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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 4.13.2023

The big point is Mickie James’ status for Rebellion. Aside from that we should get some development for the Sunday PPV.



This is the first Go Home for a Sunday PPV since Slammiversary 2022. It’s definitely gonna be weird to not have to cover the event tomorrow. But we do have one big question answered tonight, will Mickie James be cleared for the Knockouts title match on Sunday?

Aside from that, we should get some build for PCO and Eddie Edwards, Hardcore War and who knows from there. Maybe some hype for the tag team Ultimate X?


  • Hardcore War Advantage Match: Kenny King w/Team Bully vs Frankie Kazarian w/Team Dreamer: Kenny wins after Moose hits Lights Out – ** 1/4
  • Lince Dorado vs Laredo Kid vs Rich Swann vs Black Taurus: Kid wins via Laredo Fly – ** 1/2
  • Taylor Wilde w/Kilynn King vs JesSICKa w/Rosemary: Taylor wins via Witch’s Wrath – ** 1/2
  • Dirty Dango & Joe Hendry vs Callihan & Angels w/Kon & Deaner: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – **
  • Gisele Shaw w/Jai Vidal & Savannah Evans vs Tasha Steelz: Steelz wins via Jacknife Cover – * 1/2


Hardcore War Advantage Match: Kenny King w/Team Bully vs Frankie Kazarian w/Team Dreamer

So as per War Games rules, the heel team should win since it makes no sense for a face team to have an advantage. Honestly, never really understood the point of these aside from ‘trying’ to get across that fake competition element. 

Kaz has the early advantage, Hip Tosses, Headscissors, an early pinfall attempt and then a Key Lock attempt but Kenny rolls that into a cradle and tries to get some space. Frankie counters Kenny’s attempt at moment, looks for the Slingshot DDT, but Kenny blocks and Stun Guns Kaz. Kaz tries to quicken the pace a little but Kenny catches him, literally, and hits a nice Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker that he transitions into a Camel Clutch; but Kaz manages to fire up out of the hold.

Kenny reacts quickly to the Kaz fire and hits the Leg Lariat. Kaz is in the corner, Kenny tries to yank him out, but Kaz pops to his feet and starts lighting up Kenny. Forearms, into a Scoop Slam and then the Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop for 2. Kaz hunts for the Chicken Wing, but Kenny backs him into the corner. Eddy Gordo kick after Kaz breaks the submission, Sunset Flip for 2, rolling counters as Kenny flows with the momentum and catches Kaz flipping, hits a Tiger Driver for 2. Both men feign spots for some of their signature offense, as Kaz slingshots Kenny back into the ring and catches him with a Cutter for 2. Teams fight outside, Kenny goes for the Victory Roll, Kaz counters into the Chicken Wing, but Brian Myers hits the apron to distract the referee and then Moose comes out of nowhere to hit Lights Out on Kaz. So to the surprise of nobody, the heel team wins.

We cut to an earlier in the night where Maclin interrupts the Canadian National Anthem and he looks like the cat who at the canary. He’s loving being such a shit heel, and I’m here for all of this. As Maclin is running down the crowd saying no one in the building can beat him up, Kushida slowly comes up behind Maclin and they start to brawl. This is a beautiful usage of Kushida being the heroic babyface, but since he English isn’t great, they are protecting him well from needing to talk. 

Lince Dorado vs Laredo Kid vs Rich Swann vs Black Taurus

Well the only thing I’m happy about with this match, is seeing Laredo Kid. Happy he’s recovered and healthy enough to be wrestling again.

The match almost starts off with one of those corny four man spots, but Black Taurus is my hero and just starts beating on each of them. Eventually the smaller guys gang up on Taurus, then there’s a big dumb dive spot as we’ve grown to expect from Indy Flippy bullshit matches.

Off the commercial, Laredo Kid is on the corner, Rich tries to knock him down, Laredo fight out, then throws Lince onto Laredo, Electric Chair/Superplex combination, as Rich Swann tries to steal the win with a Frog Splash on Taurus, but he kicks out. Rich rocks Lince, then Laredo tries to steal some offense, Michinoku Driver gives a near fall before Lince comes back in, some flippy moves then a Back Handspring Double Stunner on both for a near fall. Taurus comes in to snatch Lince off his perch, but the smaller guys gang up again. Taurus no sells a Superkick and then starts eating all of their lunches. Pop-Up Samoan Drop on Lince, Choke Slams Laredo into Rich who’s in Reverse DDT position. Backbreaker on Lince and then he just chucks Lince onto Rich on the outside.

Taurus tries a Torture Rack, but Laredo with a nasty Crucifix Bomb for 2. Taurus tries to fight back, molly whops him in the corner, and now we’re in Spanish Fly territory, from Laredo on the bull…and Laredo Fly puts away the match!

Was it kind of a car crash and just moves to pop the crowd? Yes. But Laredo going over is a good story. 

Taylor Wilde w/Kilynn King vs JesSICKa w/Rosemary

Taylor starts off the match by showing JesSICKa a tarot card and convincing her to show Rosemary since JesSICKa is naive to the dark arts. Taylor tries a cheap attack for the win, but JesSICKa is too big, she shakes off the attacks and ragdolling her a little. Jess misses in the corner, Taylor literally runs up her back and peppers in quick stomps before her new Koji Clutch-esque choke over the ropes.

