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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/13/22)

Tag titles takeover SmackDown!



SmackDown 2022

Anyone feeling lucky this Friday the 13th?

RKBRO said on Raw that they’re coming back to SmackDown because they want after The Usos and tag title unification! Will the Viper & Stallion make the Bloodline acknowledge them?


  • Sami Zayn VS Matt Riddle w/ Randy Orton; Riddle wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS Raquel Rodriguez; Rousey wins and retains the title.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Sasha Banks & Naomi VS Shayna Baszler & Natalya; Sasha & Naomi win and retain the titles.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS “Butch” Pete Dunne w/ Sheamus & Ridge Holland; Dunne wins.


RKBRO heads to the ring!

Just as they said, The Viper & The Stallion, the Raw Tag Team Champions, return to SmackDown once again! The Tribal Chief may have cancelled the tag title unification match meant for Backlash, but Randy Orton & Matt Riddle are still hungry for that prize! Orton & Riddle get mics as fans chant, “Randy! Randy!” Orton welcomes us to the show, and says they’re very, very, very excited to be here. But they have to also admit, they’re sick and tired of the chase. It is obvious that the Usos don’t have the balls to make a decision for themselves. And it is very obvious to everyone that Roman Reigns is the only one that decides things in the Bloodline.

Riddle gives the Big Dog his props. Riddle thought they had the Six Man Tag in the bag but then Roman hit the Spear and they lost. “My bad, bro.” But Riddle says one of the things he does best is see the patterns. It’s like a sixth or even seventh sense. And one thing Riddle’s noticed is that whenever the Usos can’t handle business, Roman comes in to handle it for them. Orton sees it and they’re sick and tired of it. The fans are tired of it, too, right? The fans cheer in agreement, and Orton says the short ‘n’ sweet of it is that they demand to become Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions of the World!

“So, Big Dog, Tribal Chief, the mountain, moment maker, Roman Reigns, whatever you wanna call yourself. Get your happy ass out to my ring!” Fans fire up but here comes… Sami Zayn? The Master Strategist wears a Bloodline shirt and says, “Boys, c’mon. Do you not understand how things work here on SmackDown? Do you honestly think you can just snap your fingers and get Roman Reigns to come out whenever you summon him? That’s not how it works!” But as the locker room leader, Sami is happy to address this on Roman’s behalf. In fact, Sami speaks for the Bloodline and the SmackDown roster, and even the fans when he says nobody wants to see this tag team title unification match.

Fans boo because Sami is wrong. But Sami says RKBRO doesn’t want this match, because they will lose. Now, look. Sami is just trying to handle this with diplomacy. RKBRO has a good thing going, the fans love it, they’re champions on Raw. Fans chant, “Sami Sucks!” Sami speaks over them and suggests RKBRO just goes back to Raw and never comes back to SmackDown. Orton says he asked for Roman. Is Sami acting as Roman’s errand boy now? Yeah, it’s Samoan Sami! Riddle says Sami is rusty, cuz that’s the color of his hair. “Rusty! Rusty!” Sami says he is NOT Rusty, he is Sami Zayn, the locker room leader.

And look, Sami is not threatening anyone, but he’s just saying, RKBRO should think about how they talk about the Bloodline. The last person who disrespected them was Shinsuke Nakamura. And what happened to him? Last week, Sami took care of it. He did that. Oh, so wait, wait, wait. Sami isn’t an errand boy, he’s actually making some calls. Well, he has no official title but- No no, he’s a shot caller. He basically gets things done and that’s cool to Orton> Well, yeah, it’s kinda cool. Yeah, Sami is a vital part of SmackDown. Yes, Orton gets it! So then, Orton has the perfect solution. Sami is here as a shot caller, a decision maker. So this is perfect. Sami can do this.

Sami can make a match here tonight, Sami VS Riddle, and if Riddle wins, RKBRO gets the tag title unification match! What does he say? C’mon, Sami! Make the call! He could make a lot of people happy. C’mon, Rusty. Sami is kinda stuck, the fans chant “Rusty! Rusty!” and he wants everyone to hold on. But fine, let’s do it! Fans are fired up for that! Sami says, “However…” Sami bails out and says it can’t be tonight. Maybe next week. SmackDown is complicated, you have to run things up the flag pole. Sami can talk to Paul Heyman or- Adam Pearce walks out! Pearce can’t agree with Sami competing on behalf of the Bloodline, we’d all like to see Sami VS Riddle.

