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Mitchell’s WWE Survivor Series Results & Report! (11/18/18)



WWE Survivor Series 2018

WWE brand warfare returns! Will Daniel Bryan be able to conquer The Beast, Brock Lesnar? Will Charlotte Flair be ready for Rowdy Ronda Rousey?



  • Kickoff Show – 10v10 Tag Team Division Elimination Match: SmackDown wins, The Usos surviving.
  • Women’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown; Raw wins, Nia Jax surviving.
  • WWE Intercontinental Champion VS WWE United States Champion: Seth Rollins VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Rollins wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Champions VS SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Authors of Pain w/ Drake Maverick VS The Bar w/ The Big Show; The Authors of Pain win.
  • WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy VS Mustafa Ali; Murphy wins and retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.
  • Men’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown; Raw wins, Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre & Braun Strowman surviving.
  • Ronda Rousey VS Charlotte Flair; Rousey wins, by disqualification.
  • WWE Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar VS WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan; Lesnar wins.


It’s time for the WWE Survivor Series Kickoff Show!

Jonathan Coachman, David Otunga, and two WWE Hall of Famers, Jerry “The King” Lawler and Beth “The Glamazon” Phoenix start us off!


Alexa Bliss rallies her team.

SmackDown’s attack clearly showed that they’re afraid, and ready to play dirty. Raw will win, but that’s not enough. The Goddess wants “total humiliation.” Did no one see what Nia Jax did to Becky Lunch’s face? And Ruby Riott says they have luck on their side. Speaking of luck, has Natty fixed her daddy’s broken sunglasses? Natty attacks!! Team Raw scrambles to separate Natty and Ruby, and Alexa Bliss shouts over all of them. This is NOT how they’re doing this! Natty and Ruby, if you can’t get along, you’re off the team! They freak out again, but that’s the captain’s choice. With spots open at the last minute, will there be anyone to fill them? Or is Raw going into a handicap scenario against SmackDown?


The WWE General Managers join the panel!

The Glampire in Chief and the “Acting” Lone Wolf join King and Coach to talk Survivor Series. Paige is feeling the win is coming because SmackDown is a family. But then Corbin’s guys, Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush, appear! Do you know what’s missing from this panel? The “Almighty” Lashley. His pecs are sculpted by Michaelangelo. Lashley is walking art. Los Angeles is witnessing art. Lashley double guns, and Lio says everyone better get ready. Another statue will be built in honor of the Rocky Mountain Machine. His favorite pose, the double cheeks! Lashley the living legend destroys SmackDown tonight. Coach redirects the discussion to the matches, so Lio and Lashley take their leave. Their behavior only makes Paige feel even more confident her men win.

With all this emotion as Raw and SmackDown go head-to-head, what else makes Paige confident her teams win? She’s confident because they’re all families, because they’re all united, and because they’re all coached by Paige, and not an interim GM. Baron Corbin doesn’t care about that, his guys are getting along for tonight. Corbin knows there’s dysfunction, but he is sure they’ll all work together as one. Then there’s Seth Rollins against Shinsuke Nakamura, the Architect is one of the best. Brock Lesnar takes on Daniel Bryan, and Bryan probably doesn’t last two minutes. And while SmackDown’s Women’s team invaded, Raw’s team has lost members because of dysfunction.

Well egos clash, but when the bell rings, Raw comes together to win, and get back at Shane McMahon for stealing the World Cup. The women will come together to get back at SmackDown for the raid. And Corbin is going to earn being permanent GM. Paige says that her underdog teams always find a way. Just look at Daniel Bryan. But then, their women’s team also has a blank fifth spot. Well that’ll be a secret until the match, and that’ll be a perfect fit to win.

Moving from that, Becky Lynch can’t compete because of the concussion, how did that affect things? Paige did let Becky choose her replacement, and Charlotte Flair was the best choice. Corbin isn’t so sure Charlotte can be ready for Ronda in just a few days. Charlotte beat Asuka at Wrestlemania. But Asuka is not Ronda. Ronda had a bad arm after what Becky did but Ronda’s fought with worse. Corbin and Paige are each confident as can be, but whose teams will be the best in WWE?


Backstage interview with Charlotte Flair.

The war of words was personal between Ronda and Becky, and then between Ronda and Charlotte. The thing about social media, people love you then hate you. But that’s not what this match is about, it’s about Ronda VS Charlotte. Even frenemy Becky knows The Queen gets it done when it matters. Ronda wants to bring up Horsewomen? Fine. Anyone can hold up the four fingers, but Charlotte is the only one with the birthright to make it mean something. Charlotte fights for SmackDown and for herself. She will prove no one can lace up her boots, and even the Baddest Woman on the Planet will bow down.


Naomi rallies Team SmackDown.

With Charlotte moving up to face Ronda Rousey, they have a spot open. The Glow steps up to be the new captain, and Raw is on the ropes. The important thing to remember is that these four must stay united. And that includes their new fifth: R-Truth? He thanks them for including him, but he’s not the fifth woman. Because he’s not a woman! Why’s science gotta matter?

Moving on, the fifth is Mandy Rose. And she’s so glad everyone “came to your senses.” Now they might be upset after she was too truthful, but tonight will be the biggest night of their careers. And she’s not going to throw it away just to fight with them. Sonya Deville is the only one standing up for Mandy but she doesn’t make it easy. Naomi keeps them calm, because SmackDown needs to show they’re the better WWE Women’s Division. Truth even joins in on the hands-in moment. With dysfunction going against dysfunction, which Women’s Division will survive?


Kickoff Show – 10v10 Tag Team Division Elimination Match!

Raw is #ReadyWillingAndGLORIOUS as Bobby Roode & Chad Gable lead The Ascension, The Lucha House Party, The B-Team and The Revival against SmackDown! But The Usos are ready to put all of WWE Tag Team wrestling on #LOCKDOWN as they lead The New Day, The Club, The Colons and SAnitY! Who will survive to establish tag team supremacy?

Awww~ LA! The New Day starts by introducing Survivor Series! “The one night a year where we have SmackDown going up against Monday Night Raw.” Fans are on SmackDown’s side as they boo Raw. And Xavier Woods enjoys bringing it up. To the head-to-head competition, this is about brand supremacy. And what better way to kick things off, than with who? Who who who? SmackDown’s Tag Team Division, BABY~! The New Day introduce the other teams, starting with The Club, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows! Second, the “sliest cousins” in WWE, Primo & Epico Colon! Third, the craziest and chaotic people on earth, SAnitY! And last but certainly not least, the “fearless leaders”, perhaps the greatest team on the planet, The Usos! Jimmy & Jey have mics of their own and welcome Raw to the SmackDown Penitentiary!

Raw’s teams come out, starting with the #TopGuys, The Revival, Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder! Then the Cruiserweight trio, Lucha House Party! Third, The Ascension, Konnor & Viktor! Fourth, The B-Team, Bo Dallas & Curt Axel! And last but absolutely GLORIOUS, Bobby Roode & Chad Gable! Gable says the captains are here, so Team Raw is here. LA still likes SmackDown better. Gable says Raw starts Survivor Series with a win. Roode agrees, and it will be… GLORIOUS! All ten teams are here, and we can finally begin!

Anything can eliminate a duo, and it only takes pinning one man to eliminate them both. Of course that means extra members for the trios must stand down, so Kofi Kingston and Alexander Wolfe for SmackDown, and Gran Metalik for Raw, hover at ringside.

To begin, it’s Kalisto and Epico. They tie up, Kalisto gets a waistlock but Epico reverses to an arm wrench. Epico snapmares but Kalisto handsprings through. Kalisto whips but Epico reverses. Kalisto handstands and handsprings but Epico kicks him down. Epico suplexes Kalisto up and holds him there! Then drops him after 5! Cover, ONE, but Epico stays on Kalisto with a back suplex. Kalisto slips out, but jams a leg. Kalisto hobbles but he’s okay. Woods shouts to sweep the leg, but Epico walks into an elbow. Tag to Lince Dorado, and he dropkicks Eipco down. Tag to Kalisto again, and Kalisto manages to run, for the elevated splash! Lince planking! Kalisto covers, TWO! Epico survives and gets Kalisto with a back suplex! Epico drags Kalisto over, puts him on the ropes, and tags in Primo.

Primo runs in for the big back attack. He adds a slingshot senton and a dropkick before bringing Kalisto back up. Primo kicks and sweeps the leg! But Kalisto shoves Primo into Epico! Primo stops Kalisto but Dawson tags in. Kalisto skins the cat to springboard in, but Primo dodges. Kalisto makes his knee feel worse, and Primo adds a leg DDT! But then The Revival pounces on Primo with a Shatter Machine! Cover, The Revival ELIMINATES The Colons!

