backstage interview with Matt Riddle.

Kayla is with the Original Bro to bring up the big Six Man Tag at Backlash, why is he risking it all to face Solo Sikoa in a No Disqualifications match? Why? Why not? Riddle knows Sami & Kevin aren’t here, but that’s because they’re getting ready for the biggest tag title of their careers. They’re both stallions, they’re practically Riddle’s step-bros. And the last time Riddle got in the ring with Solo, Solo beat Riddle and buried him under the table. But tonight, Solo gets buried, bro! Riddle is all fired up and ready to flip the script on the Enforcer of the Island, but will No DQ only help the Bloodline solve their problems?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Xavier Woods!

Der Ring General is the most dominant Intercontinental Champion of the 21st century! But the New Day’s trombone tooting, video game playing, PhD level intellectual is hungry for gold that’s all his own. Will Gunther’s incredible reign continue on? Or will it come to an incredible end thanks to the Power of Positivity?

SmackDown returns as Gunther makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the battle begins!

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up, Woods and Gunther tie up, and Gunther puts Woods in the corner. The ref counts, Gunther lets off, but then swings. Woods avoids the chop to KICK and KICK! Gunther headlocks and hits a takeover. Woods headscissors but Gunther shrugs that off. Woods tries again, Gunther kips free and the two tie up again. Gunther CLUBS Woods in the back! Woods hits low and headlocks in return. Gunther tries to smother Woods but Woods grinds the hold. Gunther powers out, they RAM shoulders, and both men stay up. Woods throws a forearm, Gunther gives it back, repeat!

Woods gets the edge, Gunther choke grips, but Woods breaks free! Woods runs, ducks, dodges, slides, spins, but into the CHOP! Gunther snarls while Woods writhes and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Gunther has Woods in a corner. Woods CHOPS Gunther, but Gunther CHOPS Woods down! Gunther bumps Woods off buckles, then CHOPS him on the back! And CHOPS him again! Woods staggers away to a corner, Gunther storms up and he talks trash. Gunther stands Woods up with a chinlock but Woods throws body shots. Woods CHOPS, CHOPS, but Gunther DECKS Woods! Gunther traps Woods’ head between his feet, for a NECK TWIST! Gunther talks trash on Woods and Woods rises. Fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” as Woods fires fists!

Woods shoots for a leg but Gunther blocks! Gunther drags Woods up, turns him, and CLUBS him down! Cover, TWO! Woods sputters but he’s still in this. Gunther stalks Woods to a corner, stands him up and CHOPS him back down! Woods grits his teeth but Gunther kicks him in the back. Gunther eggs Woods on so Woods fires forearms and CHOPS! Woods backs Gunther down, but Gunther reels Woods in for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Woods is still in this but he’s gasping for air. Gunther looms over Woods, fans rally up, but Gunther drags Woods up to talk more trash. “Who are you? You’re a disgrace! Get out of my ring!”

Woods SLAPS Gunther! And ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! Woods fires off again, kicks away on Gunther’s leg, but the ref counts. Gunther shoves Woods back but Woods ROCKS Gunther! Gunther ROCKS Woods! The forearms go back and forth, bigger and bigger! Gunther CHOPS, but Woods roars! Woods slides under the boot, to ROLLING ELBOW! Gunther falls!! Fans are thunderous, but Gunther bails out. Woods builds speed to WRECK Gunther with a dropkick! Woods hurries to build speed again, to FLY! Direct hit at the desk! Fans fire up again as Woods puts Gunther in the ring!

Woods hurries up the corner, but Gunther CHOPS him first! Gunther climbs up, but Woods GAMANGIRIS Gunther down! Fans are thunderous as Woods climbs again! Woods DIVING LEG DROPS!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and fans can’t believe it! Woods grits his teeth, nods, and he brings Gunther up. Woods fireman’s carries, but Gunther fights free to a SLEEPER! Woods flails, reaches out, but Gunther spins him around! GENERAL- NO, Woods lips free to wheelbarrow! VICTORY FACEBUSTER! Gunther staggers, Woods spins him to a CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther stands, into an ENZIGURI!

Woods hurries to O’Conner Roll! TWO, into a SLEEPER!! With body scissors!! Woods flails, reaches, fights up, but Gunther SLAMS Woods back down! SLEEPER!! Woods is OUT, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by submission (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Woods put up a valiant effort, pushed Gunther far further than he would’ve expected, but the mat still belongs to Imperium! Will Woods learn from this and get that title next time? Or will Gunther reign for the rest of the 21st century?


BREAKING NEWS for Backlash!

First, the SmackDown Women’s Championship challenge has been accepted! Rhea Ripley will defend the title against Zelina Vega! Will the LWO at least win some gold off the Judgment Day? Then in a huge move, Seth Rollins is taking on the Nigerian Giant, Omos! Will the Visionary be able to #BurnItDown against the mountain of a man? And there’s even more gold as The Now, Austin Theory, will defend his WWE United States Championship against Bobby Lashley AND Bronson Reed! Will that Triple Threat spell disaster for Theory?


