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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (8/11/18)



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The 9-Time ROH World Tag Team Champions, Jay & Mark Briscoe, plan to show why they’re the Baddest Team on the Whole Damn Planet by taking on The Bouncers!



  • The Briscoes VS The Bouncers; The Briscoes win.
  • WOH Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Karen Q VS Tenille Dashwood VS Madison Rayne VS Kelly Klein; Madison wins and will challenge Sumie Sakai for the WOH Championship.
  • Six Man Tag: Cheeseburger, Flip Gordon & Josh Woods VS Bully Ray, Shane Taylor & Punishment Martinez; rescheduled as…
  • 3v2 Handicap: Cheeseburger & Josh Woods VS Bully Ray, Shane Taylor & Punishment Martinez; Bully, Taylor & Martinez win.


The Briscoes VS The Bouncers!

The Baddest Tag Team in ROH takes on the literally biggest team in a non-title match. Tonight turns Sandy Fork VS Everybody into #DemBoys VS Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas, but will Jay & Mark turn them into two more notches on their belts?

Fans chant “Man Up!” as the bell rings. Mark starts against the Mastadon, and tie up. Milonas shoves Mark back to a corner, but Mark comes back with chops and haymakers. Mark tries but fails to whip, Milonas runs him over with a shoulder. Milonas fires body shots on Mark in a corner, then whips him corner to corner. Mark goes to the apron, counter punches Milonas, then climbs up for a crossbody. Milonas catches Mark but Mark fights back with palm strikes. Mark runs, but into Milona’s big body, and big overhead suplex! Jay tags in and boots Milonas. Milonas stays up so Jay rams a shoulder in. He still can’t topple Milonas, so he tries again. Milonas still stays up, so Jay rocks him with a European Uppercut. Jay runs and Mark tags in.

Milonas lifts Jay but Jay slips out to hold Milonas’ arms back. Mark comes in to mug Milonas with body shots to his belly. Jay hits BCB for good measure, then the Briscoes double whip. Milonas stays up after double shoulders, and BCB comes in. The Briscoes duck his double clotheslines and now they all brawl. The Briscoes rock the Bouncers, then run, but into double bellies! Fans boo and jeer while the Briscoes crawl to corners. The Bouncers coordinate but while BCB squashes Mark, Milonas misses Jay. Jay stomps a mudhole into Milonas while BCB does the same to Mark. BCB calls Jay out and they start shoving. They start brawling with big forearms, but BCB knees low. BCB runs but into a dropkick! Jay builds speed, but Milonas intercepts with a Bouncer Pounce!

Mark fires off Redneck Fu on Milonas, but Milonas reverses the whip. Mark uses that to wreck BCB with a dropkick. Milonas walks over but Jay dumps him over! Mark groups up the Bouncers for Jay to FLY! Fans fire up as Mark climbs up now for a SUPER corkscrew senton! The Briscoes have control while we go to break.

ROH returns and the Bouncers have control. BCB drops Mark with a Samoan Drop, and Milonas brings the straps down for his running back senton! Cover, TWO! Milonas tags BCB in and the Bouncers bring Mark up. They whip him into their corner, then BCB whips Milonas in. Mark dodges to then hit and chop BCB. Milonas boots Mark, and BCB holds Mark up while Milonas climbs. Mark fights back but he still gets the draping Mastadon leg drop! Cover, but Jay breaks it in time! Jay goes after both Bouncers with fast hands and elbows, then kicks to the guts. He runs, but into double body shots. The Bouncers sandwich Jay between their guts!

BCB throws Jay out, to then CANNONBALL! But Jay dodges, and BCB hits the floor! Jay hotshots Milonas, Mark flies in with a crossbody. Milonas still catches him, but Jay comes in to help. The Briscoes club and clobber Milonas to a corner. Mark runs corner to corner for a big clothesline, then Jay adds his own. Mark goes again, then they both stomp a mudhole into Milonas. BCB returns, but he ends up giving Milonas that hip attack! Jay manages to lift BCB in a fireman’s carry, for the Death Valley Driver! Mark covers, TWO! Jay kicks Milonas out, but BCB sends Mark to the apron. Mark gives Milonas an apron blockbuster while Jay rocks BCB. Jay gives BCB the neckbreaker, and Mark adds his Froggy-Bow! Cover, The Briscoes win!

