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Impact Coverage

Andrew’s Impact Wrestling Rebellion 2019 Ratings & Analysis

Impact has a few big marquee matches on this card. Does Rebellion help Impact’s momentum or languish in, whatever Homecoming was?



Impact has a few big marquee matches on this card. Does Rebellion help Impact’s momentum or languish in, whatever Homecoming was?

Here comes the boom! Tessa Blanchard and Gail Kim, Brian Cage and Johnny Impact, LAX and Lucha Bros – this card has some high profile potential.

I’m really hoping we get a solid and hard hitting show, instead of a TNA special with twists and bad finishes. Homecoming left a bad taste in my mouth, so let’s hope Rebellion fixes that.


  • 6 Pack Scramble: Petey Williams vs Jake Crist vs Ace Austin vs Aiden Prince vs Cousin Jake vs Eddie Edwards: Austin wins via Roll-Up @5:35 – ***
  • Rohit Raju w/Desi Hit Squad vs Scarlett Bordeaux w/Fallah Bahh: Scarlett wins via Pendulum Piledriver @5:00 – **
  • Moose & The North vs The Rascalz: Moose wins via Spear @9:30 – *** 1/2
  • Impact Knockouts Championship: Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Jordynne Grace: Taya retains via Road to Valhalla @9:10 – *** 1/4
  • X Division Championship oVe Rules: Sami Callihan vs Rich Swann (c): Swann retains via Barbwire Bat Crossface @16:10 – *** 3/4
  • Gail Kim vs Tessa Blanchard: Tessa wins via Cobra Clutch Crossface @13:10 – ****
  • Impact Heavyweight Championship: Brian Cage vs Johnny Impact (c): Cage wins via Drill Claw @13:20 – ** 3/4
  • Full Metal Mayhem Impact Tag Team Championships: LAX vs Lucha Bros (c): LAX wins via Super Powerbomb through Tack covered Tables @21:05 – **** 1/4


Impact likes to start off the PPVs with multiman X Division matches and this one does the trick. A lot of fun spots to get the crowd excited. Not a clinic, nothing overly mind boggling, but it was fun. Plus with Ace Austin pinning Petey it ties in to the little bit of tension they had after the previous 6 man scramble that was on IMPACT a few weeks ago. So I can appreciate the lead.

Don and Josh do their best Toru Yano impression and talk about pre-ordering and buying the Rebellion DVD.

Bumper plugging Impact Plus. Which sounds like GWN Network, so I’m curious if GWN is re-branding because of the whole Jeff Jarrett lawsuit, or if it’s going to be a completely different thing. Update: Impact responded on their Twitter that they will be communicating on how to switch the services over. So Impact Plus is replacing GWN, but it seems like it’s gonna take a few steps to carry over service.

Rohit and Scarlett’s match was spurred out of a Twitter beef and the already existing opinions the Desi Hit Squad has of women. The match was amusing, a few interesting spots, nothing painful or bad, just a whole lot of gimmick. So for what it was, it was fine and the crowd loves Scarlett.

This was a fun 6 man tag. The North dominated a good bit with Moose but The Rascalz speed and high risk moves helped make the match much closer. Dez launched himself off of Josh Alexander’s back from the ramp into the pile of people at ringside. It was very spot heavy, but it was entertaining. Plus we got to see the tandem Assisted Spinebuster from The North, feed into the Spear by Moose. So even if the Spear looked a little messy, it was a fun and cool match.

Taya played up her scared heel aspects, but also worked on Jordynne’s arms. Multiple strikes and submission attempts on the arm played a part through the match. Grace wasn’t able to execute a Michinoku Driver correctly and when she was trying to lay in the Vader Hammers, her right arm was her downfall. It gave Taya the perfect opportunity to execute her finish, and retain the title.