The Usos are here!

The Buckeyes are torn as Jimmy & Jey raise their fingers to the sky and head to the ring. The Usos get the mics, and Jey says, “OHIOOOOOOO~! The Bloodline is now in your city!” Jimmy says “they” have been asking the Usos ever since WrestleMania, “Hey, Usos! Dudes! Dude, Usos, dude, dude, Usos, dude. How have you guys been feelin’ since your loss at WrestleMania, dudes?” Jey says, “We don’t know.” You don’t know? Dude, dude, are you sad, dudes? Don’t know. Are you guys mad, dudes? Don’t know. Well, dude, what are you planning to do, dudes? They’re gonna do what they always do.

And what’s that, dude? They’ll complete the mission and bring back the gold! YESSIR! They don’t look behind, that’s the rearview mirror. They look straight at you! Full speed ahead! What’s next? Here’s what’s next! Big, BIG Six Man Tag at Backlash! But more importantly, next Friday, big, BIG, BIG rematch! But not just any kind of rematch. NOPE. This is the WrestleMania main event kind of rematch. This is that nine-time tag team champions coming soon kind of rematch. This is that call your mama and tell her the Usos are on TV kind of rematch! This is that dedicate that W, that win, that victory, to the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns kind of rematch!

And next week, nine-time it is! Next week, the gold is coming back. And next week, Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens, you will get bodied! Just like tonight. Matt Riddle, you ’bouts ta get bodied, by THE Samoan Savage! THE Street Champion! THE Enforcer of the Bloodline! SOLO! SIKOAAA…!! With that, Solo makes his entrance, cold blooded and red hot as ever. Will Solo solve the Riddle before every getting to Backlash?

No Disqualifications: Matt Riddle VS Solo Sikoa!

SmackDown returns and Riddle makes his entrance. Except he doesn’t come from the ramp, he jumps in from the crowd and gets the drop on Solo! The bell rings, Riddle fires off forearms, then runs side to side to forearm SMASH! Riddle keeps going, forearm SMASH! And clinch, but Solo elbows Riddle away. Solo HEADBUTTS Riddle, then LARIATS him down! Solo snarls while fans fire up, and Solo peels Riddle’s jacket off him. Solo CLUBS Riddle, pushes him around, and then whips him to ropes to ELBOW again! Solo stalks Riddle to ropes, CHOKES him on the ropes, and he doesn’t have to let off!

Solo still does let off to stalk Riddle to a corner. Solo whips corner to corner hard, then he runs in, but into a HANGING TRIANGLE! Riddle has Solo caught, but Solo drags Riddle up! Riddle throws hands, moves around, but Solo POWERBOMBS Riddle down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Riddle but Solo goes out to look under the ring. Solo brings out kendo sticks! Solo puts those in the ring, then brings out more kendo sticks! And even some chairs! Riddle crawls over and gets a chair, but Solo stands on Riddle’s hand! Solo has a kendo stick and he SMACKS Riddle right on the back! Riddle writhes but Solo circles him.

Solo SMACKS Riddle on the arm! Riddle writhes and Solo eggs him on. Riddle stands, he blocks a strike to spin and PELE! Solo staggers, Riddle kips up and runs in, but Solo TOSSES him out! The Buckeyes want tables but Solo storms out after Riddle. Riddle SMACKS Solo with a kendo stick! And again! And again! Riddle fires off on Solo but Solo bails out. Riddle pursues, goes looking under, and he brings out a TABLE! Fans fire up but Solo DECKS Riddle! Solo puts the table back under the ring and fans boo. Solo fireman’s carries, but Riddle fights to the apron. Riddle throws elbows, then a PENALTY KICK!

Solo staggers, Riddle RAMS him into steel steps! Riddle goes around the way, runs up the steps, FLYING BROTON! Fans fire up with the Bro as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Solo brawls with Riddle, haymaker for haymaker! Riddle gets the edge but Solo UPPERCUTS! Solo drags some chairs into place, clinches Riddle, but Riddle fights the urenage! Solo shoves Riddle away, then SAMOAN DROPS him! Cover, TWO! Riddle is still in this but Solo grabs one of the chairs. Fans rally for Riddle as he crawls to a corner, but Solo storms up. Solo rains down fists, puts the chair around Riddle’s head, and wants to do him like he did four months ago! Solo backs up, saying he’s gonna take Riddle out for good now! Solo runs in, but Riddle CHUCKS the chair at him!

Solo staggers, Riddle baits him in, and RAMS him into a chair wedged in the corner!! Solo staggers, into a kendo stick SMACK! Riddle fires off on Solo again and breaks the stick! So Riddle JAMS Solo with a chair and SMACKS him on the back! And then VAN DAMINATOR KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Riddle can’t believe it, and thinks of what he has to do to end this! Riddle sets chairs up together at the center, then brings Solo around. Solo ROCKS Riddle, roars, but runs into a BROSPLODER onto the chairs! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives and Riddle is beside himself! Riddle SLAMS chairs down on Solo to bury him!