Winners: The Briscoes, Mark pinning

The champions get a literally big win. The titles will be on the line at Honor Reunited in the UK, will #DemBoyz bring those titles back home to the States with them?

The Briscoes speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are the Briscoes. And we are the Baddest Tag Team on the Planet!” Fans agree with that. Jay says they’re the 9-time ROH Tag Team Champions, and ain’t no team in the world taking the belts from them. Especially not “those bums from California”, SoCal Uncensored. The SCU don’t want none. But wait, here they come!

Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky eye the Briscoes from the ramp. Scorpio asks if somebody said “SCU”. The fans echo “SCU!” Be careful what you wish for, because the odds are in SCU’s favor. Dem Boyz see that, 3 against 2. But they don’t need odds. Scorpio can let The Addiction handle this. Bring it on then! ANd it’s a brawl! Security rushes the ring to keep this chaos at a minimum. Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” and fight they do, but we go to break.


WOH Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Karen Q VS Tenille Dashwood VS Madison Rayne VS Kelly Klein!

The Ray of Sunshine is still the inaugural reigning and defending Women’s Champion of ROH, and she has a line of eager challengers forming. The Queen of Queens, The Dancing Queen, the Queen Bee and the Gatekeeper all want that shot, but only one woman can get it!

The Code of Honor is upheld between Tenille, Madison and even Karen. Kelly doesn’t care, she’s just ready for the bell. Karen ducks out, she’s too smart for that. Kelly clobbers Tenille and Madison, then keeps on them with more clubbing forearms. Madison and Tenille work together to fight back and whip Kelly, but Kelly dodges them. But then she gets clothesline’d out of the ring by both of them. Tenille and Madison now circle as fans rally up. They tie up, Tenille rolls Madison, ONE. Madison rolls Tenille, TWO. Madison trips Tenille for a cover, ONE. Tenille returns the favor, ONE. The two stand off and fans applaud. Tenille and Madison shake hands again, but Karen rushes in. Karen gets kicked, then a double suplex. Karen rolls back out, and Tenille sucker punches Madison. She whips Madison, but Madison tilt-o-whirl headscissors.

Madison whips but Tenille reverses to forearm. Tenille runs but Kelly drags her out. Karen ambushes Madison and gives her a buckle bump. Karen bumps Madison on another buckle, then gives her a facelock to neckbreaker. Cover, TWO! Karen grows frustrated already, and she whips Madison corner to corner. Karen hits a runing forearm, then a back elbow. She keeps going but her boot misses. Tenille throws Kelly into barriers while Madison runs at Karen. Karen dodges to snap suplex Madison. Cover, but Tenille breaks it. Tenille brings Karen up to whip her, but Karen reverses. Karen runs in but into a boot. Tenille grabs Karen with body scissors, for her Tarantula! She lets go at 4, then she climbs up top. Karen stands and trips Tenille up.

Karen climbs up to join Tenille, but Tenille resists. Madison joins in from the other side, but here comes Kelly! It’s a TOWER OF DOOM! The double superplex powerbomb gives the Pretty Badass control, and we go to break.

ROH returns as Tenille is in a corner. She runs at Karen and rallies with lariats. Madison returns but Tenille puts her in a corner. Kelly runs in but misses Tenille to instead hit Madison. Tenille puts Kelly in another corner while Karen crawls to a third. Fans anticipate what’s coming, and Tenille gives Kelly a Taste of Tenille. She gives a Taste of Tenille to Karen, then a third serving to Madison! Tenille kicks Karen, double underhook for a butterfly suplex. Cover, but Kelly breaks it. Kelly drags Tenille up and tosses her out. Karen and Kelly brawl but Kelly lifts Karen up. Madison runs but Kelly catches her! Fall Away Slam and Samoan Drop! Cover, TWO!! Kelly is furious that Karen survived.