So Sami made this a hardcore match, Impact management banned oVe from ringside and we got a blood feud blow off. This match was insane. Chairshots, guardrails, wet floor signs, cookie sheets of doom, powder and even Legos. Rich was taken to a different level because of Sami and it was great. This whole thing was fantastic because even though I’m not a huge fan of hardcore wrestling, when it’s done well, with story line purpose, it’s great. This was damn good.

Well now, Gail and Tessa prove why they are regarded so highly. This match was a war. Tessa tossing Gail off the ramp was reminiscent of Misawa Tiger Suplexing Kobashi from the ramp to the floor.

Tessa tried to finish the match with the Slingshot Suplex, but Gail counters into Eat Defeat, but Tessa kicks out. Tessa hits Magnum, then when Gail kicks out, she transitions into a Cobra Clutch Crossface for the victory. Great match, great passing of the torch moment afterwards, just a really nice moment.

Well this match was a little overbooked, sloppy at times and Johnny still needs a new finisher. He’s been doing Starship Pain for like 12 years and only hit it clean about 12 times. Storm got bumped, Bravo showed he had ref stripes under his suit, but Cage kicked out. Storm comes back, Superkicks Bravo, Cage stops him from calling the DQ and hits an exhausted looking Drill Claw for the pinfall victory. Finally, Brian Cage wins the belt! And wait…Michael Elgin shows up? From New Japan to Impact, he back fists Cage and hits the Elgin Bomb, making a statement.

Aye dios mio. This was an insane spotfest, but with the tension, the fact they kept introducing more weapons and this being the blow off…I can’t be mad. Spike Fear Factor through chairs, the good ole sit down strike fest, Springboard Spanish Fly through tables. Jesus, there was just so damn much in this match. I do love the fact that Konnan had forks in his pocket that he handed to LAX at some point. There’s a Spanish joke about burritos and forks in there, but I’m not gonna look for it. While the finish was a little awkward, it was still good. Santana driving the fork into Pentagon’s head while on a ladder, with Ortiz in Powerbomb position. Maybe it was supposed to be a Street Sweeper through both tables with the tacks on it, but a Super Powerbomb is no joke either. Not sure if this is Lucha Bros swan song or if they just wanted to take the belts off of them before Double or Nothing. Guess we’ll see.

Overall Score: 7.75/10

Really good show! Now the Heavyweight Championship match being a mess along with a lot of spotfest moments did hurt this show to me, but that’s not saying it wasn’t still really solid all in all.

Also it was refreshing to see a lot of the logical finishes. Tessa going over made sense, Cage finally get crowned is overdue, but a great moment and LAX versus Lucha Bros in a crazy match was great. Hell even having Moose win made logical sense, because, The Rascalz made fun of him which started the feud and cheated to beat him in the last match. So even though it was three big guys against three little guys, the little guys stirred the shit and had to deal with the repercussions.

I’m also happy to see Impact Wrestling return to more of their 2018 style with superior in-ring action, and not whatever Homecoming was. So with Elgin’s debut, new champions and even Taylor Wilde being spotted in the closing moments when the locker room came out…we could have some fun stuff to build towards Slammiversary July 7th. To be clear, I have no clue if Taylor is back or just visiting, but that was a hell of a blast from the past.



About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 1.30.25

Are we gonna get consecutive weeks of momentum or we gonna get the “LOL TNA” moment already?



Coming off the first Live iMPACT! in 8 years, it has been pretty universally agreed upon that it was not a bad show. Good favor, a larger audience then they’ve had in years and TNA actually did fairly well establishing themselves as not a third rate duelist.

Let’s see if the good tidings continue or if things start to well…TNA.


