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Stardom Shining Stars Day 2 Results & Review (6/9/2018)



Welcome back to Stardom and despite the previous showing being Sapporo Fes, this is still part of the Shining Stars tour.

Technically, this is day two leading to Io’s retirement and this one we surprisingly have the World of Stardom Championship on the line here, so this should be an interesting bout along with having a stacked show today, so let’s just…dive right in.


Singles Match
Leo Onozaki vs. Shiki Shibusawa

Review: Last time I covered Stardom, I decided to make a little game with Leo Onozaki with her cutter as I write down how many times she’ll do the move in her matches since she can either do a bunch of them or a few while still not doing a whole lot outside of that and she only did two in her last match, so lets see if she beats that when she fights Shiki. This match really doesn’t have a whole lot to talk about since it was pretty much chaining, dropkicks, cutters, and bulldogs, oh my! But that’s really it and another thing Leo did was what looked like a Rolling Armbar, but she rolled her up a pin first and once Shiki kicked out, Leo would apply the submission. Shiki would hit her Missle Dropkick a couple minutes after that to get the win.

Recommended: Skippable

Leo’s Cutter Counter: 2


Singles Match
Hanan vs. Natsuko Tora

Review: Oh hey, Hanan’s back as it’s been a while since we last saw her compete in a match here as she takes on Natsuko Tora, so let’s see how she fairs up. It looked like they were about to shake hands here and Hanan decides to kick Tora in the midsection and starts showing her aggressive side by going all out right away. I think she’s showed the most offense out of the rest of the younger Joshi wrestlers as she was able to do some submission hols, STO’s, and even almost get an upset victory with her roll-up, but Tora would still kick out of it and while Hanan showed a valiant effort, she would get caught in a Spinebuster and Natsuko would hit a Splash off the ropes to score the victory over Hanan. Nice try, kid and I hope to see more progression out of you soon.

Recommended: It was average, so this one is all up to you.


Three Way Tag Team Match
Deonna Purrazzo & Zoe Lucas vs. Jungle Kyona & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hazuki & Natsu Sumire

Review: We got a three-way tag match this time involving two units such as JAN and Oedo Tai, and we also got Deonna and Zoe teaming up for this one. Natsu said the last time she and Hazuki teamed up, it was the greatest match in pro wrestling history and I for one believe them, why would you ever question them in the first place? Morons and also the Oedo pupper is there so automatically eight stars…suck it, Dave.

Deonna, Hazuki, and Kaori started the match off and it was going pretty well since they all had nice little counters like Hazuki jumping over Kaori as Deonna caught her for a German and would escape it to roll Deonna up but Kaori would roll Hazuki up once Deonna kicked out and all three of them stood up for a stalemate and once they tagged their partners in, it started to become a bit of a cluster fuck. I mean it when I say that the majority of the match was pretty much all over the place from time to time. Zoe did better in this match than her previous matches here and that’s not really saying much though. Natsu and Hazuki did team up pretty well as well as JAN as they would hit their tag team stuff when they needed to. Jungle looked like she was about to take out Hazuki for the win but she was able to roll out the ring in time with Deonna to sneak up behind Jungle to hit a German Suplex for a two count. Kaori and Jungle would kick down Deonna and Zoe and they attempted a charge in on one of them, but Zoe ducked causing Kaori and Jungle to hit each other instead. Hazuki would hit a Codebreaker on Zoe to go for a pin, but the pin gets broken up as Natsu would whip Deonna to get her back outside while Hazuki hits a poor Michinoku Driver and the Atomic Bombs Away to give Oedo Tai the win.

Recommended: It was an average match but had cool spots and Natsu says it’ll be the greatest match ever and I will still believe her


Eight Man Tag Team Match
Mayu Iwatani, Saki Kashima, Starlight Kid & Tam Nakano vs. AZM, Io Shirai, Konami & Momo Watanabe

Review: This will be the last time Io Shirai would be teaming up with her fellow Queen’s Quest members as she has two shows left with Stardom as one of them is their traditional gauntlet and her final one is a surprise we’ll get to when I cover it soon. This will also be the last time she’ll be fighting STARS in a tag team match either and wants her last night with Queen’s Quest to count because Io is trusting them with her faction with Momo now the leader of it.