Tenille returns as fans rally up. Tenille gets to Kelly first, but Kelly blocks the suplex. Kelly hoists Tenille up but Tenille fights back. She knocks Kelly away, then adjusts, for a flying crossbody! Cover, TWO! Tenille gets up and wants Kelly to stand. Spotlight Kick! But Karen tosses Tenille! Cover on Kelly, TWO!? Karen is furious that she didn’t succeed. Madison kicks Karen, for the Rayne Check! High stack cover, Madison wins!

Winner: Madison Rayne, by pinfall; will challenge Sumie Sakai for the WOH Championship

The Queen Bee capitalizes on Karen Q, and now she gets her first shot at Sumie Sakai’s title. Sumie is there to lock eyes with her new contender. Will Sumie keep her reign going? Or will Rayne reign as the second-ever champion?


The American Nightmare, Cody, is here!

He, along with lovely wife, Brandi Rhodes, heads to the ring to speak. ROH takes a quick break, but comes back once Cody has mic in hand. Cody says he’s been rather “unlucky” as of late. “In both of my ROH Championship rematches, I have not been successful.” Cody noticed it, though. In both rematches, not a single one was one-on-one. He feels he’s created too much of a bad mood, he wants to bring our spirits up. Cody needs a certain someone that’s all business. Cody needs someone that is the top of the food chain, that doesn’t sing or dance, yes, drum roll please. Fans oblige and… Nick Aldis appears?

Yes, it’s the National Treasure, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion himself! Cody made the challenge for that very belt at All In, but Aldis is here to talk about that very match. They stood together in London and made history. The agreement to have a match at “the most iconic and history-making event” in modern wrestling was dependent on Cody providing an upside. Aldis needs something in return for the title that he stands for. But Cody wants to take it just because he wants it? No. Cody needs the ROH World Championship to put up, but he doesn’t have it, so what does he have instead? Because to Aldis, he has everything to lose and nothing to gain. “That sounds like bad business to me.”

Cody asks Aldis hold out his hand. He does, and Cody offers the literal Ring of Honor as collateral. Aldis should consider All In and their match. Aldis starts to leave, but Cody adds that “while you’re thinking about it,” Cody wants Aldis to consider how he’d like to move up from “the penny slots tot he high roller table.” Yes, the NWA World Title in front of 10451 people. Think of how Cody was defeating both Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi while Aldis was “beating up a 53-year-old history teacher”!

Aldis is mad now, and he gets back in the ring. He shows Cody that ring, on his finger. Aldis wants Cody to kiss the ring. But here comes the Bullet Club to keep the peace. Marty Scurll is also a good friend of Aldis, so he’s trying to talk reason into the NWA champ. Things cool down while we go to break.


Six Man Tag: Cheeseburger, Flip Gordon & Josh Woods VS Bully Ray, Shane Taylor & Punishment Martinez!

After months of the Hall of Fame legend of ECW belittling and, well, bullying the younger generation, it’s time for that younger generation to stand up! Bully has called Burger and Flip entitled and lazy millennials, but they and The Goods are anything but. Can this rag tag trio defeat Bully and the enlisted Hitman and Purple Mist?

But as Flip Gordon makes his way out, Bully Ray blindsides him, and puts him into a post! Burger and Woods defend the fallen Flip, but Bully waits for back-up. We go to break while medics check on Flip.

ROH returns again, and fans cheer for Flip while medics help him walk to the back. Bully’s team are already in the ring as Bully speaks. “What’re we gonna do now?” This was meant to be a Six Man Tag. If you don’t have a partner, throw the match out and give Bully’s team the win so he can go home. Fans cheer for various alternates, especially for Colt Cabana. What’s Colt’s answer? He’s not dressed, but then who? Burger speaks up, and says if the “big bastards” want to fight 3v2, he and Woods are up for it! A handicap match? Well, Bully doesn’t mind that, so that’s what we’re getting. Do Burger and The Goods stand a chance being down a man?

3v2 Handicap: Cheeseburger & Josh Woods VS Bully Ray, Shane Taylor & Punishment Martinez!

Mr. Top Prospect 2018 faces off against the Notorious Hitman while fans boo Bully. Taylor looks ready, but then he tags out to the ROH World Television Champion. Bully trash talks for Martinez as he stares Woods down. Woods isn’t scared as he ties up with Martinez. Fans rally while Martinez puts Woods in a corner. Woods shoves Martinez, then ducks to fire off body shots. He ducks again to give more shots, but Martinez knees low. Martinez whips but Woods reverses and ducks to German Suplex! Martinez gets to an open corner, then boots Woods down. Bully likes what he sees, and now Taylor tags in. Taylor brings Woods up for a big right forearm. He trash talks then swings Woods out, but Woods counters with a T-Bone!

