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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/14/23)

The King of Strong Style returns!



Shinsuke Nakamura is back on SmackDown!

After an excursion back home to Japan, Shinsuke Nakamura returns to Friday Night SmackDown! Will the King of Strong Style soon head for gold?


  • Xavier Woods VS LA Knight; Woods wins.
  • Santos Escobar w/ The LWO VS Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day; Priest wins.
  • Shinsuke Nakamura VS Madcap Moss w/ Emma; Nakamura wins.
  • Matt Riddle w/ Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Solo Sikoa w/ The Usos; Solo wins.


Kevin Owens is here!

The Nebraska Cornhuskers fire up for the Prizefighter, but of course, he’s brought Sami Zayn with him! The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions go to the ring, raising the titles up high. They then get the mics as the fans chant for “SAMI! SAMI!” Sami thanks the fans for that, and says it has only been two weeks “since one of the most historic nights of all time. For the first time ever, the tag team championships were the main event of WrestleMania.” Fans cheer that factoid, and Sami says, “Two guys that started together from nothing, two guys who’ve been together since they were friends, WE closed out the show as CHAMPIONS!”

Fans cheer again, and Sami continues with, “For as amazing as that was, to be honest, we haven’t really had time to process it. We haven’t had time to think about it. We haven’t had time to think about much of anything, because of everything that’s happening. All the stuff that’s going on with the Bloodline…” Fans boo hearing that name, and Kevin smiles. Sami says all this stuff with the WWE Draft, a lot is going on. It is an exciting time but a time of uncertainty, right? Kevin agrees, this is exciting. Any time there’s a Draft, the unpredictability makes for a certain atmosphere. Everyone loves it.

But here’s two things Kevin knows for a fact. One: he knows that regardless of where they end up in the draft, Kevin & Sami are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions of the WWE, so as hard as they’ve worked to win these titles, they will defend them with everything they have! Whether it’s on Raw, SmackDown, every single time! And speaking of that, the other thing is that sooner rather than later, the Usos are coming for a rematch. Fans boo again, but Kevin tells Sami that- The Usos show up! They also have Solo with them! The Usos have mics, and Jimmy asks if Jey hears all this. Jey does hear all this.

Jimmy says, “These two out here, acting like they folding under pressure, like the pressure got to ’em. Hey, you two been champs for what? Two weeks? Me ‘n’ Uce have been champs for two years.” Jey says that’s 620+ days! What do Sami & Kevin know about pressure? Sami says maybe that’s right, maybe they don’t know about pressure. The Usos are the ones who have to report back every single week, emptyhanded to Daddy Roman. Jey gets riled up but Jimmy tells Sami to shut up. Sami’s been saying the same thing for months now! “The Bloodline’s got cracks in it. The Bloodline’s gonna fall. Go back to your Daddy. Go back to your Daddy. Go back to your Daddy.”

But did Sami not hear what “Mr. Yellow Shoes” Kevin just said? The bloodline is m ore dangerous than ever! And here’s what Sami’s sleeping on. The Bloodline is STRONGER than ever! The Usos leveled up! Enforcer Solo, you don’t want the savage to come out of him. So listen close when they say, and open them big ears up: The Usos WILL BE the NINE-TIME WWE Tag Team Champions! Fans boo, but Jey says there’s no cracks in the Bloodline. They’re solid over here. When the Usos take back the titles, Kevin & Sami will do what they always do: fold under pressure. They’ll turn on each other again.

Jey was wrong about Kevin. It won’t be him turning on Sami. It’ll be Sami backstabbing his brother like he did Jey’s whole damn family!! Jimmy adds, “Facts.” Sami wishes he was as good at anything as Jey is at lying to himself. Jey wants to act like it’s cool. That Roman’s okay with them losing the titles? Fine. Wanna act like there’s no cracks in the foundation? Fine. Wanna act like Solo wasn’t ready to drop Jey last week? Fine. Wanna keep ignoring what Sami is saying, even though you know it’s true? Fine! Sami can tell that it doesn’t matter what he says, because the Usos aren’t here just to talk, right?