Therefore, it is OFFICIAL! Sami VS Riddle is happening, and it’s happening NOW! The elder statesman of SmackDown just put his foot in his mouth again. But will he end up with Riddle’s foot in his face?

Sami Zayn VS Matt Riddle w/ Randy Orton!

SmackDown returns and fans rally as Riddle corners Sami. Sami gets to the ropes for defense, Riddle lets off, and fans chant, “Rusty Sucks!” Sami gets around Riddle, headlocks, but Riddle powers out. Sami runs Riddle over, things speed up, and Riddle gets a LEAPING TRIANGLE HOLD! Sami scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Riddle lets go and Sami bails out quickly. Sami sees Orton at ringside and wants him to back off. Orton wasn’t do anything, but Sami still protests. Riddle WRECKS Sami with a dropkick! Riddle gets in, keeps Sami from getting away, but Sami elbows him away! Sami CLUBS Riddle down then rains down fists!

Fans boo and Sami lets off but Riddle gets to ropes. Sami CHOKES Riddle, lets off at 3, then jumps onto Riddle to choke him more! Sami stops at 4, and he tells the fans to respect the locker room leader. Fans boo, Sami CLUBS Riddle with crossface forearms! Riddle sputters but Sami clamps on with a chinlock. Sami traps an arm but Riddle endures. Fans rally, Riddle fights up, and Riddle throws body shots and palm strikes! Riddle adds a BOOT, then a spin for a PELE! Sami flops down and fans fire up! Sami crawls to a corner, Riddle kips up! Riddle runs in to forearm smash! Then side to side for another! Then BROSPLODER!

Fans fire up, Riddle runs but Sami ducks the Penalty Kick and avoids the moonsault! BROTON hits knees! Sami hurries to a corner and aims at Riddle. HELLUVA- BOOT from Riddle! Riddle hops up the corner, but Sami SHOVES him off! Riddle crashes into barriers and Orton checks on him as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Sami rains down fists on Riddle. Fans rally for Riddle but Sami drags him to a drop zone. Orton gets the fans fired up more and Sami shakes his head as he climbs. Riddle springs up to get Sami, but Sami fights him with body shots and a forearm! Riddle crashes down, Sami laughs, but then he leaps into a FINAL FLASH! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives and no one can believe it! Sami get sup but Riddle is right on him. Riddle fireman’s carries, but Sami slips off and ducks the roundhouse to BLUE- NO! Riddle fights that off with haymakers! Riddle runs, but into a scoop! MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!

Sami is furious and Orton is relieved that Riddle survives. Fans chant, “Rusty Sucks!” to taunt Sami again but he just drags Riddle back up. Sami puts Riddle through ropes and he taunts Orton! DRAPING- NO! Riddle slips off to TOSS Sami out! Riddle then PENALTY KICKS from the apron! And SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BROS! Direct hit and down goes Rusty! Riddle puts Sami in, dodges, and POWERSLAMS! Orton is loving the shout outs from his bro, and Riddle puts Sami through ropes! DRAPING DDT! Mohegan Sun Arena is thunderous as Riddle hears those voices, bro! Sami slowly gets up, but he bails out!

Fans boo as Sami flounders to the desk. Riddle pursues, but Sami POSTS him! Sami then hurries to get Riddle up and TOSS him over barriers into the timekeeper’s area! Sami wants to win this like he did with Nakamura! Orton hears the count, he coaches Riddle up, but we’re at 8 of 10! Riddle is up at 9 and in at 9.9!! Fans fire up and Sami argues with the ref. Sami gets Riddle, Riddle gets Sami! Gut wrench to BRO DEREK!! Cover, Riddle wins!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

Bro! Riddle just wrecked Rusty, and the Raw Tag Team Champions are rolling! But will they be able to prove themselves worthy of tag title unification with the Usos? Speaking of…


Roman Reigns and the Bloodline watch this backstage.

The Tribal Chief asks the Wise Man why RKBRO is on his show. They smashed RKBRO, they’re done with them. They whooped ’em at Backlash yet they’re still talking trash? And not just about Roman, but about the Usos, too. Saying Jimmy & Jey can’t do anything on their own. They’re the longest reigning tag team champions for a reason! But they’ll do this for the Bloodline, for the family! The whole world will acknowledge their Tribal Chief. Roman promises to give RKBRO an answer. Will it be one Orton & Riddle want to hear?


