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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/6/22)




SmackDown 2022

One more stop before Backlash!

One more SmackDown before WrestleMania Backlash, and the Bloodline has one last face-to-face with RKBRO and Drew McIntyre!


  • Charlotte Flair VS Aliyah; No Contest.
  • Sasha Banks w/ Naomi VS Shayna Baszler w/ Natalya; Shayna wins.
  • Drew Gulak VS GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser; Gunther wins.
  • Tag Team Tables Match: The New Day VS Sheamus & Ridge Holland; Sheamus & Ridge win.
  • Sami Zayn VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Sami wins.


Charlotte Flair VS Aliyah!

The SmackDown Women’s Champion couldn’t put #Aliyah316 away in 1:41 and she is not happy about it! Charlotte beat up Drew Gulak for the loss last week, but will she get even with Aliyah this close to Backlash? Or will Aliyah just frustrate her even more?

Before the match, Charlotte gets the mic. “Long Island, New York, what is up? Look at all these people who paid their hard earned money to come see me! Thank you, thank you.” Charlotte doesn’t get why this is the “armpit of New York,” but she can empathize with those saying she was humiliated after losing the Beat the Clock Challenge. She was not, she was screwed! Aliyah clearly tapped out and said she quit before the time was up. And that moron, Gulak, what’s his problem? Time was going more up than down and that messed with Charlotte. Charlotte says the only one being humiliated is Ronda Rousey when she says she quits!

Charlotte says Ronda will cry like a baby, wah wah wah! Hell, when Ronda says she quits, she might quit WWE altogether! Bye, Ronda! Nana nana, hey hey hey, good-bye~! As for Aliyah, everyone say hi. Fans cheer and she waves. Charlotte asks Aliyah if she’s enjoying her 15 seconds of fame in the ring with Charlotte. Because we’re going to get a preview of what’ll happen at Backlash! Y’know what? Charlotte will even pretend Aliyah is Ronda now. “C’mere, Ronda, c’mere.” Closer, then SUCKER PUNCH! Then a LARIAT! Charlotte throws off her robe to stomp Aliyah then rain down fists, all while fans boo!

Charlotte wants Aliyah to say she quits as she pulls Aliyah’s hair. Charlotte drags Aliyah up to DECK her again! Then Charlotte soaks up the heat, only for Ronda to rush out here! Charlotte’s ready for it, and she kicks at the ropes. Ronda avoids that to drag Charlotte out! They brawl with fast hands and fans are going nuts! Charlotte RAMS Ronda into the apron, and again, but Ronda throws knees! Ronda POSTS Charlotte, then stalks her around the way. Ronda whips but Charlotte reverses to send Ronda into barriers! Charlotte steadies herself but fans rally for Ronda. Charlotte gets in the ring but Ronda pursues!

Ronda rushes in, but Charlotte TACKLES her! Charlotte gives some ground ‘n’ pound, but Ronda gets up to BOOT Charlotte. But then Charlotte BOOTS back! Charlotte RAMS her shoulders into Ronda, but Ronda gets a clutch! Refs and officials rush in to stop this brawl, but Charlotte starts shoving them! But then she BOOTS the official as Ronda ducked! The scrap continues, more knees and forearms, the refs keep trying and reinforcements rush out! Ronda keeps Charlotte from getting away, and she throws down elbows! The refs and officials force these two apart, but the animosity is still palpable! Ronda busts free to SPEAR Charlotte!

Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” as the refs and officials keep trying to stop this. Charlotte gets away but then shoves Jamie Noble away. Charlotte shouts that this is HER show, but will the SmackDown Women’s Championship still be her title?


Sasha Banks w/ Naomi VS Shayna Baszler w/ Natalya!

The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are preparing to take on Spades & Hart, and now the Boss steps up to the Submission Magician! Will #BossTime turn into quitting time against Shayna? Or will Sasha avoid having to #TapNapOrSnap?