Jey says he’s right, they didn’t. The mics drop and the Bloodline moves up towards the ring! The tag champs are surrounded 3v2, but here comes THE BRO! Riddle YANKS Solo off the apron and the brawl is on 3v3! Fans fire up, Solo is sent into barriers! Sami TOSSES Jimmy into the timekeeper’s area! Kevin fires off on Jey then TOSSES him into the timekeeper’s area! Solo turns things around on Riddle, but Riddle ducks the Samoan Spike! Ripcord, FINAL FLASH! And then another FLASH KNEE! And then Riddle goes up top! The Usos drag Solo to safety and fans boo as they’re in retreat!

Kevin, Sami and Riddle egg The Bloodline on, all three “problems” are united! Will Jimmy, Jey & Solo have to deal with them all personally?


Adam Pearce talks with a referee backstage.

That was absolute chaos just now, so the ref needs to do Pearce a favor: Find Riddle, find Solo, let them know that if they wanna settle things, they can do that tonight in the main event 1v1 tonight! The ref nods and heads out. Will all hell break loose to end the night?


Xavier Woods and LA Knight posted videos to social media.

Woods said, “This Friday night on SmackDown, Xavier Woods has a match up against one LA Knight. Now, LA, you have a gift. You have the gift of gab.” Knight said in his video that he is “the fastest rising star on SmackDown today!” Woods would say that unfortunately, he and Knight now have a problem. Knight complained about not being on WrestleMania over the UpUpDownDown crew, and said that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life. Woods would finish by saying that tonight on SmackDown, Woods wins. Will there be no more games in this 1v1 showdown?

Xavier Woods VS LA Knight!

The bell rings and the fans rally. Woods and Knight circle, and fans echo the “YEAH!” Woods applauds, Knight has fans in Nebraska. They tie up, Knight headlocks, and grinds Woods. Woods fights the hold, powers up and out, and Knight runs him over! Fans rally again as things speed up, and Woods DROPKICKS Knight down! Fans fire up with Woods while Knight goes to ropes. Woods storms up, CLUBS Knight, then headlocks in return. Knight endures now, fights up, but Woods hits the takeover. Knight rolls to a cover, ONE! They fight to their feet, Knight back suplexes but Woods lands on his feet.

Woods headlocks, Knight powers out and CLOBBERS him! Knight whips Woods to ropes to scoop, but Woods tilt-o-whirls through to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Woods kips up and fans fire up again! Knight bails out but Woods builds speed. Woods FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Knight, YEAH! Fans are all fired up with Woods and Woods puts Knight in the ring. Woods goes up the corner, but Knight sees him and bails out of the ring! Woods hops down, runs and slides, but Knight avoids the dropkick! Knight RAMS Woods into the apron, then picks Woods up and POSTS him! Woods drops and fans boo while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Woods bumps Knight off buckles. Woods whips corner to corner, runs in but misses! Knight hits a JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Knight is annoyed but he stomps Woods down. Woods goes to ropes, but Knight stands on him! The ref counts, Knight steps off, and fans boo. Knight drags Woods up, fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Woods JAWBREAKERS! Woods JABS, JABS, JABS, and whips! Knight reverses but Woods stops to LEG LARIAT! Fans fire up as both men are down! Knight goes to ropes, Woods hurries over and throws forearms. And CHOPS!

Woods whips, Knight reverses, but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges, then slides, and ROLLING ELBOWS! Cover, TWO! Knight is still in this and fans fire up again! Woods nods, he and Knight rise, and Woods storms up. Woods fireman’s carries, Knight fights free to shove. Woods holds ropes, elbows back, but Knight ducks the leg lariat to DDT! Cover, TWO! Knight is growing frustrated but he can only glare at the ref. Fans cheer and jeer as Knight paces around Woods. Knight brings Woods up, suplexes, but Woods fights it! Knight keeps trying, but Woods blocks again! Knight throws body shots and he CLUBS away on Woods!