Backstage, Sami comes across Shinsuke Nakamura.

The King of Strong Style smiles and says, Sami, Roman is the Head of the Table. But you… are the Table’s Ass! Nakamura then leaves and Sami sighs.


Ronda Rousey is here!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet is the NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion, and she’s ready to celebrate after making Charlotte Flair say, “I Quit!” Ronda says Charlotte was a thirteen-time women’s champion. Impressive, but “was” was the keyword because now Ronda has the title! But she has to give it up to Charlotte, she’s one of the toughest competitors ever. Charlotte had to have her arm broken before she said those two words. Ronda would rather die than say those words, but that’s just her. Now, do fans want a fighting champion? Well Ronda wants to be a fighting champion so she is issuing an open challenge for her title right now! Who wants to make history!?

SmackDown Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS ???

Big Mami Cool is coming to the ring! Raquel’s been NXT Women’s Championship and NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship, can she get another belt already? Ronda gets her game face on and drops her mic. Raquel tells Raquel, “campeona,” she is Rrraquel Rrrodrrriguez, and she accepts! She may be new here, but what better way to get going than be the new champion? And it would be an honor to step into the ring with a legend like Ronda. But tonight, Raquel is the one who makes history! Ronda smirks, clearly looking forward to it. Will Ricky Desperado take Rowdy Ronda Rousey to her limits?

SmackDown returns and the belt is raised on this surprise title match! The bell rings, Ronda and Raquel tie up, Raquel waistlocks and SLAMS Ronda down! Raquel smiles but Ronda gets up. They go again, Ronda waistlocks but Raquel elbows free. Raquel uses both hands to lift Ronda, and TOSSES her to the corner! Ronda JABS back, Raquel swings but Ronda gets under. Raquel KNEES free of the fireman’s carry to LARIAT! Cover, ONE!! Raquel keeps on Ronda and lifts her to RAM her into the corner! Raquel digs her shoulder in, lets off as the ref counts, then stomps her. Raquel ROCKS Ronda, then scoops for a FALL AWAY SLAM!

Ronda flounders but Raquel storms up on her to scoop again, for another FALL AWAY SLAM! Ronda is down, Raquel goes up, VADER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Raquel keeps cool, brings Ronda up in a gut wrench to a Canadian Rack! Ronda endures being bent on Raquel’s shoulder! Fans rally, Ronda fights free and throws fast hands, Raquel shoves and BOOTS Ronda, then whips her to a corner. Raquel runs in but only gets buckles! Ronda goes for an arm, Raquel fights to stay up! Ronda grinds the arm but Raquel powers up to SIDEWALK SLAM! Raquel shakes out the arm, hurries back to the corner, VADER FLOP as Ronda moves!

Ronda hurries to fireman’s carry but Raquel fights out. Ronda dodges the boot to KNEE Raquel. Ronda elbows from a corner, goes up and reels Raquel in, TORNADO- NO! Raquel blocks the DDT, but Ronda makes it a GUILLOTINE! Raquel powers out to suplex and SLAM Ronda down! Cover, TWO!! Ronda survives and Raquel is a bit surprised. Fans rally, Raquel slams Ronda’s arms on the mat then has a top wristlock. Ronda endures, fans rally, and Ronda fights up to throw knees. Ronda fights off the Chingona Bomb with knees, then throws more fast hands! Ronda knees low, but Raquel block the sayanagi throw!

Ronda comes back, JUMP KNEE! ROUNDHOUSE! Ronda fires up and she brings Raquel into the fireman’s carry! But Raquel slips off and torture racks! RACK BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Ronda survives again but Raquel keeps on her. she drags Ronda up, hooks the leg, CHINGO- NO! Ronda gets the arm! It’s a floating armlock, but Raquel TOSSES Ronda into ropes! Raquel drags Ronda up, but Ronda gets the leg instead! ANKLE LOCK!! Raquel hops on one leg, reaches out, and Raquel turns to kick Ronda away! Ronda comes back, into a BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Ronda survives again, and Raquel is learning how tough the Baddest Woman really is!