SmackDown returns as Shayna and Natty make their entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Sasha goes after Shayna but Shayna backs her down. Sasha BOOTS Shayna, goes up, METEORA! Sasha rains down fists then covers, TWO! Sasha gets Shayna’s arm and wants to give it back for Naomi! But Shayna avoids the stomp, only for Sasha to dodge the boot. Sasha tilt-o-whirls and hits an ARM CODE BREAKER! Sasha isolates that arm again, then gets the other arm! Sasha bends the fingers and twists the wrist, doing just what Shayna would do! But Shayna KICKS Sasha, then drags her down!

Sasha resists the armbar and moves around but Shayna uses her legs to keep Sasha down. Sasha pushes to stack Shayna, TWO! Shayna clubs the arms but Sasha keeps her grip. Fans rally, Sasha moves around and fights free of the legs, but Shayna thrashes her around! Sasha headscissors to a victory roll, TWO! Shayna rushes in but Sasha catches her arm! Natty distracts, Sasha swipes at her! Shayna gut wrenches and SLAMS Sasha down! Natty cheers but fans boo while Shayna shakes out the bad arm. Shayna stalks Sasha to a corner and stomps away! Long Island is on Sasha’s side as the ref counts.

Shayna lets off to then whips but Sasha reverses. Shayna dodges, but then Sasha dodges, and Shayna hits buckles. Sasha throws fast hands, then whips corner to corner. Shayna reverses but Sasha goes up to headscissor, into a SIDEWALK SLAM! Natty applauds as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sasha rolls Shayna, TWO! Shayna BOOTS and CLUBS Sasha, then has the double wristlock! Sasha endures, Shayna taunts Naomi with it, and fans rally. Shayna hammerlocks as Sasha fights up, and Sasha runs around to toss Shayna out! Shayna gets in, but Sasha throws her out the other side! Sasha builds speed while Naomi taunts back, and she baseball slides Shayna down! Sasha SMACKS Shayna’s arm off the desk again and again! Naomi is fired up with Sasha and Sasha puts Shayna back in. Sasha hurries to run, and BASEMENT METEORA! Cover, TWO!

Sasha is shocked Shayna survived but she keeps focus. Natty coaches Shayna but Sasha is after the arm. Sasha wrenches, Shayna body shots and KICKS, but Sasha pushes Shayna to the ropes. Shayna puts Sasha on the apron but Sasha shoulders into her. Sasha blocks the kick to KNEE Shayna, then she rolls in to wheelbarrow and BULLDOG! Sash then RANAS Natty to keep her away! Sasha hurries back in, but Shayna gets up to KNEE Sasha! Shayna drags Sasha into a fisherman bridge, TWO! Sasha gets around to backslide, TWO! Sasha tries to facelock, Shayna cradles, Natty helps Shayna keep feet on the ropes! SHAYNA WINS!

Winner: Shayna Baszler

But to be sore winners, Natty & Shayna beat up Naomi & Sasha! Natty full nelsons Naomi while Shayna gets the arm! Naomi still BOOTS Shayna down! And JAWBREAKERS Natty! Naomi and Sasha get Natty up, DOUBLE SOLE FOOD! Spades & Hart back down, but will they tear Sasha & Naomi apart to get those titles?


Backstage interview with The Usos.

Jimmy & Jey team up with Roman Reigns at Backlash to take on Drew McIntyre 7 RKBRO. Any final thoughts before tonight’s faceoff? NO! Because the time for talk is done. That fool Riddle talks too much anyway, always putting his foot in his moth. And The Viper ain’t scaring nobody! The Usos have the antidote to that poison. They’re gonna have some fresh snake skin Air Force Ones! Because they the twos, and #WeTheOnes!


Backstage interview with RKBRO.

Randy Orton & Matt Riddle surely heard the Usos just a moment ago. They sure did. To be honest, Riddle is confused. Do the Usos think he puts his foot in his mouth? That’s gross. But who is he to judge about what people put in their mouths? Orton has Riddle stop there. Wrong time, wrong place. But yes, Usos yapped yapped yapped but they’ve been doing that for weeks. Here it is loud and clear: at Backlash, the Usos don’t need to worry about their shoes, they need to worry about being in the ring with the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment: R K BRO! Yeah!


Happy Corbin heads to the ring.