  • Cora Jade vs Hyan: Cora wins via Jaded – ** 1/2
  • Brian Myers w/The System vs Leon Slater: Myers wins via Roster Cut – ** 3/4
  • Laredo Kid vs Mustafa Ali: Ali wins via 450 – ** 3/4
  • Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs Sinner & Saint: No Contest? EY Turned Heel – N/A
  • Ace Austin vs Wes Lee w/Tyson & Tyriek: Wes wins via Cardiac Kick – ***
  • Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fir$t Cla$$: Kaibas win via Danger Zone – ***



Nic Nemeth comes out to talk, doesn’t complain and says he’s just gonna dust himself off and start again. Ryan comes out to complain on behalf of “hiissss brrooother” and run down Hendry. Nic is playing babyface still and Ryan is instigating is typical little brother fashion. Nic tries to appease Ryan saying this could be a big year for both of them, so Fir$t Cla$$ music hits and KC Navarro cuts them off and hands off to AJ Francis. Ryan get mad at them interrupting, Nic tries to calm the situation but Ryan decides to agree to a tag match that Nic doesn’t seem like he wanted to go there. But Santino comes out and makes it official.

Cora Jade vs Hyan

Hyan tries a Pump Kick, Cora catches it, lays her out and kicks her feet up in the corner getting cocky. Snapmare with the Hair, into a Springboard Single Stomp from Cora, Hyan is getting throttled along the ropes and putting up much of a fight to start. Hyan is usually just enhancement talent in TNA, even though she does have a solid pedigree in the indies and internationally. Hyan finally moves so Cora smashes herself into the corner, Wasteland from Hyan for a 1 count, Cora counters Hyan’s attempted offense and then hits Jaded for the win!

The match did what it needed to, Cora tried to lay in the boots further, Xia runs out to make a save but Cora baits her into a false sense of security and goes after Xia. So Masha comes out for the save on the person who made the save. Cora comes off looking pretty good and Masha scaring her off helps Masha’s aura.

Brian Myers w/The System vs Leon Slater

Myers grabs the quick Headlock into the Shoulder Tackle and welcome back to 1997 wrestling starts. Myers got cocky, shot Leon into the ropes and eats a Shoulder Tackle from Leon, so a little showboating from Leon gets under Myers skin and causes him to make a few missteps. Leon hits the Feint Mule Kick into the Handspring Back Elbow for 2, but when he tries to continue, Myers pulls him down into the buckles. Myers looks for a Spear, Leon Leap Frogs and Myers eats turnbuckle. He powders, the System shields him from a dive, and we’re starting to see the numbers game come into play.

A Thrust Kick from Myers rocks Leon as he’s coming back in, Strong Irish Whip into a Gator Roll and then Sleeper Hold. Again, offense brought to you by Bill Clinton. Leon gets away from the Sleeper, tries to hit the ropes and Myers does his Baseball Slide Trip. Slow heel moves from Myers, Sleeper, Facelocks, Back Elbows…just slow classic heel offense. Leon tries to fire, eats a Knee Lift. Irish Whip but Leon counters by hoping the ropes to the apron, quick pop shot and then Springboard Crossbody into a series of Lariats and a Shotgun Kick! Leon has the momentum, Blue Thunder Bomb for two! Leon goes to the top, Myers is up, Leon rolls to the other side to avoid Myers, Myers eats a Leg Lariat from Leon and Myers pushes off, Bicycle Kick, Thrust Kick into Implant DDT for only two! Myers looks to Spear, gets rolled up in a Small Package, Kick out, dumped outside, Leon flies over the corner onto Myers!

System surrounds Leon, tries to get a few shots, but Leon has some quick offense for everyone. In the chaos, Lish puts a Ring on Myers’ hand so a Loaded Punch into Roster Cut and Myers wins!