Knight kicks and stomps Woods on the mat but fans boo. Knight huffs and puffs, then brings Woods towards ropes. Knight suplexes but Woods fights it! Woods suplexes to hang Knight out to dry! Woods then goes to the ropes, goes up the corner, GUILLOTINE DOUBLE STOMPS! And then Woods goes back up, for a SUPER LEG DROP! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Knight survives by fingertips! Woods is stunned, but he storms after Knight. Woods whips, Knight reverses but Woods KICKS him away! Woods runs in, into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Knight spells it out, “L! A! KNIGHT!” BIG elbow drop!

Woods staggers up, Knight is there, but Woods avoids the BFT! Woods waistlocks but Knight fights it and switches. O’Conner Roll, but with tights! The ref sees that plain as day! Knight lets off, is upset there wasn’t even an attempt, and Woods O’Conner Rolls! With tights!! The ref misses it, counts, and Woods wins!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall

Woods cheats the cheater and snatches the win! Will Knight ever live this one down? Or is this Woods’ time to shine?


Imperium talks backstage.

Gunther tells Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci something in German, the key word sounds like “focus.” But then WOODS walks in, playing his trombone! Ludwig scolds Woods, saying Imperium is trying to do important work here. Right, sorry, his bad. Please continue. The conversation continues, only for Woods to play the trombone again. Gunther stops Ludwig from rushing Woods, and he says Woods clearly wants his attention. So then, Woods should approach him in a respectful manner. But no, Woods is a good. Woods doesn’t know what respect is. Gunther does not like goofs.

If necessary, Gunther and Woods can step onto the mat and Gunther can beat that respect into Woods. Woods says now we’re talking! Because Gunther has been Intercontinental Champion for a long time, and Woods has never even had a shot. So considering the Draft is coming and Woods doesn’t know what show they’ll end up on, Woods will be the hottest free agent in a few weeks, he feels like he’s beyond ready to step into the ring to take that title back to his place. Woods plays himself off, the challenge being issued. Will the former tag team champion and former King of the Ring look to become the next Intercontinental Champion?


Riddle talks with Sami backstage.

Sami thanks Riddle for stepping up against the Bloodline. But Solo is dangerous. Sami wants Riddle to be careful. Solo took Riddle out before, and Sami regrettably was on that side of it. Sami apologizes for that, he feels horrible. Kevin gets hurt last week, Sami feels like that was his fault, too. Sami would just feel awful if something bad happened again. Kevin can’t even with this. Why’s Sami telling Riddle to be careful? Solo took Riddle out for three months, so screw being careful! Go at him with everything! Get revenge! Take him out like he did you! Careful? No, do the opposite!

Riddle says honestly, they both have good advice. But Riddle learned while he was away that he can only keep his side of the street clean. He can’t control if the Bloodline wants to bust his head open with a chair, or if Sami can’t control his Ucey-ness. What Riddle can control is how prepared he is for tonight, and how much pain he is going to inflict on Solo for the 118 DAYS he was out, bro! Sami and Kevin seem to accept that answer. Will the Stallion stampede all over the Enforcer of the Island?


Backstage interview with The Judgment Day.

Kayla Braxton is with Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio. Kayla says Priest & Dom picked up a win over Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar in a tag match, despite Zelina Vega kind of embarrassing Rhea. What!? Embarrassing Rhea?! Are you kidding?! Dom has Kayla stop there. Don’t make Mami mad. Here’s the deal: Santos Escobar can go. What he can’t do is pick good friends. Rey Mysterio, the Latino World Order, none of them should be getting involved in Judgment Day business. And Priest already knows Kayla wants to ask about Bad Bunny, but Priest will address all that in the ring.

