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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/7/23)

Some fights never end.



This Hollywood story is still being told!

The NEW Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions are here on SmackDown to fight! Sami Zayn and Jey Uso are set to battle 1v1, will this finally be the end?


  • Six Man Tag: Imperium VS The Brawling Brutes; The Brawling Brutes win.
  • Ricochet VS Ivar w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan; Ricochet wins.
  • Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Shotzi Blackheart & Natalya; Liv & Raquel win.
  • Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar w/ LWO VS Dominik Mysterio & Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day; Dom & Priest win.
  • Sami Zayn w/ Kevin Owens VS Jey Uso; Jey wins.


WWE mourns the loss of Bushwhacker Butch Miller.


Six Man Tag: Imperium VS The Brawling Brutes!

After that brutal Triple threat, Der Ring General is still Der Intercontinental Champion! But that doesn’t mean Fight Night goes away! Sheamus still wants that title, and he’s got Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne with him, will this be the second great war between them and Imperium?

The trios sort out and Giovanni Vinci starts against “Butch.” They tie up, Vincie waistlocks and SLAMS Dunne! Then brings him up to SLAM him again! Vinci hammerlocks but Dunne sits up. Dunne jumps for a flying-mare! Things speed up, Dunne hurdles then drops then CLOBBERS Vinci! Fans fire up while Vinci flounders to the Brutes’ corner. Dunne runs in to forearm smash! Tag to Ridge, he UPPERCUTS Vinci but Vinci throws forearms. Ridge short arms but Vinci dodges to springboard and CROSSBODY! Tag to Ludwig Kaiser, and Imperium mugs Ridge. Ludwig scrapes his soles on Ridge’s face, then PENALTY KICKS! And BASEMENT UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO!

Ludwig drags Ridge up, but Ridge wrenches and ROCKS Ludwig with a right. Tag back to Dunne, Dunne goes up and DOUBLE STOMPS the bad arm! Dunne wrenches the arm, Ludwig breaks free and tags Vinci back in. Dunne drop toeholds Vinci and gets the arm. Dunne bends the fingers, twists the arm and STOMPS it! Dunne whips Vinci to a corner, Vinci reverses but Dunne BOOTS him away! Fans fire up, Gunther and Sheamus get at each other but this is all distraction! Ludwig throws Dunne to Vinci’s BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Sheamus storms in but Imperium gets away and regroups. Fans boo but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Gunther has Dunne down with a chinlock. Fans rally up, Dunne fights up, and he JAWBREAKERS Gunther! Gunther just stomps Dunne in return! And then sucker punches Sheamus! Fans boo but Gunther drags Dunne up into a SLEEPER! Dunne bends Gunther’s fingers! And SNAPS them! Gunther clutches that hand, tags Vinci, and Vinci brings Dunne up. GERMAN SUPLEX, but Dunne lands on his feet! BUZZSAW! Hot tag to Ridge and Ludwig! Ridge catches Ludwig to an OVERHEAD Suplex! And a DISCUS! And then cording hold to another OVERHEAD Suplex!

Ridge runs in to SPLASH at the corner, and he brings Ludwig out. Ludwig wrenches to UPPERCUT! Ludwig underhooks, but Ridge blocks! Ridge powers up and ALABAMA SLAMS! High stack, TWO! Ludwig gets to the corner, Ridge runs in but only gets buckles! And a GAMANGIRI! Tag to Vinci, then Gunther tags in. They set Ridge up in the corner, TRIPLE KICKS! But fans fire up as Sheamus rises again! Gunther bridges Ridge up but Ridge HEADBUTTS! Ridge BLATS Vinci, DECKS Ludwig, but Gunther CHOPS him down! Then Gunther BOOTS Sheamus, and SHOTGUNS Ridge!

Gunther reels Ridge in, GENERAL POWERBOMB! Cover, Dunne breaks it!! Gunther BOOTS Dunne, then gets Ridge’s legs! BOSTON CRAB! Ridge endures, fans rally, and Sheamus storms up the steel steps! Ridge powers up, powers his way over, and fans are thunderous for the hot tag! The Fella is in and Gunther fires off hands! Sheamus gives them back, fans rally, and Sheamus gets the edge! Sheamus whips, Gunther reverses but Sheamus LARIATS! Sheamus scoops to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up while Gunther goes to the apron! Sheamus has Gunther up against the ropes, for the BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!