Laredo Kid vs Mustafa Ali

Slow start with Ali being arrogant into a Lucha stalemate section where there’s Satellite counters, Headscissors and a powder to break the nonsense. Corner counters, Overhand Chops from both, they tussle on the top rope, Ali backflips off the ropes, Laredo tries a Crossbody but Mustafa hits a Dropkick. Grounded Abdominal Stretch from Ali, Laredo tries to fight up and out, but Ali slams him back down, talks smack, slaps him and then eats a Michinoku Driver out of nowhere! But only a two count! Ali manages to pull Laredo into the corner pads, tries a dirty pin with feet on the ropes but the referee sees it, Laredo tries a Roll-Up in the disarray, Ali kicks out, they run back and forth, Ali just slides out thinking he’s outsmarted Laredo but Laredo hits the Suicida for a solid pop. Ali pokes the eye and grabs at the mask, Laredo is off kilter, Ali baits Laredo through the corner, hits the Draping DDT off the apron, slides Laredo back in and 450 for the win.

Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs Sinner & Saint

Jabroni duo comes out, and they look stupid, their music is generic Hot Topic trash and the one with hair walks like he’s pretending to be a Delirious fused with a Dinosaur. They look so insanely pathetic. 

Dino-nerd tries a stand switch and suplex but Josh no sells and looks like the older sibling judging the little sibling’s stupidity. Bald jabroni tags in, does nothing, blind tag just for Josh to single handedly lay both out. Of course they’re trying to establish the loser squad, so the eventually have a good defensive moment that catches Josh and isolates him in their corner. He still mostly takes care of both of them. This is honestly pathetic.

Locomotion counter switches in the corner before a Shotgun Kick wipes out Josh, Dino-nerd tries a Lio Rush style splash but misses, Josh tags out, EY looks to tee off but he turns and lays out Josh. EY turns heel…that was not on my Bingo Card, but I’m not mad about it. EY has the maniacal look in his eyes again, so Sanity or Violence by Design could be back? Can he call the group SAnitY since they’re working with WWE now?

Ace Austin vs Wes Lee w/Tyson & Tyriek

Things start slow then a few quick strike spots from Ace. A grounded Heel Kick and Enzuigiri rocks Wes, Wes slingshots back in, Sunset, Ace dodges tries to stay crouched to get cute but Up Kick from Wes kicks Ace in the face. Wes crotches Ace on the top rope, Enzuigiri, Suicida leaves Ace laying on the ramp. Wes hits the Street Fighter combo in with Ace shoved in the corner, the crowd chants “Boring” so Wes revels in the negativity and mockingly does the Rascalz taunt. A few quick shots and Ace kicks out at one and holds the ropes as Wes just lights him up with kicks. Ace asks for more, and goes full Strong Style. A few round kicks to the chest before Wes decides to do the hell thing and a Spinning Thrust Kick to the side of the face. Wes puts Ace in a Key Lock and Ace struggles to his feet before barely slipping the lock.

They trade strikes, Triangle Kick misses for Ace but he manages to connect after with a strike, a few more, Click Click Boom, Seated Miz Lariats in the corner, Wes falls out of the corner, Triangle Kick for the near fall, but the offense isn’t over and Ace hits the Gutwrench Sitout Powerbomb! Ace looks for The Fold, Tyson and Tyriek make their presence felt, Ace does the apron dance and kicks them both in the face. Wes gets dumped out of the ring, Ace with a Fosbury Flop (not the best one he’s done), Tyriek picks the ankle long enough to slow down Ace as Ace walks into the Cardiac Kick!

Wes and crew attacks Ace after the match, so The Rascalz make the save. We’re obviously going to get a 6 man soon, and this is perfectly fine.

Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fir$t Cla$$

AJ starts with Ryan and just shoves him away and demands Nic, Nic gets the best of AJ but AJ tags in KC and KC gets in a few quick shots, some cute counters and showboating before eating a Dropkick from Nic. AJ comes in to try and take out Nic, the Kaibas take out AJ and then dump KC into AJ’s arms and hold the ring going to commercial.

