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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/30/19)

It’s the epic Raw Season Premiere!



NEW Raw coverage

The first Raw of the season, the last Raw before going to Hell!

In a Cell, that is. And even with both the Cell and The Fiend in his future, Seth Rollins must defend his WWE Universal Championship against THE Rey Mysterio! Will Rollins be able to retain before he has to face a living nightmare?



  • Alexa Bliss VS Sasha Banks; Banks wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler VS Heavy Machinery; Roode & Ziggler win to retain the Raw Tag Team Championships.
  • Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins; No Contest.
  • The Viking Raiders VS The OC; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Ricochet VS Cesaro; Ricochet wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Cedric Alexander; Styles wins and retains the WWE United States Championship.
  • Lacey Evans VS Natalya; Evans wins.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Seth Rollins VS Rusev; No Contest, Rollins retains the WWE Universal Champion.



A new season, a new logo, a new theme song, but something classic is back: PYRO! But another new change is the commentary team! Vic Joseph and Dio Maddin move over from 205 Live to join the King, Jerry Lawler!


Rey Mysterio heads to the ring!

The King of Lucha Libre is here ahead of his WWE Universal Championship on tonight’s stacked premiere. Phoenix is fired up to see the living legend, and Dominick is in the crowd to support his father from the front row. Mysterio speaks to the crowd, nothing that he has the Universal Championship match, and his son is why he’s here. Mysterio owes this to Dominick, and he loves him. “Tonight, I’m going to bring that Universal Championship-” Wait, is that Brock Lesnar?! He was announced to be in town, but no one expected him now! Lesnar and Paul Heyman head to the ring, circle it a moment, then hop in the ring. Mysterio gives Lesnar space but he doesn’t leave the ring. Heyman starts to introduce himself, but Mysterio snatches the mic! Mysterio talks to Heyman, but Lesnar gives him an F5! Fans boo and Dominick is certainly not happy, but Lesnar deadlifts Mysterio with ease, for another F5!

Lesnar paces as fans divided. Lesnar spots Dominick in the crowd, and then heads over! Dominick sits down, naturally not wanting trouble from The Beast, but the Beast grabs Dominick and drags him over the barrier! To then scoop up, and ram into the post! And slam him on the floor! Even Heyman seems shocked by this brutality! Lesnar puts Dominick in the ring with Mysterio, who has now come to. Mysterio watches as Lesnar gives Dominick a MASSIVE German Suplex! Mysterio rushes in to get between Lesnar and Dominick, but gets a third F5!! The referees rush out to tell Lesnar to stop but Heyman himself is speechless. Lesnar starts to leave, but then comes back! He hops right back in the ring, hauls Mysterio up, and gives him a HUGE suplex! Then he drags Dominick up for another suplex! Only now does Heyman shouts for Lesnar to stop, and Lesnar hops out of the ring.

Fans all boo as Heyman reasons with Lesnar, but it doesn’t matter! Lesnar goes after security! Fit Finlay gets a boot! Mysterio gets tossed out! Dominick gets tossed out! Fans boo and jeer while Lesnar paces. Lesnar seems oddly conflicted, but fans are all united in chanting, “A**hole!” The Beast tears off his shirt and laughs, holding the shirt up like he would a title belt. Is this just a sampler of what is in store for Kofi Kingston on SmackDown’s Fox premiere?


Raw shows footage from the commercial break.

Mysterio was able to get up under his own power, but he had to be there as his son was put on a stretcher with a neck brace. Mysterio apologizes to Dominick, but will Mysterio be able to compete after what he just went through, both physically and emotionally?


Alexa Bliss VS Sasha Banks!

The Goddess and The Boss have had heated and personal rivalries for years now, but now Alexa will just be used as a tune-up for Sasha before going against Becky Lynch. Will Alexa be a speed bump on Sasha’s road back to the Raw Women’s Championship?

Before the bell rings, The Man comes around! Becky is here and she holds up her Raw Women’s Championship! She joins commentary and the match begins.

Sasha and Alexa rush each other and Sasha throws Alexa down. Sasha rains down rights but lets up to put Alexa in a corner. Alexa blocks the bump to give the bump and stomps away! The ref backs Alexa up, but Alexa runs back in, only to be put on the apron. Sasha punches Alexa off the apron, and then she taunts Becky despite the distance. But Becky gets up on the desk to shout back. Fans are on Becky’s side, and Raw goes picture in picture.