But then Anderson comes in and goes after Dash Wilder. Anderson whips but Dash reverses. Dash runs in but Anderson dodges and hits the jump kick! Dawson runs into a spinebuster! Dash gets a spinebuster! Roode helps LHP check on Kalisto while Axel saves Dash from the pin. Dash tags Axel and Axel brings Anderson to a corner for buckle bumps and stomps. Metalik subs in for Kalisto while Axel whips Anderson corner to corner. Axel gives Anderson a back elbow, then snapmares for a neck snap! Cover, TWO! Axel drags Anderson over and stomps with the “B-Team! B-Team! GO GO GO!” chant. Tag to Bo Dallas and he hits a corner clothesline, then feeds Anderson to Axel’s DDT! Cover, TWO! Bo keeps on Anderson with a whip but Anderson reverses. Bo back elbows Anderson but Gallows gets a sucker kick! Roll up, The Club ELIMINATES The B-Team!

Gable hops in for Team Raw, so Anderson tags out to Big E! Fans fire up for this show down and rally up with “New! Day Rocks!” But then Big Damo tags in!? Killian Dain rushes Gable, fights out of the waistlock, but Gable slips out of the lift. Gable fires off but gets the Divide crossbody! Cover, TWO! Damo tags in Eric Young, and SAnitY works together for the Samoan Drop neckbreaker! Cover, Roode saves his partner. Damo grabs Roode and throws him out, but Roode’s on the apron. Roode baits Damo out, then Gable elbows Young. Gable tags Roode then climbs up. Roode brings Young around with a neckbreaker, Gable adds his moonsault! Cover, Roode & Gable ELIMINATE SAnitY!

But then Big E scoops Roode! Konnor tags in and attacks Big E. Konnor runs Big E over, then stares him down. Big E gets Konnor in the abdominal stretch! And puts some stank on it with the spanks! Konnor pops out and throws Big E down hard. Woods baits Konnor in for the swing kick, but Konnor catches Woods on the springboard. Fall Away Slam! Woods is in the Raw territory, and Viktor tags in. The Ascension mug Woods with double punches, clubs and kicks. Cover, ONE! Viktor keeps on Woods with a chinlock while Kofi coaches Woods up with blue pancakes. Fans rally and Woods gets up. Woods fights back but Viktor clubs him down. Viktor whips but Woods dodges. Woods slides, roaring elbow! Tag to Big E and the New Day work together.

Somehow Woods gets Big E up for the electric chair splash! Cover, The New Day ELIMINATES The Ascension! Metalik hops in, Big E whips but avoids the handspring. Big E likes that, and tags out to Gallows. Gallows kicks low then whips, but Metalik kicks back. Tag to Lince, and he climbs up for a crossbody! But Gallows catches him, gives him to Anderson, but Lince resists! Lince huricanranas Andersno, and counters Gallows with a stunner! Gallows bails out, Lince builds speed, but into Anderson. Anderson stops the huricanrana, but only for a moment! Anderson hits ropes and tumbles out. Lucha House Party DOUBLE Asai! Lince puts Anderson in, tags Metalik in, and Metalik climbs for his tight rope springboard swanton! Cover, The Lucha House Party ELIMINATES The Club!

Now we’re down to SmackDown’s Usos and New Day against Raw’s Revival, Lucha House Party and Roode-Gable. Jimmy jumps in to face Metalik, and the “Lucha! Lucha!” chants start. They tie up and Jimmy puts Metalik in the corner for a BIG uppercut. Metalik hits back with a dropkick! tag to Lince, who CHOPS away on Uso! Lince whips but Jimmy reverses, only for Lince to roll him up. TWO, Lince runs to springboard, quebrada! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy gets Lince but gets in the tilt-o-whirl headscissors. Jey tags in, Lince runs into the pop-up Samoan Drop! Cover, The Usos ELIMINATE Lucha House Party! Now it’s the captains and one other team for each side.

Woods tags in to take on Dawson. They tie up and go around, Woods gets the wristlock. Dawson reaches but Woods keeps him away from Dash. Dash falls in but Dawson uses that to get a tug on hair and the uppercut. Tag to Gable and Woods is fed to the boot. Gable stomps Woods, then he tweaks the knee. Gable keeps on Woods, then tags to Dawson. Dawson drops legs and elbows, then a headbutt. Fans rally for SmackDown as Dawson looms over Woods. Dawson hits the Usos just because, then whips Woods. Woods boots him away, then rolls up, TWO! Woods heads for Big E but Dawson reels him in. So Woods hits Roode & Gable, then hits Dash. Flying missile dropkick hits Dawson! Fans rally and Woods heads for his corner. Dawson tags in Dash, tag to Big E!

Big E throws Dash overhead! Then again! And then to the side! Fans fire up as Big E swivels those hips. Big E runs, but has to hit Dawson first. Dash rolls Big E, TWO! Big E throws Dash, Gable tags in. Gable catches Big E in an Exploder! Tag to Roode, and they coordinate again. Chaos Theory Neckbreaker!! Cover, TWO!! New Day survives and Team Raw can’t believe it. Roode refocuses, and winds it up. GLORIOUS, kick, but no DDT as Big E elbows out. Woods tags in, and whips Roode into the urenage backstabber! Cover, but Gable LEAPS to break it! Jimmy comes in but is thrown out. Dawson DIVES?! He takes out Jimmy and even Kofi! Woods wrecks Dawson, but Dash hits a tornado DDT!? The Revival pulls out all the stops for Raw, but then Big E SPEARS through Dash!!

Roode & Gable stand up in the ring and see everyone gather. Gable builds speed, Roode gives him a BOOST! Gable bowls everyone over! Now Roode wants some, and he builds speed, to run into a SUPERKICK! Jey puts Roode out, and he decides to be… GLORIOUS! And FLIES! Jey takes out the others, but then Gable gets Jimmy up top. Gable comes around behind Jimmy, SUPER GERMAN onto the others! Everyone is down and fans are loving it! Gable tags in from Roode, and they bring Woods up. They want another combo, but Woods pushes Roode and Gable is tripped up. Roode elbows Woods, then back suplexes. Woods slips out to tag Big E. Woods boots Roode, then Honor Rolls Roode! Big E sees Gable, catches him, and then Woods climbs! MIDNIGHT HOUR! Cover, and Woods keeps Roode down, New Day ELIMINATES Gable & Roode!

Dash goes after Woods, but runs into Big E’s arms. Dawson sunset flips and it sends Dash flying, but still a cover! TWO, and Dawson goes for a tornado. The DDT hits but Woods tagged in. Woods runs in, but his DDT is denied. Woods kicks Dawson, then suplexes, but Dash tags in. Dawson is sent out and Dash is put in a corner. Dash puts Woods on the apron but Woods hits back. Woods climbs up and takes aim, tight rope springboard SHATTER MACHINE!! The Revival ELIMINATES The New Day! We’re all tied up with The Revival and the Usos! Dash & Dawson stare down with Jimmy & Jey. Fans rally up, and the brawl is on!

The Usos get the edge and Jey sends Dawson out. Jimmy keeps on Dash but Dawson sends Jey into steps. Jimmy puts Dash up top but Dash slips out. Dawson tags in, bulldog bomb! Cover, TWO!! The Usos survive, and so does SmackDown! Dash gets back up and Dawson brings Jimmy up. Jey hits Dash but Dawson hits Jey! Jimmy kicks, Dawson falls for the dragon whip! Jimmy gets to a corner and climbs. Dawson stops him with a right hand and a chop. Dash returns and Dawson climbs. Tag, and Dawson SUPERPLEX! Dash frog splash!! Cover, but Jey breaks it! All four men are down as the battle continues. Fans rally up for the Usos but Dash tags Dawson.

The Revival drag Jimmy up and double whip, but Jey SUPERKICKS Dash! Sunset flip but Dawson sits on it, TWO! SUPERKICK for Dawson! Tag to Jey, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Dash! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Dawson! Jey drags Dawson around, tags to Jimmy, and Jimmy climbs. Uso Splash! Cover, SmackDown wins!

Winners: Team SmackDown, the Usos as sole survivors

Nothing less from the captains of the Blue Brand! Jimmy & Jey stand tall as the last team standing, establishing they are the best team in the WWE today! This victory is big for SmackDown, will there be further victories for their roster?


Raw’s Women’s Team has made its substitutions!

With Ruby and Natty out, the #LegitHuggable Sasha & Bayley join the team! Now that things are 5v5 as they’re meant to be, which team will prove their Women’s Division is superior?


Opposing forces collide.

Raw and SmackDown. Beast and Goat. Baddest Woman and The Queen. From first-ever matches to champions against champions to the undying tradition of 5v5, this one night defines competition. Who will survive?


Women’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown!

There were many last minute adjustments for this match to finally take shape, but the brands have settled on their quintets! The Goddess is ringside as her friend in Mickie James, frenemies in Nia Jax and Tamina, and just plain enemies in the best friends, Sasha Banks & Bayley represent Team Red. Against them with Captain Glow, Naomi, stands Asuka, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose and Carmella (who brought R-Truth out, too). Neither team is 100% united, but they’ll be 100% focused on defeating the other!

All ten women are present, and the teams sort out. SmackDown does it better, as they agree Captain Naomi starts. Raw figures it out and decides it will be the Daughter of Superfly. Naomi and Tamina circle, then tie up. Naomi gets a headlock, then springboard sunset flip, TWO! She dropkicks Tamina, then runs in but into an elbow. Tamina hits Carmella just because, but then a brawl breaks out! The ref tries to restore order but it’s no use. Asuka and Sonya throw Sasha out but she drags them out with her. Naomi hits Nia with a springboard kick! SUPERKICK from Tamina! Cover, Tamina ELIMINATES Naomi!! Raw takes the lead already! But then Carmella rolls Tamina, Carmella ELIMINATES Tamina! Forget that, the teams are tied again. And now, DANCE BREAK~!