During the commercial a little blind tag and Spiderman in the ropes taunt from KC caught Ryan off guard so First Class is in control. AJ is beating the hell out of Ryan in the ropes, then hits Tennessee Whiskey for the “Money Money Money” taunt. KC tags himself in and starts slapping Ryan around, Dropkick into 305 as KC cuts off Ryan from Nic, throws Ryan in the corner, Rolling Uppercuts, Snapmare, Roll through, Chest Stomp into a near fall. KC tags in AJ and a little tandem offense gives them another near fall but Mokuba refuses to lose…so far. AJ steps on Ryan’s chest and then lays in a few Overhand Chops. AJ slowing things down, looks for a power move but Ryan slips it into a Sleeper Attempt but AJ counters and slams Ryan down for another two count. Two Sidewalk Slams after getting bounced out of the corner, but Ryan keeps kicking out.

AJ takes Nic off the apron, looks for another Sidewalk Slam but Ryan turns it into a Satellite DDT. Simultaneous tag time, KC eats the fire from Nic, two Lariats, Stinger Splash, Rude Awakening, 10 Count Shots to the Heart for…AJ breaks it up! AJ looks for a Down Payment but Nic slips, Superkick, Ryan tries to rock AJ to no avail so they both Lariat AJ out and Avalanche Polish Hammer from Ryan lays out AJ. KC tries the Flash Pinfall but Nic rolls out, a few quick shouts, Spinning Heel Kick from KC for a 2 count. Nic hits a FAMEasser into Danger Zone after Ryan’s blind tag so Ryan gets the cover as Nic just laughs and takes it in.


Overall Score: 6.25/10

Nothing to really be offended by. Some of the stuff was a little low stakes or obvious filler, but stories moved forward with Cora, Wes and the Kaibas. Plus you know, Eric Young turning on Josh is a little unexpected. EY has been the fill in Dreamer/Scott with the “Ra-Ra” speeches and feel good crap for significant shows, so having him go back to Maniac is a nice twist.

Tessa also steering into this “Locker Room bully” persona is smart. It’s not a stretch from what people already think, so steering into the skid is very smart. I may not have been blown away by anything in this episode, but it was definitely decent and did a solid enough job showcasing the partnership and not making the TNA talent feel like an after thought.

All in all, very nice.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Andrew’s LIVE TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 1.23.25

NXTNA kicks off the post-Genesis TV with a Live show! Fraxiom defend the NXT Tag Titles on TNA television against The Rascalz!



So we’re gonna be getting Live action for iMPACT for the first time in 8 years! NXTNA should bring some interesting layers with this episode. Fraxion is facing The Rascalz. We could see some stuff with 23 pay off, we could maybe get a Cora Jade appearance and who knows what else we’ve got. Genesis could’ve been the beginning of something big, but at least we make sure Hendry Mania can run wild as the TNA World Champ!


  • Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire: Ash wins via Victory Roll – ** 1/2
  • JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz: Jeff wins via Swanton Bomb – ***
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz: Fraxiom retain via Spanish Phoenix – *** 1/4
  • TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona: Hendry retains via Standing Ovation – *** 1/4



Oh look, Joe Hendry comes out to kick off the Live episode. Hendry says he’ll be a fighting champion and face anyone at anytime, so Santino’s music hits and we may get a surprise very soon. Oh nevermind, it’s Matt Cardona. If this was supposed to be a big reveal I don’t think it came over well.

Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire

Jody and Ash start, Ash gets in a cocky slap but then a few strikes and a T-Bone suplex lead to tagging in Dani and a few assisted Slam moves and we see a near fall. Ash retreats to her corner, tags in Heather, Heather is afraid of Dani so she blind tags Rosemary. Spitfire do some tandem stuff on Rosemary and the Demon Assassin finally slips a move from Jody, shoves Jody into her corner, Heather tries to blind tag but Rosemary grabs Heather, Ash calls a timeout to explain to Rosemary that they’re a team and tags herself in. A few shortcuts that the ref conveniently can’t see and Ash tags in Rosemary cleanly. Rosemary throws Jody around, Exploder Suplex for two, and Ash tags in, hits a Snap Suplex, tries to go after Dani and Masha but Masha pops her and Jody hits a Codebreaker to tag in Masha.