Sasha and Becky keep talking trash, but Alexa yanks Sasha down to roll her up! TWO, and Alexa hip tosses Sasha to an armlock! Sasha endures and fights her way up while Raw returns to single picture. Alexa rolls Sasha to a cover, TWO! Becky takes the jacket off while Alexa dropkicks Sasha down. Sasha bails out but Alexa slides for a dropkick. Sasha takes a page out of Nikki Cross’ book and gets Alexa in the skirt, but Alexa knows that trick, too! Alexa punches Sasha away and gets out from under. But Sasha is ready and kicks Alexa down! Sasha wants after Alexa and drags her into the ring. Cover, TWO! Sasha gets angry but she sees Becky getting ready. Sasha stomps away on Alexa in a corner then snapmares her into a half surfboard. Becky is wrapping her fists while she watches! ALexa kicks Sasha and tilt-o-whirls her to buckles! Sasha staggers while Alexa catches her breath.

Sasha gets Alexa first but Alexa kicks her away. Alexa dodges and rallies with clotheslines! Alexa drops knees, Insult but no Injury, Sasha shining wizards Alexa down! Cover, TWO! Sasha keeps on Alexa with a scoop but Alexa slips out to SLAP then ROCK Sasha. Sasha shoves Alexa away and then calls for Bayley? No it was a fake-out! Sasha kicks Alexa down in her bad leg, then covers! Sasha wins!

Winner: Sasha Banks, by pinfall

Becky hops off commentary, and decides to head for the ring. Sasha welcomes it, and the two brawl! Fans are fired up as Becky gets Sasha down for furious fists! And then up for uppercuts! Sasha bails out through the crowd! Becky asks Sasha where she’s going. Sasha can run now, but come Sunday, she’s not leaving the Cell until Becky’s done. The attack has woken up the Irish fire inside. Sasha made it personal, Becky will make it painful. The Man, The Boss, The Cell and retribution are all coming around! Who leaves the sinister structure THE Raw Women’s Champion?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Charly Caruso wants to talk with him about The Fiend strangely coming to his aid last week, but Rollins would rather address what happened tonight. Lesnar attacked Rey Mysterio and Dominick. It isn’t a surprise because it’s Lesnar, but Rollins is disappointed and disgusted. As for Hell in a Cell, Rollins isn’t sure how to game plan for “some thing,” but this title means too much for him to go quietly. Rollins will find a way to #SurviveAndPrevail and stay champion. But tonight’s Raw season premiere from Phoenix. Mysterio is in no shape to compete, but he has a title match in his back pocket, Rollins promises it. But Rollins also promised a Universal Championship match. This is an opportunity for someone to step up. Rollins vows to #BurnItDown no matter who it is!


Raw Tag Team Championships: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler VS Heavy Machinery!

This GLORIOUS combination take on literally the biggest challenge they could as SmackDown’s Tucker Knight & Otis Dozovic crossover for a title shot! Will the Raw Tag Team titles stay on Raw? Or will SmackDown return the favor by taking Raw’s titles for their own?

Introductions are made, the belts are raised, and the teams sort out. This match starts with Ziggler and Tucker!

Ziggler and Tucker circle and tie up. Ziggler keeps up and gets around to sleeper hold, but Tucker gets him on ropes. The ref calls for a break, and the two back off. They go again and Ziggler gets a headlock. Tucker powers out and bumps Ziggler with a shoulder. He didn’t even hit that hard and Ziggler staggers. Tucker runs and runs Ziggler over! Then he runs to leap over and dropkick Ziggler down! Cover, TWO! Tucker scoops Ziggler in a suplex and Otis tags in. Otis takes the hand-off and then manages to keep Ziggler up! Then he drops him down hard, covers, TWO! Ziggler reaches for Roode but Otis drags him up. Ziggler hits back with haymakers then dropkicks Otis down! Ziggler tags Roode, and they double whip Dozer to the ropes. Dozer bulldozes through and then tags Tucker! Heavy Machinery takes a man each, for stalling suplexes! Heavy Machinery then runs, to belly bump both men! And belly bump to celebrate! Fans are fired up with Tucker and Otis as we go to break.

Raw returns and Tucker has Ziggler in a headlock. Ziggler powers out but Tucker hits Roode’s cheap shot away. Tucker hip tosses Ziggler down, but Roode dumps Tucker out! Ziggler hurries over while Otis protests, and Roode tags in. Roode drags Tucker up to ram into the apron, then throws him into barriers! Roode stomps Tucker down and around, then puts Tucker in the ring. Roode stomps Tucker in the corner then Ziggler tags back in. Roode scrapes Tucker’s eyes then Ziggler gives him a neckbreaker. Cover, TWO! Tucker reaches but Ziggler is on him first with a sleeper hold. Fans rally up and Tucker fights as Otis fires up. Ziggler pulls Tucker away and grinds him down with the chinlock. Tucker endures, fights his way back up, and throws body shots.