The Judgment Day heads out, will the Punisher make an example out of the Emperor of Lucha? Or will the LWO find a way to make Priest pay?

Santos Escobar w/ The Latino World Order VS Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day!

As Priest promised, he gets the mic to speak. “Backlash is in San Juan, Puerto Rico! And the host is my friend, Bad Bunny. Now Bunny, you wanna attend the show, sit in the front row again, fine. Have a great time. But if you put your hands on my family again, I mean, we all know what can happen.” Priest cues up the footage from two weeks ago on Raw, the hands thrown between Bunny, Dominik and Priest, culminating in Priest hitting a choke slam  through the announce table. Fans boo but Dom & Rhea applaud. Priest says that was bad. But he needs us to watch that again, in slow-motion.

But here comes the LWO! Vega eggs Rhea on, but where are the others? They sneak up from behind! Escobar CLOBBERS Dom while Wilde & Del Toro CLOBBER Priest! Fans fire up as the LWO get out of the ring and taunt the Judgment Day. Priest is fuming, will he take out all his frustration on Escobar? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns, the match already underway as Priest whips Escobar to a corner. Priest lines up the shot, runs in, but into a BOOT! Priest runs back in, Escobar slips to the apron, Priest hits buckles! Escobar goes up to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Escobar clotheslines Priest out of the ring! Fans fire up again and Escobar builds speed! But Priest gets away, so Escobar goes to the apron. Escobar leaps, into an UPPERCUT! Rhea taunts Escobar, Priest puts him in the ring. Priest runs in corner to corner to back elbow! And then BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Rhea argues the count but the count was fair.

Priest drags Escobar up, knuckle locks, and grins. Priest wrenches the wrist, taunts Escobar, but Escobar CHOPS! Priest KICKS, then twists the wrist. Escobar CHOPS, Priest KICKS, KICKS and twists the wrist. Escobar CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS, but Priest blocks! Priest swings, Escobar dodges, and he fires off CHOP after CHOP! Escobar then CHOPS and whips, things speed up and Escobar DROPKICKS Priest down! Cover, TWO! Rhea is furious but Escobar tells her and Dom to “SUCK IT!” Escobar stalks Priest, runs in at the corner, and DOUBLE KNEES! Fans fire up, Escobar ROCKS Priest, then goes corner to corner again, more DOUBLE KNEES!

Priest staggers and Escobar bumps him off buckles. Escobar climbs up and fans fire up. Escobar rains down fists, winds up at nine, but Priest choke grips with both hands! Escobar fights free! But Priest SUPERKICKS Escobar out of the ring! The LWO check on Escobar but he stands up. Priest goes out the side, runs in and leaps off the steps to AX HANDLE Escobar down! The Punisher is in control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Priest fires off hands in the corner. Fans rally for Escobar but Priest whips corner to corner. Escobar reverses to fire off hands! But Priest clinches for a FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Priest snarls but Dom and Rhea like what they’re seeing. Priest clamps onto Escobar with a motorcycle stretch. Fans rally for Escobar, Escobar fights up, and Escobar throws elbows! Priest knees low! Rhea grins but Escobar JAWBREAKERS Priest away! Priest goes to a corner, Escobar runs in but Priest BOOTS him down! Priest snarls, stalks Escobar to the apron, and Rhea grins while Dom soaks up the heat.

Priest drags Escobar up the corner and to the top, but Escobar throws body shots! Escobar ROCKS Priest with haymakers, then climbs up to join him! Fans fire up for the SUPER STEINER! Rhea & Dom panic as Priest looks dazed! Escobar crawls his way over, pushes Priest to a cover, TWO!! Escobar survives and Rhea sighs in relief. Escobar and Priest slowly rise, and they start throwing hands! Fans rally as they go back and forth, haymaker for haymaker! Nebraska is on Escobar’s side but Priest KICKS and KICKS and spins, into a V-TRIGGER! Priest comes back but Escobar dodges the haymaker!