Masha comes out hot and beats the hell out of Heather and Rosemary. Masha tried Requiem on Heather, but Rosemary hits the Scorpion Deathdrop, Dani Shotgun kicks Rosemary, Satellite DDT from Ash takes out Dani, Jody takes out Ash, Heather hits a John Woo Dropkick to send Jody crashing to the outside. After the signature spam, Dani gets back on the apron, Masha tags her in and Dani is taking Ash to Suplex City. Cora Jade’s music hits in the middle of the match and she hands a folder to Masha with her picture in it, like Masha used to do. Ash takes advantage of the Cora distraction and Victory Rolls Dani for the flash win. Cora makes her intentions known and the match was fine.

Northern Useless Armoury comes out to look pathetic and Josh talks. Sinner and Saint are about as impressive as a wet fart running down your legs in the middle of summer. They are pathetic and that makes this whole heel turn look worthless. Jabroni squad says Josh can’t leave and attack him. EY hits the ring to make a save, and cut an obvious promo to make a tag match. The crowd is mostly comatose, Sinner and Saint look stupid, have done nothing, and have terrible names. 

JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz

System attacks immediately, the bell just rings, but the Hardyz reverse the Irish Whip spot, stack em in the corner and Poetry in Motion while still wearing the belt so he does the Splash version. Matt does the Delete Corner Face Smashes to JDC and turns it into the pull out of the corner Powerbomb. Extreme Elbow from Matt, Matt goes for the Twist, but JDC shoves off, Lish paws at the ankle and Moose attacks him while the ref is trying to figure out who to look at. Moose tags himself in, beats on Matt and then a few quick tags keep Matt isolated in the corner. JDC with a nice Strong Whip and Splash, tags back in Moose and Moose goes for the Camel Clutch to try and keep the pressure on but Matt starts to fight back. Moose doesn’t lose too much momentum, takes out Jeff, rocks Matt with an Uppercut into Senton and JDC tries Down and Dirty but misses! Simultaneous tags and classic Jeff Hardy offense gets a near fall that JDC has to break up.

Jeff dispatches with JDC, Moose misses Lights Out, Twist of Fate, goes for the Swanton but JDC cuts him off, Matt Twist of Fates JDC, Moose tries to pull Jeff off but gets Headbutt down and Swanton Bomb on Moose for the win! Jeff gonna go for the X Division Title now?

Twenty Three stuff happens on the tron before a commercial break, coming back Sami hits the ring calling out 23. Steph De Lander comes out to show she’s 23 because she won the Digital Media Title in the Divorce. But Sami can meet her new boyfriend, Mance Warner! 

NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz

Axiom with a bit of World of Sport counters to the Arm Wringer, kicks Trey in the teeth, tags in Frazer and he rips across the ropes and kick Trey again, but Trey does turn things around. ACS Rush from The Rascalz. Quick tandem offense from Fraxiom with interwoven Forearm Shivers and a near fall. Axiom locks in a Sleeper and tries to ground Trey. Trey tries to fight back up but eats a Back Elbow. Tandem offense again, Double Superkicks from Fraxiom forces Wentz to break things up a little. Trey has been isolated for a while and Axiom is just keeping a solid Armbar but Trey fights up, manages to get away and hits a Rebound Switch Suplex.

Simultaneous tag and Wentz and Frazer go back and forth. Wentz has the early advantage, Knee Lift into the Rolling Snapmare Shining Wizard then the Running Corkscrew Moonsault. Axiom breaks up the Wentz offense, Fraxiom double teams Trey and takes him out with an Avalanche Total Elimination. More tandem spots from Fraxiom which end with a Brainbuster and Superkick combo but only two! Trey manages to get Frazer out of the ring, Wentz with the Back Handspring Knee Lift but everyone is down and a little gassed. Axiom tries a German, Wentz shrugs him off, Axiom Kips Up into a Superkick, Wentz goes for the UFO Cutter but eats the Superkick. Rascalz tandem Superkicking people out of the Sky, STREET SWEEPER for two! Cheeky Nandos, but Wes Lee hits the ring to distract the ref, Tyson and Tyriek attack, Spanish Fly into Phoenix Splash finish and Fraxion retain!