AZM and Starlight start it off as they have a little score to settle due to a draw at the previous show and I don’t mind since I love their work together since they’re two of the best in that division. I love how they do their Lucha style beginning with doing arm drags and jumping over each other, but AZM would offer her hand to Starlight and would attack her which signals Queen’s Quest to run out and attacked STARS from the ring apron and then they all team up on Starlight ending with Io hitting a Running Dropkick to the turnbuckle. Momo gets tagged in next and starts to work on Starlight for a moment until she tagged Io in as she starts attacking Starlight and does her Moonsault landing on her knees on top of Starlight and then tags in Konami and delivers a stiff kick to the face and goes to attack some more, but Starlight would reverse her and hits a Standing Moonsault which gives her enough time to tag in Saki.

Saki would start to beat down Konami in which AZM tries to help her out, but backfires when they’re both on the mat as Io and Momo come in to help, but Tam and Mayu run in to get them on their knees so Mayu and Saki ran towards them to hit a dropkick on both of them while landing on AZM and Konami, that was a cool spot. Tam gets tagged in now and would do some damage to Konami before tagging Mayu in while Momo gets tagged in as well with Mayu normally one-upping her throughout their time together in the ring until Momo actually gets an opening and hits a Suplex for a two count. This gives Queen’s Quest a chance to attack STARS from the apron again as Momo hits the Somato on Mayu for a two count and that was a close call and would hit another one for another two count, but now tags in Io as Saki gets into the mix now. Saki actually hits the Killswitch and Queen’s Quest broke it up before they could get the three count. Tam and Mayu would hit a Double Dropkick to AZM and Momo and just about everyone is on the outside as Mayu looks to do a Splash off the top rope and it appears as if she landed on her fellow STARS members by accident. Io would get Saki back into the ring as all four members of Queen’s Quest would hit Saki with a Dropkick in stereo and then Momo slams Saki down for good measure as Io hits her Diving Moonsault Press for the pinfall as Queen’s Quest wins it. Io would pose with Queen’s Quest after the match one last time as they ended it on a high note for them, now the rest is up to Momo to lead them.

Recommended: Very good match, worth the watch.


World Of Stardom Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Kagetsu

Review: The last time Toni defended her World of Stardom Championship was against Mayu Iwatani on April 1st and I thought for sure there that Mayu would reclaim that title and it looked like I was wrong. In my first Stardom coverage where we had Toni’s team taking on Oedo Tai, I assumed Kagetsu was gonna be the next challenger when she came out with the fake belt to mock and and three months later, the match actually happens with no official announcement that I’ve heard of and I’ll take it since Kagetsu needs her chance to shine now that she lost the Goddesses or Stardom Championships and now has a chance for a solo run in Oedo Tai while the other members go for the rest of the gold and Hana betters herself in Mexico for the next three months. It’s make or break for Kagetsu since she did lose to Io Shirai for the Wonder of Stardom Championship last month and is now hoping to bounce back to try and dethrone Toni Storm.

The two start off with some chain wrestling as they both appear to be going back and forth and first it looked like Toni had control of it, but Kagetsu would reverse it around to come out on top for a moment until Toni would turn it back around as the two break it up. Toni would put Kagetsu in a Headlock and pushes her off to kick her to the outside as she now goes for a Suicide Dive until Kagetsu hits Toni with a chair before she could land and starts to hit her with the chair a few times. Kagetsu would start to pick up the heat as she starts to throw Toni around outside through the chairs while burying her in them as she makes it back into the ring, but Toni does also in a bit until Kagetsu hits a Dropkick off the top rope. They would go back to mat wrestling with both of them trying to go after their arms to make the other tap out as the two don’t seem to be able to make the two tap out and Kagetsu would go for the Michinoku Driver and doesn’t have the strength to pick her up and Toni hits a stiff forearm as the two would go back and forth with strikes as Kagetsu would go for a kick, but Toni ducks and hits a German Suplex.

Kagetsu would go for another kick which Toni would catch before hitting Kagetsu with another German Suplex and it looks like she’s about to charge at her, but Kagetsu catches her for a Samoan Drop and the two are down as the crowd starts to chant for Kagetsu over Toni. Toni would then apply the Guillotine Choke and it looked like Kagetsu is gonna be out for the count, but she would find a way to power out of it and picks her up for a Brainbuster and tops it off with a Michinoku Driver for a two count! Kagetsu would go to the top rope to try and hit the Oedo Coaster, but Toni pushes her off and hits not one but two Suicide Dives to the outside and would get her back in to go for the Powerbomb as Oedo Tai distracts the referee so Kagetsu could spray blue mist into Toni’s eyes to hit two Michinoku Drivers for a two count. For those that don’t know real quick, the blue mist is a sign for the person to fall asleep while the regular green is for vision and I like that the different colors of mist have a different meaning, definitely look at them if you don’t know which ones mean what. Back to the match as Kagetsu would finally hit the Oedo Coaster and Toni would surprisingly kick out, leaving Kagetsu a bit frustrated here and would pick Toni up, but she reverses it with the Strong Zero and that looked painful as Kagetsu would kick out as well. The two would slowly get up as Kagetsu hits a stiff kick to Toni’s head but she is still standing and tells her to bring it on as Kagetsu would deliver at least seven Roundhouse Kicks to her head and would still be conscious until she caught her leg for a submission to try and make Kagetsu tap out until she got to the ropes. Toni would try to put Kagetsu away with another Strong Zero, but Kagetsu would push her into the referee and sprays the red mist into her eyes this time which means burning sensation into her eyes and hits a Death Valley Driver and would top it off with an Oedo Coaster as we have a new World of Stardom Champion!