Carmella hits the Fabulous Floss and pump kick, but then she turns around to see Nia. The #FaceBreaker swings, Carmella tries to roll her up, but no go. Nia lifts Carmella easily, then tosses her down. Tag to Mandy! Carmella wants the Golden Girl to prove what she can do, and Mandy runs at Nia. Nia runs Mandy over! Cover, TWO! Nia drags Mandy up but Mandy kicks her legs, gives her a knee, then another knee! Tag to Mickie, who throws forearms on Mandy. Mandy shoves Mickie but walks into the neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Mickie keeps on Mandy with a whip, but Mandy reverses to an abdominal stretch! Mickie endures as Mandy grinds in an elbow. She rolls Mandy to a Muda Lock! Now Mandy endures, but she gets the ropebreak. Mickie frees Mandy, Mandy knees low.

Mandy throws forearms, then tags in Asuka. Mickie knows how dangerous Asuka is, and the two circle. They tie up with fans on Asuka’s side, and they go around the ring. Mickie gets a headlock but Asuka fights out. Asuka whips and they bump shoulders. They don’t fall, so Mickie goes again. They collide again but neither woman falls. Mickie goes again, Asuka follows to hip attack! Asuka keeps on Mickie with an Octopus Stretch! Mickie endures, so Asuka sunset flips. Mickie sits on it, TWO! Asuka hits her with a back hand! Tag to Sonya, and now the Gladiator throws hands on Mickie. Sonya tackles Mickie into a corner but the ref backs her off. Mickie boots Sonya, then elbows. Mickie hops up for the Mick-canrana! Back kick, then front kick, Mickie runs and ducks under. Mickie snapmares Sonya, but Bayley tags in.

Bayley drops the elbows on Sonya, then covers. TWO, but Bayley keeps her eyes on SmackDown. Bayley brings Sonya over, tags to Sasha, and the friends double whip Sonya. Sasha puts Sonya sideways, Stock Drop! Mickie tags in, then climbs up. Mickie leaps, seated senton! Cover, TWO! Alexa grows frustrated but Mickie swings a kick. Sonya dodges and SPEARS! Then sliding knee! Mandy tags in to take the cover, Mandy ELIMINATES Mickie! The friends argue, but Bayley gets Mandy! ONE, and Mandy knees low. Mandy tags Carmella in, and Carmella kicks Bayley. Carmella brings Bayley to a corner for a Fabulous mudhole, then out for a whip. Bayley reverses but is put on the apron. She hits Carmella back, then hotshots! Bayley climbs, leaps, but Carmella dodges.

Carmella dodges again, mule kick to moonwalking DDT! She feeds Bayley a boot, then mocks Sasha. Carmella runs in, but into a Bayley2Belly! Cover, Bayley ELIMINATES Carmella! But Mandy is right on Bayley with furious right hands. Mandy grins as she puts Bayley in a corner for golden mudhole stomps. The ref counts and Mandy backs off. Mandy chokes Bayley on the ropes, then taunts Bayley. Bayley hits back, but Mandy throws her down by her hair. Mandy mocks the fans as she brings Bayley up. She whips Bayley to a corner, but gets a back elbow. Bayley ducks under, tag to Sasha! The Boss rallies on Mandy, then dropkicks Mandy down. Mandy ends up in a corner, Sasha runs in. Sasha misses the knees but dodges Mandy’s, Bank Statement backstabber and crossface! Mandy taps, Sasha ELIMINATES her!

But Sonya is right on Sasha with fists! Sonya gives Sasha stiff knees, then toys with her. Tag to Asuka, and the swift strikers mug Sasha in the corner. Asuka puts Sasha in another corner, then fires up, hip attack! She stomps Sasha, then covers, TWO! Asuka keeps on Sasha as Alexa grows worried. Tag to Sonya and Sasha gets more kicks. Sonya wraps on body scissors and grinds her forearm on Sasha’s face as she taunts. Fans rally up for Sasha as Sonya rolls her around. Sasha gets up and backs Sonya up into buckles. She snapmares Sonya off, but runs into a catch. She rolls under, tag to Bayley! Bayley rallies, but Sonya puts her in a corner. Sonya runs in but gets snake eyes, then a knee! Bayley keeps on Sonya with shoulders in a corner, then the wacky waving knee strike! Cover, TWO!

Asuka coaches Sonya up but Bayley as her on the ropes. Sonya puts Bayley on the apron but Bayley slides in, only to get a right hand! Sonya shoves Bayley and gives her a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, but Nia breaks it! And fans immediately rain boos down on her. Nia runs in at Sonya but Sonya dodges, sending Nia into the post! And then Asuka adds a boot! Nia goes down and the Empress keeps on her with stomps. But then Sasha gives Asuka a Meteora! Bayley gets Sonya with a back suplex, cover, TWO! Sonya survives as teams regroup. Both Sonya and Bayley are down, and fans rally up. Alexa has no choice but to cheer Bayley as she stands. Sonya hits Bayley so Bayley tackles Sonya! They both fall out of the ring and hit the floor hard!

A ring count begins and Sonya kicks Bayley into barriers. Sonya scrambles back in but Bayley brings her back out. Bayley2Belly on the floor! The count is ten, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! Now it’s just Asuka against both Sasha Banks and Nia Jax. Asuka and Sasha both enter the ring, and fans fire up! Sasha shoves, but Asuka fires a backhand. Sasha ducks it and dropkicks Asuka, but then Asuka comes back with her own dropkick! Asuka fires up for her team, which ironically is different from last year. Sasha wants the backstabber but Asuka fights out. Asuka gets Sasha with the pop-up knee! Sasha is rocked, Asuka gets her in a German Suplex! Sasha rolls to the apron, but hits Asuka back! Nia returns, but Asuka hits her off with the hip attack!

Sasha knees Asuka back, then comes back. Asuka puts her on the apron and roundhouse kicks her down! Then Asuka kicks from the apron, but gets tripped! Sasha lines up a shot from the apron, and leaps. Asuka dodges, hip attack again! Fans are loving this as Asuka puts Sasha in the ring. Asuka climbs up, Sasha stands, missile dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Sasha survives but Asuka shakes her head. Asuka drags Sasha up and trash talks in Japanese. Fans duel as Asuka fires off forearms. Asuka runs but Sasha follows, tilt-o-whirl, but Asuka blocks. Asuka wants her lock, but Sasha drops down, only for Asuka to yank her back up! They go around again, and Sasha rolls it back to a cover, TWO!

Sasha blocks a kick to give a knee, then meteora! She tosses Asuka to the center and climbs up top. But Nia shoves her down!? Asuka gets Sasha in the Asuka Lock!! Sasha taps, Asuka ELIMINATES her! But that leaves Nia alone with Asuka, for a leg drop! Then another! And another! But Nia isn’t done at three leg drops, and the fans boo and jeer as hard as they can. Nia hauls Asuka up, for a Samoan Drop! Cover, Raw wins!

Winners: Team Raw, Nia Jax as sole survivor

And Alexa is just fine with it! The Goddess and the Irresistible Force are on the same page as the Red Brand gets their first win. However, it was at the expense of Sasha Banks. Will The Boss settle for being a pawn in this game? Or will she and Bayley get even with Nia in the near future?


Baron Corbin and Stephanie McMahon celebrate.

As far as the main show goes, Raw is up 1-0 on Survivor Series. And that’s just the start for the night. It better be, because while Raw Women’s had motivation, the raid was still a bad thing. So if Corbin wants to go from interim to permanent GM, get the sweep. Corbin guarantees Raw stands tall. Can he? In come Paige and Shane! SmackDown says the Women’s Match is one thing, but by the end of the night, they’ll be #FeelingBlue.

Okay, sure, Shane stole the World Cup, but they’re not stealing Survivor Series. They’re like LeBron: overrated, over-hyped, and they can’t get he job down. But they do have AJ Styles and Becky Lynch. Oh wait, no they don’t. Shane likes this attitude, it’s so great, because it’ll make the victories that much sweeter. And then we’ll all win when Stephanie fires Corbin. Corbin says he’s not worried, but should he be?


WWE Intercontinental Champion VS WWE United States Champion: Seth Rollins VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

Los Angeles is ready to #BurnItDown with The Architect! However, Rollins has been so busy with the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose, that he hasn’t had time to prepare for the King of Strong Style. As for Shinsuke, he has become “Ob-Seth-ed” with his opponent since learning he’d be facing the Kingslayer. Can Rollins focus on a different opponent tonight? Or will he get a #Knee2Face from the United States of Nakamerica?