Raquel tries again, but Ronda turns bomb into a RANA! Cover, Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by pinfall (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Rowdy Ronda is a fighting champion, but she sure got a fight tonight! Big Mami Cool got caught, but Ronda shows her respect. Raquel stands up, and accepts the handshake. Fans cheer the sportsmanship, will Raquel find her way back to this belt in time?


Shotzi Blackheart talks with Adam Pearce backstage.

That shouldn’t have been Raquel! Raquel shoved Shotzi out of the way to steal that opportunity! Well, no one can prove that but… Aliyah then walks in to say Shotzi stuffed her in the locker room and blocked the door! Shotzi says that did not happen, but they start arguing about who is next. Pearce does his best to sort this out, will Shotzi and Aliyah just have to earn an opportunity?


Kayla Braxton is in the ring.

She welcomes us back from break, and welcomes out her guest, the 2022 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner, and the man who beat Happy Corbin at Backlash, MAD CAP MOSS! He gives two big thumbs up to the Andre the Giant trophy, then joins Kayla in the ring. Fans cheer and give two thumbs up in return. Kayla says Moss has been on the roll these last six weeks. He won the battle royal, parted ways with Corbin, and had perhaps the biggest win of his career at Backlash. A recap package shows the Happy Folks Civil War and Moss says that WAS the biggest win of his career!

Moss says Corbin is powerful, physically imposing, and not to mention he can really wear you down… with his  terrible personality. If he had just stood six feet away and told another story about his expensive watch, Moss would’ve just tapped out from boredom! It was tough, but Moss persevered. He stifled yawns, looked past the horrible tattoos, and shielded his eyes from the glare off that head and beat the Big Bald Wolf! So where does Moss go from here? Well, his WWE career is just beginning. Moss wants it all! Mixed Tag Team with Sasha Banks, Mad Cap Boss. Climb the ladder and grab the Money in the Bank briefcase! Replace title belts with title suspenders!

But then SMACK! Corbin hits Moss with a chair! And again! And again! This Corbin isn’t Happy, he’s angry! And he again grabs the trophy. But not to steal it? He puts it in the ring, SMACKS Moss with the chair, JAMS him in the back, and then puts the chair around Moss’ head and neck! Corbin lifts the trophy and aims for the chair! HE SMASHES THE CHAIR CLOSED!! Moss writhes and gasps as security and officials rush out! They tell Corbin to go but he was leaving anyway. Corbin smiles as medics bring out a backboard and stretcher. Has Corbin made sure Moss told his last joke?


SmackDown returns as Moss is brought to the back.

But Corbin intercepts him! Corbin asks him, “What do you call the place that tends to you? The MOSS-pital!” Corbin laughs at his own bad joke, but is he going to have the last laugh after all?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Sasha Banks & Naomi VS Shayna Baszler & Natalya!

The Boss & Glow have been spotless since winning these titles, but they could be in for their toughest test yet. Will the Spades & Hart trump Sasha & Naomi? Or will they #FeeltheGlow on #BossTime?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who shines with the gold in the Mohegan Sun!

Shayna and Naomi start, tie up, and Naomi headlocks. Shayna powers out to wrench and WRING the bad arm! Naomi clutches the shoulder and gets to a corner. Shayna runs in but Naomi elbows her away! Naomi then slides the roundhouse, kangaroo kicks, and tags Sasha. Fans fire up as the champs double wrench and DOUBLE SOLE FOOD! Shayna flops, Sasha covers, TWO! Tag to Natty! Sasha swipes at her but the ref has her back up. Natty kicks and ROCKS Sasha, then bumps her off buckles to stomp away! The ref counts, Natty lets off, but she drags Sasha back up. Natty whips, Sasha reverses and runs in, but Natty puts her on the apron.

Sasha bumps Natty off buckles, goes up and headscissors Natty down! Fans fire up as Sasha hits a BASEMENT METEORA! Cover, TWO! Sasha drags Natty up but Natty lifts her! Sasha sunset flips, TWO, but Sasha grabs at Natty fast. O’Conner Roll, TWO! Natty rolls Sasha, TWO! BANK STATEMENT! Sasha has the crossface but Shayna coaches Natty to the ropes. Natty crawls all the way over, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Natty gets around Sasha to rebound and sit her down! Shayna tags in before Natty steps on Sasha, but Sasha trips Natty! Sasha goes for the crossface again but Shayna’s the legal one! And Shayna stomps Sasha’s leg!