Kagetsu winning here was a bit of a shocker since I expected Toni to hold it at least till the winner of the 5★Star GP, but I’m more than okay with Kagetsu winning it now as she has definitely earned his opportunity and working so hard to get here over the years. Last year during Kagetsu’s produced show, she actually was considering retirement until Io Shirai would talk her out of it and I’m glad she did otherwise we wouldn’t have this moment right here. Her winning was the right call and I can’t wait to see where this leads and who will be the one to take it from her.

Recommended: Very good match with a nice story in it, watch it.


Overall: This was a solid show, but the Oedo Pupper and Kagetsu won…so fuck you and watch it. Joking aside, it was was a decent show and the last two matches are definitely worth watching. We got a new champion and I’m definitely excited to see where this leads for Oedo Tai and Kagetsu.

Favorite Match: Toni Storm vs. Kagetsu

Least Favorite Match: Leo Onozaki vs. Shiki Shibusawa

Score: 7/10

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AXIZ reunite

Go Shiozaki lost in his return match at MAJESTIC (4th May at Ryogoku Kokugikan) to Katsuhiko Nakajima’s Vertical Spike. While he was lying on the mat, with a worried Kaito Kiyomiya and Yoshiki Inamura looking on, Katsuhiko Nakajima got on the mic and said, “What is this, Go Shiozaki? This awkward state? Is this “I AM NOAH?” Where did that strong Go Shiozaki go? Shall we do it again? Stand up!”, Everyone, including Shiozaki, thought that Nakajima wanted to fight him again and so Shiozaki used Nakajima to pull himself up. Nakajima had his usual devilish smile on, and grabbed Shiozaki by the hair as if he was going to strike him.

What he actually did was offer him his hand, which Shiozaki took, and to the wild screaming of the crowd, AXIZ reformed and the two would not let go of each other.

Kenoh was outraged and demanded to know what was going on. Manabu Soya later left the ring shaking his head. Backstage, Nakajima confirmed that yes, AXIZ were back and the reason why he had left was because (and this sounds familiar) Kenoh didn’t need him, Kongoh didn’t need him, and he didn’t need them. Kenoh growled that he would destroy anyone who got in his way and that included All Japan, All Japan’s Suwama, Dragon Gate (probably the whole roster) and Katsuhiko Nakajima. Kenoh remarked that usually Kongoh didn’t punish people who left (he probably doesn’t mean the chaotic juniors), but it seems that he himself will have another singles match with Nakajima on the 31st May at Shinjuku FACE. Kenoh has also branded AXIZ as a “thief and traitor duo” and has warned elderly AXIZ fans not to make any bank transfers. He has also claimed that while he was injured, Go Shiozaki is a “salary thief” for doing nothing for NOAH during that time, and not even updating his Twitter.

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NOAH promise more women’s matches

Following the four woman tag at MAJESTIC, Ryo Mizunami hinted afterwards that NOAH will be holding more and she (and others) want to be a part of this. Nothing more has been said about the possibility of a women’s GHC Championship though.

N-1 VICTORY 2023 Announced

NOAH have announced that the N-1 VICTORY 2023 will make a return in August 2023, and as is tradition, will have the final night held in Osaka in early September. No names have been announced as of yet, but the league will head up for a couple of dates in Sapporo, Hokkaido (NOAH have not been to Hokkaido since before the pandemic when they would traditionally share a ring with Big Japan and then get drunk together over a lost weekend). No names have been announced as of yet.

Masakatsu Funaki challenges Josh Barnett 

Following his victory over Shinya Aoki at MAJESTIC, Masakatsu Funaki challenged Josh Barnett, who was sitting at ringside to a match. Barnett accepted, but NOAH are yet to state the date when the match will take place. Funaki also seems to be hinting that his career is now winding down, and he wants to tie up any loose ends; such as the Aoki match and the challenge to Barnett, who he has never faced before, but seems to have always wanted to. Mutoh told Funaki to keep going until he is sixty, but Funaki, who makes no pretense about the fact that he is approaching his mid fifties, seems to think that this is unlikely.