Belts are put away and the bell rings. Fans are already fired up for this first-time-ever match. Nakamura and Rollins circle as fans duel. Nakamura tests the waters with a kick, then he and Rollins tie up. They break fast, but approach again. They tie up, Rollins gets a facelock but Nakamura sprawls. Nakamura gets around behind but Rollins goes for the arm. Rollins gets the arm up, but Nakamura puts him on the ropes. The ref counts and Nakamura backs off at 4, to bring back the ab rest. Fans duel as Nakamura backs away and says, “C’MON~!” Rollins knows of the knee, and stays back. They circle again and tie up. Nakamura gets the arm and wrenches Rollins to the mat. Rollins endures as Nakamura twists the wrist.

Rollins gets up and rolls, then handsprings, then reverses. Nakamura knees low, then snapmares. Rollins avoids the stomp and the kick, then rolls Nakamura. TWO, and Rollins avoids a knee. Fans applaud as Rollins mocks Nakamura’s “C’MON!” Nakamura runs in to an arm-drag then a knee. Rollins snapmares, crucifix, TWO! Rollins has Nakamura but Nakamura gets to the ropes. The ref counts and Rollins lets Nakamura go. Nakamura slides out to catch his breath. Fans continue to duel while Nakamura takes advantage of the ring count. Nakamura returns slowly, so Rollins lounges on the top rope. Nakamura grins as he and Rollins circle again. They tie up, Nakamura knees low. Nakamura gives another knee, then a clubbing hand. Rollins staggers, and Nakamura is on him in a corner. Nakamura whips Rollins corner to corner, but Rollins comes back with a clothesline!

Now Rollins grins as he brings Nakamura up and whips. Nakamura holds ropes, then puts Rollins on the apron. Rollins kicks but is blocked. Nakamura kicks but is blocked. Nakamura throws a shoulder but gets a guillotine leg drop! Rollins skins the cat while Nakamura tumbles down. Rollins builds speed, changes direction with Nakamura, but gets a kick! Nakamura puts Rollins in but then on the apron for a running knee! Fans duel again as Nakamura stomps Rollins. Nakamura puts Rollins back in, covers, TWO! Nakamura keeps his cool while Rollins checks his face. They go to a corner and Nakamura rams his shoulder in. Nakamura gives Rollins Bad Vibrations!

Nakamura backs off, but comes back to bring Rollins up. Rollins fights him off, but Nakamura is on him with body shots. Nakamura snapmares and drops a knee, then covers. TWO, but Nakamura puts on a chinlock. Rollins resists but Nakamura gets both arms. Fans rally up as Rollins endures the chicken wings. Rollins gets up and goes to turn, but Nakamura throws in another knee. Nakamura gives Rollins Bad Vibrations on the ropes! The ref counts and Nakamura backs off at 4. Nakamura comes back to stomp Rollins, but stops at 4. Fans still duel as Nakamura drags Rollins back up. Nakamura has the facelock but Rollins sprawls and resists. Nakamura rams in a knee!

Fans rally again, and Rollins gets up. Rollins facelocks Nakamura, but Nakamura resists the suplex. Nakamura knees Rollins again, and gives more Bad Vibrations. But Rollins stands up, and reels Nakamura in for a buckle shot! Both men are down, but Rollins crawls away. Fans rally again as Nakamura stands. Nakamura walks into CHOPS from Rollins. Rollins counter punches and then throws body shots. Nakamura reverses the whip but Rollins gets a slingblade! Rollins keeps moving, and boots Nakamura from a corner. Rollins hops up and over, but turns around into a boot. Nakamura’s up, but Rollins scoops him off. Nakamura fires off hands, but Rollins still lawn darts Nakamura out! Rollins builds up energy, and then builds up speed, to DIVE! Direct hit, but he keeps going, for another DIVE!

The double shot hits, but fans want a third. Rollins obliges, here’s the hat trick! Fans are thunderous as Rollins gets Nakamura up and in. Rollins aims, then springboards, leaping lariat! Cover, TWO!! The IC Champion almost gets the US Champion, but this is far from over. Nakamura gets to a corner, but Rollins runs in for a forearm smash. Rollins then suplexes, but Nakamura slips out. Nakamura swings a kick, Rollins ducks, but Nakamura gets Rollins with the other! Rollins crawls to ropes, Nakamura is on him with more kicks. Nakamura kicks Rollins to a corner, then whips corner to corner. Rollins reverses but runs into a knee! Nakamura puts him on the top rope, and hits the Top Shelf Knee! Cover, TWO! Rollins survives but Nakamura keeps on him.

Nakamura drags Rollins up, and wants the inverted exploder, but Rollins resists. Rollins gets free, only to get a backstabber! Nakamura drags Rollins up, Rollins snapmares and SUPERKICKS Nakamura! Cover, TWO!! It was so close, but Nakamura somehow survives! Rollins drags Nakamura up again, and wants a bomb. He gets Nakamura up, but Nakamura fights. Nakamura rakes the eyes, then dodges in the corner. He roundhouses Rollins in the back of the head, then stomps away into the apron. The ref backs Nakamura off, and Rollins gets angry. Rollins fires wild hands from both sides, then stomps of his own! Fans like the fire in Rollins as he brings Nakamura out. Clothesline countered into an armbar! Then a triangle! Nakamura has Rollins in deep, and keeps him down on the mat.

Fans rally again and Rollins gets a second wind. Rollins deadlifts and buckle bombs Nakamura! Nakamura is down but Rollins has to catch his breath. Rollins kicks Nakamura over, then begins to stomp. Fans chant “Burn It Down!” as Rollins mule kicks. But he runs into a boot! Rollins rocks Nakamura with a forearm, then reels Nakamura, but Nakamura headbutts. Nakamura scoops, Landslide driver! Cover, TWO!! And Nakamura can’t believe it! Nakamura crawls away from Rollins and goes to the apron. He climbs up and aims at Rollins. Rollins hurries over, and up, SUPERPLEX! To Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura survives and fans are loving this! Rollins stands first but Nakamura follows.

Fans continue to duel as Rollins throws a forearm. Nakamura throws one back and now it’s a brawl. Rollins hits back, but so does Nakamura, and repeat. Rollins gets an edge, but Nakamura eggs him on. Nakamura then ducks to give a strike fest! Inverted Exploder! Nakamura aims from the corner and… Rollins dodges the Kinshasa to give Nakamura the Revolution Knee! Cover, TWO!? Somehow Nakamura survives! But Rollins continues on, and climbs up top. Rollins leaps, frog splash FLOPS! KINSHASA!! Cover, TWO!?! How?! Nakamura has no answers but the fans still love it. Nakamura wants another, and he takes aim from the corner. Rollins slowly stirs, then slowly stands. Nakamura runs out, to a SUPERKICK! Mule kick, but Nkamaura dodges the stomp. Nakamura roundhouses but Rollins dodges the knee, to CURB STOMP! Cover, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

That’s 2-0 for Raw on the main show, 2-1 overall! So far, Constable Corbin’s confidence is justified as The Architect still wins against a man he hadn’t prepared for. Now that Survivor Series is through for Rollins, can he focus fully on the Lunatic Fringe?


Raw’s Men’s Team talk backstage.

This team is full of dysfunction, but Braun Strowman wants to make things clear. He doesn’t like Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Lashley, and barely knows who Lio Rush is. Finn Balor is alright, but he needs to carry his weight against Team SmackDown. Then Strowman can get what he deserves. Otherwise, they’re all gonna #GetTheseHands. McIntyre says he should be in charge, because he broke The Shield, he ended Kurt Angle, and he’ll brutalize Shane for Ziggler’s sake. The “Mindless meat castle” better stay out of the way. Is that so?

Corbin comes in, saying this is what SmackDown wants. What’s going on? Strowman’s a mindless meat castle. Well he is. And the deal is, Strowman can’t touch Corbin until after Survivor Series. Strowman knows that, so he’ll have to settle for throwing Lio into Corbin! The Monster Among Men storms out, but R-Truth comes in to keep everyone calm. “Guys, guys, guys! We’re better than this!” Get it together. Truth, you’re not on this team OR on Raw! Go! Oh. Oops. Truth leaves, but Raw is still in disarray. Can they pull it together before the traditional 5v5?


Raw Tag Team Champions VS SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Authors of Pain w/ Drake Maverick VS The Bar w/ The Big Show!

SmackDown may have won the Tag Team Division Elimination Match, but now it’s time to see which team truly reigns over all! Maverick has already led Akam & Rezar to titles in just a few months, can he lead them to a victory over the dominant five-time champions?

The teams sort out and it is Sheamus against Rezar. They tie up, and break. They go again, and Rezar puts Sheamus in a corner. Sheamus turns it around and the two break. Rezar rushes Sheamus but Sheamus dodges. Sheamus gets a headlock but Rezar powers him to the AOP corner. Rezar clubs away on the Celtic Gladiator but Sheamus fights out. Sheamus gives European Uppercuts, then Cesaro runs in to hit Akam. Cesaro tags in, and The Bar duoble whip and use the Bar Lariat on Rezar! Akam returns but Cesaro hits Rezar with another EuroUpper. Then he hits another, and another. Cesaro dropkicks the legs out and grabs a leg. Akam barrels in to stop the Swiss Swing, then hits Sheamus. Cesaro gets Akam, and we go swinging!