It’s another edition of Happy Talk just days before Backlash and the grudge match between Corbin and Mad Cap Moss. What will the host with the least have to say about that? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Corbin has the mic. A highlight reel plays of Moss taking back the Andre the Giant trophy after getting the drop on Corbin. “If you think that bothers me, you’re crazy.” Corbin is so happy thinking about what he’ll do to Moss at Backlash this Sunday. But then Moss interrupts on the tron. No one wants to hear Corbin talk, man! They want to hear Moss make jokes. He’ll make us happy. Did Corbin wanna start singing? Because he looks like a Pitbull cover artist. Moss says in all seriousness, Corbin does a lot of charity work. For years, he’s let tattoo artists do all their worst ideas on him.

Moss doesn’t want to alarm Corbin, but it looks like Hot Topic threw up on his chest. And Corbin has many names- Corbin interrupts Moss. Moss feels safe in the back, hiding in some dark corner telling these lame jokes. But Corbin gets it. Moss doesn’t have the guts to come out and say all this to Corbin’s face. Funny Corbin should mention that. Moss walks off screen, to come out on stage! He wasn’t hiding all that far away at all! And again, Moss got the better of Corbin here. Moss gets in the ring and gets himself a mic. “Okay then, Corbin, to your face it is.” Corbin’s gone through a lot of phases: Baron; Constable; King; Broke Ass; Happy. Maybe next will be Entertaining Corbin.

Corbin could go back to being a Lone Wolf, but wolves have hair. Moss figures Corbin could be the Big Bald Wolf. Give it up, Long Island, for the Big Bald Wolf! Fans chant along with Moss, and he laughs it up. Corbin frowns and storms off. Is Corbin going to go from Happy to Angry Corbin after facing Moss at Backlash?


Drew Gulak VS ???

After being competitor, interviewer, assistant to Adam Pearce, and timekeeper, what can Gulak possibly be? Well, back to competitor, of course! But who will he face in his first match back in months? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Gulak’s opponent is… Wait, the lights go down. And Ludwig Kaiser addresses the fans. “Ladies and gentlemen. Der Ring General! GUNTHER!!” Can Gulak switch out with someone else real quick? No? Well, nice knowing you, Gulak…

The bell rings and fans chant, “U S A!” for Gulak. Gulak circles with Gunther, they tie up, and Gunther gets the arm to wrench to a wristlock. Gunther grinds Gulak’s shoulder, stands on the arm, but Gulak fights and rolls and wrenches. Gulak wrenches, but Gunther facelocks to turn Gulak and CLUB him down! Gulak gets to a corner but Gunther is right after him. Gunther brings Gulak out but Gulak ROCKS Gunther! So Gunther BOOTS Gulak! Gunther then stands Gulak up to CHOP! Gulak flounders, Gunther bumps him off buckles. Gunther puts Gulak on the top rope to CHOP him, then stand on him!

Gulak endures, the ref counts, Gunther lets off at 4. Gulak flops to the mat and Ludwig has goosebumps. Gunther drags Gulak in with a SLEEPER HOLD! Gulak flails but Gunther thrashes him around! Gulak fades, but Gunther hits a GENERAL BOMB!! Cover, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Gulak should’ve said nein but Gunther didn’t give him time to think. Will Gulak decide to take a sabbatical? Ludwig officially announces Gunther’s victory, but will it only be a matter of time before Ludwig announces Gunther’s championship victory?


Backstage interview with Shinsuke Nakamura.

The Bloodline has a huge target on their backs with McIntyre & RKBRO, but Nakamura has his own bone to pick. The Bloodline hurt his tag partner and friend, Rick Boogs. Then they tried to hurt Nakamura. He hasn’t forgotten that. One day soon, when the time is right, Nakamura gets a piece of Roman Reigns, and then Roman will never forget the King of Strong Style. But Sami Zayn is creeping again! Is he gonna tattle on Nakamura to Roman like he did McIntyre?

Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

The Scottish Warrior has heard the trash talk from The Bloodline. Everyone knows they’d rather talk trash than throw hands. But that won’t happen on McIntyre’s watch. Especially when it comes to Roman Reigns. Backlash, Six Man Tag, Bloodline VS Drew & RKBRO, or RKMCBRO. But that’s then, this is now. Tonight, the fans deserve to see something special. Maybe a sneak peak? The Head of the Table getting his head kicked off! McIntyre likes that idea.