Ziggler kicks low then tags Roode back in. They put Tucker in the corner and Ziggler whips Roode for Roode to whip him, BIG splash to a GLORIOUS Spinebuster! Cover, TWO!! Tucker toughs it out and Otis glares at Roode. Ziggler tags in and he mugs Tucker. Ziggler now taunts Tucker, but Tucker gets up, to catch the dropkick for a catapult! Ziggler hits the post! Both men are down but crawling, hot tags to Roode and Otis! Otis rallies! He flapjacks Ziggler and fires up again. Roode kicks Otis but that only gets the truffle shuffle going! Same for the CHOP! Otis scoops Roode for a Fall Away Slam! Roode is in the Dozer Zone, but Ziggler runs in. Otis scoops Ziggler for a spinning scoop slam! Roode is up but Otis squashes him in the corner! Now both Roode and Dolph are in the Dozer Zone, for the CATERPILLAR times two!

Otis scoops Roode but Roode slips away. Roode boots Otis then hops up, but leaps into Otis’ arms! Tag to Tucker, Tucker runs, but Ziggler hits a ZIGZAG outta nowhere! SUPERKICK to Otis! They both post Otis! SUPERKICK for Tucker, which leads to a GLORIOUS DDT! Cover, Roode & Ziggler win!

Winners: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler, Roode pinning; still Raw Tag Team Champions

The Raw tag titles stay on Raw! But that’s just the first title match of the night! Will all the champions be as lucky as Roode & Ziggler?


Raw presents Miz TV!

The Miz returns to make the Raw season premiere even more must-see! But tonight will be even better, because the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show will have two amazing guests. Before all that, though, Miz must wish Mysterio and Dominick the best. As a father himself, he wouldn’t know what he’d do if someone ever went after one of his kids. But on to the “most highly anticipated Miz TV ever!” First up, the 16-time world champion, the two-time Hall of Famer, the Nature Boy, RIC FLAIR! “WOO~!” Flair makes his way out, and he marvels at Miz’s suit. He’s way too clean tonight. Miz dresses up for an occasion like this! But it’s not just Flair, it is both Jimmy Hart and the 13-time world champion, a Hall of Famer in his own right, the Immortal HULK HOGAN! Hogan and Jimmy head to the ring, and the pythons are still strong.

Hogan and Flair shake hands in the ring and then each legend takes a seat. “I’m over it,” Flair says. “I’m ready,” Hogan says. And the fans are raining down cheers for them both. How many times do you see three legends in one WWE ring? Oh, sorry, Jimmy, Miz meant himself. Flair loves Miz, but he’s had it with Hogan’s theme. Hogan gives Flair a “WOO~!” Miz has both men agree they’re legends, and while Miz could soak in this moment, this moment is about Raw. What better guests than some all-time-greats? Hulkster, what’s it like being in the ring across from the Nature Boy? “Well let me tell you something, brother!” It’s great to be back on Raw, and it’s great to be in Phoenix! And greatness isn’t even enough, but it IS great to be with a friend and a legend, “WOO,” Ric Flair.

Flair feels put on the spot, but he’ll go with it. Hogan may be recognized as the greatest draw, along with Austin, but Flair was the best wrestler, “brother!” Flair will always feel that he’s the best in the ring. It sounds like Flair wants #OneMoreMatch with the 24 inch pythons, brother! Both legends get fired up and Miz is not sure what to say. So he just gets the chairs out of the way. Hogan pokes his finger at Flair, but Flair cools off. They shake hands and admit, they’re not going to have a match. They’re not spring chickens, to say the least. Phoenix wouldn’t mind seeing it, though. Hogan and Flair can add one more page to the legacy. For once, Flair wants a paycheck that matches Hogan’s! And Miz feels that’ll happen. Miz has a huge announcement: Crown Jewel, October 31st, Team Hogan VS Team Flair!! 5v5 with the legends as the coaches for a total of ten of WWE’s best! May the best team win! Then Hogan has a question: “Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania and my team captain run wild on you, brother?”

Team captain? It’s SETH ROLLINS!? The Universal Champion is a natural pick to be on one of these amazing teams! Rollins has a lot going on right now, but his 5-year-old self would be kicking him if he didn’t do this! He is honored to be Team Hogan! So what is Flair going to do when Team Hogan mops the floor with his team to #BurnItDown?! Well Flair has his captain already: RANDY ORTON! Evolution connections are obvious, but The Viper is definitely a great choice in his own right, too! Flair is fired up as Orton tells Rollins to be 100% focused right now. Crawl out of Hogan’s ass and listen up. Rollins and Orton are the team captains, “WOO~!” So they’ll take their time choosing their teammates. But with this being the season premiere, and that they’re both here, maybe they should have a Captain’s Match. Well Rollins was hoping for a match, so here it is!

Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins!