But Rezar leaps and tackles Cesaro! Rezar corner clotheslines Cesaro, then tags in Akam. AoP combine for a sidewalk slam stomp! Cover, TWO! Akam keeps on Cesaro at the ropes to choke him. Big Show protests and the ref counts. Akam backs off at 4, but he throws hands on Cesaro. Tag to Rezar and the AoP mug the Swiss Cyborg. Cover, TWO, but Rezar is on Cesaro with headbutts. Rezar throws hands, tags in Akam, and the AoP mug Cesaro with knees in the corner. Akam taunts Sheamus, then goes after Cesaro with hands. He snapmares Cesaro down, then wraps on a chinlock. Cesaro scrambles around but can’t get free. Maverick taunts Cesaro while Show coaches him up. Fans build to a rally, and Cesaro feeds off it to get free with elbows. Cesaro throws more EuroUppers, but Akam tackles him down!

Akam hammers away, but backs off at the ref’s count. He drags Cesaro away and tags in Rezar. AoP combine for an atomic drop knee! Cover, but Sheamus breaks it! Rezar and Sheamus end up fighting! Cesaro rolls Rezar but the ref is too busy with Sheamus, Rezar gets away. Rezar clubs Cesaro, then puts him in a corner for stomps. Tag to Akam, and the AoP again mug Cesaro. Akam taunts Sheamus again, but Cesaro gives him another EuroUpper! And then another, and another! Cesaro fires off more EuroUppers, but runs into a big clothesline! Cover, TWO! Akam drags Cesaro away with a chinlock camel clutch. Akam even stares Big Show down as he does. Cesaro moves around and fans rally up.

Cesaro fights out of the hold, and gives more EuroUppers. He runs, dodges, springboard EuroUpper! Sheamus and Rezar call for their partners as they crawl. Hot tags to them both! Sheamus rallies on Rezar with big forearm shots. He whips but Rezar reverses. Rezar misses, and gets a pump knee! Sheamus keeps going for another! Sheamus hits Akam for good measure, then goes after Rezar. Rezar dumps him out but Sheamus hot shots! Sheamus has Rezar, for Ten Beats of the Bodhrain! And Sheamus finally gives fans all 10! Then another hotshot! Sheamus climbs up, for the flying clothesline! Cover, TWO! Maverick sighs in relief, but Sheamus rallies the fans again. Sheamus wants his kick, but Maverick distracts. Cesaro gets Rezar with a EuroUpper, BROGUE!! Cover, but Maverick gives Rezar the ropebreak!

Sheamus glares at Maverick, and Cesaro comes in from the other side. Maverick runs away, but into Big Show! Big Show didn’t even have to do anything. Big Show hauls Maverick up onto the apron, and chokes him with one hand! Maverick pees himself?! Show and The Bar can’t believe he wet himself, and just laugh. But then Rezar attacks them all! He and Akam combine, powerbomb neckbreaker! Cover, The Authors of Pain win!!

Winners: Raw’s Authors of Pain, Rezar pinning

The destructive duo win, thanks to a rather humiliating but effective distraction. With such dominance for both Raw and the AoP, will SmackDown ever get on the board?


Team SmackDown talks backstage.

Everyone feels good, and The Miz comes in as captain. He has an inspirational speech to help them win tonight, and even heal the world. As great as that speech is, he cannot give it, only one man can! And that man is Commissioner Shane O’Mac! Well okay. Now SmackDown is down, but they’re always the underdogs. Always! SmackDown has always been knocked down but they don’t stay down!

Rey Mysterio is the ultimate underdog, they need that tonight. Jeff Hardy is the Charismatic Engima, he has what it takes. And of course, Samoa Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine, a dominant force all over the world. R-Truth is- Not on the team, despite being on SmackDown. Well Truth wants to join the roster. He already’s on the roster. Oh, what a relief. Raw is a mess! Miz compliments Shane on his speech, it was riveting. Much like Marine 6. If they win, they’ll all get a signed copy! Truth would love that, if it’s Becky’s signature. Anyway, SmackDown MUST win this! #WeAreSmackDown! Will SmackDown bring it and get that first but all important win?


WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy VS Mustafa Ali!

Survivor Series takes a break from Red VS Blue to bring us some 205 Live purple! The Juggernaut won the title at Super Show-Down, in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia! Murphy ended Cedric Alexander’s 2018 winning streak as well as his reign, but now he faces a familiar foe. The Beacon of Light gets another shot at the title, after coming so close yet still being so far from it at Wrestlemania. Can Ali finally grab the gold? Or will he be stopped by the Unstoppable?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin! Murphy corners Ali but Ail gets out and round. Ali dodges Murphy but not for long. Murphy puts Ali in a corner and rams in his shoulder. Ali slips out and CHOPS, but Murphy barely flinches. Murphy shoves Ali, then picks him up. Ali sunsets but Murphy lifts him up. Ali breaks free to hit Murphy with a forearm, but Murphy just grins. Murphy walks into an elbow, but reels Ali in. Ali slips out of the suplex but Murphy tosses him to a corner. Ali goes up and over to run, then dodges Murphy to hit a leaping huricanrana! Murphy is on the apron but Ali dropkicks him down. Ali then climbs up and leaps for a big senton! Direct hit and fans fire up for the fearless Heart of 205 Live!

Ali drags Murphy up and in, covers, ONE! Murphy kicks Ali away then rolls out of the ring. Ali walks over but Murphy drags him out. Ali shoves Murphy into barriers hard, then climbs up again. Murphy anchors his feet but Ali kicks him away. Murphy slides under and around to shove Ali! Ali hits barriers! Murphy grins while Ali writhes on the ground. The referee checks on Ali but he’s okay to continue. Murphy throws Ali into the LED, then into the barriers, then into the ring! Murphy returns to cover, TWO! Ali survives but Murphy keeps his cool. Murphy kicks Ali in the back, then swaggers about. Ali hits back but Murphy just laughs it off. Ali chops, Murphy kicks. Murphy whips Ali then tosses him with a back drop! He stomps Ali then kicks him in the back! Cover, TWO, but Murphy keeps his cool.

Murphy rams a knee into Ali’s back then puts on a chinlock. Fans rally up and Ali feeds off their energy. Ali gets up and fights with body shots. Murphy clubs Ali down, then brings him up. Ali makes the suplex a crossbody, ONE! Murphy kicks low again, then whips. Ali kicks him back, then boots him. Ali trips Murphy, and catapults him into buckles! Murphy is rocked, and Ali gets running. Ali gives Murphy a flapjack dropkick! Murphy rolls to a corner while fans fire up with Ali. Ali goes over and brings Murphy up for forearms. He whips but Murphy reverses. Ali slides to a stop, slides out and roundhouses Murphy away. Then he slingshots in, but Murphy knows what’s coming, and tosses Ali out of the ring! Murphy builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on Ali!

Murphy puts Ali in then hurries up top. Murphy leaps, but Ali ducks under. Ali kicks Murphy, then SUPERKICKS him! Then SUPERKICK again, POISON-RANA! Murphy is out, Ali covers, TWO! Murphy survives and Ali is at a loss for words. Fans chant “205! 205!” for these crazy Cruiserweights. Ali drags himself up and goes over to Murphy. Murphy shoves him away, but Ali comes back with haymakers and forearms. But Murphy gives Ali a strike fest, only to miss the knee. Ali shoves Murphy out to the apron, then runs to tilt-o-whirl draping DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Murphy survives again and Ali is shocked. But Ali still has something more, and he drags Murphy to a drop zone. Ali climbs, but Murphy shoves him off! Ali hits apron face first! The ref checks on Ali while Murphy rests in the ring.

Murphy refuses to show mercy as he fetches Ali. But not to put him in the ring. Murphy clears off the announce desk and brings Ali up on top. Ali kicks Murphy back! Ali gets space, runs over, Spanish Fly off the table! Just like one of their instant classic showdowns during their rivalry! More of LA chants “205! 205!” Ali gets up and drags Murphy to the ring. He has Murphy in the drop zone, so he climbs up again. Murphy grabs Ali’s hair and tucks him in! SUPERKICK! To powerbomb! High stack lift, sit-out powerbomb! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives and now Murphy is shocked! Murphy gets up as fans say “This is Awesome!”

Murphy drags Ali up, pumphandle but Ali pops out to roll up, TWO! Ali flounders but back elbows Murphy away. He springboards, into a knee trigger! Murphy drags Ali up and around, Murphy’s Law! Cover, Murphy wins!

Winner: Buddy Murphy, by pinfall; still WWE Cruiserweight Champion

The Beacon of light may have brought Murphy to his limits, but The Cruiserweight Juggernaut is truly unstoppable! Murphy’s young reign continues, who will step up to him next? When and where will Ali get another chance?


Backstage interview with Daniel Bryan!

He is WWE Champion again after a shocking victory, but now has to face Brock Lesnar with very little time. Is he ready for The Beast? Bryan just grins as he walks away. We’ll take that as a yes from the Yes Man.


Men’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown!

Captain Corbin leads the way for the Scottish Terminator, Show-Off, Monster Among Men, Rocky Mountain Machine (with Hype Man of the Hour) and the Extraordinary Balor Club leader! They will face the Hollywood A-Lister, the Destroyer, the Enigma, the King of Lucha Libre and yes, SmackDown Commissioner (and technically Best in the World), Shane O’Mac! There is far more dysfunction on Raw’s team, however, can they hold it together so that Corbin keeps his job and Strowman #GetsTheseHands on Brock Lesnar? Or will the ultimate underdogs finally prove to Raw that they’re THE show?