Eita alone, Daga joins “the new STINGER”. HAYATA not welcome either. 

During the STINGER vs I guess the last of Perros Del Mal De Japon, Eita and Daga, Eita caught Daga with the Imperial Uno, which meant that Yoshinari Ogawa could capitalize, and he went to pin Eita. However, Ogawa broke the pin and got to his feet slowly, dragging Eita up by his hair. He looked across the ring to Daga, and Daga turned on Eita. Eita, now utterly alone, was beaten up after the match, and no one at all came out to help him as there is now no one left. Backstage, Eita on all fours, said that from now on he would be trusting no one and didn’t believe in friends (NOSAWA posted “…..” to this) and demanded a singles match with both Ogawa and Daga. As for STINGER, Chris Ridgeway said that from now on he, Daga and Ogawa were the new STINGER. Daga gave no reason for his turning on his old friend, STINGER rarely give reasons anyway, and Ogawa said that HAYATA and Eita were no longer considered “friends”. Eita will get his singles matches on the 14th May at Korakuen Hall, and with Daga on the 21st in Kobe. Fans are wondering if Eita and HAYATA will team up, but HAYATA seems to be more preoccupied with the GHC Junior at the moment.

Ring intruder at Korakuen Hall

At NOAH’s Korakuen Hall event on the 29th April, a young woman intruded into the ring at the start of Kaito Kiyomiya, Sean Legacy & AMAKUSA vs Kongoh, and started imploring Kiyomiya to “show us a stronger NOAH” because he was “the savior of NOAH”. She was gently expelled from the ring by Referee Nishinaga, Kiyomiya and the young rookie, Taishi Ozawa. No further information has come from NOAH or any news outlets as to who this young woman was or what the consequence of her intrusion was, and it is rare in Japanese wrestling that a fan should intrude into the ring, but NOAH took the precaution to check bags at their fan event and MAJESTIC, and extra wrestlers were seen at ringside, which fans said felt like security. The very real threat was that she could have had a knife. New Japan’s Toru Yano has also spoken out about fan behavior. He didn’t mention fan invasion specifically, but more wrestlers being harassed by fans when at baggage claim at airports, at convenience stores etc. Kenoh kind of saved the situation by telling Kiyomiya that if he was stronger, then strange people wouldn’t do things like this!

Shinjiro Otani

At an event held on the 6th May to help with his hospital bills, Shinjiro Otani made an appearance. Takashi Sugiura bought him some flowers and Otani thanked him for not giving up wrestling due to the injury that Otani sustained during the title match. He also warned Sugiura, that he would see him in the ring again. Sugiura said he was waiting for that day.

Voodoo Murders vs Kongoh

SUWAMA broke into NOAH’s event at Korakuen Hall on the 29th April and gave Kenoh, a massive Last Ride powerbomb. Shrieking that he was going to take the All Japan World Heavyweight Tag back to where it belonged, i.e. All Japan, he was prepared to come and have a match in NOAH (with Kono his partner) to retrieve them. There then followed a comical scene involving the infamous lifts, where a quaking old man appeared and was told by Suwama to hold the doors. The match has been set for NOAH’s Kobe event on the 21st May. The event will not be broadcast live, but I would imagine this match will be through NOAH’s official Instagram. Suwama got further revenge on Kenoh at All Japan’s show on the 7th when Kongoh and Voodoo Murders had a pre match. Kenoh was given another powerbomb, shoved into a body bag and Voodoo Murders posed with their boots on him, before carrying him backstage on their shoulders. Half in and half out of the bag and dumped on the floor, Suwama told him that now he was in hell, those titles were theirs.


GHC Heavyweight

In a match that saw Naomichi Marufuji pull out old moves (Shiranui and Shiranui Pole Shift, plus a rope bounce that he hasn’t used for a while) and moves that he has worked on, Jake Lee retained the GHC Heavyweight at MAJESTIC. However, no challenger came forward, and fans were expecting to see Go Shiozaki come out. Jake thanked Marufuji and ran down what he had felt in his past title defenses; Kiyomiya was the future, Nakajima the strength and Marufuji the history. Jake wondered what was next and predicted that on the 14th May at Korakuen Hall, things would start to happen. Jake’s match then is himself teaming with Good Looking Guys (including YO-HEY and Tadasuke) against two NOAH Juniors (Seiki Yoshioka and Atsushi Kotoge) against Kaito Kiyomiya and Takashi Sugiura. Fans think that it will be Sugiura who challenges.