Naomi protests but the ref keeps her back. Shayna stalks Sasha and CHOP BLOCKS her as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Sasha arm-drags Natty off her. Sasha leaps but Natty keeps her from Naomi with a SPINEBUSTER! Natty then DECKS Naomi, and tags Shayna. Shayna hauls Sasha up, Natty runs, HART ATTACK!! Cover, Naomi breaks it in time! Naomi throws Shayna away, Natty gets in but Naomi throws her back out. Fans fire up, but Shayna trips Naomi off the apron! And isolates the arm! But Naomi avoids the stomp! Sasha KNEES Shayna down, tag to Naomi! CROSSBODY from the apron! Naomi rains down fists as fans fire up! Naomi puts Shayna in, runs in, CALF KICK! Naomi DECKS Natty in return, and rallies on Shayna!

RUNNING JAWBREAKER! Naomi kips up, runs in at the corner, but Shayna BOOTS her down! High stack, with feet on ropes! Natty helps, but the ref sees it this time! He reprimands, Shayna lets off and tags Natty. Naomi kicks, Natty blocks, then Natty ducks and the ENZIGURI hits Shayna! Natty rolls Naomi, TWO! Naomi dodges the discus to springboard, FLYING CHUCK! Fans fire up as Naomi watches Natty flounder up. Naomi drags her over, tags Sasha, and Sasha hits SWINGING DOUBLE KNEES! Sasha tags Naomi, runs, but Natty breaks free of the full nelson to DISCUS Sasha down! Naomi still tries the BUBBA BOMB!

Naomi uses a body scissor clutch cover, but Shayna PUNTS the bad arm! Shayna drags Naomi up, KIRAFUDA- BACKSTABBER from Sasha! But that sends Naomi into the SHARPSHOOTER! But Naomi makes it a small package! Naomi & Sasha win!!

Winners: Sasha Banks & Naomi, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Spades & Hart busted, they miss out on the gold! Will Sasha & Naomi keep glowing on all brands?


Drew Gulak talks with Ricochet backstage.

Gulak feels like these last few weeks have been a nightmare. Ricochet can relate, but if he’d just given up when times were tough, he wouldn’t be Intercontinental Champion. Ricochet took control of the noise. If Gulak wants to be the best version of himself, the only one who can do that is him. Ricochet’s right. This version of Gulak won’t let Gunther chop him down to size! Next time he sees Gunther, he’ll put him in his place. Alright, then! Ricochet encourages Gulak and he walks down the hall, only to run into Imperium…

What was that about going after the Ring General. Gulak? Gunther RAMS Gulak into a wall, rips his shirt off, and CHOPS him down! Gulak is left sputtering, will the next version of himself know better?


Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS “Butch” Pete Dunne w/ Sheamus & Ridge Holland!

The New Day got quite a surprise when Butch magically appeared from under the ring to cost them the Tables Match last week! Will Kofi get some payback on the Bruiserweight for that here? Or will it just be another Friday for the Fight Night Boys?

SmackDown returns as the Celtic Warrior leads his lads in their entrance. The bell rings and Dunne rushes in, but into a dropkick! Kofi fires off fast hands in a corner but Dunne turns it around< Kofi dodges to fire back on Dunne, then whips corner to corner. Kofi runs in to SPLASH, then he whips back the other way. Dunne CLOBBERS Kofi this time, then he snarls as he drags Kofi from ropes for ground ‘n’ pound! Sheamus & Ridge are fire dup but the fans boo. Dunne gets Kofi’s arm and bends it back, then twists the wrist! Dunne pulls on the fingers, twists the elbow, then stomps the hand!