Tag Team Tables Match: The New Day VS Sheamus & Ridge Holland!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods are going to settle things with the Fight Night Boys one way or another! And one way or another, someone’s going through a table! Who will be the team picking splinters out of their sides after this one?

SmackDown returns and the New Day makes their entrance. The brawl is on with the ring! Ridge is after Kofi, Sheamus has Woods. Woods CHOPS Sheamus, then he dodges Sheamus’ haymaker to mule kick. Kofi and Ridge brawl outside the ring, Woods whips but Sheamus reverses. Woods goes up but gets caught, only to hit a TORNADO TAG! Woods hits a forearm smash, Ridge CLUBS Kofi, but Kofi hits back. Woods rain down fists in the corner, but Sheamus hits an atomic drop! Woods ducks the lariat to mule kick the legs out! Woods runs to SLIDING KNEE! Sheamus goes out but Ridge gets in to CLOBBER Woods!

Ridge throws crossface forearms then he drags Woods up to back suplex. Woods lands on his feet, Kofi leaps in with a FLYING AX HANDLE! Fans fire up as Kofi and Woods KICK away on Ridge’s legs! Then his chest! Then they DOUBLE BULLDOG! Sheamus drags Kofi out but Woods WRECKS Sheamus with a dropkick! Fans fire up as the New Day get a table! They don’t set it up, they run and RAM Sheamus with it! Fans fire up as New Day want Sheamus to get up again. Sheamus does, and the New Day RAMS him down again! The table is then put in the ring and Woods starts setting it up.

Kofi kicks Ridge down, throws forearms and haymakers, then the New Day coordinate. Sheamus tips the table but Ridge still takes the double suplex! Sheamus CLUBS Woods and Kofi down, then he brings Kofi up for an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Sheamus goes out to get himself a table, and he starts setting it up already. Sheamus drags Kofi over, gets Kofi up, but Woods tips the bomb over! Ridge CLOBBERS Woods! Ridge brings Woods around to ROCK him with forearms, then he runs, only to be sent into steel steps! Sheamus hurries back in the ring but Woods is there. Sheamus throws heavy body shots then fireman’s carries!

Kofi saves Woods from White Noise, then SUPERKICKS Sheamus! Sheamus avoids the table, but Kofi goes up for a SUPER CROSSBODY through the barriers!! Long Island is loving this as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Sheamus drags Woods up. Sheamus CLUBS Woods down while Ridge fetches something. Sheamus has Woods against ropes for Beats of the Bodhrain! Ridge CLUBS Kofi at the same time! The count hits 9 then Sheamus winds up for 10! Then he lets Ridge carry Woods to POST him! Ridge and Sheamus soak up the heat before putting Kofi in. Ridge and Sheamus hoist Kofi up and aim at the table in the corner. Kofi wriggles free and then BOOTS Sheamus! Ridge swings but into SOS! Sheamus rushes in but Kofi dumps him out! Kofi then gives Sheamus Beats of the Bodhrain!

Sheamus elbows free at 5, hoists Kofi up, APRON WHITE NOISE!! Kofi flops down but Woods WRECKS Sheamus with another dropkick! Woods gets in, dodges Ridge, then slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Woods kicks, SOBATS and down goes Ridge! But Sheamus gets up, only for Woods to DECK him !Woods gets around Ridge, and again, sunset flip and roll, to a LEG LARIAT! Fans fire up and Woods rearranges the table in the ring. Woods has it at center, Ridge hurries after Woods! They tug-o-war, Ridge HEADBUTTS Woods! Ridge then runs at the corner but only gets buckles! Woods SUPERKICKS Ridge onto the table!