All ten men are present, and Joe eggs on Team Raw with a toss of his towel. Fans like that, as do his teammates. The ref keeps the peace and things sort out. Joe starts, but both Strowman and McIntyre want at him. They argue with each other about it, but Corbin actually sides with Strowman on this. McIntyre backs down and the bell rings. Strowman reminds Corbin what’s coming the moment this is all over, but McIntyre tags in! Strowman and McIntyre argue now, but Joe pounces with a Coquina Clutch! McIntyre throws Joe off so Joe hits everyone else on Team Raw, and gets the Coquina back on! McIntyre uses buckles to push back,cover, TWO, CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre ELIMINATES Joe!? The Scottish Terminator helps Raw take the lead in this match and fast!

Fans boo but McIntyre grins. He waits for SmackDown’s response, but the fans respond with “Bullsh*t! Bullsh*t!” SmackDown sorts itself out and they go with Jeff Hardy. Hardy and McIntyre circle but McIntyre promises to get to Shane soon enough. He and Hardy tie up and McIntyre puts Hardy in a corner. “You’re nothing to me! Nothing!” Miz rallies the fans for Hardy and they echo “DELETE! DELETE!” with Hardy. Hardy gets a waistlock but McIntyre fights out and chops back. McIntyre whips Hardy but Hardy kicks him back. Hardy throws hands, runs, dodges, but still gets a clothesline! McIntyre tags in Ziggler, and prepares Hardy for the Show-Off. Ziggler waits, but Hardy gets clear of the Superkick! Shane tags in, and we have our rematch from the WWE World Cup!

Shane fires off those fast hands! Ziggler turns it around to throw hands back, but the ref backs him off. Ziggler dropkicks Shane down! Shane hits back with uppercuts, then an arm-drag! Another arm-drag and Shane’s dancing. Shane gets the float, but Ziggler rolls up, TWO! Ziggler aims, kicks, and Famousers! Cover, TWO! Shane survives but Corbin grows frustrated. Ziggler waits for Shane to stand again, but Shane blocks the superkick to give Ziggler a big back elbow! Shane brings Ziggler up, whips, but runs into a ZIGZAG! Cover, Miz breaks it! Miz backs away, then tags in!

The REAL World Cup Finals finally happen, but Ziggler fights out of the Finale. Ziggler jumps but is caught, and Miz wants a Figure Four! Ziggler powers out and dodges, but Miz denies the ZigZag. Miz misses his boot but rolls through the roll up, only to get a dropkick! Ziggler declares himself Best in the World. Ziggler goes to tag McIntyre, but Strowman intercepts. Strowman is in, but then McIntyre tags in again! The two biggest men in the match argue again, so they start fighting! Team Raw works to keep the peace but SmackDown takes advantage as they attack! They focus on McIntyre and Strowman, and clear the ring! They have the Monster on his knees, but he explodes out! Strowman runs but is tripped up! Mysterio runs, 619!! Shane and Miz double clothesline Strowman out!

Miz throws McIntyre into a post while Hardy keeps on Strowman. Team SmackDown pull apart an announce desk, and Corbin can only watch! Miz and Hardy keep Strowman down, then haul him up and over. Mysterio helps, and Shane gets himself to a corner. Strowman’s on the table, Shane’s up top, SUPER ELBOW through the table!! LA loses their minds, as does Corbin! The Monster is taken out for the moment, but so is Shane O’Mac. Miz puts McIntyre in and covers, ONE! McIntyre gasps for air but Miz gives him a boot!

We check backstage and see Stephanie and Paige watching. Paige is obviously proud of her team for currently dominating Raw. Back in the ring, Miz circles McIntyre. Fans chant “Miz is Awesome!” But McIntyre headbutts Miz! Finn is up, McIntyre looks to tag, but he doesn’t trust Finn? Finn wants in, why won’t McIntyre tag? Miz gets McIntyre in the full nelson! McIntyre breaks free, Finn tags in! And kicks McIntyre! Finn rallies on Miz with a running chop, corner to corner whip. Miz reverses, but Finn goes up and over. Finn walks into a boot, but kicks Miz on the top rope! Finn trips Miz up, and gives him double stomps! Fans fire up with Finn, and Finn aims at Miz. Finn runs, but into a full nelson. Wheelbarrow counter, TWO!

Finn dodges Miz then swing kicks from the apron. Miz is down, and Finn goes up! Coup de Grace misses, but Finn wrecks Miz with a dropkick. Slingblade for Hardy! John Woo dropkick for Miz! Finn puts Miz in but Miz tags Mysterio! Springboard seated senton on Finn! Springboard crossbody, too! Mule kick, springboard wheelbarrow, but into an elbow drop DDT! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated, even as Finn stays on Mysterio. Finn chops Rey, then whips. Mysterio kicks back, then tilt-o-whirl headscissors Finn to ropes. Corbin warns Finn and Finn avoids the 619, to slingblade Mysterio! Mysterio stands, and gets a dropkick! Finn climbs up again, aiming at Mysterio. Coup de Grace misses again, and Mysterio wheelbarrows Finn to ropes. 619! Springboard frog splash! Mysterio ELIMINATES Finn! Both teams are even again!

McIntyre clobbers Mysterio! He rips Mysterio’s shirt off, then gets mad at Finn for being elminated. He hauls Finn up, and clubs him back down. McIntyre tosses Finn out, but Mysterio puts him on the ropes! Lashley tags in and boots Mysterio down! Fans boo as the Mighty Rocky Mountain lifts Mysterio up, and carries him around. But Mysterio lands on his feet. Mysterio slides under, only to be caught and tossed! Lashley gives Mysterio a neckbreaker, then high-fives Lio Rush. Lashley brings Mysterio up for the Vertigo Suplex. After a count of about 10, Mysterio starts fighting back! Mysterio DDT’s Lashley down! And Corbin is speechless. Lashley gets to ropes, then runs at Mysterio. Mysterio enziguris, Ziggler tags in. Lashley runs but is sent out, Ziggler gets Mysterio! Mysterio rolls Ziggler but Ziggler sunset flips. Mysterio rolls through to buzzsaw!

Both men are down and fans rally up. Hot tag to Hardy! Hardy rallies with haymakers. Ziggler whips but Hardy runs him over. Atomic drop, leg-splitting leg drop! Hardy covers, TWO! Hardy says “DELETE! DELETE!” then goes for the Twist, but Ziggler shoves him. Ziggler runs into a back elbow, but McIntyre swipes at Hardy. Hardy wrecks McIntyre, then leaps for a tornado DDT! Hardy returns, but gets a satellite DDT! Cover, TWO!! Hardy lives and Corbin is stressed out. Fans rally up for Hardy as he and Ziggler stir. Ziggler aims, tunes it up, and kicks, but Hardy deflects! Twist of Fate! Hardy hurries up top, SWANTON BOMB! But onto knees! It was double-edged for Ziggler and both men are down again. Hardy hot tags Miz!

Miz runs and hits Ziggler with the A-List lariat. Shane returns, and Miz decides to tag him in. Shane hobbles his way to the other corner, because he wants another crazy idea. Miz holds Ziggler in place, and Shane leaps for COAST2COAST! It hits!! He drags Ziggler to a cover, Shane ELIMINATES Ziggler! The World Cup stays with SmackDown! But Lashley clobbers Shane down! Lashley hauls Shane up for an overhead suplex. Then he clotheslines and clubs away in the corner! The ref backs Lashley off but Lashley comes back for more stomps and another suplex! Shane ends up by Miz and tags in, but then Lashley goes after Miz! Lashley hip tosses Miz in, then hits a complete shot! But Miz dodges in the corner! A-List Lariat! Miz tags Shane back in, they want another!

Shane can barely move but he does get to the top rope. Miz holds Lashley down and Shane leaps, for- Strowman to clobber him outta the air! Corbin is actually glad to see Strowman moving! Lashley covers but Mysterio saves Shane! Mysterio drags Shane away, and Hardy tags in. Hardy goes at Lashley, but Lsahley tags in Strowman. Hardy hits Strowman with everything he has, but Strowman denies the Twist into a Monster Slam! Cover, Strowman ELIMINATES Hardy! Mysterio leaps in for a missile dropkick, but Strowman is only staggered. Mysterio kicks at the legs then hits an enziguri. He puts Strowman on the ropes, runs, but the 619 is caught! Pop-up, Monster Slam! Cover, Strowman ELIMINATES Mysterio! The Monster has decimated SmackDown in an instant!

Miz realizes what he faces, and looks ready to run away. Fans chant “Get These Hands!” but Miz would rather not. Strowman doesn’t give him a choice as he comes running around the corner! Miz sacrifices Shane to the shoulder tackle! But Strowman keeps chasing Miz, and blasts him into the barriers! Strowman puts Miz in, but Miz runs in, only to get a Monster Slam! Strowman ELIMINATES Miz! The Monster has taken out three men, and quite easily! Now only Shane remains, and he’s in no good shape. Strowman waits for Shane to crawl into the ring. After Strowman, there’s still Lashley and McIntyre! Corbin mockingly applauds as “The Best in the World” manages to stand up.