The ring crew helps change things from Miz TV to regular wrestling, but wait. King Corbin appears? Orton attacks Rollins during the distraction! Rollins fights back but Corbin attacks Rollins with his scepter! The Viper and the Wolf King stomp away! And they jam Rollins! But to Rollins’ rescue, it’s RUSEV!? The Bulgarian Lion takes out Orton then hits a running windmill kick on Corbin! Rusev rams his shoulder into Corbin over and over but Orton pulls him off. RKO denied, MACHKA Kick connects! Rusev dodges Corbin, Rollins SUPERKICKS him! MACHKA Kick for Corbin! Rollins DIVES to hit Orton on the outside! Orton flounders and fans are fired up for Rollins and Rusev! Have each team captain found their first teammates already? Sure seems that way as Rollins and Rusev flex and pose with Hogan on stage!


Raw shares footage of Dominick being loaded onto the ambulance.

Mysterio is with his son every step of the way as the medics hurry to get Dominick out of the arena. Mysterio even has to toss his mask off, he is that emotional. The ambulance leaves, as was heard during the Sasha-Alexa match. What will be the emotional and physical state of both father and son?


Backstage interview with Rusev.

Charly congrats that Rusev is Team Hogan, but there is a question that needs to be asked: Where is Lana? Rusev has no words. Then let’s focus on Rusev. Rusev is back, what does he hope to accomplish? Rusev isn’t here to talk about his personal life. he is here to talk about Rollins’ problems. He was getting pummeled, but the only one to save him was Rusev! Rusev knows Rollins owes him, so he’s going to collect now! Rusev wants to be that Universal Championship challenger!! Is Team Hogan going to fall apart already?


The Authors of Pain speak again.

Akam and Rezar once again speak. They grew up “thousands of miles apart” but lived on “the same street corner of dystopia and atrocity.” They both learned that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Therefore, “he who dies from violence, lives for violence.” He who lives for violence, loves violence. he who loves violence, craves violence. He he craves violence, lusts for violence. He who lusts for violence, learns to bring forth violence. He who brings forth violence, becomes violence. He who is violence, is an Author of Pain. A dark message from these embodiments of violence. When and where will the AOP return to the ring?


The Viking Raiders VS The OC!

The war rages on as Erik and Ivar once again collide with Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows! But which way will the war sway with it being such a monumental Monday night?

Raw returns and Ivar starts against Gallows as the two big men of the match. The bell rings and the two collide! They brawl with big hands, Ivar whips but Gallows reverses to knee low and club Ivar down. Tag to Anderson but Ivar carries Anderson to the Viking corner! Tag to Erik, Erik feeds Anderson to Ivar’s knee, and then back again! Anderson goes to ropes, but Erik growls as he looms over Anderson. Erik drags Anderson up for big knees, then puts him in a corner. Tag to Ivar, and the Vikings mug Anderson before Ivar gives him another big knee. Ivar runs to knee Anderson in the head! Cover, ONE, but Ivar is on him with an arm wrench. Ivar grinds Anderson down, but Anderson fights his way up. Ivar wrenches and whips but Anderson kicks Ivar away. Tag to Gallows, and Gallows runs, into a scoop! Gallows slips out, shoves Ivar and hits a big elbow in the corner!

Gallows throws big body shots in the corner, and rocks Ivar with an uppercut! Gallows brings Ivar up for headbutts, then stomps! Gallows elbows and punches Ivar in the corner but Ivar hits back. They brawl but Gallows knees low. Gallows kicks Ivar and Ivar crawls away. Gallows runs to boot Ivar down again! Gallows runs to drop an elbow, then covers, TWO! Gallows grinds his elbow into Ivar’s face but Ivar hurries away. Gallows tags Anderson and then whips Anderson into Ivar. Ivar elbows away, rolls under Gallows, tag to Erik! Erik lifts then shoves Anderson, then fires off a strike fest! Gallows gets in but Erik stares him down. Anderson gets up to run at Erik, but he gets Ace Ten Mao! Erik roars and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Erik fights up out of a chinlock. Anderson clubs him down and tags Gallows, and The OC combine for a back suplex neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Gallows elbows away on Erik then wraps on a chinlock. Erik endures but fights up again. Erik fights free then ROCKS Gallows with a right! Both men are down, fans build to a rally, and hot tags to Ivar and Anderson! Ivar rallies with the sidewalk slam, to the basement crossbody! Fans fire up with the Warbeard as he runs corner to corner. Anderson dodges but gets a seated senton! Gallows misses as Ivar cartwheels to clothesline! Tag to Erik, and the Vikings have Anderson for the high-angler springboard lariat German Suplex! Gallows breaks the cover hard, then YAKUZA Kicks Ivar down! Anderson crawls over, but Erik keeps his eyes on Anderson.

