Will Charlotte Feel the Glow?
PC dusts off his master trivia skills and the boys begin their journey covering the show about nothing!
It's a ROWDY Friday Night!
Seth Freakin' Rollins returns!
As we wait for the Royal Rumble next week, the DWI Podcast crew discusses the NFL and the best shows to watch right now!
Acknowledge the history made!
Brock and Bobby, Seth and Roman & The It Couple vs The Grit Couple... all this and more this week on the podcast known as D...
SmackDown gets extreme!
The Beast cometh!
Let the DWI Podcast ring in the new year for you as we talk WWE Day 1!
The last SmackDown of 2021 is on FS1!
'Twas the SmackDown Before Christmas...
Badlands is back with a new episode that asks the question, What If Rob Van Dam didn’t get arrested for marijuana possession? About Badlands’ Wrestling’s...
Just when you thought it was over... out of nowhere... another Platt and Tunney night of shenanigans!
The Tribal Chief returns!
RKBRO on a Friday?