Dunne scuffs Kofi and Sheamus hopes Pat saw that. Dunne drags Kofi up but Kofi throws body shots! Fans rally but Dunne ROCKS Kofi! Dunne runs in but Kofi TOSSES him out of the ring! Kofi builds speed to slide but Dunne dodges. Sheamus distracts, Dunne grabs Kofi’s hair! Kofi PELES Dunne away! Then Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE! Fans fire up as Dunne bails out and Kofi bounces on the ring to fake him out. Woods plays the trombone, Dunne swipes at him. Woods gets away, Kofi PENALTY KICKS Dunne down! Fans fire up as Woods lifts Kofi and still play the trombone, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Dunne grinds Kofi down with a hammerlock and chinbar combo. Kofi fight sup as fans rally, and Kofi throws body shots to get free! Kofi throws haymakers but Dunne keeps wrist control. Kofi keeps throwing hands, has Dunne on ropes, and fires off more and more! The ref counts, Kofi lets off, and he dodges Dunne to DOUBLE CHOP! And DOUBLE CHOP! And dropkick! Sheamus coaches Dunne up, he dodges the leaping lariat and back elbows! Dunne swings, but into SOS! Cover, TWO! Sheamus and Ridge are relieved as Dunne survives. Kofi drags Dunne up but Dunne pulls on the ears!

The ref counts, Dunne CHOPS Kofi to a corner. Dunne runs in but Kofi slips out to SWING KICK! Dunne staggers back, Kofi springboards in, but into a JUMPING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!! Kofi survives and the former NXT UK Champion is learning how tough #GrandSlamKofi really is. Fans boo but Sheamus and Ridge rally with “FIGHT! NIGHT! FIGHT! NIGHT!” Dunne runs in, Kofi dodges the boot to mule kick! Dunne ENZIGURIS! Kofi flounders, Dunne aims again, and Dunne runs corner to corner, into a JUMPING DOUBLE STOMP! Fans fire up and Kofi aims now! Kofi claps it up, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!”

Ridge get sup, Kofi ROCKS him and Woods trips Ridge! Sheamus BROGUES Woods, Kofi DECKS Sheamus! Dunne gets Kofi with the BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

And a bitter end, indeed! Ridge and Sheamus want to celebrate with him, but Butch leaves? He goes up the bleachers and into the crowd! Is this how Dunne celebrates now? Will anyone ever understand what’s going on with him?


Sami talks with Heyman backstage.

Sami knows Roman is busy, talking to the Usos and getting them ready to address tag title unification. But Sami just wants Heyman to check if things are okay with the Bloodline after that debacle of Sami maybe overstepping and accepting things on their behalf. Sami just wants Roman to see Sami’s intentions. Sami stood up for SmackDown. No one else! RKBRO came over from Raw, disrespected the Bloodline and the entire locker room, but Sami stood up! And he just wants to be sure that Locker Room Leader and Head of the Table have a synergistic relationship. Sami is simply asking Heyman to give his respects to Roman, and to make sure that Roman isn’t mad.

Heyman tells Sami that the Tribal Chief appreciates him. Heyman then goes into the locker room, without Sami. Sami is very nervous, but does he have nothing to worry about?


The Bloodline heads to the ring!

Roman Reigns’ music plays, because he is accompanying the Usos out here. The belts are raised for the pyro, and then they continue down the ramp. They get in the ring, and of course they raise their belts again for the second round of pyro. Fans are torn between boos and raising fingers but Roman soaks it all in. Heyman hands Roman a mic, and Roman says, “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania… ACKNOWLEDGE ME! Now, we been doing this for a minute. Y’all know the deal. We smash ’em on Sunday, and then we come out the next Friday to tell y’all what’s next.

“Smashed John Cena, came out the next Friday, told y’all what’s next. Smashed Brock Lesnar, came out the next Friday and told y’all what’s next. But you see, this Friday is a little different. Last Sunday, we smashed RKBRO and Drew McIntyre, and Wise Man.” “Yes, My Tribal Chief?” “There ain’t nobody next!” “No there isn’t, My Tribal Chief.” The Bloodline done smashed ’em all! Everyone’s afraid, no one wants to step up to the mountain! “The Tribal Chief is untouchable. But y’see, this is where things get interesting. The Usos, my cousins, my blood, they might have somebody next because there’s a challenge on the table for these boys. And the question is, what’re they gon’ do about it?”

Roman hands the mic to Jimmy, but then RKBRO returns! Roman chuckles as the Raw Tag Team Champions head right into the ring. Orton sees Roman smiling but he didn’t smash John Cena. Cena is TEN TIMES the superstar Roman ever will be. BELIEVE THAT! And Riddle says before going to bed, he likes to turn on the laptop, turn the lights off, set the mood, and reach over into his nightstand- Orton stops Riddle there. Uh, he was going to say he gets his headphones. Okay, Orton had no idea where this was going, so sorry. C’mon, Randy. Get your mind out of the gutter. Riddle watches old matches!