Fans count all the way to TEN! Sheamus is all fired up, but Gunther avoids the boot! GERMAN SUPLEX! Gunther swings, Sheamus blocks, then clotheslines collide! Gunther BOOTS Sheamus, reels him in, but Sheamus powers out! WHITE NOISE! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and Ludwig runs in! Dunne ENZIGURIS! But Ludwig tilt-o-whirl SLAMS him! Ridge POUNCES Ludwig, Vinci tags in! Ridge HEADBUTTS, but Imperium hits him with the HIGH LOW! But Dunne goes up, to ARIHARA MOONSAULT Ludwig! Vinci is stunned, but he turns around. He dodges Sheamus but jumps into the KNEE!!

Fans are thunderous again and Sheamus takes aim! Sheamus beats his chest and fans chant along. BROGUE!! Cover, Brawling Brutes win!

Winners: The Brawling Brutes, by pinfall

And the Celtic Warrior is back on top! Sheamus, Ridge and Dunne celebrate, but will Gunther have to watch out for another banger of a battle against Sheamus soon enough?


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Kayla Braxton is with the Special Counsel, and Solo Sikoa is by his side. Heyman has Kayla stop to say there is no booing his name. Fans still boo anyway. Kayla asks Heyman if he has any idea why Brock Lesnar did what he did to Cody Rhodes. Heyman asks Kayla why tonight is so different from other nights. Heyman will pass over her silly question, and address something far more relevant: Your Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table. The Bloodline main evented both nights of WrestleMania, all thanks to Roman… Reigns! Who is now approaching one THOUSAND days as champion!

Jey Uso applauds as he walks over, and Heyman shakes his hand. The Right Hand Man, Main Event Jey Uso! Jey asks OG Heyman about where Jimmy went. Solo, you seen him? Solo is quiet, and Heyman sighs. Jimmy is not here tonight. The Tribal Chief wanted him to stay home and watch on TV as Main Event Jey, the Right Hand Man, takes out Sami Zayn all by himself! Jey will cement his legacy on the Island of Relevancy by once and for all, by his own doing, solve the Sami Zayn Problem. Jey accepts that, and heads out. But Heyman tells Solo that either Jey solves this problem tonight, or Solo solves their problems tonight. Is this more manipulation by the Tribal Chief?


Ricochet VS Ivar w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan!

The Street Profits won the Fatal 4 Way Tag Team WrestleMania Showcase, but the fighting in the tag division doesn’t stop there. The King of Flight is taking on the Warbeard 1v1, who will help their team move up in the rankings?

SmackDown returns and the Viking Raiders make their entrance. The bell rings, Ricochet rushes in and throws hands! Ivar TOSSES Ricochet to a corner, but Ricochet dodges to fire off kicks and body shots. Ivar shoves Ricochet away, Ricochet rolls and handsprings to headscissor Ivar, then DROPKICK him out of the ring! Fans fire up, Ricochet goes up the corner to triangle jump DROPKICK! Ivar goes back down tot he floor and Ricochet builds speed, to DIVE! But Ivar catches him! To RAM him into the apron! Valhalla says finish it, and Ivar SPLASHES Ricochet against the LED!

Fans boo but Ivar puts Ricochet in the ring. Ivar stalks Ricochet to a corner, ROCKS him with a right hand, then stands him up for back elbow after back elbow! The ref counts, Ivar lets off at 4, but fans still boo. Ivar shouts, “Viking Raiders!” but fans boo more. Ivar stands Ricochet up and then puts him on the top rope. Ivar CLUBS Ricochet, climbs up after him, but Ricochet CLUBS Ivar in return! Ivar steps back, Ricochet KICKS him away! Ricochet adjusts, leaps, sunset flips, but Ivar stays up! Ivar drags Ricochet up, and deadlift suplexes, only for Ricochet to land out!

Ricochet JUMP KNEES, runs, but into a KNEE from Ivar! Ivar runs, springboards, but into a DROPKICK! Ivar wobbles, Ricochet fireman’s carries! Fans can’t believe he’s bringing Ivar up! But Ricochet’s back gives up! Ivar whips, Ricochet handsprings but Ivar gets under to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Ivar seethes, he drags Ricochet to a drop zone, and he goes up the corner! Fans fire up but Ricochet SLAPS Ivar first! And again! Ricochet climbs up, Ivar CLUBS him, then CLUBS him down to the apron! Ivar adjusts, but Ricochet springboards back up! SUPER STEINER!! Fans are thunderous as Ricochet goes back up!