Riddle goes up top and the Buckeyes are thunderous! But Solo gets out from under the chair pile. So Riddle goes out, PENALTY- NO, Solo blocks and YANKS Riddle down! Riddle hits apron, and Solo TOSSES Riddle over the announce desk! Solo roars, but Riddle blocks the table flip! Fans fire up but solo storms up and over the desk. Riddle fires off hands and they stand on the desk! Solo ROCKS Riddle, and he prepares the spike! But Riddle KNEES Solo down! Solo flops to the floor, and now Riddle tips the table!! Fans are electric as Solo has been trapped! Riddle fires up, but the USOS return! They mug Riddle!!

Fans boo as the Usos stomp away on Riddle! Riddle said Kevin and Sami aren’t here so he’s all alone against the Bloodline! The Usos whip Riddle to ropes, but Riddle holds those ropes! Riddle TOSSES Jey, headscissors Jimmy, and then SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BROS!! The fans are going nuts as Riddle stands up. Riddle drags himself into the ring, and Solo emerges from the desk!! The two warriors stare down from across the ring and Riddle is in shock! Riddle hurries to leap off the steps, but into an APRON URENAGE!! Solo staggers into the ring and he stalks Riddle. Solo drags Riddle up, SAMOAN- NO Riddle gets around! FINAL FLASH!!

Riddle says BANG, runs, but into a SAMOAN SPIKE LARIAT!! Cover, Solo wins!!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Usos help their brother win, but now they are going to escalate things! They put a TABLE in the ring! The Usos mug Riddle, then help Solo set up the desk. Riddle stagger sup, ONE AND DONE through the table!!! Fans boo while the Usos clear the wreckage so that they and Solo can stand over Riddle. Will nothing stop The Bloodline from reasserting their dominance? Or can Kevin & Sami repeat the WrestleZaynia victory?

My Thoughts:

A really good SmackDown here, but it feels like the major stories are spinning their wheels in order to make it through the Draft and through Backlash. Great opening match out of Rey & Escobar VS Priest & Finn, but I just don’t understand why the “feud” is so one-sided in the win-loss record. Is the LWO supposed to wait for Bad Bunny to “tip the scales” and help them win at Backlash? Seems rather poor creative to me just because this is their celebrity spot. And also poor for giving us the return of the name “LWO” which has been in the works for a long time. But we’re also getting Rhea VS Zelina for the title, which will be a lot of fun, but will be Rhea’s first defense under her belt.

Then the Bloodline story has been slowing itself down to also get through this next phase. A bit of this traces back to how Cody didn’t win the top title(s) and how the Bloodline is holding strong because of that, but we didn’t even get a promo from Heyman to add to Roman’s passive aggressive treatment of the Usos. We did get good promos from Riddle and the Usos, and we got a great main event, but of course No DQ allows for the Usos to help Solo win that. Once the Draft happens and we know where everyone is, and once we get through Backlash, we hopefully start on the road to the Bloodline’s true downfall.

Speaking of Backlash, a lot of stuff is developing for that just from the announcement we got. The Triple Threat for the US title is a logical move, but this feels like spoilers on how the story was going to go on Raw. Theory will surely have a reaction to this now, and Bronson will be very smug that he’s getting in on the title match. As I’ve said before, I’m hoping Bronson gets the win on this one. But the big surprise is Rollins VS Omos just for the hell of it. Maybe Rollins is gonna build a literally massive win streak to prove he’s worthy of a title opportunity. Plus, if Cody is taking on Lesnar, maybe Rollins is trying to one-up him or something.

Good vignette for Nakamura and good promo from Kross, this hypes up their coming match but doesn’t do much to indicate a winner. Great tag match from Braun & Ricochet VS Viking Raiders, but the Viking Raiders aren’t getting booked all that well, and that’s a bit of a shame. I feel like the Vikings should’ve won here, and then Braun & Ricochet should win next week to play on the possibility that they could be split up during the Draft. I have a bad feeling that Vince is still sticking his greasy mustache into creative and affecting the Draft’s outcomes so that no one actually knows what’s going to happen, which has ruined past WWE Drafts (flashback to Steph & Foley VS Shane & Bryan).

Great title matches for tonight, even with the status quo kept. I do like that the ref was able to stop all the Heel cheating but misses the Face cheating. That’s karma for how Sonya & Chelsea complained their way into being contenders. Not sure who is going to be next to challenge Liv & Raquel, it doesn’t sound like Ronda’s arm is 100% yet but who knows. Maybe the Draft brings up a team from NXT, or maybe they try to get Lacey Evans & Xia Li going as Heels again. And then a great match from Gunther VS Woods, and Woods looks great even in losing. McIntyre’s WWE status is up in the air from what I’ve heard, and Sheamus has already had a couple tries, maybe the Draft moves someone over from Raw, or just puts Gunther on Raw, and we get a fresh batch of match-ups.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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