Escobar ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up as Escobar rallies! Escobar RANAS Priest into a corner! Escobar runs corner to corner but Priest puts him on the apron. Escobar GAMANGIRIS back! Priest staggers, Escobar climbs, and Escobar QUEBRADAS! Cover, TWO!! A close call and both the LWO and the Judgment Day are going nuts! Escobar stalks Priest to ropes, fireman’s carries, but Priest holds ropes! Rhea distracts the ref on one side, Dom helps Priest on the other! LARIAT!! But then Cruz & Wilde jump Dom! But then Priest goes out to grab them both! Priest SHOVES Wilde & Cruz into the timekeeper’s area!

But Escobar DIVES! Direct hit into the desk! Escobar drags Priest back into the ring, he hurries in, but Rhea anchors a foot! Fans boo, Escobar kicks free, but Vega storms up. Rhea pops Vega up but Vega RANAS Rhea into barriers! Escobar runs in at Priest, but into a JUMP KICK! And SOUTH OF HEAVEN SLAM!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Deja vu, anyone? Vega gets the better of Rhea, but the boys still get it done! Priest throws Escobar out of the ring, and speaking of deja vu, he clears off the announce desk! Priest drags Escobar up, but here comes REY! The King of Lucha, the leader of LWO, is somewhere in the arena, he LEAPS in from the crowd!! He takes out Priest, then goes after Dom! Fans are thunderous as Rey fires off hands! Dom knees low, swings, but Rey dodges to RAAN! Dom ends up on ropes, and Rey dials it up!! But Priest saves Dom from the 619! Fans boo but the Judgment Day retreats. They’re at a 5v3 disadvantage, they’ll wait for better odds. But what will it take to finally settle this between Dom’s “family” and Rey’s new friends?


The Bloodline hypes Solo up.

Paul Heyman says he just got off the phone with The Tribal Chief. Roman Reigns said Riddle didn’t just embarrass Solo. When someone embarrasses Solo, that person embarrasses the entire FAMILY! Their lineage! When someone does that, they embarrass the Usos. They embarrass Afa! They embarrass Sika! They disgrace the memories of Yokozuna and Umaga! They’re turning over in their graves! Let alone what’s going through the mind of Solo’s father, Rikishi! They embarrassed The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns! Solo has Heyman stop there. Heyman apologizes. Solo wants Heyman to tell the Tribal Chief, “I got this.” Heyman gets his phone to pass that along.

Solo is a man of few words, so him speaking here carries weight. Will all that weight come crashing down on the head of The Bro quite literally?


Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez are here!

These two are the NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions after taking on Becky Lynch & Trish Stratus. The drama that happened between The Man and The Chick isn’t their concern, these two are here to celebrate! What will these two say about the biggest win of their careers? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns as the official introductions are given, and there’s even pyro! That gives Raquel goosebumps! The champs then get the mics and Liv says they are so happy and proud to be here the NEW tag team champions! Fans cheer, and Raquel adds that they brought the hardware home to Friday Night SmackDown! But Raquel would like to sincerely thank Liv. Really? Yes! Thank you, Liv, for sacrificing your body so willingly to be Raquel’s own personal weapon. But they make the perfect combo of chaos and power! Liv thanks Raquel for that, and says she will always let Raquel throw her into people.

Liv adds that when they started this journey together, she didn’t think this is where they’d end up. So it is a nice reminder that great things will happen when you least expect them. And besides, they’re still getting to know each other, still feeling out their vibe. But if they’re this good this quickly, then wow wow wow, they can only imagine- Oh, wait, here come Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green. They want everything to stop right there. “Sorry” to interrupt, but listening back there was making them feel dumber and dumber by the minute. So first off, Nebraska, when they grace you with their presence, shut up and show respect.