Woods makes sure Ridge is in place and then he goes to the corner! Woods climbs up, fans fire up, but Sheamus trips Woods up! Ridge gets off the table, Sheamus drags Woods up and he bumps Woods off buckles. Sheamus drags Woods up and suplexes, but Kofi dropkicks Sheamus down! Kofi FLIES and takes Sheamus out! Kofi fires up and he clears off the announce table! Kofi brings Sheamus up but Sheamus Alabama lifts! Kofi kicks and sunset flips to DOUBLE STMOP! Sheamus flounders, TROUBLE IN PARADISE puts Sheamus on the desk! Woods aims from the top again, but BUTCH APPEARS!!

Pete Dunne emerges from under the ring and he attacks Kofi! Woods sees that and attacks Dunne! They brawl, Dunne ROCKS Woods and Ridge holds Woods for a BROGUE!! Dunne KNEES Kofi down! Sheamus hauls Woods up and puts him in for Ridge! Ridge and Sheamus get Woods up, DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM through the table! The Fight Night Boys win!!

Winners: Sheamus & Ridge Holland

Pete goes after Woods in the wreckage! Sheamus and Ridge pull him off but he goes back for more! They stop him again, and are all smiles thanks to that huge assist.


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Kayla mentions McIntyre wanting to kick the head of the Head of the Table. The Special Counsel to the Tribal Chief asks, “Are you flirting with me?” Trying to get a rise out of him? Or to take her for pizza in Long Island? Sami hurries over and wants a moment. NO! But Sami has something to tell Heyman! He is a confidant to the Bloodline, just like Heyman. And as a locker room leader, he heard Nakamura talking about Roman and the Usos. Nakamura wants payback, not letting this go. Sami knows Roman has a busy night, but Heyman can tell Roman that Sami will take care of Nakamura on Roman’s behalf. Just make sure Roman knows that.

Heyman has news for Sami he shouldn’t repeat, but… Roman appreciates that initiative. Yes! This is how Sami can get his respect back. Sami wants Roman to know what’s happening. Heyman promises to handle this. Sami accepts that. Heyman is a good man. Heyman thanks Sami and Sami thanks Heyman. Will Sami handle the King of Strong Style on the Tribal Chief’s behalf? Or will he just run away when the going gets tough?


Sami Zayn visits Adam Pearce.

Sami wants Pearce to know that on behalf of The Bloodline, Sami is requesting a match with Nakamura for next week. Not to get into the details but this is important for his credibility. Pearce will do Sami one better: do it tonight. N-now? As in, right now? Well, a few minutes to get ready. Sami is upset but he says fine. Sami heads out, will he regret taking on the Tribal Chief’s business?


Lacey Evans speaks.

“My father lost his battle with mental health and addition, and he overdosed two months before my WWE tryout. I had one family member attempt suicide in the same timeframe, and by the time I found them, they were gasping for air, and tried to apologize as I tried to stop the bleeding.” Then before her first match in NXT, another member of her family overdosed in a parking lot not too far from the show. Her knees got weak and she couldn’t be sure how much more she could take. That was the day she decided to do what was best for her family and her mental health. She’s tried to make her family proud and break the cycle and motivate them to succeed.

But instead, what should’ve been the happiest moment of her life, the most important moment in her career, and instead of excitement, she was wrecked. But it was also the first time she didn’t drop everything and go. She stayed, washed up and put on her first match, her daughter watching with the world’s biggest smile. Then after the show, Lacey went to the hospital to face the inevitable. For years, Lacey carried the weight of her family’s pain. She has been put through the worst by those who should’ve been there for her. But this is her time. She will show the world  and her daughters the power you have to break the cycle.

Lacey will show everyone that you have the power to defy where you come from. When you feel so broken, you can keep fighting. And as for the superstars, she has one question: What can they do to stop her? What can they do that life hasn’t already done? What she went through has made her the motivated, careful, confident, ready for anything mother, daughter, wife, sister, US Marine and WWE superstar. And soon to be SmackDown Women’s Champion.

Announcer Samantha Irvin says this has been quite the story. And before we introduce the true Lacey Evans, let us show the proper respect. Ladies and gentlemen, Lacey Evans! Lacey makes her way out in camouflage and sheer as she high-fives all the fans and celebrates with Long Island! Will Lacey shine and make her way to the top of SmackDown?