Shane turns around, and realizes what he’s in for. Even so, he doesn’t back down. Strowman dropkicks him down! Then squashes him in the corner! Strowman scoops Shane, for one more Monster Slam! Cover, Raw wins!

Winners: Raw, with Lashley, McIntyre & Strowman surviving

Raw continues to define “dominance” as the score now goes 4-0 on the main show. Will the only win SmackDown scored be on the Kickoff?

Corbin is proud of his team for winning, but then he goes after Strowman! The deal was after the team won, the gloves were off. But Corbin only angers Strowman, who gets back up quick. Corbin raises the hands of Lashley and McIntyre, on the stage. Will Constable Corbin regret reminding Strowman of his grudge?


WWE and Red Cross are with the families affected by the California Wildfire.

Please visit the official Red Cross website to find a way to help those who lost their homes, their possessions, and maybe even loved ones.


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Now that Rollins is done with brand warfare business, he moves on to TLC. And he will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Dean Ambrose. Rollins VS Ambrose once again after some time, huh? Ambrose has been hiding since he stabbed The Shield in the back. He hides in the crowd, in parking lots, and behind his excuses. But there won’t be anything left to hid behind when the title’s on the line. Will Ambrose show how strong he is without his brothers? Or will Rollins prove Ambrose was just the weak link?


Ronda Rousey VS Charlotte Flair!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet wanted after “The Man”, but “The Man” surprised everyone when she led a raid on Raw! Unfortunately for Becky Lynch, she got one wild right hand from Nia Jax, and now she can’t compete tonight. Becky made sure her best frenemy took her place to take on Ronda, and The Queen is happy to oblige. Which woman will be better prepared for a fight they never expected but always wanted?

Introductions are made, the bell rings, and we begin! Fans chant “Becky! Becky!” but Ronda tunes it out. She circles with Charlotte and they tie up. Ronda knees but Charlotte forearms. They circle again, and Ronda dodges a kick while Charlotte dodges a punch. Fans “WOO~” as Charlotte keeps away from those hands. Charlotte chop blocks but Ronda kicks her back. They tie up again and go around. Charlotte swipes at Ronda but Ronda comes back for more. They’re swinging wild as the ref tries to break them up. Charlotte shoves Ronda! Ronda is shocked, but Charlotte says this HER ring. They approach again, Ronda’s kick is blocked but she gets Charlotte’s arm for an armbar! Charlotte scrambles up and out, then tackles Ronda. She wants the Figure Four but Ronda counters.

Ronda jackknifes to a fireman’s carry, but Charlotte sunset flips. TWO, Ronda wants the arm again but Charlotte gets away. Fans applaud for this incredible and even match-up. The two circle again and Ronda gets a waistlock. Charlotte gets a headlock takeover, and has Ronda on the mat. Fans duel as Ronda moves around in the hold. They stand up and Charlotte knees low. Charlotte throws Ronda into buckles! Ronda is dazed, but Charlotte is on her with shoulders and kicks. Charlotte throws Ronda with an exploder! Cover, ONE, but Charlotte keeps her cool. Charlotte drags Ronda around and drops knees on the knee. Charlotte turns Ronda over, and goes for an STF! Ronda resists, but Charlotte grinds her forearm into the back of Ronda’s head. Fans rally and Ronda spits blood from a bloody lip.

Charlotte rolls her and gets the leg trapped. Ronda endures the knee wrench, so Charlotte shifts to drop knees into the knee. Charlotte drags Ronda up to give elbows on the knee, but Ronda uses her other knee to hit Charlotte! Both women are down but Ronda gets to the apron. Charlotte stands and heads over, but Ronda knees her away. Ronda drags Charlotte up, for a hanging armbar! The ref counts but Ronda stops at 4. Charlotte rests on the ropes, but Ronda decides to go full WWE as she climbs up top. But Charlotte trips her up! Charlotte then climbs, but Ronda resists. Ronda pushes Charlotte off with a gordbuster! Ronda then drags Charlotte back up, and around, for a rolling armbar! Charlotte scrambles around to make it a cover, TWO, and Ronda keeps after the arm. Charlotte rolls it again, TWO!

Ronda drags Charlotte into a triangle now, but Charlotte deadlifts her up, into a Boston Crab! Ronda crawls for ropes, but Charlotte drags her away! Then Charlotte shifts, but gets a kick. Charlotte kicks Ronda back, then NATURAL SELECTION- But Ronda slipped out to get the arm! She drags Charlotte around, pulling as hard as she can, twisting as far as she can. Charlotte rolls through and pushes Ronda away. Ronda runs in but into a backbreaker and a boot! Fans applaud as Charlotte catches her breath. Ronda is down and Charlotte goes up, for the Moonsault! But Ronda gets boots up! Ronda grabs Charlotte, for a rolling slam! Ronda gets rowdy, but gets SPEARED! Cover, TWO!? Charlotte can’t believe it, but Ronda still lives! Ronda springs to life to get the armbar, but Charlotte slips through to the Figure Four!!

Fans are thunderous as Ronda endures the legendary leg lock. Ronda works to pry the hold apart, and she manages to turn it over! Charlotte endures the pressure but rolls it back. They keep rolling and fall out of the ring! Fans are loving this! Ronda drags Charlotte up and throws her into barriers! She then puts Charlotte in the ring, judo throws her around once, twice, three times! Ronda gets rowdy again, and fires off those hands! Charlotte guards as best she can, then gets in those Flair Chops! “WOO~” echoes out with each one as Charlotte backs Ronda into a corner. Charlotte kicks the legs out, then gives more chops! Ronda blocks one, and brings Charlotte in for a throw. Charlotte boots back! Cover, TWO!! Ronda still won’t go down and Charlotte is beside herself with frustration. But fans know “This is Awesome!”

Both women are emotional right now as Charlotte drags Ronda up. Charlotte scoops but Ronda gets a takedown! Charlotte gets out of the ring but Ronda drags her back in! Ronda brings Charlotte around, fireman’s carry, Rowdy Slam, aka the Piper’s Pit! “Who wants a souvenir?” Ronda wants the arm but Charlotte resists with everything she has. Charlotte and Ronda end up by the ropes again and must break. Ronda wants Charlotte to get back in, but Charlotte clutches her arm as the ring count begins. Fans are dueling and Charlotte grits her teeth. Charlotte goes back in at 8, but then back out for more time. Ronda isn’t having it, she goes out and comes running around the corner, into a kendo stick?!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by disqualification

But that isn’t the end, as Charlotte shoves Ronda into steel steps! Raw is going up to 5-1 because of this, but the real shame is that this instant classic is now tarnished! Charlotte SMACKS Ronda again, and again, and again! The stick is broken on Ronda’s body! But Charlotte keeps going! The ref tries but Charlotte won’t listen to her. She puts Ronda in, and SMACKS with a new kendo stick! Charlotte has a sinister look in her eyes but fans rather like it. Ronda is left a mess, but Charlotte grabs a chair! Charlotte brings the chair in now, but the ref stops her from continuing. Charlotte exits the ring and makes her way to the ramp, but then she runs back in for NATURAL SELECTION! On the chair!!

Charlotte is a wild animal but fans chant “YES! YES!” She picks up the chair again, but more officials come in. They try to reason with Charlotte, and she looks to agree with them, but then she fights them off! This will cost her a hefty fine, but she doesn’t care. She puts the chair around Ronda’s head! Charlotte glares down at the helpless Ronda, and circles her like a shark. She shoves the last ref out, then STOMPS the chair! The vice crushes Ronda, and now security rushes out! The Mad Queen leaves Ronda for dead, but fans chant “Thank You, Charlotte!” on behalf of the Lass Kicker. When Becky comes back, will she give personal congratulations to Charlotte? Will Ronda be okay to defend her title against Nia Jax as promised?


WWE Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar VS WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan!

The Beast is once again the “reigning, defending, undisputed” Universal Champion, but only after a Crown Jewel screw job orchestrated by Baron Corbin. The Goat is once again the world champion, but only after throwing a fit and kicking below the belt on The Phenomenal One. But this match isn’t about controversy, but about supremacy! Does the Yes Man stand a chance of surviving? Or will he bring Suplex City crumbling down to the ground?

Jojo introduces Bryan, but Heyman of course takes over the duties of introducing his client. The belts are put aside and the bell rings, and Bryan goes right at Lesnar! Bryan dropkicks the leg, but Lesnar stays up. Bryan gets away, but he’s laughing and egging Lesnar on! Lesnar and Bryan circle, but then Bryan bails out of the ring. Bryan jogs around the ring to toy with Lesnar, and perhaps show off his own cardio. He returns to the apron, but then drops back down. Lesnar waits as Bryan creeps close again, but then Bryan backs away. Bryan clearly wants to troll Lesnar. Lesnar rushes out but Bryan slips back in. Bryan is very smug about his mind game, but Lesnar is still moderately calm. They circle in the ring again, and Bryan kicks. Lesnar gets the leg and then clobbers Bryan! Then Lesnar looms over Bryan, and laughs.