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GHC Junior Heavyweight

HAYATA was forced into doing some light comedy, when at the title match signing/press conference, Ninja Mack told him that he didn’t want him to be injured in their title match, and handed him a gift of bandages and athletic tape. HAYATA tried to keep a straight face. However, Ninja Mack found nothing to laugh about when HAYATA beat him and went to hand him his presents back. Apparently, HAYATA kept the bandages, as he only tried to give back the athletic tape. Ninja Mack knocked them to the floor and walked off. The GHC Junior Heavyweight is the only one with a challenger out of all the championships at the time of writing, as HAYATA has nominated Dante Leon as opponent. Dante Leon took the belt from Ninja Mack, but HAYATA feels he has to defeat everyone who held it while he was injured. Dante says he is coming back to take his belt back. Pre matches will take place, with the title match on the 17th June in Nagoya.

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GHC National

El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jnr continues to cement himself as one of the greatest GHC National Champions, by defeating Hideki Suzuki at MAJESTIC to retain in an epic match. Suzuki was even booed as he knocked Wagner Jnr down with a punch early on after Wagner Jnr had yelled “Arriba Mexico!”. Suzuki didn’t look as if he was too bothered, and fought most of the match with a cool hard expression. El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jnr isn’t on any cards for the rest of May 2023, so it looks as if the title will probably be challenged for some time in June.

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GHC Heavyweight Tag

Monster Taniguchi, which his seniors try so hard to awaken, sat dormant at the match signing as Saxon Huxley overturned the table, (which Takashi Sugiura, no stranger to trashing tables during press conferences, helped put back), but then turned his own over with a roar and made off with the tag belts. Sugi very politely helped the staff put the tables back. The team of Sugiura and Taniguchi gave very close to retaining, but they lost the belts when Saxon Huxley pinned Taniguchi with the Hanging Neck Bombs. The new champions celebrated by yelling loudly into the camera, and Huxley repeatedly head-butting his belt. Two new tags arose that night at MAJESTIC; AXIZ, and a new team of Masato Tanaka and Kazuyuki Fujita.

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GHC Junior Tag

YO-HEY and Tadasuke (Good Looking Guys Unit) defended the GHC Junior Tag against Alpha Wolf and DragonBane at Korakuen Hall on the 29th April. The lucha brothers came very close to taking the titles, but YO-HEY saved the team by pinning DragonBane. No challengers have come forward, but it does seem likely that they will be challenged by the people that YO-HEY dumped to join GLG; Atsushi Kotoge and Seiki Yoshioka at Korakuen Hall on the 14th May, which is NOAH’s next event. However, Kotoge and Yoshioka may not be the most stable team, as Yoshioka did catch him with a kick accidentally.



(Saturday April 29th, Korakuen Hall, Tokyo) 

Event recap

Post match interviews


(Thursday 4th May, Ryogoku Kokugikan)

Event recap

Post match interviews

NOAH Fan Event Recap


– Atsushi Kotoge posted a picture of himself when he came to NOAH eleven years ago. He says he is “slightly embarrassed” about seeing himself back then.

– Mohammed Yone and Super Crazy almost left via the wrong gate at MAJESTIC. The trainee standing there tried to tell them, but they seemed insistent, eventually he had to almost stand in their way before they realized.

– Xtreme Tiger returned to the NOAH ring following his concussion

– Most people down the old man VIPER tonic, Masato Tanaka opened it, poured it down his throat and chugged it.

– Keiji Mutoh told Kazushi Sakuraba that he should fight a bear on PPV. Sakuraba said no, he would be killed, and suggested that Mutoh do it. Mutoh said he was an old man who was enjoying retirement by sitting at home and watching historical dramas on NHK.

– Ray Escorpion made his NOAH debut, which involved heel tactics and stalking Dralistico.

– Jake Lee regretted his choice of costume, i.e. his gloves and cape, at the NOAH Fan Event. He said he felt like he needed an icepack under his armpits.

– Eita hid under the ring to jump Yoshinari Ogawa at Korakuen Hall on April 29th. When he crawled out he stretched and yawned, meaning that he fell asleep under there!

– Alejandro was sitting at the commentary table when it got trashed by the Luchadores at MAJESTIC.