And before going to sleep last night, Riddle rewatched their loss at Backlash. And he was thinking, “We need to make that unification title match happen.” What do the fans think about that? They cheer because they want it! Orton says Jimmy & Jey, both of them combined have one brain, so he’ll say this real slow so they understand: “Riddle and I… want a tag, team, title match. We want that match because we’re going to take your set of titles, and then we’re gonna have both sets of titles! And once we have both sets of titles, then we’re gonna combine both sets of titles, and have one set of titles, and we’re gonna call those titles the UNDISPUTED WWE Tag Team Championships!”

Fans cheer for that as Orton asks, “Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? I just noticed, I am way taller than you, by the way.” Roman smirks at Orton’s little dig. But what is the answer? Fans rally for RKBRO, and Jimmy says if they want an answer, then they ACCEPT! Fans fire up and Jey says they accept, just not here tonight! Next week on Friday, it’s on, Uce. Then the Usos will be the NEW unified WWE Tag Team Champions. And check this out, RKBRO. There’s gonna be two titles right here on Jimmy, two titles right here on Jey, and two titles on Roman. Roman grins and holds up his belts, but Riddle FINAL FLASH KNEES him in the face!!

Jimmy rushes after RKBRO but the get away! Shots fired on the Bloodline, will they be the ones that lose their belts?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of SmackDown to follow up both Backlash and Raw. We got a great opening segment from RKBRO calling out the Usos, but instead getting Sami. Sami’s great at weaseling up to the Bloodline, and I even liked that Pearce didn’t throw the Bloodline into doing something just because of Sami. Sami VS Riddle was still a great match, and of course Riddle wins to get momentum. We got a great closing segment with the Usos actually accepting. And of course, a great way to finish with Riddle’s knee just hitting Roman! I think I laughed out loud at that. Roman is gonna be pissed, and I have a bad feeling he disqualifies the Usos to get revenge, but then we get the true unification match at Hell in a Cell.

I also like that Nakamura got to taunt Sami. It implies we could get a rematch of Sami VS Nakamura at Hell in a Cell or around that time, and Nakamura can win to maybe go back for a top title opportunity. No McIntyre this week was a surprise but the show still flowed without him. Moss getting attacked by Corbin shouldn’t have surprised anyone, but Corbin going that far was definitely a surprise. Corbin should go from Happy to Psycho Corbin or something like that, that was pretty brutal. Moss will be “hurt” until a little closer to Hell in a Cell, or maybe past it so that Moss and Corbin can compete on the road to Money in the Bank, which Moss did mention in his promo.

Gulak getting encouragement from Ricochet was a nice touch to his story, as was getting beat up by Der Ring General. I wonder if this will give us a tag match of Gulak & Ricochet VS Imperium, and through that, Gunther earns himself an Intercontinental Championship match with Ricochet. No former NXT UK Champion has yet to get a RawDown belt and the longest reigning and most dominant NXT UK Champion to date should be the first one to do it. “Butch” might if he gets away from Sheamus & Ridge. Kofi VS Dunne was a great match, and good to know they’re letting Dunne still call his finisher the Bitter End. Dunne ditching Sheamus & Ridge is a good sign to me, maybe he’ll go solo and want the Intercontinental Championship, too.

Great title matches for the Women’s Division tonight. Ronda bringing out the Open Challenge was cool, and it was pretty cool that Raquel Rodriguez not only answered it, but she got to look so strong in this match. I also like the argument promo from Shotzi and Aliyah, with Shotzi claiming Raquel sniped her, and Aliyah saying Shotzi sniped her first. Shotzi VS Aliyah should definitely be a match, both need TV and ring time to get SmackDown’s midcard going. A shame they moved Lacey Evans over to Raw just because of Vince’s whims. Lacey VS Natty would’ve been good with Lacey in the seemingly Face role. Still a dumbass move if they want to make her a Heel after those life story promos.

And we got a pretty good Women’s Tag match from Sasha & Naomi VS Shayna & Natty. I had a feeling Sasha & Naomi would retain, even though there are no other teams on SmackDown and Raw has “Doudrop” Piper Niven & Nikki A.S.H./Cross working on their chemistry. Maybe an NXT team will be called up soon enough because they’ll just have to slap two random choices together again.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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