Taylor is reeling, and he tags Bully in. Burger wants at Bully, and fans want him to try. Woods tells Bully to hush as he listens to the fans. Woods tags in Burger, and Burger stares Bully down. Burger isn’t scared, but Bully kicks him low. Bully brings Burger in, and lifts, but Burger pops out to fire off! Bully shoves Burger, then runs in, but misses in the corner. Burger hurries up top, but Martinez comes in. The ref is busy with Martinez, so Taylor runs over and pushes Burger down! Bully comes back to drag Burger up. He puts Burger in the corner and gets ready to stomp while we go to break.

ROH returns once more, and Bully trash talks Burger as he stalks behind him. Burger crawls for his corner but gets crossface forearms from Bully. Bully asks how that tastes. He then chooses Taylor and tags him in. Taylor brings Burger up into a corner, for a strong overhand chop. Fans rally up for “Cheese! Burger!” Burger fights back, but eats another right from Taylor. Taylor puts Burger in a corner, then stands on his face. The ref counts and Taylor backs off at 4. Fans continue to cheer, but then Taylor blasts Woods off the apron! Woods almost wipes out a camera man at the same time. Burger boots Taylor back, then hops up. Flying tornado DDT! But Burger has no one to tag in! Colt Cabana has had enough, he gets to the corner! This is back to a Six Man as Cabana gets the tag!

Cabana fires off on Taylor with both hands, then dodges Martinez. Martinez hits Taylor, then Cabana hits Martinez with the back elbow. Woods clotheslines Martinez out. Taylor returns but Cabana springboards for the quebrada while Woods leaps onto Martinez! Fans fire up as Bully runs into Cabana’s SPEAR! Cabana rains down rights, but then Burger tags in. Burger climbs up, Cabana keeps the way clear for his double stomps! Cabana slingshots out onto Bully! Burger fires up, but Taylor comes in for a tilt-o-whirl into a side slam! Cover, Team Bully wins!

Winners: Bully Ray, Punishment Martinez & Shane Taylor, Taylor pinning

Cabana’s heroic efforts were for naught as Bully’s team wins. And then to pile on, Bully tackles Woods while Taylor fires off on Woods. Martinez comes in to stomp Burger while Bully gets his chain. Bully punches Woods, then lashes Cabana while Taylor holds Burger down. Bully and his bullies keep the underdogs down, but here comes Flip Gordon! He has a chair and SMACKS Martinez with it! He SMACKS Taylor, too, then glares at Bully. They circle, but Bully runs! Bullies are cowards, but when will this Bully get what he deserves?



My Thoughts:

A solid episode right here that smartly takes into account other events ROH is involved in. Opening with Briscoes VS Bounces was good, it helped give Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas a good showing while making Jay & Mark even more impressive by defeating two men bigger than both of them. Great brawl with SCU to give us more in their story. I feel the Addiction should win, they can only chase titles to keep the countdown at bay for so long. Them winning changes things so that every title defense they have could be their last. Then nice bit of drama going towards All In as Aldis points out Cody doesn’t have the ROH WHC. I’ll just assume Cody gets the belt so that All In’s match still happens.

I was surprised it was Madison Rayne and not the Heels, Kelly Klein and Karen Q, who won. I think the reason is that Madison should at least get a shot at the WOH Championship, assuming she leaves Impact and ROH to be in WWE/NXT after the 2018 Mae Young Classic. Therefore, Sumie retains but it’ll probably be a fun match. That Six Man turned Handicap turned Six Man again was pretty good stuff. In light of what’s happening with CM Punk, Cabana gets even more Face power now that he’s helping Burger against Bully Ray. Flip Gordon does great coming back from being taken out to run off Bully’s team. I expect a rematch, with Burger, Flip and Cabana from the start to take on Bully and at least Taylor. Martinez might opt out to defend his ROH WTV title.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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