Sami Zayn VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

The Usos said Riddle sticks his foot in his mouth, but clearly they forgot about the Master Strategist. Will Sami at least be able to not have Nakamura’s knee in his mouth? Or can he actually come through on the promise he made to the Bloodline?

SmackDown returns and Nakamura makes his entrance. Pat McAfee says it isn’t quite the same without Boogs, but this is still good. The bell rings and Sami tells Nakamura not to talk bad about the Bloodline. Nakamura swings a kick but Sami gets clear. They circle, tie up, and Sami gets around to headlock. Sami gets an arm, wrenches, and grinds Nakamura’s shoulder. Fans rally but Sami scuffs Nakamura’s head. Nakamura gets up, rolls, kips up and cartwheels to WRING Sami out. Nakamura kicks Sami around, wrenches to wristlock and then snapmares for a knee drop! Cover, TWO! Sami hurries to ropes but Nakamura keeps him from running.

Sami elbows Nakamura away, CLUBS him down then stomps him. Nakamura crawls, Sami stalks him and brings him up to ROCK him with a haymaker. Sami puts Nakamura on ropes to choke him, but lets off as the ref counts. Sami brings Nakamura up, wrenches and whips but Nakamura reverse to kitchen sink knee! And SLIDING BOOT! Then Nakamura KICKS Sami again and again. Sami blocks one but Nakamura ENZIGURIS! Sami staggers away, Nakamura blocks his boot and puts him in ropes. ROUNDHOUSE to SLIDING GERMAN! Fans fire up as Nakamura gets back in and takes aim from the corner.

Sami staggers up, but he catches the Kinshasa to a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura survives but rolls away as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sami rains down fists on Nakamura’s head, then shifts to crossface forearms! Sami clamps on a chinlock but Nakamura endures as fans rally up. Nakamura fights up, powers Sami to a corner, but Sami holds on! Nakamura RAMS Sami in again and gets free! But Sami hops up to leap, and AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Sami argues with the ref but the ref says it was fair. Sami then goes to another corner and hops up again. Sami waits on Nakamura, and leaps, into a KICK! Nakamura and Sami get up, Nakamura KNEES and AX KICKS! Then he aims from a corner, Sami grabs one leg but Nakamura BOOTS him over and over and over!

Sami finally lets go, Nakamura hops up and leaps, FLYING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Sami is still in this and Nakamura grows frustrated! Fans rally, Nakamura brings Sami up but Sami throws a haymaker! Nakamura KICKS, Sami throws a punch, repeat! Nakamura gets the edge with kicks, then a strike fest. Sami dodges the haymaker but runs into a ROLLING ARMBAR! Sami clasps hands, Nakamura breaks the grip! ARMBAR! Sami flails, reaches, sits up, stacks Nakamura, TWO!! Nakamura gets up but Sami ducks one kick, but not the LEFT! Sami goes to a corner, Nakamura goes to the other!

Nakamura fires up and so do the fans! “YAO~!” Nakamura runs, but Sami bails out! Is this a repeat from fighting McIntyre? Nakamura goes out after him, DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Both men are down, Sami crawls but Nakamura pursues around the announce desk. Sami shoves Nakamura, HELLUVA KICK! The ring count is 9! Sami rushes in, and wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by count-out

And Sami celebrates like he did something! But will Nakamura now focus on Sami before going after the Bloodline?


RKBRO heads to the ring!

The Raw Tag Team Champions head out, but they won’t be alone for long! Will the faceoff before Backlash turn into another brawl? We’ll find out, after the break!

SmackDown returns once more and McIntyre makes his entrance to join Orton & Riddle. Then McIntyre addresses, “Strong Island, ACKNOWLEDGE-” Whoa, whoa, Drew. Before the Bloodline and all that jazz, what do these bros acknowledge? Riddle acknowledges that Orton is his best friend! Acknowledged. Orton acknowledges that he still has McIntyre’s handprint on his chest from when Orton beat him for the WWE World Championship two years ago. Oh, okay. Acknowledged. McIntyre acknowledges that Orton kicked him four times when McIntyre won back that title. Acknowledge. But also, also, acknowledge that bygones are bygones. Acknowledged.