  • GHC Heavyweight Champion: Jake Lee
    Challenger: TBA
  • GHC Junior Champion: HAYATA
    Challenger: Dante Leon, GREEN JOURNEY 2023 in NAGOYA (Nagoya International Conference Center Event Hall – Saturday, June 17th)
  • GHC Heavyweight Tag Champions: REAL (Saxon Huxley & Timothy Thatcher)
    Challengers: TBA
  • GHC Junior Tag Champions: Good Looking Guys (YO-HEY & Tadasuke)
    Challengers: TBA
  • GHC National Champion: El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jnr
    Challenger: TBA


(May 2023 schedule)


Date: Sunday May 14th

Venue: Korakuen Hall, Tokyo

Start times: Doors 17:30 JST, Bell 18:30 JST

Broadcast: ABEMA

Birthdays & anniversaries

May 8th 1961: Akira Taue birthday (62)

May 13th 2000: Jumbo Tsuruta memorial (23)


For the overseas fan a subscription to WrestleUniverse is recommended instead of a subscription to ABEMA. You can only watch ABEMA shows live (you cannot watch replays should you miss the show), but these always get uploaded to WrestleUniverse a few minutes after the broadcast finishes. I do not recommend that overseas fans subscribe to ABEMA due to the time consuming and expensive issues around finding a VPN that is compatible with their firewall, and ABEMA do not broadcast any other NOAH shows aside from the live broadcasts, they do not show much exclusive content and they do not show vintage or older events.


“No matter how many times you fall down, you get back up, that’s pro wrestling” – Kaito Kiyomiya vs Reiwa’s “Pu-Girl”

“I want to fight” Aoki’s first NOAH participation, Funaki “challenge”. Press conference for the first showdown in six years

“Isn’t that a stupid question?” Shiozaki, returning for the first time in eight months, emphasizes “perfection” like AMAKUSA

26 year old wrestler Kaito Kiyomiya talks about the importance of the dojo and generational view


Donmai, Donmai” – Mitsuharu Misawa’s diary….he’s being obscene!

With thanks to: Metal NOAH

Picture credits:

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“I made you all wait”, Go Shiozaki announces his return

Go Shiozaki made a surprise appearance at NOAH’s Sendai event on the 16th April, and announced that he would return to the ring at “MAJESTIC” at Ryogoku Kokugikan on Thursday May 4th. In an interview done soon afterwards, Shiozaki said that of course his goal was to “get my belt back as soon as possible” and naturally, his target is the current champion, Jake Lee. He is very excited about NOAH now with the influx of foreign wrestlers, and of course, Jake Lee whom he knew from being in All Japan. Shiozaki’s return match will be against Kongoh’s Kenoh, Katsuhiko Nakajima and Manabu Soya. Shiozaki says he will not only be fighting against his opponents, but also the younger generation of NOAH, who he says are “a threat”. NOAH’s generational wheel continues turning.

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“I have to get my belt back”, Go Shiozaki vows to return early to the title front

Junta Miyawaki returns from Mexico

Junta Miyawaki announced (bilingually as he also announced this in Mexican), that he would be returning from Ultimo Dragon’s training camp, and would make his first match back at Korakuen Hall at STAR NAVIGATION on the 29th April. His opponent will be HI69, who has been on a roll recently. Before he left, Junta Miyawaki said that he would “sip muddy water”, (which basically means to hit rock bottom and crawl you way back up), before he returned to NOAH. HI69 was unimpressed with this statement, saying that Junta had no idea what he was talking about, but he would soon make him realize it.

Women’s matches

NOAH continue to book women’s matches on their bigger shows. Sendai saw Maya Yukihi and Sumire Natsu fight in a singles match, and afterwards mention was made (even fleetingly) of a woman’s GHC championship. The next women’s match will be a four way at “MAJESTIC” on the 4th May between

Maya Yukihisa & SAKI vs Sumire Natsu & Ryo Mizunami.

Xtreme Tiger concussed & Luchadore’s trash the commentary table

Very sadly Xtreme Tiger sustained (probably) a concussion during the match in Sendai and was stretchered from the ring. Fortunately, he could still move as he was seen to be sitting up and sliding himself on to the stretcher. The remaining Luchadores (Doralistico, Dragon Bane, Alpha Wolf, Alejandro & Lanzelot) decided to continue the match, and as they are NOAH Juniors, didn’t bother to tell the ref. They just carried on and during this, Dragon Bane trashed the commentary table by moonsaulting through it. Then everyone else joined in, fighting in the wreckage. Akitoshi Saito (who had been sitting at the table) was seen looking on blankly. Later he made the comment that the table was not made of a material that was meant to be broken.

Yasutaka Yano and Kinya Okada taken off the Sendai card at the last moment

Yasutaka Yano and Kinya Okada were announced to have been taken off the Sendai card at the last moment, meaning that Anthony Green and Akitoshi Saito (who wrestled by taking his shirt off and in his normal clothes) had to fill in for them. NOAH have not announced the issue (illness, injury, etc) but fans think that they may have gone to Mexico for training, albeit why this should be so sudden is a mystery.