Liv says Nebraska doesn’t have to listen to Sonya. But Sonya wants to address the elephant in the room. “How are you two tag team champions when you didn’t beat the two tag team champions?” Are they all going to ignore the fact that Lita got “miraculously” beat up before the match. Trish subs in and it all just counts? Does that make any sense? Sonya doesn’t get it. Maybe it was someone from upper management that overlooked it. Chelsea says it was probably “pea brain” Adam Pearce! But while Chelsea & Sonya are here, why don’t they discuss the way they’ve been treated? Absolutely!

“The fact that we are being overlooked for this mediocre tag team…” “What even is this?” Chelsea asks Sonya, “True or false: The only difference between these two and everyone else in this building, woof, are those tag team championships.” “True!” “That’s right. Where’s our celebration? Where’s our pyro? Where’s our tag team title opportunities, huh? Do you know who we are?!” “Do you?!” Yes, Liv & Raquel know exactly who they are. But after talking to Adam Pearce, Liv & Raquel are looking at their next challengers. Chelsea 7 Sonya are happy, but then the brawl is on! Raquel BOOTS Chelsea, Liv shoves Sonya to hit a CODE BREAKER!

Sonya staggers up, but Chelsea saves her from ObLivion! The saying is “be careful what you wish for,” will that be proven right as the Hot Mess & Pride Fighter take on the team that’s #LivingLarge?


Shinsuke Nakamura VS Madcap Moss w/ Emma!

The King of Strong Style has been away, back to his home in the Land of the Rising Sun. But he has returned to the WWE reinvigorated and ready to start again! Will SmackDown soon become his Kingdom of Strong Style?

Backstage, Emma gives Moss a pep talk. Don’t listen to the fans, listen to her. The fans should be cheering for Moss, not Nakamura. Nakamura doesn’t compare to Moss. Nakamura hasn’t won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, but Moss has. Nakamura doesn’t have Moss’s looks or strength. Nakamura’s got nothing on Moss. And Moss needs this. Moss will go out and prove why he’s a top pick in the WWE Draft. Moss is fired up, will that fire help him ruin Nakamura’s return?

The bell rings and Moss rushes in! Moss fires off hands in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and he runs corner to corner to RAM into Nakamura! Moss brings Nakamura up, scoops, but the slam doesn’t have a lot of stank on it. Moss covers anyway, ONE!! Moss suplexes Nakamura but Nakamura knees free! Moss ducks the roundhouse but not the WHEEL KICK! Nakamura gets up and shouts, “C’MON!” Moss falls for it, and runs into the strike fest! AX KICK! Nakamura runs, SLIDING KICK! Moss staggers to a corner, Nakamura runs in but blocks the boots. Nakamura puts Moss in the ropes, ROUNDHOUSES and runs, SLIDING GERMAN!

Fans fire up as Nakamura goes back into the ring. Nakamura is up top, he FLYING KNEES Moss down! Emma worries as Nakamura takes aim! “YAO~!” Nakamura runs in, KINSHASA!! Cover, Nakamura wins!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

Emma’s motivation wasn’t enough for Moss to overcome the gap in ability! Moss is mad, he swings on Nakamura, but into the ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Emma drags Moss out of the ring, but she’s also frustrated. Will Emma & Moss have to go back to the drawing board on how to make their mark?


Scarlett Bordeaux is reading the cards.

She nibbles on this one, she must like it. She sets it down, and it’s Nakamura! Karrion Kross then slams the table with his fist. “Tick, tock.” Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday are putting Nakamura on the clock. Will time run out on Nakamura’s return already?


Braun Strowman & Ricochet talk backstage.

The Draft is coming, they hope to stick together through it. But then the VIKING RAIDERS attack!! Erik & Ivar ram them into spare girders and bars! Then they grab one and RAM Braun down with it! Ricochet fights back but that’s 2v1! Sarah Logan shouts about the tables! The Vikings hoist Ricochet up, RAGNAROK through tables!! The raid just wrecked the dynamic duo, how will the Monster of All Monsters and the King of Flight respond?