Lesnar hauls Bryan up, German Suplex! Bryan slumps to the apron, and the referee worries about him, given his medical history. Lesnar drags Bryan back in, then says “Suplex City!” Fans join in and chant it back. Lesnar drags Bryan up, for another German Suplex! Bryan sputters to the ropes, but Lesnar just watches. Heyman is actually shocked by all this, despite seeing it all before. Lesnar drags Bryan up by his hair, then puts him in a corner. For a belly2belly suplex! Three powerful suplexes total, but Lesnar still won’t cover. Fans boo and jeer, but Lesnar doesn’t care. He tells Bryan, “I can do this all night long.” And then he throws Bryan again! He keeps throwing Bryan with belly2bell suplexes, and Heyman is almost appalled. Lesnar dumps Bryan out of the ring, then holds up his belt as if he’s already won this match.

Lesnar goes out to fetch Bryan, only to throw him into barriers! He puts Bryan back in, but Bryan rolls all the way back out. Fans are divided as Lesnar goes out to fetch Bryan again. Lesnar throws Bryan into more barriers, then hauls Bryan into the ring. Bryan barely moves as Lesnar stands over him. Lesnar hauls Bryan up into a bearhug! He squeezes the life out of Bryan, but Bryan refuses to give up. So Lesnar slams him down! Lesnar continues to laugh as he looms over Bryan. He drags Bryan up again, but then drops the dead weight. “That’s your champion, huh?” Lesnar isn’t impressed. Bryan crawls to a corner, but Lesnar hauls him up for another German Suplex! Lesnar doesn’t want to end this, he’s having too much fun.

Lesnar drags Bryan up once more, and puts the bearhug back on. Bryan is a rag doll yet he doesn’t quit, so Lesnar throws him overhead again! Bryan is dazed as he clings to the ropes. Lesnar drags him away, then back up, into the fireman’s carry. For an F5! Cover, but Lesnar lets up!? The Beast is just playing with his food now, as he tosses Bryan aside. Lesnar drags Bryan around again, but then Bryan kicks him in the face! And again! Bryan somehow still has life, but Lesnar looks to end it. Fireman’s carry, F5 but into the ref! Bryan is on his feet, and he LOW BLOWS LESNAR!! Lesnar is reeling, fans are thunderous, and Bryan hits the KNEE PLUS!! Cover, TWO!! The Beast survives a shot to the balls and one to the head?! Heyman is panicking, though, because Bryan’s plan is clearly working now.

Bryan is up again, and he kicks away at Lesnar’s leg! Fans shout “YES! YES!” with each kick. Bryan kicks Lesnar while he’s down! And he doesn’t let up! Bryan grabs Lesnar’s arms to stomp and stomp and stomp! He only stops because he flounders away. Heyman continues to panic as Lesnar gasps for air. Lesnar gets up, but Bryan runs in, but to a fireman’s carry! Bryan slips out, then dumps Lesnar out! Bryan has a wild look in his eyes as he slingshots out! Lesnar catches him, but Bryan slips off to shove him into a post! Bryan’s on the apron, and he leaps for the flying knee! Down goes Lesnar! Fans are amazed as Bryan has new life. Bryan ditches Lesnar long enough to build speed, and DIVE! But Lesnar catches Bryan and rams him into the post, spine first!

Bryan is down again and Lesnar clears his head. Lesnar hauls Bryan up for another shot to the post. He then crawls into the ring long enough to refresh the count. Lesnar goes over to the steel steps and takes the top half off. He runs in but Bryan dodges! Steps hit post and into Lesnar’s face! Bryan is on the apron again, for more flying knees! Both men are down but fans are still fired up. A ring count begins, and both men crawl over. Bryan kicks Lesnar, Lesnar kicks Bryan. Lesnar puts Bryan in but Bryan is ready. Bryan runs at Lesnar, Knee Plus again!! Cover, TWO!? Lesnar still lives, but Heyman is freaking out all over again.

Bryan keeps on Lesnar, chop block to legs! Then he takes the legs to the post! Lesnar falls out of the ring, that’s how hard Bryan swung him! But Bryan doesn’t let up, he puts Lesnar in and climbs. Bryan leaps, missile dropkick hits! Lesnar rolls away and Heyman is about to faint. Bryan fires himself up, and LA fires up with him. Lesnar manages to get to his feet, but gets a dropkick in the corner. Bryan goes again for another! He keeps going, but into the fireman’s carry, only for Lesnar’s legs to give out on him! Bryan gets the YES LOCK! Lesnar endures as Bryan pulls back hard as he can! Even Lesnar looks worried! Bryan pulls, but Lesnar pries free. So Bryan clubs him in the head! And the Yes Lock is back on!

Lesnar reaches, moves around, but Bryan pulls back so far on the neck! Lesnar gets free again, only to get in a triangle. It’s a cover, ONE as Bryan keeps shoulders up. Bryan punches away but Lesnar deadlifts, fireman’s carries, F5!! Cover, Lesnar wins!

Winner: Brock Lesnar, by pinfall

To Heyman’s relief, Brock Lesnar pulls out the win. Bryan used everything, from grit to savvy to cheating, but somehow Suplex City stays standing. If anything was even a little different, perhaps The Goat would’ve conquered the Conqueror. But instead, Raw completely conquers SmackDown, 6-1, with the only win for Team Blue in the Kickoff Show. Is AJ Styles somewhere thinking he could’ve done better? Or is Lesnar just that freakishly unstoppable? Will SmackDown ever get one over on Raw?



My Thoughts:

This is a very hard Survivor Series to score. On one hand, a lot of the action was great. On the other, the scoring of the “Survivor Series” wasn’t at all right. The final “score” was 6-1 and ONLY the SmackDown Tag Division won anything. And then, ways of getting to some wins were not really good for anyone, Raw or SmackDown.

The SmackDown Tag Division is much stronger just on paper, so I’m glad they won. I suppose Nia Jax has to stay strong for her match with Ronda, but screwing over Sasha must be another element to story they want to use. Nia has had history with each of the NXT Horsewomen, maybe that’ll cycle back around because of the real-life accident with Becky. I actually like that Ambrose didn’t interfere with Rollins’ match, and as such, Rollins wins clean in an epic match. I hope something happens to give us this match again. But at the same time, story dictates Ambrose should’ve interfered and then that’d feed perfectly into their Intercontinental Championship match at TLC, while giving SmackDown one main show win.

The Authors of Pain got a distraction, but not the one fans wanted. Drake Maverick peeing himself is NOT what we wanted from Big Show and him being ringside, and only shows Vince is reverting back to being 6 years old. The Cruiserweight Championship match was great, and that Spanish Fly off the table was a nice callback to past matches between them. I’m pleasantly surprised Murphy wins, and that way, Murphy VS Alexander the rematch will happen as we move into December. That way Alexander settles his story with Murphy, and Ali can focus his story on making it to WrestleMania. Ali can then be crowned there for an even bigger moment. Also, I’m glad that the Cruiserweights got to be on the main show, and fairly deep into it. The fans in LA seemed to know and enjoy them, and hopefully this gets more eyes on 205 Live.

Of all the matches Raw definitely should’ve won, it was the Men’s 5v5. Shane did amazing in this match for basically being the high impact player, Raw had to win because Strowman’s path back to Lesnar depended on it. Strowman VS Corbin is coming at TLC for sure, but I’m wondering if Stephanie puts a stipulation that Strowman has to win to get his shot at Lesnar. Then Corbin can use all the tricks up his sleeve to keep Strowman from getting what he wants. One thing I am surprised about is that Orton didn’t attack Mysterio, in the match or after Mysterio was eliminated. That would’ve helped make SmackDown’s losing in the end a bit more acceptable in story because he helped Raw out.

Ronda VS Flair was probably the best thing of the night! And not just because that match was legitimately good, but even the dirty finish made it great. Charlotte basically became Becky in that moment, because I’m pretty sure “The Man” would’ve resorted to something brutal like that, too. I half expected Becky to come out on stage to more or less congratulate Charlotte, but maybe we’ll get that on SmackDown. The fans were really rough, though, being so behind Becky that they basically treated Ronda like she was Nia, aka the one who hurt Becky. If that Horsewomen VS Horsewomen match is still coming around, I’m not sure who is going to be Face anymore just on how fans react, but given how Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir are written in NXT, what if Ronda ended up turning, too?

And honestly, I would’ve put Ronda VS Flair on last if that’s how it was going to turn out. It would’ve definitely given the PPV a different feel from ending on how Lesnar VS Bryan ended. Now, I still loved how Lesnar VS Bryan went all the way up until then. Bryan trolling Lesnar, but then toughing it, that was brilliant writing. Bryan is going extra Heel it seems, but against Lesnar, fans don’t mind. I sure didn’t. But because it’s Brock Lesnar, he must win even in kayfabe. This will surely fuel Bryan VS Styles going into TLC, on top of Bryan cheating Styles. As for Lesnar, if Strowman isn’t going to be the one, and Roman Reigns just can’t be the one right now, perhaps the fact they’re teasing Lars Sullivan on main roster means something? Would love to see Lesnar as the victim of a Freak Accident.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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