Title news 

GHC Heavyweight

Jake Lee retains, Naomichi Marufuji challenges

Jake Lee retained the GHC Heavyweight against Katsuhiko Nakajima, and was challenged that same night by Naomichi Marufuji. The nautical references continued, as Marufuji said that Jake’s steering was making him “seasick” and used a term that he says he came up with before he made his challenge, by saying that “Even if it is rotten, it is Marufuji” (the full saying is “Even if it is rotten, it is still a sea bream”, which basically is like saying “white cat, black cat, as long as it catches mice, then it is a good cat” i.e. quality is quality). Title match has been made for “MAJESTIC” on the 4th May.

The two pre matches have taken place at shows not broadcasted live, Hamamatsu (which was put on WrestleUniverse on the 25th April) and Kyoto KBS Hall (which will be streamed on WrestleUniverse on the 26th April from 18:00 JST). Neither the champion or the challenger scored the direct win over the other, but Jake was seen to hold the belt over Naomichi Marufuji as he, Jake, stood on the turnbuckle and held it even higher.

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“After all, I’m the man who’s been with NOAH for a long time” – Naomichi Marufuji, on the 25th anniversary of his debut who named himself as the one to overthrow Jake, talks about his thoughts!

GHC Heavyweight Tag

Masa Kitamiya and Daiki Inaba lost the GHC Heavyweight Tag Championship to Takashi Sugiura and Shuhei Taniguchi in Sendai. Shuhei Taniguchi, much to his seniors delight, got the win but there was no chance to celebrate for very long as a new fearsome tag team, who were part of a new unit (and therefore a new power in the heavyweights) appeared on the scene to challenge. Hideki Suzuki announced that himself, Timothy Thatcher and Saxon Huxley, were breaking away from The Sugiura Army, which he said was “over” (fans have long felt that the unit simply fizzled out) and the three of them were breaking away on their own.

Suzuki challenged for the GHC Heavyweight Tag belts on behalf of his partners, whom both came across as having chemistry akin to an old school American tag team (Saxon I know is from England, but you know the vibe I am talking about). Backstage, Hideki Suzuki said their new unit was called “Real”. In their first pre match in Hamamatsu, Suzuki refused to shake hands with Takashi Sugiura and Sugiura was defeated by Saxon Huxley. The next night in Kyoto, Sugiura defeated Huxley, which was Huxley’s first NOAH loss, with the Olympic Slam and labelled himself as “Beastmaster”. There was also some slight friction appearing between Takashi Sugiura and Shuhei Taniguchi, as Taniguchi did the same “I heard you lost today?” kind of comment back to Sugiura, and once again refused to shake hands with him when Sugiura offered and just walked off when Sugi asked, “Did you win?”.

GHC National

In an epic match, El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jnr defended the GHC National against Jack Morris, and the two of them shook hands afterwards and patched up their friendship. Backstage, Hideki Suzuki appeared in the comments booth when Wagner Jnr was in it, clapping sarcastically and saying that he was coming for his belt. Suzuki also made a very poetic comment about the challenge.

“Because Wagner Jnr is the sun of Mexico, I will take him deep into the ocean. We will sink together, and only I will rise”

Their two pre matches so far have been inconclusive as they head towards the title match at “MAJESTIC” on the 4th May at Ryogoku Kokugikan.

GHC Junior

AMAKUSA did not do well in the pre matches against HAYATA, and HAYATA ran him into the ground in the title match in Sendai, winning in thirteen minutes and four seconds. In order to forestall anyone who thought they were going to challenge, he was picking up where he left off, and his next challenger would be Ninja Mack. Ninja Mack had challenged HAYATA in late 2022 for the belt, but he had won it when HAYATA was injured, and the belt was awarded to him. To HAYATA, he needed to defeat Ninja Mack first before dealing with anyone else. The two pre matches have not gone well for HAYATA, although Ninja Mack hasn’t got the win over him directly, he has still gotten the win for his team at one point, even if one of the matches was won by someone else, which for him counts as a victory over HAYATA.

GHC Junior Tag

Fans knew that Yoshinari Ogawa and Eita were going to fall apart. YO-HEY knew this too, but knew enough about his opponents, to be wary. In the end, a misfire by Eita, who caught Ogawa in the face with a kick, letting Tadasuke get the win, made the team implode. Ogawa might have come to the ring ignoring Eita’s very existence, but by the end of the match the two were brawling and the fight went backstage. After kicking Ogawa in the crotch, Eita announced that the only person he trusted was Daga. Daga will return to NOAH at “MAJESTIC”, with the one person who hasn’t turned on Ogawa (although he was wary of his aligning with Eita), Chris Ridgeway, who is returning to NOAH at Korakuen Hall on Saturday 29th April.