Solid match that hopefully leads to more stuff. Santana comes down to cut a typical man of the people babyface promo. But the biggest pop of the night (not counting the Hardyz) is when Mustafa Ali’s music hits! Ali is back! He says he signed with TNA. 

Tessa comes out to cut a promo, Tully is in the crowd and cuts a decent anti-San Antonio promo. Not as good as Charles Barkley, until she mentions fat women. She’s getting a visceral negative reaction, and it’s pretty great. She basked in the heat and decent promo.

TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona

Slow start, shove from Joe so Matt powders and then they go into Arm Wringer World of Sport stuff, but still mostly posturing. At least the crowd is engaged. Cardona feints the Test of Strength, kicks Hendry and shoves him into the corner with Chops, but Joe no sells and lights up Cardona until Cardona sells to a different corner to hit a sneaky Forearm. Rope Run, Leapfrog spot which ends with Hendry hitting a Knee Lift into the Stalling Suplex. Cardona side steps Hendry after the Suplex and then hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick before using his ripped t-shirt to choke Hendry and just gets yelled at a little. Cardona Crossbody from the steps, but Hendry catches him, throws him on his shoulders and Attitude Adjustment on the apron. Joe goes for another but Matt claws the eyes and whips Hendry into the steps.

Commercial happens and as soon as we’re back, Hendry hits a Sunset Flip into Locomotion Cradle spots before Cardona hits the Diving Polish Hammer to stall Hendry. Cardona locks in a Guillotine, but Hendry powers up and Vertical Suplexes out of it! A few right hands, Lariat, Sack of Shit into the Kip Up and the turn to the camera! Standing Ovation is being called, Cardona fights it off and hits the Flashback for a near fall. Reboot connects from Cardona, he tries another and gets caught, goes for a Powerbomb but Cardona Throat Chop, Missile Dropkick, Snap DDT for a near fall! Radio Silence attempts from Cardona, Hendry ducks it, Running Boot kills the referee, and Hendry hits a Pop Up Powerbomb for what would’ve been the win, but no ref. Cardona hits the Low Blow and then wanders over to the title, very slowly, looks to use it but OH MAH GAHD MAGGLE ITS JBLS! Clothesline from Hell hits Cardona and Hendry stares down JBL. Cardona recovers enough to hit Hendry with the title as Hendry was distracted by JBL existing.

Cardona tries the title again, Standing Ovation, 1-2-3.

Overall Score: 6.5/10

The effort to make this show special was apparent. Wes Lee, Tyriek and Tyson interfering, Cora Jade costing the faces a match, Mance Warner, JBL on a Live TNA, Mustafa Ali returning and Hendry bookending the show is good stuff. Lapsed viewers or WWE fans got to see a lot of people they recognize, sure Steph De Lander’s whole explanation was moronic, Cardona was a fart in church and JDC not eating the pinfall seems silly unless it truly does lead to a Jeff Hardy X Division challenge. But the effort was all there.

There were no real production hiccups or audio problems, the crowd was receptive to the important things, Tessa got booed out of the building but steered into it and embraced the hate. Now she just needs to walk out with a Real American Beer or have Hulk and Tully escort her out for Slammiversary or BFG, and it will truly just steer so hard into the skid people might pop for the acknowledgement.

But it was a fun show, yes the Josh stuff is stupid. The Knockouts aren’t in a great spot (but the NXT help will bolster that), and JBL is still confusing…but the show was entertaining.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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