Backstabber from Taylor which allows her to taunt Rosemary a little and use the ropes to choke JesSICKa. Taylor is cooking until JesSICKa starts her Flip Flop and Fly to stop the Wilde Witch. Elbow, Scoop Slam, off the ropes Fun Splash for 2! SICKishi Driver attempt, Kilynn hops on the apron, distracts Jess, Twisting Fisherman’s Neckbreaker from Taylor for the win! Hannifan said “the witch’s wrath has been felt”, so I like that as a finisher name, Witch’s Wrath.

Dirty Dango & Joe Hendry vs Callihan & Angels w/Kon & Deaner

Sami and Hendry start off fast, Callihan goes for a quick pin, Hendry kicks out and Angels is tagged in. After mocking Dango’s dance, Hendry drops Angels and brings in the weird one! Callihan gets tagged in, but when Callihan dodges a move, Angels eats the offense. Dango hits the Dirtbag Shuffle on Callihan, before Sami fires, Spicoli Driver for space and tags Angels back in.

Now we get The Design team working decently, a few quick tags, keeping Dango in their corner, but Dango shakes off Angels, trades Lariats with Callihan, then we get the slow crawl to tag out. Hendry in, Angels in, and Hendry is beating on him like he owes him money, lifts him up, Sack of Shit, and then we see Kon trip up Hendry to give Angels a spot. Big Splash causes Dango to break the pinfall, Callihan tries to do a tandem move with Angels but he misses and clocks Angels so Deaner starts admonishing Callihan. Deaner won’t allow Callihan to get in the corner for a tag because he went agains the plan, Angels is confused and turns around into a Standing Ovation.

Post-match beatdown of course. Dictator of Italy music hits! Santino decks Deaner and rocks him with a Front Kick, Cobra is primed…Angels turns around and gets…DA COBRA! 

Gisele Shaw w/Jai Vidal & Savannah Evans vs Tasha Steelz

I’m not sure how I feel about Tasha as a babyface. I’ve never enjoyed her singles work, and she’s usually a better talker than worker. So I’m curious if the time away helped her at all.

Gisele powders to touch up her make up, then they just jaw at each other for a few seconds and we start with some bitch slaps and trash talk. We get a commercial after Gisele powders following a weird bump off an awkward uppercut.

As we come back, Gisele slaps Tasha and then Tasha starts to take back over as she’s going from corner to corner with Chops. Now Gisele starts doing the same…but thankfully stops after two and just starts choking Tasha and pulling her hair. Up and over in the corner, Tasha connects a few combo moves, but Gisele pulls her down by the hair right before she gets some momentum. Gisele distracts the ref, Apron Chokeslam from Savannah, 2 count on the pin attempt and Gisele is working over Tasha.

Gisele bootwashes her a few times, disrespect in full effect, mocks her and Tasha tries to fight back…but Gisele stops the first attempt. Gisele is getting a little frustrated as Tasha not staying down, so she leans on her, kicks the ribs a few times and then looks for a Camel Clutch. Tasha gets flung into the corner, tries to raise her feet, Gisele catches them, throws them over the rope, peppers a few Back Elbows to lay her across the middle rope then a vicious Double Stomp sends us to another commercial. Shaw continues to get land high impact move after move, Flying Uppercuts, Twisting Neckbreakers, just working over Tasha, but Tasha won’t quit.

Steelz lands a few strikes, Polish Hammers, then a sloppy but effective Neckbreaker. Rolling Snapmare out of the corner into a Basement Dropkick for 2. Steelz goes for her Springboard Bulldog, but Gisele throws her off, Western lariat to the back of Tasha’s head, only 2. A few counters, but things get clunky, too many stalls and indecision. They get to the outside, Steelz gets thrown into the steel steps, and Gisele tries to hit an exposde knee Denouement against the steps, but misses. Steelz with a sliding kick on the now injured knee, Jacknife Cradle, and Steelz wins. Sloppy match with bad pacing.


Overall Score: 6/10

Well the story aspects moved along nicely in this show. The moment between Maclin and Kushida was great, the match work was pretty lackluster though. Lish’s promo on why she did what she did makes complete sense, and yes I may be a little biased but I love when Lish adds to stories as long as she’s not wrestling. Santino, Dango and Hendry are great, so that was a nice moment. It also can’t be understated that Bully’s team and reasoning were pretty fantastic. I have no tolerance for Dreamer wrestling anymore, but Bully at least understands how to talk, get over points and psychologically puts together solid matches. Dreamer is just like a watered down Dusty Rhodes with less believability and charisma.

Mickie’s promo was a little too obvious since everyone left the arena before she stated the outcome, but that doesn’t make the promo bad or less impactful. She’s not cleared, so Rebellion is guaranteed at least 2 new champions. Does this mean Mickie is completely done? Who knows. But even though the promo was somber, it was the best thing on the episode.

SO yeah, if you enjoy the storylines, this was a decent show. If you came for good wrestling, these are not the droids your looking for. Rebellion does promise to be interesting at least.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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