Matt Riddle w/ Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Solo Sikoa w/ The Usos!

The Original Bro is ready to go, and he’s got Sami & KO! Will the Stallion settle the score? Or will the Enforcer erase the embarrassment to the Bloodline?

Heyman has the mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I have a historic announcement to make. I just got off the phone with Your Tribal Chief, Roman… Reigns…! Who has authorized me to let you know we… Well, we muscled our way through management and finally it’s set. Two weeks from tonight, live from Corpus Christi, the biggest tag team match in the history of SmackDown, when the WrestleMania Night One main event gets rematched live! Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn defending and losing the Undisputed Tag Team Championships to the Usos!”

Fans are torn hearing that, but Heyman guarantees this: Kevin & Sami WILL lose those titles, because the Tribal Chief is losing patience with the two of you. Wait, Heyman points at Kevin & Sami but he was looking at the Usos. Are the Usos on thin ice? As for this main event, Bro and Enforcer finally have it out, after the break!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Riddle fires off on Solo! Riddle backs Solo down, fires off KICK after KICK, then more forearms! Solo shoves Riddle away, blocks the kick but Riddle gets free to leap up! Riddle has an arm, he wants the kimura! Solo fights that off, to scoop and SLAMS Riddle down! But Riddle comes right back to hop on for a SLEEPER! Solo RAMS Riddle into buckles! Riddle hops back on! SLEEPER! Solo RAMS Riddle into buckles again! Riddle just hops right back on! So Solo runs to BACKPACK SENTON! Both men are down, but Riddle sits up! SLEEPER!! Solo flails and fights up!

Solo stands, Riddle is a backpack again, but Solo THROWS him off! Solo runs in, but into a BOOT! Riddle swings, but into an UPPERCUT! The Usos raise the fingers but the fans boo. Sami & Kevin tell the Usos it isn’t over yet. Solo sits Riddle up to rain down fists! And headbutts! Fans rally but Solo roars. Solo CHOKES Riddle on the ropes! The ref counts, Solo lets off, and Riddle sputters to a corner. The Usos taunt Riddle, Solo storms up and CHOPS! Riddle grits his teeth, Solo brings him out, but Riddle fires forearms! And forearms! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! And a whip! Solo reverses, Jimmy distracts the ref, and Jey trips Riddle up!

Fans boo and the tag champs storm up. The ref hurries to stop Kevin & Sami from brawling with Jimmy & Jey! The ref EJECTS Kevin & Sami?! They didn’t even do anything! The Usos rub it in, but then the ref says they’re EJECTED, too!! Fans fire up and the Usos are upset, but now this will be truly 1v1! Riddle rolls Solo up! TWO!! Solo picks Riddle up for a SAMOAN DROP! Riddle writhes and Solo still has control on his own while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again and Riddle fires forearms! Riddle runs, but into an ELBOW! Solo pushes Riddle to a cover, TWO! Solo frowns but keeps focus as he looms over Riddle. Solo tells Riddle to give up already as he clamps on a claw into the shoulder! Fans rally for Riddle, he fights his way up, and he fires forearms! Solo hits back! The forearms go back and forth, fans rally up, and Solo UPPERCUTS Riddle down! Riddle goes to a corner, Solo runs corner to corner, but Riddle dodges! The splash hits buckles and post! Riddle comes back to CHOP! CHOP! Riddle fires off palm strikes and a boot!