Ricochet aims, for the SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

The One and Only was able to defeat the one Viking put in front of him! But will we see Ricochet and Braun Strowman head towards the tag titles?


Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens talk backstage.

Sami asks if Kevin was just staring at his titles. No… He was leering. Well, that’s fine, Sami stared at his earlier, too. This is surreal! First SmackDown since becoming the Undisputed Tag Team Champions! This is a big night! Kevin says Sami has an especially big night. He’s facing Jey 1v1 tonight. What does that mean? Well, c’mon. This is a great chance to put all this Bloodline stuff behind them. They took the titles at WrestleMania, and now whatever is left to be settled will be settled. Then Sami can be done with Jey. Right? Well, that’s kinda what Sami wants to talk with Kevin about.

Something about all this feels off to Sami. He isn’t sure how to put it. Kevin has a point, but Sami can’t shake this feeling that he has to talk to Jey. What? Why? What could he talk to Jey about? Sami isn’t sure. Kevin is right, they wanted the tag titles, they wanted to watch the Bloodline crumble. They did it all the biggest way possible: in the main event at WrestleMania, for the titles. And yes, now it is all crumbling down, but… Sami may sound weird, but there’s a sense of obligation here. Kevin isn’t sure what Sami’s talking about, but does Sami think he can just waltz in there to have a nice little chat?

Yes, Kevin & Sami won. The Bloodline is crumbling. But what about that makes Sami think Jey will be in any mood to talk? If anything, he’ll be more dangerous, more volatile, more unpredictable. Kevin isn’t sure what Sami is trying to get out of this. But at the same time, Kevin knows Sami, and he won’t be able to talk Sami out of this. But Kevin is just saying, it is a bad idea and Sami shouldn’t do it. Sami says Kevin is right. But Sami has to. Sami says it’ll be okay, and leaves. Kevin is pretty sure Sami said he was right and yet he’s doing this. Will Kevin also be right that Sami is only setting himself up to fail?


Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Shotzi Blackheart & Natalya!

Morgan & Rodriguez are #LivingLarge as the number one contenders to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships, and they get their shot this Monday Night Raw! But will the Wild Child & Queen of Hart be a tune-up or a speed bump here on Friday Night SmackDown?

SmackDown returns as “The Ballsy Baddies” Shotzi & Natty make their entrance. The teams sort out, Natty starts against Raquel and they both rush in. Raquel runs Natty over, whips her to ropes, but  Natty dodges and tags Shotzi. Raquel blocks Natty’s rana, goes to ropes, but then Natty RANAS Raquel out! Natty holds the ropes open for Shotzi to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp, but Liv HOTSHOTS Natty! Liv calls to Raquel but Shotzi puts Raquel in to cover. ONE, but Shotzi runs in. Raquel scoops but Shotzi tilt-o-whirls, only for Raquel to block! Raquel swings Shotzi around, Shotzi slips free and KNEES!

Shotzi springboards, but Raquel blocks this rana! Shotzi fights as Raquel moves her around, and Raquel puts her in a STRETCH MUFFLER! Tag to Liv, Liv goes up, DRAPING DROPKICK! Liv then runs, to SLING-DDT! Cover, Natty breaks it! Natty drags Shotzi tot he corner, tags in, and she blocks ObLivion! But Liv wheelbarrows to a victory roll, TWO! Natty has it, TWO! Liv rolls Natty, TWO! Natty gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Liv staggers up, into the DISCUS! Cover, Raquel breaks it! Shotzi CROSSBODIES Raquel! Shotzi hurries to her corner, Natty tags her in. They bring Liv up, ASSISTED SLICED BREAD!

Natty and Shotzi coordinate again, for the HART- NO, Raquel POUNCES Natty! Liv fights free, gets the boost, TORNADO DDT! Shotzi staggers up, into ObLIVion!! Cover, Liv & Raquel win!

Winners: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall

#LivingLarge and in charge, it’s another big win for Morgan & Rodriguez! But will they hit the big time against Becky Lynch & Lita?


Madcap Moss plays WWE 2K23 backstage.

Emma cheers her guy on, and even Xavier Woods is impressed. But LA Knight walks in to say it is just games, games and more cockamamie games! But if you watched WrestleMania, then you know there was one glaring omission. See, there was Snoop, there was Bad Bunny, there was Logan Paul. And Knight couldn’t help but think that they were in LA, and there was one man missing. L A KNIGHT! Well, it is WrestleMania, and yet here’s Woods on screen, playing video games! Woods gets up to say he is tired of this deja vu. What is wrong, Knight? Daddy didn’t pat you on the head and tell you you’re special on the big day?