Gallows tags in as Anderson uppercuts Erik away. Erik suplexes Anderson then fires off on Gallows. But Gallows gets the two-hand choke slam! Cover, TWO!! Gallows grows frustrated but he drags Erik up for a bomb. Ivar urns in but Gallows uppercuts him. Gallows whips, but Ivar dodges to DIVE onto Anderson! Ivar tags in, Erik has Gallows for a SPINEBUSTER! Ivar is up top, SUPER SPLASH! Cover, Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Ivar by pinfall

The OC went through another #VikingExperience, and suffer another defeat! Will the warpath continue towards those Raw Tag Team Championships?


Charly Caruso shares critical information.

While Mysterio and Dominick are not returning to the arena, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are still here. They demand a forum to explain themselves, but authorities are looking into what could be considered a “criminal act” from Lesnar tonight. But to interrupt all of this, Cesaro walks over to say, “Who cares what people think?” There was nothing criminal. If anything, it was entertaining. The only thing criminal is that Lesnar stole away the opportunity for Cesaro to do the same. But Ricochet stands up for Mysterio, saying Cesaro wouldn’t have done a damn thing. Cesaro might be taller than Mysterio, but he’s only half the man. But if Cesaro wants to prove he’s big and bad, then face Ricochet in the ring. Will the Swiss Superman be beat by the One and Only true superhero of Raw?


Ricochet VS Cesaro!

The bell rings and Ricochet dropkick-flips and enziguris Cesaro down! Cover, ONE, but Ricochet clobbers Cesaro at the ropes. Cesaro reverses the whip but Ricochet headscisosrs. Cesaro blocks that, Ricochet pops out, but Cesaro clotheslines him down! Things speed up and Cesaro catches Ricochet, but Ricochet slips out. Cesaro elbows Ricochet down, then runs, but gets flipped out of the ring! Then Ricochet FLIES to take him down! Fans fire up with Ricochet as he clubs Cesaro and puts him in the ring. Ricochet aims from a corner, hops up, and leaps, but Cesaro catches him for a backbreaker! Cover, TWO!

Cesaro stomps Ricochet around but the ref backs him off. Cesaro drags Ricochet up out of a corner to throw a big European Uppercut! Cover, ONE! Cesaro keeps on Ricochet with a chinlock. Fans rally and Ricochet fights his way up, and fights out with elbows. Ricochet runs, but Cesaro presses Ricochet up for a Go To Swiss! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro won’t let up, he drags Ricochet in. But Ricochet slides under, only for Cesaro to lift him up. Ricochet forearms, Cesaro boots, but Ricochet baits Cesaro into a post! Ricochet kicks Cesaro away, springboards and flips for a huricanrana driver! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

And with an homage to Mysterio himself with that West Coast Pop! Will this win on Mysterio’s behalf also be what helps Ricochet climb up the ranks towards a title match?


Raw returns with an all new Firefly Fun House!

All the puppets are cowering in fear. And Ramblin’ Rabbit is literally scared to death! He’s gone… Oh well! But Bray wants to know what’s going on. They’re all afraid of what will happen when The Fiend and Rollins fight. Mercy’s feathers are quivering already! It’ll be so horrifying! Just calm down. It’s okay to be afraid. To be honest, Bray’s scared, too. There’s nothing like a Hell in a Cell match. What is a Hell in a Cell match like? It’s like a world without chocolate, only worse! OH NO~! It is truly an awful place built to inflict pain and suffering. You enter, but you never truly leave. Not without emotional and physical scars, at least. And Rollins will be trapped in it, with him… What’s gonna happen?! Well he will always protect the Fun House, and the Fireflies! He will die on that hill. But surely he’ll come back no matter what! Yay~!

But Rollins won’t be so lucky. In fact, Bray has a “very very bad feeling” that he can’t wait to hurt Rollins. Idea! Bray will go find “him” and tell him to be nice! Woosh! And then Bray’s back in a flash, laughing like a madman. Because he got us with that one. #LetMeIn. Bye~~! Will this Hell in a Cell be the last one for Rollins?


WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles VS Cedric Alexander!

The Phenomenal One has had matches with the #EbonyLion time and again for this title, but they’ll go around one more time to make this Raw season premiere, well, phenomenal. Will Styles make it a clean sweep to keep the Age of Alexander down? Or is this the night it all comes together for the Soul of 205 Live’s Raw resurrection?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this third time around begins!