Riddle spins Solo around to PELE! Solo goes to a corner and Riddle kips up. Fans fire up for the forearm smash! Riddle goes side to side, forearm smash! And then clinch, but Solo fights with elbows! Riddle still BROSPLODERS! Riddle runs, but Solo ducks the Penalty Kick! Solo avoids the Standing Moonsault, and gets knees up before the Broton! Riddle writhes to the corner and Solo runs in, but Riddle ELBOWS him! Riddle goes up, WHIPSER IN THE WIND! Cover, TWO! Solo survives and the Usos sneak their way back out from the crowd! The ref sees them and tells them no, they were already rejected!

But wait! Here come Kevin & Sami! They go right after the Usos and they all brawl! Fans fire up, the ref reprimands them all, but Riddle cheers on his guys! But Solo back suplexes! Riddle lands on his feet to ROUNDHOUSE! The Usos POST Kevin! And they DOUBLE SUPERKICK Sami! But Riddle SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BROS! Direct hit at the ramp! Riddle hurries back in, hurries back up, but Solo stands! Riddle leaps, into a SUPERKICK! And SAMOAN SPIKE!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Bloodline always backs each other up, and that is how Solo gets the win! But Solo isn’t done, he stalks Riddle out of the ring. Riddle drags himself up at the desk, and Solo clinches for a SPINNING SOLO onto the desk! Solo rips the lid off, and then FLIPS the desk onto Riddle! Fans boo as the savage side makes itself known! Refs rush out to have Solo back off, Kevin and Sami hurry to help Riddle. The Bloodline stands together in the ring, but the clock is ticking. Will Jimmy & Jey take care of the Bloodline’s problems? Or will they have to deal with the consequences of failure?

My Thoughts:

A really good SmackDown, more of the road to Backlash being paved. For one, great stuff from the Bloodline as usual. Great opening promo segment, great brawl, and great main event set up. Good promo backstage, where Jey may have a point. Kevin and Sami may be reunited and united against the Bloodline, but they’re dysfunctional about how to do things. Great main event, especially with the ejecting then return of Kevin, Sami and Usos. The brawl makes for the distraction that helps Solo win, and then Solo tipping the desk over was a great touch. But Heyman’s promo beforehand was a nice nod to how Sami is right. Roman expects positive results and doesn’t forgive failure, so if Sami & Kevin retain, Roman is definitely going to say something about it.

Good video promo from Woods and Knight to hype up their match, and clever way for Woods to beat Knight at his own game. Woods wanting after Gunter and the Intercontinental Championship is awesome stuff, and also good continuity from when Imperium feuded with New Day as tag teams last year. Woods is going to look great in the match, but I don’t see him winning. It’d be awesome if Woods won on a Friday, but Gunther’s not losing unless it’s a special event. Nakamura had a good return that also kinda feeds Moss’ story. Emma is a good manager, but Moss is gonna need to turn fully Heel to get anywhere. Scarlett & Kross calling out Nakamura was a nice surprise, and certainly in terms of the match (or matches), Kross VS Nakamura will be great stuff.

Great promo bit from Liv, Raquel, Sonya and Chelsea, and of course Sonya & Chelsea are the ones poking holes in the championship team. They will have a good tag title match, and that will be a solid first win for Liv & Raquel. Meanwhile, Viking Raiders attacking Ricochet & Braun, we’re definitely getting a tag match, but I’m hoping for something a bit more than just a standard one. The WWE Draft could change things, such as the team-up of Ricochet & Braun, so if this is to be their last hurrah, they should make it big. Though, maybe not Viking Rules like with the New Day, that ended up doing more harm than good.

And really good stuff out of The Judgment Day and LWO. Good promo, Priest helping hint more and more that Bad Bunny is gonna get in the ring again. Great match out of Priest and Escobar, but of course there’s overbooking that somehow, someway gives Judgment Day the win. As I said on Raw, I expect a Six Man Tag out of this, with Rey, Escobar & Bunny taking on Finn, Priest & Dom. For one, it’ll take pressure off Bunny in his return, like when he teamed with Priest against Miz & Morrison. Plus, Backlash is basically his show this year, why shouldn’t he get to be in the spotlight?

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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