And yet Knight comes in here to complain to them about it, instead of doing something like Woods and creating your own solution. If Knight worked as much as he talked, he would’ve been on WrestleMania. That’s probably why Woods beat him a couple weeks ago. And Woods will gladly beat Knight for money again, because that’s what he needs. Oh, do it again, huh? This isn’t playing a game, buddy. This is LA Knight’s game, YEAH! And then Knight BREAKS Woods’ controller! Knight heads out, Moss keeps Woods back. Will Woods give Knight something to talk about?


Triple H is here!

Portland fires up as The Game heads to the ring! He told us on Monday that despite the business deals going on, the WWE isn’t going away. He gets the mic tonight to say, “I can tell you, as long as there’s breath in my body, that’ll never get old. I know you’ve already been here for awhile, but welcome to SmackDown. And let me just say that there is nothing in the world like WrestleMania. Where the greatest athletes from around the world come to make history on the Grandest Stage of Them All, in a place where hearts are broken, and dreams are fulfilled. And this year, WrestleMania 39 exceeded all expectations.

“It is an event where millions, record setting millions of fans from around the world watched as 161+ thousand fans packed into SoFi Stadium for two nights, breaking every single WWE record that we have.” Fans cheer that. HHH says from viewership to attendance to a gross of $21.6 MILLION, to sales, to sponsorship, to merchandise. “If there’s a record, you name it, we broke it.” Fans cheer that, too. Including digital, almost a BILLION views this week alone. “But as great as WrestleMania was, it is now behind us, and now, we look to the future. And that is why I am out here, to talk about the future. Are you ready?”

Fans cheer, but HHH asks, “ARE… YOU… READY!?” HHH wants to tell us that in just a few short weeks, it is once again time for the WWE DRAFT! “A night that changes the future and the destiny of every WWE superstar in the back. And this year, the Draft will be bigger than it has ever been before, with every single superstar eligible for the draft. And I promise you this, when it is all said and done, this year’s Draft will truly change the game. And speaking of changing the game, let me introduce you to somebody that is doing just that. Fresh of her win over the legendary Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania, please welcome the Smackdown Women’s Champion, THE ERADICATOR, RHEA RIPLEY!”

Fans fire up as Rhea and the Judgment Day make their way to the ring. HHH shakes her hand as they meet on the ramp, as well as Dominik’s and Priest’s. He even Too Sweets Finn! The Judgment Day continues down to the ring, and Rhea lifts the title overhead. Judgment Day then get the mics, and Rhea says, “April 1st, 2023 will go down in history as the night that sports entertainment changed forever. Because Rhea bloody Ripley did the impossible! I destroyed and dethroned 14-time Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair. So, I think it’s time that everyone rises for Mami!” Fans are torn but there are plenty who rise.

Rhea demands you rise for the biggest star! The most feared woman! Rise for the greatest champion in all of WWE! HAHAHA! Finn then moves things on to Edge. “What sort of a sicko needs to resort to splitting my head open just to get a W? Look who’s the real winner. Because even though I got 14 STAPLES in my head, Edge ain’t nowhere to be seen, and Finn is still standing!” Fans boo because Dom starts talking. Dom is annoyed, but he says, “At WrestleMania, I decided…” The boos get so loud that Dom takes a moment to compose himself. Dom says he decided NOT to show aggression towards his father!

Finn says they’ve got all night, Dom will wait for them to stop. Mami whispers something to Dom and he nods. Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Dom says who really sucks is a father who lays hands on his own son! Dom held back! Dom pulled his punches! Because Dom knew that in the end, he couldn’t hurt his father! He loves his dad! But Dom can’t say the same for Rey. When they stood there in that ring, Dom saw the anger in Rey’s eyes. Dom says it in Spanish, too. But Dom sees where the line is drawn. As far as Rey is concerned, he and the rest of the family can go to hell! Fans boo even more!

Dom tells Rey to take Bad Bunny and his other little friends in the LWO with him. Speaking of Bad Bunny, Priest tells him that he was his friend, but Dom is his brother. Bunny, hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive Priest. Because Priest forgives Bunny for making him do what he did to him. But here comes Rey! He and the LWO roll up to the ring, ready for the fight! Will the new age Latino World Order put the Judgment Day in their place?

Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar w/ LWO VS Dominik Mysterio & Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day!

SmackDown returns and Rey starts against Dom. Fans fire up for this WrestleMania rematch, only for Dom to tag out to Priest. Fans boo but Dom soaks up the heat. Priest and Rey circle, Priest kicks low then CLUBS Rey. Priest DECKS Rey, Rey staggers up but Priest throws body shots and haymakers. Priest stomps away, the ref counts and Priest lets off. Fans boo but Dom soaks it up for Priest. Priest TOSSES Rey to a corner, tags Dom, and the Judgment Day mug Rey. Fans boo, the ref counts, and Judgment Day lets off at 4. Dom soaks up more heat, Rhea is laughing, and Dom stomps Rey to a corner.

Dom whips Rey corner to corner hard! Rey bounces off buckles and Dom eggs on Escobar. Dom rains down fists on Rey! Fans boo but Dom lets off just to soak up more heat. Dom slaps Rey around, brings him up, and CLUBS him again. Dom snap suplexes, covers, ONE! Dom dusts himself off and brings Rey up. Dom whips Rey to the corner, runs in but Rey BOOTS him! Rey ELBOWS Priest, slides but Dom catches him! Dom CLUBS Rey, back suplexes, but Rey lands on his feet! Tag to Escobar and he KNEES Dom down! Escobar DECKS Priest, runs in at Dom, but Dom puts him on the apron. Escobar GAMANGIRIS back!

Escobar goes up, CROSSBODIES, and fans fire up! Dom runs but into a BACKBREAKER! Dom tries again, into another BACKBREAKER! Priest storms in, Escobar gives Rey a boost to RANA Priest back out! Fans fire up and LWO builds speed! DOUBLE TOPES! Down goes Dom at the ramp, Priest hits the desk! Rey and Escobar get back in the ring and hug it out while fans fire up! Escobar then puts Rey on his shoulders! The LWO is in control as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Dom tags Priest so that they can mug Escobar. The ref counts, Priest brings Escobar out to scoop SLAM! Cover, TWO! Priest sits Escobar up into a motorcycle stretch. Escobar endures the knee in his back and the fans rally up. Escobar fights up, elbows free, then fires haymakers! Priest dodges to BELL CLAP! And then FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Priest drags Escobar up, brings him over, and he tags in Dom. They mug Escobar again while fans boo. Dom facelocks Escobar to grind him down but fans rally back up. Escobar fights up, powers his way forward, and reaches out!

But Dom knees Escobar low! Escobar keeps fighting, he BACK DROPS Dom away! Hot tag to Rey! Rey runs in to rally on the Judgment Day! Rey fires off on Dom, whips, but Dom reverses. Rey tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Dom ends up in a corner, Rey ROCKS him with a forearm! Rey whips, Dom reverses, Rey goes up and over to keep moving, but Dom scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Rey survives and Dom is fuming! Dom drags Rey up, fans rally for “619! 619!” Dom knees low, runs, sunset flips, but Rey rolls through to basement dropkick! Rey WRECKS Priest with a dropkick! Then LIONSAULTS Dom! Cover, TWO!

Dom is still in this but LWO coaches Rey on. Rey says it’s time, and he dropkicks Dom onto ropes! Rey dials it up, but Rhea drags Dom down to save him! Vega FLYING RANAS Rhea! Fans fire up and Rhea is furious! Vega eggs her on! Rey drags Dom up, Vega has Rhea chase her, and they go into the crowd! Priest tags in, but Rey dumps him out! Rey RANAS Dom, and he tags Escobar before he dials it up! 619!! Escobar fireman’s carries Dom, but Priest runs in to BLAST Rey! Priest UPPERCUTS Escobar! Choke grip, SOUTH OF HEAVEN SLAM!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!

Winners: The Judgment Day, by pinfall

The Judgment Day is on top, but Rey DROPKICKS Priest before this goes any further! Priest is furious but Finn wants him to calm down. The Punisher vows they’ll all get some, but will Rey & the LWO be ready?


Sami Zayn looks around backstage.

He asks a staffer if they’ve seen Jey Uso. Sami’s pointed in the right direction and heads that way. Will the Great Liberator get through to the Right Hand Man before this goes to the main event?


Shinsuke Nakamura is set to return!

The King of Strong Style has been away, revisiting his home of Japan and facing some international icons, but he will return next week in Nebraska!