The new GHC Junior Champions, Good Looking Guy’s YO-HEY and Tadasuke, were challenged backstage by Dragon Bane and Alpha Wolf, who told them they were going to be taking the belts back to Mexico. The brothers have run riot on the junior tag champions, defeating them in the pre matches, Alpha Wolf in a singles against Tadasuke. Title match will take place this Saturday at Korakuen Hall.


  • ABEMA presents GREEN JOURNEY 2023 in Sendai (Sunday April 16th)

Event recap

Post match interviews

  • Act City Hamamatsu (Saturday, April 22nd)

Event recap

Post match interviews

  • Kyoto KBS Hall (Sunday, April 23rd)

Event recap

Post match interviews


– Because they were both champions facing their challengers, YO-HEY offered HAYATA a handshake in Kyoto. HAYATA reacted in usual fashion (he refused) but the two were seen to work together…

– Kongoh appeared in a short Kenoh Channel video, where each of them ate one of Shuji Kondo’s financiers and talked about the merch table. Katsuhiko Nakajima very neatly put back a packet of Naomichi Marufuji’s curry, which Kenoh had thrown.

– Although he is no longer appearing in the ring, NOSAWA Rongai was seen watching at the Hamamatsu show. He’s not a member of the audience however, as he seems to be travelling with them – Kenoh said that he was glad Go Shiozaki had returned as he could not “wait to beat the shit” out of him.

– Atsushi Kotoge has revealed his beloved Shiba is called “Chikuwa”. When he left for NOAH’s weekend shows, he told him he was leaving him as watchdog to guard the family.

– Mercedes Monet said she wanted a match with “Marufugi”. “Marufugi” said he wanted one with her too.

– YO-HEY and Yoshiki Inamura will appear on “All-Star Chorus Battle” on May 14th for Fuji TV. The premise of the show is that they will team with five other people, sing the hit songs of the Reiwa era and compete as a chorus for a championship.

– A picture taken by NOAH’s official photographer in Kyoto was captured at precisely the moment that Seiki Yoshioka was diving off the top turnbuckle. The angle of his body made him look as if he was leaping out of the stained glass behind him. Ironically, he seemed to be leaping from the roof of the Ark. Also photographed against The Ark was Yoshiki Inamura, who put a Dove above his head.


  • GHC Heavyweight Champion: Jake Lee
    Challenger: Naomichi Marufuji, ABEMA presents MAJESTIC 2023, Ryogoku Kokugikan, Thursday May 4th
  • GHC Junior Champion: HAYATA
    Challenger: Ninja Mack, ABEMA presents MAJESTIC 2023, Ryogoku Kokugikan, Thursday May 4th
  • GHC Heavyweight Tag Champions: Takashi Sugiura & Shuhei Taniguchi
    Challengers: REAL (Saxon Huxley & Timothy Thatcher), ABEMA presents MAJESTIC 2023, Ryogoku Kokugikan, Thursday May 4th
  • GHC Junior Tag Champions: Good Looking Guys (YO-HEY & Tadasuke)
    Challengers: Dragon Bane & Alpha Wolf, STAR NAVIGATION 2023, Korakuen Hall, Saturday April 29th
  • GHC National Champion: El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jnr
    Challenger: Hideki Suzuki, ABEMA presents MAJESTIC 2023, Ryogoku Kokugikan, Thursday May 4th



Date: Saturday April 29th

Venue: Korakuen Hall

Start time: 18:30 JST (doors open 17:30)

Broadcast: ABEMA (Live)


29th April: Atsushi Kotoge debut anniversary (2005)

29th April: Tadasuke debut anniversary (2007)


For the overseas fan a subscription to WrestleUniverse is recommended instead of a subscription to ABEMA. You can only watch ABEMA shows live (you cannot watch replays should you miss the show), but these always get uploaded to WrestleUniverse a few minutes after the broadcast finishes. I do not recommend that overseas fans subscribe to ABEMA due to the time consuming and expensive issues around finding a VPN that is compatible with their firewall, and ABEMA do not broadcast any other NOAH shows aside from the live broadcasts, they do not show much exclusive content and they do not show vintage or older events.


“Donmai, Donmai” – Mitsuharu Misawa’s diary

With thanks to: Metal-NOAH

Picture credits:, Pro Wrestling DX

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