Styles throws his shirt at Alexander to ram him into the corner! Then Styles CHOPS Alexander to whip to ropes. Alexander still goes up and over and handsprings to headscissors! Fans duel as Alexander rolls Styles up, TWO! Alexander dropkicks Styles down! Cover, ONE, but Alexander keeps on Styles with haymakers. Styles jawbreakers but Alexander dropkicks again! Alexander knees Styles against the ropes and Styles bails out. Alexander builds speed but he runs into a haymaker from Styles! Styles runs in but gets a dropkick to the legs! Styles hits buckles, but he manages to put Alexander on the apron. Styles catches the springboard for a hotshot! Then Styles slingshots out to forearm Alexander down! Alexander is dazed as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again, and Styles has Alexander in a chinlock. Fans rally up and Alexander fights his way up and out with fast body shots. But Styles puts him on the apron, only for Alexander to shoulder back in. Alexander hits the step-in springboard Complete Shot! Both men are down but stirring. Alexander gets space between him and Styles, but Styles goes to the opposite end. Styles runs in, but Alexander knees him away! Then Alexander whips Styles, only for Styles to reverse. Handspring, Neuralizer enziguri! Alexander brings Styles up, Styles throws strikes but gets Alexander’s elbow! Alexander brings Styles up to a fireman’s carry, for the dropping PELE! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and shocks Alexander! Alexander gets up and after Styles, but Styles resists the Lumbar Check. Fans duel as Alexander scoops but Styles slips out. Styles scoops and sets Alexander into the dragon sleeper for the inverted DDT! Cover, TWO!! Alexander shocks Styles now!

Styles gets up and drags Alexander in for the Clash! Alexander resists and they end up in a corner. Alexander puts Styles on the outside but Styles forearms back. Styles springboards but Alexander gets under, to scoop for the Michinoku Driver! Cover, TWO!! Styles shocks Alexander back again! But Alexander keeps his focus as fans duel. Alexander throws off the elbow pads, runs, but Styles gets under him! Styles German Suplexes Alexander once! He holds on to pop Alexander up, wheelbarrow facebuster! Cover, TWO!! Styles is shocked again, but Phoenix is still loving it! Styles brings Alexander up as fans duel. Styles wants the Clash, but Alexander flails and gets free to roll Styles! TWO, and Styles swings into a lift! Styles sunset flips, lifts, STYLES CLASH!! Cover, Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall; still WWE United States Champion

A truly phenomenal finish for this rematch, but it is still the Phenomenal One that holds the gold! Will anyone ever get that belt off of Styles?


The Street Profits are hyped.

The season premiere of Raw ushers in a new era! To answer the question everyone is asking: “When are the Street Profits going to be in action?” The answer to that question: Wednesday on the USA Network! Because they are STILL N X T! But Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins will face the Undisputed Era, to take back THEIR NXT Tag Team Championships! But that’s Wednesday. Tonight, Raw has Rollins VS Rusev! Then Rollins still has to face The Fi- don’t say his name. Who? The Fie- NO! No, according to an old janitor, if you say his name three times, poof! He appears. But why was Ford talking to a janitor? Raw feels like the Profits, because #WeWanttheSmoke!


Lacey Evans VS Natalya!

The Sassy Southern Belle keeps stealing the Sharpshooter, but now the Queen of Harts will show her how it’s done. Will Natty get even with Lacey to start the new season right?

The bell rings and Natty ties up with Lacey. Lacey headlocks but Natty powers out, only for Lacey to run her over. Lacey takes out that handkerchief early to wipe herself off. Natty gets up and goes at Lacey again with a waistlock. Lacey elbows out then throws Natty to a corner. Lacey fixers her hair but Natty evades in the corner. Natty drops Lacey down then walks over her to basement dropkick! Lacey goes to the apron, shoulder sin then sweeps the legs! She drags Natty out to swing her into the steel steps! The ref checks on Natty but she’s somehow okay. Lacey lounges on the steps as she admires her handiwork. Lacey then puts Natty in to cover, TWO! Lacey dribbles Natty’s face off the mat! Then wraps her up in a “classy” cobra clutch. Natty fights up but Lacey whips her hard into the corner. Lacey swings for a bronco buster! Cover, ONE!

Lacey keeps on Natty with another cobra clutch. Fans rally up for Natty but Lacey calls her “Nasty Natty.” Natty fights up and arm-drags Lacey off. Lacey comes back with a kick and a swinging neckbreaker! Lacey walks all over Natty now to go to the corner. Lacey takes her time climbing, but Natty yanks her down! Natty elbows Lacey and SLAPS her, too! Natty dodges again to fire off furious haymakers on Lacey! The ref pulls Natty off but Natty comes back with the DISCUS! Cover, TWO! Lacey lives but Natty has the legs! But Lacey resists with her strength, and bails out to the apron. Natty goes at Lacey with furious fists, but the ref pulls her off. Lacey rakes the eyes! That wasn’t ladylike! Lacey rolls Natty, holds onto the gear, and Lacey wins!!