Sami finds Jey.

Sami says if Kevin was right and Jey doesn’t wanna talk, that’s fine. But Sami has one thing to say before they both go out there. “It’s the same thing I’ve been saying for months. You know there’s a way out of all of this for you, right? You know that.” Jey scoffs but Sami says, “Look, everything I’ve said was gonna happen has happened. I said we would take those tag team titles off of you and that the Bloodline would crumble, and guess what happened? At WrestleMania, we took those tag team titles. And now, the Bloodline is crumbling.

“You don’t believe me, man? Look around! Jimmy ain’t here! Roman’s mad at you! Heyman is selling you lies, and Solo’s looking at you like he’s ready to drop the hammer any second. Man, it’s all, if you don’t see it by now. Hey, if I gotta keep beating sense into you, I’ll do it, man. You want me to beat you like I did at WrestleMania tonight, I’ll do it. I’ll do it next week, until you get it through your head. If that’s how it’s gotta be, that’s how it’ll be. But what I’m trying to say to you, is that’s not how it has to be.” Jey still doesn’t say anything, but then something goes clattering backstage! Sami hurries over, and Solo has attacked Kevin with a road case!!

Sami and staff get the case off Kevin’s leg, but they also keep Sami from going after Solo. Adam Pearce tells the others to get Solo outta here. Kevin won’t be able to go with Sami like this, is this all part of the Bloodline’s plan?

Sami Zayn w/ Kevin Owens VS Jey Uso!

SmackDown returns and Sami is at gorilla. Kayla asks him for an update on Kevin. Kevin’s with the medics, he isn’t available tonight, but… Kevin was right. The Bloodline is even more dangerous now than before. But Jey is gonna see that he’s not the only one who has a problem to solve. Sami makes his entrance, will he show the Bloodline who they’re messing with?

The bell rings and fans fire up already. Sami and Jey circle, tie up, and go around. Sami puts Jey in a corner, the ref counts the break and Sami lets off. Sami tells Jey there’s still a way, but Jey shoves him back. Jey and Sami reset, tie up again, and go around. Jey puts Sami in the corner now, lets off, but Sami keeps telling him that the Bloodline is crumbling. Jey pie faces Sami! Sami smirks, and he resets with Jey. They tie up again, Jey headlocks, but Sami powers up and out. Jey runs Sami over, fans boo, but Jey raises the finger. He the one right now, and things speed up again. Sami CLOBBERS Jey!

Fans fire up, Sami brings Jey up to ROCK him with right hands! Sami whips, Jey reverses but Sami springboard up and over to DECK Jey! Sami whips Jey, Jey holds ropes but Sami clotheslines him up and out! Fans fire up and Sami builds speed, but here comes Solo! Fans boo more as the Enforcer of the Island makes his way to ringside. Jey nods but Sami dares Solo to do something, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Jey has Sami down. Jey climbs, but Sami springs up to ROCK him! Sami climbs after Jey, they brawl, but Sami gets the edge! Jey hits back, the brawling continues, and Sami gets the edge again. Sami clinches, but Jey fights! Sami still SUPER EXPLODERS! Fans are thunderous but Solo is stoic as both men writhe. Sami and Jey sit up, Jey throws off his elbow pad. Fans rally for Sami and he counterpunches Jey! And again! And again! Jey staggers, but he mule kicks! And UPPERCUTS! Sami blocks the kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Sami ends up in a corner, Jey runs in, but into a BOOT!

Sami goes up top fast, leaps, but into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives but Jey pushes him back down. Jey drags Sami up, talks trash, “How many times I gotta tell yo’ ass? Huh, Sami?” Fans rally up, Jey tells Sami to get up, but Sami clinches! CORNER EXPLODER! Fans fire up and Sami gets to the far side! Jey staggers up, Sami runs in, but Jey ducks the kick! Jey rolls Sami up, TWO! Sami catches Jey for a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives and Solo starts to look worried. Sami pushes Jey down, rains down fists, then says if this is how Jey wants it, this is how he’ll do it.

Sami goes up the corner and fans fire up. Jey springs up to GAMANGIRI! Sami wobbles up top and Jey hurries up after him! Jey brings Sami up but Sami fights the superplex! Sami CLUBS Jey again and again and again and again! Fans fire up and Sami adjusts, but Jey HEADBUTTS him down! Sami goes to the apron, Jey CHOKES him! The ref counts, Jey lets off, Solo SAMOAN SPIKES Sami!! Jey whips Sami to SUPERKICK!! Cover, Jey wins!!