Riddle also acknowledges that Orton has the most muscular legs in the WWE. Acknowledged…? Riddle knows McIntyre’s are bigger, but Orton’s are more cut and vascular. Acknowledged. Orton acknowledges that the sky is blue and grass is green and that the Usos have had their lips permanently attached to Roman’s ass for the last few years! BIG acknowledgement! McIntyre acknowledges that he has all kinds of ideas of what he can do to the Bloodline. But they’re a team, they’ll do a game plan. It’s a joint decision. Acknowledged, bro! “ACK-NOW-LEDGE! ACK-NOW-LEDGE!” And they all acknowledge that Roman is the biggest piece of crap walking the earth!!

But here comes the Bloodline! Oh, what a shocker, all that worked to get them out here. Roman wears the World title, Heyman carries the Universal title, and the Usos have their SmackDown Tag Team Championships. They raise the belts and the pyro fires off. Roman has a mic already, but he ditches that to then give Heyman both belts. Roman leads the way down to the ring and the Usos follow. #RKMcBro is ready, and the Bloodline stares them down at the ropes. The Bloodline gets in, fans are thunderous, and the brawl is on! Roman and McIntyre, Orton and Jimmy, Riddle and Jey! Jey POSTS Riddle, Jimmy tosses Orton, but McIntyre fights them both off!

Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES McIntyre down! The Usos regroup, they hold McIntyre up for Roman to mug! Roman talks trash, but Riddle gets in to RKO Jey! Then FINAL FLASH Jimmy into an RKO from Orton! Roman runs in, Orton dodges, and Roman turns around into a CLAYMORE!! McIntyre kips up while Roman is dazed! The Bloodline just got dropped, but will this happen all over again at Backlash?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode for SmackDown, especially as the go-home to Backlash. It didn’t have that much of go-home syndrome, thankfully, with not quite as many recaps and just a lot more action. Opening with Charlotte and Ronda was a good move, especially when Charlotte took care of talking and then she and Ronda brawled. There was no standing tall here so it’s still anyone’s guess as to who wins. But, with Lacey Evans punctuating her life story with wanting to become SmackDown Women’s Champion, maybe Charlotte wins to be Heel Champion to Lacey’s Face Challenger. It would also be a good way to make up for the awkward and interrupted feud between them from Raw.

Good segment from Corbin and Moss, though not too much affect on the go-home math. Moss makes fun of Corbin and Corbin leaves, but I would hope Moss wins so he can use that momentum to go for something bigger. Drew Gulak having a match this week was a bit of a surprise. I thought there’d be one more week where some male Heel mocked him and Gulak snapped, setting up a match for next week. Instead, Gulak gets slaughtered by Gunther. That’s good stuff for Gunther but I don’t know where Gulak goes from here.

We got a mostly great table tag match, but a little disappointing that “Butch” went missing just so he can screw New Day over. If not for Big E’s legitimately broken neck, he’d be back and we’d finally get their Six Man, but maybe New Day can get a third man to help them. We got a great match out of Sasha VS Shayna, and it was a very clever use of the Heel cheat with Natty helping Shayna keep the cradle. The Women’s Tag Title match is next week and that hopefully is a PPV level match because that is what this RawDown Women’s Tag Division needs and deserves. But with Natty also busy in NXT, pretty sure Naomi & Sasha retain.

Sami had a good bit trying to weasel into the Bloodline’s favor, and Pearce making him face Nakamura tonight rather than next week or even at the Backlash kickoff show was a good move from him. Did not think Sami would be able to pull off the count-out switcheroo, and honestly feels like something he should’ve tried during his series with McIntyre, but whatever. Maybe Nakamura and Sami have a rematch and then Nakamura can win to have momentum as he goes after the Bloodline.

And of course, great stuff out of the Bloodline and #RKMcBro, from the promos to the brawl to close out the night. Even though the Faces stand tall tonight, the Six Man Tag means the Bloodline could lose and it not be on Roman. If anything, McIntyre, Orton or Riddle pinning an Uso would be great to build towards those title feuds. RKBRO VS Usos, Tag Title Unification should still happen to parallel Roman getting the top titles, and then McIntyre or Nakamura, or even both, can get after Roman for the summer.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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