Winner: Lacey Evans, by pinfall

The Sassy Southern Belle didn’t need to steal the Sharpshooter, but she will use the Woman’s Right to DECK Natty! She won, but she needed to make a statement. Will Lacey keep it “classy” as she tries to climb back up the ranks?


Raw shares John Cena’s huge announcement!

The other 16-time world champion in the WWE is backing a new movement: #FitOps! It uses exercise and charity to help keep veterans healthy both emotionally and physically. Donate now at Fit Ops’ official site, and he will match up to one million dollars!


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Heyman won’t let anyone talk to Lesnar. Lesnar’s attack was wanton and reckless, yes. Heyman apologizes to the Mysterio family, but don’t blame Lesnar for that to happen. Blame Vince McMahon! Blame Vince for letting Lesnar on his show while he’s in “fight mode.” There are a lot of “wannabe tough guys” all over pro-wrestling and professional sports in general. But not ONE could do anything about what Lesnar did to Mysterio, Dominick, or will do to Kofi Kingston this Friday! If you want to see history, Kofi can thank God for the Power of Positivity, but the devil thanks Lesnar for lining up the victims! There is no prediction, this is a SPOILER that you will hear, “Your winner and NEW reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, Brock. Lesnar!” Heyamn storms off, but is it truly inevitable that Lesnar reigns again?


Backstage interview with Maria Kanellis.

The expecting mother has some explaining to do about this baby daddy drama. Is Rusev really…? Maria can’t believe she’d be asked that. No, Rusev is NOT the father. And Rusev has enough going on with Lana. What is wrong with Charly?

Sasha comes by to snatch the mic. If Becky is the Man, she’s not man enough for the Boss! The Blueprint! The standard in the WWE! Sasha will show Becky carnage when she makes her beg, cry and tap out. There have only been two Women’s Hell in a Cell matches, and Sasha was in the first. So no Man will win the Boss’s match. She hands the mic back to Charly and heads out. Is Sasha going to bank in inside the most sinister structure in wrestling?


A limousine pulls into the arena.

But who is inside?


WWE Universal Championship: Seth Rollins VS Rusev!

The Bulgarian Lion stepped up to save the Architect, but now he wants a golden favor in return. Randy Orton and Baron Corbin are lurking but Rollins won’t worry about Team Flair until Crown Jewel. For now, can Rollins #BurnItDown and make it to Hell in a Cell still champion? Or will Rusev crush his reign to truly make this season premiere historic?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this season premiere main event begins!

Rusev and Rollins circle, but Rusev offers a handshake. Rollins takes it but gets pulled down! Rollins escapes the Accolade, and has to smile at Rusev’s trick. Rollins mule kicks but Rusev avoids the stomp, and wants the Accolade again. Rusev avoids a Superkick, but Rollins avoids Rusev’s chop. Rollins clotheslines then fires off strikes, but Rusev stays up. Rollins runs and leaps but in Rusev’s arms for a Fall Away Slam! Rollins bails out to regain composure, but Rusev flex the pecs. Raw goes to break, and The Fiend is on screen saying, “Let Me In!” Will Bray Wyatt hijack the show before it returns?

Raw returns once more, and The Fiend has not appeared. Instead, the match continues and Rusev has Rollins in a bearhug. Rollins elbows but Rusev squeezes harder. Corbin and Orton still watch as Rollins breaks free. Rusev kicks Rollins to a corner but Rollins boots him back. Rollins hops up, BLOCKBUSTER! Both men are down, but fans rally up. Rollins goes at Rusev but Rusev throws forearms. Rollins hits back and the two brawl with big right hands. Rollins CHOPS, then forearms, then CHOPS again. Rollins keeps it up, whips but Rusev reverses. Rollins dodges to hit a Slingblade! Rollins brings Rusev up but Rusev resists the suplex. Rusev suplexes Rollins but Rollins slips out, to dump Rusev over and out! Rollins runs to DIVE! Direct hit but Rollins keeps moving, to DIVE again! Another direct hit, but Phoenix fires up for Rollins as he puts Rusev in. Rollins climbs up top and leaps, big crossbody! But Rusev rolls through to lift Rollins, only for Rollins to cradle counter, TWO!

Rusev ROUNDHOUSES Rollins, then picks him up for a swinging slam! Cover, TWO! Rusev keeps his focus as he goes to a corner. Rusev stomps as fans duel and rally. Rollins rises and Rusev aims, but Rusev misses the kick for Rollins to roll him! TOW, SUPERKICK! Deadlift but Rusev resists again. Rollins still gets Rusev up for the Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!! Rusev is tough and Rollins nods respect. But Rollins has more to give and fans cheer as he aims. Rollins mule kicks, runs, but Rusev avoids the stomp to put Rollins on the apron. Rollins elbows back then springboards, but into a MACHKA Kick! Wait, is that… Bobby Lashley!? What is the Rocky Mountain Machine doing back? He motions for the belt, but he isn’t alone. Because accompanying Lashley is… LANA!? Rusev’s wife is with another man!? They even kiss!! Rusev is appalled but he can’t look away. But then… THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!