Winner: Jey Uso, by pinfall

Fans boo as The Enforcer once again helps The Bloodline win the big one! Solo helps his brother up, and then Solo drags Sami up to HEADBUTT again and again and again! Fans boo but Kevin isn’t able to make the save! Solo just keeps raining down fists, then AX HANDLE after AX HANDLE! Jey watches as Solo beats Sami down, and then Solo stands Sami up. But Jey stops the Samoan Spike?! Fans fire up as the brothers stare down! Jey says that’s enough, and fans chant “JEY! JEY! JEY!” But Jey SUPERKICKS Sami down! Jey grins, and he tells Solo to get the chair. Jey punches away on Sami in the corner!

Solo brings the chair, but ‘Bro…!” Matt Riddle is here! And he slides in to ROUNDHOUSE Jey! And KNEE Solo! And then shot around to ripcord and FINAL FLASH for Jey! Solo gets in, but Riddle dodges him to fire off palm strikes, a BOOT and a LARIAT! Riddle and Solo want after each other, but Jey has Solo stand down! The Stallion wants payback for what Solo did to him months ago, is he just another problem for The Bloodline?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown After Mania, and a much better follow-up than Raw ended up being. Vince got his claws into Raw, but it seems HHH was able to keep him from doing the same to SmackDown. Not that we got big surprises, like call-ups, because HHH announced we’re getting a WWE Draft. The Draft can be the kayfabe way of bringing up NXT superstars to RawDown, and hopefully doesn’t tank stories like it has in the past. For one, it should be used to officially bring Rhea & Judgment Day over to SmackDown now that she’s champion. She’s got the brand’s title, the group’s feud is over here with Rey and now the LWO, it just makes sense.

Also, really good promo from the Judgment Day, and a great match between Dom & Priest VS Rey & Escobar. I thought Vega bringing Rhea away from ringside was going to help LWO win, but no, Dom and Priest are still sneaky enough to turn things around. Maybe Vega just ends up Rhea’s first challenger to give her a match at Backlash. It’s very clear that Bad Bunny & Rey, and possibly even Escobar, will face Dom, Priest and maybe Finn for a real good tag match, so why not have the women’s champion get involved? Also, another good promo from HHH, though outside of mentioning the Draft, he was more vague than he was on Raw.

Great opening Six Man from Imperium VS Brawling Brutes to not just revisit their feud from last year, but to also set up another go. Sheamus and Gunther still have a lot to give, that’d be a great match for Backlash, but a big moment like Sheamus’ Ultimate Grand Slam happening at Backlash? I can’t be sure they’d do that, even if it is HHH calling the shots. Really good match from Ricochet and Ivar, a little surprised we didn’t get the flipside of Braun VS Erik but maybe that’s next week. And really good promo from Knight and Woods, though that was the exact same set-up as last week. Knight really should’ve been part of WrestleMania, but whatever, rumor has it that was another Vince call.

Good tag match tune-up for Liv & Raquel against Shotzi & Natty, aka a team that also didn’t win the Fatal 4 Way Showcase. Tegan Nox is back, I’m surprised HHH hasn’t tried to salvage the team-up of Nox & Shotzi. Liv & Raquel probably aren’t winning the titles on Monday, even if HHH is calling the shots. Ronda’s elbow injury seems to be the only thing in the way of her and Shayna challenging Becky & Lita, so any number of teams might get their turn before Ronda’s 100% again. It’s also a shame that Chelsea Green is out again, this time with a distended gallbladder. The Hot Mess can’t catch a break, but let’s hope she can return quickly.

Great to hear Shinsuke Nakamura is on his way back. The King of Strong Style has been keeping active in Japan but he deserves something good in the WWE. I’m not sure what he’ll be able to get right now, though, with Roman’s reign still strong, and both midcard champions also in their own things. Maybe Nakamura moves to Raw to face Austin Theory for the US Championship? And then we got great stuff from The Bloodline saga again. Sami knew Kevin was right but then it was Kevin getting beat up by Solo. Great match for the main event, and great tease of dissention as Jey stops Solo. But also great continuity for Riddle to show up to save Sami. It’s a bit soon for WarGames, but I could see Riddle, Cody, Sami & Kevin VS Roman, Usos & Solo before this saga is all over.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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