THE FIEND ATTACKS ROLLINS!! THE FIEND ATTACKS ROLLINS! He smothers Rollins into the post with the Mandible Claw!! And he laughs as he does it! The lights go back out, and Bray’s laugh echoes out. Rollins keeps the title, but is he going to lose much more than that at Hell in a Cell?



My Thoughts:

Well, one thing about tonight’s “season premiere” for Raw, it wasn’t boring. Rey Mysterio opens the show, and the fact he wasn’t in ring gear was an early warning of something happening. As was his having Dominick in the crowd. I just didn’t expect it to coincide with Brock Lesnar’s appearance, and I definitely did not expect Lesnar to attack Mysterio and Dominick to that degree. It was definitely some shock factor to boost this episode’s opening hour, but it worked to get some major Heel heat on Lesnar ahead of what will surely get him more heat: beating Kofi Kingston on SmackDown’s Fox debut. Heyman’s promo later was pretty great, too, putting the blame on Vince essentially wanting ratings over safety. We could certainly blame Vince for a lot of things wrong with WWE in general, even for some of the things tonight that just felt odd.

Team Roode Dolph had a really great tag match with Heavy Machinery, and it seems fans still really like Otis’ antics. But it seems that the brands aren’t trading tag titles, so SmackDown gets theirs back in the Draft when The Revival surely move over. Viking Raiders VS The OC was another solid match, but the relative silence from Phoenix is proof that Vince is to blame for how those two teams have been portrayed, especially “Erik and Ivar.” The Vikings keep winning, surely they’ll step up to #RoodeDolph in time for the next PPV. Speaking of the next PPV, Crown Jewel is coming as our Halloween trick, but there is a treat in that Team Flair VS Team Hogan match. The Miz TV segment with them was fairly fun, but Flair was a bit too fired up. Rollins and Orton being team captains makes a lot of sense, but given the weird swerve of them having a match to introduce teammates was not in line with anything else tonight. They should’ve waited to name captains next week, so blame Vince for shoving stuff in just because.

Ricochet VS Cesaro was a great step forward from the story that was building between Cesaro and Mysterio, and it was a great match for both Cesaro and Ricochet. Ricochet wins to keep afloat, maybe he gets another shot at the United States Championship. Styles VS Alexander was a great match for that United States Championship. But even with this being the season premiere, it makes sense for Styles to retain. The Draft could easily swap midcard champions, as tends to be what happens with Drafts and Shake-Ups, so Styles goes into that with momentum. The AOP had a really good and very menacing promo, so whichever tag team division they’re drafted to, I can’t wait to see them go after tag titles and return to where they were a year ago, before Survivor Series 2018’s awful “AoPeePee” stuff that, again, we blame Vince for.

Lacey and Natty was filler, and not even equal to their previous matches. Blame Vince. Alexa VS Sasha was pretty solid, but it was of course just for Sasha’s momentum. Becky being on the desk the entire time was pretty great, as was her running Sasha off. Sasha has a decent response promo later that night, but the match will surely make up for any and all hiccups. Of course, there’s also SmackDown’s Horsewomen tag match for one last chance, that could go a long way to determining a winner on Sunday. And while brief, Maria confirms Rusev is NOT the father, so thankfully that is all over with since it felt like no one but Vince wanted it in the first place. Firefly Fun House was especially manic tonight, but that’s likely because we’re getting the payoff on Sunday.

Rollins VS Rusev was pretty good, and it works that Orton and Corbin were watching because of the coming Crown Jewel match. However, things go deep into “Blame Vince” territory when half the reason the main event ends is because Lana and Lashley are making out for way too long on the ramp. We’re getting some sort of marital dysfunction story out of Rusev and Lana now, just as we got away from the Kanellis stuff. But at least we got what we all expected, in The Fiend attacking! He didn’t attack who we thought in the legends of Hogan and Flair, and it would’ve worked better if we just didn’t have to deal with this new Lana-Lashley-Rusev angle so that Fiend could go after Rusev. That would’ve kept a parallel between what Fiend did last week, going after Strowman so that Rollins wouldn’t lose. But instead, Fiend reaches the point where he goes right after Rollins to bring Rollins’ health in question for Sunday. I hope the math doesn’t apply this time. Fiend should be able to stand tall at the end of Raw and still win the title on Sunday. Otherwise, it’ll be no different than how Vince has treated Bray this entire time.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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